State Government Upgrades Browser for Extra Layer of Security, Better Manageability

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State Government Upgrades Browser for Extra Layer of Security, Better Manageability

Microsoft Customer Solution Customer Solution Case Study

State Government Upgrades Browser for Extra Layer of Security, Better Manageability

“With the degree to which the State of Indiana employees use the web, we feel good about the extra layer of security that Internet Explorer 8 provides the state’s 28,000 computers.” Dewand Neely, Manager of Tier 3 Support, Indiana Office of Technology The Indiana Office of Technology had run the Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 browser on most of the state’s computers for many years. The agency decided to upgrade to Windows Internet Explorer 8 as part of a move to the Windows 7 operating system. Using Internet Explorer 8 offers the state enhanced security, tighter control over its environment, and a great user experience, all of which help it provide excellent service to the citizens of Indiana.

Business Needs employees need to deliver accurate, The Indiana Office of Technology timely, effective, and secure supports more than 31,000 state information to the more than 6 million employees as they further citizens’ citizens of Indiana. economic prosperity and quality of life. The agency aims to provide the up-to- Until recently, employees relied on date technology tools that state 28,000 desktop and portable

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published August 2010 computers that ran the Windows XP compatibility expectations were low support calls when a particular website operating system and Microsoft Internet because the agencies’ custom isn’t working properly.” Explorer 6 browser. However, with a applications use a lot of older project underway to upgrade the state’s technologies,” says Neely. “But we got As of August 2010, more than 600 computers to the Windows 7 operating help from Microsoft in the form of state computers run Internet Explorer system, the agency wanted to roll out a suggestions for workarounds, 8, about 85 percent of which run browser that kept pace. “More and information about available upgrades, Windows 7 Enterprise. About 15 more commercially available software the use of Compatibility View, and, as percent of them are used by applications demanded a newer a last resort, virtualization. And we employees who still have Windows XP browser version,” says Dewand Neely, were able to adjust Internet Explorer 8 but who specifically requested the Manager of Tier 3 Support for the settings to get the majority of browser upgrade. The agency expects Indiana Office of Technology. For commercial applications to work just to have 6,000 computers running example, all state employees use a web- fine on the new browser, such as the Internet Explorer 8 by the end of 2010, based PeopleSoft application for such PeopleSoft web application.” and it will continue the upgrade tasks as entering work hours, approving process as part of the normal refresh employees’ hours, and monitoring The agency also checked for any cycle. purchase orders, and PeopleSoft was website compatibility issues by using developing improvements that required the Internet Explorer Compatibility Benefits an up-to-date browser. Test Tool to identify potential The Indiana Office of Technology compatibility issues with Internet believes that the browser upgrade Nearly every state agency has Explorer 8. project further safeguards the state’s developed its own web-based computers while creating an application either for internal For the deployment, the agency took environment that is easier to manage operations or for dealings with the advantage of the Internet Explorer and that provides a range of public, from beach monitoring to Administration Kit 8, which helped productivity features for employees, checking on child support status. with browser customizations, such as which ultimately helps the state better “About 80 percent of our web use is for silencing initial prompts, turning off serve its constituents. “Using Internet line-of-business applications, and just some plug-in applications by default, Explorer 8 helps keep users from 20 percent is for research,” says Neely. and locking down particular site zones. inadvertently harming their systems,” “We also used Group Policy explains Neely. “The agencies need this Because state employees rely so heavily preferences to ensure that all Internet upgrade, because most of their on web-based applications, it’s critical sites run in Compatibility View by computers have been on Internet that their browser has the latest security default and to manage the advanced Explorer 6 for such a long time.” features. “We take security seriously,” check boxes inside the browser,” says Benefits include: comments Neely. “We do all that we Neely. “It was a real time-saver to be can to add layers of security without able to establish those settings just Enhanced security. The agency hampering the employee experience.” once and have them apply to welcomed the security features in Internet Explorer 8, such as the SmartScreen Filter everyone.” and the Cross Site Scripting Filter. “With Solution the degree to which the State of Indiana The Indiana Office of Technology The agency did not anticipate any employees use the web, we feel good decided to upgrade most of the state’s problems with user readiness, but it about the extra layer of security that created some training materials as a Internet Explorer 8 provides for the state’s computers to Windows Internet 28,000 computers,” says Neely. Explorer 8. To prepare, the agency used resource for employees. “We found the Microsoft Application Compatibility that the browser is intuitive, as it Better management. The agency’s Toolkit, which helped systems should be,” says Neely. “We’ve only system administrators take advantage of the more-detailed management capabilities administrators evaluate the readiness of received Internet Explorer 8–related that are built into the browser. “We at least 30 critical applications. “Our heavily use Group Policy settings to give

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published August 2010 employees a positive, uniform experience,” so they hadn’t experienced tabbed applications through grants, so funds often says Neely. “Also, upgrading means we’ll browsing capabilities,” says Neely. “They aren’t available later to upgrade those have only one set of policies to manage, and also really like how the Accelerators speed applications,” says Neely. “We’ll be able we can direct new application development the pace of their research.” to use applications based on Internet toward Internet Explorer 8.” Explorer 8 for a longer period of time Long-term support. The agency because of ongoing browser support from Ease of use. State workers enjoy the appreciates that Microsoft offers long- Microsoft.” browser’s productivity features. “Most term support for browsers. “Many employees were using Internet Explorer 6, agencies receive funding to develop

This case study is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. Document published August 2010

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