Woodlake Union High School
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WOODLAKE UNION HIGH SCHOOL Course Outline Course Title: Spanish 3 Grade Level: 9-12 Elective/Required: Elective Length/Credits: One year/10 credits Prerequisites: C or higher in Spanish 2b or must have department permission. Course Numbers: 0542-01 Teachers: Sr. A.S. Jensen
I. Course Description: Spanish three is designed for a student who has successfully completed Spanish 1 and 2. The course meets the A-G requirements for admission to the University of California. Spanish for communication is the emphasis of the course. By the end of the course, the teacher and students will be communicating in Spanish 90% of the time. Cooperative learning groups, listening activities, situational conversations, and other directed oral activities provide proactive reinforcement. The development of vocabulary and grammar skills is essential for success in the class.
II. Instructional Materials: Required Text: ¡EN ESPAÑOL 2; McDougal Litell; 2000 ISBN 0-395-91081-1 Supplementary materials: ¡EN ESPAÑOL! Resource Pack- Audio, Video, Unit Packets, Unit Quizzes
Suggested: -501 Spanish Verbs by Christopher Kendris; Barron’s Educational Series -Any Spanish-English Dictionary. An abridged, pocket sized dictionary is preferable for beginning learners. NOTE: The above suggested texts are NOT required for this class. They may be purchased by the student at his/her discretion to aid in the study of the Spanish language.
III. Course Outline: Each unit is taught for approximately 3-4 weeks
Libro 2: Unidad 4 Libro 3: Unidades 1-6
IV. EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENT LEARNING: (From the National Standards for Foreign Language) Communication - Communicate in languages other than English Standards 1.1 Engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Standards 1.2 Understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Standards 1.3 Present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. Cultures - Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures Standard 2.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. Standard 2.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the culture studied. Connections - Connect with other disciplines and acquire information Standard 3.1 Reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language. Standard 3.2 Acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only available through the foreign language and its cultures. Comparisons - Develop insight into the nature of language and culture Standard 4.1 Demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own. Standard 4.2 Demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own Communities - Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world Standard 5.1 Use the language both within and beyond the school setting. Standard 5.2 Show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment. The following ELA standards are reinforced in the course: Word Analysis: 1.0, Apply knowledge of word origins to determine meaning of new words;
Reading Comprehension: 2.1 Analyze the structure and format of functional workplace documents, including the graphics and headers, and explain how authors use the features to achieve their purposes; Writing Strategies: 1.1 Establish coherent thesis and maintain tone and focus in compositions; 1.4 Develop main ideas within the body of the composition and support them with evidence; 1.9 Revise and edit to improve organization and controlling perspective of compositions.
V. Expected School-Wide Learning Results A. Effective Communicator Presentational….Students will make informal and formal presentations to the class as well as write compositions of varying lengths and on various themes.
B. Effective Problem Solver Interpretive….Students will read and listen to authentic literature for comprehension and literary analysis. Students will also be required to use technology, creativity and/or group collaboration during many of the class assignments and projects.
C. Group Contributor Interpersonal….Students will interact regularly in the classroom with a partner and practice cooperative learning in small groups, as well as collaborate on cultural group projects.
D. Responsible Citizen Cultural Awareness….Students will recognize the countries of the Spanish speaking world, and become familiar with certain aspects of these areas. Students will also learn about different cultural beliefs, celebrations and products.
E. Lifelong Learner Language Use….Students will be expected to use the target language in order accomplish tasks outside of the classroom that involve listening, reading, writing and speaking, while accessing media in the target language and/or interacting within the community.
VI. Instructional Methods The class is taught primarily by the EDI (Explicit Direct Instruction)method, where the teacher provides comprehensible input and guides the students through practice that leads to proficiency. The lessons strive to allow the students to be at the center of the learning process, with the teacher facilitating.
VII. Assessment A. Written work (compositions, summaries, written reports, etc.) B. Tests and Quizzes C. Participation in class discussions and activities D. Oral presentations
VIII. Grading Policy
A. Grade Ranges
A 93% - 100% A- 90%-92% B+ 87%-89 B 83% -87% B- 80%-82% C+ 77%-79% C 73% - 77% You must receive a grade above this line C- 70%-72% to go on to the next Spanish class. D+ 67% -69% D 63%-67% D- 60%-62% F 0 – 59%
B. Weight of Assignments, tests, etc. I am using a “total point system,” so the following weights are rough approximates.
-Tests and other assignments: 25% -Quizes: 40% -Homework: 20% -Participation: 15% 100%
C. Make up, etc.
Assignments: If you receive a grade lower than C minus on a major assignment, first come talk to me that day, and then go to the YMCA tutorial center in the days following to try to bring up your grade to a C minus. If you fail to attend the tutorial center even one day, your grade will remain the same.
Tests and quizzes: If you do not like the grade that you get on a test or quiz, you may schedule a meeting with me at break, lunch, or before and after school to retake the test within one week of the original date you took the test. You will not be allowed to retake tests at the end of the semester. If you are absent for a test, you must come in on your own time to make up that test within one week of your return. Incomplete tests will not be graded..
IX. Conference Period Time: 3:15-4:00 PM or by appointment (Note: I may not always be available during these times. check ahead with me. Phone number/ extension: 564-3307 extension 176 Email: [email protected]
X. Classroom Policies and Procedures Class Rules
-Respect the teacher -Respect the other students in the class -Maintain a studious classroom environment/Keep focused.
-You may be warned. -You may be moved to another seat. -You may receive a step. -You may scrape gum. -You may write an essay about your behavior. -You may be sent to the office.
Items not allowed in the Classroom
-Gum (You will scrape it if you chew it or will receive a step) -Cell phones, iPods, video games etc. (Confiscated and taken to office to be picked up by parent) No warnings. Must be turned. -Food (Step) -Drinks other than water must be left by door (Confiscated and possible step) -Sharpie markers (will be confiscated) -Anything Gang Related (Step) -Guns, Knives, WMDs, etc.
-Students who score ninety percent or higher on a test will receive a homework pass and will be allowed to quietly hang out in the back of the classroom while the rest of the class goes over the test.
-Students who follow procedures well will receive a blue ticket (see below).
-Students who try their best will receive praise and lots of second chances.
-Classes which are well behaved and attentive usually get to do more fun activities than classes which are not.
-Students who try their best, study, do their homework, and retake tests that they do poorly on will easily get an A.
A. Academic Honesty: The district’s Academic Honesty Policy will be enforced. (In other words, don’t cheat.) Cheaters will receive a grade of “0” on the assignment and will be assigned a “Saturday School” in which they will be required to write an essay on plagiarism. If this essay is not completed, they will receive additional Saturday Schools until the essay is complete.
D. Procedures:
1: You are to enter the room quietly at the beginning of each class, pick up any materials left for you by the door and immediately get out your homework and get to work on that day’s “repaso.” If you do not have your homework, you should write “No H.W.” on a piece of paper and set that on your desk. You must be in your seat when the bell rings. If you are not in your seat, you will receive a step for being tardy.
2: You are required to bring a pencil and paper to every class session. If you need to sharpen your pencil during class, hold it up for me to see and I will give you permission. If you need to borrow a pencil, please immediately let me know at the beginning of class. Please note that you will be required leave a personal item as collateral.
3: If you need to use the restroom, cross your fingers and hold them up for me to see. I will come and sign your planner if it is an appropriate time for you to go. You must return within 7 min. One person is allowed to go at a time. Those who abuse their restroom privileges will lose them.
4: If you have any questions or would like to make a comment, raise your hand. This procedure will be strictly enforced throughout the semester. Those who choose not to follow this policy will receive the consequences listed above.
5: When passing in papers, please pass them to the center so that I can collect them there rapidly and easily.
6: If you finish working on an assignment early, you are welcome to read, to work on the homework for the evening, to work on homework from another class or to study. Please refrain from talking to your neighbors as this may distract other students from doing their work.
7: You may put away your notes and other belongings at the end of the period when I indicate that the class has ended. If you get up or pack your bag before being given permission, you will be required get your things back out of your bag and wait until the rest of the class has left.
8: In order to maintain a pleasant classroom environment, the teacher and all students are required to pick up any trash around their own desks and neatly return materials to their proper places at the end of each period. (I will try to provide a couple of minutes before the bell). Students who fail to do so will be required to come in during lunch, break or after school and clean the classroom.
9: Students who pay attention in class and follow the procedures may receive a blue theater ticket. Please write your name on the back of this ticket and place it in the sombrero by the door when you leave at the end of class. Each Friday, I will draw two tickets from the hat and give homework passes to the two students whose names are drawn. If the students do not wish to use their homework passes, they will be allowed to turn them in at the end of the trimester for five points of extra credit.
10: At the beginning of each chapter, you will receive a packet with all your daily “repasos” and all of your homework. It will also have a map of what we are studying during that chapter with page numbers. If you are not able to be at school for any reason, make sure that you study and do your homework. You will be given one extra day to do your homework if you have an excused absence. If you are absent for an extended period of time, come and see me so that I can work out a deal with you.
11: You must have a grade of “B” in the class in order for me to sign any activity slips.
12: Students are required to take notes any time the teacher is presenting new information.
13: If the teacher wishes to get the attention of the students, he will call out “¡Uno!” The students are then to respond “Dos, Tres.”
14: Students will receive a “Class Pass” at the beginning of the term that will be worth 15 pts. This class will allow them to leave my room five times during the term without having been called by the office, etc. After having used this pass, students will not be able to leave the room. Many students did not use their passes at all last term and received the full 15 points on their final grade. For some, this made a big difference.
15: The teacher may at times film the class for purposes of reflection and the improvement of instruction. This film will not be released to the public.
16: Students must speak Spanish in the classroom unless they are given permission.
If you forget the procedures, you will be reminded of them and will possibly be asked to rehearse them. However, continuous disregard for the procedures of this classroom will result in a step.
XI: My philosophy
-I believe that my class should help equip my students with the social skills and character attributes that they will need to be successful in the working world.
-I believe that with time and hard work, anybody can learn a second language. -I believe that learning a second language broadens one’s cultural perspective, helps with the study of other subjects and aides in securing a good job in today’s market.
-I believe that beginning Spanish students should learn practical language skills that they can put to use in the real world.
I’m looking forward to a great trimester. With hard work, you will all experience success, learn many useful things, get a good grade and have fun. I have been given the opportunity to read the above syllabus and agree to the conditions contained therein.
______Signature of Parent