Mahopac Central School District Board of Education Community Communications Committee

Community Communications Committee (CCC) Members William Hines, Chairperson Giulio Cefaloni Penny Swift Meeting Minutes 11/19/07

School Officials in Attendance: William Hines, Penny Swift, Giulio Cefaloni, Vince Quartararo, Don Beverly

2 residents in attendance.

Meeting convened by Mr. Hines at 7:35 PM.

1. Set Agenda Items.

 Tips for Parents re My Space on the Internet Deputy Sheriff Adam McKechnie could not make the meeting. We will reschedule this topic for the next CCC meeting. In the meantime, there was discussion concerning the importance that parents should be knowledgeable when it comes to our children’s use of the internet. Parents should be familiar with and know how to monitor the websites that are visited from the home computer. A suggestion was to possibly tape this information and play it on Ch. 22. Mr. Hines will look into it.

 Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Education Discussion took place on the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Education. It is the Board’s responsibility to oversee the district by creating policies and ensuring that the district is taking all measures to create an environment for all students to succeed. All school policies are available to the public. The community is always welcomed to inquire about any issues that relate to the Mahopac Central School District.

 Curriculum Initiatives A brief overview of the 9th Grade Program was given. The program was designed to create a successful transition from 8th grade and to address the social and academic issues that are created by such a transition. Mr. LaFredo, resident, asked if this program template would be used on the 6th grade level. Mr. Hines indicated that this program was specifically designed for the 9th grade level and that the 6th grade level has its own specific needs.

2. Old Business by CCC  School Web Sites Mr. Hines stated that the web sites are undergoing evaluation. This is being spearheaded by Don Beverly, Asst. to Supt., Technology. He is working with the building tech leaders in order to incorporate a new “e chart” template into the web sites. Hopefully, this will occur by mid-January. More to follow. We will look into having this presented at a taped BOE meeting. CCC Meeting, 11/19/07, page 2

3. New Business by CCAC None

4. Resident Comments / Questions

 Tracking Mr. LaFredo asked if there was any system in place to track alumni and find out what areas of Mahopac’s curriculum were successful and what were short of successful in preparing students to post-secondary education. When discussed further, the question of tracking the percentage of alumni who completed post- secondary education (baccalaureate degree). The current answer is no. It would be interesting to capture these statistics.

 Overcrowding in HS Cafeteria Mr. DiCarlo asked if anything could be done regarding the crowding situation in the cafeteria. Mr. Hines stated that a “traffic pattern” was implemented in order to keep movement flowing into and out of the cafeteria. He will look into what other steps have or could be taken.

 Legislative Information Mr. LaFredo asked how we obtain legislative information. Mr. Hines stated that we receive our information three ways: 1. Through New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) emails, 2. Through our Superintendent, and 3. Through our Legislative Committee which is currently chaired by Rose Fabiano.

Next BOE Meeting: Tues., December 11, 2007 at the Middle School. Next CCC Meeting: TBA. Submit agenda items to Dorothy Gilroy, District Clerk.

Mr. Hines thanked the CCC and residents for their attendance and participation.

Meeting concluded at 8:50 PM.

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