Conference Summary/Action Notice

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Conference Summary/Action Notice


Date: Write the complete date (mm/dd/yy) The conference summary is at least (7) calendar days after the date of the Notice of ARC Meeting, unless the meeting is for disciplinary change in placement or a safety issue. If the parent(s) requested or agreed to meet earlier, document this on the ARC Meeting Invitation.

District Enter District Name Here School: Enter School Name Here

Name: Enter Student Name Here DOB: mm/dd/yy Student ID #: if appropriate

Disability: For Grade: an initial eligibility meeting do not enter Current Grade of student anything in this field. (If currently receiving Special Education Services)

I. DESCRIPTION OF EACH EVALUATION PROCEDURE, TEST, RECORD, OR REPORT USED AS BASIS FOR THE ARC DECISIONS. The following items were considered. (See attached explanation of evaluation procedures.): Typical information for an annual review meeting. The information is dependent upon the student. The items checked should match the information needed and brought into the Annual Review meeting. Mark each component of the Written Assessment Report if selected below.

Written Assessment Report Behavior Observations- already Physical Therapy Assessment Dated: in existence from classroom mm/dd/yy teacher(s) Student Progress in Achieving IEP Communication Assessment Occupational Therapy Goals Assessment Referral Receptive Language Assistive Technology Assessment Evaluation Vision Screening Expressive Language Developmental History Assessment Hearing Screening Speech Sound Production Social/Cultural Factors Health Screening Oral Mechanism Evaluation Rating Scales Communication Screening Fluency Evaluation Adaptive Behavior Scale Cognitive Screening Voice Evaluation Social Competence Assessment (emotional/behavioral) Academic Performance Screening Augmentative Comm. Behavioral Data/Logs Assessment Motor Screening Hearing Evaluation Functional Behavior Assessment Social/Emotional Competence Vision Evaluation Discipline Referral(s) Screening Educational History Functional Vision/Learning Technical/Vocational Media Assessment Assessment Cognitive/Intellectual Assessment Braille Skills Inventory Parental Input (Specify Below):

Perceptual Abilities Assessment Orientation and Mobility Assessment Developmental Assessment Health/Medical Evaluation or Statement Academic Performance Motor Abilities

Other Data: (Specify if Any)

1 Information used that is not included on the evaluation list is listed as “Other.”

When reviewing existing data the following should be included: Results of district and state assessments given annually, existing classroom observations (marked above), current classroom based assessment data, progress data on IEP goals (marked above).

A description of the sources marked above must be printed and attached to the Conference Summary. The descriptions are included on Page 6.

II. PARENT CONCERNS AND INPUT (Specify if Any) Provide a summary of the parents’ concerns or input here.

If the parent is in attendance or participated through other means and has shared that there are no specific concerns, include a statement that summarizes that the parent has no specific concerns at this time.

2 Name: DOB: Date of ARC: III. OPTIONS/ACTIONS CONSIDERED AND REASONS FOR THE DECISIONS: Complete all applicable sections based on the purpose of the meeting. Explain why the ARC proposes or refuses to take action, providing documentation for the reasons for those decisions in the sections below, in the notes section, and through appropriate attachments. A. Initial Evaluation Leave blank for an Annual Review Meeting. Suspected Disability: (Place a check for each suspected disability).

Autism Hearing Impaired Specific Learning Disability Deaf Blind Mild Mental Disability Speech or Language Impaired Developmentally Multiple Disabilities Traumatic Brain Injury Delayed Emotional Behavior Orthopedically Impaired Vision Impaired Disability Functional Mental Other Health Impaired Disability Description of Action(s): An evaluation will be conducted (See Evaluation Planning Form). An evaluation will not be conducted. Additional interventions will be implemented in the area(s) of (This is suggested, not required.) Other: (Specify) Reason for Decision(s): Review of referral information, including all existing data, supports a suspected disability and the need for a full evaluation. Review of referral information, including all existing data, does not support a suspected disability nor the need for a full evaluation. Additional information is required prior to acting on the referral. Other: (Specify) B. Reevaluation Plan Leave blank if Reevaluation is not discussed during the Annual Review Meeting. Based on the review of existing data as outlined in Section I, including but not limited to: (a) Evaluations and information provided by parents; (b) Current classroom-based assessments and observations; and (c) Observations by teachers and related service providers. The ARC has decided that additional information (See Evaluation Planning Form) is needed to determine: (Check all that apply) If the student continues to have a disability. If the student continues to need special education. The present level of academic and functional performance and educational needs of the student. Any additions or modifications to the special education and related services needed to enable the student to meet the goals set out in the IEP and to participate, as appropriate, in the general curriculum. Or The ARC has determined that current data is sufficient. Or Parent has requested formal evaluation. (See Evaluation Planning Form) And The parents have been informed of these decisions.

3 Name: DOB: Date of ARC: C. Eligibility/Continued Eligibility: Document the ARC decision regarding the determination of the student’s eligibility for special education and related services and reasons for the decision on the appropriate Eligibility Determination form(s). (Note: For Multiple Disabilities, complete a separate form for each underlying disability category.) Select this section for an Annual Review Meeting that included Eligibility Determination after a Reevaluation. Date of Eligibility Determination: Same date as meeting Student does not have an educational disability requiring special education and related services Mark if student is not eligible Complete Disability areas below as documented on Eligibility form(s). Primary Disability: Secondary Disability: For students identified as Multiple Disabilities document the underlying disabilities below: Underlying Disability (A): Underlying Disability (B)

Underlying Disability (C): Underlying Disability (D)

D. Individual Education Program developed/revised Select this section for an Annual Review Meeting. The Notes Page will be used for additional documentation of discussion related to the proposed action checked. An Individual Education Program has been developed or revised An Individual Education Program has NOT been developed or revised. E. Placement Options and Decisions: Based on the review of assessment data and the completed IEP, the ARC discussed the following placement option(s): Select this section for an Annual Review Meeting. Document that the ARC considered the Continuum of Alternative Placements with the regular education environments as the first placement option considered for the child. See Notes Pages for additional documentation of discussion. Accept Reject Placement Option Considered Reason Accepted/Rejected ed ed Reasons rejected cannot be based solely on “administrative convenience” (e.g., costs, Full time general education staffing, administrative convenience or time factors). The explanation for rejection may environment include information about pacing needs or needed supports for in or outside the regular education environment. Part-time general education and Same as above if another placement Part-time special education option is considered. environment. Full-time special education Same as above if another placement option is environment Considered. Select only one option from the list below based on the student’s age as of December 1 during the effective date of the IEP. Select in accordance with directions from the Annual Data Report related to placement or setting for students with disabilities. Ages 3 through 5: Ages 6 to 21:

Regular Early Childhood Program at least 80% Regular Class 80% or more of the day Regular Early Childhood Program 40% to 79% Regular Class no more than 79% of day and of time no less than 40% of day

4 Regular Early Childhood Program less than Regular Class less than 40% of the day Separate Class Separate School Separate School Residential Facility Residential Facility Homebound/Hospital Home Correctional Facilities Service Provider Location Parentally Placed in Private Schools

5 Name: DOB: Date of ARC: F. Consideration of Potential Harmful Effects Select this section for an Annual Review Meeting. Document the ARC decision of potentially harmful effects on the child or the quality of services. There are no potential harmful effects of the placement on the child or on the quality of services needed by the child Potential harmful effects identified and modifications to compensate are outlined below:

Document the modification(s) to compensate the harmful effects here.

G. Notice of Graduation or Aging Out: Complete when the student is 14 or in the 8th grade and up.

The ARC anticipates the student will require longer than 4 years of High School to Graduate. The ARC anticipates that the student will graduate within the next twelve (12) months. The student has been provided with a summary of academic achievement and functional performance including recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting his or her post secondary goal(s) Prior to graduation and in accordance with district procedures. Based on the student’s birth date, the student will age-out and no longer be eligible for services on: Consideration must be at least one year before aging out and in accordance with district procedures. (Date) IV. MEDICAID (OPTIONAL): Document actions, as appropriate, when student is eligible for Medicaid services. Annual written notice was provided to the parent in order to submit claims for Medicaid Reimbursement. In addition to covered services on the student’s IEP and/or covered evaluations outlined through evaluation planning, collateral services will be provided by qualified providers as needed.

V. DISCIPLINARY REVIEW (Complete Manifestation Determination Review form if checked) Leave Blank for an Annual Review Meeting.

VI. OTHER FACTORS RELEVANT TO THE ACTION: Identified factors relevant to the action as follows (if any) specified below: Note whether or not any relevant factors to the action proposed in Section B, C, D, E or F, Description of Actions.

None Identified Identified factors relevant to the action as follows:

6 If relevant factors to the action were identified, document the description of the factors related to the district’s proposal or refusal here. B. Reevaluation The ARC determined the student is now performing within the range of peers. A reevaluation is required prior to release. The IEP was developed and will be implemented until the required reevaluation is completed. Release from special education will be discussed and determined based on the progress and reevaluation data at the next meeting. (Potential Relevant Factor)

C. Eligibility/Continued Eligibility –

The following environmental, family, or cultural factors were factors listed were identified as relevant to the proposed/refused action that the student does/does not have a disability that adversely affects educational performance: (Relevant Factor that should be discussed)

Eligibility was not re-determined because the reevaluation data was not sufficient. See the Notes Pages for the ARC plan to gather the needed information. (Potential Relevant Factor)

D & E. Individual Education Program The IEP was not revised because the ARC determined the IEP was appropriate and the student is making progress as expected. The current IEP and placement will continue until the previously planned Annual Review Date. (Potential Relevant Factor for Annual Review meeting requested earlier than 12-month review)

7 Name: DOB: Date of ARC: VII. ADMISSIONS AND RELEASE COMMITTEE MEMBERS sign their names to indicate their attendance.

I have been advised, in my native language, and I understand the contents of this notice. I have a copy and have received an explanation of my procedural safeguards as parent of a student with a disability or as a student with a disability. I understand that I can receive an additional copy of my procedural safeguards, a further explanation of my rights, or assistance in understanding the content of this notice by contacting the student’s school or the Director of Special Education.

Parent(s)/Student* Parent participated via alternate means

*(if age 18 or older or younger if appropriate)

Parents did not attend meeting. A copy of Parent Rights, if necessary, and appropriate Due Process forms were:


Mailed Delivered by school personnel Sent home with student

Documentation that a statement of procedural safeguards (i.e., Parent Rights) was provided to the parent includes: • The parent(s) signed the statement that Parent Rights were explained and a copy made available, OR • Parents were not in attendance at the ARC meeting and the box is checked that the Parent Rights were included with the written notice. In this case the ARC Chair will enter the date and method used to forward the information to the parent(s). Signatures indicate attendance at the meeting. Typed names are not acceptable. Attendee titles were included on the Notice of Meeting.

, District Representative , Other Agency Representative (Printed Name) (Printed Name) ARC Chairperson Typically used for: • For meetings discussing Preschool Transition, or • For meeting discussing Postsecondary Transition

, Regular Education Teacher , Speech-Language Pathologist (Printed Name) (Printed Name) If the child does not currently have a regular education teacher, this teacher may be a See note under Special Education Teacher. SLP would sign here when Speech/Language regular education teacher who is knowledgeable of the grade level curriculum for the services are provided as Related Services. child.

, Special Education Teacher , Student (when appropriate) (Printed Name) (Printed Name) The Special Education teacher selected by the Chair and invited via the Notice of Meeting.Must be invited to attend when students who are in 8th grade or age 14 and older. For students suspected as Speech Language Impairment only, the SLP must be on the Notice of Meeting and signs as the Special Education Teacher. Note: for preschool, if the Notice of Invitation Includes a preschool teacher who is IECE Certified, the preschool teacher signs and the ARC documents that the person served both roles by noting “IECE after the signature.

, School Psychologist/ , Title: (Printed Name) Evaluation Specialist (Printed Name) Required when the purpose on the Notice of Meeting was to discuss the results Other of an individual evaluation/reevaluation. Individual who can interpret the implications of the evaluation results may be a SLP, Diagnostician, Psychologist, or teacher or administrator who can interpret the test results. This individual may already be a member of the ARC as Chairperson, Regular Education Teacher, or Special

8 Education Teacher as described above.

, Title: , Title: (Printed Name) (Printed Name) Other Other

9 Evaluations, Tests, Records, or Reports

Written Assessment Report includes interpretations of each test or Braille Skills Inventory is an assessment of a student’s potential for procedure used and gives an analysis of the student’s strengths and reading and writing in Braille. weaknesses as they relate to his or her educational needs. Orientation and Mobility Assessment measures the ability of the Student’s Progress in Achieving IEP Objectives refers to data student with visual limitations to travel safely and efficiently in collected related to the performance of the student toward mastery of familiar and unfamiliar environments. the IEP objectives. Health/Medical Statement refers to a report/documentation of (an) Referral means information about a student suspected of having a examination(s) by a licensed physician or other qualified health-care disability that is used by the ARC to help determine the need for an professional that verifies the diagnosis and nature of an illness or evaluation. impairment and any limitations resulting from the illness or impairment. Screening means a systematic effort to identify physical and mental health barriers impacting the learning of an individual student. Motor Abilities involve the capacity to execute any movement by maneuvering one’s body and/or limbs, which is necessary and Educational History may include school(s) attended, patterns of essential to basic learning for a student’s growth and development. attendance, current level or grade placement, achievement data and (May include Occupational Therapy and/or Physical Therapy grades, programs attended, and other relevant data. Assessments related to educational performance.) Communication (Speech/Language) Assessment measures any Assistive Technology Evaluation may include a functional means (e.g., speech, sign language, gestures, and writing) by which evaluation in a child’s customary environment, a determination of the a student relates experiences, ideas, knowledge, and feelings to type of technology required, and/or the need for instruction in the use another. of the assistive technology.

Augmentative Communication Assessment evaluates the need Developmental History provides written documentation from for an alternative system to support, enhance, or supplement the parent/guardian regarding health or medical information; family communication of a student. factors; developmental milestones; relationships with peers/family Cognitive/Intellectual Assessment gives an appraisal of the and others; and parental observations and expectations of the child mental processes by which an individual acquires knowledge, in the home, community, and school. including thinking, reasoning, and problem solving skills. Social/Cultural Factors include relationships with peers, family, and Perceptual Abilities Assessment measures the student’s visual- others; dominant language of the student and the family and any motor integration abilities. cultural factors; expectations of the parents for the student in the home, school and community environments; services received in the Developmental Assessment (Early Childhood) measures a community; economic influences; and the impact of home, school, preschool student’s educational/developmental abilities in the areas and community. of cognition, social-emotional, adaptive behavior, language, and motor. Rating Scales measure a student’s behavior in a variety of areas such as hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity, depression and Academic Performance Assessment is a systematic appraisal and inappropriate behaviors across settings. analysis of a student’s educational achievement in such areas as basic and content reading; reading comprehension; mathematics Adaptive Behavior Scales provides information relating to the calculation, reasoning and application; written expression; oral attainment of skills that lead to independent functioning as an adult. expression; listening comprehension, learning preference and style, Social Competence (Emotional/Behavioral) Assessment and work samples. measures the student’s adaptive behaviors in social situations and Behavioral Observations provide written documentation of a social skills that enable the student to meet environmental demands current pattern of behavior over time and across settings, including and to assume responsibility for his/her own welfare. targeted behaviors, and are conducted in the environment in which Behavioral Data/Log is a systematic method of documenting the targeted behaviors occur. problematic behaviors over an extended period of time. Hearing Evaluation may include assessments of hearing acuity, Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) analyzes the student’s speech discrimination, speech perception, and auditory processing. behavior to determine the function the behavior serves for the When the individual uses amplification, assessments may be student. An FBA is a problem solving approach that enables the conducted in both the unaided and aided conditions. examiner to determine what is triggering and maintaining the Vision Evaluation may include vision screening, functional vision inappropriate behavior. evaluation, visual examination, and/or medical examination. Discipline Referral is a written report of behavior violation that is Functional Vision/Learning Media Assessment includes formal submitted to a principal or other school administrator for a decision and informal evaluation of the student’s use of vision in performing a of disciplinary action, if classroom discipline measures do not correct variety of activities throughout the school day (e.g., completion of the misconduct or if the behavior is a serious offense. tasks presented at a distance, travel through school). It is an Technical/Vocational Assessment may include general work objective process of systematically selecting learning and literacy habits; dexterity; following directions; working independently or with media (e.g. effective print size and contrast and lighting job support or accommodation(s); job interests or preferences; requirements). abilities (aptitude); other special needs; job-specific work skills; interpersonal relationships and socialization; and related work skills.

10 11 Name: DOB: Date of ARC: Notes Page - 1:

If relevant discussion occurs in the ARC meeting that is not reflected previously on the Conference Summary form, the discussion must be documented in the Conference Summary Notes.

Chairperson Name Here introduced the Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) members and guests.

Note to Meeting Recorder: Delete this statement and the Entire Section within Box if none of the conditions apply. If one statement applies maintain the statement in the notes.

The Role of Staff Member Name Here was not listed on the Notice of Meeting. Chairperson Name Here asked for parent approval for Staff Member Name Here to attend. The parent did/did not grant approval.

Staff Member Name Here cannot attend the meeting. Parent Name Here gave consent prior to the meeting for the non-attendance and Chairperson Name Here will share their written report during the meeting. Staff Member Name Here will represent the role.

Chairperson Name Here described the ARC process for the committee members then described the steps the committee will complete during the meeting.

Note to Recorder. Delete the Discussion of Reevaluation Results and Redetermination Eligibility if id does apply to the meeting. reviewed the content evaluation report and interpreted the instructional implications of the evaluation results.

The ARC discussed the triangulated reevaluation data, including the comparison to similar-age, non-disabled peers. See ARC Worksheet for Eligibility and Adverse Effect. The ARC also discussed the data on family, environmental, and cultural factors. The following factor(s) do/do not impact the educational performance Student name here .

When analyzing and comparing the reevaluation information to the eligibility criteria for the specific disability area(s) the ARC determined the information was/was not sufficient to make an eligibility determination. The ARC developed the following plan to acquire the needed information : (describe the additional information needed, assigned ARC members to collect the additional information, and date, time and location for meeting to complete the eligibility determination).

The reevaluation information indicates that all eligibility criteria were met and Student name here ’s educational performance is consistently and significantly below same age peers. Therefore, the ARC determined the disability area of adversely affects educational performance. The adverse effect of the disability is . (also noted on the ARC Eligibility and Adverse Affect Worksheet) The ARC completed the following steps to develop the Individual Education Plan (IEP).


The reevaluation information does not support all eligibility criteria and Student name here ’s educational performance is not consistently and significantly below same age peers. Therefore the ARC determined there is not an adverse effect on educational performance. Go to IEP Development OPTION 2 of 3

IEP Review The ARC reviewed ongoing progress data for the current Individual Education Program (IEP) and other existing data to determine the degree of progress on Benchmarks/Short Term Objectives and toward the Annual Goals. Progress was made in the following areas:

Progress was not made in the following areas:

12 The ARC determined the following factors for progress not being made:

The committee reviewed the Present Levels see if there was improvement in the student’s performance in the deficit area(s). Improvement was noted in the following deficit area(s): Improvement was not made in the following area(s):

The ARC determined the performance in the Present Levels is/is not within the range of similar age (non- disabled) peers.

Note to Recorder: Only one of the three IEP Development Options for the meeting. IEP Development Option 1 of 3: The ARC proposed to develop a new IEP because Student name here did not meet the degree of progress expected and/or the performance in the Present Levels in not yet within the range of similar aged non-disabled peers. OR because Student name here may no longer need specially designed instruction and reevaluation information is needed.

(for students 8th grade or 14 and older) The Individual Learning Plan to assist Student name here prepare for post-school activities was reviewed. From the ILP and evaluation information the student has the following unique needs to prepare for future education, employment, and independent living: The transition needs and services were noted in the appropriate sections of the IEP.

(for students 16 and older) From the ILP and evaluation information the ARC developed the Student name here ’s measurable postsecondary goal(s) in the areas of employment, education/training and as needed, independent living. Student name here ’s postsecondary goal(s) is/are: The ARC also determined the transition services needed as noted in the appropriate sections of the IEP. Student name here will/will not\complete a high school program within four (4) years.

The ARC reviewed and discussed Student name here ’s performance information and the competencies and concerns in relation to the Kentucky curriculum. The ARC also reviewed and discussed Student name here ’s other needs that are a result of the disability.

Based on progress monitoring and other child performance data the ARC developed the Present Levels of Performance statements for each functioning area, The ARC discussed and considered the following special factors as they relate.

The ARC discussed current emotional social functioning status. Behavior is a deficit area to the degree behavior interventions, strategies or supports are needed as described on the IEP. or There are no deficits in this area and behavior interventions, strategies or supports are not needed.

The ARC discussed current vision functioning. Due to deficits in vision functioning Braille use and instruction is needed. Or No deficits exist in vision or the vision deficits are not to the degree that Braille use and instruction is needed.

The ARC discussed current hearing acuity and communication functioning including the primary language in the home. Due to deficits language and communication instruction is needed as documented on the IEP. or There are no deficits in this area and language and communication instruction, including Limited English Proficiency is not needed. Because of impaired hearing Student name here will have opportunities for direct communication with peers and professional personnel in his/her language and mode of communication as documented on the IEP. Or Impaired hearing is not an issue.

The ARC discussed the following deficits in present level of performance that may require Assistive Technology: The ARC concluded assistive technology devices and services are needed as described on the IEP. or The ARC determined there were no deficits in the present level requiring assistive technology at this time.

13 The committee prioritized areas of need identified in the Present Level of Performance. The areas of high priority are: The areas of low priority are:

The committee developed and documented on the IEP the Measurable Annual Goals including Benchmarks/Short Term Objectives, methods of evaluation and progress reporting methods for each priority need.

Evaluation information and progress data indicate the specially designed instruction included on the IEP matches the needs of Student name here The supplementary aids and services selected to support Student name here in general education settings and environments also match the needs of the student documented in child performance data.

The evaluation data shows ______therefore Student name here needs the following modifications for state assessment::

The ARC discussed whether or not specialized training is needed by any school staff member in order to implement the IEP. Training is not needed at this time or The following staff will receive training as documented on the IEP. The use of school time and use of school staff was also discussed in relation to the implementation of Student name here ’s IEP. Those types supports for school staff in those areas will be provided on the IEP or No changes in school time or use of school staff are needed at this time to support school personnel with implementing the IEP.

The ARC discussed if specially-designed instruction alone will assist Student name here in making progress toward goals and benchmarks/objectives. The ARC determined SDI alone will assist the student because there were no indications in the Present Levels or evaluation data of related service needs. OR The ARC determined SDI alone will not suffice and related services are needed based on Present Level and evaluation information.

For students ages 16 and up The ARC decided the student does/does not need a related service to facilitate movement from school to post-school activities.

Optional Related Services Documentation. Note to Meeting Recorder: Delete the lines below if none of the conditions apply. If one statement applies maintain the statement in the notes.

The related service(s) needed in order for Student name here to benefit from the Special Designed Instruction are: The related service(s) needed to in order to support Student name here ’s participation in the general education setting are: The related service(s) that must be provided during school hours and within the school facilities to be effective are: The related service(s) needed in order to provide access Student name here to school are:

The committee decided on the beginning, anticipated frequency, anticipated duration, and location for the SDI services needed.

Note to Meeting Recorder: Delete the statement if the student will not receive related services. The same requirements were discussed and decided for the Related Services needed.

Based on the present levels and services needed the ARC discussed the extent to which Student name here will not participate in the regular education setting. The extent that content areas that will be provided outside the regular class was noted on the IEP.

For students age 17 or emancipated only: The ARC discussed the transfer of parental rights to the student at the age of majority and obtained the signature of Student name here on the notice.

The ARC discussed progress information and data trends to determine the need for Extended School Year Services (ESY). The data show Student name here does/does not experience regression and limited recoupment during

14 instructional breaks. Student performance data shows the time to re-learn lost skills is/is not excessive. OR For ESY decision when district does not have data The ARC discussed the evaluation and child performance information available, present levels, and impact of the disability. The information shows so the professional judgment of the ARC is Student name here will/will not experience significant regression in the absence of an educational program during instructional breaks.

The ARC set the Annual Review Date for

The ARC discussed the continuum of placement alternatives and proposed that services be provided according to the Individual Education Program in the placement(s) indicated in Section E.

The ARC discussed and determined Harmful Effects of the placement on the student or services as noted in Section F.

IEP Development OPTION 2 of 3 The ARC proposed to release Student name here from specially designed instructional services and change the current placement to the general education setting. The proposal was based on progress data and reevaluation information that showed Student name here met the degree of progress expected and is currently performing within the range of non-disabled peers. The evaluation procedures, tests, records, or reports used as a basis for the decision include are noted in Section I.

The ARC determined the following accommodations will be needed in the general education setting . Person(s) responsible for the implementation of the accommodations are Or The ARC determined no accommodations will be needed in the general education setting.

IEP Development OPTION 3 of 3 (Use only or annual review meetings requested early) The ARC decided to continue the current IEP and placement without revision until the scheduled review date because progress is being made as expected.

Include one of the following text options if Reevaluation is Needed

The committee planned for reevaluation because Student name here is due for a three year reevaluation on . The suspected disability area(s) is/are . OR The committee planned for reevaluation which must be conducted prior to the release of services.

Include one of the following text options for Review of Existing Data if Reevaluation is Needed The committee members reviewed existing data, as noted in Section I. The ARC decided the data was sufficient to decide whether or not the student continues to have a disability and need special education. Ch airperson Name Here informed the parent(s) of their right to request an assessment. The response of the parent(s) . The existing data reviewed was compiled into the attached Reevaluation Summary Report.


The committee members reviewed existing data, as noted in Section I. The ARC decided the data was not sufficient to decide whether or not the student continues to have a disability and need special education. The existing data reviewed was compiled into the attached Reevaluation Summary Report. Because the data was not sufficient the ARC determined the areas of evaluation, types of personnel to complete evaluation components, determined the need for an Assistive Technology evaluation, and determined the need for modifications to evaluation procedures. See attached evaluation plan. (Or document evaluation plan in these conference summary minutes.) The information from the existing data review will be or incorporated into the reevaluation report.

15 The committee proposed/refused to evaluate. The parent did/did not give consent for the reevaluation.

Chairperson Name Here reviewed the conference summary minutes. The ARC members signed the conference summary minutes. A copy of the written Notice of Proposed or Refused Action and other meeting documentation was given to the parents.


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