On the most challenging aspect of facing the Raiders could be “Probably the offensive line. They have a really solid offensive line. They’ve strung together a lot of great players. I think it’s three Pro-Bowlers between them. I think of the offensive line first.”

On Raiders QB Derek Carr “He is a great quarterback. He is tremendous. He gets the ball off. I think he has the fastest release of any quarterback in the league right now. He’s getting the ball of quickly and he is very accurate.”

On whether this is ‘Raiders Week’ “We definitely need to bounce back. We definitely need to play like a team that were capable of playing like. I think we just need to be ourselves. We’re getting back into our groove now. I think it’s more about us doing our job then it is about the Raiders.”

On the key to stopping Raiders RB Marshawn Lynch “You just have to hit him. Then when you get a hold of him, you have to tackle him. He runs hard. He’s a tough running back. He likes to break tackles, so once you get a hold of him, you have to bring him to the ground.”

On whether Lynch is one of the most powerful backs in the league “I think so. He’s not only powerful, he’s quick. He loves to jump quick. He loves to make people miss. He’s a very good running back.”

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