1. ALPHA & OMEGA Greek for Beginning & Ending. Replaced Hebrew- ALEPH & TAV Meaning Beginning
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1. ALPHA & OMEGA Greek for Beginning & Ending. Replaced Hebrew-ALEPH & TAV meaning Beginning & Never Ending Covenant, He is our Covenant and has NO Ending.
2. ANGEL, ANGELS=Latin Origin / Replaced English- Set Apart Messenger- Hebrew-MALACH- Plural- Messengers= MELACHIM.
3. Apostle -Latin for grk#652.Apostolos-Replaced English=AMBASSADOR Envoy; Heb. SHELIACH; Ambassador 2 Corinth.5:20, & Eph.6:20,
4. BLESS, BLESSED, BLESSING=Origin 100% Latin Catholic-"Bloedsian" a Pagan blood Ritual for luck. REPLACED, in Heb.#1288 Barak, Baruch- blessed is a bad curse word against us believers. bless- BRACHA or blessings BRACHOT, blessing-=BRACHAT, Clean words=Prosperity, Prosperous favored, Prospering.
5. Bible-BYBLOS a City named after a Pagan deity; that made paper. Replaced-Hebrew Sefer-Scrolls, Scriptures, Parchments, Manuscripts. 2 Tim. 4:13. Also Biblion=Bella Rules.
6. Christ, CHRISTOS, CRISTOS, KRISTO, KRISTI-Latin/Greek. Grk#5547 Orthodox Catholics REPLACED- Original Anointed in 100 AD Grk#3323,Greek true word stayed in scriptures Messi’as -John 1:41, 4:25, compare to Heb.#4899 & #4886 MASHIYACH or MASHIACH=English-Messiah, All the same.
7. Christ Jesus; Latin, REPLACED English-Messiah or Anointed Joshua or in Hebrew Mashiyach Yahushua.
8. Christian CRISTIANOS-Latin /Greek KHRISTIANOS, Created in the Greek Orthodox Catechetical School of Alexandrian 190AD.Then Roman Emperor Constantine adopted it in 310-326 AD.REPLACED-“Anointed” But before 310 AD believers were Called- in Greek. Nazoraeans in Heb.#5139 NAZIYR.
9. Church Roman Catholic Greek for KIRKE,CIRCE, Sirse a Pagan LUST Temple REPLACED a clean Greek#1577 word EKKLESIA ; old Greek Ekklesiyah which means CONGREGATION- Called Out Ones!
10. Charity-Latin Chariti'es; Grk.5463 Charis; Pagan g-ddess, REPLACED Hb.#4976 Mat'tath" a Reward, Free Gift, Gratuity, Bestowment. Charity does Not mean LOVE everyone knows love in Greek is Gk#26 Agape and Gk#25 Agapao.
11. Charisma / Charismatic /Charm/ Greek Pagan g-ddess has the ability to Charm, Captivate, spellbound one into believing anything, male or female Counterfeit spirit REPLACED The Anointed gift of Yahh on believer's. NOTE; The words Charisma & Charismatic are not in the Scriptures at all.
12. COMANNDMENTS/ Replaced-'Right Rule, Prescribed Instruction 13. FATE is the g-ddess of destiny,daughter of Zeus one of three sisters called Moirai Page 1 of 5
14. FAITH / Faithfull-Greek Pagan g-ddess Pisteuo Pistis-a female g-ddess with a Holli wood magic wand for persuasive false Religious trust on someone or something of the Greek deities FATA; without FACTS. REPLACEING 2 Tim.2:15 Belief, Trust, Established Reliance, firmness-Heb.#530 EMUNAH.
15. FEAR-Grk.#5391-PHOBEO/PHOBOS-deimon deity, OK to use in the term like; Perfect love cast off FEAR=Deimon" also; He has not given us a spirit of Fear". But never towards Aloahiym as to Fear Him We Revere YHWH not fear Him. They want us to “FEAR G-d” the Germen deity on their dollar bill.
16. GRACE /GRACIOUS Grk#5485 for The Olympics “The 3 Graces” a Pagan Trinity g-ddess still worshiped wide today, a female deity that married HaZeus Zeus; She REPLACED=FAVOR unmerited benefit Favor, a state of favorable disposition. Hebrew#2580 CHEN=FAVOR.
17. GENTILE /GENTILIS-a Latin word 1350-1400AD Originally Grk#1484 Ethnos “ETHNIC” a tribe, foreign one, RACE, Nation. Inhabitant of Hellas of Greek speaking, REPLACED-Heb.#1471 Qoy=Nation Stranger- Qoyim- Sojourner same word used always for Abraham Gen.18:18 a great Nation/ Great Qoy or Qoyim.
18. GOSPEL=GOTTSPELL German Teutonic word also Anglo Saxon Goddspell= their a male Pagan deity Fortune,money.NOT Greek nor Latin REPLACED covered over clean word in Greek#2097 EUANGELION a proclaimer of good news /good tidings, to declare. GOODNEWS In Hebrew #1319 Basar=bring take proclaim good news also Hebrew #1309 BESORAH “Towb” Hebrew for good, News, Good news tidings.
19. GLORY-Grk. GLORIA-Latin, "THEORIA'' Greek PAGAN deity g-ddess REPLACED covered over Grk.#1391/1392 word Dox'ah-apparent dignity, honor praise esteem magnify exult, full of honor In Hebrew There's 13 different words 225X used REPLACED over Hb#3519 KABOD-KABAD= Properly Weighed, Splendor, Honor to Magnify Magnificence-Beauty excellency, triumph loud, there is so many clean words in Greek and Hebrew that could be Translated into English, There is NO reason to cover over them with a PAGAN g-ddess word replacement??
20. GOD-in O.T.1st. Covenant all Capitalized letters is "GAD a Deity of The Phoenician Canaanite origin. REPLACED Hb.#430-Elohiym; of Hb.#430 Eloahh; also Hb.#410 EL,el-Mighty deity or Mighty One in Paleo Hebrew the E sound is more of The A sound before the Babylon captivity; so it REPLACED ''ALOAHH'' The Lil' letters god is "el" a pagan deity.
21. God or god in the N.T. New Covenant; Is a PAGAN word for a German Celtic Teutonic Deity Called “GOTT” or Anglo Saxon “GODD” They are NOT Hebrew, Latin or Greek words. Latin would be ''DEIOS'', Greek=THEIOS; Hebrew EL / el” Mighty One. Means also Judge, Ruler, Authority, officer, EL in Spanish is still today, Great One, mighty one.
22. GHOST=SPIRIT=Grk#4154 & Gk#4151 Pneuma- exhaled air of a dead human, daemon, fallen angel, NOTE; not the breath of our YHWH which is His Ruach Only His Breath of Him is only “Ruach”. Not Spiritus Latin. 23. HalleluYAH, AlleluYah = YAHH be Praised / Praise be to Yahh= Hb#3050 is YAHH.
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24. HEAVEN=middle English 900AD Norse Valhalla Walhalla the Place where the dead warrior’s go with Odin. Grk.#3772 Ouramos the elevation sky extension abode of Greek G-ds angel’s happiness.” Elysian Fields” a Greek place after death to be with their G-ds-Thor, Zus, Grace, Glory, Sophia, Victoria, Apalo, etc. in the clouds above us. REPLACED; Shamayim Hb.#8064 Hebrew understanding of where the dead resurrect. OR the abode of our Father YHWH and His Son Yahushua siting at His right hand of Authority. Shamayim part from Mayim "waters" past clouds to where Celestial bodies revolve.
25. HEBREW is IYVREE / Hebrews-Iy’vreem / the Hebrew language-Iyvreem
26. Holy Spirit- REPLACED- Ruach HaKodesh or Ruach HaQodesh or Kodesh Ruach.
27. HOLY holy Holi Hail Hal In the year 1100 first appeared in Catholic Latin Vulgate Bibles as Hal; Anglo Saxson as Hail also the German & Dutch bibles. Then appeared in the Wycliffe bible in 1382 AD, Grk# 40 h'agios Gk#39 h'agion Gk.#37 h'agiazo and Helios or gk#2413 Hieros-All related to a Greek PAGAN g-ddess still worshiped today a female Epithet "agios agioi agioi REPLACED; 7 Hebrew clean words, Mainly Heb#6944 Kodesh, Hb.#6918 Kadosh-Hb.#6942 Kadash, There ok with a Q or K beginning letters, Person,place or thing= Clean, Pure, dedicated, Set Apart, Morally blameless, dedication. 28. Holy of Holies- REPLACED-Kadosh HaKedoshim, The Most Pure Dedicated Place.
29. HOPE= 61x used over 2 Greek words only found from Luke to 1 John ; Grk # 1679 "el'pid'zo root #1680 el-pis a female name after a female Greek PAGAN g-ddess First seen in the Orthodox Catholic; Queen of Heaven Trinity is FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY, REPLACED- 9 clean Hebrew words; Hb.#8615 Tiq'vah Hb.#4723 Miq'veh Miq'vay, Miqve- A cord of expectancy, expectation, confidence, a place of refuge, a security trust assurance.
30. I AM THAT IAM in HEBREW=AhaYah Asher AhaYah also with E sound- EhYah Asher EhYah=All “Existent Eternal One". I AM Capitalized in The New Covenant- N.T. when Messiah said it, is EhYah or AhaYah.
31. J"j letters was not created until late 1478 AD Germanic sound unofficially. By 1524AD used in Italian language unofficially as well and was not added to the English Dictionaries till 1634 or so. King Iames Bibles didn't use the letter "J" till mid 1750'sAD The1604 & 1611AD official bibles used "Iesus, Iesvs, Iesoos, Esus and King James was really "King Iames" Son of Queen Bloody Mary of Scotland the Catholic Queen; and the letter"J" was not starting to change till 1634 or so. They even changed the Messiah's brother name from Ya'aqob to James also?? WHAT? Does this say, Hazon- Rev.22:18-19;
32. JESUS Gk.#2424 Iesus,Iesvs,Esus, young name REPLACED Hb# 3091 Joshua In Hebrew Yahh-short of-YHWH-Hb#3068 with Hb.#1954 Hoshua=#3091 Yahushua - YHWH is our Deliverer Savior Hb#3091 Yeh-Ho-shoo-ah. Bemid’bar Numbers 13:8,16; 33. Jesus Christ- REPLACED-Yahushua Ha Mashiyach / English=Yahushua The Messiah or Anointed. 34. Judah- REPLACED- Yehudah A tribe of the house of Yisrael. 35. JEW - Replaced- Yehudi or Yehudite ; Also Jewish Replaced Yehudim. PAGE 3 of 5
36. JUSTICE-Roman Latin; Justitia - Greek Pagan G-ddess DIKE a figure of a masculine female g-ddess NOT in N.T. at all. They added this Greek Pagan word in O.T.REPLACING-Heb#6663 & #6664 T'sedeq- Virtue, Morally, Rightness.
37. KING -Replaced-Hb. Melech-English Sovereign; KINGS-Melechim-Sovereigns
38. KING of KINGS REPLACED-Melech Ha Melechim English=Sovereign of Sovereigns.
39. Kingdom of G-d; REPLACED Malchut Ha Alohiym-English= Reign of Alohiym. Modern Aramaic Hebrew uses Elohim or Elohiym.
40. Kingdom of Haven; REPLACED Malchut Ha Shamayim more of a English way, Reign of Shamayim.
41. LAW A Latin word not Hebrew nor Greek, older word was LEW REPLACED=TORAH=Instructions.
42. Liberty is Latin; Liberates is Greek; both a G-ddess REPLACED 7 wide range of Greek words ? Freedom, permit, pardon, deliverance, Tax free, a wide room, relief, rest. In HB.#7342 Rachab or Hb#1865-A wide Room, Pure, Clear. The statue of liberty has her own Law book on her arm Not TORAH.
43. LORD a title Ba'al=according to-Webster 1828 Dictionary; Smiths Bible Dictionary; International Standard Bible Encyclopedia; Fausset's Bible Dictionary and Easton's Bible Dictionary; REPLACING=
44. lord small caps is ba'al still, but as=Master, king, ruler of Authority
Landlord, He is not our Landlord but our Creator with a NAME.
45. Lord our G-d ; BA'AL GAD Meaning =Lord of Fortune-REPLACED
Yahuah or Yahuwah our Aloahiym;
46. MERCY The Greek G-ddess of Clementia; Roman Latin-g-ddess Romantica-Romance; REPLACED Gk#1653-Eleeo & Gk#1656 Eleos; In Latin for Compassioionate; English meaning=Compassionate, Pity; In Heb#2616 & Hb#2617=Kheh-sed-Pity, Kindly, Compassion. Greek and Hebrew meanings clean words, why? Use a Pagan deity Mercy?
47. NAME A Capitalized N with the word Name expressed for the Father or the Messiah REPLACED "HaShem in Hebrew or The Name in English; Shem is the Attributes and Characteristics of Their Names, But we don't call Him Name Name=Shem Shem, we call them by their Name’s, Yahuwah / Yahushua. 48. “PEACE "Not Hebrew or Greek; Latin-PAX; French-PAC; Peace Pac means-To bring settling disagreements or takeover of one Nation, Country, By War force, Forceful Agreements, take over your land, will, Laws; Then TAX you and let you live on your own land or Country for a Temporary time on their terms. REPLACED Shalom Shalom He is not the Prince of Peace, But the Prince of Shalom.
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49. Rabbi, Rhabbi, Rhabboni these words never in the O.T. First Covenant, it first appeared in N.T. New Covenant. The only O.T. word was “RAB" as Hb#7227 meaning; Many, Great Captain, Mighty, Greatly, all different meanings for English. The N.T. New Covenant Meaning in Gk#4461 G4462 for Rabbi, Rhabbi Rhabboni are GREAT, GREAT ONE, GREAT Master? NOT TEACHER, Teacher in Hebrew#995 is Biyn-Bene or Teacher, Instructor. In Greek#1320 it is KALOS Instructor, Teacher. Yahushua said to call no one Rabbi =GREAT MASTER, Great One.
50. SAINT & SAINTS is a 100% Catholic Pagan word the original Greek it’s the same Gk#40 root word of Gk#53 which is the same words for holy Hali Halo AGIOS Agion Replacing in English SET Apart Person Hb #6944 Kodesh or chasiyd =”elohim man” today people say Man of G-d -NO but Man of Aloahiym.
51. Testament Old & New?? Catholic REPLACED words Testament Latin Testamentum Middle English 1250 to 1300AD is the Last Will & Testament of a Dead Person. Our Messiah is not Dead He is Resurrected & Alive! Correction! FIRST Marriage Covenant is TORAH, NEBL'IM, Kethuim, are "TaNaK" N.T. is the New Covenant or The Messianic Scriptures, Kethubim Bet. Etc.
52. VICTORY - #3529-Greek G-ddess-NIKE; Victoria-Latin Roman Gk#3534 G-ddesss NIKOS; G-ddess of CONQUEST, Success, Subdue, Triumph, REPLACED-Hb.#8668-T'shu-ah= National Spiritual Safety, Deliverance with Perpetual Strength, Rescue Salvation trustfulness.
53. WISDOM GK#4678/#4679/#4680 SOPHIA a Pagan G-ddess ,Latin Roman ATHENA; Catholic's have Saint Athena, A'Theo'noa Today she is on the Calif..Seal as g-ddess of war Minerva-Roman, They say She fell out of Zeus head? There are better Greek words of choice that they covered over with just one pagan word- Wisdom. REPLACED Hb#2451 Cha'kam or #2451 Chok'mah=English clean words Prudence with Morals; Skillful Intelligence; Success discretion; Knowledge sense. Understanding; Intelligent.
We Must Obey The Word without Compromise; READ
Shemoth EX.23:13 Yehoshua Joshua 23:6-11; YirmeYahu Jeremiah 12:15-17;
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