President of the United States of America

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President of the United States of America

President of the United States of America

Congratulations! You were recently inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States. You are now the Chief Executive of the United States as well as commander in chief of the US Armed Forces.

Understand this: though you now wield great power as the President you are also charged with the responsibility of maintaining the peace and security for all 314 million citizens of the United States. You will not only be judged by those living during your presidency but by the billions of people who will judge you for the rest of history.

You are surrounded by people from many different backgrounds who will advise you on what action you should take. However ultimately the decision on how the U.S. will respond to any crisis in the world is your decision.

The decisions you make will be judged for centuries. Make these decisions with careful consideration, but do not waste time…remember the world could end in as little as 15 minutes…

Carefully consider the following as advice is given to you (you should seek advice from the following people before coming to a decision):

 The Secretary of State is bound to represent what the rest of the world would want you to do.

 The Secretary of Defense is bound to represent what the military wants.

 The National Security Advisor will give you independent advice, but also does not have as open communication with either the Dept of Defense or Department of State, so could be missing some facts.

 The Attorney General will be most concerned with the well being of the American people in the immediate present, but may not be as focused on how to best save American lives down the road. You may also seek the advice of ANYONE ELSE you believe will give you the best information. You are the President, and have that option. Everyone else reports to you and is responsible to you. You are responsible to the American people.

In the event of a national crisis, your job is to respond as quickly yet thoughtfully as possible.

Best of Luck! Secretary of State of the United States

“In the United States federal government, "Secretary of State" uniquely refers to the official responsible for foreign policy, the analogue of the foreign secretary or foreign minister of a country that has one or the other. The U.S. Secretary of State is head of the United States Department of State.

The position is widely regarded as the most senior in the Cabinet. In the presidential line of succession the Secretary of State falls first among Cabinet officers, and fourth overall. The Secretary of State is also, in protocol, the first Cabinet member in the order of precedence, immediately preceding any former presidents and former first ladies, who are followed by the rest of the Cabinet.”


You, like the President wield a tremendous amount of power. You have been chosen to speak for the President to foreign nations, often without needing to seek approval from the President.

Your advice to the President in times of crisis is crucial. You are his/her #1 advisor on all foreign policy issues. You are primarily concerned with maintaining the US as a world power in the eyes of the rest of the world. You need to develop a recommendation and give it to the President in less than 5 minutes if it is sought.

Your top concerns as far as foreign policy issues are concerned are:

-Potential nuclear threats around the world (Iran, North Korea, Russia, Terrorism)

-How the US response in a time of nuclear crisis will affect the way the US is able to work with the rest of the world.

Your advisors: US Ambassador to Russia, Director of National Intelligence United States Ambassador to the Russian Confederation

Your job is to advise the Secretary of State on how to respond in time of crisis based upon your political connections with Russian government officials.

Because of a growing economy, but also a growing criminal sub-culture, Russia is in a precarious state as they still control over half of the nuclear weapons in the world.

You are on good terms with your Russian Counterparts. You believe that US-Russian relations have been cooperative and hold more promise in economic areas. You know there is some dissatisfaction within the Russian military with the current Russian leaders, but you can’t believe that Russia has any reason to attack the United States. You know there is a hot-line between Moscow and Washington and both sides can call at any time. You also have the Russian Ambassadors cell-phone number.

“Russia or the Russian Federation[9] is a country extending over much of northern Eurasia (Europe and Asia together).[10] It is a semi-presidential republic comprising 83 federal subjects.

Russia established worldwide power and influence from the times of the Russian Empire to being the largest and leading constituent of the Soviet Union, the world's first and largest constitutionally socialist state and a recognized superpower. The nation can boast a long tradition of excellence in every aspect of the arts and sciences.[10] The Russian Federation was founded following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, but is recognized as the continuing legal personality of the Soviet Union.[14] It has one of the world's fastest growing major economies and has the world's eighth largest GDP by nominal GDP or sixth largest by purchasing power parity with the eighth largest military budget or third largest by purchasing power. It is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the world's largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction.[15] Russia is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member of the G8, APEC and the SCO, and is a leading member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.” - Your major concerns: -Maintain trusting and equal partnerships with Russian officials so that in time of crisis communication can be maintained. -Give the Secretary of State an honest appraisal of how Russian nuclear arms might fall into the wrong hands, and if you think potential threats are legitimate or fake.

What you know:

-Russian military leaders are NOT to be trusted and could be seeking nuclear control in order to re- assert Russian power in the world.

-The Russian government (Duma) and President benefit economically and politically from strong relationships with the United States.

-Terrorists are known to seek out Russian nuclear experts (military and civilian) and offer large sums of money for services. Director of National Intelligence

“The Director of National Intelligence (DNI), is the United States government official subject to the authority, direction and control of the President who is responsible under the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 for:

 Serving as the principal adviser to the President, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to the national security;  Serving as the head of the sixteen-member Intelligence Community; and  Overseeing and directing the National Intelligence Program.

Under 50 U.S.C. § 403-3a, it is desired that either the Director or the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence be an active duty commissioned officer in the armed forces or have training or experience in military intelligence activities and requirements. No more than one officer can hold either position during the same term. The statute does not specifically state what rank the commissioned officer will hold during his tenure in either position, but trends lean towards an officer holding the rank of a four-star general or admiral.”


As DNI your job is to advise the President (by way of the secretary of state) on the latest intelligence gained by numerous assets throughout the world.

What you know:

-Russian military leaders are planning a coup to take back control of their government from “useless bureaucrats”

-Russian nuclear experts have been paid off by terrorists and some have even been extorted by the criminal underworld. These criminals and terrorists are outspoken in their hatred of the US and its allies.

-The Russian government relies on its relationship with the United States for economic stability and will do all within its power from preventing fringe elements of its society to ruin that relationship. Secretary of Defense of the United States

“The United States Secretary of Defense (SecDef) is the head of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD), concerned with the armed services and military matters. This position roughly corresponds to Minister of defense in other countries. The role of the Secretary of Defense is to be the principal defense policy advisor to the President and is responsible for the formulation of general defense policy related to all matters of direct and primary concern to the DoD, and for the execution of approved policy.[1] The Secretary is appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate, and is a member of the Cabinet. By statute (10 U.S.C. § 113) the secretary must be a civilian who has not served in the active component of the armed forces for at least 10 years.[2] The Secretary of Defense is sixth in the presidential line of succession.”


Your job as Secretary of Defense is to provide the President with up to date military information that he can use in order to determine how to best respond in a time of crisis. You are in charge of all military personnel in the United States, and can command them to do as the President pleases.

You hold tremendous power as the keycard holder for all nuclear weapons in the United States. In the event of a nuclear crisis, if the President calls for using nuclear weapons you must either approve or deny the President’s decision. If you deny it however, remember the President can have you removed from office.

You must report all military information to the President in a timely way (less than 5 minutes) and make it clear how the military feels regarding maintaining security for every single American citizen.

Major concerns:

-Is the US prepared to respond (militarily) to a nuclear attack?

-When is the use of nuclear power justified?

Your advisors: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Commander USSTRATCOM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

“The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) is a group of military leaders in the United States armed forces who advise the civilian government of the United States. The JCS is defined by statute and consists of a Chairman and Vice Chairman appointed by the President, and the Chiefs of service from each of the four major branches of the military.[1]

Today, their primary responsibility is to ensure the personnel readiness, policy, planning and training of their respective military services for the combatant commanders to utilize. The Joint Chiefs of Staff also act in a military advisory capacity for the President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense. In addition, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff acts as the chief military advisor to the President and the Secretary of Defense. In this strictly advisory role, the Joint Chiefs constitute the second-highest deliberatory body for military policy, after the National Security Council, which includes the President and other officials besides the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.”


As chairman of the Joint Chiefs your job is to relay the latest information from military assets throughout the world to the President and Secretary of Defense and to present them with the most accurate military response to a crisis.

In the event of a nuclear attack the following responses are considered appropriate:

-Full retaliatory strike utilizing both strategic and tactical nuclear weapons. Provides for minimal American military and civilian life loss.

-Half retaliatory nuclear strike, combining both conventional and nuclear weapons. Will include American military and civilian casualties in the thousands.

-Full retaliatory conventional weapon strike against attacker. Will result in up to 1 million or more American military deaths as well as a need to institute the Selective Service Program to ensure enough replacements for killed/injured service persons. In addition up to 500,000 civilians could die. Commander USSTRATCOM

“United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) is one of the ten Unified Combatant Commands of the United States Department of Defense. The Joint Chiefs of Staff created it in 1992 as a successor to the Strategic Air Command (SAC).

It is charged with space operations (such as military satellite), information operations (such as Information warfare), missile defense, global command and control, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR), global strike and strategic deterrence (the United States nuclear arsenal), and combating weapons of mass destruction.

USSTRATCOM is headquartered at Offutt Air Force Base south of Omaha, Nebraska. In 2002, USSTRATCOM absorbed the United States Space Command (USSPACECOM).

USSTRATCOM is one of the four Unified Combatant Commands organized along a functional basis. The other six are organized on a geographical basis. This system[clarification needed] is intended to give the President and the Secretary of Defense a unified resource for greater understanding of specific threats around the world and the means to respond to those threats as quickly as possible.”


Your primary responsibility as General in charge at USSTRATCOM is to alert the President of an impending nuclear strike, or other threat by means of weapons of mass destruction.

In the event of a call from NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command – Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado) your job is to make sure that the President gets accurate information about threats and is apprised of the current state of readiness of US forces.

What the President NEEDS to know

-Currently 1,454,515 people are on active duty[12] in the military with an additional 848,000 people in the seven reserve components.[13] It is an all volunteer military, however, conscription can be enacted by the request of the President and the approval of Congress.

-The President has 15 minutes from initial report to detonation of a nuclear weapon on US soil.

-Currently the US has more than 2000 strategic ICBM’s and 4200 tactical nuclear weapons ready to be launched if given authorization. National Security Advisor to the President of the United States

“The National Security Advisor is appointed by the President without confirmation by the United States Senate. As such, they are not connected to the bureaucratic politics of the Departments of State and Defense, and are therefore able to offer independent advice. The power and role of the National Security Advisor varies from administration to administration.

In times of crisis, the National Security Advisor operates from the White House Situation Room, updating the President on the latest events of a crisis.”


As National Security Advisor you have the experience and independence to advise the President in a completely honest way. In order to keep the American people safe you must give the President an honest evaluation of a crisis and a recommendation of how to respond in time of potential disaster.

The President cherishes your advice as independent but also is wary of your lack of communication with the Depts of State and Defense. You must be convincing if you want your point to be made.

Your major concerns:

-Are the secretaries of Defense and State really giving the President the best advice or are they being overly-influenced by the people who work in their departments?

-Can we safely begin or end a nuclear crisis with a minimal loss of life?

Your advisors: White House Agent, NORAD NSA Representative White House Agent

You have been working for this Presidential Administration since the current President took office in January. Before that you were a United States Marine Colonel, serving in both Iraq wars as well as two tours of duty in Afghanistan. You are charged with being the go between for all cabinet members and the President on military affairs.

A call from the commander at USSTRATCOM will be routed to you, so it will be your responsibility to bring the President and any accompanying cabinet members up to date on threats from around the world.

In the event of a crisis your job will be to locate and completely brief the President, as well as the cabinet members, on that threat. You will report all needed information to the National Security Advisor. You need to know the following information before getting the NSA up to date:

Time of impending attack

Potential loss of life

If nuclear attack is impending, number of missiles currently inbound

Launch site of missiles (where did the missiles get launched from?)

Location of all cabinet members/advisors needed

Local time in launch location

Type of nuclear weapons being employed (strategic/tactical)

Were missiles launched from airplanes, submarines, ground based forces or sent from land based silos?

Once you have this information, report it to the NSA as quickly as possible. The longer it takes you, the less time the President has to make an accurate decision. NORAD NSA Representative

It is your duty to telephone the National Security Advisor once NORAD has alerted that a nuclear attack is impending.

“North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD; pronounced /nɒr.æd/, nohr-ad)) is a joint organization of Canada and the United States that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and defense for the two countries.[1] It was founded on May 12, 1958 (the effect of the Cold War) as a joint command between the governments of Canada and the United States, as the North American Air Defense Command. Its main technical facility has been the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center in Colorado, and for this reason NORAD is sometimes referred to as Cheyenne Mountain. In addition, in Canada East and Canada West Sector Air Operations Control Centres are located in the underground complex at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) North Bay in Ontario in Canada.”


However you are there as oversight because of NORAD’s past:

” Even though all equipment in Cheyenne Mountain was put through a rigorous inspection, on at least two occasions, failure in its systems could have potentially caused nuclear war. On November 9, 1979, a technician in NORAD loaded a test tape but failed to switch the system status to "test", causing a stream of constant false warnings to spread to two "continuity of government" bunkers as well as command posts worldwide. A similar incident occurred on June 2, 1980, when a computer communications device failure caused warning messages to sporadically flash in U.S. Air Force command posts around the world that a nuclear attack was taking place. Both times, Pacific Air Forces properly had their planes (loaded with nuclear bombs) in the air; Strategic Air Command did not and took criticism because they did not follow procedure, even though the SAC command knew these were almost certainly false alarms (as did PACAF). Both command posts had recently begun receiving and processing direct reports from the various radar, satellite, and other missile attack detection systems, and those direct reports simply didn't match anything about the erroneous data received from NORAD.” In addition NORAD was unable to detect hijacked airplanes on September 11, 2001 due to equipment failure.

Your job is to determine if the threat of an impending attack is real, and to advise the National Security advisor on how to advise the President. The President MUST know if a nuclear attack is real or the cause of equipment malfunction. The fate of the world could potentially be in how accurate your information is. Attorney General of the United States

“The United States Attorney General is the head of the United States Department of Justice (see 28 U.S.C. § 503) concerned with legal affairs and is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States government. The Attorney General is considered to be the chief lawyer of the U.S. government.

The Attorney General is nominated by the President of the United States and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the President and can be removed by the President at any time; the Attorney General is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors."


As Attorney General your job is to advise the President on how the United States will respond to a crisis. You are in charge of all issues regarding legality and the President will call upon you in times of crisis to give your opinion on whether or not a US response in a time of crisis is legal or not.

You are also in charge of the FBI and all civilian security services (police departments across the country). This means you must coordinate a national response to an emergency across the entire country. How you advise the President will should reflect how you plan to save American lives.

Your major concerns:

-How do we make sure that the American people are safe RIGHT NOW?

-What needs to be done immediately to ensure the safety of the American people?

Your advisor: Director of the FBI

Director of the FBI

In the event of a nuclear attack the Attorney General will need to know if the US has gained any information from terrorists about potential terror attacks using nuclear weapons.

What you know:

-The FBI has interrogated hundreds of terror suspects who claim that they sought or were currently seeking nuclear materials for weapon making.

-The FBI currently does not know how many inactive terrorist cells exist in the US, and if one has currently gone active.

-The FBI has sources within the criminal underground in Russia who claim that Russian criminals, though openly hostile to the US, understand that they could not defeat the US in an open attack, and would rarely if ever consider taking materials to make nuclear weapons.

-The only time any country has used nuclear weapons against another was by the US to end WWII. This began the nuclear arms race which developed into the Cold War.

-If the US were to launch a nuclear counter strike, but found out that there was no inbound attack, this would violate almost every nuclear treaty to which the US belongs – alienating every single ally of our country.

-If the US were to respond to a legitimate inbound attack using nuclear weapons, this would surely cause mass destruction to another country, who is possibly our ally. Legally speaking the US has no grounds to launch any nuclear weapons without UN approval…however there is not enough time to get that approval in the event of a nuclear attack on the United States. Russian Ambassador to the United States

You represent the interests of your country in the United States. You are well-acquainted with the U.S. President and the secretary of state. You have no information from Moscow regarding increasing tensions between the United States and Russia. In fact, you believe hat relations between Moscow and Washington were growing more cooperative and positive in recent years.

Your superiors in Moscow are in bed. It is 4:30 in the morning in Moscow and all public buildings are still closed. You could wake them up but this could take time…over 20 minutes.

Under normal circumstances your job is to follow the instructions given to you from Moscow. You are familiar with American nuclear weapons strategy. You assume that Americans are considering launching a nuclear strike, in the event that they believe your country has launched missiles at them and there is an impending attack.

You know of the history NORAD and its false alarms for nuclear war.

Your job:

-Prevent the United States from launching a nuclear attack on Russia at ALL COSTS.

-Convince the President of the United States that you have no knowledge of deteriorating relations between your country and his.

-Explain that despite the exterior view that Russia is unstable, in reality Russia’s nuclear arms protection and military are quite loyal to the government and Russia has never been a more secure country than it is right now. NORAD Satellite Monitor

You are the 0800-1600 hours supervisor of satellite monitoring for NORAD at Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado.

“North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD; pronounced /nɒr.æd/, nohr-ad)) is a joint organization of Canada and the United States that provides aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and defense for the two countries.[1] It was founded on May 12, 1958 (the effect of the Cold War) as a joint command between the governments of Canada and the United States, as the North American Air Defense Command. Its main technical facility has been the Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center in Colorado, and for this reason NORAD is sometimes referred to as Cheyenne Mountain. In addition, in Canada East and Canada West Sector Air Operations Control Centres are located in the underground complex at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) North Bay in Ontario in Canada.”



You are on watch and one of your monitors has noticed something very frightening. According to all NORAD satellite intercepts the Russian Federation has launched 12 nuclear missiles at the United States. You are required to call your superior, the commanding officer of USSTRATCOM (United States Strategic Command) and relay the following information:

1) A nuclear attack has been launched on the United States from Russia. 2) All 20 missiles have been launched from sites within the former Soviet Union (10 from Russia (8 in Siberia two in European Russia), and 2 from the Ukraine) 3) All 12 missiles appear to be high yield strategic Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM’s) capable of each destroying an American city with the next 15 minutes. 4) The following cities/urban areas are believed to be targets – Washington DC, New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Detroit, San Francisco, San Diego, Boston, Indianapolis, Phoenix, Dallas/Fort Worth. 5) Casualty estimates in these cities are estimated to be between 20 and 30 million immediately killed and another 15 million to day within one month. 6) All equipment at NORAD has recently been upgraded and all diagnostics show that all equipment is functioning properly.

Your response time determines whether or not the US is able to survive an attack of this magnitude.

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