HRM Online - Issue 2, 2017

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HRM Online - Issue 2, 2017

2016 Performance and Development Salary Progression – recording requirements eduPay will automatically calculate eligibility and process salary progression for all eligible teaching service employees effective from 1 May. No action is required by schools for the processing of salary progression for employees on eduPay. In accordance with the item, Performance and Development notification 2016/17 Cycle, (which was included in the School Update of 31 January 2017), the Performance Assessment Tool is to be used in Manager Self Service to record employee performance outcomes on eduPay. The Performance Assessment Tool is now open on eduPay for end-cycle assessment recording. Teaching Experience during Leave Without Pay The name and employee ID of any teacher seeking to include teaching experience undertaken during leave without pay as service for salary progression purposes should be emailed to [email protected] no later than 31 March 2017. A Statement of Service is to be provided at the same time. Action: Update the eduPay Performance Assessment Tool with all employee performance outcomes. Email details of employees seeking to include teaching experience for salary progression purposes to [email protected] 2017 Online PDP for School-based staff Performance Development Plans (PDP): Administrators and Reviewers The online Performance Development Plan (PDP) system within eduPay for school-based staff was released at the beginning of Term 1. The new system replaces the previous paper-based system and allows for easier storing, tracking and reviewing of PDPs. All school staff, including principals, teachers and education support staff, can complete their 2017 PDPs online. Delegated staff can also review and approve others’ PDPs online. The PDP template remains the same as in previous years, as does the timing of the performance and development cycle. All staff should draft their PDP in the eduPay portal, and as part of the cycle, PDPs need to be completed and added into the online system by the end of April. Assigning Reviewers: The online system will default the reviewer role to the Principal. It is recommended that the principal delegates reviewer access to relevant members of their leadership team in line with current performance and development processes within their school. This is completed through Manager Self Service in eduPay (MSS > Performance and Development > Assign Reviewers). PDP Administrators: Please note that staff members with current HR administrator access in eduPay at each school are automatically assigned as PDP Administrators to enable them to assist with functions such as transferring a PDP to another reviewer, and cancelling and re-opening PDPs. Additional information and support: A range of training materials and quick reference guides on how to use the online PDP system for employees, reviewers and PDP administrators are available at: Performance and Development in Victorian Government Schools. For additional help and queries relating to the online PDP system that cannot be resolved at the school level, phone: 1800 641 943 and follow the menu options to Schools HR. For PDP policy-related queries, contact: [email protected] Education Support Class employees-leave and attendance-Term 1 school vacation The automated leave entry process for the Term 1 school vacation for education support class (ESC) employees not in receipt of the fortnightly Regular Leave Purchase Allowance will be completed over the weekend of 2526 March 2017.

Human Resources Web Site Send feedback to: [email protected] Where leave cannot be entered for an employee, for example, where an employee has paid maternity leave or part or all of the school vacation period already recorded, an exception report will be generated and sent by email to the affected school(s) in the last week of term. Access the exception report using the link in the email or access the report in Report Manager. The report will remain available for 28 days. If required, save a copy of the report for access at a later date. Applying for Leave An ESC employee who is receiving the fortnightly Regular Leave Purchase Allowance and who wishes to take leave during the forthcoming school vacation period will need to apply for Annual Leave or Additional Paid Leave (if eligible) using Employee Self Service (ESS) to cover their absence. Leave is approved by the Principal. These employees are not entitled to the Ad-hoc Leave Purchase Allowance. Attendance for duty An ESC employee who is not in receipt of the fortnightly Regular Leave Purchase Allowance and who agrees or is required to attend for duty during the school vacation period may be eligible for payment of the Ad-Hoc Leave Purchase Allowance. Where the employee attends for duty, the HR Administrator will need to adjust any leave already recorded to reflect their attendance. The employee is eligible to be paid the Ad-hoc Leave Purchase Allowance provided their additional paid leave entitlements have a positive balance. Payment is by Positive Input and would normally be recorded in the first pay period after the school vacation for the equivalent number of hours. Further information is available in the eduPay User Guides for Allowances and Annual Leave Automated Entry – ESC on eduGate. Information about leave and attendance arrangements for ESC employees is available on HRWeb at: Annual Leave, Attendance and Working Hours and Allowances-Teaching Service. Actions: Review and update records for employees on the exception report. Record leave for employees in receipt of the Regular Leave Purchase Allowance. Information Sheets for Casual Employees Information sheets are available on HRWeb for schools to provide to casual employees employed by school councils. These information sheets outline the terms and conditions that apply to casual school council employees including where to access the Fair Work Information Statement. It is strongly recommended that the relevant information sheet be provided at least once a year to each person employed on a casual basis by the school council. Principals are asked to bring this to the attention of the school council. Three information sheets are available as follows: Casual Relief Teachers (CRT) Casual education support class employees Casual employees other than education support class employees. The information sheets are available on HRWeb at: School Council Employment and Casual Relief Teachers (for CRTs). The information sheets apply to employees on CASES21 and School Local Payroll where the school has been transitioned to eduPay. Action: Principals are asked to ensure all casual employees receive a copy of the information sheets at least once per year. Lump Sum Payment for eligible employees who returned from leave before 31 October 2016 The Victorian Government Schools Agreement 2013 provided for an Agreement Lump Sum of $1000 for eligible employees (pro-rata for part-time employees). Employees absent on unpaid leave at the commencement of the Agreement on 10 July 2013 are entitled to be paid this allowance on resumption from leave provided the resumption occurs on or before 31 October 2016. Where an employee who was on unpaid leave on 10 July 2013 resumed duty before 31 October 2016 and has not been paid the Agreement Lump Sum, payment should be made on eduPay as soon as possible. HRWeb Updates HRWeb is regularly updated therefore it is important that principals and HR Administrators ensure they are accessing the latest policy, procedural information and forms as required.

HRM Online 2-17, 14 March 2017 2 There have been instances where non-current versions of forms/templates have been used when employing staff. Please ensure any ‘stocks’ of forms you may have are the most current version from HRWeb including any versions that may have been saved on staff computers. The following updates have been made recently: . School Appointments User Guide – updated for the revised VIT process eduPay Hints & Tips End of Term Checklist Payroll reminders  Overpayments – manage and activate any outstanding overpayments.  Payroll Validation and Certification – validate and certify any outstanding pay periods.  Ceasing Employees. Ensure all terminations have been processed on eduPay and where applicable that copies of the employee’s resignation/retirement notice or letter and the Principal’s written acceptance of that resignation/retirement are placed on the employee’s personnel file.  Unused Long Service Leave on termination. Adjust the ‘payout LSL on termination’ checkbox in Job Data on eduPay as required. Eligible employees will be paid out for LSL unless the box is unchecked. Long Service Leave that has been paid out cannot be reversed and reinstated.  Review Stop Pay records. A Stop Pay is a temporary measure to avoid possible overpayments for an employee and not an approved form of leave. Determine the correct absence code for the employee and update eduPay accordingly. Leave reminders  Complete all ESC Annual Leave exception report entries  Record/process leave for employees commencing or extending unpaid or half pay leave. Ensure 539 LWOP APPRV is used for Leave Without Pay entries where leave has been approved by the principal. Encourage employees to apply for leave using Employee Self Service wherever possible.  Record Workers’ Compensation Certificates – record Certificates of Capacity over the vacation period  Process outstanding leave entries – record and process any outstanding leave entries through ESS, MSS or EDM. Recruitment Reminders  Complete the Hire/Rehire of any staff as appropriate – remember to include the banking and taxation details. For fixed term teacher positions ensure the correct end date is used on eduPay – refer to the Fixed Term Teacher Vacancy Ready Reckoner on HRWeb. The Employment Task List should be used to assist in the hire/rehire process, available on HRWeb at: Recruitment in Schools Note: Completion of the Employment in a Government School – Validation of Personal Information form is required for any newly employed person to confirm the personal information entered on ROL. Appointment action cannot be completed until the form and mandatory documentation is provided in order to ensure that the person is eligible to be employed in the teaching service.  Employment Offers. Ensure all employment offers for hire/rehires next term have been accepted in writing, the hire or rehire transactions have been completed on eduPay and the school’s copy of the employment offer is placed on the employee’s personnel file.  Check end dates for fixed term teachers. Ensure employment end dates for fixed term teachers include the appropriate school vacation period and request amendment if necessary from the Schools’ Recruitment Unit.  Promotion and Transfer of teachers and ESC employees. Ensure any promotions and transfers of ongoing employees have been processed and any documentation in relation to the promotion or transfer is placed on the personnel file.  Record Higher Duties. Ensure all higher duties forms for assignments commencing next term are approved by the Principal, processed on eduPay and a copy placed on the employee’s personnel file. Keeping Home Address details current… It is important that employees keep their address details accurate at all times. Address details are used for the PAYG Payment Summary distribution and other HR/Payroll purposes. The home address is required, however a ‘mailing address’ should only be entered if it is different to the home address. Action: Principals and HR Administrators are asked to remind all staff to check the Personal Information > Home and Mailing Address page in Employee Self Service and update their address details where necessary. Recording of Leave and leave processing delegations All employee absences, including absences of the principal, must be recorded in eduPay and approved by the relevant manager in a timely way to ensure that employees’ entitlements are managed properly. For all school-based employees, other than the principal, leave is approved by the principal. Leave for the principal is approved by the Regional Director.

HRM Online 2-17, 14 March 2017 3 Where leave, such as personal leave or annual leave, is entered through Employee Self Service (ESS) this enables the leave to be approved by the appropriate manager. Where the principal has set up a leave processing delegation to finalise applications, any leave applied for by the delegate (often the Business Manager) through ESS will be sent to the Regional Director for approval. To ensure this does not occur, the delegate’s leave should not be entered through ESS, but should be entered directly via the Employee Data Management (EDM) pages, enabling the principal to approve the leave. Action: Leave for all employees must be recorded and approved in a timely manner. Employees with the leave processing delegation do not apply for leave via ESS. Leave is approved separately and entered through the Employee Data Management pages on eduPay. Pay Calculations – now twice daily HR Administrators are advised that the payroll, in addition to the current overnight pay calculation, will now be ‘calculated’ twice daily at 12 noon and 3pm. This means, that any transaction you enter before these times during the day will be calculated with the payroll results and draft pay slips available approximately 30 minutes later at 12.30 and 3.30 respectively. Transactions entered after 3pm will be calculated overnight and the results available the next morning. There is no change to Pay Finalisation on Friday evening. We encourage HR Administrators to complete all payroll transactions well in advance of Pay Finalisation Friday, however sometimes this is not possible. In these circumstances ensure all transactions are completed before 12 noon Friday. Review the results after the calculation has completed and, if necessary, correct any unintended results. The 3pm pay calculation then provides a second opportunity to review the amendments and ensure everyone is paid correctly. School Local Payroll (SLP) on eduPay Last Transfer date to SLP on eduPay – 1 May 2017 The next available window for the remaining 180 schools who report to the ATO on a ‘monthly’ basis is 1 May 2017. This will be the last opportunity to transition your local payroll from CASES21 finance to SLP on eduPay before the access to run payroll in CASES21 finance is turned off. To transition from 1 May 2017, the principal endorsement and a copy of the signed direct debit form must be sent to [email protected] as soon as possible and your school will be scheduled for transition on that date. For more information including the principal endorsement email and direct debit forms please refer to the SLP portal available on eduGate. I’ve overpaid a SLP on eduPay employee – what do I do? Where an employee has been overpaid via SLP on eduPay you need to: 1. Correct the eduPay record which will generate the overpayment; 2. Validate the result to ensure it is correct; 3. Discuss the repayment options with the employee; 4. Where recovery is by future payroll deduction, action the recovery arrangement on eduPay; 5. Where the repayment is by personal cheque or bank transfer – ensure you provide the employee with the School’s Bank Account details. An overpayment for SLP on eduPay employees must not be paid to the Department’s bank account. 6. Once the repayment has been completed by cheque or bank transfer, send a completed copy of the SLP Personal Repayment Advice form, available on the Overpayments page on HRWeb, to [email protected]. On receipt of this form, eduPay will be updated to remove the overpayment from the employee’s record.

HRM Online 2-17, 14 March 2017 4

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