Education/Training s1

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Education/Training s1

Curriculum vitæ Bouchoux Julien 28 rue de Wattignies, Appt 46 75012 Paris Birth date : 28 june 1980 +336 07 69 24 04 [email protected]


2009 PhD in Physiology-Physiopathology of University Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6-France) 2005 Pharm. D of University of Pharmaceutical sciences of Châtenay-Malabry (Paris XI-France) 2004 Master's degree in Fundamental Microbiology (Paris 6-Institut Pasteur) 2002 Bachelor degree in Biological and Medical Sciences specialized in molecular biology

Employment 2012-2013 Translator for Trad Online and Tradivarius 2009-2013 Pharmacist 2005-2009 Doctoral fellowship from National Research Agency on AIDS Work done at the Cordelier Research Center, Intestinal differentiation and lipid metabolism (Team n° 04) managed by Monique Rousset. Subject : « Partition of triglycerides between storage and secretion in enterocytic cells : A control point for triglycerides rich lipoproteines secretion ? » (directed by Sylvie Demignot). Two papers, five posters (including one national and one international congress) and three speeches (including one national and one international congress). 2003-2004 Master traineeship Traineeship done at the Plant Sciences Laboratory managed by Jean Villard (Paris 5) « Inactivation of the FCY2 gene encoding purine-cytosine permease in Candida lusitaniae and functional analysis in the study of cross-resistance to flucytosine and fluconazole. » One paper, one national poster for national congress and two nucleotid sequences submission.

Traineeship done between 2001 and 2003 :  « Mecanisms allowing recombinaison and replication fidelity in Deinococcus radiodurans » at the Study Group of mutagenesis (Dir. S. Sommer, Orsay, Paris XI) (2 months)  « Study of mitochondrial biogenesis and of his consequences on muscular energetic metabolism in cardiac insufficiency. » at Cellular and Molecular Cardiology INSERM unity (Dir. R. Fischmeister, Châtenay- Malabry, Paris XI) (one week)  « Research of plasmids and viruses in hyperthermophilic Thermococcales Archaebacteria. » at the Molecular Biology of Gene in Extremophiles laboratory (Dir. P. Forterre, Orsay, Paris XI) (2 months)

Skills Communication : reports writing, posters and oral presentations elaboration Languages : french (mother tongue), English (good written comprehension) Computer working (office applications) Workmanship of molecular and cellular biology, microbiology and cell culture Management and teaching Others Reading Theater Work valorization

Scientific Publications

Bouchoux, J., Beilstein, F., Pauquai, T., Guerrera, I.C., Chateau, D., Ly, N., Alqub, M., Klein, C., Chambaz, J., Rousset, M., Lacorte, J.M., Morel, E. and Demignot, S. (2011) The proteome of cytosolic lipid droplets isolated from differentiated Caco-2/TC7 enterocytes reveals cell-specific characteristics. Biol Cell., 103(11):499-517

Pauquai, T., Bouchoux, J., Chateau, D., Vidal, R., Rousset, M., Chambaz, J., and Demignot, S. (2006) Adaptation of enterocytic Caco-2 cells to glucose modulates triacylglycerol-rich lipoprotein secretion through triacylglycerol targeting into the endoplasmic reticulum lumen. Biochem J., 395(2):393-403

Chapeland-Leclerc F., Bouchoux J., Goumar A., Chastin C., Villard J. and Noel T. (2005) Inactivation of the FCY2 gene encoding purine-cytosine permease promotes cross-resistance to flucytosine and fluconazole in Candida lusitaniae. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 49: 3101-3108

Communications The author presenting the communication is marked with an asterisk.

Bouchoux J.*, Delers F., Rousset M., Chambaz J. et Demignot S. Contrôle de la répartition des triglycérides dans l’entérocyte entre stockage cytosolique et sécrétion par l’expression de la protéine capside du virus de l’hépatite C . Journée Jeunes Chercheurs des Cordeliers, 10 april 2008, Paris (poster).

Bouchoux J.*, Delers F., Rousset M., Chambaz J. et Demignot S. Impact de l’expression de la protéine de capside du virus de l’hépatite C sur le métabolisme lipidique des entérocytes. 8ème réunion de l’ANRS, 24-25 january 2008, Paris (poster).

Bouchoux J.*, Delers F., Rousset M., Chambaz J. and Demignot S. Impact of the expression of core protein of the hepatitis C virus on the lipid metabolism of enterocytes 18th Lipid Binding Protein Workshop, 13-14 december 2007, Heidelberg (oral communication).

Bouchoux J., Château D., Pauquai T., Delers F., Rousset M., Chambaz J. and Demignot S.* Control of triglyceride partition between storage and secretion in enterocytes. FASEB summer research conference « Lipid Droplets: Metabolic Consequences of Stored Neutral Lipids », 28 july to 2 august 2007, Saxtons River, Vermont, USA (poster).

Bouchoux J.*, Delers F., Rousset M., Chambaz J. et Demignot S. Impact de l’expression de la protéine de capside du virus de l’hépatite C sur le métabolisme lipidique des entérocytes. Journée Jeunes Chercheurs des Cordeliers, 22 march 2007, Paris (oral communication).

Bouchoux J.*, Delers F., Rousset M., Chambaz J. et Demignot S. Impact de l’expression de la protéine de capside du virus de l’hépatite C sur le métabolisme lipidique des entérocytes. XXVème réunion du Club d'Etudes des Cellules Epithéliales Digestives (CECED), 19 to 21 march 2007, Lyon (oral communication).

Bouchoux J.*, Pauquai T., Delers F., Rousset M., Chambaz J. et Demignot S. Métabolisme lipidique intestinal et virus de l’hépatite C. Journées de l’école doctorale 394, 27 and 28 june 2006, Paris (poster). Bouchoux J.*, Pauquai T., Rousset M., Chambaz J. et Demignot S. Métabolisme lipidique intestinal et virus de l’hépatite C. Journées de l’école doctorale 394, 6 and 7 june 2005, Paris (poster).

Leclerc F., Noël T.*, Bouchoux J., Goumar A., Chastin C., Villard J. Clonage du gène FCY2 de Candida lusitaniae codant pour une purine-cytosine perméase et analyse de disruption dans le cadre de la résistance croisée Flucytosine/Fluconazole. Congrès de la Société Française de Mycologie Médicale, 3 and 4 june 2004, Montpellier (oral communication).

Nucleotid sequences submissions Leclerc F., Bouchoux J., Villard J., Noël T. (2003). Clavispora lusitaniae purine-cytosine permease (FCY2) gene, complete cds. Genbank, NCBI, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, n° accession AY506866.

Leclerc F., Bouchoux J., Villard J., Noël T. (2003) Clavispora lusitaniae putative purine-cytosine permease (FCY21) pseudogene, complete sequence. Genbank, NCBI, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, n° accession AY506867.

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