School Strategic and Development Plan

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School Strategic and Development Plan

School strategic and development plan 2017-18

Senior Leadership Team June 2017 Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 Contents

2 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 The school’s context The school is in a critical, yet highly exciting, stage of its development. It has been re-brokered from the Academies Enterprise Trust and now needs to improve rapidly to raise academic standards in all areas, secure a ‘good’ judgement in its next Ofsted inspection and become a school of choice in the local community. The new leadership team has been augmented by experienced practitioners from the Bourne Education Trust. The governing body has been replaced by an interim academy board. The priority for the school is clear: the quality of teaching and learning must be good in every lesson, every day of the year, so that young people of all abilities, backgrounds and learning needs are aspirational and successful. Strategic goals Four key goals have been set by the interim academy board.

Goals Strategies 1. Be highly . Be graded as a ‘good’ school by Ofsted and become the school of choice in respected the local community . Display high levels of professionalism in all that we do . Make a valuable contribution to the reputation and success of the Trust . Produce the teachers and leaders of tomorrow . Show that success is sustainable and transferable . Have strong links with all stakeholders.

2. Deliver . Grasp the opportunities offered by the new education landscape excellence . Focus relentlessly on teaching and learning . Make use of the Trust to share learning and drive up standards. . Improve in all areas and hold everyone to account.

3. Produce well- . Produce aspirational students for whom success is an expectation rounded . Exemplary student behaviour in the widest context to be a fundamental citizens characteristic of the school . Embed social, moral, spiritual and cultural education and promote mutual respect, tolerance and understanding of others at the core of the school . Offer students a safe and nurturing environment . Enrich students both inside and outside the classroom.

4. Be . Continuously improve all support functions and processes institutionally . Train and develop all staff in the school including at leadership levels effective . Set ambitious targets and relentlessly pursue them . Deliver effective facilities for learning . Produce a compliant and sustainable financial platform for continued success.

To meet these goals, we must: 1. Create and maintain a love of learning and an ethos of high expectations. 2. Maintain a relentless focus on teaching and learning so that all teaching is at least good. 3. Plan interventions such that all student sub-groups can succeed. 4. Create a culture of staff development and career opportunities. 5. Ensure that the school is fully staffed with subject specialists. 6. Create and maintain well-organised, efficient and self-regulating school systems. 7. Uphold the highest standards of financial and business management.

3 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18

Leadership team Name Role Leadership Line management responsibilities Alex Russell Executive Strategic and operational Headteacher, business headteacher overview, standards manager, AHTS humanities, the arts

Hannah Pearce Deputy headteacher Teaching, learning and English, mathematics assessment, safeguarding

Shaun Murray Assistant headteacher Intervention, SMSC Pastoral leaders, MFL

Oli Daniels Assistant headteacher Results, data, attendance Science, sport, health & nutrition, computing; H&B

Kate Sanders Business manager Business and Support staff administration

Sonya Wells Assistant headteacher Inclusion SEN

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Operational overview, curriculum, safeguarding Responsible: Alex Russell Current position: The school needs to improve rapidly. Staff will benefit from clear direction and support. They are positive about the school but need to see the results of their hard work. Where teaching is good, students respond positively and make progress. The challenge is to move teaching to consistently good, and to create capacity for longer-term staffing success. Programmes for intervention need to be developed across the whole school and address the needs of disadvantaged and SEN students. Senior leadership has been strengthened by the appointment of four new AHTs from the Trust. The curriculum needs to support Progress 8 and be meaningful for all. The framework for accountability needs to be relaunched. Staff and students need a period of stability and clarity, of high expectations and efficient procedures, rather than a raft of new initiatives.

Objective Success Milestones Baseline High . Clarity of expectations for staff and P8 ≥ -0.3 P8 -1.02 educational students; focus on performance gaps EM 50% EM 40% standards . Leadership and accountability PP P8 ≥ -0.5 PP P8 -1.43 SEN (Ofsted: 1.1, understood SEN -2.11 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, . Good teaching, every lesson, every -1.0 Teaching: RI 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, day, externally validated termly Teaching: G P Eng -0.88 8) . Simple, measurable targets P Eng -0.2 P Ma -0.68 understood by all and accurately P Ma -0.2 P Ebacc -1.35 applied P Ebacc -0.4 P open -1.05 P open -0.3 Abs 5.7% PA . Attendance and PA is at national Att 5% PA 17.5% average or above overall and for 12.5% Safeguarding = 2 sub-groups Safeguarding = Safeguarding is effective. . 2

Behaviour for . Students understand progress; FIT FIT consistent FIT variable learning evident Gap closed ≥ No impact . Interventions planned and show 10% Pex 0.17% Fex impact Pex 0.1% Fex 32% . No low-level disruption 7% LPs A1/ A2 60% . Lesson changeover is calm LPs A1&A2 > Little EC . Students are on time 75% Expanded EC . Extra-curricular offer meets needs. offer

Effective . Clarity of expectations for staff and Regular LM Irregular and school students meetings inconsistent LM; processes . Reward systems in place for all (agreed lack of . Procedures are self-regulating agendas), work accountability . Focus is on progress, not process. scrutiny, and rigour; lack learning walks of presence by SLT (ELED)

Staff . Weekly training programme Teaching = G Teaching = RI development . Feedback is robust Common DDPs Curriculum and effective . New curriculum in place with 3-year New curriculum idiosyncrasies; curriculum to KS4 Maximum Uneven access to support the . New curriculum adequately prepares access to P8 P8 needs of the students for more rigorous GCSEs 3-year KS4 Lack of external

5 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 learners . New fortnightly timetable (no Participation in validation / doubles) Trust sub-hubs moderation / . PM identifies New dress code expertise strengths/improvements . Maximise Trust opportunities for middle and senior leadership training.

6 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 Teaching, learning and assessment Responsible: Hannah Pearce Current position: The quality of teaching is not yet consistently good within all subjects across the school. In general, teaching encourages compliance rather than enquiry and a thirst for knowledge. Teachers do not always use assessment information to plan or adjust what students do next. In some lessons, the least able students are not given sufficient support and the most able are not extended quickly enough. Expectations are not consistently high enough to ensure pupils make rapid progress over time. Sometimes students are not clear enough about how to improve because feedback is not precise enough and in other cases students do not act on the advice given.

Objective Success Milestones Baseline Teaching is . Weekly training programme meets Weekly CPD CPD does not good individual needs and focuses on 4 key CPD link to support high (Ofsted 1.1, areas new practice standards 1.6, 2.1, 2.3) . Feedback is robust and leads to External T&L Individual INSET improvement reviews days . Focus on 4 key areas of need: Launch ‘big 4’ Inconsistency Expectation, Differentiation, Progress, Assessment.

All students . Highest expectations; milestones Teaching = G Teaching = RI make progress achieved or support No milestones (Ofsted 1.2, . Simple, measurable, aspirational plans P8 sig – in all 1.3, 1.4) targets Milestones subjects & sub . Accurate assessment (1-9 grading Close the gap groups system) Book checks Feedback and . Data informs learning and intervention show FIT assessment in Assessment is books is . Learning profiles on reports externally inconsistent All staff understand the data collected . moderated Some FIT . Parents understand reports Interventions HW inconsistent . Levelling is clear and relevant to the show impact Interventions appropriate specification Targets mixed . Awareness of starting points published No targets on . Regular feedback and consistent reports approach: FIT . Homework is valued . Intervention supports progress.

Staff . Weekly training programme meets Weekly CPD CPD does not development individual needs and focuses on 4 key CPD link to support high areas new classroom standards . Feedback is robust and leads to practice INSET days improvement External T&L Limited reviews . PM drives teaching standards. reviews

Consideration . Awareness prior data Sub-groups Sub-groups of starting . Individual needs regularly met progress gaps progress sig - points . Reference to progress over time < Central registers (Ofsted 1.5, 8) . Books show differentiation Class e-folders SEND & PP SEND, PP, HA < differentiation . SEND / PP make positive progress. Differentiation

Students ‘love’ . ‘Ideal’ learning behaviours are T&L reviews Too many learning introduced through student conference show active passive learners (Ofsted 1.3) . T&L reviews to measure student learning in Students lack learning 75% of resilience . Effort is recognised and rewarded lessons No SOW audits 7 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 . SOW reflect consistently creative Students can Low level approaches to learning explain disruption . Staff discuss learning not behaviour learning Low aspirations . Students respond positively to All SOW feedback. audited Isolation area FIT is the norm

Interventions and SMSC Responsible: Shaun Murray Current position: Specialists need to provide interventions, and both students and parents need to understand their purpose to close any gaps rapidly and allow students to fulfil their academic potential. SMSC and PSHE must be consistently promoted throughout the school.

Objective Success Milestones Baseline Progress is made . Expected and accelerated progress is PP P8 -1.0 PP P8 -1.43 by all PP defined for each PP student PP Eng -0.75 PP Eng -1.27 students and . Proactive intervention with students PP Ma -0.6 PP Ma -1.12 recorded not achieving this PP Abs 6.0% PP Abs 7.0% (Ofsted section . Key workers support certain PP PP PA 18.0% PP PA 22.1% 8) students PP Fex 25% PP Fex 56.6% . Learning walks monitor differentiation PP Pex 0.35% PP Pex 0.46% and staff awareness of PP students’ E-folder used Staff presented needs to support key data but learning impact unclear . Withdrawal groups support skills’ All Interventions mastery interventions ad hoc Half-termly meetings with key workers . are assessed to ensure that interventions are for impact effective . CPD equips teachers to support PP students . E-folders and use of data reflected in planning . HODs accountable through LM / PM . Interventions show impact.

Tutor teams . Pastoral leaders are accountable for PLs hold CLs to PLs focus on work consistently academic progress of their cohorts account behaviour and cohesively to . Tutors deliver focused 20-minute Weekly Inconsistent promote student activities that are informative and allow timetable for use of 20- progress students to make progress tutor activities minute tutor . Literacy and numeracy is driven with Eng and time through the tutor programme Ma . Expectations and standards are high Staff coached for delivery . Communication home is regular and Tutor obs by effective PLs half termly. Positive team ethos and staff . Learning walks development by PLs 1x . Accountability of tutors and staff is weekly clear and understood.

PSHE . PSHE co-ordinator appointed, age- PSHE sessions No bespoke programme is appropriate curriculum and SOW observed and PSHE in the effective, specific produced evaluated for main timetable and well . Students feel valued and safe at school effectiveness planned. . External speakers and educational trips Student 8 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 . Regular and robust student council feedback is responds to student opinions. acted on

SMSC . Subjects link lessons to SMSC in SOWs Robust Limited implemented . Highlight this in SOW. provision awareness of across all . SMSC as a focus in observation week. agreed. SMSC subjects Highlighting and sharing good practice Evidence of throughout the at training. improvement school. via T&L team

Y7 catch-up and . Monitoring of progress of catch-up Students > Y7 catch-up Y7+1 catch-up . New Y8 programme established expected has had limited programmes . Y7 and Y8 catch-up lessons timetabled progress effect . Baseline LUCID testing Improvements LUCID testing . Core subject intervention through 2 i/c.

Results, data and attendance Responsible: Oli Daniels Current position: Attainment is above the government’s floor standard but progress below. Students need to be prepared to work hard. The new GCSEs will apply to nearly all subjects in 2017-18 and the impact of no controllable elements must not be underestimated. With only 101 students in Y11, every child will matter.

Objective Success Milestones Baseline Y11 results show . Headlines are better than similar P8 ≥ -0.3 P8 -1.03 positive progress schools EM 50% EM 40% across all groups . Every student is known and PP P8 -1.0 SEN PP P8 -1.43 SEN performance scrutinised -1.0 -2.11 . Gap between PP/non-PP and Teaching: G Teaching: RI SEN/non-SEN closing compared to P Eng -0.2 P Eng -0.88 national P Ma -0.2 P Ma -0.68 . Students make comparable P Ebacc -0.4 P Ebacc -1.35 progress in both core and P open -0.3 P open -1.05 foundation subjects Abs 5.0% PA Abs 5.7% PA 12.5% 17.5% . Tutor team and HOY are the driving force behind aspirational ethos . Improved attendance to school . Best practice shared.

Students succeed . Students fully prepared for rigour P Ebacc -0.4 P Ebacc -1.35 in new the new of sitting exams P open -0.3 P open -1.05 style . New level system to become the Meticulous Some exam examinations everyday exam planning planning . Calendar includes mock timetables for each student and exam journey . Successful individual tailored intervention timetables in place.

Data is simple, . Termly reporting: baseline, TA, Trust wide Testing and clear and ESAT and target moderation exams evident; understood by all . All TA and ESATs moderated by no moderation Trust . Clarity for parents . Data supports interventions; impact measured.

9 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18

Outstanding . Attendance ≥ 95%; Abs 5.0% PA Abs 5.7% PA attendance . PA: 12.5% 12.5% 17.5% . Reduced gaps between sub-groups PP sub-group PP sub-group . Culture of ‘I’m in’ gap -0.8% gap 1.3% Focus groups Period analysis . Embed link between progress and Weekly analysis by AHT attendance by PLs . Detailed analysis and monitoring.

10 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 Inclusion Responsible: Sonya Wells Current position: The school has allocated significant resources to support vulnerable students, including those with SEND. It adopts a holistic approach which while showing good care, and now needs to close the performance gap and reduce exclusions.

Objective Success Milestones Baseline Progress is made . Expected and accelerated progress is P8 SEN -1.0 P8 SEN -2.11 by all SEND defined for each SEND student Gap SEN -0.7 Gap SEN -1.09 students and . Proactive intervention with students E SEN -0.9 E SEN -1.90 recorded not achieving this to close the gap M SEN -0.9 M SEN -1.91 (Ofsted 1.5) . Keyworkers support certain SEN Fex SEN 22.5% Fex SEN students Pex SEN 0.5% 66.67% . Learning walks monitor differentiation Pex SEN 0.72% and staff awareness of SEND students’ needs via e-folders . Withdrawal groups support skills’ mastery . Half-termly meetings with key workers to ensure that interventions are effective . Weekly CPD equips teachers to support SEND students.

Team leaders . Fortnightly meetings discuss the TAs = G TAs = RI ensure that all welfare of all students with a focus on Bespoke CPD No bespoke students thrive those with multiple needs Focus on CPD . All SEN students have an ISP which is impact Focus on care shared with staff Abs SEN 7.0% Abs SEN 8.1% . SENCO works with PLs to analyse PA SEN 20.0% PA SEN 26.3% performance data and related interventions every half-term . Monitor attendance and intervene to ensure ≥ 94% . Case studies to support success . TAs support SEND and EAL students . Bespoke TA training programme with positive impact.

11 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 Business and finance Responsible: Kate Sanders Current position: The projected surplus for 2017-18 is minimal and the projected growth in pupil numbers is reasonably static over the next three years. The school’s staffing needs to be benchmarked against other Trust schools and key contracts renegotiated to ensure value for money. The school’s business function has previously been centralised under AET and local staff development is key to ensuring an effective finance and business function.

Objective Success Milestones Baseline Strategic . The 5-year plan shows that the school Y1 no deficit; School is not Planning is viable and has reserves in line with Y2 -> surplus viable; Trust policy Support staff benchmarking . The budget for 2017-18 will be review done shows support monitored effectively to ensure that it staff is maintains or increases the predicted generous surplus . The PP statement and Y7 funding provide value for money and show clear evidence of financial robustness.

Improving . Finance processes are evaluated and Audit report to Policies school processes monitored in response to audit confirm that centralised recommendations processes are under AET; no . SCR fully audited by BM and robust and BET audit monitored to ensure that it is effective track record consistently updated SCR is Ofsted . All school policies should be reviewed ready and monitored in line with statutory All policies requirements. reported to IAB and ratified.

Improving . Support staff job roles are clearly Support staff Support staff standards defined and effective and a first-class restructured roles need support service is provided to all and roles clarification stakeholders. clarified

Staff . Performance management for support Formal Performance development staff introduced structure in management . SLT is aware of financial processes place is not and implications and cascades this to SLT familiar consistent. middle leaders. with FMRs Uninformed financial decisions taken

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Curriculum leaders

Objectives Actions 1. All teaching is at least good . HODs monitor the quality of teaching and hold colleagues to account through PM . Supportive interventions are used to improve any teaching less than good . Staff attend bespoke training sessions . Work scrutiny is undertaken per schedule . Performance management is used to identify support needs and improve teaching.

2. Schemes of work are engaging . All students want to learn and meet the needs of all . Student feedback about learning is 100% positive students . Presentation of books shows a love of learning.

3. All students make progress . Differentiation is used effectively . Students’ starting points are considered when planning . Marking and assessment incorporates FIT half- termly . Half-termly assessments are used to accurately evidence progress.

4. Gaps between groups are . All teachers are aware of and have noted sub- addressed groups . Effective interventions are used to reduce gaps between groups . Teachers can articulate methods used to reduce gaps.

5. Aspirations for students are . All students achieve their target grade raised to reflect the changing . All departments contribute to a whole school P8 examination landscape scores P Eng -0.2, P Ma -0.2, P Ebacc -0.4, P open -0.3; overall -0.3.

13 | P a g e Everest Community Academy: strategic and development plan 2017-18 Pastoral leaders

Objectives Action 1. Whole school attendance > . ‘I’m in’ or similar with clear rewards system 94.5% . Robust sanctions for lateness . Persistent absence is followed up without exception . Relentless scrutiny of attendance data, especially by sub-group, to ensure that there are no gaps.

2. Hold tutors to account for the . Bespoke coaching gives confidence and support performance of their tutor structure for new tutors groups . Establish regular tutor meetings . Effectively planned and structured tutor time covers PSHE and SMSC.

3. Create a year group ethos with . Collaborate with tutors to maintain positive an aspirational culture and a relationships across the year group love of learning . Year group activities and awards system . Continue the emphasis of the learning profiles throughout the year.

4. Progress over time is evident in . Review data half-termly to identify individuals and all work across all subject areas groups of concern; work with SLT to provide interventions and monitor the impact . Analyse progress grades by ability groups to ensure accelerated progress is evident across each year group . LPs to be consistently part of the language of learning . Regular scrutiny of homework planners and books.

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