Ebxml Catalog of Common Business Processes

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Ebxml Catalog of Common Business Processes



3 ebXML Catalog of Common 4 Business Processes

5______6 7Document Version: 0.9 8 9Status: WORK IN PROGRESS 10 11Date: 17 March 2001


131 Status of this Document 14 15This document specifies an ebXML WORK IN PROGRESS- NOT FOR 16IMPLEMENTATION for the electronic business community. 17 18Distribution of this document is unlimited. 19 20The document formatting is based on the Internet Society’s Standard RFC 21format. 22 This version: 23 http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/business_process/wip/ccbp- 24 analysis/COREPROCESS_ebxml.doc 25 Latest version: 26 http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/business_process/wip/ccbp- 27 analysis/COREPROCESS_ebxml.doc 28 Previous version: 29 http://www.ebxml.org/project_teams/business_process/wip/ccbp- 30 analysis/COREPROCESS_ebxml.xls 2 3 4ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

5 March 2001 31 32

332 ebXML Participants 34Business Process Project Team Co-Leads: 35 Paul Levine, Telcordia 36 Marcia McLure, McLure-Moynihan, Inc. 37 38We would like to recognise the following for their significant participation 39to the development of this document. 40 41 Editor: 42 Nita Sharma, Netfish Technologies 43 44 Contributors: 45 Jim Clark, I.C.O.T. 46 David Connelly, OAG 47 Brian Hayes, Commerce One 48 Jennifer Loveridge, Nordstrom.com 49 Rebecca Read, Mercator 50 William McCarthy, Michigan State University 51 Michael Rowell, OAG 52 Nita Sharma, Netfish Technologies 53 David Welsh, Nordstrom.com 54 55 Reviewers: 56. 57

7Catalog of Common Business Processes 2 8 9 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 10 11ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

12 March 2001

583 Table of Contents 591 Status of this Document...... 1 602 ebXML Participants...... 2 613 Table of Contents...... 3 624 Introduction...... 4 63 4.1 Summary of Contents of Document...... 4 64 4.2 Audience...... 4 655 Design Objective...... 4 66 5.1 Objectives...... 4 67 5.2 Goals...... 5 686 Business Process Catalog Use Cases...... 5 69 6.1 Discovery of Business Processes...... 5 70 6.2 Cross References...... 5 71 6.3 Context...... 5 72 6.4 Discovery of Core Components...... 6 73 6.5 Business Process Modeling...... 6 747 Common Businesss Processes Catalog Overview...... 7 75 7.1 What is a Common Business Process Catalog...... 7 76 7.2 Catalog Categorization Scheme...... 8 77 7.3 Meta data for Cross Reference table...... 9 78 7.4 Methodology for building the list of common business processes....9 798 Registry and Repository for Catalog…………………………… .14 80 8.1...... 81 8.2 Business Identifier Naming Scheme (BPINS, BCINS,BTINS)…..25 82 Error! Bookmark not defined. 839 Catalog of Common Business Process...... 1 84 9.1 Catalog of Common Business Processes with Cross References...... 1 85 9.2 Catalog of Industry Specific Business Processes with Cross 86 References...... 22 87 9.3 Description of Common Business Processes...... 25 88 9.4 REA table...... 26 89 9.5 Transactional View………………………………………………..27 9010 References...... 29 9111 Disclaimer...... 30 9212 Contact Information...... 31 93Copyright Statement...... 33 94 14Catalog of Common Business Processes 3 15 16 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 17 18ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

19 March 2001

954 Introduction 96

974.1 Summary of Contents of Document 98This document puts together an initial list of common business process 99names, generic in nature, that can be used across various industries. This 100includes business processes with cross references across common industry 101standards; including RosettaNet PIPs, X12, EDIFACT, JiPDEC/CII(Center 102for information of Industry of JAPAN Information Processing Development 103Center), OAG BOD, xCBL (CommerceOne). Identification of this catalog of 104common business processes were influenced by various industry initiatives 105like RosettaNet , EIDX, CPFR , EIAJ, OAG etc. This document also 106demonstrates how to catalog business processes. 107 108A Business Process consists of a set of business collaborations which is 109itself composed of one or more business transactions as defined by the 110UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology (UMM) Business Transaction View 111(BTV). The behavioral aspects of a business process are defined via the 112UMM model. 113 114 115The keywords MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, 116SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL, 117when they appear in this document, are to be interpreted as described in RFC 1182119 [Bra97].

1194.2 Audience 120The target audiences for this document includes business staff of both 121information and technical background and specific business focus areas 122wishing to relate their electronic trading activities in a consistent pattern to 123the general ebXML trading community.

1245 Design Objective

1255.1 Objectives 126The primary objective of this catalog is to provide the audience with a list of 127business process names that are independent of any industry specifics. The 21Catalog of Common Business Processes 4 22 23 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 24 25ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

26 March 2001 128generic nature of these business processes enables one to reuse them with 129specific context and business rules within different vertical industries. 130Common business processes have been grouped under various 131classifications. Another objective of this catalog is to provide the 132corresponding references to business documents and business processes 133defined across various industry standards. 134

1355.2 Goals 136The goals of the list of common business processes are: 137 1. Over time this list will drive the creation of templates for each of 138 these business processes that can be reused across industries. 139 2. These processes are going to be the seed for discovery and 140 definition of collaboration patterns. 141 3. This catalog can evolve to become a global, industry neutral 142 catalog of commonly used processes with refinement and 143 contribution from all sectors of the industries. 144

1456 Business Process Catalog Use Cases

1466.1 Discovery of Business Processes 147 Given ebXML community growth, independent of industry sector, 148 business processes commonly used within industry will be developed 149 according to the UMM and will be available for re-use via business 150 process catalogs hosted in ebXML compliant registries/repositories. The 151 catalog of common business processes can be used for the discovery of 152 reusable business processes. The catalog supports discovering and 153 comparing business processes in the early stages of business process 154 analysis. Common business process in the catalog have associated 155 process specifications that includes core components specific to it. 156 Business process specification is a declaration of the partners, roles, 157 collaborations, choreography and business document exchanges that 158 make up a business process. A catalog of common business processes 159 can be used as the template for building business document(s) for similar 160 business processes within a specific context.

28Catalog of Common Business Processes 5 29 30 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 31 32ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

33 March 2001 1616.2 Cross References 162 This catalog provides informative cross-references to non-ebXML 163 business processes and business documents defined by electronic 164 business standards organizations around the world. The catalog can also 165 be extended to include other industry specific common electronic trading 166 documents or business process conventions.,

1676.3 Context 168 Business Process is one of the contexts defined by the ebXML Core 169 Components classification scheme1. A Business Process context relies on 170 a classification derived from the list of common business processes. The 171 main reason to use context is to encourage reuse of core components, and 172 with it common documents and ultimately common business processes.,. 173 By working from a common set of core components and agreeing on the 174 context for business processes, trading partners can better understand 175 what business information is required to be part of a Business Process. 176 The contextual categories, identified by ebXML Core Components, map 177 to existing elements and attributes within a business process model 178 complying to the UMM. For example, the contextual Category “Process” 179 maps to the Metamodel elements BusinessProcess, ProcessArea, and 180 BusinessArea.

1816.4 Discovery of Core Components 182 The catalog of common business processes is useful for discovery and 183 analysis of core components that will be used as the building blocks for 184 deriving business documents within a given context. A typical discovery 185 scenario can be: 186 Check all sources of documents listed and cross-referenced on the 187 Common Business Process Catalog to identify a document that may have 188 the information needed (which may be EDIFACT, X12, xCBL , 189 RosettaNet PIP’s , CII, OAG BOD’s). There may be an existing 190 document, which is similar and could be evaluated. Next identify if the 191 document components meet the business requirements. If so, then these 192 components can be reused. 193 194

351 see “The role of context in the re-usability of Core Components and Business Processes” for 36additional information on context 37Catalog of Common Business Processes 6 38 39 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 40 41ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

42 March 2001 1956.5 Business Process Modeling 196

197 198Figure 6.5.1 Screen Shot from a Business Process Editor Toolset 199 200When business experts model a business process using a “Business Process 201Editor” (BPE) tool which could use the catalog of common business 202processes to discover existing business process; ie. via a drop down list. A 203BPE would work with ebXML compliant registries/repositories. For further 204reference, see Business Process and Business Document Analysis 205Definitions. 206

2077 The Common Business Process Catalog Overview

2087.1 What is a Common Business Process 209Common Business Processes are industry neutral and re-usable business 210processes. See Figure 7.1 Based on how a business process is modeled , a 211business analyst could use common business processes at the business 212process level, collaboration level and/or the transactional level of the UMM. 213Refer to section 8.4 for a more detailed example. 214 215 216 44Catalog of Common Business Processes 7 45 46 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 47 48ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

49 March 2001 217 Common Business 218 Business Process Process 219 220 221BusinessPartner MultipartyCollaboration 222 Role 223 224 225 Common Business 226Authorized BinaryCollaboration Process 227 Role 228 229 230 BusinessTransaction Common Business 231 Process 232 233 234 235 Document 236 Transfer 237 238Figure 7.1 Common business process elements which can occur in the UMM 239

2407.2 Catalog Categorization Scheme 241The catalog’s categorization scheme is based upon an enterprise value 242chain, the concept pioneered by Michael Porter2. A value chain is a 243purposeful network of business processes designed to cumulatively 244transform a set of process inputs into an output of greater value to the 245enterprise’s set of customers. Porter’s value chain stages are illustrated in 246Figure 7.2 below as resource flows which progress from left to right in 247transforming inputs as labor, capital, and goods into components of a 248business’s final product. Figure 7.2 illustrates the linked major events 249within each process that consume business inputs and produce business 250outputs. 251

512 Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage : Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, 521998, Harvard Business School Press 53Catalog of Common Business Processes 8 54 55 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 56 57ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

58 March 2001 252Each business process in the Catalog of Common Business Processes is at 253it’s most general level represented by a normative category of enterprise 254activities as procurement, financing, and manufacturing. Normative category 255processes can be broken into normative sub-categories for better business 256discovery. 257

$$ $$

raw materials

labor labor delivered raw materials manufactured $$ goods labor delivered manufactured facilities, services goods & technology


product services

258 259 260Figure 7.2 Graphical representation of the Porter Value Chain 261 262 263

2647.3 Meta data for Cross Reference table 265 266The various components of this cross reference of common business 267processes:

60Catalog of Common Business Processes 9 61 62 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 63 64ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

65 March 2001 268 269Common Business Processes - A business process describes in details how 270trading partners take on roles, relationships and responsibilities to facilitate 271exchange of information. Common Business processes are subsets of 272business processes which are identified as commonly used across various 273organizations, industries or other business entities. 275 276Normative Category – Built from components of a Porter Value Chain. 277 278Normative Sub-category - Decomposition of the Porter Component into 279logical sub groups 280 281EDIFACT/X12/CII/OAG BOD/xCBL – Common industry standards used 282as a cross-reference, by identifying their specific equivalent business 283documents commonly used today. 284 285RosettaNet PIP – Common business processes cross-referenced to business 286transactions as specified by 287RosettaNet Partner Interface Processes™ (PIPs™) which define business 288processes between trading partners 289

2907.4 Methodology for building the catalog 291With participation of business domain experts from major business 292communities and industry standards organizations, there was consensus 293gathering with respect to current common practices involved with electronic 294business trading. To further ensure cross-domain harmonization a 295comprehensive and consistent analysis needs to be conducted for each 296“discovered” component by a domain-neutral technical assessment teams.


2997.5 Registry and Repository for the Catalog 300The catalog of common business processes will be persisted in table format 301within an ebXML global registry. There can only be one catalog per ebXML 302registry. The Common Business Process catalog owner needs to be an 303accredited global standards body such as UN/CEFACT. it’s the Catalog’s 304main service is to be shared by the global community. The catalog of

67Catalog of Common Business Processes 10 68 69 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 70 71ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

72 March 2001 305business process will be accessed through its registry interface. Business 306domain experts within UN/CEFACT, perhaps also partnered with industry 307interest groups, need to define each detailed specification for each common 308business process.

74Catalog of Common Business Processes 11 75 76 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 77 78ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

79 March 2001 309 310 311 BOLERO.N AIA EDIFA X12 312 ET G CT 313 314 Catalog of SWIF 315 Common T 316 Business OA 317 Processes G 318 Common OTHE 319 Business RS 320 Specification for Process 321 Common Business Specification 322 Process 323 Global Repository 324 325 326 327 328In performing ebXML analysis activities to a business process, either 329establishing new business processes or re-engineering existing ebXML 330business processes, it will be necessary to persist the business process 331model. Business process analysis activities may call for many forms of 332supporting information to aid in the analysis. It is desirable to maintain 333relationships with supporting information and the ebXML business process 334model. Examples of supporting information include technical drawings, 335design images and sound tracks in digital format. 336Resource Description Framework (RDF) can be used to persist a Business 337Process model in it’s complete UMM form, including other associated 338information resources that the business users feel are significant to be kept 339associated with the business process model. 340

341Storing a modeled business process into the catalog needs to result in the 342business process to be accessible via its reusable components/artifacts. 343Reuseability can occur at various levels in the UMM, however, reuse of 344artifact will likely be found at the business process, binary collaboration, 81Catalog of Common Business Processes 12 82 83 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 84 85ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team March 2001

86 March 2001 345business transaction, and document levels of the UMM. Experience today 346strongly suggest that reusability will often occur at the business transaction 347and document levels when comparing to traditional EDI. 348 349ebXML compliant registry’s should satisfy the following Catalog of 350Common Business Process service requirements towards business analysis 351activities : 352 353 1. A standard mechanism for registering catalog’s so catalog of common 354 business processes can be shared.. 355 2. A standard mechanism for registering and storing Business Process 356 and Information Metamodels (in RDF) so that business processes 357 may be discovered. 358


88Catalog of Common Business Processes 13 89 90 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 91 92

3608 Catalog of Business Processes 361This section contains several tables that represent that various aspects of cataloging business processes. The 362section 8.1 identifies common business processes (used and being developed) that may or may not have traditional 363EDI documents available, which do fit into the Value Chain classification schema. Here we take a Value Chain 364approach of classifying business processes, but recognize there are many business & regulatory domains that may 365not appear immediately classified in the Value Chain classification. Section 8.2 shows an example of the Insurance 366Industry, which can also be classified by its common business processes but cannot be categorized under the Value 367Chain approach. So the business users do not have to try to always place themselves within the Value Chain. 368Section 8.3 contains the definitions of the common business process as identified in Section 8.1. Section 8.3 is the 369REA representation of the common business processes. To make this entire structure more concrete in the mind of 370catalog users, an illustrative table has been included in this document. The illustrative table portrays: (1) each 371normative category, (2) its possible sub-categories, (3) its normal types of resource inflows and outflows, (4) its 372major types of events that effect those flows, and (5) the normal types of agents and roles for those processes. 373

3748.1 Catalog of Common Business Processes with Cross References 375This section contains a cross reference of common business process names to industry standards and a cross 376reference of industry specific business process names to industry standards.

377 Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Notification Of Failure Administration Failure PASREQ PIP0A1 (CONFIRM BOD) Notification

93 Copyright © ebXML 2000 & 2001. All Rights Reserved. 94 95ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Manage Product Administration Product Service PIP1B1 065_update_productreq_00 Information Review 4, Subscription 067_cancel_productreq_004 063_get_prodavail_003 064_show_prodavail_003 137_sync_pricelist_001 128_sync_catalog_001 Request/Verify Account Info Delete Party Profile TUPREQ Request Account Administration Party Profile PARTIN 838 PIP1A1 007_sync_customer_004 Setup 008_sync_supplier_004 (plans to use ebXML tpaML based work in future) Maintain Account Administration Party Profile PARTIN 838 TradingPartnerOr PIP1A2 007_sync_customer_004 ganizationDelete, 008_sync_supplier_004 TradingPartnerOr (plans to use ebXML tpaML ganziationInforma based work in future) tion, TradingPartnerRe sponse, TradingPartnerUs erDelete, TradingPartnerUs erInformation Request Credit Administration Party Profile PIP1A3 025_get_credit_003, Reference 026_show_credit_003, 027_update_credit_003 Maintain Agreement Administration Party Agreement 007_sync_customer_004, 008_sync_supplier_004 Request Quote / Procurement Pre-Order and REQOTE, 840, 843 Quote, PIP3A1 0310, 0311 152_sync_quote_002, Response Management Quote QUOTES RequestForQuota 159_get_quote_002, tion 154_change_quote_002, 156_response_quote_002

Query Price And Procurement Pre-Order and PROINQ, 879 PIP3A2 137_sync_pricelist_001, 96Catalog of Common Business Process 97 98 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 99 100ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Availability Management Quote AVLREQ, 138_get_pricelist_001, TIQREQ 139_show_pricelist_001 Query Price Procurement Pre-Order and PriceCheckReque Management Quote st, PriceCheckRespo nse Query Availability Procurement Pre-Order and AVLREQ, AvailabilityCheck Management Quote AVLRSP Request, AvailabilityCheck Response Request Promise Of Procurement Pre-Order and AVLREQ, AvailableToPromi Availablity Management Quote AVLRSP se, AvailableToPromi seResponse Price Catalog Procurement Pre-Order and PRICAT 832 ProductCatalog 128_sync_catalog_001, Management Quote 129_get_catalog_001, 130_show_catalog_001 Establishment Of Procurement Pre-Order and CONEST 836 003_process_po_005 (with Contract Award Management Quote appropriate PO TYPE) Negotiate Procurement Pre-Order and RESREQ, 0210, 0211 NA Reservation Management Quote ITAREQ Create Auction Offer Procurement Auction 840, 843 AuctionCreate, Management AuctionResponse Create Auction Bid

Bid Acceptance

Barter Offer

101Catalog of Common Business Process 102 103 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 104 105ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Barter Acceptance ?

Haggle/Negotiation ?

Report Auction Procurement Auction AuctionResult, Results Management AuctionResultRes ponse Check Credit Procurement Payment Term DOCAPP, 460, 465, 025_get_credit_003, Management Negotiation DOCADV, 466 026_show_credit_003, DOCINF 028_change_status_003 Establish Payment Procurement Payment Term Part of Part of 850 006_load_payable_005 Terms Management Negotiation create PO, 003_process_po_005 ORDERS (payment terms are on the PO) 152_sync_quote_001 (payment terms are on the quote) Amend Payment Procurement Payment Term DOCAMR, 469 Part of 003_process_po_005 Terms Management Negotiation DOCARE, Change PO, (payment terms are on the Part of 860, 865 PO) ORDCHG, 152_sync_quote_001 ORDRSP (payment terms are on the quote) Item Performance Procurement Forecast / INVRPT 852 History Request Management Planning Item Performance Procurement Forecast / INVRPT 852 History Response Management Planning Create Sales/Order Procurement Forecast / DELFOR 830, PlanningSchedule 162_sync_plansched_002, Forecast Management Planning 850 (blanket) , 165_sync_seqsched_002 PlanningSchedule Response

106Catalog of Common Business Process 107 108 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 109 110ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Identify Forecast Procurement Forecast / 163_get_plansched_002, Exception Management Planning 164_show_plansched_002, 166_get_seqsched_002, 167_show_seqsched_002

Resolve Forecast Procurement Forecast / 163_get_plansched_002, Exception Management Planning 164_show_plansched_002, 166_get_seqsched_002, 167_show_seqsched_002 Create Shipping Procurement Forecast / ShippingSchedule 168_sync_shipschd_002, Schedule For JIT Management Planning , 169_get_shipschd_002, Delivery ShippingSchedule 170_show_shipschd_002 DELJIT 830 Response Request Forecast Procurement Forecast / TimeSeries, Information Management Planning TimeSeriesReque st, TimeSeriesRespo nse Obtain Future Trend Procurement Forecast / Analysis Request Management Planning Obtain Future Trend Procurement Forecast / Analysis Response Management Planning Obtain Performance Procurement Forecast / INVRPT 846 History Request Management Planning Obtain Performance Procurement Forecast / INVRPT 846, 852 History Response Management Planning Issue Sales/Order Procurement Forecast / DELFOR 830, 850 Forecast Management Planning Issue Raw Material Procurement Forecast / DELFOR 830, 850 Authorization Management Planning Issue Fabrication Procurement Forecast / DELFOR 830, 850 Authorization Management Planning Identify Forecast Procurement Exception Management Resolve Forecast Procurement Exception Management 111Catalog of Common Business Process 112 113 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 114 115ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Issue Shipping Procurement Replenishment/S DELJIT 862, 866 Schedule for Delivery Management cheduling Receive Procurement Replenishment/S APERAK 824 Acknowledgment of Management cheduling Shipping Schedule Delivery Issue Shipment Procurement Replenishment/S DELJIT 862, 866 Authorization Management cheduling Identify Schedule Procurement Replenishment/S Authorization Management cheduling Resolve Schedule Procurement Replenishment/S Exception Management cheduling Issue Defect Procurement Defect Notification Management Resolution Issue Defect Procurement Defect Resolution Plan Management Resolution Receive Resolution Procurement Defect Plan Acceptance Management Resolution Test Specification Procurement Test Management Specification Manage Purchase Procurement Procurement ORDCHG, 860, 852, PIP3A4 0410, 0411 004_Acknowldge_PO_005 Order Management ORDERS, 850, 865, 056_Add_PO_005 (Create/Change/Canc ORDRSP 875, 876 058_Cancel_PO_005 el and Accept PO) 057_Change_PO_004 010_Get_PO_005 054_Getlist_PO_004 055_List_PO_004 003_Process_PO_005 012_Receive_PO_004 011_Show_PO_005 092_Sync_PO_004 Create Order Procurement Procurement ORDERS, 850, 855, Order, PIP3A4 Management ORDRSP 865 OrderResponse Change Order Procurement Procurement ORDCHG 860 ChangeOrder PIP3A4 057_Change_PO_004 Management Request Order Procurement Procurement 850 (OBI) OrderRequest 116Catalog of Common Business Process 117 118 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 119 120ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Management Query Order Status Procurement Procurement OSTENQ, 869, 870 OrderStatusReqe PIP3A5 010_get_po_006, Management OSTRPT ust, 011_show_po_005 OrderStatusResul 054_getlist_po_005, t 055_list_po_005 Distribute Order Procurement Procurement OSTRPT 870 PIP3A6 011_show_po_006 Status Management Notify Of Purchase Procurement Procurement ORDRSP 855 PIP3A7 004_acknowledge_po_006 Order Acceptance Management Evaluate Supplier Procurement Procurement Performance Management Communicate Procurement Procurement 501 Supplier PerformanceManagement Authorize Fabrication Procurement Authorize Action DELFOR 830 066_create-prodorder_004 Management Authorize Shipment Procurement Authorize Action DELJIT 830 Management Authorize Raw Procurement Authorize Action DELFOR 830 Material Management

Distribute Despatch Procurement Transportation INSDES 862, 858 PIP3B1 165_sync_shipschd_001 Instructions Management and Distribution Notify Of Advance Procurement Transportation DESADV 856, 869 AdvanceShipNoticPIP3B2 0520 165_sync_shipschd_001 Shipment Management and Distribution e Notify Of Shipment Procurement Transportation IFTSTA, 114(Air), PIP3B3 161_Show_shipment_003 Status Management and Distribution ORDSTA 214(Motor), 315(Ocean), 404 (Rail Carrier), 870

Query Shipment Procurement Transportation IFTSTQ 213(Motor PIP3B4 161_show_shipment_001 Status Management and Distribution Carrier), 313 (Ocean Carrier), 869 121Catalog of Common Business Process 122 123 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 124 125ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Change Shipment Procurement Transportation RECON 856 PIP3B5 0520 161_show_shipment_001 Information Management and Distribution Notify Of Transport Procurement Transportation 854 PIP3B6 Exception Management and Distribution Create Delivery Procurement Transportation PIP3B7 059_update_delivery_003 Appointment Management and Distribution Notify Of Shipment Procurement Transportation RECADV 861 PIP3B8 0540 Receipt Management and Distribution Create TransportationProcurement Transportation PIP3B9 Claim Management and Distribution Shipment Instruction Procurement Transportation IFTMIN 304, 003_process_po_005 Management and Distribution 404,104,204 (instructions on po line and 853 po line schedule) Booking Confirmation Procurement Transportation IFTMBC, 301 Management and Distribution RESREQ Create Freight Procurement Transportation INVOIC, 110, 210, Invoices Management and Distribution IFTMCS 310,410,810 Customs Declaration Procurement Transportation CUSDEC 161_show_shipment_001(C (International Freight) Management and Distribution arried as part of the Show Shipment) Material Safety Data Procurement SAFHAZ 848 Sheet Management Compliance Leak Procurement Report Management Marine Inspection Procurement 867 Report Management Return Product Procurement Return of Goods CREADV, 180,812 PIP3C1 0710, 0711, 161_show_shipment_001 Management DEBADV 0720, 0730 Obtain Financing Procurement Payment AUTHOR 828 PIP3C2 028_change_status_003, Approval Management 027_update_credit_003 Match Invoice Procurement Payment INVOIC 810, 819, PIP3C3 0810, 0811, 073_load_matchdoc_004, Management 811 0820, 0821 077_get_matchdoc_005, 078_Show_matchdoc_005

126Catalog of Common Business Process 127 128 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 129 130ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Process Payment Procurement Payment REMADV, 820, 824, RemittanceAdvice PIP3C4 0830, 0831 Management PAYORD, 823, 827, DIRDEB, 185, 813 FINSTA, BANSTA

Distribute Risk Procurement Product PIP3D1 Analysis Management Configuration Distribute Test ReportProcurement Product PIP3D2 Management Configuration Distribute Test Result Procurement Product BMISRM 863 PIP3D10 Management Configuration Request Product Procurement Product PIP3D11 Acceptance Management Configuration Distribute Procurement Product PIP3D12 107_sync_engchgorder_002 Engineering Change Management Configuration , Request 108_get_engchgordr_002, 109_show_engchgorder_00 2 Distribute Procurement Product PIP3D13 107_sync_engchgorder_002 Engineering Change Management Configuration , Response 108_get_engchgordr_002, 109_show_engchgorder_00 2 Request Engineering Procurement Product PIP3D14 107_sync_engchgorder_002 Change Order Management Configuration , Approval 108_get_engchgordr_002, 109_show_engchgorder_00 2 Notify Of Engineering Procurement Product PIP3D15 110_confirm_engchgorder_ Change Order Management Configuration 002 Notify Of Engineering Procurement Product PIP3D16 110_confirm_engchgorder_ Change Management Configuration 002 Implementation Plan Notify Of Solution Procurement Product PIP3D2 110_confirm_engchgorder_ Configuration Management Configuration 002 131Catalog of Common Business Process 132 133 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 134 135ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Notify Of Procurement Product PIP3D3 110_confirm_engchgorder_ Manufacturing Management Configuration 002 Specification Request Build Procurement Product 625 PIP3D4 Authorization Management Configuration Distribute Material Procurement Product PIP3D5 061_show_item_004 Status Management Configuration Notify Of Build Procurement Product PIP3D6 Readiness Management Configuration Request Deviation Or Procurement Product PIP3D7 Waiver Management Configuration Distribute Work In Procurement Product PIP3D8 033_update_wipconfirm_00 Process Management Configuration 4 Query Work In Procurement Product PIP3D9 031_get_wipconfirm_003 Process Management Configuration 032_show_wipconfirn_004 Distribute New Product Preparation for 832 PIP2A1 0110 140_sync_itemspecs_001 Product Information Introduction Distribution 142_show_itemspecs_001 Query Product Product Preparation for TIQREQ 893, 620 PIP2A2 141_get_itemspecs_001, Information Introduction Distribution 142_show_itemspecs_001, 100_get_item_003, 101_show_item_003 Query Marketing Product Preparation for PIP2A3 141_get_itemspecs_001, Information Introduction Distribution 142_show_itemspecs_001, 139_show_pricelist_001, 138_get_pricelist_001, 135_get_itemxref_001, 136_show_itemxref_001 Query Sales Product Preparation for 889 PIP2A4 141_get_itemspecs_001, Promotion And Introduction Distribution 142_show_itemspecs_001 Rebate Information Query Technical Product Preparation for 841 PIP2A5 141_get_itemspecs_001, Information Introduction Distribution 142_show_itemspecs_001 Query Product Product Preparation for PIP2A6 141_get_itemspecs_001, Lifecycle Information Introduction Distribution 142_show_itemspecs_001

136Catalog of Common Business Process 137 138 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 139 140ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Request Product Product Preparation for PIP2A7 141_get_itemspecs_001, Discontinuation Introduction Distribution 142_show_itemspecs_001 Information Distribute Product Product Preparation for PIP2A8 134_sync_itemxref_001 Stock Keeping Unit Introduction Distribution 136_show_itemxref_001 (SKU) Change Product Product Product Change TUPREQ, 888 PIP2B1 065_update_productreq_00 Information Introduction Notification SKDUPD 4 Change Marketing Product Product Change PIP2B2 140_sync_itemspecs_001, Information Introduction Notification Change Sales Product Product Change PIP2B3 137_sync_pricelist_001 Promotion And Introduction Notification 140_sync_itemspecs_001 Rebate Information Change Product Product Product Change PIP2B4 140_sync_itemspecs_001 Technical Information Introduction Notification 061_sync_item_004

Change Product Product Product Change PIP2B5 134_sync_itemxref_001, Lifecycle Information Introduction Notification Query Optional Product Product Change PIP2B6 135_get_itemxref_001, Product Information Introduction Notification 136_show_itemxref_001 Distribute Inventory Procurement Inventory INVRPT 846 PIP4C1 068_sync_inventory_005, Report Management Reporting Distribute Inventory Procurement Inventory PIP4C2 Tieout Report Management Reporting Distribute Inventory Procurement Inventory PIP4C3 Error Notification Management Reporting Distribute Inventory Procurement Inventory PIP4C4 022_get_countinfo, Tie-Out Discrepancy Management Reporting 023_show_countinfo Report Warehouse Stock Procurement Inventory RECADV 944 036_show_picklist_005 Transfer Receipt Management Reporting 037_update_picklist_005 Advice Warehouse Stock Procurement Inventory 943 036_show_picklist_005 Transfer Shipment Management Reporting 037_update_picklist_005 Advice Notify Of Commercial Procurement Sales Reporting SLSRPT, 867 PIP4E1 089_getlist_salesorder_005 141Catalog of Common Business Process 142 143 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 144 145ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Sales Report Management STLRPT 090_list_salesorder_005 Notify Of Consumer Procurement Sales Reporting PIP4E2 089_getlist_salesorder_005 Sales Report Management 090_list_salesorder_005 Notify Of Tieout SalesProcurement Sales Reporting PIP4E3 089_getlist_salesorder_005 Report Management 090_list_salesorder_005 Request Detail Sales Procurement Sales Reporting PIP4E4 089_getlist_salesorder_005 Tieout Report Management 090_list_salesorder_005 Distribute Procurement Sales Reporting PIP4E5 089_getlist_salesorder_005 Commercial Sales Management 090_list_salesorder_005 Report Error Notification Notify Of Consumer Procurement Sales Reporting Sales Report For Management Affected Errors Distribute Consumer Procurement Sales Reporting PIP4E6 Sales Report Error Management Notification Price Protection Procurement Price Protection PIP4F Management Ship From Stock And Procurement Ship from Stock 161_show_shipment_003 Debit_Credit Management and Debit_Credit Procurement Regulatory_Roya 185, 813 Management lty Create Invoice Financial Financial INVOIC 810 InvoicePresentme 076_load_plinvoice_003 (Products) nt Create Invoice Financial Financial 811 (Services) Receive Payables Financial Financial 820 006_load_payable_005

Originate Payables Financial Financial 820 Receive Receivables Financial Financial 820, 823 Originate Financial Financial 820 Receivables Originate Child Financial Financial 820 146Catalog of Common Business Process 147 148 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 149 150ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Support Payments Originate Payroll Financial Financial 820 Originate Tax Financial Financial 820 Payments Originate Royalty Financial Financial 820 Payments Acknowledge a Financial Financial 824 Payment Order Confirm/Verify Financial Financial 831 Payment Orders Notify Party of Financial Financial 827 Returned payment Item Request Payment Financial Financial 829 Cancellation Process Lockbox Financial Financial 823 Cash Reconciliation Financial Financial 821 (Asset) Cash Reconciliation Financial Financial 821 (Liability) Send Debit Financial Financial 828 Authorization Issue a Check Financial Financial 828 Issuance List Transmit Business Financial Financial 155 Credit Information Transmit Real Estate Financial Financial 197 Title Information Request Loan Financial Financial 198 Information Transmit Loan Financial Financial 198 Information Transmit Real Estate Financial Financial 199 Settlement Information 151Catalog of Common Business Process 152 153 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 154 155ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Report Mortgage Financial Financial 200 Credit Information Transmit Uniform Financial Financial 201 Residential Loan Application Transmit Mortgage Financial Financial 202 Loan Information Transmit Mortgage Financial Financial 205 Note Information and Characteristics Transmit Mortgage Financial Financial 203 Service Information Transmit Real Estate Financial Financial 206 Site Inspection Information Transmit Property Financial Financial 245 Tax Information Transmit Collection Financial Financial 248 Account Assignments Report Collection Financial Financial 248 Account Status Inquiries Apply for Mortgage Financial Financial 260 Insurance Benefits Request Real Estate Financial Financial 261 Information Report Real Estate Financial Financial 262 Information Respond to a Financial Financial 263 Residential Mortgage Insurance Application Mortgage Loan Financial Financial 264 Default Status Report Order Real Estate Financial Financial 265 Title Insurance Services 156Catalog of Common Business Process 157 158 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 159 160ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Notify Parties of Financial Financial 266 Mortgage or Property Record Change Transmit a Financial Financial 812 Debit/Credit Adjustment Request/Respond Financial Financial 814 Financial Action Transmit Billing and Financial Financial 819 Operating Expense Details Transmit Account Financial Financial 822 Analysis Information Order for Mortgage Financial Financial 833 Credit Information Request Account Financial Financial 844 Adjustment Action Respond to a Financial Financial 849 Request for Account Adjustment Action Apply for Residential Financial Financial 872 Mortgage Insurance Invoice for Grocery Financial Financial 880 Products Create Payroll Financial Financial 040_update_persontime_00 3 Issue Ticket/Voucher TKTREQ, TIKTRES Exchange/Reissue TKTREQ, Ticket TIKTRES Refund Ticket TKTREQ, TIKTRES Void Ticket TKTREQ, TIKTRES Request Payment Financial Financial REMADV 820 PaymentStatusRe Status quest, 161Catalog of Common Business Process 162 163 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 164 165ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process PaymentStatusRe sponse Request Payment Financial Financial REMADV 820 PaymentRequest, PaymentRequest Acknowledgement Customs Declaration Transportation Declaration of CUSDEC 161_show_shipment_003, (Shipper) and Logistics Goods and 003_process_po_006, transportation 084_sync_salesorder_005 (Customs declarations can be carried on each of these.) Shipping Line To Transportation Declaration of CUSCAR 161_show_shipment_003, Customs – (Carrier) and Logistics Goods and 003_process_po_006, transportation 084_sync_salesorder_005 (Customs declarations can be carried on each of these.) Environment Health Transportation Declaration of IFTDGN 161_show_shipment_003, And Safety and Logistics Goods and 003_process_po_006, Declaration transportation 084_sync_salesorder_005 (Customs declarations can be carried on each of these.) Export And Import Transportation Declaration of 161_show_shipment_003, Declaration and Logistics Goods and 003_process_po_006, transportation 084_sync_salesorder_005 (Customs declarations can be carried on each of these.) Import Side Transportation Declaration of 161_show_shipment_003, Compliance Check and Logistics Goods and 003_process_po_006, transportation 084_sync_salesorder_005 (Customs declarations can be carried on each of these.) Voyage Itinerary / Transportation Declaration of 161_show_shipment_003, 166Catalog of Common Business Process 167 168 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 169 170ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Schedules and Logistics Goods and 003_process_po_006, transportation 084_sync_salesorder_005 (Customs declarations can be carried on each of these.) Request For Transportation Declaration of 161_show_shipment_003, Compliance and Logistics Goods and 003_process_po_006, Screening (Solvency transportation 084_sync_salesorder_005 Check) (Customs declarations can be carried on each of these.) Announce Arrival Of Transportation Inbound 161_show_shipment_003 Vessel/Vehicle and Logistics Transport (at international port) Entry Of Cargo Transportation Inbound COARRI and Logistics Transport (at international port) Pickup / Pre-carriage Transportation Inbound 161_show_shipment_003 Of Goods At Origin and Logistics Transport (at international port) Announce Departure Transportation Outbound 161_show_shipment_003 Of Vessel / Vehicle and Logistics Transportation (at international port) Departure Of Cargo Transportation Outbound CODECO and Logistics Transportation (at international port) Onward Carriage Of Transportation Outbound 161_show_shipment_003 Cargo To Final and Logistics Transportation Destination (at international port) Vessel / Vehicle Transportation Operation (at 161_show_shipment_003 Arrival Planning and Logistics international port of call) Vessel / Vehicle Transportation Operation (at 161_show_shipment_003 171Catalog of Common Business Process 172 173 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 174 175ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Departure Planning and Logistics international port of call) Vessel / Vehicle Transportation Operation (at BAPLIE Discharge Operation and Logistics international port of call) Vessel / Vehicle Load Transportation Operation (at Operation and Logistics international port of call) Cargo Relay Transportation Operation (at Operation and Logistics international port of call) Customs Clearance Transportation Clearance 161_show_shipment_003 Of Cargo For Export and Logistics Customs Clearance Transportation Clearance 161_show_shipment_003 Of Cargo For Import and Logistics Health And Safety Transportation Clearance 161_show_shipment_003 Clearance Of Cargo and Logistics To-Be-Determined Transportation G. Cross Border and Logistics Return Handling Manage Sales Lead Marketing Marketing PIP5A1 Management Campaign Management

Transfer Sales Lead Marketing Marketing PIP5A2 087_change_salesorder_00 Responsibility Management Campaign 6 (Carries sales lead resp. Management for the order.) Query Sales Lead Marketing Marketing PIP5A3 Status Management Campaign Management Notify Of Sales Lead Marketing Marketing PIP5A4 Status Management Campaign Management Distribute Marketing Marketing Marketing PIP5B1 Activity Information Management Campaign Management Notify Of Marketing Marketing Marketing ? 176Catalog of Common Business Process 177 178 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 179 180ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Activity Management Campaign Management Create Sales Marketing Marketing ? Marketing Claim Management Campaign Management Process Sales Marketing Marketing PIP5B2 Marketing Claim Management Campaign Management Change Sales Marketing Marketing PIP5B3 Marketing Claim Management Campaign Management Notify Of Cancel Marketing Marketing PIP5B4 Sales Marketing Management Campaign Claim Management Query Sales Marketing Marketing PIP5B5 Marketing Claim Management Campaign Status Management Notify Of Sales Marketing Marketing PIP5B6 Marketing Claim Management Campaign Status Management Distribute Product Marketing Design Win PIP5C1 List Management Management Request Design Marketing Design Win PIP5C2 Registration Management Management Request Design Win Marketing Design Win PIP5C3 Management Management Distribute Marketing Design Win PIP5C4 Registration Status Management Management Query Registration Marketing Design Win PIP5C5 Status Management Management Request Ship From Marketing Ship from Stock PIP5D1 019_confirm_issue_005 Stock And Debit Management and Debit Authorization Notify Of Blanket Marketing Ship from Stock PIP5D2 161_show_shipment_003 Ship From Stock And Management and Debit Debit Authorization 181Catalog of Common Business Process 182 183 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 184 185ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Distribute Open Ship Marketing Ship from Stock PIP5D3 From Stock And Management and Debit Debit Authorization Status Query Ship From Marketing Ship from Stock PIP5D4 Stock And Debit Management and Debit Authorization Status Create Ship From Marketing Ship from Stock PIP5D5 Stock And Debit Management and Debit Claim Notify Of Ship From Marketing Ship from Stock PIP5D6 028_change_status_003 Stock And Debit Management and Debit Claim Status Product Request Product Needs PROINQ 841, 244 (Internal / External – Development Determination All Sources) Request Evaluation Product Needs 841 143_sync_rfq_002 (Research) Development Determination Evaluation Results Product Needs PRODAT 841 143_syn_rfq_002, Development Determination 151_show_rfq_002 Gather and Product Requirements GENRAL 841 143_sync_rfq_002 Document Development Definition Information Analyze Information Product Requirements Development Definition Develop Functional Product Requirements Specifications Development Definition Develop Technical Product Design Product PRODAT 841 Specifications Development Design Tooling Product Design Product 841 150_get_rfq_002, Development 151_show_rfq_002, 144_add_rfq_002, 146_cancel_rfq_002 Design Process Product Design Product PROTAP 841 150_get_rfq_002, (Routing) Development 151_show_rfq_002, 144_add_rfq_002, 186Catalog of Common Business Process 187 188 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 189 190ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process 146_cancel_rfq_002 Establish Product Product Design Product PRODAT 841 145_change_rfq_002 Configuration (BOM) Development Production 145_change_rfq_002 Planning Initiate Manufacturing Product Manufacturing ORDERS 830 145_change_rfq_002 Order Manufacturing Setup Production Product Manufacturing 145_change_rfq_002 Line (Tooling) Manufacturing Get Materials (RM / Product Manufacturing Component Parts / Manufacturing MRO) Produce Product Product Manufacturing Manufacturing Inspect Incoming Product Quality INSRPT, 863 Material (Tooling, Manufacturing Assurance INSREQ RM, Components) Inspect WIP Product Quality INSRPT, 863 Manufacturing Assurance INSREQ Inspect Finished Product Quality INSRPT, 863 Goods Manufacturing Assurance INSREQ Test Product/Process Product Quality QALITY 863 Characteristics (RM, Manufacturing Assurance Components, Finished Goods) Report Test Results / Product Quality QALITY, 863, 842 Non-conformance / Manufacturing Assurance INSRPT Scrap / Rework / Certifications

Provide And Service Support Provide and PIP6A1 Administer Asset Administer Management Warranties, Service Packages, and Contracted 191Catalog of Common Business Process 192 193 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 194 195ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Normative Normative Sub EDIFACT X12 xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet CII OAG BODs Business Category Category including including Partner (HWSW001A) Processes sub-sets sub-sets Interface Process Services Technical Support Service Support Provide and PIP6C1 PIP6C2 And Service Administer PIP6C3 PIP6C4 Management Warranties, Service Packages, and Contracted Services Service Support Provide and PIP6B1 Administer Asset Management


3798.2 Catalog of Industry Specific Business Processes with Cross References 380 Common Category Sub Category EDIFACT X12 including xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet Partner OAG BODs Business including sub- sub-sets Interface Processes sets Process Declare Lien Insurance Administration IPPOAD Accept Lien Insurance Administration IPPOAD Change Insurer Insurance Cancellation IPPOAD Claims Recovery Request Insurance Cancellation IPPOAD, (Other TBD) Claims Recovery Acceptance Insurance Cancellation IPPOAD, (Other TBD) Loss Advice Insurance Claims IFTICL 272, 148 Solicitor Instruction / Report Insurance Claims ICSOLI Claims Settlement / Insurance Claims IFTICL, ICASRP 276, 810, 811 Agreement / Invoice Loss Adjustment Insurance Claims IFTICL 196Catalog of Common Business Process 197 198 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 199 200ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Category Sub Category EDIFACT X12 including xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet Partner OAG BODs Business including sub- sub-sets Interface Processes sets Process Payment Rejection Insurance Claims ICASRP 824 Claims Payment Insurance Claims PRPAID 820, 835 Claims Survey Request Insurance Claims IFTICL, ICASRP Claims Survey Report Insurance Claims IFTICL, ICASRP Claims Recovery / SubrogationInsurance Claims ICASRP 272 Request Claims Recovery/ SubrogationInsurance Claims ICASRP 272 Response Authorization for Vendor Insurance Claims ICASRP 272 Services on a Claim Change / Cancel Authorization Insurance Claims 272, 824 for Vendor Services Intermediary System Authority Insurance System Services ISENDS Update Request Intermediary System Authority Insurance System Services ISENDS Update Accept Support Application for Student Record Transcript/Student 130 Admission Record Transfer Update Enrollment Status Student Record Transcript/Student 130 Record Transfer Support Application for Student Record Transcript/Student 130 Employment Record Transfer Provide Transfer Credit Student Record Transcript/Student 130 Validation Record Transfer Transfer Student Record Student Record Transcript/Student 130 Record Transfer Support Licensing Application Student Record Transcript/Student 130 Record Transfer Authenticate Sender of Student Record Transcript 131 Transcript Acknowledgment Reconcile Transcript Data Student Record Transcript 131 Acknowledgment Request Delivery of Transcript Student Record Request Transcript 146 Respond to Transcript Student Record Request Response 147 Request

201Catalog of Common Business Process 202 203 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 204 205ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

Common Category Sub Category EDIFACT X12 including xCBL 3.0 RosettaNet Partner OAG BODs Business including sub- sub-sets Interface Processes sets Process Support Application for Test Score Report Transfer of Test Score 138 Admission to Educational and Related Information Institution Support Application for Test Score Report Transfer of Test Score 138 Employment and Related Information Support Licensing Application Test Score Report Transfer of Test Score 138 and Related Information Update Testing Service Test Score Report Transfer of Test Score 138 Information and Related Information Create a Prospective Student Prospective Student Transfer of Prospective 138 Record Report Student Information Update a Prospective Student Prospective Student Transfer of Prospective 138 Record Report Student Information Transfer Application Data Admission of Students Admission Application 189 Processing Report Student Status Student Status Enrollment Verification 190 Confirmation Certification Confirm Degree Awarded Degree Verification 190 Distribute Course Information Course Catalog 188 Request Course Information Course Catalog 188 Report Staff Profile Human Resources Staffing Information 132 Report Staff Assignments 132 Report Institution Description Institutional Institution Information 133 Characteristics Report Institution Enrollment Institutional Institution Information 133 Characteristics Report Institutional Student Institutional Institution Information 133 Profile Characteristics 381

206Catalog of Common Business Process 207 208 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 209 210ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

382 Description of Common Business Processes 383Each common business process identified in the catalog will contain detailed description in this section. This 384definition will identify the roles, transaction and documents involved in this process. Currently the table has limited 385description and will grow as domain experts define the business process specifications. 386 Business Process Definition Request For Quote The Request Quote allows a Buyer to request a product quote from a Seller. The Seller may return a quote, or a referral to another Seller. The Buyer then has the option of requesting a quote from the referral. Quotes may involve: *One or more items. * Fixed price quotes or negotiated prices. *Configurable or standalone product.

Query Price And Availability Partners can query the price and availability of products from other partners that supply products in the supply chain. This query contains both the specification of a request for information and a specification of how that information must be returned to the requestor. (The information must be returned in tabular format in the order specified by the select part of the query.) Manage Purchase Order The purchase order management process comprises the creation, change and cancellation of a purchase order. A Buyer or buying organization initially creates a purchase order and sends the request to fulfil the order to a Seller. The Seller acknowledges acceptance of the purchase order by returning a substantive purchase order acceptance Business Document. A Buyer can then initiate a purchase order change or cancel the purchase order. Query Order Status The status of a product order is requested after a purchase order is created. The status of a purchase order informs a requesting partner of the fulfilment and shipping status of the products in the order. For example, products in the purchase order request may be backordered, shipped, or the entire purchase order may have been cancelled. Distribute Order Status The status of a product order is distributed on an unsolicited basis after a purchase order is created. The status of a product order informs a Buyer of the fulfillment and/or shipping status of the products in the order. For example, products in the purchase order request may be backordered, shipped or the entire purchase order may have been canceled Distribute New Product The process for distributing new product information to Buyers so that enterprise systems can be established to accept product Information orders, and for product information users to populate the Buyer’s online sales catalogs. Two categories of product information are listed below. 1. Sales catalog information typically used to promote products to non-technical customers. Sales catalog information can include quantities, prices and marketing information. 2. Technical specifications that are used to promote products to technical products and to create content for configuration catalogs. Technical specifications only comprise the qualitative and quantitative properties. Product information is typically exchanged to partners who have subscribed for new announcements.

211Catalog of Common Business Process 212 213 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 214 215ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

3878.3 REA Table 388This table portrays: (1) each normative category, (2) its possible sub-categories, (3) its normal types of resource 389inflows and outflows, (4) its major types of events that effect those flows, and (5) the normal types of agents and 390roles for those processes. This table is intended to be illustrative only, not exhaustive. The table also includes an 391entry for an Administration category, a component not shown on the resource flow figure.

Normative Category Normative Sub-Category Resource inflows & outflow Major types of events Economic Agents & Roles Procurement Bid Submission Money Payments Buyer Contract Negotiation Raw materials Purchase Seller Purchase Order Preparation Facilities Purchase Orders Vendor Receiving Services Price Quotes Cashier Technology Contract Negotiation Human Resources Hiring Money Cash Payments Employee Training Purchased training materials Acquisition of labor Student Payroll Management Purchased benefit packages Training Beneficiary Personnel Deployment Transportation Loading Raw Materials Shipment Buyer Shipping Delivered Raw Materials Warehousing Tasks Vendor Packaging Manufactured Goods Material Handling Logistics Worker Delivered Manufactured Goods Trucking Trucker Manufacturing Product Development Facilities & Technology Manufacturing Operation Factory Worker Product Design Labor Raw Material Issue Supervisor Assembly Raw Materials Manufacturing Job QC Inspector Quality control Finished Goods Marketing & Sales Advertising Use & Campaigning Labor Cash Payment Customer Marketing Management Advertising Service Customer Invoice Salesperson Sales Calling Delivered Goods Sale Order Cashier Customer Credit Management Product Services Price Quotes Cash Contract Negotiation Customer Service After Sales Service Labor Service Call Customer Service Warranty Construction Purchased Services Product Repair Agent Product Warranties and Services Service Contract Customer Financing Loan Management Cash Interest Payments Stockholders Stock Subscriptions and Sales Bonds Stock Subscriptions BondHolders Dividend Policy Stocks Dividend Declarations Investment Brokers 216Catalog of Common Business Process Derivative Instruments Cash Receipts Financial Managers 217Administration Accounting Employee Labor Employee Service Managers 218 Financial ReportingCopyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved.Management Projects Clerks Executive Management 219 220ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

3928.4 Transactional View 393This table depicts the relation of common business processes as identified in the catalog with respect to business 394processes, binary collaboration and business transactions. It contains the essential Metamodel element values for a 395business process. 396  A Business Transaction is an exchange of Business Documents between two parties. This table shows one row per Business Transaction.  All Business Transactions MUST be contained in a two-party Binary Collaboration. CPAs are associated with each Binary Collaboration: i.e., the Process Specification Digest in a CPA points to a particular Authorized Role (and therefore to a particular Business Transaction) within a Binary Collaboration. A Binary Collaboration MUST contain one or more Business Transaction, which in the aggregate MUST use only two Partner Types. Partner Types indicate the progress of an individual participant through a sequence of transactions in a Collaboration.  One or more Binary Collaborations MAY be aggregated (nested) into composite Collaborations which MUST use two Partner Types and MAY use more than two.  A Business Process is a Collaboration (aggregated at any level) referenced as a whole process by an ebXML registry. The entire table could be one Business Process. Partner types are assigned to persistent roles within a Business Process.  Authorized Roles are assigned to each of the two roles in each Business Transaction. Each MUST be unique within a Collaboration. It is RECOMMENDED that Authorized Roles be named to facilitate resource discovery, by creating unique composite values from a controlled vocabulary. In this table, we have used a hypothetical controlled vocabulary which includes "Buyer, Seller, Shipper, Carrier, Shipment Receiver, Payor, Payee, Debtor, Creditor, Credit Service, Reporter, Report Receiver", and we have elected to use the Business Transaction names to qualify and distinguish them. 397 398 399 400 401 402 403

221Catalog of Common Business Process 222 223 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 224 225ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

BUSINE BINARY BUSINESS SS COLLAB TRANSACTIO PROCES OR- N INITIATING / REQUESTING SIDE RESPONDING SIDE S ATION (activity) (protoc ol) [X12:EDIFACT equivalents] [X12:EDIFACT equivalents] [N90 pattern]3 Order Manage Create order** PARTNER TYPE: Retailer DOCUMENT: PARTNER TYPE: DSVendor DOCUMENT: Fulfillme Purchase AUTH ROLE: Purchase Order AUTH ROLE: : Seller.Create PO nt Order** [Commercial [850:ORDERS] order Acknowledgement Transaction] Buyer.Crea [855:ORDRSP] te order

Change Order PARTNER TYPE: Retailer DOCUMENT: PARTNER TYPE: DSVendor DOCUMENT: ** AUTH ROLE: Purchase Order AUTH ROLE: : PO [860:ORDCHG] Acknowledgement [Commercial Buyer.Chan Seller.Chang [865:ORDRSP] Transaction] ge order e order

Notify of Notify of PARTNER TYPE: DSVendor DOCUMENT: PARTNER TYPE: Retailer [No document: advance advance AUTH ROLE: ASN AUTH ROLE: receive ASN] shipmen shipment [856:DESADV] t** Shipper.No Receiver.Not tify of ify of [Notification] advance advance shipment shipment

Payment Process Process PARTNER TYPE: DSVendor DOCUMENT: PARTNER TYPE: Retailer DOCUMENT: Fulfillme Payment payment AUTH ROLE: Send Invoice AUTH ROLE: Pay invoice nt ** [810:INVOIC] [820:PAYORD] [Commercial Payee.Proce Payor.Proce Transaction] ss payment ss payment

2263 This column suggests use of one of the six demonstrative transaction patterns currently offered in the UN/CEFACT TMWG N90 metamodel.

** 227 These Business Transactions have been reused from the ebXML Common Business Process Catalog ver 1.0.

228 229Catalog of Common Business Process 230 231 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 232 233ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001


404 405

406 407 408

4099 References 410 411 [Bra97] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Level", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 412 1997.

413 [IDEF0] see foot note…

414 [BPSS] ebXML Business Process Specification Schema. Version 0.90. 01/17/2001. Context/Metamodel Group 415 of the CC/BP Joint Delivery Team.

416 [CBP] ebXML Catalog of Business Processes. Version TBD. Date TBD. ebXML CC/BP Analysis Team.

417 [RCRCCBP] ebXML The role of context in the re-usability of Core Components and Business Processes. Version 418 1.01. February 16, 2001. ebXML Core Components Project Team.

234Catalog of Common Business Process 235 236 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 237 238ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

419 [XBACR] ebXML specification for the application of XML based assembly and context rules. Version 1.01. 16 420 February 2001. ebXML Core Components.

421 [ISO14662] Information Technologies - Open-EDI Reference Model. ISO/IEC 14662:1997(E). International 422 Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

423 [TAGLOS]ebXML. TA Glossary. Version 0.95. 12 February 2001 . Technical Architecture Project Team.

424 [TASPEC] ebXML Technical Architecture Specification. Version 1.0.4. 16 February 2001. ebXML Technical 425 Architecture Project Team.

426 [UMM] UN/CEFACT Modelling Methodology. CEFACT/TMWG/N090R9. February 2001. UN/CEFACT 427 Technical Modeling Working Group.

428 [MDACC] ebXML Methodology for the Discovery and Analysis of Core Components. DRAFT. Version 1.0.1. 429 February 16, 2001. ebXML Core Components Project Team.

430 [BPAWAG] ebXML Business Process Analysis Worksheets and Guidelines. WORK-IN-PROGRESS. Version 431 0.9. March 10, 2001. ebXML Business Process Project Team.


43310 Disclaimer 434The views and specification expressed in this document are those of the authors and are not necessarily those of 435their employers. The authors and their employers specifically disclaim responsibility for any problems arising 436from correct or incorrect implementation or use of this design.

239Catalog of Common Business Process 240 241 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 242 243ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

43711 Contact Information 438Business Process Project Team 439Business Process/Core Components (BP/CC) Analysis Team Lead: 440 Name: Brian Hayes 441 Company: Commerce One 442 Street: 4440 Rosewood Drive 443 City, State, ZIP: Pleasanton, CA 444 Nation: USA

445 Phone: +1 (925) 788-6304 446 EMail: [email protected] 447 448Editor: 449 Name: Nita Sharma 450 Company: Netfish Technologies 451 Street: 2350 Mission College Blvd. 452 City, State, ZIP: Santa Clara, CA 95054 453 Nation: USA 454 Phone: +1 (408) 350-9500 455 EMail: [email protected]

244Catalog of Common Business Process 245 246 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 247 248ebXML BP/CC Analysis Team March 2001

456Copyright Statement 457Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 458This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on 459or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole 460or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included 461on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as 462by removing the copyright notice or references to ebXML, UN/CEFACT, or OASIS, except as required to translate 463it into languages other than English. 464The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by ebXML or its successors or 465assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and ebXML 466DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY 467WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR 468ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

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254Catalog of Common Business Process 255 256 Copyright © ebXML 2001. All Rights Reserved. 257

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