Board of Trustees s16

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Board of Trustees s16

1Board of Trustees Final 2September 12, 2010 3Page 1 of 7 1 Board of Trustees 2 September 12, 2010 3 Pennsylvania Dental Association Central Office 4 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 5 6Present Consultants/Staff/Guests Present 7Dr. Thomas P. Nordone (1) Camille Kostelac Cherry Esq., CEO 8Dr. Bernard P. Dishler (2) Thomas J. Weber Esq., Legal Counsel 9Dr. D. Scott Aldinger (3) Kathleen E. Kennedy, Executive Assistant 10Dr. Michael S. Shuman (4) Rebecca Von Nieda, Director of Meetings 11Dr. David R. Larson (5) and Administration 12Dr. John P. Grove (6) Mark Singel, The Winter Group 13Dr. Wade I. Newman (7) 14Dr. William J. Weaver (8) 15Dr. William G. Glecos (9) (seated for Dr. Kohler) 16Dr. Donald A. Stoner (10) 17Dr. William T. Spruill, President 18Dr. Dennis J. Charlton, President- Elect 19Dr. Peter P. Korch III, Speaker of the House 20Dr. Jeffrey B. Sameroff, Secretary 21Dr. R. Donald Hoffman, Treasurer 22Dr. Bruce R. Terry, Editor 23 24Absent 25Dr. Joseph J. Kohler, III (9) 26Dr. Andrew J. Kwasny, Immediate Past President 27Dr. Brian Mark Schwab, New Dentist Committee Liaison 28Dr. Charles R. Weber, ADA Trustee 29 30Call to Order 31The meeting was called to order at 8:02 a.m. by Dr. William T. Spruill, President. 32 33EPSDT Fluoride Varnish Intervention Form 34The board discussed the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) 35Fluoride Varnish Intervention Form, developed by the Access to Care Committee to 36assist physicians and certified nurse practitioners enrolled in the Department of Public 37Welfare’s physician fluoride varnish program. The form will serve as verification that a 38dental referral was made prior to reimbursing physicians. After discussion, the board 39approved the following by unanimous vote: 40 41RESOLVED THAT THE EARLY PERIODIC SCREENING, DIAGNOSIS AND 4209/10BT13 TREATMENT (EPSDT) FLUORIDE VARNISH INTERVENTION FORM 43 BE APPROVED, AND THAT THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC 44 WELFARE BE REQUESTED TO ADOPT THE FORM FOR 45 USE BY PHYSICANS AND CERTIFIED NURSE PRACTIONERS 46 ENROLLED IN THE FLUORIDE VARNISH PROGRAM. 4Board of Trustees Final 5September 12, 2010 6Page 2 of 7 47 48Twitter Action Item 49The board discussed a request from Communications and Public Relations Committee 50to create Twitter and LinkedIn accounts in order to disseminate information and 51upcoming events to members who utilize these sites. After discussion, the board 52approved the following by unanimous vote: 53 54RESOLVED THAT THE CREATION OF TWITTER AND LINKEDIN ACCOUNTS 5509/10BT14 BE APPROVED IN ORDER TO INCREASE 56 COMMUNICATIONS WITH MEMBERS. 57 58House Bill 2684 59The board discussed a proposed amendment to HB 2684, which addresses teaching 60licenses for foreign trained dentists to teach in Pennsylvania dental schools. The 61proposed amendment would make it unlawful for foreign trained dentists to practice 62dentistry outside of the dental school in which they are licensed to teach, or to receive 63payment for their services. The board consensus was to support the proposed 64amendment to HB 2684. 65 66Cambria County Free Clinic 67Dr. Newman reported that bad press surrounding the lack of dentist volunteers at the 68Cambria Country Free Clinic has abated. Dr. Newman has been listed as the PDA 69contact for any dentist interested in volunteering. 70 71PDA Patient Bill of Rights 72The Communications and Public Relations Committee (CPRC) had been directed to 73review the current PDA Patient Bill of Rights and requested that the board provide more 74direction on the revision of the document. The board believes including patient 75responsibilities similar to the ADA Bill of Rights would be a valuable addition. Dr. 76Larson was directed to forward the ADA document to CPRC so that the committee can 77consider possible additions to PDA’s Bill of Rights. (09/10BTDA01) 78 79Legislative Update 80Mark Singel, PDA lobbyist reported that the legislative session is winding down and 81there is a limited amount of time left to resolve any remaining issues. Several of the 82bills PDA has been pursuing are stuck in committee and will likely not see any 83movement before the close of the session. 84 85House Bill 979, Rep. Bradford’s bill on a mercury amalgam brochure, has been stuck in 86the House Health and Human Services Committee and likely will not see any action due 87to PDA opposition. 88 89House Bill 1049, which would provide insurance coverage for general anesthesia for 90special needs, has been rereferred to the House Appropriations Committee. Rep. 91Saylor has attempted to add this to other pieces of legislation in an effort to get the bill 92moving, but has been unsuccessful. 7Board of Trustees Final 8September 12, 2010 9Page 3 of 7 93 94House Bill 1482, which would require photo ID tags for health care practitioners, has 95gained new momentum and could pass. The bill has been amended and an exemption 96has been given for dentists practicing in their offices. 97 98Senate Bill 1222, PDA’s bill on non-covered services, could pass through the legislature 99if it is able to get out of committee. Dr. Spruill noted that this is PDA’s main legislative 100focus and encouraged all board members to contact their legislators to vote for the bill. 101 102Mr. Singel emphasized that PDA members should be encouraged to contact their 103legislators as soon as possible asking them to support SB 1222. 104 105PADPAC Board 106ADPAC is currently involved in a direct marketing campaign to individual states. The 107PADPAC board unanimously decided to wait for the pilot study to be released before 108deciding whether ADPAC should bring the fundraising campaign to Pennsylvania. 109 110Currently, the $6500 used for ASDA students to attend Day on the Hill is funded from 111the Government Relations Committee budget. The PADPAC board has shifted the 112funding so that the $6500 will now come out of PADPAC soft dollars. 113 114PADPAC board members decided to wait until the Annual Session Planning Committee 115finalizes the agenda before making any plans for a PADPAC reception. Money is 116available to attract more legislators to the reception. 117 118A PDA member, who currently is not a PADPAC contributor, would like to develop a 119grassroots effort with PADPAC funds. The Board of Trustees directed Don Smith, 120Government Relations Coordinator, to send a letter from Dr. Spruill to the member 121inviting him to become a PADPAC contributor. (09/10BTDA02) 122 123Total PADPAC soft dollar contributions for the period 2005 through 2009 equaled 124$112,809. As of August 31, the total for 2010 was $20,366. The hard dollar balance is 125$277,849. To date only $49,050 of the $149,750 that was budgeted for 2010 hard 126dollar expenditures has been spent. 127 128In 2010, 29 percent of PDA members contributed to PADPAC, totaling $157,635. For 1292011, the PADPAC board has set a goal of $200,000 in PDA member contributions. 130 131President’s Report 132The board discussed the need for a PowerPoint presentation at the third district caucus 133during ADA Annual Session in Orlando. The considerable staff time involved in creating 134a PowerPoint is a concern, as is the transporting or rental of the necessary equipment 135in Orlando. After discussion, board consensus was that a PowerPoint presentation at 136the caucus in Orlando was not necessary. 137 138 10Board of Trustees Final 11September 12, 2010 12Page 4 of 7 139 140President- Elect 141Dr. Charlton reported that the updates to the PDA Strategic Plan that were drafted 142during the Strategic Planning Retreat will be completed for board review by the 143February 2011 board meeting. 144 145The 2011 Leadership Symposium will take place on May 20-21, 2011. The two day 146conference will include a committee member orientation, committee meetings, various 147speakers and information on using the PDA social network. 148 149Camille Kostelac-Cherry informed the board of the groups scheduled to be invited, and 150requested that board members recommend other individuals identified as potential 151leaders. Dr. Sameroff suggested that PDA send a letter to the districts requesting 152funding for additional members to attend the conference. Board consensus was to wait 153for more information regarding the number of attendees and cost per person before 154making funding decisions. 155 156Speaker of the House 157The Bylaws Committee held online discussion on HD 10-15, regarding the credentialing 158of alternate delegates for PDA Annual Session. The committee made a 159recommendation, which will be forwarded to legal for review. Once the addition has 160been approved, it will be presented to the Board of Trustees. 161 162The Bylaws Committee began work on HD 10-09, which states that beginning in 2011 163all PDA policies and positions over five years old be subject to sunset review. Before 164reviewing any policies, the committee developed clear definitions of what constitutes a 165policy, financial policy, position and procedure. After reviewing the recommendations of 166the committee, the board unanimously approved the following: 167 168RESOLVED THAT THE FOLLOWING BOARD OF TRUSTEES POLICIES BE 16909/10BT15 SUNSETTED: 10B/89-90/44, 5/94BT6, 8/94BT36, 8/94BT44, 10/96BT64, 170 11/97BT73, 4/98BT191, 11/00BT40, 02/01BT61, 08/01BT11, 171 11/03BT111 AND JB/86-87/124. 172 173RESOLVED THAT THE FOLLOWING HOUSE OF DELEGATES POLICIES BE 17409/10BT16 FORWARDED TO THE 2011 HOUSE OF DELEGATES WITH THE 175 RECOMMENDATION TO SUNSET: HD 71-9, HD 85-27, HD 86-9, 176 HD 91-30 AND HD 94-33. 177 178The board reviewed the record of electronic votes held from May- August 2010. By 179unanimous vote, the board approved the following: 180 181RESOLVED THAT THE ELECTRONIC MINUTES OF THE MAY- AUGUST 2010 18209/10BT17 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BE APPROVED. 183 184 13Board of Trustees Final 14September 12, 2010 15Page 5 of 7 185 186Secretary’s Report 187Dr. Sameroff reported on the 2010 ADA Annual Session. Six candidates for ADA office 188will visit the third district caucus in Orlando, two president-elect candidates and two vice 189president candidates. Four resolutions from the third district have been transmitted to 190ADA for consideration by the House of Delegates. 191 192There was brief discussion concerning the absence of a formal written procedure for 193submitting a PDA sponsored resolution to the ADA House of Delegates. A formal policy 194for the ADA delegation will be developed after the conclusion of this year’s ADA Annual 195Session. 196 197Treasurer’s Report 198On July 30, 2010, the Budget, Finance and Property Committee (BFPC) met with six 199accounting firms in response to the PDA’s accounting RFP. The BFPC recommended 200that the board extend the contract to Maher Deussel for one year. After discussion, 201board consensus was to award the contract to Maher Deussel after Ms. Kostelac- 202Cherry and Gil Davis meet with Lisa Ritter and outline the PDA’s concerns. 203 204The BFPC recommend that the board approve a request for funding in the amount of 205$200 to assist two ASDA members from Kornberg School of Dentistry in attending the 206ADA Annual Session in Orlando. By unanimous vote the board approved the following: 207 208RESOLVED THAT FUNDING IN THE AMOUNT OF $200 BE APPROVED FOR TWO 20909/10BT18 ASDA MEMBERS FROM KORNBERG SCHOOL OF 210 DENTISTRY TO ATTEND THE ADA ANNUAL SESSION IN 211 ORLANDO. 212 213The ADA board is endorsing a one-time, 50% ADA membership dues reduction for 2142011 for any nonmember dentist who has been out of dental school for five to ten years. 215The BFPC reviewed the financial impact if PDA were to mirror the ADA’s actions and 216recommended that the Bylaws Committee be directed to draft a procedure to address 217such a dues reduction. After discussion, board consensus was to await the ADA House 218of Delegates action before considering a PDA reduction. 219 220Ms. Kostelac-Cherry reported that Integrated Software Sales has been retained as the 221PDA IT consultant, and that the Central Office will be evolving from a “break/fix” model 222to a more proactive one in terms of IT hardware and management support services. 223The board was presented with a plan and an estimated cost to update PDA’s IT 224infrastructure. The board approved up to $60,000 to move forward with the hardware 225upgrade as a total package, understanding that there could be additional expenses for 226necessary software. Ms. Kostelac-Cherry will collect specific cost figures on bringing 227the Central Office hardware up to date and present them to the board. 191 192 193 16Board of Trustees Final 17September 12, 2010 18Page 6 of 7 194 195Ms. Kostelac-Cherry reported that the contract between the PDA and Mr. Robert 196Gleason has not been officially terminated as there has been no official board direction 197on completing Phase III of the original work order. Board consensus was that Mr. 198Gleason has completed his work for PDA, and that the contract should be terminated. 199 200Ms. Kostelac-Cherry was directed to send a letter to Mr. Gleason thanking him for his 201services and officially ending the relationship. (09/10BTDA03) 202 203CEO Report 204Ms. Kostelac-Cherry reported that Dr. Tolchinsky, who is currently serving as the Public 205Health Dentist for the Pennsylvania Department of Health and Welfare will be retiring. 206Ms. Kostelac-Cherry will research what has been done for past retiring public health 207dentists and the cost of each option. The board directed Dr. Spruill to make the 208decision on what to do for Dr. Tolchinsky, once the costs have been gathered. 209(09/10BTDA04) 210 211There are three new membership banner signs, which will be used as part of the PDA 212membership booth. Each sign as been customized to be used individually or as a 213group. The signs will be used at events such as Annual Session, student outreach 214programs, and dental conferences. 215 216Ms. Kostelac-Cherry reported that two PDA committee members disclosed possible 217conflicts of interest. The board reviewed disclosures and determined that none 218presented a conflict with the work of PDA or its committees. The board directed Tom 219Weber, PDA legal counsel to review PDA’s current conflict of interest statement and 220make recommendations for any necessary changes or updates. (09/10BTDA05) 221 222Legal Counsel Report 223Attorney Weber reported that the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s appointee to the 224State Board of Dentistry (SBOD), Tim Gates, has taken a strong interest in the 225corporate practice of dentistry. In addition, Mr. Gates as part of an investigation into a 226dental office’s use of CareCredit, Mr. Gates is also exploring the propriety of the dental 227office billing its standard (non-insurance rates) once the maximum capped rate is 228reached. Mr. Gates is concerned this may be unprofessional conduct or a violation of 229the consumer protection law. Atty. Weber advised that any dentist who receives a call 230from SBOD investigators regarding this issue should contact him. 191 192Committee Reports 193The board inquired about the Environmental Issues Committee’s progress on its 194radiology continuing education course. Ms. Kennedy informed the board that the 195committee is currently finalizing the material which will be forwarded to the Department 196of Environmental Protection for comment. The course should be available to the 197membership by the end of October. 198 199 19Board of Trustees Final 20September 12, 2010 21Page 7 of 7 200 201A PDA bylaws change at the 2010 House of Delegates imposed a five-year term limit on 202all PDA committee members. Several committees have a question as to when the term 203limits will take effect. Dr. Korch will look at the bylaws changes and will offer a 204suggestion for the implementation of term limits. (09/10BTDA06) 205 206The New Dentist Committee is the only committee thus far that has submitted an annual 207agenda for the 2010-2011 association year. Dr. Korch requested that each trustee 208liaison ask their committee chairs to submit an annual agenda for board review. 209 210Adjournment 211The meeting was adjourned at 1:13 p.m. 212

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