Teacher S Instuctions/Procedures

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Teacher S Instuctions/Procedures

STEP BY STEP EXAMPLE One Example Teacher’s Step by Step Procedure For Lesson Plan: (INSTRUCTOR HINTS: SEE ( ) What to think about and include in your plan. 1. Have on the board a set of questions they can be reading and thinking about as they wait. Have on the board what questions I may ask. To get children’s attention, clap hands three times. Wait for them to listen to instructions. (Transition to lesson; make interesting and get their attention; do you need to tell them how to sit? Do you need to talk about behavior, e.g., soft voices or no voices?) 2. Go over main questions: Who are the main characters? What happened to teach one in the story? What happen first in the story…2…etc. (include you main questions if you are going to ask questions) 3. Hang green/red signs (have a copy of a card on either side) to the areas indicated on the diagram. Hang on the wall, door, cupboard, etc… near where the group will be meeting (doesn’t matter what order you place the cards. Ex: group 1 can be jacks, queens, kings, etc..). Also, pass out to each student a lesson plan, and a grading rubric. Keep six copies of the grading rubric and write the group name in the appropriate place for grading (ex. Ace, king, queen, etc… 4. (List your procedure for passing out materials. Who will do? How will it happen? Just a brief list. Pass out lesson plan and rubric would need a procedure.) 5. Write all the vocabulary words on the board. Put up the vocabulary word and page number transparency (using the projector). Have the students look up the words in the story and using the sentences in the story predict what the word means. Write the predictions on the board next to the corresponding vocabulary word. 6. Go over the lesson using the transparencies with the students. Start with the lesson plan, then the Rubric and then the diagram (to show the students where they will be meeting). Use the sign at the front table as an example (all students that have card [card on the sign] will meet here). (Use examples, demonstrate: e.g., You show, they do with you, they do examples, they do task) 7. Introduce procedure for asking a question while in groups (sign is on green, which means the group is working and has no questions. If the group has a question they turn the sign to the red side (and keep working) and the teacher should go to the group as soon as possible to answer the question. Also, the teacher should turn the sign back to green. 8. Practice procedure for asking questions. (Tell the procedure you will have for answering questions… just a brief list) 9. Take out (of the deck of cards) all aces, kings, queens, jacks, tens and nines. This will be 24 cards. If there are 22 students take out one ace, one king, one queen. If there are 21 students take out one ace, one king, one queen, one jack, and so on. This will make the groups as even as possible. 10. Shuffle those cards so they are mixed up and go to each desk a student is at and have them randomly choose a card. 11. Once each student has a card have them get into their groups (refer again to the diagram on the projector). Remind them to bring/get all the materials they need. (Paper from the teacher and the dictionary from the shelf). 12. Put up the transparency with the sentences/page number and tell the students it is there for their reference if they need it. Give them about 15 minutes to work on their drawings. Make sure that the teacher visits each group to make sure each person is participating. Mark the appropriate grade for each group on the grading rubric. 13. When a group is finished have them return to their seats. After the time is up have the remaining groups return to their seats (one group at a time to minimize traffic if you want). While the students are returning to their seats take one ace, one king, one queen, one jack, one ten, and one nine and mix them up. (This looks like a procedure) 14. Once the students are in their seats have a student draw from the six cards you have mixed up. This group will present their drawing first. Be sure to grade them appropriately on the rubric. Continue having a student (different student each time) draw a card until all groups have presented their work. Again grade each group appropriately on the rubric and have them leave their pictures on the front table so you can grade those later. (List directions, again briefly, they are key to understanding the task) 15. When everyone is done presenting tell them they will now play charades. Explain the game if needed. [There are two teams and one person from the first team will act out (no voices or sounds) the word. Their team must guess the word in a certain amount of time to get the point]. 16. Divide the class into two groups (down the middle). Write team 1 and team 2 on the board to keep track of scores. Have one student from team 1 come up and draw a picture/word (you should have received them with this lesson and have mixed them up for the student to draw). This student should physically act out the word. Give the team 30 sec. or 1 minute to guess the word. If they guess the word then they get a point. (This is a combination of directions and procedures.) 17. Continue this until all the words are used or you run out of time for the lesson. 18. Summary for the lesson: (Tell how you will review the information; highlight what they should have learned. Tell what you liked. They can participate in this. Can be a presentation.) 19. Transition: Stay in seat, clear desks, be ready for directions in 5 minutes. (Tell how they will be ready for next event)

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