We Value Love, Faith and Understanding
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Vision Statement In St Mark’s we nurture every child’s unique God given talents to enable them to flourish in a climate of high expectations, innovation and creativity.
Values We value Love, Faith and Understanding.
To inspire the moral purpose of learning and teaching to unleash potential, raise attainment, promote equity and transform the life chances of each and every learner, especially those most in need of support. School Improvement Priorities for 2017-18 1. Leadership and Self-Evaluation 2. Learning, Teaching and Assessment and Parental Engagement 3. Raising Attainment
School Improvement Priorities 2017-2020 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Leadership and Self-Evaluation Children and young people leading learning Approaches to self-evaluation
Interrogation and analysis of assessment data
Collegiate working and professional learning
Staff wellbeing and pastoral support
Fully embed the Rights Respecting School Agenda
Learning, Teaching and Assessment and Development of the curriculum: Learning pathways: Parental Engagement Curriculum rationale o Interdisciplinary Learning o Literacy and English Language o Mathematics and Numeracy o Talking and Listening Professional learning and classroom culture Problem Solving and Enquiry Skills for learning, life and work Learning pathways: Engaging families in learning Targeted support: o STEM/Creativity Developing as a community of faith and learning o Literacy and English Language o Pupil Equity Fund Planning Writing
Learning and engagement:
o Building the Learning Power o Outdoor Learning Planning, tracking and monitoring:
o TAR for Health & Wellbeing
St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 3 o Gradient of Learning o Forward Planning – One Note? Targeted support:
o Pupil Equity Fund Planning
Engaging families in learning
Raising Attainment Attainment in literacy and numeracy Attainment in literacy and numeracy for all Digital innovation learners, in particular those most disadvantaged
Digital literacy
Leadership and Management How good is our leadership and approach to improvement? IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY: Leadership and Self-Evaluation Approaches to self-evaluation
Interrogation and analysis of assessment data
Collegiate working and professional learning
Staff wellbeing and pastoral support
Quality Indicator LIP Expected Outcome/Impact: 1.1 Self-evaluation for self-improvement Improved reading, writing and mathematics throughout the years of the broad Themes: general education
Collaborative approaches to self-evaluation An improvement in the attainment of disadvantaged children and young people
Analysis and evaluation of intelligence and data A culture of self-evaluation and continuous improvement in all schools and services 1.2 Leadership of Learning Themes: A skilled and confident workforce
Professional engagement and collegiate working A positive culture in health and wellbeing in every school and service
NIF Priority: 1.4 Leadership and management of staff Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy Themes: Staff wellbeing and pastoral support NIF Drivers: School Improvement
Performance Information
Teacher Professionalism
School Leadership
St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 5 Outcome/ Impact Action Res Timescale Resources Monitoring/ Evaluation pon sibi lity Self Close working relationships Class teachers work in trios with stage partner He 1 visit per term as per Cover to allow 17 Class Visit Feedback - enable class teachers to engage and member of leadership team, once per ad Quality Assurance teachers out of Pupil Dialogue eva in professional dialogue, reflect term visiting each of the two classes, Tea Calendar: class for 2 periods Feedback luat on their practice and suggest observing a lesson in each; trio involved in che per term (Approx Pupil Work Feedback ion new ways of working which has a pupil dialogue and discussion of pupil work in r/ By December ‘17 £2,200 from PEF Professional Dialogue for positive impact on children’s both classes; day culminating in a professional De By April ‘18 budget) Minutes (including self experiences. dialogue between trio after school (focus and put By June ‘18 analysis of actions - criteria agreed in advance by all), next steps to e Collegiate Time for from next steps) imp be agreed and improvements taken forward by He Professional TAR evidence rov class teachers. ad Dialogue agreed (3 em Tea x 50mins per year) ent che r & Leadership Team all Management Hours Cla ss HGIOS 4? Tea Challenge che Questions from 1.2, rs 2.3, 2.4 and 3.2 Teaching staff, through confident Class teachers gather data and information Lea 1 meeting per term as Collegiate Time for Professional Dialogue interrogation of attainment data, from: der per Quality Assurance Tracking meetings Feedback use information to effectively shi Calendar: agreed (3 x 50mins Developmental support all learners and raise Developmental Milestones p per year) Milestones tracking attainment in literacy and Tea By December ‘17 info on ERC Tracking numeracy. Baseline Assessment m By April ‘18 Database (PT By June ‘18 Baseline Assessment Improved correlation in teacher (LK Follow Through judgements and other Standardised Testing ) Data from progress on assessment information. Nu follow up work post National Testing mer Standardised Test/ acy National Test/ Class School Assessments as listed on St /PT Assessments Mark’s Assessment Framework for P1-7 (G TAR Evidence H) Tracking Assessment Resource (TAR) Lite rac Class teachers participate in meaningful y & dialogue through individual tracking meetings all with members of the Leadership Team once Cla per term to interrogate, monitor, discuss next ss steps and track progress for all learners. Tea che rs Lea Well-developed processes for Create regular opportunities for collegiate Pri 11 meetings throughout Collegiate Time for Professional Dialogue der collaborative professional working and professional learning to enable nci the year, as per TLC meetings Feedback shi learning further enhance learning staff to learn with and from each other. pal calendar agreed (11 x p of and teaching. Tea 50mins per year) Lea Principal Teacher in conjunction with che during Assembly rni Leadership Team and class teachers to set up r time ng a timetable of suitable discussion topics linked (LK to Professional Dialogue feedback, Building ) & the Learning Power CLPL, research, new all documentation etc. Cla ss Principal Teacher to coordinate activities and Tea resources for each session and ensure next che steps are actioned for maximum impact on rs learners.
Principal Teacher to create a feedback proforma for sessions.
St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 7 Leade A commitment to support the Head Teacher to set up annual Pastoral He Pastoral Meetings Ed Psych time Staff feedback and rship continuing professional and Support meetings with all staff. ad Timetabled throughout Yoga Teacher evaluations and spiritual development of staff to Tea the year as per HT diary (member of staff?) mana establish an ethos of high che geme expectations and achievement. r TBC nt of staff Principal Teacher to set up Health and Wellbeing Programme for staff including: Mindfulness – Ed Psych Termly Yoga Pri nci School Chaplain to lead staff reflections. pal Collegiate time Staff feedback Tea che r (G H) Ed Psy ch (VF )
Sch ool Ch apl ain Learning Provision How good is the quality of care and education we offer? IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY: Learning, Teaching and Assessment and Parental Engagement Curriculum rationale
Professional learning and classroom culture
Engaging families in learning
Quality Indicator LIP Expected Outcome/Impact: 2.2 Curriculum Improved reading, writing and mathematics throughout the years of the broad Themes: general education
Curriculum Rationale Higher levels of parental engagement in their children’s learning and in the life of the school 2.3 Learning, teaching and assessment Themes: A curriculum which enables all children, young people and adults to be successful, confident, responsible and effective in school, their work, their Learning and engagement community and internationally
2.4 Personalised Support Learners’ experiences support them to develop their personalities, talents, Themes: mental, spiritual and physical abilities to their potential
Targeted support NIF Priority: Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy 2.5 Family learning Themes: Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children
Engaging families in learning NIF Drivers: School leadership
Teacher professionalism
Parental engagement
Assessment of children’s progress
School improvement
Performance information
St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 9
Outcome/ Impact Action Responsibilit Timescale Resources Monitoring/ Evaluation y Cur Coherent learning Principal Teacher to revisit Classroom Organisation Principal 14th August In-Service day 1 Quality Assurance ric experiences planned and Management and Learning and Teaching Policy Teacher (GH) Procedures ulu and delivered by all with all staff to ensure consistency in approaches. & All Staff m staff to the benefit of All staff work together to create a curriculum rationale Leadership 15th August In-Service day 2 Completed Rationale all pupils. that reflects the uniqueness of our setting taking into Team & All (pm) - Cluster account:- Staff Working Professional dialogue with Learners’ entitlements staff that demonstrate that Education Scotland all staff understand our Four capacities Resources Curriculum Rationale and Uniqueness of our setting use this to plan and Equity of opportunity deliver coherent learning Maximises successes and achievements for experiences all Four contexts for learning Cross-cutting themes – equality, enterprise, creativity and global Citizenship Establish cluster working groups where staff work together to create curriculum maps and bundle Es and Os
Lea Increased staff Class teachers to deliver excellent teaching and Depute Head October In- October In-Service Classroom Visits rni confidence evident in learning experiences by undertaking whole school Teacher Service day Day Professional Dialogue ng, classroom practice Building the Learning Power (BLP) professional Leading All plus 9 collegiate Pupil Dialogue tea enabling all children to learning and using the knowledge and skills gained to Staff sessions £3015.00 BLP Staff evaluations of BLP chi become better ensure that our young people are eager and active throughout the training for all staff ng learners, have participants who are fully engaged, resilient, highly year and (Funded from PEF Review/measure impact an increased motivation motivated and interact well during activities . additional Budget) on monthly basis through d for and enjoyment of collegiate time participation in TLC linked ass learning both within Identification of BLP Champions. for preparation to that months learning ess and outwith school. as agreed area me Staff complete online CLPL on monthly basis and nt implement BLPL strategies within their classrooms.
Assessment of classroom culture leads to identification ideas to strengthen learner/learning classroom culture. Development of school culture through: - Way teachers talk - Visibility of teachers’ own learning habits - Design of activities - Structuring of space - Accessibility of resources St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 11
Successes and Achievements How good are we at improving outcomes for all our learners? IMPROVEMENT PRIORITY: Raise Attainment Attainment in literacy and numeracy for all learners, in particular those most disadvantaged
Digital literacy
Improving wellbeing, equality and inclusion
Quality Indicator LIP Expected Outcome/Impact: Improved reading, writing and mathematics throughout the years of the broad general education/ An improvement in the attainment 3.1 Ensuring wellbeing, equality and inclusion of disadvantaged children and young people/ An increase in activities which support Themes: prevention and early intervention, improve outcomes and reduce inequalities/ Practices and experiences which ensure that the needs of children, young people and adults are Fulfilment of statutory duties identified and addressed/ An increase in the number of pupils with well-developed employability skills/A positive culture in health and wellbeing in every school.
3.2 Raising attainment and achievement NIF Priorities: Themes: Improvement in attainment, particularly in literacy and numeracy
Attainment in literacy and numeracy Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children
Equity for all learners Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people.
NIF Drivers: 3.3 Creativity and employability School leadership Themes Teacher professionalism Digital literacy Parental engagement
St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 13 Outcome/ Impact Action Responsibilit Timescale Resources Monitoring/ y Evaluation En The Vision, Values and Aims of Class charters are designed by pupils and linked All staff and By end of Pupils sur the school are embedded in our to the rights of the child. pupils August ‘17 ing inclusive ethos which honour s wel the life, dignity and voice of Create and distribute a Rights Respecting School Teacher (SP) By end of Printing budget for leaflet SIP evaluation input from lbei each child and places the (RRS) leaflet incorporating the new school Vision, RRS Pupil Nov ‘17 for every family families Feb ‘18 ng, values and principles of the Values and Aims leaflet for pupils and parents. Group equ Rights Respecting Schools alit Convention at the heart of all Monthly tweets to be released informing school Teacher (SP) By end of Cover budget to allow Twitter feed policies and practice. community of progress. Nov ‘17 SP time to carry this out y and Audit school policies to ensure they take Teacher (SP) By end of Updated policies incl cognisance of the Rights of the Child. Mar ‘18 usi on Continue to promote RRS values at school Teacher (SP) Dates assemblies.
Promote RRS values in class by making links Teacher (SP) On-going Professional/Pupil with curricular areas. Dialogue
SP to circulate lesson ideas to be used across Teacher (SP) By June RRS week timetable each stage for RRS week. 2018
Apply for and achieve Level 1 of Rights Teacher (SP) By June Photograph evidence file Respecting School Award (RSSA). 2018 Rai Raised attainment for all Depute Head Teacher and acting Principal Depute Head PEF Budget to cover Standardised Test sin learners, meeting the school’s Teacher to identify specific individuals and Teacher Acting salary of Acting PT, Results g CfE targets in reading and groups of learners who are not achieving their Principal Class Teacher & 2 x Teacher Judgements atta mathematics. expected outcomes. Teacher (LL) By end of PSA staff Professional Dialogue inm August ‘17 feedback ent Employing an Early Intervention Team to work and with learners, staff and families: ach Acting Principal Teacher iev Class teacher By end of em 2 x PSA staff August ‘17 ent Also included in this team will be the 2 Lowest 20% Class Teachers
PEF Team meetings as per calendar. PEF Progress - monthly Leadership Team meeting agenda item.
Acting Principal Teacher and Principal Teacher of CLPL (GH) to create and coordinate a staff CLPL evaluations from CLPL monthly calendar of appropriate staff and parents intervention training for staff and one for By Sept parents of specific groups of learners. ‘17
St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 15 A 10% increase in the Increase literacy and numeracy attainment Acting August ’17 APT and PSA salary Assessment Data percentage of pupils from within the lowest 20% of pupils through Principal onwards (PEF budget) Professional Dialogue lowest 20% attaining the implementation of an intervention called Catch Teacher Pupil Dialogue expected levels in literacy and Up through: PSAs Parent Feedback numeracy. analysis of assessment data, select children to receive Catch Up intervention
training PSAs in implementing intervention
quality targeted support given to all pupils who require it
post intervention assessment demonstrating an increase in attainment for targeted children
supporting PSAs through termly TLC type groups (planned by APT)
implementation and monitoring of programme
Nurturing approaches Learning Centre to be utilised to support a Class Teacher To be set Boxall Profiles embedded across Primary 3 group of identified learners in Primary 3 in the & PSA up by mid ASD Profiles to the benefit of all pupils. mornings. September ‘17 Learning Centre teacher to visit Carlibar Monthly Primary to observe and learn from good visits TBA practice.
Learning Centre teacher to support Primary 3 Weekly class teachers with best classroom practice for joint these learners. planning Improved early literacy SchooI Improvement Partnership Group on P2 Class By end of SIPP meetings – time Minutes of meetings experiences across Primary Phonological Awareness to be set up with Teachers/ Ed August ‘17 and cover for staff Lesson Study 2. Carlibar whereby P2 teachers confidently use Psych SIPP Plan/evaluations action research model to enhance P2 Early literacy experiences: Analysis of data to identify targeted group of children who would benefit Term 1 2017/18 from support Term 1 2017/18 Baseline Data used to provide baseline information regarding understanding of Term 1 phonics 2017/18
SIPP team meet to review literature including ERC Literacy Strategy Term 2 2017/18 Good Practice Visit to other establishments
Jointly plan range of learning experiences
Lesson Study Model adopted to explore children’s learning/ misconceptions to support developments
Review impact at end of session
St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 17 The emotional wellbeing of a Create a SchooI Improvement Partnership SIP Group Ed Term 1 Spence Anxiety Scale Pre/post assessment targeted group of pupils in Group with Carlibar Primary on Improving the Psych (GS) 17/18 results Primary 3 is improved. emotional wellbeing of a targeted group of P3 and P3 staff for Training led by G Minutes of meetings pupils through professional enquiry approach: training Term 1 Stalker Completed SIPP 17/18 paperwork Implement the Spence Anxiety Scale (SAS) assessment to children. Term 1 Time to deliver Through analysis of data including 17/18 programme – covered SAS results, professional dialogue internally minutes, wellbeing plans and SIMD/Free Meal Allocation information Term 2/3 identify specific children to target. 17/18 Ed Psyc to deliver CLPL to identified Term 3 staff on ‘Living Life to the Full’. 17/18 Staff implement 8-10 week intervention. Term 4 Re-administer and analyse SAS to 17/18 measure impact of intervention. Implement with another cohort of children if evaluated to be successful. An increase in the percentage Increase percentage of EAL children achieving Acting EAL support Worker Assessment Data of EAL learners attaining the expected levels or better across all stages Principal Salary (PEF Budget) Professional Dialogue expected levels in literacy and through: Teacher Pupil Dialogue numeracy. Parent Feedback the analysis of assessment data, EAL support August ‘17 select children to receive EAL support worker
the employment of an EAL worker to give daily support
quality targeted support given to all October identified pupils ‘17
meetings between EAL worker and parents from identified group and August ’17 & May ‘18 support sessions for targeted families Ongoing pre and post intervention assessment
implementation and monitoring of programme
Cre Bring Your Own Device Develop learners’ own digital skills for learning, Class Daily Digital Devices for all Professional Dialogue ativ (BYOD) implemented in the life and work by encouraging pupils in the Teachers/ upper school learners Pupil Dialogue ity upper stages with digital upper stages to bring their own device to Digital Leader/ Class Blogs and technology used to enhance school (or provide learners with a school Parents/ Parent/Carer Feedback em and extend learning device for use). Carers plo experiences, fostering yab independent learning within Class teachers integrate digital technology into ility and beyond the school. their daily learning and teaching and provide opportunities for learners to develop their digital skills. Improved staff skills and Digital Leader provides a programme of CLPL Digital Leader Cover to release Digital Staff evaluations from confidence in the appropriate to support the appropriate and effective use of Leader 1 period per CLPL and effective use of digital digital technology. week technology to support learning and teaching.
St Mark’s Primary School 2017-18 Updated 8/11/17 NF Page 19