Status of Inventory Survey That Workgroup Members Are Working On
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Notes PNAMP Estuary Meeting August 16, 2005 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership
Meeting called by: Cathy Tortorici/Julia Bos Type of meeting: Estuary Workgroup Meeting Facilitator: Cathy Tortorici/Julia Bos Note taker: Debra Niemann Distribution: (participants identified by highlighting) Jen Bayer,David E Busch/BRD/USGS/DOI,Steve Butkus,Steve Waste,[email protected],Bruce Davies,Keith Wolf,[email protected],Bruce Crawford,Bruce Schmidt,Ken Dzinbal,[email protected],[email protected],Cathy Tortorici,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],Joy Paulus,Jim Geiselman,Kim Kratz, [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],Michael Newsom,[email protected],[email protected],Paul Ocker,[email protected],Phil Roger,[email protected],Scott Downie,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],Stewart Toshach,[email protected],Todd Reeve,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected] v,[email protected],Greg Sieglitz,[email protected],Charles Chesney,Russell Scranton,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],Marijke van Heeswijk,[email protected],[email protected],Becci Anderson,Julia Bos,[email protected],Laura Gephart,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],Jill Leary,Scott McEwen,[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],Kathleen Moynan/RO/R1/FWS/DOI@FWS,[email protected],[email protected] ------Agenda Topics ------Management Questions
Information from most recent SC meeting – How will they be using/developing additional management questions? How will they be employing the template developed by Jim G of BPA.
Management question categories from SC: 1. High level executive. 2. Lower Level Technical 3. Design & Sampling 4. Coordination & Problematic Questions.
Conclusions: Action Items: Person responsible: Deadline:
- Scott McEwen from the estuary workgroup needs to work with the SC subcommittee (JG, SW, GS, JB, RS) working on Cathy management questions to complete the matrix @ management questions. Cathy T. will talk to Scott McEwen about this. Review of Draft PNAMP FY06 Work Plan Discussion: Document is compiled into master for all workgroups (Workplan FY06 PNAMP DRAFT – version 1 8/10/05). One of the SC workgroup components includes exploring funding to support the PNAMP effort. The SC is looking at cross cut tasks for commonality, etc. (see 8/4/05 document Cross Cut Tasks Jul 14 05 (draft)). This document is located in the document section of the PNAMP website. The SC workplan will be finalized for next SC meeting (September 8, 2005).
Conclusions: Action Items: Person responsible: Deadline: Estuary workgroup members should read the cross cut task document to better understand the relationship between our workgroup and the rest of PNMAP.
Status of inventory survey that workgroup members are working on Discussion: 1. WQ Inventory from the state of CA Regional inventory – Linda G. from the CA State Water Board (project leader) has called PNAMP for information. The request is coming from a larger group called the National Water Quality Monitoring Council. Jen Bayer is tracking the information request.
2. Estuary Inventory The group discussed the status of the estuary program inventory. Inventories were received from CA and the Lower Columbia River. Steve from CA noted that it will be important to address existing and new data sets, commonalities based on management questions between the programs that are inventoried, and make cross-walks between the programs inventoried.
The group reviewed the 8/10/05 DRAFT PNAMP Inventory element list from Data Mgmt/workgroup leader meeting document located on the PNAMP website under documents. They identified the general and specific elements that need to be addressed with the estuary inventory. The group decided to complete the estuary inventory based on the general elements, review the inventory, and then asses how best to obtain information on the specific elements.
3 Conclusions: Action Items Person responsible: Deadline:
1. Julia will follow-up with Jen Bayer to see if there are any next steps on this item. 2. Russell Scranton and Gary Johnson will develop an excel spreadsheet based on the general elements to send to Julia Bos and Cathy T. for distribution to the estuary workgroup. Coordinate development of the estuary inventory with the data management subcommittee and the SC. Ensure that the estuary subcommittee is aware of the conversation happing at the SC level about the development of high level indicators (Cathy T. and Julia Bos).
Data Management Update
BS provided an update on the data management workgroup. Bruce identified the following key steps in data management - Who does the work, determine metrics, mechanics, define variables, data coding, who uses the info, quality assessment, design data system, data accessibility, compatibility, data coding, data dictionaries. Bruce’s document is located on the PNAMP website under documents (see 8/10/05 document, Data Sharing Elements). Bruce also referred to another document located on the PNAMP website under documents (see 8/10/05 document, Data Mgmt Methodology) that he thought might be of interest to the group.
Bruce also noted that the SC is looking for funding to support a data management position for PNAMP.
Conclusions: Action Items: Person responsible: Deadline:
The estuary workgroup needs to keep Bruce’s suggestions in mind as the estuary inventory is developed. Cathy
Next meeting of the estuary workgroup: September 20, 2005, in Olympia, WA, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
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