A Dystopian Alternate Future in Which Mutants Are Incarcerated in Concentration Camps

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A Dystopian Alternate Future in Which Mutants Are Incarcerated in Concentration Camps

A dystopian alternate future in which mutants are incarcerated in concentration camps. America is run by Sentinels and the world, even Free Europe, is largely consumed by anti-mutant hysteria.

The assassination of Senator Robert Kelly was the triggering event. In the tumultuous aftermath, an advanced series of Sentinels went into mass production and were unleashed upon an unsuspecting mutant population.

Almost every mutant on Earth was either killed or captured. Those apprehended are detained in advanced concentration camps. Soon however, the Sentinels decided that, in order to protect mankind, they would have to take over.

Under the machines' tyrannical rule, the entire American continent has been turned into an industrial wasteland, its human population living in dread of their robotic masters and its mutant population rendered almost extinct.

Only a small group of mutant rebels remained free and unharmed in the wilds of Canada, led by an aged Wolverine. The current incarnation of ‘Ace Investigations’ continues to wage a guerilla war in the ruins of New York City and along the East Coast. 2000:

While reviewing Project Wideawake records, Senator Robert Kelly is publicly assassinated in New York City by the X-Skrulls at Master Mold’s bidding. Everyone assumes, incorrectly, that this is an act of an X-Men team. A wave of anti-mutant violence engulfs the world.

Kodiak, under Master Mold’s direction, begins to scout out and covertly subvert various surveillance systems throughout the Americas and the Caribbean. Over time, his insurgent activities come to encompass the entire world.


Professor Eduardo Alvarez is publicly captured by the X-Skrulls and revealed to be a mutant. Master Mold breaks his will and Eduardo Alvarez becomes the very first Mutant Hound.

All existing Sentinels (Mark IV, Mark V, Mark VI) come under Master Mold’s direct control. Alpha (Hunter Killers) and Omega (Executive) Sentinels begin being produced.

X-Skrulls begin systematic disabling raids on coal-fired power plants throughout the USA. On many of these raids, Eduardo Alvarez is employed in his new role of Mutant Hound.

Master Mold comes to support Neo-Nazi Peter Vollmer.


Through subversive means, Master Mold gains covert control of the Government of the USA. The Mutant Control Act comes into force and a state of emergency is declared. The country comes under martial law. The first mutant camps are created and the whole country moves onto a war footing. It is at this time that many superheroes come into conflict with the growing Sentinel threat and perish.

All Sentinels that directly defeated a superhero are repainted with that hero’s costume design. These Sentinels are also reinforced with secondary adamantium, raising their body armour to Unearthly.

Master Mold establishes friendly relations with Genosha.


In areas under Sentinel control three classes of humans come to be recognised. Pure Strain Humans are those free from the ancient Celestial taint. They retain substantial freedoms and can breed as they like. Anomalous Humans possess some slight mutant genetic potential. They cannot breed and are considered second class citizens. Mutants are actively hunted down and restrained. Once captured, they are placed in concentration camps. Those that resist are murdered. The Sentinels adapt and improve existing military drone technology to produce a new series of advanced airborne stealth drones keyed to surveillance and military recon.


The armed forces of the USA are disbanded. Existing military personnel are given the choice of retirement or induction into the newly formed police squads.

All pure strain humans living in Sentinel controlled areas are issued with a computerised identity card. Although life has some restrictions, there is guaranteed employment and the standard of living is high. All mutants and anomalous humans have their basic rights wiped away and are restricted. They are branded by laser scan. Often these restrictions involve incarceration and medical assay.

Rather than use cultured organic organs grown-to-order to repair damage, the Sentinels depend far more upon mechanical cyborg technology for the medical needs of their human communities.

The Sentinels invade and capture Canada, Greenland, and Mexico.

The Canadian Resistance Army forms in the wilds of Canada.

Peter Vollmer becomes supreme administrator within the Sentinel world.


Any city, in Sentinel controlled areas, with a population of greater than 75,000 has a Sentinel Surveillance Base established. For every 250 people, one undercover Spy Robot is deployed. Usually within the local library service or civic bureau.

Throughout the Americas and Greenland, all industry comes under direct Sentinel control, using robotic labour and renewable energy.

In Sentinel controlled areas, all cars are converted to hydrogen combustion systems. All new cars use hybrid hydrogen-electric engines.

Genosha develops and deploys a diverse submarine fleet. These various vessels all use a magnetohydrodynamic drive for propulsion. Most are armed with ultraviolet lasers. Attack subs also have advanced torpedoes and ballistic missiles.


Sentinel forces sweep across the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, capturing numerous island nations as they go. A savage naval battle occurs when the Sentinels encounter the Royal New Zealand Navy supported by elements of the Fijian Military off of Norfolk Island.

Sentinel educational policies enacted. All education is compulsory for pure strain humans from the ages of five to twenty. Areas covered include fine arts (painting, sculpture, poetry, and music), dramatic arts (acting, singing, dancing, and mime), circus arts (acrobatics, tumbling, and stage magic), the dominate local language, and Special English. General training in first aid and basic mechanics is also given. History and science are not taught. Although local folk arts are promoted and preserved.

Under the Sentinels, religion is actively discouraged and heavily persecuted. The Sentinel new order is an atheist state. The education system fosters this irreligious world view. Anyone publicly professing religious beliefs is subject to instant arrest and surgical personality adjustment. Although not held in good favour, limited philosophical discussions are permitted. Agnosticism is acceptable under the Sentinels.

Genosha invades, occupies, and annexes Madagascar. And a few weeks later the Seychelles, the Republic of Mauritius, the Union of the Comoros, and Réunion Island.


Sentinel forces invade and capture Central and South America.

In all cities and population centres under Sentinel control, vast automated market gardens are established and existing buildings are quickly and efficiently converted to low density communal housing.

The Vault is converted into a huge art store cum museum. The Sentinels begin stocking it with artworks and relics looted from all subjugated lands. A vast library and multi-media centre are also established.

The Sentinels re-tool Cape Canaveral and begin launching solar power satellites. Orbiting the Earth in geosynchronous orbits, they provide readily available power for the growing Sentinel techno-culture.

An eclectic mix of New Zealand and Islander military survivors descend upon Norfolk Island. In short order, they are joined by a handful of refugee scientists. Underground bunkers are excavated and geothermal energy is tapped for power.


Dmitri Bukharin is captured by the KGB and successfully subjected to a Russian analogue of Lot Six. He is placed back on active status and given the Devastator Battlesuit (Mark III).

Under Sentinel direction, existing farmlands and wilderness areas are converted in an agrarian model of perfection. One with scattered villages and rolling farmlands. Each village fans out from a central community hall with a medial centre, art gallery, and library.

Helium-filled rigid cargo zeppelins are deployed by the Sentinels.

The Sentinels launch a series of automated orbital factories.

Sentinel space missions reach the Moon.

2009: Sentinel Wars in Russia and Asia. A superhero supported conventional military assault is unleashed upon the attacking Sentinels. This fails utterly with devastating human casualties. Dmitri Bukharin takes down numerous Sentinels single-handedly, before realising the situation is hopeless and surrendering. Russia and China initiate limited tactical nuclear strikes. These do little to slow the merciless advanced of the robotic divisions. In short order, the Sentinels come to control all of Asia and Russia.

The Warding Witches of Labasa reach Norfolk Island, along with remnants of the Pacific Patrol Boat Program and a handful of US Marine APUs and their operators.

The Robotic Defender appears in Madripoor. Along with Jeffrey Mace.


Dmitri Bukharin manages to survive the conflict in Russia and the subsequent social upheavals. He avoids starvation in the harsh Russian winter of 2009 by the narrowest of margins. Eventually, he ends up opening a war veterans' bar in Moscow.

The underground bunkers of Norfolk Island are inter-linked and become something of a subterranean city. Reinforced agricultural caverns are established that support fields of mushrooms and vats of nutritional yeast. Microbial fuel cell technology is installed in all wastewater systems.

The Robotic Defender and Jeffrey Mace reach Hawaii and rescue Power Man from Neo-Nazis agents. Jeffery Mace recreates his Patriot costume and identity. Together they reform ‘Ace Investigations’ and head for Canada.


The Jade Dragon of the Eastern Woods appears in a thunderstorm over Mont Aiguille in the French Prealps. A great fortress, incorporating all the classic aspects of Chinese and Japanese architectural design, is mystically raised upon the summit of the mountain.

A Prototype Electro-Magnetic Ion Pulse Cannon, designed and built by Anthony Stark, is installed at the old military airfield on Norfolk Island. Down in the underground bunkers a Bio-Enhancer healing system, based upon the designs of Judd (AKA The Marsh Fly), is installed.

The Robotic Defender, Patriot, and Power Man encounter and come to support the Canadian Resistance Army. They are joined by Web Tumbler, Boulder, Malekith Darkstorm, and Mystique. Patriot acquires the AS-1A Iron Man Armour, Anthony Stark’s greatest project and lasting legacy.


By the end of the decade, near Earth orbit is cluttered with solar power satellites and orbital factories. All of Sentinel crafting and heavily defended with Kinetic Energy Railguns. The Jade Dragon of the Eastern Woods becomes defender of the Alps. In short order, he is joined by foo dog packs, various hengeyokai bands, several korobokuru clans, a few wandering spirit folk, and various yōkai. Something of a rough court is thus formed.


Whisperings of The Jade Dragon of the Eastern Woods and his court atop Mont Aiguille spread through the various shadow markets and splintered freedom fighting movements of the world.

‘Ace Investigations’ continues to aid the Canadian Resistance Army. They also conduct sabotage operations throughout North America and Mexico.


The Sentinels convert Long Island into a vast zoo and botanical reserve. Manhattan is mothballed and becomes a museum of sorts. The Bronx becomes highly industrialised and automated. Several sprawling hospital complexes are created. Here one can find the most cutting edge medicine on the planet. City Island becomes the private estate of Peter Vollmer. The existing populations of Manhattan, the Bronx, and Long Island are relocated to Milwaukee, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Rochester, and Toronto. Those that protest these forced relocations are sent off to the experimental fungus farms at Nome in Alaska. The penalty for any human found within the boundaries of Manhattan or Long Island is immediate disintegration.

Surviving military elements from China, India, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and a dozen other Asian countries converge on Mont Aiguille. They quickly establish a fortified village about the base of the heights. The Jade Dragon of the Eastern Woods freely aids and advises these refugees. Over the next few months, the village rapidly develops into something akin to Shimla or Darjeeling with a unique Pan-Asian flavour.


Sentinel forces invade and capture Africa and the Middle East.

Under Sentinel direction, the first practical fusion power plant begins operation in the Bronx. It is situated on the Hutchinson River at Eastchester Bay.


Sentinel material science begins to move away from metal alloys and more into composite materials, metal matrix composites, and syntactic foams. The orbital factories begin producing semiconductors, aerogels, and micro electro-mechanical systems of vast sophistication and complexity.

Under Sentinel direction, small fusion power plants begin to spring up in all areas they control. These supplement existing solar and hydrogen systems.

2017: Sentinel forces invade and capture Australia.


The Sentinels establish three vast administrative centres and automated factory complexes in lunar orbit surrounded by impenetrable crystalline spheres.

Norfolk Island remains free and becomes known as Port Wayfarer. The population is bolstered by Australian military refugees. They bring with them a few aircraft and a good number of combat hovercraft.


Sentinel space missions reach Mars.


Sentinel actions slowly encroach upon Free Europe.

Captain Mifume, a New Zealand born grunt of Samoan heritage and mutant with a significant healing factor, comes to command the APU Corps of Port Wayfarer (AKA Norfolk Island).


At Port Wayfarer (AKA Norfolk Island), two refugees arrive from the ruins of Samoa. One an old guerrilla fighter and the other a daring youth. Commander Salamander (Emihl J. W. Hickman) is a pyrotechnic former officer of the US armed forces. Tagata is a young Samoan mutant with various electro-magnetic manipulation powers.


England, France, Germany, and surrounds remain free from the Sentinels.

The Jade Dragon of the Eastern Woods and his disparate cohorts continue to conduct semi-regular anti-Sentinels raids and generally cause trouble for the New World Order.

Dmitri Bukharin continues to run his war veterans' bar in Moscow. ~ Sentinel Options ~

Enhanced Flight ~ Solid-fuel booster rockets in a detachable backpack with additional stabilising leg boosters provide ten minutes of flight at Shift-Z air speeds. Thus the Sentinel can easily reach orbital space.

Solar Sail ~ Deployed in Earth orbit, a solar sail provides Remarkable intensity re-entry abilities and recharging of the Sentinel's electrical storage systems via Good Absorption Power (Solar). In space, it provides Good flight capabilities too. ~ Sentinel Service Robot ~

Fighting...... Good (10). Health...... 135. Agility...... Good (10). Strength...... Incredible (40). Karma...... 40. Endurance...... Monstrous (75). Reason...... Good (10). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Excellent (20). Psyche...... Good (10). Popularity.....10.

Body Armour: The Service Robot’s metallic plating and insulated internal systems provides it with Excellent protection from all physical and energy attacks.

Robotic Construction: Service Robots are sophisticated artificial life forms, subject to powers that affect or control machinery. Use their Endurance to resist attempts to effect control. They are immune to disease, poisons, gas, and powers that affect a living mind or emotions.

Enhanced Sensors ~ The Service Robots possess Poor Energy Detection, Poor Environmental Awareness, Good Life Detection, Remarkable Hypersensitive Hearing, Remarkable Hypersensitive Olfactory, Good Hypersensitive Touch, Poor Telescopic Vision, Incredible Thermal Vision, and Incredible Ultraviolet Vision.

Communications ~ The Service Robots communication systems provide Remarkable Radiowave Control, Remarkable Radiowave Generation, and Remarkable Communication with Cybernetics (Techno-Telepathy).

Quirks ~ Ambidexterity, Reputation (+2CS), Fanaticism (Sentinel World Order), Honesty, Bigotry (Mutants).

Talents ~ Chemistry, Physics, Archaeology, Occult Lore, First Aid, Repair/Tinkering, Multilingual (English with Two Local Languages).

Contacts ~ Excellent Sentinels, Good Law Enforcement, Good Business World, Typical Street, Poor Artist, Poor Performing.

These humanoid service robots are equipped with an Amazing intensity hydrogen combustion power system. This energises all onboard systems and has an endurance of some 50 hours of continuous use. ~ Area Administrator ~

Fighting...... Good (10). Health...... 40. Agility...... Good (10). Strength...... Good (10). Karma...... 50. Endurance...... Good (10). Reason...... Good (10). Resources...... Excellent. Intuition...... Excellent (20). Psyche...... Excellent (20). Popularity.....15.

Quirks ~ Alertness, High Stress Capacity, Reputation (+1CS), Fanatic (Sentinel World Order), Bigotry (Mutants), Enemy (Mutant Underground).

Talents ~ Law Enforcement, Business/Finance, Psychiatry, Mesmerism and Hypnosis, First Aid, Repair/Tinkering, Multilingual (Local Language & Special English).

Contacts ~ Remarkable Sentinels, Excellent Law Enforcement, Good Business World, Typical Journalism, Poor Artist, Poor Performing. ~ Police Squad Officer ~

Fighting...... Good (10). Health...... 36. Agility...... Good (10). Strength...... Typical (6). Karma...... 22. Endurance...... Good (10). Reason...... Typical (6). Resources...... Good. Intuition...... Good (10). Psyche...... Typical (6). Popularity.....20.

Quirks ~ High Pain Threshold, Sturdiness, Bully, Bigotry (Mutants).

Talents ~ Martial Arts A & E, Law Enforcement, Criminology, First Aid, Repair/Tinkering, Multilingual (Local Language & Special English).

Contacts ~ Excellent Law Enforcement, Good Criminal, Good Street.

GyroJet Pistol, 3 Loads of Explosive Ammo, Airfoil Grenades (1 Fragmentary, 1 Concussive, 1 Tear Gas, 1 Flash, 1 Genome Toxin), Combat Knife, Uniform (Typical Body Armour), Gas Mask (Good Protection from Gaseous Toxins), Halogen Flashlight (Remarkable Intensity, 3 Area Range), Handcuffs, Pocket Cellular Computer, First Aid Kit (Skin Foam, Tissue Glue, Trauma Slap Patch, Airhypo with Toxi-Stoppers), Computerised Identity Card. ~ Covert Cyborg Cadre Officer ~

Fighting...... Remarkable (30). Health...... 120. Agility...... Incredible (40). Strength...... Incredible (40). Karma...... 56. Endurance...... Good (10). Reason...... Excellent (20). Resources...... Good. Intuition...... Remarkable (30). Psyche...... Typical (6). Popularity.....5.

Powers ~ These former police squad officers, usually injured in the line of duty, have been augmented with advanced cybernetic systems and highly trained in covert ops. They are hard and relentless individuals.

Dermal Plating II - Excellent Body Armour Filtration Systems – Excellent Resistance to Toxins Energy Web – Poor Energy Detection with 1 Area Range Hearing Amplification – Remarkable Enhanced Hearing Damper – Excellent Resistance to Sonic Attacks Olfactory Booster - Remarkable Enhanced Sense of Smell Orientation System – Unearthly GPS with Digital Maps Softlink – Load Any Two Talents Via Special Memory Chips Commlink – Implanted Radio Link with Six Mile Range Crypto Circuit – Incredible Scrambling or Descrambling of Radio Boosted Reflexes I - +1 Initiative & +1CS Multiple Attack Tests Muscle Replacement III Cerebral Booster

Quirks ~ High Pain Threshold, Sturdiness, Cyber-Immunity, Attitude, Bully, Bigotry (Mutants).

Talents ~ Marksman, Martial Arts A & E, Law Enforcement, Criminology, First Aid, Repair/Tinkering, Multilingual (Local Language & Special English).

Contacts ~ Excellent Law Enforcement, Good Criminal, Good Street.

Machinegun, 3 Loads of Gecko Bullets, GyroJet Pistol, 3 Loads of Explosive Ammo, Airfoil Grenades (2 Fragmentary, 2 Sonic, 2 Concussive, 2 Tear Gas, 1 Flash, 1 Genome Toxin), Combat Knife, Adaptive Camouflage Uniform (Good Blending), Halogen Flashlight (Remarkable Intensity, 3 Area Range), Genetech Genetic Resonator, Handcuffs, Electronic Shackle, Pocket Cellular Computer, First Aid Kit (Skin Foam, Tissue Glue, Trauma Slap Patch, Airhypo with Toxi-Stoppers), Computerised Identity Card. ~ Sentinel Control Area Citizen ~

Fighting...... Poor (4). Health...... 30. Agility...... Good (10). Strength...... Typical (6). Karma...... 18. Endurance...... Good (10). Reason...... Typical (6). Resources...... Typical. Intuition...... Typical (6). Psyche...... Typical (6). Popularity.....0.

Quirks ~ Ambidexterity & Honesty.

Talents ~ Acrobatics, Tumbling, Sleight of Hand, Artist, Performer, Trivia (Circus Arts), First Aid, Repair/Tinkering, Multilingual (Local Language & Special English).

Contacts ~ Remarkable Medicine, Typical Artist, Typical Performing. ~ Sentinel Cargo Zeppelin ~

These immense 250m long vessels navigate the airways of the world in much the same way cargo ships travelled the seas in bygone times. They are by far the most common of aircraft, out numbering all others by more than a hundred-to-one.

These airships are of the rigid type with an internal framework. The entire skeleton is built of composite materials, graphite-reinforced plastic in the main.

As well as the main horizontal propellers, these airships have six downward-pointing turbofan jet engines for vertical take-off and landing. The structure of the craft has been designed in such a way that it can safely put down on land, water, and even snow without difficulty.

The whole airship is controlled by a sophisticated auto-pilot computer using fly-by-wire technology. This machine also co-ordinates the activities of dozens of utility robots.

In-flight control is enhanced by the aerodynamic shape of the hull. This is further improved by the used of reconfigurable memory plastic canards (forward fins) and empennage (rear fins).

Over a dozen vast gasbags hold helium as the lifting gas. Electrical power is derived from direct-ethanol fuel cells and aviation biofuel powers the engines.

The hull is composed of a three layer skin - nylar, gene-engineered arachni-silk, and kevlon. The first two fabrics have Good material strength, while the last has Excellent material strength. The cargo areas and control zones are strengthen with duraweave.

Type:...... Air Control:...... Excellent Speed:...... Excellent Body:...... Remarkable Protection:...... Incredible Options:...... Interphasic Energy Dampener (Area Module) Monstrous Magnetic Detection (Range of 4,000 Miles) Incredible Energy Detection (Range of 250 Miles) Amazing Techno-Telepathy (Range of 1,000 Miles) Amazing Radiowave Control (Range of 3 Miles) Amazing Radiowave Generation (Range of 20 Areas) ~ Port Wayfarer Uniforms ~

Military Field Jacket: Based upon Avenger designs, these rugged sandy brown jackets are made of a synthetic material with the appearance of leather. Despite their utilitarian styling, these jackets hold more than expected.  Body Armor: The material, thinner and more supple than Kevlar, is nearly bullet-proof and provides Good protection against physical attacks and Typical protection against energy attacks.  Temperature Resistance: The material has a micro-circuitry weave that generates heat or cold as needed, affording the wearer Good protection from temperature attacks or extreme climes.  Tracking Beacon: The red "W" shoulder patch on each jacket contains circuitry for a unique radio beacon. Said beacon has Amazing range, some 50 miles under normal conditions. This signal can be easily traced from any APU and is a handy way to locate team mates.  Material Strength: The jackets are made of Excellent strength material.  Availability: Jackets are tailor-made for all Port Wayfarer personnel.

Military Jumpsuit: This multi-pocketed and lightly padded coverall is composed of Beta-Cloth. A light-weight material once used by agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. It provides Typical protection from physical attacks. As well as Excellent protection from heat and radiation. All of the jumpsuits used at Port Wayfarer come in Kiwi Camo.

‘Kiwi Camo’ is an NZ variation of the British DPM pattern. The lightest color in the pattern is slightly more yellowish-brown to better suit the tussocky conditions found in New Zealand.

Army Green Paisley Bandanna (APU Crews) or HUD Combat Helmet (Hovercraft Crews & Aircraft Pilots), Serengeti Vermillions (Sunglasses), Kiwi Camo Webbing Belt, Kiwi Camo Armoured Hiking Boots.

Shelter Half Poncho (Gore-Tex with Kiwi Camo Pattern), Machete, Survival Knife, Flashlight (Typical Intensity, 2 Area Range), First Aid Kit (Includes Skin Foam & Tissue Glue), Military Canteen with Nested Canteen Cup, Ration Packs (Vita-Bars, Nutrient Drinks, Cero-Porridges, Protein Stews, Surrogate Steaks, Vegetable Substitutes), Underwater Breathing Pills (3). ~ Port Wayfarer Combat Hovercraft ~

Type:...... GEV Control:...... Remarkable Speed:...... Incredible Body:...... Excellent Protection:...... Excellent Armament:...... 1 Light Artillery (Main Cannon) 2 Gatling Lasers (Secondary Turret Weapons)

Weapon:...... Main Cannon Range:...... 10 Damage:...... 40 Type:...... Shooting Rate:...... 1 Shots:...... 20 Material:...... Excellent

The main cannon employs ‘Canister Shot’. A special type of ammunition, similar to a shotgun shell that is loaded with specialised cartridges for various effects.

 Explosive Canisters - Inflict double damage (80 Points) to all in target area, normal damage (40 Points) to all in adjacent areas.  Incendiary Canisters - Inflict Incredible fire damage. Continues to burn at that intensity for 1-10 rounds.  Knock-Out Canisters - Contain Remarkable Intensity Knock-Out gas. Covers one area.  Gas Canisters - Contain Incredible Intensity Tear Gas. Covers one area.  Smoke Canisters - Contain Excellent Intensity smoke. Covers one area.

Weapon:...... Gatling Lasers (2) Range:...... 10 Damage:...... 20 - Burst Type:...... Energy Rate:...... 1 - Burst Shots:...... 20 Material:...... Typical ~ APU ~

The APU is an armoured exoskeleton developed by the United Stares Marine Corps. The original specifications were for a load lifter, but this was scrapped during testing and an armed version was produced instead.

The APU boosts the users Fighting by +1CS, Strength by +3CS, and Endurance by +2CS. Agility is unaffected. All ability boosts have a maximum of Monstrous.

The main weaponry runs to two heavy machine guns loaded with explosive ammunition. These ‘arm cannons’ fire bursts, which affect all in the target area, with one roll made for all said targets. They have a range of 10 areas and inflict 60 Points of Shooting damage. Each arm cannon has sufficient ammunition for 20 attacks.

Backup canister shot launchers are integral to the arms as well. They have a range of 3 areas and inflict 40 Points of Shooting damage to all in the target area. All adjacent areas suffer 20 Points of Shooting damage. Each canister shot launcher holds six explosive shells.

Each APU has an energised defence field that provides Incredible protection from Energy Attacks. The armoured structure of the machine provides Good protection from Physical attacks.

A gas filtration system can be employed that provides Excellent protection against gases. The APU even carries two hours of tanked air for use in hostile environments and underwater.

Targeting systems provide Amazing Ultraviolet Vision, Poor Telescopic Vision, Incredible Penetration Vision, Remarkable Passive Sonar, Incredible Hyper-Hearing, and Remarkable Protection from Auditory Sensory Overload.

The APUs have voice and data communications on UHF with a range of some 250 miles. This system is based upon cellular phone technology with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi additions. They use secure channels of Amazing complexity. Deployment of a folding antenna and solar panel assembly boosts range to 1200 miles. ~ Captain Mifume ~

Fighting...... Remarkable (30). Health...... 145. Agility...... Remarkable (30). Strength...... Good (10). Karma...... 100. Endurance...... Monstrous (75). Reason...... Remarkable (30). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Incredible (40). Psyche...... Remarkable (30). Popularity.....20.

 Monstrous Absorption Power - Electricity  Amazing Bio-Link  Amazing Regeneration  Incredible Self-Revival

Talents ~ Martial Arts A & D, Military, First Aid, Repair/Tinkering, Streetsmarts, Leadership, Languages (Dozens of Islander Tongues).

Contacts ~ Excellent Street, Good Mutant Underground, Good Military.

Captain Mifume is currently a key member of the freedom fighter forces of Port Wayfarer and Commander the APU Corps. He is supplied with military style room and board. As well, he has access to various military vehicles and weapons.

Mifume always has two choice forearms about his person. The first is a GyroJet Pistol with two clips of standard ammo and two clips of explosive ammo. The second is a Machine Pistol with two clips of standard ammo. ~ Typical Warding Witch of Labasa ~ - Disciple of Nature Magic -

Fighting...... Typical (6). Health...... 32. Agility...... Good (10). Strength...... Typical (6). Karma...... 60. Endurance...... Good (10). Reason...... Good (10). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Excellent (20). Psyche...... Remarkable (30). Popularity.....10.

 Incredible Warding  Remarkable Dream Travel  Remarkable Empathy  Excellent Affliction  Excellent Plague Carrier  Excellent Neural Manipulation  Excellent Sympathetic Magic  Good Communication with Plants  Good Plant Control  Good Plant Growth  Good Plant Mimicry

Talents ~ Occultist, Resist Domination, Trivia (Fijian Culture).

Contacts ~ Remarkable Occult Lore, Excellent Archaeology, Good Street, Good Port Wayfarer (AKA Norfolk Island), Typical Mutant Underground, Poor Free Europe.

Fijian War Club, Ritual Dagger, Seashell Studded Coconut Shell Chalice, Conch Shell with Coconut Fibre Tassels, Ferronniere (Red Gold with Black Pearl), Tapa Cloth Cape and Tabard, Woven Ceremonial Girdle.

Ferronniere: This item of jewellery is a thin chain, usually gold, worn around the forehead with a small jewel set in the centre. The ferronniere was worn exclusively by ladies of the upper class, usually French. The wearing of a ferronniere is considered to be an elegant touch within the aristocracy. An adventurer hoping to impress someone of high station might benefit from wearing a tasteful ferronniere. ~ Paterisia ~ - Adept of Nature Magic -

Fighting...... Typical (6). Health...... 52. Agility...... Excellent (20). Strength...... Typical (6). Karma...... 80. Endurance...... Excellent (20). Reason...... Good (10). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Remarkable (30). Psyche...... Incredible (40). Popularity.....20.

 Amazing Warding  Incredible Dream Travel  Incredible Dream Manipulation  Remarkable Empathy  Remarkable Telepathy  Remarkable Animal Control  Excellent Affliction  Excellent Plague Carrier  Excellent Neural Manipulation  Excellent Sympathetic Magic  Excellent Communication with Plants  Excellent Plant Control  Excellent Plant Growth  Excellent Plant Mimicry

Talents ~ Occultist, Resist Domination, Trivia (Fijian Culture).

Contacts ~ Remarkable Occult Lore, Excellent Archaeology, Excellent Street, Excellent Port Wayfarer (AKA Norfolk Island), Typical Mutant Underground, Poor Free Europe.

Fijian War Club, Ritual Dagger, Seashell Studded Coconut Shell Chalice, Conch Shell with Coconut Fibre Tassels, Ferronniere (Red Gold with Black Pearl and Black Opal), Tapa Cloth Cape and Tabard, Woven Ceremonial Girdle.

Ferronniere: This item of jewellery is a thin chain, usually gold, worn around the forehead with a small jewel set in the centre. The ferronniere was worn exclusively by ladies of the upper class, usually French. The wearing of a ferronniere is considered to be an elegant touch within the aristocracy. An adventurer hoping to impress someone of high station might benefit from wearing a tasteful ferronniere. ~ Marama ~ - Master of Nature Magic -

Fighting...... Typical (6). Health...... 72. Agility...... Remarkable (30). Strength...... Typical (6). Karma...... 100. Endurance...... Remarkable (30). Reason...... Good (10). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Incredible (40). Psyche...... Amazing (50). Popularity.....30.

 Monstrous Warding  Amazing Dream Travel  Amazing Dream Control  Amazing Free Spirit  Incredible Empathy  Incredible Telepathy  Incredible Animal Control  Incredible Telelocation  Remarkable Affliction  Remarkable Plague Carrier  Remarkable Neural Manipulation  Remarkable Bio-Manipulation  Remarkable Sympathetic Magic  Excellent Communication with Plants  Excellent Plant Control  Excellent Plant Growth  Excellent Plant Mimicry

Talents ~ Occultist, Resist Domination, Trivia (Fijian Culture).

Contacts ~ Remarkable Occult Lore, Excellent Archaeology, Excellent Street, Excellent Port Wayfarer (AKA Norfolk Island), Good Mutant Underground, Typical Free Europe.

Fijian War Club, Ritual Dagger, Seashell Studded Coconut Shell Chalice, Conch Shell with Coconut Fibre Tassels, Ferronniere (Red Gold with Black Pearl), Tapa Cloth Cape and Tabard, Woven Ceremonial Girdle.

Ferronniere: This item of jewellery is a thin chain, usually gold, worn around the forehead with a small jewel set in the centre. The ferronniere was worn exclusively by ladies of the upper class, usually French. The wearing of a ferronniere is considered to be an elegant touch within the aristocracy. An adventurer hoping to impress someone of high station might benefit from wearing a tasteful ferronniere. ~ Wards ~

Disrupt Ward - Power Rank Disruption into Floating Dust Cliff Ward – Power Rank Grappling Attack with Animated Rock Beach Ward – Power Rank Grappling Attack with Animated Sand Mud Ward - Power Rank Mud Pit – Grapples & Drowns Victim Ooze Ward - Power Rank Slickness – Watery Slime and Mud Fog Ward - Power Rank Fog Bank Thermal Ward - Power Rank Heat Pulse Flame Ward - Power Rank Intensity Flame Wall Storm Ward – Power Rank Thunder Storm Lightning Ward - Power Rank Wall of Static Electricity Stun Ward - Power Rank Stunning Attack Against Living Beings EMP Ward - Power Rank Disruption of Electrical Systems Mecha Ward - Power Rank Machine Animation – Shutdown Command Imp Ward - Power Rank Static Electricity Elemental Creature (*) Gloom Ward - Power Rank Shadows and Fleeting Ghostly Forms Shade Ward - Power Rank Material Strength Shadow Wall Shadow Ward - Power Rank Edged Attack – Spinning Shadow Blades Animal Ward - Power Rank Transformation into a Fiji Goshawk

* Lightning Imp: The witch can create a semi-living creature of static electricity. It remains in existence for power rank turns, or until dispelled or destroyed. A lighting imp has only FASE scores. To determine their ranks, double Ward power rank and divide among FASE as desired. The elemental has Body Armor and Flight equal to power rank. The KAF-253 Flame Thrower is a military weapon that shoots a jet of flaming jellied gasoline. It has a range of 2 areas and affects everything in the target area. The fire burns at Incredible Intensity the first round, and continues to burn at Good intensity each round until put out or until 1-10 rounds have elapsed. Flammable materials will be ignited by the fire blast of the weapon. The backpack tank holds sufficient fuel for five attacks. This weapon system has an overall material strength of Good.

The Mexican Metals Spitfire Carbine Flamer is a compact yet somewhat bulky military style rifle. It is an advanced flame thrower that uses a high density chemical analogue of napalm gel. It has a range of 1 area and the integral tank holds sufficient fuel for eight attacks. The fire burns at Excellent Intensity the first round, and continues to burn at Typical intensity each round until put out or until 1-10 rounds have elapsed. Flammable materials directly targeted will be ignited by the fire blast of the weapon. This weapon system has an overall material strength of Typical.

Everflame - An everflame is a permanent, waterproof, windproof lighter guaranteed to last 20 years. The flame it produces is considered to be of Feeble intensity.


Commander Salamander, otherwise known as Emihl Hickman, is a former officer in the US armed forces who was exposed to strange chemicals in the course of an army training course (1986, Project 52334453A: Operation Victor, Most Secret Security Rating).

The lanky red-haired Hickman found himself able to control existing flame, while immune to the effects of fire himself. He kept these powers secret, but they were revealed to the world when he rescued the base commander Roger Price, from a burning ammunition shed.

In the 1990s, Commander Salamander operated in the Tri-City area as a freelance agent. He relied on Roger to "lose" the occasional flame thrower in the paperwork so he could use it on big jobs. During this time, he was employed by a fireworks company.

With the rise of the Sentinels, Commander Salamander relocated to Mexico, and became a guerrilla fighter. Eventually, he was forced out and ended up in American Samoa. After a handful of years living rough and fighting constantly, he finally relocated to Norfolk Island. ~ Commander Salamander ~

Fighting...... Remarkable (30). Health...... 66. Agility...... Good (10). Strength...... Typical (6). Karma...... 110. Endurance...... Excellent (20). Reason...... Remarkable (30). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Incredible (40). Psyche...... Incredible (40). Popularity.....40.

 Fire Control (Monstrous Intensity & Incredible Range {2 Miles}) - Dampen Existing Flames with Monstrous Ability - Intensify Existing Flames with Monstrous Ability - Form Basic Geometric Shapes Using Existing Flames - Using Existing Flames as a Missile Weapon - Create Flame Creatures (Incredible Health and Damage)  Electrical Generation (Amazing Intensity & Poor Range {1 Area}) - Fire Amazing Intensity Bolts of Lightning - Deliver a Monstrous Shocking Touch that Scrambles Electronics - Ride Lines of Electro-Magnetic Potential @ Monstrous Ground Speed - Override & Control Electrical Systems with Amazing Ability  Invulnerability (Class 1000 Resistance Against Fire and Electricity)

Talents ~ Martial Arts A & E, Pilot, Military, First Aid, Trivia (Guerrilla Fighting), Leadership, Languages (English, French, Samoan, Spanish).

Contacts ~ Incredible Mutant Underground, Incredible Street, Remarkable Criminal, Excellent Military, Excellent Espionage, Good Free Europe.

Commander Salamander is currently a key member of the freedom fighter forces of Port Wayfarer. He is supplied with military style room and board. As well, he has access to various military vehicles and weapons. ~ Tagata ~

Fighting...... Excellent (20). Health...... 130. Agility...... Incredible (40). Strength...... Remarkable (30). Karma...... 40. Endurance...... Incredible (40). Reason...... Good (10). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Good (10). Psyche...... Excellent (20). Popularity.....10.

 Unearthly Null-Field  Unearthly Micro-Environment  Unearthly Magnetic Manipulation - Shift-Z EMP Bomb - Unearthly EMP Blast - Monstrous Magnetic Field Detection - Incredible Flight

Talents ~ Martial Arts C, Acrobatics, Trivia (Wayfarer Culture).

Contacts ~ Good Occult Lore.

Tagata is currently a key member of the freedom fighter forces of Port Wayfarer. He is supplied with military style room and board. As well, he has access to various military vehicles and weapons. ~ Devastator Battlesuit ~

The Devastator power armor was originally designed by the Gremlin. This full body armor is equipped with electronic devices which absorb microwave energy and can convert it for use as blasts of heat or concussive force. Its solar powered boot jets enable the wearer to fly at just under Mach 1, with range limited only by available light plus 3 hour battery reserve. The gauntlets contain microwave projectors that generate devastating force blasts. Because the battlesuit draws power from microwave energy beamed down from a satellite located in geosynchronous orbit, the suit's wearer must maintain a line-of-sight position relative to the satellite to avoid sudden power cut-off. The satellite itself is protected by ECMs which rendered it invisible to conventional modes of detection.


~ Dimitri Bukharin ~

Fighting...... Amazing (50). Health...... 140. Agility...... Remarkable (30). Strength...... Remarkable (30). Karma...... 70. Endurance...... Remarkable (30). Reason...... Good (10). Resources...... Good. Intuition...... Amazing (50). Psyche...... Good (10). Popularity.....30.

Powers: Enhanced Senses - Monstrous Tracking - Monstrous Regeneration & Recovery - Monstrous Resistance to Disease & Toxins - Monstrous Berserker - Incredible Natural Weapons (Reinforced Knuckles) - Remarkable

Quirks ~ Adrenal Surge, High Pain Threshold, Strong Bones (+1CS), Sturdiness, Alertness, Impulsiveness, Personal Code (Old Russian Army Lifestyle).

Talents ~ Martial Arts C & E, Military, Detective/Espionage, First Aid, Repair/Tinkering, Multilingual (Russian, German, English).

Contacts ~ Remarkable Street, Typical Criminal, Typical Law Enforcement. ~ Ace Investigations ~


The Robotic Defender is an artificially created organic being with a robotic skeletal system. The ‘blood’ that flows in his veins is based upon cobalt compounds and is a vivid blue.

The Robotic Defender’s skeleton is designed along similar lines to the human skeleton, in so far that it is actively supported by the surrounding muscular systems. This mechanical construct is composed of composite cosmic energy accumulators, super-dense battery systems, dispersed microcomputers, and field stabilisation units.

Judd (AKA The Marsh Fly) used the averages of the NYPD’s biometric database as the template for the synthetic form. Thus the Robotic Defender is of average height and build, with nondescript dark hair, pale greyish eyes, neutral features, and a slightly swarthy complexion.

The Robotic Defender is an artificial lifeform created accidentally by Judd (AKA The Marsh Fly). Originally designed as an adaptive robot for use as a human substitute in space exploration, Judd never completed the project and the only prototype remained deactivated in his science citadel on Madripoor. At some point after the initial fabrication, an unknown X factor caused the robot to activate and gain sentience. This awakening occurred during the Sentinel Wars.

Exploring the abandoned facility, the robot came across one of Jack Steel’s old costumes and a cryogenic tube holding and a clone of Jeffrey Mace (AKA The Patriot). Donning the costume and reviving the clone, the robot went out into the world to explore.

Shortly thereafter, Power Man rescued was from Neo-Nazis in Hawaii. The current incarnation of Ace Investigations was formed shortly thereafter.

Fighting...... Incredible (40). Health...... 180. Agility...... Amazing (50). Strength...... Incredible (40). Karma...... 90. Endurance...... Amazing (50). Reason...... Remarkable (30). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Remarkable (30). Psyche...... Remarkable (30). Popularity.....10.

Amazing Electrical Generation: - Lighting Bolts (Amazing Energy Damage with a 20 Area Range). - Shock Field (Amazing Intensity Damaging and Stunning Touch). - Override Electrical Systems with Amazing Ability. - Amazing Resistance to Electrical Attacks.

Incredible Electrical Control: - Healing damage through absorption of electricity. Incredible Energy Sponge: Absorb and store any kind of energy. Up to an Incredible amount can be stored and released at -2CS or harmlessly dissipated. The Robotic Defender can absorb more energy on a red FEAT, but failure results in a complete release of energy at full damage to him and the surroundings.

Excellent Magnetic Manipulation: - Flight at Poor Air Speeds (4 areas/round or 60 mph). - Good Magnetic Field Detection. Can pinpoint Sentinels.

Excellent Ionisation: Charge Target with either Good intensity electricity or Typical intensity heat. Then can apply either Typical intensity disintegration or Excellent intensity phasing to an ethereal state.

Good Armour Skin – Leather: The Robotic Defender has Good protection against physical and energy attacks.

Monstrous Life Support: The Robotic Defender can survive under hostile conditions for some 75 turns. He has Monstrous resistance to environmental extremes and can even survive in deep space for short periods.

Quirks ~ Acceleration Tolerance, Ambidexterity, Strong Bones (+3CS), 3-D Sense, Allergy (Acids), Gullibility, Honesty.

Talents ~ Thrown Objects, Pilot, Physics, Repair/Tinkering, Leadership.

Contacts ~ Excellent Orbital Workgangs and Good Mutant Underground. ~ Defender Battle Armour ~

The Robotic Defender's battle armour was originally worn by Jack Steel in early '70s. This battle armour is a solar-charging, gravity-pump circuitry-based unit. It is composed of a double layer of unstable molecules, a Remarkable strength material that does not provide body armour. Sandwiched between these two micro-thin layers is a an energy resistant gelatinous compound, which surrounds and protects the battle armours complex electronics.

 Flight at Feeble air speed, 2 areas/round or 30mph.  Plasma Devastators which inflict Typical Force damage at up to 2 areas, even when the wearer is out-of-phase.  Retractable claws of Supermanium (Class 1000 Material Strength), in the style of Wolverine, are integral to each gauntlet.  Poor protection from energy attacks.  Typical Resistance to electronic detection systems and Excellent Resistance to signals designed to usurp control of the battle armours systems.  A radio comm-link that provides mobile communications links at a range of up to one mile. ~ Jeffrey “Patriot” Mace ~

Fighting...... Remarkable (30). Health...... 80. Agility...... Excellent (20). Strength...... Good (10). Karma...... 30. Endurance...... Excellent (20). Reason...... Good (10). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Good (10). Psyche...... Good (10). Popularity.....25.

Infinity Formula ~ Jeff’s cloned body is saturated with Doctor Berthold Sternberg’s Infinity Formula. This serum prolongs his life span with Excellent effectiveness and fights off diseases with Good ability.

Quirks ~ Fighting Logistics, 3-D Sense, Likeability.

Talents ~ Martial Arts A & B, Acrobatics, Tumbling, Journalism, Performer.

Contacts ~ Good Mutant Underground, Good Criminal, Good Street.

Patriot is a clone of Jeffrey Mace, created by Judd (AKA The Marsh Fly). ~ AS-1A Iron Man Armour ~

Fighting...... Amazing (50). Health...... 215. Agility...... Incredible (40). Strength...... Amazing (50). Endurance...... Monstrous (75).

Body Armor ~ The AS-1A Iron Man Armor is made of Remarkable Strength material stiffened by a personal force field, This armor provides Amazing protection from physical attacks and Monstrous protection from Energy attacks. Against Corrosives, protection is only Incredible. Against Heat and Cold, protection is only Amazing. The armour does provide Unearthly protection from radiation and electrical attacks.

Force Field ~ In addition to the force field stiffening the armor, energy may be shunted from other systems to provide the suit with a personal force field of Monstrous protection from physical damage and Unearthly protection from energy damage.

Protected Senses ~ The helmet provides Amazing protection against any sensory overload attack based upon sound or light.

ECMs ~ The armoured suit has Remarkable protection from electronic detection, and Unearthly protection against hostile signals (including disruption beams). A holographic projector provides Remarkable Blending ability (as the Power).

Repulsors ~ The main armament of the suit is a pair of medium density plasma projectors, located in the gauntlets, which may inflict up to Amazing Force damage at a range of 10 areas.

Pulse-Bolts ~ An intensified and experimental version of the repulsors, the pulse bolts inflict Monstrous Force damage at a range of 10 areas.

Disruptor Field ~ A secondary weapon system projected from the gauntlets, with a range of 2 areas, this is a wide spectrum electromagnetic/gravitic beam that disrupts electrical devices with Remarkable Intensity.

Unibeam ~ Mounted in the front of the chest, this system can perform several functions: Remarkable intensity floodlight (3 area coverage), or Amazing intensity laser (3 area range), or Incredible intensity heat beam (3 areas range).

Energy Absorption ~ Up to 400 points of energy damage may be absorbed and stored for up to 4 rounds, and redirected through any available weapons systems as Monstrous damage or Intensity. Retaining such energy beyond 4 rounds requires an Endurance Feat, or there is an involuntary discharge, inflicting Good damage to all within one area (including the wearer, whose Body Armor is ineffective in this case). Flight ~ The armor generates an anti-gravity field. Stark uses thrusters in the boots and backpack for steering, The armor can exceed Mach 1 speeds, and is considered to move at Shift X air speeds, a maximum of 50 areas per round flying in clear areas. The boot thrusters may be used as weapons, inflicting Remarkable damage at a range of 1 area.

Mutant Detection ~ A uni-spectrum organic analyser of Unearthly intensity allows the wearer to detect all living things within 10 miles and determine whether each is animal, human, mutant, or something else.

Sentinel Detection ~ Sensors in the helmet detect the unique energy emissions of the robotic sentinels with Unearthly ability at a range of 10 miles. Distance, direction of movement, closing speed, number, and type can be determined. In addition, the helmet can identify individual sentinels and record in memory any encounters the wearer may have had with a given sentinel in the past.

Sensors ~ Thermal Vision (Good intensity, 10 area range), Passive Sonar (Excellent intensity, 25 area range), Radar Sense (Incredible intensity, 2 mile range), Energy Detection (Remarkable intensity, 6 mile range).

Radio ~ All bands.

Voice Distorter ~ Amazing intensity.

Air Supply ~ The suit has an internal air supply that will last up to two-and-a-half hours. ~ Web Tumbler ~

Web Tumbler is a young NYC woman who employs a suit of form-fitting battle armour that grants her powers similar to those of Spider Man. The suit looks just like the Black-&-White costume Spider Man briefly wore during the Secret Wars.

The Web Slinger battle suit boosts Agility to Monstrous (Health = 105), provides Good Body Armour, Incredible Protected Senses, Remarkable Enhanced Senses, Excellent Combat Sense, and Amazing Wall-Crawling. Integral to the design are Spider Man style Web-Shooters (See Page 29 of ‘Weapons Locker’).

The armour is composed of a double layer of an advanced synthetic stretch fabric. Sandwiched between these two micro-thin layers is a kinetic resistant gelatinous compound, which surrounds and protects the battle suits’ complex electro-chemical systems.

Fighting...... Good (10). Health...... 50. Agility...... Excellent (20). Strength...... Good (10). Karma...... 50. Endurance...... Good (10). Reason...... Excellent (20). Resources...... Poor. Intuition...... Excellent (20). Psyche...... Good (10). Popularity.....25.

Matter Manipulation ~ Valerie is a mutant with an affinity for material transformations. She can currently employ Amazing Body Transformation – Others (Chemical Only), Remarkable Telereformation, and Remarkable Serial Immortality (Spontaneous Creation).

Quirks ~ Natural Talent (Chemistry), Alertness, Attractiveness.

Talents ~ Oriental Weapons, Martial Arts A, Criminology, Chemistry, Resist Domination, First Aid.

Contacts ~ Good Mutant Underground, Good Criminal, Good Street.

Valerie Chester Mann is a former Guardian Angel from Greenwich Village in Manhattan. When the government was overthrown and the dark days began, she raided an old Avenger’s storage facially and stole the original Web Slinger armour. She met up with the Robotic Defender shortly thereafter and has been an active freedom fighter ever since.

Before the dark times, Valerie had completed her Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry at the Empire State University and was studying for her Masters. She was also the campus kendo champion.

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