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Government of West Bengal s5


Memo No. 362 /ICDS/ Chh Dated. 2 /11/2016


Sealed price bids are, hereby, invited from the bona-fide, reliable, resourceful and experienced service providers or Registered Co-operative Societies for selection of one storing Agent and one Carrying Agent for Chhatna ICDS Project in the district of Bankura for one year from the date agreement which will be made after the approval of District Level Tender Committee. The Storing Agent have to store Rice ,Musur Dal, Musturd Oil, Salt and allied other materials and the Carrying Agent have to carry Rice,Musur Dal, Musturd Oil, Salt and other allied materials from Project Go-Down/Office to different Anganwadi Centres of Chhatna ICDS Project.

Detail of Schedule are given beloe:-

1) Date of Submission of Tender Paper: 16/11/2016 from 11.00 a.m to 1.30 p.m 2) Venue of submission of Tender paper: Through Tender Box kept at the chamber of S.D.O, Bankura Sadar 3) Date of opening of Tender paper: 16/11/2016 at 2.00 p.m. 4) Venue of opening of Tender Paper: At the chamber of S.D.O, Bankura Sadar 5) Earnest money for both Storing and Carrying Agent : Rs. 5000/- 6) Security deposit for Storing Agent: Rs. 25000/- 7) Security Deposit for Carrying Agent: Rs. 10000/-

Documents to be attached to pre-qualification application for STORING AGENT Sketch map of the Storing godown showing the access and the truck-worthy metal road, Plot No., J.L. No., Mouza etc. and other details must be provided under signature and seal of the bidder. o Valid IT Return/ PAN / PTCC / Trade permission issued by appropriate authority. Photocopies would be accepted on scrutiny of original ones. o Before submission of bid, the bidder must get his signature attested on the contract from by witness, failing which the tender may be rejected. Mode of Earnest Money deposit:-  Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of the undersigned, or NSC/KVP of the no belo w the stipulated amount, duly pledged/drawn in favour of “the Child Development Project Officer, Chhatna ICDS Project, Bankura.” . Co-operative Societies who are exempted by competent authority from submitting Earnest Money or Security deposit for such tender need not submit Earnest Money or Security deposit but attested photo Copy of valid certificate for that in the name of that Co-operative Societies is to be submitted with the Tender. Earnest Money deposited not properly pledged or furnished in any other will not be accepted.

Pre-conditions for STORING AGENT:- 1) The authority shall straightway reject the price-bids which may appear to be absurd in terms of rates and with the mala-fide intention of competition only. 2) The authority reserves the absolute right to accept or reject any or every tender including the lowest one without assigning any reason what so ever and distribute the work among them as the authority may deem convenient. 3) If situation so demands, the Tender Committee may assign the work to the single intending bidder on negotiation, 4) The rate for Storing of food and related item must be for a store of approximately 2000 sq.ft. floor space with proper dunnage and well ventilation for per month irrespective of amount of food or P/2 duration stored. The location of godown should be within 10 (Ten) k.m. radius from the Project Head Qr., Chhatna and within the Block area of Chhatna. 5) Proposed godown having closer proximity to the Chhatna ICDS Project Office would be preferable. It should be situated in a place having suitable approach road accessible for big Trucks. Necessary fire fighting arrangement, safety from rat, white ant, and rainwater must be exercised .The godown should be insured against theft, fire and natural calamity. 6) As it would have to store food for children, contamination with any chemical or poisonous articles must be avoided and it should always be in proper hygienic condition. The godown should in the no circumstances, contain articles other than ICDS Materials. 7) Stock of food is always subject to physical verification by the competent authority. Proper record on account of food receipt, issue and balance of food is to be maintained and report of receipt and issue for each time is to be informed to the undersigned forthwith. 8) Receiving of empty container (against proper challan) from transport contractor, keeping proper record of it and storing of these articles are obligatory. No payment is admissible for this purpose. 9) The agency must have relevant document in support of ownership/consent of owner of the store. 10) It shall be the duty of the engaged Storing Agent to issue or supply the foodstuff to the Carrying Agent of Chhatna ICDS Project as and when needed as per the order of the CDPO, Chhatna. 11) It shall be the duty of the engaged Storing Agent to call at office atleast for once in every fortnight and produce monthly stock position of food lying at his custody. 12) The storing agent will be responsible to prevent any shortage, damage due to theft, pilferages, fire etc, and the shortfall, if occurs, will be recovered from him.

 Other norms for STORING AGENT : 1. This notice shall form part of terms and conditions of tender and the bidder shall be bound to abide by them. 2. The authority may, by proclamation of Notice, fix subsequent date of price-bid conference under unavoidable circumstances. 3. The authority reserves the right to appoint more than one contractor and distribute the work among them as the authority may deem convenient and no objection against such arrangement would be entertained 4. The sealed cover must have superscription “Price-Bid for storing of ICDS foodstuff within Chhatna Project” and full particulars of the bidder. 5. The successful agency would have to deposit Security through NSC /KVP/Mutual deposit pledged in favour of the Child Development Project Officer, Chhatna Bankura within 07 (seven ) days from the date of receipt of selection letter. 6. The successful agency would have to enter into an agreement upon Non Judicial instrument on his /her own cost with the Govt. of West Bengal within 07 (seven) days from the date of receipt of selection letter. If the selected tenderer fails to submit the abovementioned Security or to execute the deed agreement within 07 (seven) days, his Earnest Money would be forfeited. 7. Unconditional single rate must be clearly written both in figure and in the words, in the Tender Form. No overwriting is allowed without attestation by the tenderer. The accepted rate will be valid up to one year from the date of approval by the District Level Tender Committee. 8. The Name and address of the proprietor or the partner of the firm should be noted in the tender form (wherever necessary) clearly under their office seal. 9. The agency shall not assign or sale even a part of the contract. The bidder must have local Office Address at Chhatna to facilitate speedy communication. 10. If the selected tenderer fails to receive food from the supplier for storage on scheduled date his Security deposit will be forfeited. 11. Any dispute arising out of this Pre-conditions and other norms will be settled by the decision of the S.D.O. ( Page-3) 12. The authority reserves the absolute right to extend the period of contract up to some period after the expiry of the validity of the contract if situation demands under the same terms and conditions as to be laid down on respective agreement bond. 13. The agency would have to provide service against the uniform rate throughout the period of contract. No representation to hike the rate on any ground will be accepted. 14. The rate should be quoted in Rupees per month for Storing. 15. As the food articles is intended for the children age group of 6 (Six ) years, the contractor should assure that no articles supplied is adultered or toxicity or harmful for children. 16. The accepted agency shall have to strictly adhere to and comply with the instruction of this office, to be given him time to time, for betterment of public service and to safe guard the interest of Government. 17. In case of any supply not at par with the specification or specimen or in case of complaint regarding the quality of the material even after it is transported to Anganwadi Centeres, the contractor will be bound to replace the materials at once, at his own cost to that from where the complaint has lodged. 18. Different taxes may be deducted at source as per rule of the Government 19. Other terms and conditions as per Govt. rules and regulations remain unchanged


Ref :- 362 /ICDS/ Chh Dated.- 2 / 11 /2016

(1) (a) Name :- ______(b) Permanent address with Telephone No. ______(c) Propritor/Partner/Firm :- ______(d) Local address and Telephone No. :- ______(2) Particulars of Earnest Money ( Bank draft/NSC/KVP) : (a)Amount ______(b) No. & Date ______(c) Name of the Bank with Branch Name/ Post office with address ______(d) Whether pledge or not . ______(3) Particulars of (Mention No.) Valid P. Tax :- ______Income Tax Return:- ______(4) Description of Godown (sketch plan) with exact location (Mouza:- ______J.L. No.:- ______Plot No.:-______) Size:- ______Store capacity:-______Dunnage:- ______Ventilations:- ______(5) Rate to be quoted for storing charge per month. :- Rs. ______(Rupees ______) only per month.

DECLARATION :-The informations given by me/us above are true and I/we agree to abide by the Pre-conditions and other norms for Selection of Storing Agent given in the Tender Notice in Memo No. 362 /ICDS/ Chh dated 2 /11/2016 of the Child Development Project Officer, Chhatna ICDS Project and shall sign the deed of Agreement with the Govt. of West Bengal as per existing rules and regulations. I/We hereby declare that violation of any of the terms and conditions mentioned above by the undersigned , will lead to cancellation of my / our tendership and subsequently lead to forfeiture of my/ our security/ Earnest money and all outstanding bills. ------Date :------( Signature of the Tenderer with seal. ) (4)

Documents to be attached to pre-qualification application for CARRYING AGENT. o o Valid IT Return, PAN, PTCC, Trade permission issued by appropriate authority. Photocopies would be accepted on scrutiny of original ones. o Before submission of bid, the bidder must get his signature attested on the contract from by witness, failing which the tender may be rejected. o Carrying agent should have Truck/Mini Truck/Tractor of his own or on lease basis. So documents of vehicular arrangement like Blue Book / Registration in support of ownership or authentic agreement copy of lease / hire etc. shall be furnished. o Copy of Terms & Conditions which is appended with this Tender Notice must be signed by the concerned intending Tenderer as proof of acceptance of the Terms & Conditions and dropped along with the tender form. Mode of Earnest Money deposit:-  Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of the undersigned, or NSC/KVP of the no belo w the stipulated amount, duly pledged/drawn in favour of “the Child Development Project Officer, Chhatna ICDS Project, Bankura.” . Co-operative Societies who are exempted by competent authority from submitting Earnest Money or Security deposit for such tender need not submit Earnest Money or Security deposit but attested photo copy of valid certificate for that in the name of that Co-operative Societies is to be submitted with the tender. Earnest Money deposited not properly pledged or furnished in any other will not be accepted.

Pre-conditions for CARRYING AGENT 1) The authority shall straightway reject the price-bids which may appear to be absurd in terms of rates and with the mala-fide intention of competition only.

2) The authority reserves the absolute right to accept or reject any or every tender including the lowest one without assigning any reason what so ever and distribute the work among them as the authority may deem convenient. 3) If situation so demands, the Tender Committee may assign the work to the single intending bidder on negotiation, 4) The Carrying Agent should have own weighing machine during the delivery time and he should have make necessary arrangement of weighing for the satisfaction of the AWWs . It is obligatory to show weight of the foodstuff to the AWWs or her authorized person during delivery. 5) Material should be delivered preferably within the Centre time and latest by sun set. No materials should be delivered after sun set. 6) Carrying of foodstuff (as per specification of delivery order) should be received from the Storing Agent’s godown and the same are to be supplied to the Anganwadi Centres of this Project within 10 days. Carrying Agent will have to prepare 4 (four) copies Challan for each Anganwadi Centre. 2(two) copies for AWW, 1(one) copy to be submitted to the office along with delivery statement and 1(one) copy for Carrying Agent’s disposal. Carrying Agent shall have to bear the cost of challan. The delivery challan along with delivery statement shall be submitted to the office of the undersigned immediately after completion of delivery

7) Receiving of empty container (against proper challan) from Anganwadi Centres, keeping proper record of it and submitting of these articles to the Storing Agent are obligatory. No payment is admissible for this purpose. 8) The agency must have relevant document in support of ownership/consent of owner of the vehicle. 9) It shall be the duty of the engaged Carrying Agent to supply the foodstuff to the Anganwadi Centres under Chhatna ICDS Project as and when needed as per the order of the CDPO, Chhatna. 10) It shall be the duty of the engaged Carrying Agent to call at office at least for once in every fortnight. 11) The Carrying agent will be responsible for any kind of loss or damage or miss-appropriation of the commodities at any stage from the receipt to distribution work. In such cases prices of the articles will be deducted from his bill and or it will be recovered through forfeiture of security money.

 Other norms for CARRYING AGENT: 1. This notice shall form part of terms and conditions of tender and the bidder shall be bound to abide by them. 2. The authority may, by proclamation of Notice, fix subsequent date of price-bid conference under unavoidable circumstances. 3. The authority reserves the right to appoint more than one contractor and distribute the work among them as the authority may deem convenient and no objection against such arrangement would be entertained 4. The sealed cover must have superscription “Price-Bid for Carrying of ICDS foodstuff within Chhatna ICDS Project” and full particulars of the bidder. 5. The successful agency would have to deposit Security through NSC /KVP/Mutual deposit pledged in favour of the Child Development Project Officer, Chhatna, Bankura within 07 (seven ) days from the date of receipt of selection letter. 6. The successful agency would have to enter into an agreement upon Non Judicial instrument on his /her own cost with the Govt. of West Bengal within 07 (seven) days from the date of receipt of selection letter. If the selected tenderer fails to submit the abovementioned Security or to execute the deed agreement within 07 (seven) days, his Earnest Money would be forfeited. 7. Unconditional single rate must be clearly written both in figure and in the words, in the Tender Form. No overwriting is allowed without attestation by the tenderer. The accepted rate will be valid up to one year from the date of approval by the District Level Tender Committee. 8. The Name and address of the proprietor or the partner of the firm should be noted in the tender form (wherever necessary) clearly under their office seal. 9. The agency shall not assign or sale even a part of the contract. The bidder must have local Office Address at Chhatna to facilitate speedy communication.

10. If the selected tenderer fails to supply food to the Anganwadi Centres on scheduled time as per order of the CDPO, Chhatna, his Security deposit will be forfeited. The approved tenderer should be bound to carry out the order of the CDPO, Chhatna, failure of which the contract may be cancelled and pending bills if any may not be passed and security deposit may also be forfeited. 11. Any dispute arising out of this Pre-conditions and other norms will be settled by the decision of the S.D.O. Sadar Bankura 12. The authority reserves the absolute right to extend the period of contract up to some period after the expiry of the validity of the contract if situation demands under the same terms and conditions as to be laid down on respective agreement bond. 13. The agency would have to provide service against the uniform rate throughout the period of contract. No representation to hike the rate on any ground will be accepted. 14. The rate should be quoted in Rupees per quintal (net weight) irrespective of distance for Carrying. 15. The accepted agency shall have to strictly adhere to and comply with the instruction of this office, to be given him time to time, for betterment of public service and to safe guard the interest of Government. 16. . In case of any supply not at par with the specification or specimen or in case of complaint regarding the quality of the material even after it is transported to Anganwadi Centeres, the contractor will be bound to replace the materials at once, at his own cost to that from where the complaint has lodged. Page-6

17.If the approved tenderer is found guilty/fraud the CDPO, Chhatna shall have the liberty to terminate the contract instantly. The security money of the Carrying Agent will be forfeited and pending bill will not be provided to him. 18;Payment of worked bill will be made as per Govt. rules and subject to availability of fund. 19.Different taxes may be deducted at source as per rule of the Government. 20.Other terms and conditions as per Govt. rules and regulations remain unchanged


Ref :- 362 /ICDS/ Chh Dated.- 2 /11 /2016

(2) (a) Name :- ______(b) Permanent address with Telephone No. ______(c) Propritor/Partner/Firm :- ______(d) Local address and Telephone No. :- ______(2) Particulars of Earnest Money ( Bank draft/NSC/KVP) : (a)Amount ______(b) No. & Date ______(c) Name of the Bank with Branch Name/ Post office with address ______(d) Whether pledge or not . ______(3) Particulars of (Mention No.) Valid P. Tax :- ______Income Tax Return :- ______-______(5) Nature of Vehicle : Own/ Hired a. (i) Vehicle No. ______(ii) Type of Vehicle :______b. Agreement copy:- ______(in case of lease) (6) Rate to be quoted for Carrying charge per quintal (net weight) irrespective of distance. :- Rs. ______(Rupees ______) only per month.

DECLARATION:-The informations given by me/us above are true and I/we agree to abide by the Pre-conditions and other norms for Selection of Carrying Agent given in the Tender Notice in Memo No. 362 /ICDS/ Chh dated 2 /11/2016 of the Child Development Project Officer, Chhatna ICDS Project and shall sign the deed of Agreement with the Govt. of West Bengal as per existing rules and regulations. I/We hereby declare that violation of any of the terms and conditions mentioned above by the undersigned, will lead to cancellation of my / our tendership and subsequently lead to forfeiture of my/ our security/ Earnest money and all outstanding bills.

------Date :------( Signature of the Tenderer with seal. ) The tender papers are to be submitted in plain paper as per format addressed to the Child Development Project Officer, Chhatna, Bankura on 16/ 11/2016 from 11.30 noon to 1.30 p.m. and those will be opened on 16/112016 at 2.00 pm at the office of the Sub-Divisional Officer, Bankura Sadar Sub-Division in presence of the tenderers who will remain present at that time.

Sd/ Sri Chandranath Mondal

. Child Development Project Officer Chhatna ICDS Project Chhatna : Bankura.

Memo No 362 /1(35) /ICDS/Chh Dated. 2 /11/ 2016

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to

1. The Director of Social Welfare, West Bengal. 2. The District Magistrate, Bankura. 3. The Additional District Magistrate (Dev), Bankura 4. The SDO, Bankura Sadar Sub-Division. 5. Sri Dhirendranath Layek, Hon’ble M.L.A., Chhatna AC. 6. The DPO (ICDS), Bankura. 7. The District Information & Cultural Officer, Bankura 8. The Sabhapati , Chhatna Panchayat Samity. 9. The BDO, Chhatna Dev. Block. 10. The BMOH, Chhatna BPHC. 11. The BL & LRO , Chhatna. 12. The Post Master, Chhatna Post Office. 13. The Officer-in-Charge, NIC with a request to upload the Tender Notice in the website 14-21. The CDPO, ______ICDS Project. 22-34. The Pradhan, ______GP. 35. Office Notice Board.

Child Dev. Project Officer Chhatna ICDS Project Chhatna : Bankura

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