Sector: Training in the Fight Against Fraud

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Sector: Training in the Fight Against Fraud



Please read the guidance notes carefully in order not to delay payment of your final amounts. Please complete this form preferably in English, French or German.

The grant agreement signed by the beneficiary and the Commission requires a final report on the activities financed by the grant, along with a final financial statement of revenue and expenditure, following completion of the operation. This report is to be sent within three calendar months following the closing date of action.

The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the results of training — in terms of activities, developments, etc. — as well as the financial resources used to obtain these results. The final report is also the reference document for information about the progress of the training. For each training action, an electronic copy (CD-ROM, DVD or USB stick) of all the results/presentations which have been and/or will be developed must be attached to the report. Please do not send paper copies unless specifically requested to do so.

To be returned to the following address:

European Commission European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) Mr J. Marteau Head of Unit OLAF/02 Human Resources and Budget Office J-30 01/99 BE-1049 Brussels


The evaluation procedure plays a crucial role in the project cycle insofar as it makes it possible to weigh up and make a qualitative and quantitative assessment of:

. the results achieved in relation to the objectives; . the resources used to obtain such results in relation to the revised budget.

The final report is an ideal tool for such evaluation. Hence, it is important that it reflects the reality of the training action as closely as possible.

Beneficiaries are therefore advised to read the report form carefully in order to familiarise themselves with its content and the data required for completion of the report. II. PROJECT DETAILS

Title of the training action Please insert the title as indicated in your grant agreement

Grant agreement number Please insert the reference as indicated in your grant agreement

Period covered by the grant agreement From (dd/mm/yyyy) To (dd/mm/yyyy)

Date(s) and Venue(s) where the project took place Date Venue

Details of the beneficiary Name Street Postcode City Country Website Website Project, if any Telephone Fax

Legal representative Surname First name Position/Function

Person to contact for questions on the report (contact person) Surname First name Position/Function E-mail Telephone Fax

Type of event Conference Staff Exchange Please tick only one box which E-Learning Meeting best describes your event. Round Table Seminar Staff Exchange Symposium Training courses Working Groups Other: Please Specify


This part of the final report is vital in providing us with a clear understanding of your activity. To enable us to undertake a comprehensive analysis of your training action, it is essential that you answer all the following questions. The boxes will expand, but please confine your comments specifically to the questions asked.

1. Your original application stated the objectives of the action. Please describe the event, giving a general assessment of the results achieved in relation to those specific initial objectives.

Initial objectives:

Specific results achieved in relation to those objectives:

If the results were not achieved, could you please explain why this is the case and what you suggest should be done?

2. Please describe the impact of your training action on, for example:

 the acquisition of qualifications and skills;  the establishment of training partnerships and exchanges of information/experience;  institutional change in your participant organisations.

3 3. Please state how the action has met the training/skills or qualification needs identified in your proposal.

 Needs identified:  How needs have been met:

4. Please give details of the roles and responsibilities within the management structure used for the action.

5. Please describe the evaluation procedures you have applied internally to the action and give a summary of your conclusions (this does not refer to the OLAF Evaluation Form).

4 6. Please give a precise description of the transnational cooperation in your training action and state whether and/or how this cooperation is to be continued in the future.

7. Please describe the added value of your training action to the European Union and its innovative impact in terms of content, methodology, training products, etc.

8. Please describe the key successes of your training action.

5 9. Please describe the problems you have encountered (administrative, legal and practical obstacles, difficulties within the partnership, difficulties in producing results, etc.) during the implementation of your training action, and the specific solutions found.

10. Have you spoken at any other conferences or seminars about your training activity, or do you know of any event where this material can or will be used? Where and when?

11. Is this action to continue after European Union's financial support has come to an end?

Yes: No:

If yes, please explain the next steps:


Under the terms of the grant agreement signed with the European Commission, the beneficiary evaluates the training event on the basis of the participants’ evaluation form and the beneficiary feedback summary to be downloaded from:

These documents are to be submitted (in electronic form (CD-ROM, DVD or USB stick) with the final report. 6 V. QUANTITATIVE INFORMATION

Please send us an electronic copy of all documents/material resulting from your dissemination process

1. REPORTS Unit Planned Actual Were there any REPORTS (written reports, analyses, studies, reviews, manuals, working papers, toolkits, etc.) produced as part of your project? Yes: No: Guidance: Please provide the total number of independent written outputs, irrespective of whether they were published or not. An output produced in several languages counts as a single output. Next please disaggregate the total number into the subcategories provided according to the written output’s primary objective. A single output may fall into several categories (e.g., a study may aim to produce policy advice and at the same time to identify good practice). The total number of reports, of which Number [insert] [insert]  reports aimed at providing policy advice, research Number [insert] [insert] and analysis  reports aimed at identifying good practices Number [insert] [insert]  monitoring and assessment reports on the Number [insert] [insert] implementation of laws or policies  reports aimed at developing appropriate statistical Number [insert] [insert] tools, methods and indicators Scope of dissemination: Have the reports been actively distributed? Yes: No: If yes, please indicate: Total number of paper copies distributed (please No of paper [insert] [insert] provide a total cumulative number for all the reports), copies of which to: distributed  EU-level policy and decision-makers No of copies [insert] distributed  National/regional/local-level policy and decision- No of copies [insert] makers distributed  Social, economic/business partners No of copies [insert] distributed  Civil society, NGOs No of copies [insert] distributed  Academia, experts, think tanks No of copies [insert] distributed  Media, Journalists No of copies [insert] distributed  If the reports have been published online, please No of [insert] also provide the total number of downloads by downloads individual users (if web address differs from the one given in Part I, please indicate website address here)

7 2. INFORMATION/PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL/WEBSITE Unit Planned Actual Were there any INFORMATION/PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS (leaflets, brochures, newsletters, websites, articles in media, video material, etc.) produced as part of your project? Yes: No: Guidance: Please provide the total number of information and promotional items, irrespective of how they were published (video, electronic document, printed on paper, etc.). An output produced in several languages counts as a single output. Next please provide the total cumulative number of copies of these materials disseminated (e.g. number of printed/published copies distributed to your target audiences, number of downloads of the electronic copies published on websites, number of individual visitors to your information/promotional website(s), etc.). Total number of pieces of such information and [insert] [insert] promotional material, of which  Total number of printed copies [insert] [insert]  Number of copies in easy-to-read language for disabled people  Number of copies in each language English [insert] [insert] French [insert] [insert] German [insert] [insert] Other [insert] [insert] Scope of dissemination: Total number of copies distributed, No of copies [insert] [insert] of which to: distributed  EU-level policy and decision-makers No of copies [insert] distributed  National/regional/local-level policy and decision- No of copies [insert] makers distributed  Social, economic/business partners No of copies [insert] distributed  Civil society, NGOs No of copies [insert] distributed  Academia, experts, think tanks No of copies [insert] distributed  Media, Journalists No of copies [insert] distributed  Total number of visits to websites related to Average [insert] information and promotion (e.g. your project number of individual website) visits per month during the reporting period


The report must fulfil the following formal conditions in order to be accepted and to enable OLAF to carry out the assessment:

1. An original version of the final financial and technical report and one electronic copy (CD-Rom, DVD, USB: word and excel-version) are required. The final financial report must be dated and signed. Where appropriate, the stamp of the organisation concerned should also be affixed on it.

2. A formal payment request, dated and signed by the legal representative, printed on the organisation's letterhead, including address and legal registration, if any. The VAT number is to be mentioned, or a declaration made to the effect that the beneficiary is exempt from VAT or VAT is to be paid when purchasing goods and services and the organisation does not have the right to recover VAT at the end of the year1. The beneficiary must inform the Commission of any interest or equivalent benefits yielded by pre-financing payments greater than €50.000. It must do so when submitting a request for payment of the balance. Any such interest will be directly deducted from payments. Interest is not due to the EU on pre-financing paid to Member States or, to their regional or local authorities including bodies under their control.

3. All documents relevant to the event, e.g. presentations, speeches, illustrations, etc., must be attached to the report in electronic form (CD-ROM, DVD or USB stick) including the electronic version of the final financial and technical report. Do not send paper copies unless expressly requested to do so. These documents include:

. final programme; . all speeches and slides; . all documents distributed to the participants; . the list of speakers (and, if possible, their CVs); . the complete list of participants; . the assessment of the event by the participants (forms to be downloaded at OLAF’s website: . including your overall summary of the feedback to participants; . copies of sub-contracting contracts, where applicable; . copies of all invoices (see Annex III of the grant agreement).

1 It should be noted that VAT paid by a public body to operators who are subject to VAT (when purchasing goods or supplying services within the framework of the implementation of the co- financed action) is not eligible. The VAT thus collected by operators liable for tax will in fact be returned to accounts of the Member State of the public body. Considering this VAT as an eligible cost would lead to double financing (by the Union and by the fiscal revenue). 9 VII. FINANCIAL REPORT

A final financial report (excel format) is to be used, which is published at

The financial statements must be submitted in euro. The beneficiary should use the exchange rate of the month when the final report is submitted. Any conversion of costs from other currency into euro incurred outside the euro zone shall be made at the monthly accounting rate established by the European Commission and published on the following website: The conversion rates used when issuing the payment by the European Commission are mentioned in article II.16 of the grant agreement (General provisions on payments). Before submitting the report, the beneficiary must check that the amounts shown in the financial tables take into account the information provided in the technical explanatory note (see Annex III of the grant agreement). Before submitting the report, the beneficiary must also carefully check that the totals and sub-totals presented are mathematically correct.


Expenses claimed must have been incurred within the project period. No other expenses will be accepted. This means that the beneficiary must make any commitments for outstanding project expenses before the end of the project period.

No transfer between budget headings in excess of 10 % will be accepted without the prior approval of the Commission (see also Article I.3.4 of the grant agreement).

The invoices proving the project costs have to comply with the obligatory requirements for invoices: An invoice must give information as to who (name, address, VAT number if applicable) delivered to whom (name, address) what kind of service (description of service, e.g. translation of the report XY from English to French, 200 pages @ €32/page), when (dates) and at what rate).

Please list each item of expenditure separately and do not forget to fill in, under the column ‘N° to be copied on supporting document’, the number stated manually on each invoice, to link the costs stated on the final financial report.

Staff costs

Under the column ‘name’, you should give the staff member’s full name. Under the column ‘function’ you should insert the function of the person, e.g.: secretary, project leader. Please use the same terms that you used to describe the person’s function in the budget estimate.

Subsistence costs:

Subsistence costs are only considered as eligible costs when there is a signed list of participants accompanying the final financial report.

10 Finally, the beneficiary should be aware that all the supporting documents must be kept for at least five years by their organisation, in case of a possible audit by the Commission.


The ranking number stated in the first column of the final financial report is to be shown on the supporting documents. Supporting documents may only be submitted as copies. Only invoices relating to the period covered in Article I.2 of the grant agreement are accepted.

1. Staff costs

Documents to be provided:

statutory staff/personnel of national administrations . a copy of the employment contract for each project staff member, indicating duties, working hours, employment status and salary; . time sheets for each project staff member, indicating working time and activity/tasks performed for the project, signed and dated by the employee and the employer; . a copy of the salary slips or payrolls of each project staff member for each day worked on the project; . a copy of the documents proving amounts of employers’ tax and social contributions paid; . in addition to the gross salary of each project staff member: proof of payment through a bank account of the salaries, tax and social contributions paid for each project staff member; . a copy of the secondment decision (public officials)/letter of assignment (non-profit- making organisations) stating the name and function of the permanent employee seconded to the project.

External staff: . a copy of the contract or invoice indicating task, date, rates and amount to be paid; . time sheets indicating the working time and activity/tasks performed for the project, signed and dated by the staff member and the project manager or by any person authorised by the beneficiary; . proof of payment.

2. Conference rooms and related charges

Documents to be provided: invoices and proof of payment.

3. Travel expenses

Documents to be provided: . a copy of the invoice for flight or rail/bus tickets stating name of passenger, date of travel and itinerary and proof of payment; . copies of flight or rail/bus tickets, including boarding passes (the boarding pass must state the name, date, place of origin and destination); . travel expenses by private car (personal or company car): a copy of the reimbursement claim made to the beneficiary. The cost of a journey by car is calculated at a rate per km in accordance with the internal rules of the organisation concerned up to a maximum of €0.22. If several people travel in the same vehicle, only one ticket/kilometre rate will be considered; . travel expenses by coach: invoice indicating at least the place of departure and arrival, the number of passengers and the dates of travel and proof of payment;

12 . travel expenses by taxi: original supporting documents duly and clearly complete (transfers to airports or stations at the place of the event, where public transport is not available); . proof of payment or of reimbursement to the participant, if the ticket was purchased directly by him/her (payment through bank account, unless the Commission has authorised other forms of payment); . a copy of the attendance list (dated and signed).

4. Subsistence expenses

Subsistence costs (hotel, meals, local transport) for eligible participants can be calculated in two different ways (only one choice can be made):

Documents to be provided:

1. Reimbursement on actual costs basis:

Documents to be provided: . the attendance list of the meeting held, signed by all participants; . invoices indicating clearly the name of the person concerned, the dates of stay, the cost per night (excluding telephone and minibar expenses) or or separate document with the list of people issued by the hotel, if hotel invoice; . invoices indicating clearly the number of meals, if restaurant; . proof of payment or reimbursement in every case (payment through bank account).

2. Reimbursement on daily subsistence allowance (DSA) basis

The DSA includes all costs (hotel, meals, local transport, taxis, etc.) and must be within the limit set by the beneficiary; moreover, it must not exceed the maximum amounts set by the call for proposals, which can be found at the following URL:

Documents to be provided: . the attendance list of the meeting held, signed by all participants; . proof of payment or reimbursement.

5. Miscellaneous

Documents to be provided: invoices and proof of payment.

6. Subcontracting expenses

Documents to be provided: the contract which must include: information on the services provided (including the terms of reference), the start and end dates of the contract, the price (breakdown and description of costs), timetable and payment arrangements.

7. Indirect expenses

Beneficiaries are not required to justify the total amount, but must bear in mind that the type of costs covered through overheads (general administrative costs) cannot be claimed under any other budget heading. An amount of overheads (with a maximum of 7 % of the eligible costs) must have been foreseen in the provisional budget of the project concerned.


DECLARATION I/we confirm that I/we am/are duly authorised to sign this declaration on behalf of the organisation named. I/we certify that the information given in this report is correct, and confirm that the enclosures are current, accurate, and adopted or approved by the organisation which I/we lead.

I/we understand that you may contact me/us to clarify any details in this report, including providing any additional information as applicable. I/we confirm that I/we am/are authorised by the organisation for this purpose.

Title First name Surname

Position held in the organisation Signed Date On behalf of (organisation name):

Check List - Have you:

Completed all sections of the form (= final report on the implementation of the action) with the requested information? Responded within the required deadline? Made sure that all your published material acknowledges support from the European Commission (OLAF) Attached a formal payment request and the final financial report (= a final financial statement of the eligible costs actually incurred, following the structure of the estimated budget - document to be downloaded from OLAF's website) Attached the required documentation in electronic form (CD-ROM, DVD or USB stick): . Final programme; . All speeches; . All slides; . All documents distributed to the participants; . The list of speakers; . The assessment of the event by the participants (documents to be downloaded from OLAF’s website) including your overall summary of the participants’ feedback; . Copies of sub-contracting contracts, where applicable; . Copies of all invoices (see Annex III of the grant agreement).

Reminder: Please attach one electronic copy (CD-ROM, DVD or USB stick) of the product(s) to the final report. Only send paper version where required.


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