National Athlete Development Program Resource

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National Athlete Development Program Resource

National Athlete Development Program Resource

1. Objectives The National Athlete Development Program (NADP) was developed as a tool to assist athletes to develop to their full potential and meet the needs of Elite performance at a World and Olympic level. This level is ever increasing and development is needed to progress at the same speed or even faster.

Consider the difference between how fast elite riders were 5 years ago compared to today, the rate of improvement is significant and by the time an NADP athlete enters the elite ranks this standard will have increased again.

To be a member of the National Athlete Development Program from now and into the future is going to take a substantial personal and financial commitment from the athlete and their family.

The objectives of the NADP Program are as follows:

 Identify the best talent through, clubs, competitions, and state coaches and deliver them into the National Pathway (Refer to diagram below).

 Provide expert and intensive coaching to identified athletes.

 Run development camps with significant value-add sports science/monitoring and expert coaching support from state institutes.

 Link with the Regional Academies and/or Universities to access services such as physiological testing, gym access, recovery, etc.

 Provide coach development and pathway opportunities and succession planning.

 Longitudinal monitoring through competitions, training and sports science testing.

 To prepare and develop athletes for National Team selection (please Appendix A for the expectations of athletes in the HPP)

2. National Athlete Pathway

See Appendix 2 for the National Athlete Pathway

3. NADP Coach Responsibilities

 Managing the day to day running of the NADP program  Liaising with key stakeholders (ie. ASC, BMX Australia, SIS/SAS Network, State Coaches)  Managing the NADP Budget and working with the BMXA office on all financial matters.  Keeping abreast of Athlete Development across the world  Implement Sports Science more widely (athlete monitoring, database, camps testing, research, national testing protocols)

 Administration of the program (eg travel, camp organisation, athlete and asset database, equipment management/servicing)  Manage athletes and liaising with State coaches on progression of athletes  Provide technical coaching to identified athletes and monitor athletes, including individual training programs for each athlete.  Ensure the welfare of the athletes is maintained by ensuring that they are aware of the support structures available to them, and encourage a harmonious team environment by using and facilitating appropriate and effective communication with all team members, other coaches, and parents.

4. Selection Process and Athlete Benefits

4.1 Athlete Attributes

4.1.1 To be an effective member of the National Athlete Development Program an athlete will need to have the following minimum attributes;

 Commitment – to becoming the worlds best rider  High level of work commitment – train constantly and effectively  Be highly organised – care for yourself in camp/race situations  Effective communicator – reply to emails and requests with detail and in a prompt manner

4.2 Selection Criteria

4.2.1 The selection criteria for the Athlete Development Program is based around the results of the Champbikx series. The dates of the series will be released on the BMX Australia website following the World Championships each year.

4.2.2 The National BMX Selection Committee will make selection recommendations and submit them to BMXA for endorsement. The BMXA NADP Squad will comprise of both male and female athletes who satisfy the following squad selection criteria in the 14, 15 &16 year age categories.

4.2.3 The BMXA NADP Squad will be selected with the overall objective of identifying athletes with a demonstrated ability or potential to deliver medal winning performances at National and World Championship level in the 14, 15 & 16 year age divisions. Selection priority will be given to athletes within the 20” BMX class. Athletes have to have an Australian passport and be a citizen of Australia to be eligible for selection in the National Program.

4.2.4 A rider must compete at a minimum number of Champbikx events to be eligible for the Athlete Development Program and/or National Team Selection. This number will be based on the total number of rounds for that specific year. Please see below for the 2012 event calendar:

Event Location Date Rounds 1 & 2 Nerang, QLD 6th & 7th January 2012

Rounds 3 & 4 TBA, WA 28th & 29th January 2012

Rounds 5 & 6 TBA, ACT 2nd & 3rd March 2012

Round 7 ** Blue Lake, SA 19th April 2012

** = Double Points Awarded

Riders will have to compete in all rounds in the 2012 Series to be eligible for selection. 4.2.5 Athletes will be given primary consideration for selection into the BMXA NADP based on the points outlined below. Where the number of athletes who satisfy the following points exceeds the capacity of the program, selectors will rank the athletes to finalise the best squad;

 Overall Champbikx Series ranking. Should two (2) riders finish the series on the same number of points, selectors will utilise firstly the “Tiebreaker clause” and then the “Time Trial Clause”. A riders National Championship Result may also be considered.

 Priority may be given to results based on the following factors but not necessarily in the order shown:

- Performances obtained on tracks, and/or under conditions and against competition that most closely reflects those expected at the BMX World Championships.

- Performances obtained most recently,

- Demonstrated capacity to repeat a World Class result.

 The BMXA “Crash and Injury Clause” contends that selectors will take into consideration the race position of athletes in races where crashes have been assessed by selectors to have clearly affected the outcome of the event. This does not take into consideration a crash due to individual “rider error” e.g. Hitting the gate, falling without interference etc.

 “Tiebreaker Clause”: Rider with the most 1st place finishes during the series will have preference in qualifying for the squad. If riders are equal on wins, rider the most 2nd places will be considered and so on until a decision is able to be finalised.

 “ Time-Trial Clause”: A rider that qualifies with 4 or more Top 3 Time-Trial placings may be considered for squad selection.

4.2.6 The National BMX Selection Committee may, but not necessarily, revert to selecting the ‘next best’ athlete under the points set out above when insufficient numbers have qualified for the squad.

Athletes may be added to the BMXA NADP at any time based on their ability to satisfy the selection points.

4.3 Team Size

The maximum team numbers will be set as follows;

• 16 Years Age – 2 Male, 2 Female riders

• 15 Years Age – 2 Male, 2 Female riders

• 14 Years Age – 1 Male, 1 Female rider

4.4 Reserve Selections

• Reserve selections may be made by the National Selection Committee

• Reserve selections will be ranked.

• Athletes selected as reserves may be offered a place on the National Team, in order of their ranking, to replace selected athletes who are unable to compete, fill available entry positions, decline their selection or withdraw from the squad at anytime. • A maximum number of 2 reserves may be selected for each category.

4.4.1 The National selection committee reserves the right to not fill maximum numbers for a category when it determined that athletes are not to the required standard. In exceptional circumstances, the team maximums may be exceeded.

4.5 Athlete benefits

4.5.1 These are some of the benefits that will be available to riders selected to be on the NADP Squad. These benefits can be amended as needed by BMXA, the Selection Committee or Squad Management;

 Athlete Development Program training camps which will include physiological monitoring, educational lectures, strength and conditioning advice and screenings (eg. musculoskeletal, medical) where appropriate; National Training Camp/s, costs shared between athletes and Athlete Development Program.

 Development through High Performance Testing

 Appropriate training and competition plans in line with the developmental level of the athlete.

 Appropriate competition plans and preparation for participation in competition in line with the developmental level of the athlete;

 Nutritional advice

 Athlete Development Program clothing (to wear when representing the Program at the Probikx/ Champbikx Series, the National Championships, and any other competition and during program camps).

 Consideration towards High Performance selection

 Assistance to access State Institute facilities

 Financial Funding for athletes chosen for the Athlete Development World Championships Team, consistent with their finishing position in the overall Probikx/ Champbikx Series

4.5.2 Prior to receiving any benefits as outlined above, athletes accepted into the NADP Program must read and sign the NADP Athlete Agreement

5 BMX World Championships National Development Squad

5.1 Team Size

5.1.1 The maximum team numbers will be set as follows;

• 16 Years Age – 1 Male, 1 Female rider

• 15 Years Age – 1 Male, 1 Female rider

• 14 Years Age – 1 Male, 1 Female rider 5.1.2 The National selection committee reserves the right to not fill maximum numbers for a category when it determined that athletes are not to the required international standard. In exceptional circumstances, the team maximums may be exceeded.

5.2 Selection Criteria

5.2.1 Athletes will only be selected into the World Championships National Development Squad if the selection committee considers that the athlete is capable of a medal winning performance at the BMX World Championships.

• At the selection period cut-off date (Completion of the Champbikx Series) the top ranked Australian male and female rider according to the Champbikx series will be automatically considered for selection.

• If these athletes decline their selection, the remaining NADP members will be selected from the review of performances in nominated competitions. This includes, but is not exclusive to the following competitions;

 3 Podium finishes in the Champbikx Series  The most 1st place finishes obtained over the Champbikx series.

5.2.2 For selection purposes the National BMX Selection Committee can only consider results obtained prior to the end of the Champbikx Series.

5.2.3 The National BMX Selection Committee will take the following into consideration when assessing athlete’s performances in competition.

• Overall placing. For example 1st, 2nd 3rd

• Quality of the competition and events where results have been achieved.

• Lap times and comparisons between finals, categories and other age classes at major events.

• Ability to deliver performances under pressure in top level events.

• Consistency and ability to repeat World class performances.

• Most recent performances in National Champbikx Series, National Championships and previous International competitions.

• Performances obtained on courses, and/or under conditions and against competition that most closely reflects those expected at the BMX World Championships.

5.2.4 Reserve Selections.

• Reserve selections may be made by the National Selection Committee

• Reserve selections will be ranked.

• Athletes selected as reserves may be offered a place on the National Team, in order of their ranking, to replace selected athletes who are unable to compete or to fill available entry positions.

• A maximum number of 2 reserves may be selected for each category. In the event that insufficient athletes satisfy these criteria, the National BMX Selectors may exercise their discretion and select the next best available rider(s).

6 Funding

6.1 Funding of first place athletes chosen for the NADP World Championships Team will be in line with their finishing position in the overall Champbikx Series.

7 De-Selection Process

7.1 De-Selection from the NADP program can occur as follows:

i. If the athlete breaches their NADP Athlete Agreement ii. If the athlete brings the NADP program or the sport of BMX into disrepute iii. The athlete self-select themselves from the program as they can no longer commit to the requirements of the program iv. Following 3 monthly reviews they have not shown progression either in training or racing (at the coach’s discretion) or from follow up physiological testing.

7.2 Prior to de-selection:  The athlete and coach must review the progress and set goals to be achieved within a 3 month period from the meeting date. If these goals are not achieved within reason, the athlete will be de- selected from the program.  In the case of i or ii above occurring, the athlete must meet with the coach and the magnitude of the breach will determine if the athlete remains in the program or is immediately removed.

On de-selection from the NADP program the athlete will no longer be provided with coaching services or access to training camps, competitions or services provided by the NADP program.

7.3 Re-selection Athletes can be re-selected back into the NADP program as per the section titles NADP Selection Process, only on the condition that if they were de-selected for reasons i or ii above they have been acquitted of any wrong doing.

8 BMX ADP Testing Procedures

8.1 Pre-Test Preparation and Equipment

Pre-test Nutrition Where possible, all athletes should consume a high carbohydrate diet in the 24 hr prior to the testing sessions e.g. pasta, potatoes, cereals, toast, fruit etc. No food should be eaten 2 hr before the test. It is important for all athletes to present to testing well hydrated having consumed adequate fluids in the 12 hr prior to testing.

Prior Exercise Athletes should avoid very strenuous exercise or exercise that they are not used to on the day prior to the testing and on the testing day itself. Where possible, time and type of training within 24 hr of testing should be standardised. These training sessions should be of a light recovery nature (e.gno strenuous gym sessions or gates starts in the 24 hr prior to any testing.

Familiarity All participants should be familiar with all test procedures. Ensure athletes are aware of what the tasks involve and the purpose of measurement. In all cases athletes should be encouraged to do their best. This is particularly important with any open ended test where a pacing strategy is employed. Allow spectator encouragement (where appropriate) when athletes are performing the tasks.

Clothing Athletes should wear appropriate sports clothing (t-shirt and shorts/skirt, or cycling attire) with sports footwear or cycling shoes where possible.

Warm Up It is expected that athletes are given a thorough warm-up prior to beginning testing. This warm-up should include light aerobic activity followed by stretching of the major muscle of the lower body. Race specific warm-ups are preferred prior to any maximal cycling efforts. Regardless of the modality of warm up employed, athletes should be given a few minutes to accustom themselves with any new testing equipment or ergometer used for testing, and make any adjustments to the riding position if and where necessary.

Cool Down It is important to note that athletes should not sit or lie down immediately following maximal exercise. Athletes should be encouraged to continue moderate-to light aerobic activity (walk or cycle) for 3-5 min followed by some light stretching.

Testing Conditions Where possible, a record should be made of the environmental conditions. Temperature, humidity and wind can influence results. All attempts should be made to reduce the effects of wind on performance tests. This either means testing indoors where possible, or ensuring the wind is across the rider rather than allowing a head or tail wind to influence performance if performance tests are conducted outdoors. If equipment is not available to measure these conditions accurately, then a record indicating approximate temperature and if it was windy; headwind, tailwind or still, is valuable.

Equipment It is important that the equipment used attempts to replicate the movement pattern of cycling and to provide accurate information to allow us to see how “new” athletes perform in the cycling environment. However, it is appreciated that very few clubs have access to sophisticated equipment (i.e. cycling ergometers); therefore, some of the protocols have been chosen to reflect this.

Ergometers Cycling ergometers measure the power output produced by the athlete and these can vary from air-braked ergometers to electronically-braked ergometers. This equipment is usually found in a testing laboratory and often not easily accessible to clubs but do provide a very good indication of an athlete's fitness traits. The Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) currently utilises the Wattbike which has a dual braking system (air braked and magnetic braked) in addition to more sophisticated cycle ergometers. More information and details on how to purchase a Wattbike can be found at Most talent identification programs are now using these ergometers for sports specific testing.

Stopwatch Stopwatches are easily accessible to measure the time take to complete a certain distance. Seiko models of stopwatches are the preferred measuring device.

Timing Lights Timing lights are the most accurate measure of the time taken to complete a certain distance as it removes the human element of reaction time. Swift Timing Lights are the preferred system by Sports Institutes/Academies and again these are accessible via testing laboratories/Universities.

Practice Trials Practice Trials should be encouraged with the majority of efforts to ensure the athlete is familiar with the testing protocol requirements and is comfortable with the cycle ergometer being used. This will ensure the rider has developed good technique and the testing reflects physical limitations rather than technical deficiencies. A warm up should be provided and if time permits, the warm up could consist of a practice trial of the test technique ensuring that the intensity and duration are less than required in the actual test.

8.2 Suggested Athlete Development Testing Battery

 Height  Body Mass  Vertical Jump  3s sprint; small gear  2 min recovery  3s sprint: big gear  2 recovery  6x3s tests in a 30s cycle on big gear  Standing 10m and 40m: race gearing on the riders own bike  Flying 10m and 40m: race gearing on the riders own bike

8.3 Anthropometry

8.3.1 Height

Standing Height is the vertical distance from the floor to the vertex (top) of the head.

Equipment  Portable stadiometer or steel measuring tape firmly mounted on a wall, accurate to 0.1cm.  If a measuring tape is used, a set square will also be required.  A spirit level should be glued to the horizontal edge of the set square.  Ensure the wall does not have a skirting board and the floor is even and firm.

Testing Procedure 1. The subject stands erect in bare feet with heels, buttocks and shoulders pressed against the stadiometer or tape measure.

2. The heels are together with the arms hanging freely by the side (palms facing thighs).

3. The tester applies gentle upward traction to the skull behind the ears to ensure the body is fully stretched (ensure the head is not tilted backwards).

4. The subject is instructed to look straight ahead, take a deep breath and stand as tall as possible.

5. Ensure the subject heels are not raised.

6. If using a stadiometer, lower the platform until it makes firm contact with the top of the head. If using a tape measure, place the set square against the wall with the base on top of the head ensuring the set square is level by using the spirit level as an indicator.

Measurement Record standing height to the nearest 0.1cm.

8.3.2 Body Mass

Equipment Portable electronic scales accurate to 0.5 kg, placed on an even and firm surface.

The scales should be calibrated throughout the range of expected results using reference objects of known mass (e.g. barbell loads).

Testing Procedure 1. The subject should be barefoot and wearing only light clothing (t shirt and shorts/skirt).

2. Ensure the scale has been zeroed.

3. Have the subject stand still and erect with weight evenly distributed on the centre of the scale.

Measurement Record the subject’s body mass to the nearest 0.01 kg and if necessary correct for scale errors using calibration information.

8.3.3 Vertical Jump

The Vertical jump test measures the ability to spring in a vertical direction (anaerobic power of the legs). Explosive power in the legs is significantly related to BMX performance.

Equipment  Wall-mounted board covering heights from 150cm to 350cm (accurate to 1cm) or a Vertec. If you do not have access to a wall-mounted board then a standard measuring tape may be used  Chalk (powdered chalk, talcum powder or flour are all appropriate)  Non-slip surface  Room with a ceiling at least 4m high

Testing Procedure Reach height (RH) 1. The subject should stand side on to the wall directly underneath the board/measuring tape with both feet flat on the ground. The subject should be standing so that their preferred arm (jump hand) is closest to the wall. 2. The subject places chalk/flour on fingertips of the preferred arm so that the fingertips are lightly covered. 3. The non-preferred hand is placed on the hip. 4. The preferred arm should be stretched as high as possible above the head with the palm facing the wall. 5. With the arm stretched to full extension, the subject should touch the board/wall with their middle finger to leave a mark at the highest possible point while their feet are maintained on ground (no tiptoes). 6. Record the position of the reach height to the nearest 1cm.

Jump height (JH) 1. The subject should be encouraged to warm-up and practice jumps. 2. Before commencing, the subject should reapply chalk to their fingertips if necessary. 3. The subjects arms are to stay in the same position as previously outlined (the preferred arm is raised vertically with the palm facing the wall and the non-preferred arm is placed on the hip) as they go into a crouch. The subject can choose the depth of the crouch and is allowed to ‘bounce’ (without lifting their feet off the ground) if desired. The subject is not allowed to swing the arms to assist momentum. 4. The subject then springs upwards from this position to touch the wall at the highest possible point with the outstretched arm closest to the wall. 5. The take-off must be from both feet, with no initial steps or shuffling. 6. At least three attempts should be allowed per subject; however, the subject may continue to jump as long as improvements are being made. 7. Record the height of the highest jump mark to the nearest centimetre. 8. Record the jump height as the difference between the total height jumped and the reach height.

8.4 Laboratory Testing

8.4.1 Three (3) second peak power test

Equipment  Cycle ergometer. The ergometer of choice for testing is the AIS “Wombat” or WattBike ergometer; however, an air braked ergometer is sufficient.  Stopwatch

Testing Procedure 1. Record body mass and height as outlined previously. 2. Adjust ergometer dimensions to suit the rider (eg seat height, crank length). 3. After a warm up involving a couple of 2-3 second sprints stop the fly wheel of the ergometer. 4. Place the ergometer into the small gear (Wombat/WattBike = 1 for females, 2 for males. Air Braked ergo = 48/14/40/21). The small gear chosen should enable a peak cadence of approximately 180 rpm for elite men and 160rpm for elite women. 5. From a stationary, standing start have the rider pedal as hard as possible for 3 seconds or until the peak power output visibly begins to decrease. 6. Record the peak power and peak cadence achieved where possible. 7. Repeat the testing after a short recovery (2-3 minutes) for the big gear (Wombat/WattBike = 4 for females, 5 for males. Air braked ergo = 48/14/40/19). The large gear chosen should enable a peak cadence of approximately 170 rpm for elite men and 150rpm for elite women. 8. Record the peak power and peak cadence achieved where possible. 8.4.2 Six (6) x three (3) second repeat sprint test

Equipment  Cycle ergometer. The ergometer of choice for testing is the AIS “Wombat” or WattBike ergometer; however, an air braked ergometer is sufficient.  Stopwatch

Testing Procedure 1. Using the same cycle ergometer set up and gearing as the 3 s power test (8.4.1). The large gear chosen should enable a peak cadence of approximately 170 rpm for elite men and 150rpm for elite women for their initial efforts. 2. Ensure the timer is set for 6 sets of 3 s work with 27s recovery. From a stationary, standing start have the rider pedal as hard as possible for 3 seconds. 3. Repeat the effort following a 27s recovery. Repeat until all 6 x 3s efforts are complete. Record the peak power output for each 3s effort. 4. Calculate the decrement from their first to last effort and also convert this to a % of their first effort.

8.4.3 40m sprint (standing and flying)

The 40 m sprint is a test commonly used by BMX riders to assess the riders ability to accelerate the bike from standing start as well as their maximum velocity from a flying start. The test can be conducted on the inside of a velodrome, running track, parking lot or road but it is important to record where the testing was done, the slope and type of surface as this can influence the rolling resistance and ultimately the time. It is also important to record the bike gearing, crank length, tyre size and pressures to ensure consistency for subsequent re-testing opportunities. Conducting the test at the same venue each time is recommended when possible to minimise variability in performance due to changing conditions. Equipment  BMX bike  Flat surface - velodrome, running track, parking lot or road.  Measuring Tape.  Marker/Witches hats.  Stopwatch (timing gates if available).

Testing Procedure 1. Measure out a 40 m distance and place a marker at 0 m and 40 m. Sometimes it helps to place a marker at 45 m and tell the athlete to go as fast as possible to that marker as they sometimes tend to slow down before going through the last marker. If you have access to timing lights place these at 0 m, 5 m, 10 m and 40 m. If you only have a stopwatch, just record the 40 m time. 2. Record the environmental conditions as accurately as possible. 3. Record the location (velodrome, running track, parking lot, road) and surface type (concrete, asphalt, rubber). 4. Record the bike gearing, crank length, handle bar height, tyre size and pressures. 5. Record if the athlete is using flats or clips. For younger riders, it is preferable to use flats as this also assessing pedalling technique. 6. For the standing start: i. Hold the athlete by the seat so they begin with their feet on the pedals. ii. Instruct the athlete to ride as fast as possible to the final cone (which is a 45 m). iii. The athlete starts on Go (one, two, three, Go!”) and the stopwatch is started. iv. Record the 40m time. 7. For the flying start: i. Place a marker at 40 m prior to the start line as the lead in distance ii. Instruct the athlete to gain speed in the lead in 40 m and reach the start line at near maximal speed. iii. Start the timing when the athlete crosses the start time and stop when the athlete crosses the finish line. iv. Record the 40m time and convert to a maximum velocity.

____________ 80 m 40 m 0 m Flying Standing Flying 40 m START 40 m START Standing END

9 Characteristics of the Elite

Having an understanding of the characteristics of elite cyclists provides the basis on what we should be looking for when attempting to identify BMX talent. Below are data collected on National Team representatives.

Note: Data from approx 100 tests over 5 years: some athletes have contributed multiple tests over those years. Also please note that these results are based on tests using an air-braked cycle ergometer and this must be taken into account when interpreting the data as differences in gearing or resistance will influence the peak power and cadences achieved.

Gearing Gearing 6 x 3s Sprint Chain Rings Chain Rings Gearing: 48; 14; 40; 19 48; 14; 40; 19 48; 14; 40; 21

– t n e p ) m n f m i e f 1 3 4 6 2 5 u r Relative Relative J t t t t t t O c M

l Peak Peak n n n n n n e - i i i i i i p


Mass Peak Peak r r r r r r

Name D x c o i p p p p p p r 6

Power Power a t - S S S S S S r

Power Power D 1 M e

( t V n i r p S (kg) (cm) (W) (W/kg) (W) (W/kg) W W W W W W % W

Senior Elite Male Average 84.4 81.3 1992.7 23.7 1875.7 22.4 2000 1880 1807 1773 1749 1727 13.7 284 St Dev 6.7 8.6 142.6 1.9 120.9 2.0 99 132 114 114 110 89 1.4 27 Minimum 71.0 70 1790 20 1700 19 1837 1727 1646 1628 1633 1598 12.1 239 Maximum 93.0 92 2158 26 2029 25 2092 2005 1907 1887 1863 1822 15.8 310 Junior Elite Male Average 85.1 67.3 1720.8 20.2 1578.5 18.6 1699.8 1573.8 1513.3 1484.3 1471.8 1447.8 14.7 253.8 St Dev 2.8 4.1 45.4 1.1 45.7 1.0 45.3 39.0 35.7 56.0 55.8 56.3 4.9 89.5 Minimum 81.4 62 1679 19 1537 18 1658 1520 1483 1426 1413 1410 7.7 127.0 Maximum 87.6 72 1783 21 1638 20 1750 1613 1565 1556 1544 1531 18.1 324.0 Senior Elite Female Average 70.2 55.3 1239.3 17.5 1198.3 16.9 1219.3 1118.3 1017.8 958.3 963.0 974.5 19.9 276.3 St Dev 2.9 5.4 67.5 1.2 71.4 1.1 63.3 53.6 54.3 66.9 82.6 57.0 7.0 98.1 Minimum 67.4 48 1188 16 1157 16 1170 1077 946 908 904 919 14.0 169.0 Maximum 74.3 61 1338 19 1305 18 1311 1197 1072 1055 1085 1041 28.6 407.0 Junior Elite Female Average 68.9 50.5 1160.8 16.8 1090.0 15.8 1141.3 1063.0 1026.3 1019.5 1003.3 1000.8 12.4 146.3 St Dev 7.2 3.8 143.3 0.4 102.8 0.3 127.1 144.5 126.8 116.1 141.0 127.4 3.3 26.2 Minimum 60.5 48 1005 16 971 16 991 868 853 867 821 826 8.5 109.0 Maximum 78.2 56 1346 17 1215 16 1277 1217 1154 1136 1154 1121 16.6 170.0

Typical Error Absolute 18.16 0.23 21.46 0.26 26.6 2.0 % 1.11 1.11 1.30 1.30 23.4 22.4 Appendix 1: Expectations of athletes when becoming a part of the HPP.


 Be able to pack and build their bike for travel.  Change gears for training.  General bike maintenance, so it is in good working order and clean. The bike should be clean when they turn up to every session.  Changing a flat tyre or replacing a chain.


 Be able to shop and prepare food for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner and bring food for pre and post training or racing when required.

 Be able to choose the correct healthy foods by reading food labels.

 Be educated on what foods to purchase if only fast food options are available.

 The understanding that it is not necessary for supplements when food can give you all that you need for the majority of athletes. Supplement’s only to be recommended by nutritionist or doctors.

 The importance of hydration and the replacement of electrolytes.

Warm up

 Making sure the riders have an understanding on dynamic warm ups for training and competition.

 Learning ways that best suit them as a routine before competition.


 Hydration , Nutrition, Stretching , Self Massage, Compression Garments


 How to set SMART goals, so the riders can challenge themselves.

 Designing a success routine for racing.

 How to deal with every day stress and competition anxiety


 Be on time for all and any activities that are listed, departure times, training, practice, racing, meals etc.

 Act and look like a team.

Training  Preparation.

 Sprint drills – Standing start, Deadman start, Rolling Start, Max speed.

 Track drills – Structure efforts – Gates, ½ laps etc.

 Skills – Gates, jumping, cornering, tactics.

 Gym – core booklet, main whole body lifts

 Recovery

 Self analysing/ self monitoring / self evaluation

Aim of the High Performance Program

 A comprehensive set of travelling and living away from home skills,

 Competence in physical qualities, with particular reference to;

. Structural Strength,

. Structural Stability,

. ROM. (Range of Movement = flexibility)

The daily camp schedule will depend on the cycling activity for the day, not the weather. When participating in a training and racing camp of this nature, the training ride or race is the minor part of the day’s activities. In order of progression through the day, the other activities essential to putting an athlete in a position to train or race are;

 morning recovery and stretching session

 breakfast

 clean eating area

 personal hygiene

 clean and tidy personal living area

 prepare pre and post training/race food and water

 pack vehicles

 warm up

 train/race

 warm down  post race meal and hydration

 post race stretching

 repeat last 5 steps another 2 or 3 times.

 pack vehicles

 return to the camp

 unpack vehicles

 clean vehicles

 clean bikes

 personal hygiene

 wash clothes

 evening meal

 clean eating area

 prepare and pack clothes and equipment for next mornings race/training

 stretching session

 team meeting / athlete education presentation

 rest

 sleep

National Athletes

We are looking for athletes with a professional approach as opposed to a recreational approach. The major elements to this are:

 Can function positively in a team environment and can independently live away from home.

 Application and dedication to training and racing, 100% attendance, 100% application.

 Commitment to physical competence and flexibility development.

 Athlete progress reports will help identify and track developing athletes.

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