Minutes of the Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) Meeting

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Minutes of the Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) Meeting


Minutes of the Salford Safeguarding Adult Board (SSAB) Meeting MEETING: Salford Safeguarding Adult Board Date of 2nd March 2016 Meeting:

LOCATION: Civic Centre Time of 9:30am to 12.30pm Committee Room 1 Meeting:

P= Present A= Apologies DNA=Did not attend D/R=Deputise/Representative

Board Member P A DNA D/R Steve Pugh (SP) – Chair P Brian Gathercole (BG) – Safeguarding, Reviews and Extra Care, SCC P Ann Brooking (AB) – SSAB Business Manager, SCC P Elizabeth Walton (EW) – Designated Nurse, Adult Safeguarding, CCG P Manjit Seale (MS) – Assistant Chief Executive, National Probation Service P Christopher Walker (CW) – Detective Chief Inspector, GMP A Mary Doyle (MD) – Chief Superintendent, GMP A Clare Devlin (CD) – Detective Chief Inspector, GMP R Keith Darragh (KD) – CHSC Assistant Director, SCC A Bernadette Enright (BE) – Assistant Director, Adult Social Care, SCC P Clare Kelly (CK) - Assistant Director: Nursing Services for Safeguarding, SRFT Cath Barningham (CB) – Lead, Age UK, Salford P Ceri Schofield (CS) – Assistant Chief Executive, CMG CRC P Francine Thorpe (FT) – Director of Quality and Innovation, CCG P Simon Westwood (SW) - SSCB Independent Chair Children's Services DNA Hayley Moore (HM) – Inspection Manager, CQC DNA Guy Twemlow (GT) – Shared Legal Service, SCC/MCC A Louise Murray (LM) –Deputy Chief Exec, Salford CVS P Cathryn Buckley (CB) – Professional Lead for Social Care, GMW P Tony Holt (TH) – Borough Manager, GMFRS P Andy Powall (AP) – Community Safety Manager, GMFRS P Emma Ford (EF) - Head of Safeguarding, Safeguarding Children and P Quality Assurance Unit - SCC Lynne Stafford (LS) - Chief Executive, Gaddum Centre P Sarah Clayton (SC) – Head of Service (Regeneration Team), CGM CRC P Bernice Seworde (BS) – Healthwatch Representative R Tony Belvedere (TB) – Salford Care Homes Association P Tony Holt (TH) - Borough Manager Salford and Trafford Fire Service DNA Jeremy Tankel (JT) - GP representative, CCG A Anthony Hassall (AH) - Chief Accountable Officer (Salford CCG) DNA Charlotte Ramsden (CR) - CHSC - Strategic Director Children and Adults A (SCC) Cllr Paula Boshell (PB) - Strategic Assistant Mayor - Learning, Skills and P Emp Members 2

Emma Armitage (EA) - Learning Support & Safeguarding Manager, DNA Salford City College Ian Whiteside (IW) - Deputy Director, Sodexo Justice Services DNA Tina Edwards (TE) – SSAB minute and meeting coordinator P

Item 1 – Apologies Apologies given and noted on page 1.

Item 2 – Welcome, Previous Minutes - Matters Arising and Action Log Steve Pugh welcomed those present and introductions were made. LM clarified that the CVS safeguarding children standards have been ratified by the SSCB and would need to go back to them for sign off after review/update by IIN (see paragraph 3 on page 3). AB advised that she had discussed reviewing the standards with the SSCB manager and that they were aware of this current piece of work and that the standards would be coming back to the SSCB after review.

2.1 - Matters Arising The issue of continuing the meeting was discussed as quorate representation was not in place. The group agreed to continue with the understanding that any actions agreed would need to be run past core partners not present at the meeting. Clare Devlin from GMP arrived 20 minutes into the meeting which then made the meeting quorate. SSAB members highlighted that the meeting should always be quorate and it was agreed that TE would seek a third representative from the three core members to ensure there was always representation at meetings. Core members were asked to be mindful of the need to have a representative at the meeting.

2.2 - Action Log  MS suggested that the action log be rag rated and this was agreed.  Action 2 – (GMP funding for the SSAB) SP said that Independent Chairs met with Tony Lloyd who would like SSAB’s to meet to support meeting GMP targets. SP suggested that the meeting should have a focus of how they support the work of each other. MS asked if GMP is making a financial contribution at present. This is not the case. MS then asked if GMP have committed to make a financial contribution in year 2016/2017. SP said that the current concern is about funding for 2015/2016.  Action 3 – (skill deficits in care home sector) No update. Action: KD to report back for June meeting.  Action 4 – (CVS standards). AB said IIN are taking this forward.  Actions 5 and 6 on agenda.  Action 7 – (Channel Process). Development has taken place and a Strategic Steering. Group is in place. A flow chart will be agreed to action at the next meeting.  Actions 8 to10 on agenda. 3

Item 3 – Board Development AB gave an overview on Board Development and referred to papers 3.1 to 3.7. The key point are outlined below; 3.1 AB presented the Board Development Paper and highlighted:  Progress/completion of action plan could be affected by other demands on Business manager time e.g. a large number of SARS.  To be effective, it is important that the risk register and action plan remain live and up-to- date documents.  AB explained that action plan has 4 strategic priorities. 3 of these are directly taken from the SSAB strategy and the fourth area covers SSAB statutory requirements and encompasses the remaining three areas on the Board Strategy.  SSAB to consider the format of the rag rating – currently work not started is red – is this OK if sitting on the website and being shared with other agencies.  Key items under the prevention priority were outlined as setting up a training group with a view to linking with children’s where possible, performance and quality sub group and setting up a communication group.  Risks relating to areas of practice that SSAB members had identified are outlined at the bottom of the risk register in a table. AB proposed that these should be prioritised and come back to the Board as agenda items for discussion to further explore the nature of the risk from an SSAB perspective.  Points of consideration - to ensure that the voice of the community and service users is heard at the Board.  Section 4.6 of the SSAB Action plan (service being culturally sensitive) is suggested that this is considered by P & Q sub group, communications group and SA forums.

3.2 - SSAB member comments on action plan 2016/2017  MS commended AB on the action plan. MS has now taken over as chair of the SSCB training sub group and felt this provided opportunities to explore a joined up approach across the two safeguarding Boards in relation to training.  MS asked that MSP training dates be sent to the Board members in advance. MS is keen to send probation staff on MSP training.  LM also commended AB on the work done.  In terms of joint working across the two safeguarding boards, EF meeting with AB to look into this area. It was noted that the Chair of the Complex Safeguarding subgroup is also meeting with Chair SP.  FT asked if the rag rating should be coloured red as it may not give a true reflection of how the action is progressing. MS suggested entering ‘not yet due’ and leaving white – this was agreed. It was agreed that the rating colour blue be dropped.  LM asked if this should be a published document. The Board agreed. AB stressed to ensure that it is kept up to date and quarterly updates were agreed to document.  LS suggested that rag rating legend be at the top of the document.  Action: Board members to comment on this within 2 weeks. This was agreed. 4

3.4 – Risk Register  AB explained the layout and the format of the risk register including the risk ledger.  Monitoring of the risk register was outlined with a proposal that the SSAB review annually and the IIN review quarterly. MS proposed that it is reviewed by the Board on a 6 monthly basis which was agreed by the Board.  The Board agreed to adopt the risk register with a quick turnaround for changes of March18th at 5pm.  In terms of priority areas of practice, AP asked if modern day slavery and human trafficking should be linked. AB agreed to do this. CD said that GMP would list FGM below modern day slavery in terms of priority. Action: Consider altering priority listing.  EF to pass priority leads in safeguarding children’s priority areas to AB. EF is meeting with CW (who chairs the Tackling Domestic Abuse board). EF added that an adult safeguarding representative should be on this board. Action: AB/BG to follow up.

3.5 – SSAB Budget

AB gave an overview of the budget as outlined in item 3.5.

 AB highlighted that there was a typo on total for committed expenditure. Action TE: to edit the SharePoint document to reflect to correct figure.  Budget contains proposal for two training courses to be agreed by SSAB.  In relation to the under spend, the Board considered if this should carried over to the next financial year. EF talked about learning from SSCB. It is good to have some money in reserve, especially for SARs.  A question was asked about what the SSCB budget is for training. AB highlighted that the SSAB has to commission all training which is more costly than delivering training in- house as SSCB do. EF added that training is delivered through children’s services that have a train the trainer approach.  The Chair suggested that there is deficit £9K - £9.5K a year and GMP has not paid a contribution. If the Board have a different Chair then payment may be needed. The Chair raised that in addition, payment may be required for expenses of lay members attending SSAB meetings.  The Chair asked the Board if £80,294 be carried over and it was agreed.

3.6 – SSAB – Membership (reviews)  The Healthwatch member to be confirmed.  CK highlighted that SRFT is not listed. Action: TE to amend and upload the correct version on SharePoint.  LM is reviewing how the voluntary sector is represented on the Board.

3.7 – SSAB (TOR)  AB highlighted addition on page 5 regarding the planning and prioritising of work for SSAB.  It was agreed that the last paragraph on page 6 referencing DASMs be removed and 5

replaced with reference to agency strategic leads. BG said that if allegations arise concerning members of staff then these leads may need to be approached.

3.8 – Subgroup structure chart  AB explained how this structure is at present and EW recommended that a diagram be included in the SSAB TOR (item 3.7) and the Board agreed. Action: TE to add the diagram to TOR.  MS mentioned that she would like to put forward a member of staff to join the IIN and will forward their name to AB

Item 4 – Concerns Overview

4.1 - Services in concerns  BG advised the SSAB that the P & Q subgroup are now going to report back on services in concern, and that he was providing a brief interim report as this sub group was not fully operational as yet.  EW suggested presenting this in a table format making it simpler to understand. FT agreed and made suggestions about where improvement could be made. Action: P&Q sub group to consider format of table.

4.2 - Case 15 Action Plan  BG explained detailed action plan and commented that 6 agencies are fully complete and verified.

4.3 - Case 15 spreadsheet update  3 agencies report completed but not verified. These are GMP, Housing and Children’s Board.  4 agencies are not able to fully complete  BG said that Children’s Services is 50% complete. EF had a meeting with Lana Shannon and that actions will be completed by the end of March.  The Board outlined its dissatisfaction at the lack of progress in the Children Services.  EW said if this issue comes up again, there are lessons that could be learnt as there has been duplication between Children’s Service and Children’s Board action plans.  Sarah Clayton said that the work done for the housing action plan was significant and that there were lessons that had been learnt from this.  BG spoke about being more assertive with deadlines. EF said there is learning from all agencies for joint working to take place.  An action was agreed that the Case 15 sub group should specifically consider learning from the case and how to implement this. Action: BG to present this the Performance and Quality Subgroup.  The Chair enquired about National Agency completion. BG commented that the Home Office is 100% complete.  NHS England action plan is 100% however, there is one issue that remains outstanding relating to NHS England being a first line referrer and not having to refer through the Police.BG added that NHS England is more likely to meet a trafficked person as 6

opposed to the Police. The Chair asked the SSAB how they wanted to take this issue forward and did they want him to write to Teresa May or Jeremy Hunt as the chair of the SSAB? EW questioned who the national organisation responsible for trafficking was and if they could be approached regarding this issue. Action: BG to identify contact and raise the issue.  The SSAB agreed to extend the deadline from 31 December 2015 to 31 March 2016. Action: Notify all agencies with outstanding actions of the revised timeframe.

4.4 – Case 15 webinar  A webinar was discussed and the board consensus was that if a webinar was to proceed, a generalised webinar on trafficking was their recommendation.

Agency Reviews

4.5 - Domestic Homicide Review  BG informed the SSAB of a recently commissioned DHR that would also fit the criteria for a SAR. The Community Safety Partnership chairs this and then it is signed off by the Home Office. Action: BG to update Board on progress.

Item 5 – Developing multi-agency practice

5.1 – GMFS – Update on safe & Well checks imitated Nov 2015  AP gave a presentation to the Board and requested that Community Risk Advisors be introduced at the June meeting. This was agreed. Action: Community Risk Advisors to attend June meeting.  BE mentioned connecting with GMFRS. EW asked about GPs involved and AP said 10 GPs are involved and over 300 older people have been seen in Salford since November. The Chair commented that GMFRS is a significant resource. CK asked how to refer and AP said referral can be via website (which was on the presentation) and self referral.

5.3.1 - Feedback from Implementation and Impact (IIN) revised work plan  EW mentioned that version of the work plan Board members had was an older version and the newest one was displayed via a projector. Action: TE to upload the latest version on to SharePoint.  Escalation framework is ongoing and Liz has identified an ADASS document to support this piece of work.  A transfer of care document has been developed and finalised, there is going to be a pilot with three care Homes.  MSP is embedded into training.  The report on Human Trafficking awareness training that took place in 2015 was evaluated very positively - It is available on SharePoint.

5.3.2 - Feedback from Implementation and Impact (IIN) revised membership list and TOR  EW explained that the TOR has been reviewed to align the work of the group more directly with the SSAB action plan and supporting the work of the SSAB. Board 7

members to read through it and comment on.  MS will give IIIN a probation contact.

5.4 – MSP update (including update on GP pilot & multi-agency training proposal) BG presented the MSP paper with an update and asked for feedback from those who had attended the most recent revised MSP training with a more multiagency focus.  EW commented that the focus was still very social care based. BE and MS attended. It was noted that key partners have requested training and that a wider range of multiagency examples are needed. Action: BG and AB to review with Simon Bickerton the trainer with the aim of creating training more appropriate for multi- agency delivery.  BG spoke about monthly forum for Practitioners and challenges were discussed with more involved technical/document changes.  SP asked if we can evidence this, as work related to Board strategy.  SSAB agreed to funding proposal re SSAB training.

BG outlined a new proposal to fund multiagency self-neglect training  It was highlighted that staff have raised concerns re the multi-agency approach to self- neglect cases.  MS requested dates to be circulated as soon as possible.  AB advised of Manchester Metropolitan University involvement and proposed that self- neglect training proposal go to the Principal Team Managers for discussion in addition to being circulated around core partner agencies that would be involved in the training for consultation.  EW spoke of CCG work in this area and EF talked about the impact on children that could occur because of adults.  The Board agreed to fund self–neglect training.

Item 6 – Understanding our Information & Developing our accountability and strategies

6.1 - Performance Sub group (verbal update) TOR and membership reviewed  The next P&Q subgroup meeting is to take place before the next SSAB meeting and the outcome of this can be brought to the SSAB June meeting.

6.2 - Suicide audit report* Information circulated for SSAB discussion/decision  BG circulated a three year analysis report to Board attendees and having representation was mentioned. It was noted that Mary Doyle sits on the Board. MS sits on Health and Wellbeing group so can report to SSAB.

Item 7 – Any other business

7.1 - Modern Day slavery Briefing note* (for info only)

Date of next SSCB meeting 8

Date of Meeting: 2nd September 2016 Time: 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Venue: Committee Room 1, Civic Centre

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