Plymouth State University-Concord Campus

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Plymouth State University-Concord Campus

NHASFAA Council Meeting

Plymouth State University-Concord Campus

Friday, October 14, 2011


Suzy Allen, Jeff Bentley, Leslie Bembridge,Tori Berube , Anna Clifford, Sharon Eaton, Maureen Fagen, Crystal Finefrock, Robin Gagnon, Sheri Gonthier, Lizbeth Gonzalez, Susan Howard, Carolyn Julian, Elizabeth Keuffel, June Schlabach (via conference call)


Hillary DeAngelis , Ken Ferreira, Mike Levasseur, Sue Proulx

Meeting came to order at 9:06am

President’s Report:

Crystal began her report by telling council that on 11/18/11 she and Suzy will be meeting at PSU in Concord at 9am to go over all the historical archive boxes. Elizabeth has 3 boxes of financial archives to give as well. Crystal will send an email to the listserv asking if any members have anything they would like to give to NHASFAA (i.e. pictures, reports, etc.).

We then discussed the conference. The conference committee is already looking at 2012 and dates available.

Suzy stated that if we keep it as a one day conference, we should stay where we are at. Financially, as an association we can do an overnight format. However, the budgets of the individual schools can’t allow the staff to do the overnight format. Currently, we are the only state not doing an overnight conference.

Jeff suggested doing a ½ day conference, stay overnight, and then a full day conference. He told us that MASFAA was having their conference at Patriot Place.

Robin stated that due to staffing issues, if the conference was in the Manchester area, the staff could travel on both days, and they could all take advantage of the conference.

Leslie suggested we try for an overnight for next year, if it doesn’t work, we can always go back to one day format.

Tori suggested a new facility in Portsmouth that is looking for new business. Also look at different times of year to host the conference and days of the week, but to be cautious of the FSA conference and FISAP processing.

Leslie told us that with the vendors, our conference falls in place with other state conferences. Small discussion on bringing back bursar, admissions, and guidance counselor tracks at the conference, but from past experience it didn’t work.

Crystal then discussed the EASFAA council meeting. She shared our conference information with other presidents of state associations, and they were going to send to their members. It was shared that MASFAA pays an outside agency to put together their strategic plan. It was also suggested that MASFAA should sponsor regional conference. This led Leslie sharing with us that Maine is struggling with membership as they only had 45 attendees at their conference. Jeff suggested sharing training events with other state associations.

We talked about the Fishercats baseball game. Although small in numbers, it was a fun evening for those that attended. This is something we can plan earlier in the season and hopefully try again. Suggestions from this year, was to keep it on a weeknight and to have it with fireworks after the game.

Crystal will be sending an update to EASFAA for the newsletter, she will share conference information, as well as the baseball game.

Finally, we discussed the creation of the Maureen Begley Memorial Scholarship. It will be given to a member of the association with less than two years of fa experience. They will be given free registration to our conference. For this year, the winner should be a member of the association (regular member) or become a member at time of registration to this year conference.. With only 2 weeks until the conference, it was decided to draw a name at the conference and we will reimburse the winner. For next year, we discussed having applicants submit an essay or application. This will be discussed further. Information will also be put on the conference section of the website, as well as the next newsletter.

Secretary’s Report:

I distributed another draft of the 2011-2012 council contact sheet. I will distribute to council with final revisions.

Maureen suggested we change the name of her report from “FFELP” to something else. We will need to review the bi-laws.

The 8/19/11 minutes were distributed to council prior to meeting. Suzy moved to have the minutes passed and Susan 2nd the motion. Minutes were passed, and will be posted to the website.

I also wanted noted in these minutes that the vote that was done via email for the EASFAA charity was approved by 12 members of the council.

Treasurer’s Report:

Elizabeth states, “We are in good shape”. Treasurer report submitted as follows.

2011-12 Account Line Item 2011-12 Budget 2011-12 Actual Remaining Budget Notes


155 people @ $35/person (J. Jovell carry from 5000Membership Dues $5,425.00 $4,200.00 $1,225.00April 2011 for 11-12; exclude from actual)

5100Conference Registration $6,800.00 $2,880.00 $3,920.0085 people @ $80/person

5330Sponsor-Speaker's Bureau $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

5340Sponsor-Training $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5350Sponsor-Website $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

5410Bank Account Interest $140.00 $27.43 $112.57

5450Other (CD Interest) $10.00 $6.12 $3.88

5460Transfer from Reserve $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

5470Prior Year Carryover $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

5480Development Target $7,000.00 $5,200.00 $1,800.00

Total Income $19,375.00 $12,313.55 $7,061.45


6006Travel $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00Leadership Conference 1 person

6700Annual Meeting $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00

6705Strategic Planning $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

6706Council Meetings $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

6806Council Retreat $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

6910Historian $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

6920Newsletter $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

6930Speaker's Bureau $75.00 $0.00 $75.00

6940Training Committee $1,500.00 $0.00 $1,500.00

6950Website Committee $3,000.00 $1,325.00 $1,675.00Includes website maintenance

6960Conference Committee $9,200.00 $0.00 $9,200.00($350 Deposit paid in April)

6970Government Relations $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7200Supplies-General $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7206Supplies-Computer $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7310Accounting/Audit $750.00 $0.00 $750.00Not full audit, just 1099 w/ Houde

7700Membership Committee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7710Professional Development $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7720Scholarships $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7730Charitable $450.00 $0.00 $450.00

7740Gifts/Awards $150.00 $0.00 $150.00

7750Reynolds' Award $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7800Lease $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7806Lease-Deposit $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7900Bank Account Charges $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7950Other $250.00 $0.00 $250.00

7960Transfer to Reserves $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7970Carry-back to Prior Year $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7980Development Committee $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

7990Multicultural Committee $250.00 $0.00 $250.00

8000Leadership Committee $750.00 $50.00 $700.00Fisher Cats Tix to be reimbursed

Total Expenses $19,375.00 $1,375.00 $18,000.00

Checking Balance: 36,644.28 36274.28

CD Balance: 6,934.71 6,934.71

Elite Savings Balance: 25,177.53 25,177.53

Net Balance: $68,756.52 $68,386.52

Conference: Development:

NHASFAA Development Update

Submitted by: Leslie Bembridge, Development Chair

Exhibiting Breakdown Nine at Conference-SLMA, NHHEAF, Citizens Bank, ASA, Wells Fargo, Sun Trust, Great Lakes, 1st Marblehead and Discover

Two Leadership/Directors Summit Presentations-SLMA and Citizens Bank

Four Annual Meeting-Citizens Bank, Wells Fargo, 1st Marblehead and Great Lakes

Total revenue: $6200.00

($1000 pending)

Leadership/Directors Summit:

Confirmation of two companies presenting, I will begin soliciting for the two additional spots in December, typically these presentations will run 30-45 minutes and agencies have been asked to present on their companies offerings of benefit to the aid committee and their students’. Also advised presenters that topical discussions for everyday practice are highly beneficial.

Annual Meeting:

Four companies have confirmed they will be presenting and vending at the conference, I will work with Suzy and Elizabeth to integrate the speakers into the agenda. Reminders to companies to vend at the annual meeting will be sent in February, goal is to have two more companies vend at the meeting in April.

Leslie asked that if any vendors that submit information to the newsletter, to let her know.

Federal Relations:

Susan welcomed me to the committee. She reported that the committee had a conference call on 9/30/11. Most of the frustration currently is on state and federal affairs. The committee will be creating a survey for the membership and will also be creating communication to the state representatives. The next meeting will be on October 20, 2011.

Susan was approached by a reporter from the Nashua Telegraph.

The question was asked, who is collecting NH data?

NHHEAF-Doing other things

There is no NH Postsecondary-Disbanding database soon.

Should it be NHASFAA? Use our website and make it open.

What data to collect? It should be consistent with each school.

Jeff asked if we can get information from NH Postsecondary since the database is going away. Crystal suggested giving bullets under each year. For example, year around pell; additional unsubsized stafford, state grant cut off; loss of subsidized stafford loans for graduate students.


Suzy reported that the 2012 summit will be on February 10, 2012. She reported that MA is copying our summit.

It is her hope to have directors, as well as associate directors, sign up starting next week.


- Membership income as of 10/13/11 - $4515 ($35 collected in FY11) – 129 members

- Pending payments as of 10/13/11 - $525 – 15 members

- On 9/1 sent renewal reminders to 10-11 members who hadn’t renewed – of the 18 sent, only 4 haven’t yet renewed – need Council review of those not reminded to determine those that may still be viable

- 12 new members this year

- Representation of membership – 24 schools and 13 partners

- Schools not represented: Chester College Colby-Sawyer College Daniel Webster Dartmouth Medical School Empire Beauty Hesser College Keene Beauty Michael’s School of Hair NE School of Hair NH Institute of Therapeutic Art River Valley CC Thayer School Upper Valley Teacher Institute

- Will review non-current members in database to determine if any viable (Council review as well)


Lizbeth shared that her committee is now herself, Ken F. from FPU, Tyler from White River CC, and Val from Wells Fargo.

She discussed with council their plans to create the 18 month calendar. It can start anytime Cost looks to be $125 p/person. Sheri will help with website and we can add our own logo. Lizbeth asked who will sign contract. Crystal will do that. She also asked how it will be paid-That will be done via check. Lizbeth will be working on an 18 month calendar on the website. In regards to cross over, use the same number which is currently 155 members. She will do a write up for next newsletter.

Lizbeth is currently setting up panel for conference-UNH, SNHU,NHTI, and a member from her staff.


Robin will start newsletter after conference. All information should now go to Robin. We should try to send pictures from baseball game and conference.

Speakers Bureau:

To date 16 high schools have been confirmed for presentations. The calendar should be up to date.

I will be sending out materials to presenters in the next few weeks.

Two new christian schools submitted inquiries about speakers. After working with the school for a later date, the White Mountain School was confirmed with June Schlabach to present when the school counselor contacted to cancel. The other school inquired about our services and I provided the counselor with a very detailed pitch but heard no response back. I will be contacting both schools to follow up and see if I can get any feedback on what services they are using and what we can offer.


Jeff is still working on putting together a committee. Will begin working on this after conference.

He is looking at NASFAA webinar training package which is an add-on to the membership. Will only be core materials. This would be good if we ever bring back FIN101.

Suzy suggested that with the changes to verification and the new requirements it would be good to have a training session on how to review the IRS tax transcripts. Look into Jim Briggs, and share the fee with other states.

Jeff would like to have a training event ASAP. We should send ideas to Jeff.

Susan suggested a session on SAP, materials for this are free, and we would just need someone to facilitate the session.

Jeff will look into a spring session, but to be cautious in February as that is when the director’s summit is held.

Sheri suggested an R2T4 session.

Lender Report:

Grad subsidies going away on 7/1/12 Any ideas for Scott Buchanan for the conference can be forwarded to Maureen. Scott will be discussing the politics of DC at the conference.


Sheri is working to use the website as a way to communicate with members.

Leslie asked how many hits does the website get. Sheri gave the following examples.

January 2010 9942

February 2010 11439

March 2010 8400

April 2010 8700

It was discussed that the website is not student or family friendly. We need to expand and make more educational. Another suggestion was to move the calendar that is on the website (i.e. fa nights). Further suggestions should be given to Sheri.

NH Charitable Fund

No report submitted.


Mike was not at meeting, but Jeff gave a small report on his behalf. NHHEAF, along with 11 others have submitted proposals to DOE.

They may partner off and do different roles. Looking at volunteering, flexibility, and agreement.


Tori reported that last week the governor signed and executed the College Access grant for $839555. $90 K is a carryover from last year.

$839555 for new year

$400k for outreach staff

$80k -20 schools for programs

$430k-Iamcollege bound

Take it to the Bank: $1,000 scholarships will continue next year.

CEO Scholar: 6-5K scholarships were given out last year. Matthew Moher, son of our dear friend and colleague Lisa Jo Moher was one of the recipients. We should see more information around February 2012.

Destination College: Will be held at SNHU on March 24, 2012

8th Grade program will be held at Great Bay CC, Keene, and White Mtn CC HS FAFSA filing events will be held as well as FAFSA Saturdays, and there are some slots still available for volunteers.

November is “I’m going to College” month, and Pittsfield will kick off program.

Talent Search:

It was nice to have Carolyn back with us. Talent search is still here and still staffed. They were given a new grant from 9-1-11 to 8-31-16. They are serving 22 high schools as well as 10 middle schools.

Old Business:

We discussed the Quorum for NHASFAA council meetings. Crystal initially suggested that we would need 50% of members present at meetings. It was suggested we look at 60%.

We discussed further role of president, past president, and president-elect. We should get feedback from other associations.

If we were to keep the past president on council we should give them a role. Examples included being the chairperson for the nominations and elections, chairing the annual meeting, choosing the conference sight, as well as being the EASFAA representative; we would want to review the bi-laws for this one.

New Business:

No new business

Our next meeting will be on December 9, 2011.

Elizabeth moved to have the meeting adjourned and Leslie 2nd the motion, it was so moved.

Respectfully Submitted,

Anna Clifford


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