Chapter 7 Terms to Know

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Chapter 7 Terms to Know

Developmental Biology BIO 442


The following terms are freely used in your textbook. Make sure you know what they mean, how they are used, and how to use them. When an example is given, make sure you can describe and recall it. If a picture is provided, know what the structure looks like and where it is located. If a diagram describes an experiment, make sure you understand the experiment by being able to describe it in your own words. It is often helpful to look in other chapters of the book to gain a thorough understanding of how the terms are used. Although some terms may not be mentioned in class, as a student of developmental biology you are still responsible for understanding them. Do explore Vade Mecum and the Web sites.

Limb axes Autopod Human HOXD13 mutation Anterior-posterior Hypaxial myotome Syndactyly Proximal-distal Lateral plate mesoderm Hox gene expression Dorsal-ventral FGF10 during limb formation What regulates limb axes? Ectopic limb Fig. 16.15 Limb field Hox genes determine Zone of Polarizing Activity Limb bud where limb forms ZPA Wing bud Forelimb – wing/arm ZPA graft experiment Leg bud Hindlimb - leg Duplicated digits Somatic mesoderm Transcription factor, Tbx5 ZPA & shh Paraxial mesoderm Transcription factor, Tbx4 Wnt-7a Ectoderm Apical ectodermal ridge Wnt-7a -deficient mutant Mesenchyme AER Lmx1, LMX1 Humerus AER experiments Nail-patella syndrome Radius Progress zone Formation of fingers Ulna First/last cells to leave Apoptosis Metacarpals progress zone – which is Interdigital necrotic zone Carpals distal / proximal? Interior necrotic zone Femur HoxA & HoxD genes Difference between duck Tibia specify identity of & chick leg apoptosis Fibula limb regions Joint formation Metatarsals Hoxa-11 & Hoxd-11 Chondrogenesis Tarsals knockout mice Stylopod Hoxa-13 & Hoxd-13 Zeugopod knockout mice

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