CME - Template EMP Hydrological Outcomes Based FINAL

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CME - Template EMP Hydrological Outcomes Based FINAL

[Environmental outcome-based condition mod- el template] [Title of Condition Environ- mental Management Plan]

(Example: Key environmental factor - Hydrological Processes)

[Organisation] [Title of proposal]


[Document reference number (if used)] FOREWORD

This template for a Condition Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) provides the basic format that the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) requires for outcome-based CEMPs.

Although not every CEMP needs to address every provision, a CEMP needs to address requirements set out in the Ministerial condition. Proponents should also have regard for the EPA’s Environmental Assessment Guideline for Preparation of Management Plans under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EAG 17).

This template has been developed for a case where a CEMP is being prepared as a requirement of an implementation condition. It can also be used as a base in case of preparing a CEMP as part of the assessment process having regard for the EPA’s EAG on Preparation of Management Plans. CONTENTS UPDATE THE TOC

1 Summary 1

2 Context, Scope and Rationale 2 2.1 What is the Proposal? 2 2.2 What Key Environmental Factor/s does this Condition EMP address? 2 2.3 Requirements of the condition 2 2.4 Rationale and approach in meeting the Environmental Outcome 3 2.4.1 Results of (baseline surveys/modelling/scientific studies/tests) conducted 3 2.4.2 Key assumptions and uncertainties 3 2.4.3 Management approach 3 2.4.4 Rationale for choice of environmental criteria 3 2.4.5 Rationale for choice of trigger level actions and threshold contingency actions 4

3 Condition EMP Provisions 5 3.1 Environmental criteria 5 3.2 Monitoring 5 3.3 Implementation of Trigger Level Actions 5 3.4 Implementation of Threshold Contingency Actions 6 3.5 Reporting provisions 10 3.5.1 Annual reporting 10 3.5.2 Reporting on exceedance of trigger criteria and threshold criteria 10

4 Adaptive management and review of the Condition EMP 12

5 Stakeholder Consultation 12

6 Appendices 14


Table 3–2 Monitoring to measure the environmental outcome against Trigger Criteria for [Hydrological Impact e.g. Groundwater Drawdown] 7

i Table 3–3 Monitoring to measure the environmental outcome against Threshold Criteria for [Hydrological Impact e.g. Groundwater Drawdown] 8

Table 3-4 Condition Environmental Management Plan Reporting Table 11

Table 5-1 Stakeholders consulted, comments and responses 13


Figure xx: Location of proposal and monitoring sites/areas in relation to [indicate environmental value/sensitive component of the key environmental factor/etc.] 9


This Condition Environmental Management Plan (Condition EMP) is submitted in accordance with Ministerial Statement No.X Conditions x-y for the [______] Project by [Company name].

The table below presents the environmental criteria to measure achievement of the conditioned environmental outcome that must be met through implementation of this Condition EMP.

Title of proposal [Title from Ministerial Statement or Proposal Name in Scoping Document] Proponent [The same name as the proponent for the Ministerial Statement or Scoping Document] Ministerial Statement number Purpose of this The [______] Management Plan is submitted to fulfill the Condition EMP requirements of condition/s [number/s] of the above Statement. EPA’s environmental To maintain the hydrological regimes of groundwater and surface objective for the key water so that existing and potential uses, including ecosystem environmental factor/s maintenance, are protected. Condition environmental outcome or proposed measurable outcome Environmental criteria Trigger criteria Trigger criterion 1: (proposal-specific) Trigger criterion 2: (if more than one) Threshold criteria Threshold criterion 1: (proposal-specific) Threshold criterion 2: (if more than one)

Corporate endorsement

I hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge, the Condition EMP provisions within this [Title] Management Plan are true and correct and address the legal requirements of condition [xx] of Ministerial Statement No. [X].

[Signature of duly authorised proponent representative]

Name: Signed:

Designation: Date:


2.1 What is the Proposal? Briefly describe here the scope of the Project addressed by this Condition EMP.

2.2 What Key Environmental Factor/s1 does this Condition EMP address? This [Title of Condition EMP] specifically addresses the [Hydrologic Processes] environmental factor, which is part of the overall water theme.

State why hydrological processes are a key environmental factor for this proposal.

The statement should include:

o the environmental aspects of the proposal which would affect the key environmental factor; and

o the site-specific environmental value, existing and/or potential uses, ecosystem health condition or sensitive component of the key environmental factor which will be affected.

2.3 Requirements of the condition Specifically, this Condition EMP is submitted in accordance with Ministerial Statement [xyz], Conditions [___] to [___] for the [______] Project:[____]-. The requirements of these conditions are addressed in the following sections of the Condition EMP:

Condition Section in Condition EMP

1-1 (list specific conditions here)


1 Refer to Environmental Assessment Guideline for Environmental principles, factors and objectives (EAG 8), available on the EPA’s website

2 2.4 Rationale and approach in meeting the Environmental Outcome Results of baseline surveys and a number of assumptions and uncertainties inform the management approach for meeting the environmental outcome stated in Section 1.3. The identified trigger criteria, threshold criteria, trigger level actions and threshold contingency actions are aligned with the overall management approach.

2.4.1 Results of (baseline surveys/modelling/scientific studies/tests) conducted

Provide a summary.

2.4.2 Key assumptions and uncertainties

Describe the main assumptions and uncertainties.

Example: Permeability value for shale between orebody and aquifer employed in groundwater modeling, based on available data. Describe the expected changes to the impact on the key environmental factor and CEMP provisions should the permeability value be very different.

2.4.3 Management approach

Describe the overarching management approach informed by the above. The management approach may include, for instance:

o risk and the internal use of early response indicators and criteria (if used), single or multiple performance indicators to track impacts;

o a regional approach, if employed; and/or

o the body of scientific information/site/regional information available.

2.4.4 Rationale for choice of environmental criteria

Provide the motivation for the identified site-specific trigger criteria and threshold criteria for the proposal, as appropriate. A few examples are (Note that these are suggestions only):

 Explain the environmental criteria within the context of baseline information, the causal relationship between relevant proposal aspects and impacts on the site- specific key environmental factor;

 Rationale for choice of parameters such as location, time period, scale and relative benchmark (e.g. reference site) included in the identified environmental criteria;

 Scientific credibility i.e. there is an evidence base;

 Projected/expected time after trigger criteria reached to implement trigger level actions to avoid reaching threshold criteria;

3  Accepted regulatory measure in ______; and/or

 Consistent with monitoring programs in area/state, including ______.

2.4.5 Rationale for choice of trigger level actions and threshold contingency actions

Provide the motivation for the identified trigger level actions and threshold contingency actions, for instance:

 Expected changes in the intensity, duration, magnitude or geographic footprint of the impact on implementation of the identified trigger level actions and threshold contingency actions;

 Changes and rate of changes in environment expected when implemented;

 Possible effects of issues external to the proposal e.g. rainfall, recharge, aquifers, other users, etc.

 Expected timeframe for mitigation to take effect (on-site in relation to environmental value/ecosystem health condition/sensitive component of the environment, etc.) and monitoring of the effectiveness of trigger level actions and threshold contingency actions.


This section of the Condition EMP identifies the legal provisions that [Company name] proposes to implement to [state condition environmental outcome]. It identifies the environmental criteria that [Company name] will use to measure performance and monitoring that will be undertaken in relation to these environmental criteria. Finally, it defines the trigger level actions and threshold contingency actions that [Company name] will undertake if the environmental criteria are exceeded. These Condition EMP provisions aim to fulfil the requirements of condition [x-x] of Ministerial Statement No [x].

3.1 Environmental criteria Two levels of criteria were considered during development of this Condition EMP. They are trigger criteria and threshold criteria, which will vary in function. The trigger criteria were set at a conservative level to ensure trigger level actions are implemented well in advance of the environmental outcome being compromised. The threshold criteria were framed to measure achievement of the environmental outcome. A failure to meet threshold criteria signals the environmental outcome is not being met and implies non-compliance.

Trigger criterion 1 [Note: Environmental criteria include a quantitative level for a (measureable, performance indicator and proposal-specific parameters such as proposal-specific) location, time period, scale and a relative benchmark (e.g. baseline or reference).] Trigger criterion 2 (measureable, proposal-specific) Threshold criterion (measureable, proposal-specific)

3.2 Monitoring The purpose of monitoring is to inform, through the environmental criteria, if the condition environmental outcome is being achieved and when trigger level actions or threshold contingency actions will be implemented. This section describes how [Company name]___ will undertake monitoring to determine the performance against the environmental criteria. Refer to Tables 3-2 and 3-3 and Figure 1 for monitoring provisions.

3.3 Implementation of Trigger Level Actions [Company name]___ has developed trigger level actions that would be implemented if the associated trigger criterion signals the need for increased mitigation or protection (Table 3– 2). These trigger level actions will be implemented by [Company name] to mitigate and manage impacts so they once again will meet trigger criteria and safeguard threshold criteria.

5 3.4 Implementation of Threshold Contingency Actions [Company name] has developed a number of threshold contingency actions that would be implemented if the associated threshold criterion signals that the environmental outcome is exceeded (Table 3–3). The threshold contingency actions will be implemented to manage aspects of the proposal and achieve the condition environmental outcome and manage the impact to below threshold and trigger criteria again and hence bring [Company name] back into compliance.

6 Table 3–2 Monitoring to measure the environmental outcome against Trigger Criteria for [Hydrological Impact e.g. Groundwater Drawdown]

Trigger criterion: __(State trigger criterion)______

Indicator Method Location Frequency Trigger Level Actions and timing to implement Monitoring  locations/areas are shown in Figure xx

7 Table 3–3 Monitoring to measure the environmental outcome against Threshold Criteria for [Hydrological Impact e.g. Groundwater Drawdown]

Threshold criterion:_(State threshold criterion)______

Indicator Method Location Frequency Threshold Contingency Actions and timing to implement Monitoring  locations/areas are shown in Figure xx

8 Figure xx: Location of proposal and monitoring sites/areas in relation to [indicate environmental value/sensitive component of the key environmental factor/etc.]

9 3.5 Reporting provisions 3.5.1 Annual reporting

The environmental outcome will be reported against trigger and threshold criteria (Table 3-4) for [dd/mm/yyy] to [dd/mm/yyyy] by [dd/mm/yyy] in an annual report.

In the event that trigger criteria or trigger and threshold criteria were exceeded during the reporting period, the annual report will include a description of the effectiveness of trigger level actions, and threshold contingency actions that have been implemented to manage the impact, as well as an analysis of trends.

3.5.2 Reporting on exceedance of trigger criteria and threshold criteria

In the event of exceedance of any trigger or threshold criteria, [Company name] will notify the OEPA in writing within [state number of days] days.

10 Table 3-4 Condition Environmental Management Plan Reporting Table

Key environmental factor: Hydrological processes (Ministerial Statement xyz, conditions [x-x] to [x-y])

Condition environmental outcome and threshold and trigger criteria Reporting on the environmental outcome, threshold and trigger Status1 set in the Condition EMP criteria for [Month 20xx] to [Month 20yy]

Condition environmental outcome:[Example: The groundwater regime is [The groundwater regime was maintained / not maintained such or maintained such that the groundwater-dependent ecosystem al location XX that the groundwater-dependent ecosystem at location XX is not is not adversely affected.] adversely affected as a result of proposal implementation.] or Trigger criteria: Trigger criteria: 1. ____; and 1. ______; and 2. ____. 2. ______.

Threshold criteria: 1. ____; and Threshold criteria: 2. ____. 1. ______; and 2. ______.

Notes: 1. The status of achievement of environmental outcome is indicated by the following symbols: Environmental outcome achieved Environmental outcome not achieved


[Company name] will also implement adaptive management to learn from the implementation of mitigation measures, monitoring and evaluation against trigger and threshold criteria, to more effectively meet the condition environmental outcome. The following approach will be followed:

A list of issues that may be considered in the formulation of the approach is suggested below. Please expand and add to the list.

 Monitoring data will be systematically evaluated and compared to baseline and reference site data on a [time period depending on frequency of monitoring] basis in a process of adaptive management to verify whether hydrological responses to the impact are the same or similar to predictions;  How will assumptions and uncertainties listed in section 2.1 be addressed?  When trigger level actions do not have the outcome anticipated or required;  Increased understanding of the hydrological regime;  External changes during the life of the proposal (e.g. changes to the sensitivity of the key environmental factor, implementation of other activities in the area, etc.);  Review of Condition EMP – changes to Condition EMP provisions required by a condition; timeframe, etc.


Consistent with the EPA’s expectations for this Condition EMP to align with the principles of EIA, [Company name] consulted with stakeholders while developing this Condition EMP. This section provides a summary of consultation that occurred. The comments raised during consultations with stakeholders were considered in the development of the Condition EMP. The following sections present stakeholders’ comments and [Example Company’s] responses to those comments.

Table 5-1 Stakeholders consulted, comments and responses Comments [ Company name] Response to Organisation(s) Comments/Concerns


The following appendices provide technical information that was used in developing this Condition EMP.

This information may include baseline survey reports, supplementary modelling reports or scientific studies, supplementary scientific studies, a risk assessment, and other relevant information to support the approach to implementation described in the ‘Context, scope and rationale’ section of the Condition EMP.


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