MPA- Summary of AC Nielsen Case Studies  What is mapp? Mapp delivers magazine metrics for the top 32 Australian magazines specifically the following: a) Sales performance estimates for each issue; b) Week-by-week audience performance indicators each week for the life of the campaign. It is based on an algorithm using readership (Emma or Roy Morgan) and sales estimates.  What is the difference between mapp data and Emma or Roy Morgan data? Emma and Roy Morgan deliver a 12 months average readership while mapp data breaks Emma and Roy Morgan data to weekly chunks.

 How can mapp data be used? Mapp data is used by Agencies for econometric modelling which requires weekly data. Everyone in the media can have access to mapp. Request access from the MPA at [email protected]

 What is econometric modelling? How does it work? Econometric modelling or market mix modelling (MMM) is a research technique that uses regression analysis to look at what is contributing to the sales of a brand.

Regression analysis is a statistical process for estimating the relationships among variables. For more details on regression analysis go to

The analysis usually covers 3 years of historical data and looks at all contributing variables to sales such as media, pricing, in store activities and seasonal factors (called marketing mix elements).The results provide a forecast into the future to predict sales as well as clarity on sales contribution and ROI of all marketing mix.

 Where is Econometric Modelling used & Why? Econometric modelling is usually used by big advertisers especially multi nationals as it helps them understand what are the key drivers for sales and accordingly predict the future of their sales based on their marketing.

 How do you calculate ROI within econometric modelling? ROI is the return on investment. It’s usually calculated as sales/dollars spent & the return that delivers back to the business in terms of sales/dollars. The ROI is a predicted indication of sales a brand will receive for every dollar spent.  What is the Nielsen case study? What are the key findings? An econometric modelling study was conducted by Nielsen on 3 FMCG brands:  A leading aircare,  A leading healthcare  A leading household cleaner The study looked at all the sales contributions of the different marketing mix elements like media, pricing and in- store activities. Two models were analysed one with mapp weekly data & the other with average readership data. The key findings when using mapp data were: 1) Magazines ROI has moved from the lowest at 0.34 to the highest at 0.91

2) Magazines contribution to sales more than doubled from 10% to 23% 3) When Magazines and TV are layered together, TV’s ROI improves by 18%. Magazines worked well with all media – synergies were between 12-18%

 What are the key messages to media agencies/ advertisers? 1) Use weekly mapp data as it is critical to provide an accurate view of Magazines ROI. If titles are not available on mapp, MPA can work to provide required the data.

2) Focus less on reach/circulation and more on response and sales. At the end of the day, marketing is about selling. Magazines deliver the sales.

3) Think about the synergies between mediums. Magazines work to amplify TV and online spend better than any other medium.