Schools Examination Results 2003 - 2005

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Schools Examination Results 2003 - 2005

Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

Cornwall Summary Report 2012-13

This document provides a range of contextual information relating to schools, pupil characteristics, pupil attainment and progress in Cornwall. Where possible it includes national averages for comparison.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 1 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

Cornwall Summary Report


1. Introduction and background...... 3 1.1 School Contextual Summary...... 4 1.2 Children’s Centre Contextual Summary...... 7 2. Early Year Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)...... 8 Year 1 Phonics Summary...... 8 3. Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments...... 9 4. Key Stage 2...... 12 5. Key Stage 3...... 18 6. Key Stage 4...... 19 7. Contextual Value Added & Value Added...... 23 8. Post 16 Attainment...... 24 9. Vulnerable Groups: Free School Meals (FSM)...... 26 10. Vulnerable Groups: Children in Care/Looked After Children (CIC/LAC)...... 27 11. Vulnerable Groups: Special Educational Needs (SEN)...... 30 12. Vulnerable Groups: English as an Additional Language (EAL)...... 31 13. Vulnerable Groups: Black and minority Ethnic Children (BME)...... 32 14. Exclusions...... 33 15. Absence Summary...... 35 16. Detailed EYFSP Results...... 36 17. Ethnicity Summary (School Census)...... 38

Last Updated 10/12/2013 2 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 1. Introduction and background

The school contextual summary provides a contextual background to Cornwall in relation to schools and Children’s Centres. The following sections will focus on presenting a summary of Cornwall’s performance at Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and Key Stages 1 to 5 over several years and allow a comparison to be made to the National level. The report will consider Value Added and Contextual Value Added as methods to help indicate Cornwall’s standards and progress. Please note unless otherwise stated national averages are for all schools (including independent schools, academies, City Technology Colleges, and special schools) excluding hospital schools, Pupil Referral Units and Alternative Provision.

This document will also focus on achievements made by Vulnerable Groups, considering attainment of pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), Looked after Children (LAC / CIC) pupils who have English as an Additional Language (EAL), BME pupils and those pupils who have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Historical exclusion data will be presented for Cornwall and compared to National figures. The Actual Absence figures for Cornwall and Nationally will also be highlighted. As they are key strands relating to the Raising Aspiration and Achievement Strategy in the annual educational data report going to Children’s Trust Board there will be an emphasis on: no and % of A / A* at GCSE and A Level; Level 5 at KS2; Performance of vulnerable groups (particularly EAL); SEN without statements; and Boys’ progress and attainment.

The latest copy is always available at

A further APPENDIX (1) provides greater detail on the attainment and progress (and absence and exclusions) of groups in Cornwall. The first element of the appendix provides a cross tabulation of groups from the January School Census for primary and secondary schools. This presents the numbers (and percentage) of pupils in various groups and how they appear in other groups. For example, this will tell you how many children in schools with an SEN statement are claiming Free School Meals. The second element is in relation to educational attainment and progress at the end of Key Stages 2 and 4 considering a variety of key measures and presenting cohort averages for the main groups of interest and tracked at pupil level. This is followed by absence and exclusions summaries for the same groups. APPENDIX 2 provides locality profiles for each of the localities in Cornwall. These contain area based contextual data and have been developed from Children’s Centre Reach Area Profiles described on page 7 of this document. The Anti-Bullying Strategy (ABS) Group has developed a dataset of key information to support planning and preparation for Ofsted inspections in this area. APPENDIX 3 provides the latest ABS summary drawn from a variety of sources across the County.

School and LA level achievement and attainment tables are published by the DfE at the following web link: Further National and LA comparative statistics related to attainment and attendance can be found at

It is hoped this report will be a useful collaborative resource when evaluating Cornwall’s performance for pupils of all ages and as an indication of areas of weakness to target to result in a raised standards and progress in future years. Please note that provisional data is used when released until final data is made available. Please find below locations at which further information and local school based analyses can be located. These links can be followed by pressing copying and pasting the links into Windows Explorer for those Local Authority staff that have access.

\\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General Cornwall Summary Analyses (including area and locality based information) \\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General\CSF CORNWALL & AREA BASED SUMMARY ANALYSES DfE and National Strategies Analysis Tools (including Local Area Interactive Tool - LAIT) \\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General\DFE and National Strategies Analysis Tools Early years Foundation Stage (EYFSP), Key Stage 1 and 2 \\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General\Key Stage Analysis PRIMARY Key Stages 3, 4 & 5 \\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General\Key Stage Analysis SECONDARY

Last Updated 10/12/2013 3 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

1.1 School Contextual Summary

Cornwall’s contextual background for School’s has been summarised using data from the termly School Census on 17th January 2013:

236 primary schools with 38,716 pupils (of which 34 were academies with 8,416 pupils). 2 nursery schools with 158 pupils 31 secondary schools with 30,850 pupils (of which 15 were academies with 17,339 pupils). Of the 30,850 pupils, 27,724 were in Years 7-11 and 3,126 were post 16 in 14 schools with 6th. 4 special schools with 372 pupils (of which 1 academy with 111 pupils). Of the 372 pupils 103 were primary-age and 269 were secondary-age. Total 273 schools with 70,096 pupils

 Also in January 2013, there are 7 Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) with 228 pupils on roll (25 children were attending the PRUs who were not on the roll of any other school or establishment and 203 were dually registered). There were a further 85 pupils receiving Alternative Provision funded by the local Authority but not in a LA Maintained educational establishment (for example placed in non-maintained special schools) who were not on the roll of a maintained school.

 There are also 2333 pupils on roll across 9 Independent schools in Cornwall (EduBase January 2012 Independent School Census).

 Cornwall has a total population of 535,760 people (ONS Mid Year Population Estimates 2011) of which approximately 115,505 are aged 0 to 19 and 96,194 are aged 0 to 16.

 The number of births in Cornwall reached a peak of 5,876 in the school year 1987/88. Since then, the number of births dropped to a low of 4,489 in 2002/03 but has been increasing slowly since than and was 5,653 in 2011/12. The children who were born in the peak year of births have left school, thus all of the age-groups now in Year 4 up to Year 11 come from declining birth-groups, with those numbers starting to increase for children in lower year groups. There was a net inward migration of families with children into the county of around 1,150 children across the age-range from birth to 15 between August 2011 and August 2012. The primary roll is expected to rise over the next five years due to an upturn in the birth rate and net inward migration into Cornwall. The more urban areas of Cornwall appear to be growing in numbers, with the more rural areas declining in general. The secondary roll is expected to suffer a fall in numbers over the next four years until an upturn in 2016/17.

 Ethnic Background (see Table 17 for complete picture). The proportion of all pupils of Black/Minority Ethnic (BME) background was 5.8% (2239 pupils) in primary schools and 4.8% (1495 children) in secondary schools in comparison with approximately 28.5% in primary schools and 24.2% in secondary schools in England. There were 139 children living in Cornwall, who in January 2013 recorded their ethnicity as either Traveller of Irish Heritage, or Gypsy/Roma in the School Census. In January 2013, the proportion of pupils with whose first language is known or believed to be other than English was 2% in primary schools and 1.4% in secondary schools in comparison with 18.1% in primary schools and 13.6% in secondary schools in England.

 In January 2013 in Cornwall, 15% of primary pupils and 12.9% of secondary pupils (10- 15) claimed (were eligible for) a free school meal in comparison with 19.2 % of primary pupils and 16.3% of secondary pupils respectively in England. In January 2012 in Cornwall, 14.7% of primary pupils and 12.2% of secondary pupils (10-15) claimed (were eligible for) a free school meal in comparison with 19.3% of primary pupils and 16.0% of secondary pupils respectively in England. 22.3% of primary pupils and 23.6% of secondary pupils qualified under the Free School Meals 6 Ever category in January 2013. There has been an increase in take up (eligibility measured through claiming Free School Meals) in Cornwall within the last year. There has been a significant amount of publicity on this issue, although we suspect this is still not a true reflection of entitlement in Cornwall. The percentage of pupils eligible for Free School Meals, used historically for benchmarking by Last Updated 10/12/2013 4 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council the DfE and OFSTED, has in the past been viewed as an unfair measure of social deprivation. Research conducted by the DfE, highlighted potential problems with the take up of free school meals and suggests that up to 1 in 5 children entitled to receive free school meals do not take up this benefit. The reasons for this are fears that children could be stigmatised or embarrassed; Concerns over quality of school meals, preferring to provide a packed lunch; Lack of awareness to entitlement.

The proportion of pupils identified with Special Educational Needs in Cornwall’s state funded schools (SEN School Action, School Action Plus and Statements) is identified in the tables below.

Special Educational Needs pupils with and without statements (School Census January 2012) Cornwall National National Without School % % School With School National % State Action With Without Census Head State Action % With Without ments Plus State State January count ments (A) Statements Statement (A&P) (P) ments ments 2012 s Nursery Schools 149 0 13 4 9 0.0% 8.7% (2) Primary Schools 38,083 818 5900 3727 2173 2.1% 15.5% 1.4% 17.1% (236) Secondary Schools 31,315 829 5991 4046 1945 2.6% 19.1% 1.9% 18.3% (31) Special Schools 362 361 1 0 1 99.7% 0.3% (4)

Special Educational Needs pupils with and without statements (School Census January 2013) Cornwall National National Without School % % School With School National % State Action With Without Census Head State Action % With Without ments Plus State State January count ments (A) Statements Statement (A&P) (P) ments ments 2013 s Nursery Schools 158 2 9 0 9 1.3% 5.7% (2) Primary Schools 38,716 808 5,693 3,605 2,088 2.1% 14.7% 1.4% 16% (236) Secondary Schools 30,850 805 5,671 3,876 1,795 2.6% 18.4% 1.9% 17% (31) Special Schools 372 372 0 0 0 100% 0% (4) 

Last Updated 10/12/2013 5 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council  Indices of Multiple Deprivation - This analysis uses the 2004 and 2007 Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA) Indices of Deprivation. LSOAs have replaced Wards for the collection and publication of small area statistics. They are better for statistical comparison as they are of a much more consistent size. They have a minimum of 1000 residents and 400 household and average 1500 residents (wards vary in size from fewer than 100 to over 30,000 residents.

The Index of Multiple Deprivation Score was constructed by combining the seven Domain Indices Income (22.5%), Barriers to Housing and Services (9.3%), Employment (22.5%), Living Environment (9.3%), Health Deprivation and Disability (13.5%), Crime and Disorder (9.3%), Education, Skills and Training (13.5%). The Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI) is a subset of the Income Domain and represents the % of children under 16 living in households in receipt of benefits. Each LSOA in England is ranked between 1 and 32,482 according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation Score, 1 is the most deprived LSOA in England, and 32,482 the least deprived.

By using postcode data collected in the 2006 and 2008 January Pupil Level Annual Schools Census we have identified the LSOAs that feed each school and the number of pupils living in each LSOA in the whole school (rather than just the LSOA that the school is in). From this we have calculated an Index of Multiple Deprivation score and rank (out of 32,482) for each Primary and Secondary School in Cornwall and used this to place each school within a National Decile. A summary of where the schools in Cornwall fall is presented below:

Cornwall LA Schools and Academies

IMD IMD IMD IMD 2004 IMD 2007 IMD 2010 Decile 2004 2007 2010 Secondary Secondary Secondary Primary Primary Primary least deprived 0 - 10% of LSOAs in England

(rank 29234 - 32482) least deprived 10 - 20% of LSOAs in England

(rank 25986 - 29233) least deprived 20 - 30% of LSOAs in England 2 (rank 22738 - 25985) least deprived 30 - 40% of LSOAs in England 1 2 3 (rank 19490 - 22737) least deprived 40 - 50% of LSOAs in England 22 14 21 2 1 2 (rank 16242 - 19489) most deprived 40 - 50% of LSOAs in England 74 60 77 7 7 6 (rank 12994 - 16241) most deprived 30 - 40% of LSOAs in England 90 101 94 15 13 16 (rank 9746 - 12993) most deprived 20 - 30% of LSOAs in England 42 49 33 6 9 7 (rank 6498 - 9745) most deprived 10 - 20% of LSOAs in England 7 10 8 1 1 (rank 3250 - 6497) most deprived 0 - 10% of LSOAs in England 1 1 (rank 1 - 3249) Total 239 237 236 31 31 31

The percentage of pupils eligible for Free School Meals, used historically for benchmarking by the DFE and OFSTED, is viewed by the Cornwall Children’s Services authority as an unfair measure of social deprivation because pupils with self employed parents are not deemed eligible. This is particularly relevant in Cornwall where 21.3% of people in employment are self-employed (2001 Census of Population) and many are seasonally employed. Research conducted by the DfE, highlighted potential problems with the take up of free school meals and suggests that up to 1 in 5 children eligible to receive free school meals do not take up this benefit. The reasons for this are; Fears that children could be stigmatised or embarrassed; Concerns over quality of school meals, preferring to provide a packed lunch; Lack of awareness to entitlement. For the reasons highlighted above, Free School Meals has been replaced nationally with more advanced deprivation measures, such as Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD).

Last Updated 10/12/2013 6 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 1.2 Children’s Centre Contextual Summary

Cornwall’s contextual background for Children’s Centres is as follows:

Cornwall has 18 federated Children’s Centres with geographical reach areas covering the entire county. Recent progress includes:  Federation of Children’s Centres – 40 original reach areas have now been federated to the current 18 reach areas, with full countywide provision maintained.  Each Children’s Centre has a budget based on a funding formula focussing on deprivation and numbers of children in each reach area, but also incorporating rurality and health needs.  Each Children’s Centre has its statutory Advisory Board or is part of a cluster arrangement.  The Local Authority holds an Annual Performance Conversation with each of its Children’s Centres.  Children’s Centres have strong links with other agencies. This enables them to provide a range of effective support to ensure the most positive outcomes are achieved. These include: NHS (especially Health Visitors), Job Centre Plus and the Voluntary and Community Sector. For example, teenage parent support is provided by WILD, support for families with children with disabilities is provided by Face to Face, co-ordination and training of Breastfeeding Peer supporters is provided by Real Baby Milk.  Three Children’s Centres have been inspected by Ofsted as at August 2012. The recent OFSTED inspection of Torpoint Children’s Centre rated the centre as “Good with Outstanding capacity for sustained improvement”. Ofsted have reviewed their framework for children’s centre inspections from September 2011. The new framework can be found here: descriptors

OFSTED inspection reports for Children’s Centres in Cornwall can be found here: report/results/type/13/authority/908/any/any

The Directorate Support Team (Data & Statistics) provides Children’s Centre and Locality Managers with data and information about their areas – for example, contextual data, health data (including National Child Measurement Program), EYFSP attainment, domestic violence data and deprivation to assist them with identifying areas of need and help them plan targeted provision in their areas. Trends over time and county and national averages are included where available to allow easy comparison. The team also provides quarterly reporting from Estart covering attendance and registrations at each centre, and maps of reach areas for information. In order to gain a greater understanding of the needs of the Children’s Centre in relation to analysis, and to further our understanding of Children’s Centres, we have attended an advisory board meeting, OFSTED inspections, and visited centres and met with managers to discuss how they can understand and utilise the data effectively. The available data is reviewed regularly to provide the most comprehensive datasets we can, and to ensure they provide information detailed in the OFSTED inspection framework. This data can be found in the following folder for those Local Authority staff that have access:

\\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General\CSF CORNWALL & AREA BASED SUMMARY ANALYSES\Locality & Children Centre Profiles

For further information on Children’s Centres in Cornwall, for those Local Authority staff that have access, please see the following intranet link:

Last Updated 10/12/2013 7 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 2. Early Year Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP)

2.1 Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Summary

A detailed summary of results for the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile highlighting the average scores and the percentage achieving the Early Learning Goals for Cornwall and Nationally can be found in Table 16.1 (please click here to view) and for Early Assessments collected around the October half term in table 16.2.

Part of the DfE National Indicator set in relation to EYFSP specifies that a child achieving a 'Good Level of Development (GLD)' will achieve at least the Early Learning Goals (ELGs) within the three prime areas: communication & language, physical development and PSED, and the ELGs within the literacy and maths areas, in the new 2013 framework; a similar indicator was used prior to 2013 and presented below. The figures are not comparable across frameworks, i.e. after 2012. The other EYFSP National Indictor measures ‘Narrowing the Gap between the lowest achieving 20% in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile and the rest’.

New EYFS Summer Framework 2013 49.4% Good Level of (2724/5511) Development National = 52% 34.6% Narrowing (34-22.2)/34 The Gap National = 36.6%

33.2 Average Total National = Score 32.8

Old EYFS Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Framework 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 48.5% 52.2% 55.6% 58.2% 63.2% Good Level of (2410/4973) (2579/4940) (2867/5153) (3111/5341) (3462/5479) Development National = National = National National = National = 49% 52% =56% 59% 64% 34.3% 31.8% 32.5% 29.6% 27.4% Narrowing (87-57.2)/87 (88-60.1)/88 (89-60.1)/89 (90-63.3)/90 (90-65.3)/90 The Gap National = National = National = National = National = 35.6% 33.9% 32.7% 31.4% 30.1%

Year 1 Phonics Summary

All FSM Term of Birth Male Female Pupils (Census) Autumn Spring Summer Cornwall 2012 % Met Expected Level 55% 49% 61% 41% 62% 57% 48% 2013 % Met Expected Level 67% 64% 71% 53% 74% 68% 60% National 2012 % Met Expected Level 58% 54% 62% 44% 66% 58% 50% 2013 % Met Expected Level 69% 65% 73% 56% - - -

Last Updated 10/12/2013 8 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 3. Key Stage 1 Teacher Assessments Cornwall: School Returns at pupil level, National: DFE NC assessments at Key Stage 1

3.1 All Pupils at Level 2+ Table 3.1: Percentage of All Pupils Achieving Level 2+ at Key Stage 1 Speak& KS1 Reading Writing Maths Science Listen Cornwall % % % % %

2007 82.4 79.2 90.1 89.7 87.1 2008 82.5 78.0 89.5 88.8 87.2 2009 83.4 79.8 89.7 89.5 87.4

2010 83.2 80.0 89.1 89.7 88.5

2011 83.4 79.1 89.1 89.3 87.3

2012 85.6 81.1 90.1 89.7 88.3

2013 88.5 83.6 92.1 91.6 90.2


2007 84 80 90 89 87 2008 84 80 90 89 87 2009 84 81 89 89 87 2010 85 81 89 89 87 2011 85 81 90 89 87 2012 87 83 91 89 88 2013 89 85 91 90 89

3.2 Boys and Girls at Level 2+ Table 3.2: Percentage of Boys and Girls Achieving Level 2+ at Key Stage 1 Speak & Reading % Writing % Maths % Science % KS1 Listen % Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

2007 78.3 86.9 73.0 85.9 89.0 91.3 88.0 91.5 83.3 90.9 2008 78.3 87.0 71.8 84.7 88.9 90.2 88.2 89.4 84.2 90.5 2009 78.9 88.0 73.5 86.3 87.7 91.8 88.6 90.4 84.2 90.8 2010 78.4 88.6 74.1 86.5 87.9 90.3 89.0 90.5 85.1 92.2 2011 79.5 87.4 73.0 85.5 87.6 90.6 87.7 90.9 84.2 90.5 2012 81.5 89.7 75.3 87.1 88.3 91.9 87.9 91.6 84.6 92.2 2013 85.5 91.7 78.5 88.9 91.2 93.0 90.7 92.5 87.2 93.3 National 2007 80 88 75 86 88 91 87 90 84 90 2008 80 88 75 86 88 91 87 90 83 90 2009 80 88 75 87 88 91 87 91 84 90 2010 81 89 75 87 88 91 87 90 84 90 2011 82 89 76 87 88 91 87 90 84 91 2012 84 90 78 88 89 92 88 91 85 91 2013 86 92 80 90 90 93 88 92 86 92

Last Updated 10/12/2013 9 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 3.3 All Pupils at Level 3+ Table 3.3: Percentage of All Pupils Achieving Level 3+ Key Stage 1 Speak & KS1 Reading Writing Maths Science Listen Cornwall % % % % %

2007 26.6 11.2 20.8 19.4 19.9 2008 23.7 9.9 19.5 17.3 18.6 2009 27.1 12.5 20.4 19.8 20.5 2010 28.3 12.4 20.6 21.4 21.3 2011 26.0 12.4 20.0 19.6 19.7 2012 29.1 13.0 22.3 20.4 20.7 2013 29.1 15.0 23.1 22.6 21.7


2007 26 13 22 23 22 2008 25 12 21 22 21 2009 26 12 21 22 21 2010 26 12 20 21 21 2011 26 13 20 20 21 2012 27 14 22 21 22 2013 29 15 23 22 23

3.4 Boys and Girls at Level 3+ Table 3.4: Percentage of Boys and Girls Achieving Level 3+ at Key Stage 1 Speak & Listen Reading % Writing % Maths % Science % KS1 % Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls

2007 22.2 31.2 6.7 16.1 23.1 18.2 20.2 18.6 16.0 24.1 2008 19.4 28.4 6.6 13.5 22.0 16.7 18.1 16.4 14.8 22.8 2009 23.4 31.0 8.6 16.5 22.9 17.9 21.5 17.9 17.8 23.4 2010 23.7 33.3 8.6 16.5 23.7 17.3 23.3 19.3 18.3 24.6 2011 21.7 30.5 7.5 17.4 22.6 17.4 22.4 16.6 16.1 23.4 2012 24.2 34.2 8.1 18.0 24.3 20.3 22.4 18.4 17.4 24.2 2013 23.6 34.9 9.8 20.5 25.1 20.9 24.3 20.9 17.6 26.0 National 2007 22 30 9 17 24 20 24 22 18 26 2008 21 29 8 16 24 19 23 21 18 25 2009 22 30 9 16 23 19 23 21 18 25 2010 22 30 8 16 23 18 22 20 18 25 2011 22 30 9 17 23 18 21 19 18 25 2012 23 31 10 18 24 19 22 20 18 26 2013 25 33 10 20 25 21 23 21 19 27 3.5 Key Stage 1 Average Point Score Note: From 2009 KS1 Overall APS is calculated using reading, writing and maths.

Table 3.5.1: Key Stage 1 Average Point score overall

Last Updated 10/12/2013 10 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council KS1 Reading Writing Maths Science Overall Cornwall 2007 15.6 14.1 15.8 15.5 15.2 2008 15.4 14.0 15.7 15.3 15.1 2009 15.7 14.3 15.8 15.5 15.3 2010 15.8 14.3 15.7 15.6 15.3 2011 15.7 14.3 15.7 15.4 15.2 2012 16.0 14.5 15.9 15.5 15.5 2013 16.3 14.8 16.1 15.8 15.7 National 2007 15.6 14.2 15.8 15.6 15.3 2008 15.6 14.2 15.8 15.6 15.3 2009 15.7 14.3 15.7 15.6 15.3 2010 15.7 14.4 15.7 15.5 15.3 2011 15.8 14.4 15.7 15.5 15.3 2012 16.0 14.7 15.9 15.5 15.5 2013 16.3 14.9 16.1 15.6 15.8

Table 3.5.2: Key Stage 1 Average Point score for Boys and Girls

KS1 Reading Writing Maths Science Overall Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2007 15.0 16.3 13.2 15.1 15.8 15.8 15.4 15.5 14.8 15.7 2008 14.8 16.1 13.2 14.8 15.7 15.6 15.3 15.3 14.7 15.4 2009 15.1 16.3 13.5 15.1 15.8 15.8 15.5 15.4 14.8 15.7 2010 15.1 16.6 13.5 15.2 15.7 15.7 15.6 15.5 14.8 15.8 2011 15.1 16.3 13.4 15.2 15.7 15.7 15.5 15.4 14.7 15.7 2012 15.4 16.7 13.6 15.4 15.8 15.9 15.5 15.5 14.9 16.0 2013 15.7 16.9 14.0 15.7 16.1 16.1 15.8 15.8 15.3 16.3 National 2007 15.0 16.3 13.5 15.1 15.8 15.8 15.6 15.7 14.9 15.7 2008 15.0 16.2 13.5 15.0 15.8 15.8 15.5 15.6 14.9 15.7 2009 15.1 16.3 13.6 15.1 15.7 15.8 15.5 15.6 15.0 15.7 2010 15.1 16.3 13.6 15.2 15.7 15.7 15.4 15.6 14.8 15.7 2011 15.2 16.4 13.7 15.2 15.7 15.7 15.4 15.5 14.9 15.8 2012 15.5 16.6 14.0 15.4 15.9 15.9 15.5 15.6 15.1 16.0 2013 15.7 16.8 14.2 15.7 16.0 16.1 15.6 15.7 15.3 16.2

Last Updated 10/12/2013 11 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 3.6 All Pupils at Level 2b+ Table 3.6.1: Percentage of All Pupils Achieving Level 2b+ at Key Stage 1

KS1 Reading Writing Maths Cornwall % % %

2007 70.6 58.2 74.2 2008 69.4 56.0 73.3

2009 72.0 60.0 74.2

2010 72.5 60.0 74.0

2011 71.5 59.8 72.9

2012 74.8 62.2 75.4

2013 78.5 64.8 77.4


2007 71 59 74 2008 71 58 74 2009 72 60 74 2010 72 60 73 2011 74 61 74 2012 76 64 76 2013 79 67 78

Table 3.6.2: Percentage of Boys and Girls Achieving Level 2b+ at Key Stage 1

KS1 Reading Writing Maths Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2007 64.5 77.2 49.1 68.1 73.4 75.1 2008 63.0 76.5 48.1 64.6 72.9 73.7 2009 67.1 77.1 52.5 67.7 73.1 75.5 2010 66.4 79.2 51.1 69.6 72.9 75.2 2011 65.9 77.4 51.4 68.5 71.2 74.6 2012 68.9 80.9 53.3 71.2 74.2 76.7 2013 73.4 83.8 55.9 74.1 75.5 79.4 National 2007 66 77 51 67 73 75 2008 66 77 51 67 73 75 2009 67 77 52 68 72 75 2010 67 78 52 69 72 75 2011 68 79 53 70 73 76 2012 72 81 57 72 75 78 2013 74 83 60 75 76 80

Last Updated 10/12/2013 12 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 4. Key Stage 2 Cornwall: School Returns at pupil level; National: DFE NC assessments at Key Stage 2 4.1 All Pupils at Level 4+ As less than 50% of schools in Cornwall submitted tests in 2010 (75% nationally), the DfE decided not to publish results for Cornwall. Table 4.1: Percentage of All Pupils Achieving Level 4+ at Key Stage 2 Reading English Reading, GPS & Maths KS2 English Reading Writing Maths Science & Writing (4B+) Test Cornwall % % % % % Maths & Maths Writing % % % (4+) % 2007 79.5 83.7 65.8 76.7 87.4 70.0 2008 81.0 86.9 65.2 78.6 88.7 72.6 2009 79.7 85.8 66.9 79.3 88.2 72.2 2010 77.8 82.3 66.2 78.4 85.7 70.8 2010 TA 81.2 83.5 74.2 80.4 85.7 75.1 2011 81.2 84.3 73.6 79.8 85.7 73.2 2012 84.7 86.4 80.0 83.8 86.8 78.7 73.0 2013 86.5 83.2 85.0 88.4 71.7 75.1 61.6 National 2007 80 87 68 77 88 71 2008 81 86 67 79 88 72 2009 80 86 67 79 88 72 2010 81 84 71 80 85 74 2010 TA 81 81 85 2011 82 84 75 80 85 74 2012 85 87 81 84 87 80 75 2013 86 83 85 88 74 76 63 From 2010 KS2 Science is a Teacher Assessment (TA), from 2012 Writing is a TA and English is a combination of reading test and writing TA so is not directly comparable with previous years. GPS = Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. 4.2 Boys and Girls at Level 4+ Table 4.2: Percentage of Boys and Girls Achieving Level 4+ at Key Stage 2 Reading, English & Reading & Reading Writing Maths Writing & Maths (4B+) KS2 Maths % % % Maths Writing (4+) % Cornwall % % Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2007 68.4 71.8 81.2 86.5 58.7 73.7 77.5 75.7 2008 69.2 76.1 82.9 91.1 56.7 74.1 77.9 79 2009 68.8 75.8 82.1 89.9 58.2 76.1 79.7 78.8 2010 68.2 73.6 78.9 86.0 57.8 75.2 78.9 77.9 2010 TA 71.9 78.4 79.2 88.1 67.3 81.6 80.1 80.7 2011 70.7 75.9 80.8 88.0 66.7 80.7 80.0 79.6 2012 76.5 80.9 83.5 89.5 74.5 85.7 84.1 83.5 69.2 77.0 2013 84.7 88.3 78.3 88.3 85.3 84.6 72.0 78.4 59.6 63.6 National 2007 70 73 81 87 60 75 78 76 2008 71 75 83 89 60 74 79 78 2009 70 75 82 89 60 75 79 78 2010 71 77 81 87 64 79 80 80 2010 TA 81 82 2011 72 77 80 87 68 81 80 80 2012 77 82 84 90 76 87 84 84 71 79 2013 83 88 78 88 85 85 72 79 61 66

4.3 All Pupils at Level 5+ Last Updated 10/12/2013 13 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council As less than 50% of schools in Cornwall submitted tests in 2010 (75% nationally), the DfE have decided not to publish results for Cornwall. The 2010 Teacher Assessment (TA) Cornwall and national results are therefore presented alongside the test data where possible.

Table 4.3: Percentage of All Pupils Attaining Level 5+ at Key Stage 2 Reading, GPS English & KS2 English Reading Writing Maths Science Writing & Test Maths Cornwall % % % % % Maths % % % 2007 32.3 47.7 17.8 30.8 38.0 20.4 2008 27.3 47.0 16.9 28.6 41.9 17.7 2009 27.6 47.6 18.2 32.1 40.0 17.8 2010 27.8 47.2 18.4 29.9 35.7 18.4 2010 TA 33.6 44.4 25.5 33.9 35.7 23.9 2011 28.2 42.8 18.1 32.0 33.5 18.8 2012 36.4 47.6 27.7 36.3 34.4 25.0 18.5 2013 46.2 30.4 36.9 37.9 44.3 19.9 National 2007 33 48 19 33 47 22 2008 30 49 20 31 44 20 2009 29 47 19 35 43 20 2010 33 51 21 35 37 23 2010 TA 32 35 37 2011 29 42 20 35 35 21 2012 38 48 28 39 36 27 2013 45 30 41 38 48 21

4.4 Boys and Girls at Level 5+ Table 4.4: Percentage of Boys and Girls Achieving Level 5+ at Key Stage 2 Reading, English and Reading Writing Maths Writing & Maths KS2 % % % Maths % Cornwall % Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2007 20.0 20.9 44.2 51.6 13.5 22.5 34.6 26.6 2008 16.1 19.5 40.1 54.3 12.1 22.0 30.3 26.8 2009 14.1 21.8 40.6 55.2 12.8 24.0 33.2 31.0 2010 14.8 22.3 41.0 53.7 11.5 25.7 30.5 29.2 2010 TA 20.4 27.7 37.1 52.2 17.6 34.0 33.0 32.8 2011 15.9 21.8 36.6 49.3 12.9 23.4 33.2 30.8 2012 22.8 27.4 42.0 53.5 20.3 35.5 38.4 34.2 15.1 22.2 2013 42.6 50.0 23.3 37.6 39.4 34.3 16.9 23.1 National 2007 21 23 44 52 15 24 35 30 2008 18 21 43 54 15 25 35 28 2009 18 23 41 54 15 24 37 32 2010 20 25 46 56 15 26 37 32 2010 TA 37 33 2011 19 24 37 48 15 25 37 33 2012 25 29 43 53 22 35 42 36 2013 41 48 23 38 43 39 18 25

4.5 Key Stage 2 Average Point Score

Last Updated 10/12/2013 14 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council Note: KS2 Overall APS is calculated using English, maths and science up to 2010, from 2010 KS2 APS Overall is calculated using English and maths and from 2013 it is calculated as the average of reading and writing and then averaged with maths. For 2012 Writing is a TA and English is a combination of the reading test and the writing TA so is not directly comparable with previous years.

Table 4.5.1: APS Overall for English, Reading, Writing and Maths KS2 GPS English Reading Writing Maths Overall Cornwall Test 2007 27.5 28.6 25.8 27.2 27.8 2008 27.3 28.8 25.7 27.2 27.8 2009 27.2 28.8 25.9 27.5 27.8 2010 27.0 28.3 25.8 27.3 27.1 2011 27.3 28.3 26.2 27.5 27.4 2012 28.0 28.8 27.1 28.1 28.1 2013 28.7 27.6 28.4 27.7 28.3 National 2007 27.5 28.4 25.7 27.3 28.0 2008 27.3 28.8 26.4 27.3 27.8 2009 27.3 28.6 25.9 27.6 27.9 2010 27.5 28.5 26.1 27.6 27.6 2011 27.3 28.2 26.4 27.7 27.5 2012 28.1 28.8 27.3 28.4 28.3 2013 28.5 27.5 28.7 28.0 28.3

Table 4.5.2: APS by gender for English, Reading, Writing and Maths at Key Stage 2

KS2 English Reading Writing Maths Overall Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2007 26.9 28.2 28.1 29.1 25.0 26.7 27.5 26.9 27.7 27.9 2008 26.4 28.2 28.0 29.6 24.7 26.7 27.2 27.2 27.4 28.1 2009 26.4 28.2 28.0 29.6 25.0 26.9 27.6 27.4 27.5 28.1 2010 26.1 28.0 27.6 29.1 24.8 26.9 27.3 27.2 26.7 27.6 2011 26.6 28.1 27.6 29.0 25.4 27.1 27.6 27.4 27.1 27.8 2012 27.3 28.8 28.2 29.4 26.2 28.1 28.3 28.0 27.8 28.4 2013 28.3 29.1 26.7 28.5 28.6 28.2 28.1 28.5 National 2007 27.0 28.0 25.8 28.9 24.9 26.6 27.6 27.0 27.9 28.1 2008 26.5 28.1 28.2 29.5 25.7 27.2 27.5 27.0 27.6 28.0 2009 26.5 28.0 27.9 29.3 25.1 26.8 27.7 27.4 27.6 28.1 2010 26.7 28.3 27.9 29.2 25.2 27.1 27.7 27.5 27.2 27.9 2011 26.6 28.1 27.5 28.9 25.6 27.2 27.8 27.6 27.2 27.9 2012 27.4 28.9 28.2 29.4 26.4 28.2 28.6 28.2 28.0 28.5 2013 28.1 29.0 26.6 28.4 28.9 28.5 28.1 28.6

Last Updated 10/12/2013 15 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 4.6 Two Levels of Progress in Reading, Writing and Maths

The 2009 to 2011 national data reflects the new 2 levels progress methodology incorporating KS2 Teacher Assessments (only reflected in the 2011 Cornwall data).

Table 4.6.1: Two Levels of Progress in Reading, Writing and Maths KS2 Reading Reading Writing Writing Maths Maths Reading Writing Maths Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2012 89.5 89.7 86.4 88.2 90.9 87.4 92.0 86.6 86.2 2013 88.6 91.7 87.4 88.4 88.8 90.2 93.2 88.5 86.3 National 2012 90 90 87 88 87 2013 88 91 88 87 89 90 93 88 88 2012 onwards national data derived from RAISEonline rather than published by DfE for Reading and Writing TA.

Table 4.6.2: Three Levels of Progress in Reading, Writing and Maths KS2 Reading Reading Writing Writing Maths Maths Reading Writing Maths Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2012 33.9 28.4 24.7 33.9 33.9 26.4 30.5 25.1 24.2 2013 29.9 29.1 27.3 32.3 27.4 28.4 29.8 29.4 25.2 National 2012 34 28 28 2013 30 30 31 2012 onwards national data derived from RAISEonline rather than published by DfE in first release.

Detailed Key Stage 1 to 2 (and Key Stage 1 to Year 4) transition tables with Cornwall and national data where available can be found within the School Level Value Added analyses.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 16 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 4.7. NEW FLOOR STANDARDS

Schools below KS2 floor standard: Below 60% in Reading, Writing and Mathematics Combined Measure and Progress in Reading, Writing AND maths (2 Levels) is below the expected level for cohorts of more than 10 pupils. The 2012 National median for Expected Progress was 92% in English used for Reading and Writing and 90% in maths.

Looking at floor standards over time (cohorts over 10) only 1 school is below floor Standards in each of the last 2 years (the same school over last 3 years and no schools over 5 years).

Number and percentage of 2012 2013 schools below the floor standard Below 60% in Reading, Writing AND Mathematics Combined 41 34 Measure (18.1%) (15.0%) (percent in brackets) Progress in Reading, Writing AND maths is below the expected/ 58 43 average level (25.6%) (19.0%) (percent in brackets) Below 60% in Reading, Writing AND Mathematics Combined Measure and progress in Reading, 23 20 Writing AND maths is below the (10.1%) (8.8%) expected/ average level (percent in brackets) Number of Schools 227 226

Number and percentage of schools below the floor standard 2012 2013 AND MORE THAN 10 PUPILS IN COHORT Below 60% in Reading, Writing AND Mathematics Combined 25 18 Measure (15.4%) (11.0%) (percent in brackets) Progress in Reading, Writing AND maths is below the expected/ 38 34 average level (23.5%) (20.7%) (percent in brackets) Below 60% in Reading, Writing AND Mathematics Combined Measure and progress in Reading, 16 14 Writing AND maths is below the (9.9%) (8.5%) expected/ average level (percent in brackets) Number of Schools 162 164 Cohort > 10 based on Reading, Writing and Maths combined measure eligible pupils. Note: As data presented to 1 d.p. < 59.5%, 91.5% & 89.5% is used, special schools not included.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 17 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 5. Key Stage 3 Cornwall: School Returns at pupil level National: DFE NC assessments at Key Stage 3

Please note that core Teacher Assessments (TAs) are submitted to DfE. The Secondary School Data Group recommended that the LA collect the core Teacher Assessments and P Scales and validate, analyse and submit these to the NAA on behalf of schools. The FOUNDATION TAs were also collected until 2012 and analysed across Cornwall.

5.1 Key Stage 3 Teacher Assessments from 2009 onwards Table 5.1.1: Percentage of All Pupils Achieving Level 5+ at Key Stage 3 Teacher Assessments English Maths Science Year (%) (%) (%) 2009 79.0 80.2 81.5 2010 80.9 80.0 84.4 2011 82.7 81.6 85.2 2012 85.1 82.8 87.9 2013 87.9 84.4 88.9 National 2009 77 79 78 2010 79 80 80 2011 82 81 83 2012 84 83 85 2013 86 84 85

Table 5.1.2: Percentage of Boys and Girls Achieving Level 5+ at Key Stage 3 Teacher English Maths Science Year Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls (%) (%) (%) (%) %) (%) 2009 71.8 86.5 79.4 80.9 80.4 82.6 2010 74.3 88.3 78.9 81.2 82.9 86.2 2011 76.1 89.6 79.9 83.5 82.9 87.5 2012 79.7 91.0 81.0 84.7 86.3 89.6 2013 83.5 92.7 83.7 85.1 86.8 91.1 National 2009 71 84 79 80 76 79 2010 73 86 79 81 79 82 2011 76 88 80 82 81 85 2012 79 90 82 84 83 87 2013 81 91 83 85 83 87

Table 5.1.3: Percentage of All Pupils Achieving Level 6+ at Key Stage 3 Teacher Assessments Year English (%) Maths (%) Science (%) 2009 42.4 58.2 46.2 2010 45.4 57.9 50.7 2011 48.7 57.3 53.0 2012 51.1 60.8 55.8 2013 57.1 62.5 56.8 National 2009 41 58 46 2010 43 58 48 2011 47 59 51 2012 52 61 54 2013 55 62 56

Last Updated 10/12/2013 18 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 6. Key Stage 4 Cornwall: National Consortium of Exam Results (NCER) \\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General\Exam Results National: Cornwall and National updated once performance tables are published 6.1 All Pupils Grades A*-C (maintained) Table 6.1: Percentage of All Pupils Achieving GCSE Grades A*-C English Cornwall English Maths and (NCER GG1) % % Maths % 2009 63.6 60.3 2010 68.1 63.3 2011 68.0 66.2 2012 64.4 67.8 55.9 2013 68.3 70.3 60.8 National 2009 66 61 2010 70 65 2011 72 67 2012 69 71 2013 70 73 59.4

6.2 Boys and Girls Grades A*-C Table 6.2: Percentage of Boys and Girls Achieving GCSE Grades A*-C

English and Maths English % Maths % Cornwall % (NCER GG1) Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls 2009 56.3 71.0 61.5 59.1 2010 60.3 76.0 64.4 62.2 2011 58.1 78.2 66.7 65.6 2012 55.5 74.4 66.8 69.0 50.1 62.3 2013 60.3 76.5 69.8 70.8 55.7 66.1 National 2009 60 73 61 62 2010 63 77 64 65 2011 66 79 67 67 2012 62 76 70 71 2013 63 78 72 73 54.3 64.8

Last Updated 10/12/2013 19 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 6.3 KS4 Headline Indicators At end of Key Stage 4 the National and Cornwall’s Headline Indicators are presented below for all Cornwall’s schools (state funded). NB: Please note that the Cornwall data is for maintained schools only and the published National data is for all schools, maintained schools are also shown below.

Table 6.3.1: KS4 Headline Indicators for Cornwall Schools and Academies End of KS4 CORNWALL 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 State Funded schools % 1+A*-G 99.0% 99.2% 99.2% 99.4% 99.0% % 5+A*-C 68.7% 73.0% 77.4% 79.4% 77.2% % 3+A*-A 27.5% 25.1% % 5+A*-G 94.8% 95.4% 95.9% 96.3% 96.9% % 5+A*-C including En & Ma 48.9% 53.8% 54.8% 55.4% 59.3% % 5+A*-G including En & Ma 93.0% 93.7% 94.2% 95.0% 95.3% APS (Overall) 432.2 460.4 479.0 481.3 456.4 APS (Capped) 337.6 333.3

Table 6.3.2: KS4 Headline Indicators for All Schools Nationally End of KS4 NATIONAL 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 All schools % 1+A*-G 98.9% 98.9% 99.2% 99.5% 99.6% % 5+A*-C 70.0% 75.4% 79.5% 81.8% 81.1% % 5+A*-G 92.3% 92.9% 93.5% 94.0% 93.9% % 5+A*-C including En & Ma 49.8% 53.5% 58.9% 59.4% 58.6% % 5+A*-G including En & Ma 88.3% 88.4% 92.1% 92.4% 90.0% APS (Overall) 413.5 439.0 462.9 472.0 455.3 APS (Capped) 341.0 338.1 End of KS4 NATIONAL 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 State Funded schools only % 1+A*-G 99.5% 98.9% 99.2% 99.3% 99.3% % 5+A*-C 69.8% 76.2% 80.7% 83.2% 82.6% % 5+A*-G 93.6% 94.7% 95.3% 95.8% 95.7% % 5+A*-C including En & Ma 50.7% 55.0% 58.4% 59.0% 60.2% % 5+A*-G including En & Ma 92.1% 93.2% 94.1% 94.4% 94.0% APS (Overall) 419.6 449.5 473.2 482.2 465.9 APS (Capped) 343.9 341.2 Please note: It’s likely the National 1+ A*-G figure includes ‘any passes’ (not always with a 1+ A*-G value from 2012).

Sourced from Statistical First Releases (for latest year) and Performance Tables (when available for final data)

Last Updated 10/12/2013 20 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 6.4 KS4 Headline Indicators by Gender At end of Key Stage 4 the National and Cornwall’s Headline Indicators are presented below for all Cornwall’s schools (state funded) by gender. Please note that the Cornwall data is for maintained schools only and the published National data is for all schools.

Table 6.3.1: KS4 Headline Indicators for Cornwall Schools and Academies End of KS4 CORNWALL Boys Boys Girls Girls State Funded schools 2012 2013 2012 2013 % 1+A*-G 98.2% 98.5% 99.1% 99.4% % 5+A*-C 74.3% 73.0% 84.4% 81.4% % 3+A*-A 21.5% 19.1% 34.1% 31.4% % 5+A*-G 95.4% 96.0% 97.4% 97.9% % 5+A*-C including En & Ma 49.4% 53.8% 61.9% 64.9% % 5+A*-G including En & Ma 94.1% 94.4% 96.6% 96.3% APS (Overall) 454.2 431.3 508.7 482.5 APS (Capped) 324.8 320.4 351.0 346.7

Table 6.3.2: KS4 Headline Indicators for All Schools Nationally End of KS4 NATIONAL Boys Boys Girls Girls All schools 2012 2013 2012 2013 % 1+A*-G 99.1% 99.2% 99.7% 99.9% % 5+A*-C 77.6% 77.4% 84.8% 85.1% % 5+A*-G 92.2% 92.4% 95.1% 95.4% % 5+A*-C including En & Ma 53.9% 53.3% 63.6% 64.1% % 5+A*-G including En & Ma 90.3% 88.1% 95.5% 92.0% APS (Overall) 445.7 432.2 490.9 479.3 APS (Capped) 326.8 325.1 352.2 351.7 Please note: It’s likely the National 1+ A*-G figure includes ‘any passes’ (not always with a 1+ A*-G value from 2012).

6.5 Schools below KS4 floor standards

KS4 floor standards 2005 to 2010 NI 78 introduced April 2008: 30% 5+ A*- C including English and maths (1 school in 2005, 3 in 2006, 1 in 2007, 2 in 2008, 0 in 2009, 0 in 2010)

KS4 2010 to 2011 FLOOR STANDARDS: Secondary schools where less than 35% of the cohort achieve 5+ A*-C GCSEs including English and maths, and where progress in English and maths is below the expected level (2009 3 levels median = 68% for English and 61% for maths; 2010 = 72% for English and 65% for maths): 0 Schools in 2010 (0 schools below 35% 5+ A*-C GCSEs including English and maths; 15 schools below 72% expected progress in English and 19 schools below 65% expected progress in Maths; 12 in both). 0 Schools in 2011 18 schools below national (NCER) expected progress in English and 14 schools below national (NCER) expected progress in Maths; 8 in both).

KS4 2012 to 2013 FLOOR STANDARDS: Secondary schools where less than 40% of the cohort achieve 5+ A*-C GCSEs including English and maths, and where progress in English and maths is below the expected level for cohorts of more than 10: 0 Schools in 2012; 22 schools below national (NCER) expected progress in English and 12 schools below national (NCER) expected progress in Maths; 9 in both. 0 Schools in 2013; 14 schools below national (NCER) expected progress in English and 17 schools below national (NCER) expected progress in Maths; 10 in both.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 21 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 6.6 Three Levels (Expected) of Progress in English and Maths Key Stage 2 to 4 Table 6.6.1: Three Levels of Progress in English and Maths KS2-4 English English Maths Maths English Maths Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls

2008 64.8 50.7 58.1 71.6 48.9 52.5 2009 64.9 56.4 59.3 70.6 56.6 56.1 2010 69.4 60.4 63.2 75.7 59.5 61.3 2011 69.5 63.3 61.5 76.4 61.3 64.5 2012 65.5 65.9 57.2 74.6 62.7 69.4 2013 71.8 70.1 65.7 78.1 69.0 71.2 National 2008 63.5 56.3 57.5 69.7 53.9 58.8 2009 64.7 57.9 59.2 70.3 56.8 59.0 2010 69.3 62.0 63.6 75.1 60.5 63.6 2011 71.8 64.8 66.7 77.1 63.1 66.7 2012 69.2 69.8 63.1 75.3 69.9 73.6 2013 71.3 71.8 65.6 77.1 69.9 73.6 DfE: Percentage of Pupils Making Expected Progress in English and Mathematics between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 4 in England: 2007/08 - 2009/10 Updated 2009 to 2011 with publication below (incorporates Teacher Assessment into KS2 measures) gcse-and-equivalent-results-in-england-academic-year-2010-to-2011

Table 6.6.2: Four Levels of Progress in English and Maths KS2-4 English English Maths Maths English Maths Cornwall Boys Girls Boys Girls 2011 27.7 25.3 2012 25.2 25.4 18.7 32.3 24.4 26.6 2013 30.4 27.3 22.8 38.3 26.8 27.7 National 2011 32 31 (NCER) 2012 28 31 (RAISE) 2013 (RAISE) Derived data as not officially published by DfE - Cornwall from Group reporting.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 22 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

7. Contextual Value Added & Value Added Contextual value added is sourced from the performance tables when available, if not available then the CVA is calculated from individual school’s CVA from RAISEonline. The number of schools above and below is also extracted from RAISE online as this is not published. Cornwall: \\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General\RAISE & LA Profile_APA_NI (DCSF_OFSTED)\RAISE ONLINE (including subject and group CVA by school) National:

Schools in Cornwall have been noted for raising the attainment of their pupils considerably as they move through the school system. Pupils begin school below the National level but by the time they have reached Key Stage 4 they are performing at and above the National standard.

With this in mind it may be valuable when considering Cornwall’s standards and achievements through the Key Stages to focus on the Cornwall’s overall Contextual Value Added (CVA) & Value Added. From 2011, the DfE have replaced CVA analyses with Value Added analyses within RAISEonline. See latest year spreadsheet for VA by groups for Cornwall in comparison with national averages \\cc\root\EAL\Education\Stats\General\RAISEonline.

Table 7.1a: Cornwall’s CVA for Key Stage 1-2 CVA schools schools significantly significantly Please note 2005 & 2006 CVA is calculated from School data as below CVA above CVA this was not published N# (%) N# (%) Table 7.1b: Cornwall’s VA for Key Stage 1-2 2005 100.1 30 (13%) 45 (20%) schools schools 2006 100.1 35 (15%) 46 (20%) significantly significantly VA 2007 100.0 33 (14%) 39 (17%) For 2010 the percentagesbelow VAare outabove of 116 VA schools as this is the numberN# of (%)schools withN# (%)a CVA score,Please 2008 100.0 38 (17%) 39 (17%) due to only 53% of schools in Cornwall 2011 99.7 49 (21.6%) 22 (9.7%) note LA 2009 99.9 42 (19%) 29 (13%) submitting KS2 tests in 2010 average 2012 99.7 48 (21.1%) 24 (10.6%) based on 2010 100.1 20 (17%) 24 (21%) 2013 99.6 45 (19.8%) 17 (7.5%) 227 schools in 2011.

Table 7.2a: Cornwall CVA for Key Stage 2 – 4 Year Overall Schools Sig - Schools Sig + 2005 1010.4 0 (0%) 15 (48%) 2006 1006.2 3 (10%) 13 (42%) 2007 1006.3 2 (7%) 13 (42%) 2008 1004.5 2 (7%) 7 (23%) 2009 1004.2 4 (13%) 6 (19%) 2010 1001.8 6 (19%) 8 (26%) Please note 2005 CVA is calculated from School data as this was not published.

Table 7.2b: Cornwall VA for Key Stage 2 – 4 Year Overall Schools Sig - Schools Sig + 2011 994.9 13 (42%) 4 (12.9%) 2012 993.0 10 (32.3%) 4 (12.9%) 2013 991.7 15 (48.4%) 2 (6.5%)

Last Updated 10/12/2013 23 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 8. Post 16 Attainment 8.1 QCA points for A Level and equivalent Average point Source: DfE Performance tables where published; Average point score per NCER EPAS where provisional score per examination student entry Cornwall School 6th Form 674.3 199.8

LA Average (School 6th form & FE) 706.2 211.4

LSC Average 701.6 210.8 2009 England Average 739.3 211.7 (all schools and FE Colleges) Statistical Neighbour (all schools and FE Colleges) 735.1 210.3 England Average (state funded schools and 721.3 208.3 colleges) Cornwall School 6th Form 674.2 201.6

Cornwall FE Colleges 728.2 213.3

LA Average (School 6th form & FE) 728.6 214.5 2010 England Average 744.9 214.5 (all schools and FE Colleges) Statistical Neighbour (all schools and FE Colleges) 737.4 211.9 England Average (state funded schools and 726.6 211.1 colleges) Cornwall School 6th Form 718.8 206.0

Cornwall FE Colleges 735.5 215.0

th 2011 LA Average (School 6 form & FE) 741.3 217.9 England Average 745.9 216.2 (all schools and FE Colleges) England Average (state funded schools and 728.2 213.1 colleges) Cornwall School 6th Form 725.9 206.4

Cornwall FE Colleges 695.8 210.0

LA Average (School 6th form & FE) 721.2 212.2 2012 733.3 212.8 England Average (all schools and FE Colleges) England Average (state funded schools and 714.5 209.3 colleges) Cornwall School 6th Form 733.6 201.8 Cornwall FE Colleges 709.9 210.8 2013 LA Average (School 6th form & FE) 717.5 207.7 Provisional England Average 709.1 212.7 (all schools and FE Colleges) England Average (state funded schools and colleges) The point score system: The Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA) developed a scoring system for all Level 3 qualifications approved under Section 96 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000 so they can be included in the performance indicators in the Tables.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 24 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

8.2 Percentage achieving AAB Passes and 3 or More A*-A at A Level

Source: DfE % Students Achieving % of Students Performance tables 3 or More A*-A Achieving AAB or where published; Grades at A More Passes at A NCER EPAS where Level (or equivalent) at GCE, Level (or equivalent) in provisional Applied and Double Award A Facilitating Subjects Level LA Average 2012 (School 6th 6.8% 9.6% form & FE) LA Average 2013 (School 6th 7.0% 9.0% form & FE) England 2012 (all schools and 9.5% 12.8% FE) England 2013 (all schools and 9.4% 12.1% FE) Covers facilitating subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, further mathematics, geography, history, English literature, modern and classical languages. Source: DfE SFR 2011/12 Final A Level & Equivalent Results

Last Updated 10/12/2013 25 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council Vulnerable Groups: The following sections provide summary data for Free School Meals (FSM), Children in Care/Looked After Children (CIC/LAC), Special Educational Needs (SEN), English as an Additional Language (EAL), Black and minority Ethnic Children (BME).

A further appendix (1) provides greater detail on the attainment and progress of groups in Cornwall. The first element of the appendix provides a cross tabulation of groups from the January School Census for primary and secondary schools. This presents the numbers (and percentage) of pupils in various groups and how they appear in other groups. For example, this will tell you how many children in schools with an SEN statement are claiming Free School Meals. The second element is in relation to educational attainment and progress at the end of Key Stages 2 and 4 considering a variety of key measures and presenting cohort averages for the main groups of interest and tracked at pupil level.

Cornwall &National: NC Assessments by pupil characteristics

9. Vulnerable Groups: Free School Meals (FSM)

9.1 Key Stage 2

Table 9.1: Percentage achieving level 4+ at Key Stage 2 for pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) for Cornwall and nationally Pupils eligible and not eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) KS2 Level 4+ & (% Gap) 2012 2013 Cornwall 2008 2009 2010 2011 (1370 (1381 children) children) Reading, 58.5% Writing & 62.7% and and Maths 79.7% 78.1% (17.0%) Combined (19.6%) Measure National Reading, 58.8% Writing & 60.1% and and Maths 78.8% 77.9% (18.7%) Combined (19.1%) Measure Presented as FSM Ever & non FSM Ever (then % gap). From 2012, the Cornwall and national KS2 data is FSM ever (last 6 years) rather than FSM on Census day so is not directly comparable with previous years.

9.2 Key Stage 4

Table 9.2: Attainment at Key Stage 4 for pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) for Cornwall and nationally Pupils eligible and not eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) KS4 GCSE & (% Gap) 2010 2011 2012 Cornwall 2007 2008 2009 (463 (542 (582 children) children) children) 5+ A* - C 22.6% & 19.6% and 25.1% and 26.8% and 29.3% and 34.0% and (inc Maths 45.7% 45.6% 51.1% 56.0% 57.2% 57.4% and (23.1%) (26%) (26.0%) (29.2%) (27.9%) (23.4%) English) National 5+ A* - C 21.1% & 23.6% and 26.7% and 30.9% and 34.7% and 36.4% and (inc Maths 49.1% 51.4% 54.5% 58.5% 62.2% 62.8% and (28.0%) (27.8%) (27.8%) (27.6%) (27.5%) (26.4%) English) Presented as FSM & non FSM (then % gap).

Last Updated 10/12/2013 26 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 10. Vulnerable Groups: Children in Care/Looked After Children (CIC/LAC) National: Outcome indicators for looked after children

The following indicator shows the % of children who were or should have been assessed (according to age) who were in local authority care for at least one year as at 30 September and who achieved the expected level or above. Indicator looks at those in care as at 31st March from 2010 onwards. This includes children in Out of County establishments, independent schools and until 2012 those who may not have been assessed.

The 2002 PSA (Public Service Agreement) target set baselines for the looked after children indicators so that:

 achievement at level 4 in English and maths should be at least 60% as good as their peers  the proportion who reach school leaving age having sat a GCSE (or equivalent) exam should be at least 90%

10.1: Key Stage 1

Table 10.1.: LA and National Percentage (and Cornwall numbers) of LAC achieving a level 2+ at Key Stage 1

Key Stage 1 LAC (Level 2+) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Cornwall % % % % % % 77.8 71.4 54.5 50.0 50.0 83.3 Reading (7/9) (5/7) (6/11) (2/4) (2/4) (5/6) 66.7 71.4 72.7 50.0 50.0 66.7 Writing (6) (5/7) (8/11) (2/4) (2/4) (4/6) 77.8 85.7 72.7 100.0 50.0 66.7 Maths (7) (6/7) (8/11) (4/4) (2/4) (4/6)

77.8 71.4 72.7 100.0 50.0 83.3 Science (7) (5/7) (8/11) (4/4) (2/4) (5/6)

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 National % % % % % % Reading 57 58 58 59 67 69 Writing 50 52 51 52 57 61 Maths 62 65 62 63 71 71

From 2011 the DfE (SFR) have tracked the results through the National Pupil Database, the tracking applied locally is more rigorous and comprehensive and therefore the Local Authority (LA) data doesn’t always match that published by the DfE in the Statistical First Releases. Where there are differences these are shown as being LA or DfE SFR source data, where there are no differences or the data is not published nationally only the Cornwall data is published . The national data for the number of eligible pupils is also rounded to the nearest 10 pupils.

DfE Statistical First Release (SFR): For KS1 for 2011 to 2013 the DfE haven’t published the data in the SFR due to small numbers not being statistically viable in LA comparisons. Denoted as x, where the number less than or equal to 5 or percentage where the numerator is less than or equal to 5 or the denominator is less than or equal to 10.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 27 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

10.2: Key Stage 2

From 2011 the DfE (SFR) have tracked the results through the National Pupil Database, the tracking applied locally is more rigorous and comprehensive and therefore the Local Authority (LA) data doesn’t always match that published by the DfE in the Statistical First Releases. Where there are differences these are shown as being LA or DfE SFR source data, where there are no differences or the data is not published nationally only the Cornwall data is published . The national data for the number of eligible pupils is also rounded to the nearest 10 pupils.

Table 10.2: LA and National Percentage (and Cornwall numbers) of LAC achieving a level 4+ Key Stage 2 LAC (Level 4+) As less than 50% of 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 schools in Cornwall Cornwall % % % TA % % % submitted tests in 54.5 42.1 2010 (75% 28.6 35.3 50.0 Nationally) the English (6/11) (8/19) (4/14) (6/17) (11/22) Teachers 55 SFR 44 SFR Assessments (TA) 86.7 are therefore Reading (13/15) summarised for 87 SFR Cornwall. 53.3 Writing (8/15) In 2010 Science was 53 SFR switched to TA, 81.8 42.1 73.3 35.7 47.1 63.6 therefore national Maths (9/11) (8/19) (11/15) (5) (8/17) (14/22) science is based on 82 SFR 44 SFR 73 SFR Teacher Assessment 50.0 58.8 68.2 72.7 42.1 80.0 Science (7) (10/17) (15/22) (8/11) (8/19) (12/15) Reading, Writing and 53.3 Maths (8/15) Combined Reading 2 93.3 Levels (14/15) Writing 2 86.7 Levels (13/15) Maths 2 77.3 81.8 47.4 93.3 Levels (17/22) (9/11) (9/19) (14/15) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 National % % % % % % 46 46 45 50 60 English 63 Reading 55 Writing 44 46 44 48 56 59 Maths 60 62 53 Science Reading, Writing and 36 40 50 Maths Combined Reading 2 77 77 Levels Writing 2 77 81 Levels Maths 2 67 71 74 Levels The published National data for Key Stage 2 2010 uses Test outcomes and is available at this link In the summary report we have used TA data in order to provide fuller coverage as tests were only available for 50% of pupils in Cornwall.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 28 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 10.3: Key Stage 4

From 2011 the DfE (SFR) have tracked the results through the National Pupil Database, the tracking applied locally is more rigorous and comprehensive and therefore the Local Authority (LA) data doesn’t always match that published by the DfE in the Statistical First Releases. Where there are differences these are shown as being LA or DfE SFR source data, where there are no differences or the data is not published nationally only the Cornwall data is published . The national data for the number of eligible pupils is also rounded to the nearest 10 pupils.

Table 10.3: LA and National Percentage (and Cornwall numbers) of LAC achieving at Key Stage 4 GCSE LAC

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Cornwall % % % % % % 65.2 66.0 83.7 69.8 95.3 100.0 1+ A*-G (30/46) (31/47) (36/43) (30/43) (41/43) (38/38) 15.2 19.1 23.3 37.2 32.6 26.3 5+ A*-C (7) (9/47) (10/43) (16/43) (14/43) (10/38) 38.1 SFR 31.3 SFR 26.2 SFR 8.7 10.6 14 20.9 9.3 5.3 5+ A*-C including (4) (5/47) (6/43) (9/43) (4/43) (2/38) English and Maths 21.4 SFR x SFR x SFR 20.9 11.6 5.3 A*-C in English n/a n/a n/a (9/43) (5/43) (2/38) and Maths 21.4 SFR 12.5 SFR x SFR 18.6 10.5 A*-C in English (8/43) (4/38) 34.9 23.7 A*-C in Maths (15/43) (9/38) 27.9 27.5 45.2% English 3 Levels (12/43) (11/40) (14/31) 27.9 44.7 39.4% Maths 3 Levels (12/43) (17/38) (13/33) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 National % % % % % % 1+ A*-G 65.6 68.2 72.5 13.9 14.8 26.1 31.2 37.2 36.6 5+ A*-C 5+ A*-C including 8.6 9.8 11.6 12.8 15.0 15.3 English and Maths A* - C in English 10.9 11.4 13.0 14.1 15.4 16.1 and Maths English 3 Levels 32.9 31.5 32.6 Maths 3 Levels 26.6 30.6 29.5

Last Updated 10/12/2013 29 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 11. Vulnerable Groups: Special Educational Needs (SEN) From 2010, Cornwall figures are from the LA vulnerable groups analysis, previously from the DfE Statistical First Release.

11.1 Key Stage 2 Table 11.1: Percentage achieving level 4+ at Key Stage 2 for pupils with SEN for Cornwall and Nationally.

KS2 Level Pupils with no SEN (School SEN (School Action SEN (without a SEN (with a 4+ identified SEN Action) % Plus) % statement) % statement) % 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 2013 201 201 201 201 201 2013 Cornwall 1 % 2 % 3 % 1 % 2 % 3 % 1 % 2 % % 1 % 2 % 3 % 1 % 2 % % Reading 95.2 94.6 66.0 65.6 52.9 54.4 61.5 62.2 26.4 28.6

Writing 92.6 94.1 44.6 51.0 32.4 38.5 40.5 47.2 18.5 21.1

Maths 90.0 92.9 93.3 50.2 62.1 63.1 42.9 51.7 51.6 48 58.6 59.6 20.8 24.2 24.8 Reading, Writing & 86.2 86.8 33.3 37.2 23.7 31.4 30.1 35.5 14.6 15.5 Maths Combined National

Reading 96 94 71 68 56 55 65 63 26 27

Writing 94 95 54 58 38 41 48 51 17 18

Maths 91 94 94 58 65 66 46 52 54 53 60 61 21 23 25 Reading, Writing & 88 88 41 42 29 31 36 38 13 14 Maths Combined In 2011, there were 660 SA children, 357 SAP children and 178 Statemented Children in Cornwall at the end of KS2. In 2012, there were 652 SA children, 333 SAP children and 178 Statemented Children in Cornwall at the end of KS2. In 2013, there were 643 SA children, 283 SAP children and 161 Statemented Children in Cornwall at the end of KS2.

Further detailed Cornwall figures can be found in the LA vulnerable groups analysis (appendix 1) and national figures can be found on the DfE’s Statistical First Release website: education/about/statistics. There is no published data for 2 levels progress KS1 to 2.

11.2 Key Stage 4 Table 11.2.: Attainment at Key stage 4 for pupils with SEN for Cornwall and Nationally.

KS2 Pupils with no SEN (School SEN (School Action SEN (without a SEN (with a Level 4+ identified SEN Action) % Plus) % statement) % statement) % 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 2012 Cornwall 0 % 1 % 2 % 0 % 1 % 2 % 0 % 1 % 2 % 0 % 1 % 2 % 0 % 1 % % 5+ A*- 82.6 85.8 87.3 58.8 64.1 62.3 30.6 43.8 43.1 49.9 58.1 56.3 19.3 21.4 28.0 C 5+ A*- C inc 64.9 65.7 66.2 32.3 30.6 23.2 12.8 17.1 15.2 26.2 26.6 20.7 7.6 8.0 10.3 E&M National 5+ A*- 85 89.1 90.3 56 64.8 69.2 40 48.7 55.4 51 59.3 64.5 20 24.9 27.4 C 5+ A*- C inc 66 69.8 69.5 26 27.6 27.8 17 19.3 20.5 23 24.7 25.3 7 8.5 8.4 E&M In 2010, there were 966 SA children, 445 SAP children and 197 Statemented Children in Cornwall at the end of KS4. In 2011, there were 977 SA children, 404 SAP children and 201 Statemented Children in Cornwall at the end of KS4. In 2012, there were 799 SA children, 362 SAP children and 214 Statemented Children in Cornwall at the end of KS4.

Further detailed Cornwall figures can be found in the LA vulnerable groups analysis (appendix 1) and national figures can be found on the DfE’s Statistical First Release website: education/about/statistics. There is no published data for 3 levels progress KS2 to 4.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 30 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 12. Vulnerable Groups: English as an Additional Language (EAL) From 2010, Cornwall figures are from the LA vulnerable groups analysis.

12.1 Key Stage 2

Table 12.1: Percentage achieving level 4+ at Key Stage 2 for for pupils with English as an additional language for Cornwall and nationally.

Pupils with English as an Additional Language KS2 Level 4+ 2012 2013 Cornwall 2008 2009 2010 2011 (77 (80 children) children) Reading, 58.4% Writing & 57.5% and and Maths 75.1% 73.0% (17.6%) Combined (14.6%) Measure National Reading, Writing & 73% and 73% and Maths 75% (2%) 76% (3%) Combined Measure Presented as EAL & all pupils (then % gap)

12.2 Key Stage 4

Table 12.2: Attainment at Key Stage 4 for pupils with English as an additional language for Cornwall and Nationally.

KS4 GCSE Pupils with English as an Additional Language 2010 2011 2012 2007 2008 2009 Cornwall % (47 % (60 % (69 % % % children) children) children) 5+ A* - C 56.8 44.2 60 59.6 65.0 72.5 5+ A* - C (inc Maths 40.9 25.6 40 34.0 33.3 36.2 and English) National 5+ A* - C 58.9 62.7 71 76 82.5 84.4 5+ A* - C (inc Maths 43.6 45.7 50 53 57.5 58.0 and English)

Last Updated 10/12/2013 31 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2012/13 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 13. Vulnerable Groups: Black and minority Ethnic Children (BME) A summary of the number of pupils by ethnic background taken from the School Census can be found in the Appendix 17.1.1 (please click here to view). The following tables present a historical summary of the Key Stage 2 and 4 results for BME Children published nationally, the Cornwall data is from the Vulnerable Groups summary appendix.

Ref Indicator Summer 2013 - Academic Year 2012/2013 Key Stage 2 attainment for Black 64.2% from and minority ethnic groups – 109 eligible NI 107a pupils WHITE BME (Reading, Writing and (National = Maths 4+ Combined Measure) 76%) Key Stage 2 attainment for Black 83.3% from and minority ethnic groups - 79 eligible NI 107b pupils MIXED (Reading, Writing and (National = Maths 4+ Combined Measure) 77%) Key Stage 2 attainment for Black 66.7% from and minority ethnic groups - 18 eligible NI 107c pupils ASIAN (Reading, Writing and (National = Maths 4+ Combined Measure) 76%) Key Stage 2 attainment for Black 100% from 5 and minority ethnic groups - eligible pupils NI 107d BLACK (Reading, Writing and (National = Maths 4+ Combined Measure) 74%) Key Stage 2 attainment for Black 40% from 5 and minority ethnic groups - eligible pupils NI 107e CHINESE (Reading, Writing and (National = Maths 4+ Combined Measure) 86%) Key Stage 2 attainment for GRT 33.3% from NI 107f (Reading, Writing and Maths 4+ 6 eligible LI Combined Measure) pupils 70.7% from Key Stage 2 attainment for BME NI 107g 230 eligible (Reading, Writing and Maths 4+ LI pupils Combined Measure)

Key Stage 4 attainment for Black % from and minority ethnic groups - eligible pupils NI 108a WHITE (5+ A*-C incl. English and (National = Maths) %) Key Stage 4 attainment for Black % from and minority ethnic groups - eligible pupils NI 108b MIXED (5+ A*-C incl. English and (National = Maths) %) Key Stage 4 attainment for Black % from and minority ethnic groups - eligible pupils NI 108c ASIAN (5+ A*-C incl. English and (National = Maths) %) Key Stage 4 attainment for Black % from and minority ethnic groups - eligible pupils NI 108d BLACK (5+ A*-C incl. English and (National = Maths) %) Key Stage 4 attainment for Black % from and minority ethnic groups - eligible pupils NI 108e CHINESE (5+ A*-C incl. English (National = and Maths) %)

NI 108f Key Stage 4 attainment for GRT % from LI (5+ A*-C incl. English and Maths) eligible pupils

NI 108g Key Stage 4 attainment for BME % from LI (5+ A*-C incl. English and Maths) eligible pupils X= too few children in group; targets set for any groups > 30 in line with Cornwall targets unless evidence to suggest otherwise

Last Updated 10/12/2013 32 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2011/12 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

14. Exclusions National: DFE permanent and fixed exclusions (June)

14.1 Permanent and Fixed Exclusions for Primary and Secondary schools

Table 14.1.1: Cornwall’s Permanent and Fixed Exclusions by percentage of school population

Cornwall’s 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Exclusions Primary Permanent 10 7 4 2 0 0 4 Primary Fixed 287 340 244 223 257 253 278 Secondary Permanent 87 55 40 10 11 18 37

Secondary Fixed 2541 2285 1941 1699 1452 1471 1314 Special Permanent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Special Fixed 5 4 4 6 7 6 6 Primary Permanent (% of school 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.00 0.00 0.01 population) Primary Fixed (% of school 0.73 0.88 0.63 0.59 0.69 0.67 0.73 population) Secondary Permanent (% of 0.26 0.17 0.12 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.12 school population) Secondary Fixed (% of school 7.73 6.98 5.98 5.30 4.54 4.65 4.20 population) Special Permanent (% of school 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 population) Special Fixed (% of school population) 1.25 1.0 1.06 1.6 1.89 1.65 1.66

Table 14.1.2: National Permanent and Fixed Exclusions by percentage of school population

National’s 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 Exclusions Primary Permanent (% of school 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 population) Primary Fixed (% of school n/a 1.11 1.06 0.97 0.91 0.91 0.90 population) Secondary Permanent (% of 0.24 0.22 0.21 0.17 0.15 0.13 0.14 school population) Secondary Fixed (% of school 10.40 10.83 9.78 9.26 8.59 8.40 7.85 population)

For the 2005/06 school year, information on fixed period exclusions from secondary schools was collected via the School Census for the first time (the Termly Exclusions Survey has been discontinued). For exclusions during 2006/07, information on fixed period exclusions will also be collected from primary and special schools. National data is from the Statistical First Release. From 2009/10, Cornwall is as reported through the termly School Census returns, exclusions are reported two terms later (e.g. Autumn Term exclusions are reported in the following Summer Census). Previously it was as reported from CAPITA EMS/ONE following live notifications from schools to the LA at the time of the exclusion.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 33 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2011/12 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

Table 14.1.3: Cornwall’s Permanent Exclusions by percentage of school population Primary, Secondary and Special Schools

Cornwall 2005/2006 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012

Primary, Secondary and Special School 0.14 0.09 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.06 Permanent (% of school population) National Primary, Secondary and Special School 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.07 Permanent (% of school population)

Last Updated 10/12/2013 34 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2011/12 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

15. Absence Summary National: DFE Attendance (March) education/about/statistics

15.1 Cornwall Absence Data

Table 15.1: Actual Absence Data for Cornwall. (authorised, unauthorised)

Actual Absence Figures in Cornwall Absence 2002/ 2003/ 2004/ 2005/ 2006/ 2010/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2011/ 2012/ in 2008 2009 2010 2012 2013 Cornwall 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2011 Primary 6.03 5.74 5.86 6.20 5.65 5.45 5.43 5.40 5.34 4.76 5.00 (5.72, (5.42, (5.47, (5.81, (5.29, (5.08, (5.09, (5.04, (4.97, (4.43, (4.65, 0.30) 0.32) 0.39) 0.39) 0.36) 0.37) 0.34) 0.36) 0.37) 0.33) 0.34) Secondary 8.50 8.37 7.93 8.30 7.71 7.18 6.77 6.53 6.34 5.66 5.84 (8.00, (7.58, (7.21, (7.47, (6.47, (6.01, (5.73, (5.59, (5.49, (4.86, (5.05, 0.50) 0.79) 0.72) 0.83) 1.25) 1.17) 1.04) 0.94) 0.85) 0.79) 0.79) Special 9.79 8.02 9.60 10.29 7.17 8.02 7.50 8.05 7.83 7.47 7.75 (8.94, (7.20, (8.12, (9.22, (5.92, (6.88, (6.92, (7.56, (7.28, (7.16, (7.4, 0.85) 0.82) 1.48) 1.07) 1.25) 1.15) 0.58) 0.49) 0.55) 0.31) 0.35)

15.2 National Absence Data

Table 15.2: Actual Absence Data for England. (authorised, unauthorised)

Actual Absence Figures in England Absence 2002/ 2003/ 2004/ 2005/ 2006/ 2010/ 2011/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2012/ in 2008 2009 2010 2013 England 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2011 2012 Primary 5.81 5.49 5.43 5.76 5.18 5.26 5.30 5.21 5.0 4.4 (5.38, (5.08, (5.00, (5.30, (4.66, (4.69, (4.66, (4.54 (4.3 (3.7 0.43) 0.41) 0.43) 0.46) 0.52) 0.57) 0.64) 0.67) 0.7) 0.7) Secondary 8.28 8.07 7.82 8.24 7.86 7.36 7.25 6.88 6.5 5.9 (7.21, (6.93, (6.57, (6.82, (6.36, (5.87, (5.76, (5.43, (5.1, (4.6, 1.07) 1.14) 1.25) 1.42) 1.50) 1.49) 1.49) 1.45) 1.4) 1.3) Special 10.7 10.26 10.21 10.59 10.62 10.57 10.72 10.27 10.0 9.6 (8.79, (8.53, (8.47, (8.79, (8.55, (8.41, (8.58, (8.30, (8.0, (7.6, 1.91) 1.73) 1.74) 1.80) 2.07) 2.16) 2.14) 1.98) 2.0) 2.0)

15.3 Persistent absence

Table 15.3 Persistent absence figures for Cornwall and National

2010/ 2010/ 2011/ 2012/ 2006/ 2007/ 2008/ 2009/ 2011 2011 2012 2013 Cornwall 2007 2008 2009 2010 (20% (15% (15% (15% PA) PA) PA) PA) Primary 1.5 1.39 1.16 1.16 1.05 3.77 3.22 3.07 Secondary 5.70 4.88 3.78 3.29 3.01 7.67 6.52 6.28


Primary 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.3 3.9 3.1

Secondary 6.7 5.6 5.0 4.4 4.0 8.4 7.4

Persistent Absentees are defined as having more than 63 sessions of absence (authorised and unauthorised) during the year, typically over 20 per cent overall absence rate. The persistent absence thresholds have now changed following the Secretary of State's decision to lower the threshold at which a pupil is deemed to be a persistent absentee from 20% (64 sessions) to 15% (46 sessions) of total possible sessions. Number of pupil enrolments in schools from start of the school year to May half term. Includes pupils on the school roll for at least one session who are aged between 5 and 15. Excludes boarders. Some pupils may be counted more than once (if they moved schools during the school year or are registered in more than one school).

Last Updated 10/12/2013 35 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2011/12 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 16. Detailed EYFSP Results Table 16.1: Summary of Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results for Cornwall and National (please click here to return to FSP in document) &

s s a s r i e u d n o s t e i e e e n r s v r M r s e

o e n e a a i u p r c g e g o m i h t s p i a w S i n v n p e t h i a i a g i l C n l A o t s n B l s e - a G n - y u d

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o k e e g a t i N E o r d e a f p n B s M i s i e o e a n H l M v L g o P o h a i A a G S C r n f e a l t e a M S M Cornwall Average Score 2013 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 33.2 Achieving ELG 2013 80% 83% 80% 86% 90% 84% 82% 84% 73% 62% 69% 78% 83% 84% 88% 83% 83% 49.4% 34.6% National Average Score 2013 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9 2.0 1.9 1.9 32.8 Achieving ELG 2013 80% 81% 78% 87% 88% 85% 83% 85% 71% 62% 69% 75% 81% 81% 88% 83% 81% 52% 36.6% Part of the DfE National Indicator set in relation to EYFSP specifies that a child achieving a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD) will achieve at least the Expected Level (2+) in all Prime Areas of Learning as well as in the Literacy and Mathematics Specific Areas of Learning. Pupils are judged to be Emerging (1), Expected (2) or Exceeding (3) each aspect's Early Learning Goal (ELG). A Total Score is calculated across all 17 subjects.

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Cornwall a D n o Development (PSE) (CLL) Reasoning (PSNR)S


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Last Updated 10/12/2013 36 7 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2011/12 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council 2011 Average 7.1 6.7 6.8 20.6 6.8 6.7 6.5 6.0 26.0 7.1 6.5 6.7 20.3 6.7 7.1 6.6 87.3 Achieving 6+% 91% 86% 82% 78% 87% 81% 78% 67% 62% 90% 78% 85% 74% 85% 91% 84% (53%) 58.2% 29.6% 2012 Average 7.2 6.7 6.8 20.7 6.8 6.9 6.6 6.2 26.6 7.2 6.6 6.8 20.6 6.8 7.1 6.6 88.4 Achieving 6+% 92% 86% 83% 80% 88% 85% 80% 72% 67% 91% 80% 87% 77% 87% 92% 84% 57% 63.2% 27.4% National 2011 Average 7.2 6.8 6.8 20.8 6.8 6.6 6.5 6.0 25.9 7.2 6.4 6.7 20.3 6.7 7.2 6.6 87.5 Achieving 6+% 91% 87% 83% 79% 86% 79% 76% 67% 62% 90% 78% 85% 74% 84% 91% 83% (54%) 59% 31.4% 2012 Average 7.3 6.9 6.9 21.1 6.8 6.8 6.6 6.2 26.4 7.2 6.5 6.8 20.5 6.8 7.2 6.6 88.6 Achieving 6+% 92% 88% 85% 82% 87% 83% 79% 71% 66% 91% 80% 86% 77% 86% 92% 85% (59%) 64% 30.1%

Last Updated 10/12/2013 37 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2011/12 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

16. Detailed EYFSP Results: EARLY ASSESSMENTS AS AT OCTOBER HALF TERM Table 16.2: Summary of Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results for Cornwall in the Early Assessments ) f r ) ) ) ) & & 9 ) o

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s o a o d e e e g c a g t a l n b p g i l d o t i T e i s g o i e n t m C i t Early Years Foundation n

r a a n a t r S r n s e c m m m o i i t i n S a d t o p

i l e o r t L P i t a e y u t s , o p p p o k

o l r u T Stage Profile t o d t o

S s g n s

i w l e h o t o o o S s t n f W T u C a i r l l l r F i m a

n u R e o p p P a D t e c i e e e e e

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D D D N U L L Personal, Social & Emotional Communication, Language & Literacy Problem Solving, Numeracy & Cornwall Development (PSE) (CLL) Reasoning (PSNR) EARLY Autumn 2008 Averag 3.2 3.0 2.5 8.7 2.7 2.0 2.1 1.6 8.4 3.5 1.9 2.4 7.8 2.2 2.6 2.3 31.6 (2008/09) e 86 Schools EARLY Autumn 2009 Averag 3.1 2.9 2.4 8.4 2.6 2.1 2.1 1.8 8.6 3.4 2.1 2.4 7.8 2.2 2.7 2.3 32.0 (2009/10) e 120 Schools EARLY Autumn 2010 Averag 3.2 3.0 2.5 8.6 2.6 2.3 2.2 1.9 9.0 3.5 2.1 2.4 8.0 2.3 2.7 2.4 33.1 (2010/11) e 141 Schools EARLY Autumn 2011 Averag 3.3 3.0 2.5 8.8 2.7 2.4 2.2 1.9 9.2 3.6 2.2 2.4 8.2 2.4 2.7 2.4 33.7 (2011/12) e 143 Schools

Last Updated 10/12/2013 38 Directorate Support Team (Data and Statistics) – Cornwall Summary Report 2011/12 Children, Schools and Families, Cornwall Council

17. Ethnicity Summary (School Census) Table 17.1: Summary of Pupils Ethnic Background in Cornwall taken at January

Number of Children January 2013 School Census January 2012 School Census January 2011 School Census All % of all All % of all All % of all by Ethnic Background Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Primary Secondary Schools pupils Schools pupils Schools pupils

White Cornish 19,871 12,163 32,254 46.0% 18,223 11,754 30,181 43.2% 17,043 11,340 28,584 40.9% Other White British 16,070 16,772 32,978 47.0% 17,194 17,622 34,959 50.0% 18,302 18,467 36,916 52.9% Irish 60 59 120 0.2% 66 55 122 0.2% 58 53 112 0.2% Traveller of Irish Heritage 8 <5 12 0.0% 8 <5 12 0.0% 6 6 12 0.0% Gypsy/Roma 76 47 127 0.2% 67 54 125 0.2% 79 53 136 0.2% Any other White background 884 679 1,566 2.2% 814 665 1,481 2.1% 782 649 1,432 2.1% Mixed White and Black Caribbean 158 105 266 0.4% 154 100 257 0.4% 153 100 257 0.4% White and Black African 96 46 142 0.2% 84 45 129 0.2% 68 38 106 0.2% White and Asian 243 140 383 0.5% 229 127 356 0.5% 232 119 351 0.5% Any other mixed background 279 167 447 0.6% 270 147 418 0.6% 248 126 374 0.5% Asian or Asian British Indian 31 10 41 0.1% 31 11 42 0.1% 31 9 40 0.1% Pakistani 5 9 14 0.0% <5 9 13 0.0% 7 6 13 0.0% Bangladeshi 39 18 58 0.1% 40 16 57 0.1% 36 17 53 0.1% Any other Asian background 137 89 226 0.3% 315 129 444 0.6% 44 48 92 0.1% Black or Black British Caribbean 7 <5 10 0.0% 5 <5 9 0.0% 7 <5 10 0.0% African 21 11 32 0.0% 18 7 25 0.0% 18 5 23 0.0% Any other Black background 15 10 25 0.0% 13 15 28 0.0% 14 14 28 0.0% Chinese 70 38 109 0.2% 65 27 93 0.1% 55 25 80 0.1% Any other ethnic backgr’nd 110 60 170 0.2% 98 50 148 0.2% 84 53 137 0.2% Refused 180 220 402 0.6% 180 255 437 0.6% 224 303 529 0.8% Not obtained 514 201 715 1.0% 354 219 573 0.8% 308 216 526 0.8% Total Pupils 38,874 30,851 70,097 100.0% 38,232 31,315 69,909 100.0% 37,799 31,649 69,811 100.0% + All the above figures include Academies within Cornwall. The ‘All Schools’ figures include Primary, Secondary and Special Schools.

Last Updated 10/12/2013 39

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