1. What Are the Physical Features of Latin America?

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1. What Are the Physical Features of Latin America?

Geography Integrated Lesson Plan Title: The Maya, Aztecs, and Inca Civilizations Subjects: World Regions Duration of lesson: 2-3 days Teacher: Julie Wood


A variety of geographic features, such as mountains and rivers, have impacted life in Latin America. The Maya, the Aztec, and the Inca civilizations developed creative solutions to problems presented by the physical geography around them. Students will explore the physical geography of Latin America and learn about the ancient civilizations of this culture region.


1. What are the physical features of Latin America? 2. Who were the Aztecs, Mayas, and Incas? 2. What were the achievements of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca? 3. How does geography affect a civilization? 4. How did they adapt agricultural methods to suit the environment? 5. What happens when cultures meet? 6. What factors caused their decline?


Aztec Maya Inca Tenochtitlan Chinapa Tributary Deforestation Hieroglyphs Tropical Zone Machu Picchu Sierra Madre Oriental Sierra Madre Occidental Amazon River Andes Mountains Columbian Exchange Hernan Cortes Montezuma II Francisco Pizarro Atahualpa El Nino WEST VIRGINIA CONTENT STANDARDS

6.5.1 Identify and evaluate contributions of past civilizations and show reasons for their rise and fall. 6.4.5 Evaluate the effects of physical geography and the changing nature of the earth’s surface on transportation, culture, economic activities and population density/distribution. 6.5.4 Analyze how Europeans benefited by expansion in the New World in the following:  economics  culture  trade  new agricultural products


STANDARD 1: How to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective.

STANDARD 3: How to Analyze the Spatial Organization of People, Places, and Environments on Earth’s Surface

STANDARD 4: The Physical and Human Characteristics of Places

STANDARD 5: That People Create Regions to Interpret Earth’s Complexity

STANDARD 10: The Characteristics, Distribution, and Complexity of Earth’s Cultural Mosaics

STANDARD 14: How Human Actions Modify the Physical Environment

STANDARD 15: How Physical Systems Affect Human Systems


21C.S.5-8.1 Standard 1: Information and Communication Skills The student will access, analyze, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information in a variety of forms using appropriate technology skills and communicate that information in an appropriate oral, written, or multimedia format. 21C.S.5-8.2 Standard 2: Thinking and Reasoning Skills The student will demonstrate the ability to explore and develop new ideas, to intentionally apply sound reasoning processes and to frame, analyze and solve complex problems using appropriate technology tools. MATERIALS: (include resources)

Atlases with physical and political maps of Latin America. Smart board and computer to view maps and photos Graphic Organizer on Geography Learn 360 Video Clip “Latin America: Land and Resources” (23:45 minutes) ©2009, Academic Media Network Graphic Organizer on Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations Maya, Aztec, and Inca Assessment Black line map of Latin America (http://www.abcteach.com/maps/latamer.htm)


Students will identify physical and political features on a Latin American map and record this information on a graphic organizer.

PROCEDURE: (include activity sheets)

1. Build background knowledge by watching a video clip on the physical geography of Latin America. Students can take notes on their Graphic Organizer on Geography. 2. Using an atlas, have students view physical and political maps of Latin America and identify characteristics of the landscape, political features, boundaries, and determine which areas have volcanic activity and earthquakes. This information will be recorded on their Graphic Organizer on Geography. 3. Students should identify areas of high and low elevation; largest mountain range in Latin America; Mexico’s plateau; water features; compare Latin America’s land area and population to the United States; identify landlocked countries; identify largest and smallest countries; etc. 4. Discuss their findings and point out a few facts to students such as length of Amazon River; highest recorded temperature; lowest recorded temperature; average precipitation; pollution in Mexico City due to its location between two major mountain ranges; forests of Central America; coral reefs of the Caribbean Islands; hardened lava islands of the Caribbean; elevation of the Andes; the Pampas; tributaries of the Amazon; and other interesting facts. 5. Discuss deforestation in the Amazon rainforest and how it increases carbon dioxide, causes global warming, erosion, as well as destroys cancer treating plants only found in the rain forest. 6. Identify the Tropical Zone and ask students if snow can be found in the Tropical Zone. (The Andes Mountains due to elevation). Show how the trade winds blow westerly and the effects of El Nino. 7. Challenge students to create a mnemonic that will help them remember the Central American countries in order from North to South. Allow the class to vote on the best mnemonic.(Example: My Best Girl Eats Hot Nacho Chile Peppers-for Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama) 8. Ask students to make charts with three columns and four rows. They should label the columns “Maya,” “Aztec”, and “Inca,” and label the rows with these categories: location, dates, achievements, and reasons for decline. Have students use their textbooks, library, and internet and research these topics. 9. Discuss with students their findings. 10. Create a timeline on the board showing dates of each civilization and identify the difference in B.C. and A.D. (BCE and CE) 11. Identify important achievements: Mayan calendar, hieroglyphs, concept of zero, stonework, agricultural methods, and weaving. 12. Show an illustration of the Columbian Exchange showing how Europe brought food, animals, and disease to North America but also North American foods were introduced to Europe. 13. Read Montezuma’s story of his love of chocolate.(provide Hershey kisses to students) 14. Again show the westerly trade winds and identify Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro. Discuss Aztec warfare and religion. 15. Show modern day pictures of agricultural methods used around the world (slash and burn, chinampas, and terrace farming). 16. Ask students to write an essay on the following: “The Mayas, Aztecs, and Incas used various agriculture methods. In your opinion, which method was best for the environment?” The essay should be at least 1 page and should include 5 paragraphs: (1) an introduction, (2) paragraph on the Mayas, (3) paragraph on the Aztecs, (4) paragraph on the Incas, and (5) the final paragraph would be their conclusion. 17. A final assessment would include labeling a Latin America map with physical and political features and questions on the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations.


Students identified major ancient civilizations in Latin America. Students explained the civilization and accomplishments of the ancient Maya. Students described the Aztec culture and religion. Students identified features of the Inca Empire. Students explained the effects of Spanish rule in Latin America and showed reasons for their rise and fall. Students concluded how geographical factors influence civilizations. ASSESSMENT (include assessment)

Graphic Organizer on Geography of Latin America Essay on “Which ancient agricultural method was best for the environment?” Graphic Organizer on Maya, Aztec, and Inca Civilizations Final Assessment on Latin American Map and ancient civilizations

Geography of Latin America Boundaries or Characteristics Volcanic Activity Location of the and Earthquakes Landscape Mexico

Central America

Caribbean Islands

South America

Maya Aztec Inca




Reasons for Decline Aztec, Maya, and Inca Assessment

Part A: Terms and Names: Write the letter of the term or name next to the description that explains it best.

A. Chinampas D. Francisco Pizzaro G. Hieroglyphs I. Montezuma II B. Machu Picchu E. Hernan Cortes H. Deforestation J. El Nino C. Tributaries F. Tropical Zone

______1. symbols representing words or syllables ______2. Aztec ruler who was conquered by the Spanish ______3. floating gardens built by the Aztec 4. Spanish soldier who claimed the Aztec Empire for Spain in 1521 ______5. Stone City built by the Inca high in the Peruvian Andes ______6. Spanish soldier who conquered the Inca ______7. smaller rivers that flow into a larger river. ______8. the cutting down and clearing away of trees ______9. area that lies 23.27 north and 23.27 south 10. the warm ocean current which often brings heavy rains and flooding to Latin America ______

Part B: Main Ideas: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper: 11. How do the physical features around Mexico City make the city more vulnerable to air pollution and earthquakes?

12. How may the destruction of the Amazon rain forest hurt the entire planet?

13. Why was warfare so important in Aztec culture?

14. What was a benefit and a drawback of Tenochtitlan’s location?

15. How did the Columbian Exchange affect life in Europe and in the Americas?

16. What are the major physical features of Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean?

17. Describe some of the special knowledge and skills that prove how advanced the Maya were?

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