On Land Parcel at Boon Lay Way
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3 DRAINAGE 83-85
4 SEWERAGE 85-86
8 WATER 88
9 GAS 89
1.1 The Urban Redevelopment Authority ("the Authority"), acting as agent for and on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Singapore ("the Government"), is inviting offers for lease by tender for Land Parcel at Boon Lay Way ("the Land Parcel"). The lease of the Land Parcel is subject to the Technical Conditions of Tender and the Conditions of Tender for the Land Parcel contained in the Developer's Packet. Where the context so admits, the expression "the Authority" herein shall include the Government.
2.1 The successful tenderer for the Land Parcel is required under the said Conditions of Tender to ascertain the exact and detailed conditions and requirements of all relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees in respect of the proposed development thereon and shall at his own cost and expense observe and comply with the same.
2.2 Without affecting the generality of paragraph 2.1 above and without prejudice to the obligations of the successful tenderer as set out therein, the contents herein are provided for the information of the tenderers only. Whilst every care and attention has been taken in the compilation and preparation hereof, the Authority does not warrant that the contents herein represent all the conditions and requirements of the relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees in respect of the proposed development on the Land Parcel or that they are free from errors or omissions whatsoever. The contents herein are subject to changes by the relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees concerned.
2.3 A summary of the initial services requirements of the relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees is set out herein. It serves only as an indication of the possible work involved with regards to services, and is by no means exhaustive or final.
BLW-CA-290403-B 81 2.4 The successful tenderer shall ensure that the following requirements are complied with :-
2.4.1 to consult and liaise directly with the relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees regarding the actual locations of all service mains within the Land Parcel and on the requirements and conditions for services diversion and provision prior to the commencement of site work. All necessary precautions shall be taken by the successful tenderer to safeguard the service mains before they are diverted.
2.4.2 to engage his own licensed Cable Detection Worker(CDW)/ licensed Telecommunication Cable Detection Worker(TCDW) to locate any manholes and cable routes prior to the commencement of site work. The successful tenderer shall bear the cost of any diversion work.
2.4.3 to ensure that all service mains that do not need to be diverted are identified and provided with protection, if necessary, during the construction stage of the proposed development. The cost of repairs to any damaged service main as a result of work carried out by the successful tenderer shall be borne by the successful tenderer.
2.4.4 to ensure that the relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees are allowed free and unconditional access at all times to services that are required to remain within the Land Parcel for the purpose of installation, maintenance, repair and improvement works and all other work and activities incidental thereto.
2.4.5 to make his own arrangements with the relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees and pay for the costs of any diversion and/ or "Capping off" of existing services, provision of service mains and connection fees if any, in connection with the proposed development.
2.4.6 to provide all the internal distribution for water, electricity, drainage and sanitary discharge for the proposed development.
2.4.7 to liaise with all the relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees on upgrading the road reserves abutting the Land Parcel to ensure that the necessary roadside drains, sidetable, kerb, etc are carried out in accordance with the latest Road Reserve requirements.
2.5 The successful tenderer shall note that as most Land Parcels are redeveloped sites, there may be sub-structures e.g. footings, piles, tree roots, etc. and other obstructions left in the ground. The successful tenderer shall at his own cost and expense carry out his own site verification of these and ascertain its effect on the proposed development.
BLW-CA-290403-B 82 2.6 There may be some other existing services affected by the proposed development. The successful tenderer shall inform the relevant Competent Authority / Public Utility Licensees immediately and bear the necessary cost of diversion and / or “capping off” of the existing services, if any.
2.7 In general, no structure shall be sited close to or over existing/ proposed services. The successful tenderer shall comply with all the necessary requirements as stipulated by the relevant Competent Authorities/ Public Utility Licensees.
3.1 General
3.1.1 The planning, design, construction activities and procedures for plan submission shall comply fully with the requirements as stipulated in the latest edition of the 'Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage' and ‘The Sewerage and Drainage (Surface Water Drainage) Regulations'.
3.1.2 In complying with the minimum platform level requirement, the successful tenderer shall ensure that the surface runoff within, upstream of and adjacent to the proposed development can be effectively drained away without causing flooding within the Land Parcel and in the vicinity of the Land Parcel.
3.1.3 The development schedule of the Land Parcel shall be properly considered to avoid a situation where parcels of land become 'land locked' without proper drainage outlets.
3.1.4 Any drain/ Drainage Reserve within the Land Parcel shall be safe- guarded under the proposal. In addition to the drain/ Drainage Reserve indicated, the successful tenderer shall also ensure that all other existing drains, watercourses within and in the vicinity of the Land Parcel are likewise safeguarded. All existing drains with- in the Land Parcel shall not be altered/ interfered with without prior approval of the Drainage Department of the Public Utilities Board(PUB).
3.1.5 If the proposed roadside drain cannot be fully accommodated within the Road Reserve, the width of the Additional Drainage Reserve (ADR) measured from the Road Reserve Line shall include a width of 0.3 / 0.8 / 1.5m maintenance access as shown
BLW-CA-290403-B 83 in APPENDIX 1 of the latest edition of the ‘Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage’.
3.1.6 Drainage Reserves safeguarded for open drains may be reduced to optimise land use. The successful tenderer may reconstruct the existing open drains on the Land Parcel into closed drains of ulti- mate sizes as determined by the Drainage Department. The width of the Drainage Reserve safeguarded for open drains may be reduced in accordance with the Drainage Reserve Require- ments for closed drains as shown under APPENDIX 1 of the latest edition of the 'Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage'.
3.1.7 Drain/ Drainage Reserves that are cutting across the Land Parcel may be diverted to optimise land use on condition that the proposed diversion is technically feasible and the drains shall be built by the successful tenderer to their ultimate sizes as determined by Drainage Department. Any proposal to alter/ divert the drains shall be submitted to the Drainage Department for approval.
3.1.8 The Land Parcel may be affected by common drains that serve the Land Parcel and areas outside the Land Parcel. Should the successful tenderer intend to make use of these common drains within the Land Parcel for further run-off from its Land Parcel such that the drain width needs to be increased, then a Drainage Reserve shall be imposed accordingly and this Drainage Reserve shall be eventually vested to the State or as advised by the Drainage Department. The successful tenderer shall also maintain (structural and cleansing) smaller drains without drainage reserve that are flowing through the Land Parcel.
3.1.9 The existing drainage system within and in the vicinity of the Land Parcel shall be upgraded/ improved to cater for increased runoff from the proposed development. In addition, new drains, contingent to the type and nature of the proposed development, may be evolved within the Land Parcel in conjunction with the development proposal. Appropriate Drainage Reserves shall be set aside for drains in accordance to the latest edition of the 'Code of Practice on Surface Water Drainage'.
3.1.10 The successful tenderer must incorporate in his design and take all necessary precautions to ensure that the works/ construction activities at the Land Parcel will not cause any damage, affect the structural integrity, cause any geotechnical distress or impact on the existing drains/ culverts/ canals.
BLW-CA-290403-B 84 3.1.11 The successful tenderer shall submit comprehensive drainage plans including any proposal to level/ backfill the Land Parcel to the Drainage Department for comments and approval.
3.2 Particular Requirements
3.2.1 Based on information given by the Drainage Department, the minimum platform level shall not be lower than the adjacent road or ground levels, whichever is higher.
3.2.2 There is a 20m wide Drainage Reserve abutting the eastern boundary of the Land Parcel, as shown on the Control Plan.
3.2.3 The Land Parcel is within the Pandan Water Catchment Area. The proposed development shall not result in any loss of yield and catchment areas. Closed drain shall be adopted for the proposed internal drain serving the development. The successful tenderer shall also submit the proposed drainage system for the development to Water Department and to Drainage Department for approval.
4.1 General
4.1.1 The planning, design and construction activities within the Land Parcel shall comply with the provisions of the latest edition of the Sewerage and Drainage Act, the ‘Sewerage and Drainage (Sanitary Works) Regulations’, the requirements of the Code of Practice on Sewerage and Sanitary Works’ and other Sewerage Requirements that may be stipulated from time to time.
4.1.2 The successful tenderer shall establish the actual locations and depths of all the sewerage facilities that may be present on the Land Parcel by trial holes or other means. No building or structures shall be erected over or across the sewers/ pumping mains that are present within the Land Parcel. If there is a need to build near sewers or the pumping mains, the minimum lateral distance required is as stipulated in the latest Code of Practice on Sewerage and Sanitary Works and shall be measured from the outer most edge of the building structure, including footings and overhangs, to the centreline of the sewer/ pumping mains.
4.1.3 Should any of the sewers/ pumping mains be affected by the development works, every precautionary measure shall be taken to protect the structural integrity of the sewers/ pumping mains. The
BLW-CA-290403-B 85 proposals to protect the sewers/pumping mains shall be submitted to Sewerage Department of the Public Utilities Board (PUB) for approval before the works can be carried out.
4.1.4 Any proposal to divert the existing sewers/ pumping mains or to raise or lower existing manholes within and around the Land Parcel shall be submitted to Central Building Plan Unit (CBPU(NEA)) or the Sewerage Department for approval. The works to divert the sewers/pumping mains or to raise/lower manholes shall be carried out by the successful tenderer at his own expense.
4.1.5 For proposed roads crossing existing/ proposed sewers or pumping mains, the successful tenderer shall ensure that the affected sewers/pumping mains is designed to withstand the necessary vehicular loadings.
4.1.6 The successful tenderer shall submit plans showing the proposed sewerage system and point of sewer connection for the development within the Land Parcel to CBPU(NEA) at the detailed planning stage.
4.2 Particular Requirement
4.2.1 Based on information given by the Sewerage Department the proposed sewer connection point can be made to the existing sewers within the vicinity.
5.1 Based on information given by the Pollution Control Department (PCD), a health and safety buffer is imposed by surrounding land use. Within this buffer, as indicated in the ‘Health and Safety Buffer Plan’, only low-rise (not more than 4-storey) industries with low employment density (100 ppha) are allowed.
5.2 There shall be a nuisance buffer of 50m between any proposed light industrial buildings and the future residential developments at the southern boundary of the Land Parcel.
5.3The Land Parcel is located within the Pandan Water Catchment Area. The proposed industrial developments should comply with the following:
(a) Collection of rainwater for non-portable purposes such as irrigation, general washing, etc is not permitted
BLW-CA-290403-B 86 (b) Pollution control measures shall be adopted in the design during the construction of the proposed development . All sewerage shall be discharged into public sewers
(c) The industry must be of non pollutive type
(d) Storage of toxic chemicals and hazardous materials shall not be allowed
(e) Details of the proposed development and future developments at the site shall be submitted to PUB, Water Department for further comments
6.1 General
6.1.1 The successful tenderer shall liaise with the Transmission Licensee authorised under the Public Utilities Act for the electricity connection and any other electrical provisions required as a result of the proposed development.
6.2 Particular Requirements
6.2.1 The successful tenderer shall provide electric substation within the Land Parcel. The electric substation shall meet the technical requirements specified by the Transmission Licensee.
6.2.2 Based on information given by PowerGrid, there are existing LV cables within the western boundary of the site.
7.1 General
7.1.1 The successful tenderer shall liaise with the Telecommunication System Licensee under the latest Telecommunication Act, for the telecommunication supply to the proposed development.
7.1.2 The successful tenderer shall provide all facilities for telecommunication services, such as MDF room, Telecom riser ducts, lead-in pipes and manholes etc, within the Land Parcel. All Telecom facilities shall be provided according to the Info-
BLW-CA-290403-B 87 communication Development Authority (IDA) of Singapore “Code of Practice for Info-communications Facilities in Buildings”.
7.1.3 The successful tenderer is advised to approach the Telecommunication Facility Co-ordination Committee (TFCC) and Starhub Cable Vision Ltd (SCV) early during the planning stage of the proposed development, for consultation on the location and diversion of existing Telecom services with the Telecommunication System Licensees, proposed connection and design of Telecom facilities. The detailed Telecom facilities plans shall be submitted and duly verified by TFCC and SCV and approved by IDA prior to commencement of works.
8.1 General
8.1.1 The successful tenderer shall liaise with the Water Department of the Public Utilities Board (PUB), regarding the requirements for Water supply to the Land Parcel.
8.2 Particular Requirement
8.2.1 Based on information given by the Water Department, there is a 300mm diameter water main along Boon Lay Way.
9.0 GAS
9.1 General
9.1.1 The successful tenderer shall liaise with the Public Gas Licensee authorised under the Public Utilities Act, regarding the requirements for Gas supply to the Land Parcel.
9.2.1 Particular Requirement
9.2.1 Based on information given by PowerGas Ltd, there is an existing 600mm diameter High Pressure Gas Transmission Pipeline and a 300mm diameter gas mains along Boon Lay Way.
10.1 General
10.1.1 The successful tenderer shall locate the service areas, electric substation(s), refuse bin centre and storage lane within the Land Parcel. Access to these service areas, if required, shall be taken via the ingress/ egress point as shown on the Control Plan, subject to the requirements and approval of the relevant Competent Authorities.
10.2 Rail Requirements
10.2.1 The Land Parcel falls within the Railway Protection and Safety Zone of the railway line. The proposed development and all associated construction works shall comply with the latest LTA(Rail) Code of Practice for Railway Protection, the Rapid Transit Systems (Railway Protection, Restricted Activities) Regulations, and the latest Rapid Transit Systems (Development and Building Works in Railway Corridor and Railway Protection Zone) Regulations.
10.2.2 Clearance from LTA shall be obtained before the commencement of the construction work including soil investigation and foundation work on site.
10.2.3 LTA reserves the right under the latest Rapid Transit Systems Act to enter upon the land for the purposes of inspection, maintenance, etc of the MRT system. This includes any person acting under its authority.
10.2.4 The successful tenderer shall ensure that the existing MRT viaduct drainage and lightning protection system (conductor tapes, earthing pits, etc.) which are located on ground level are suitably located, tested and reinstated to the relevant standards if they are affected. The works shall be done so that the system are not affected or unprotected at any time.
10.2.5 No parking of vehicles are allowed within the MRT 1st reserve which is measured 6m outwards from the edge of the viaduct unless the successful tenderer constructs a 2-hour fire rated housing for the vehicles.
BLW-CA-290403-B 89 10.2.6 The successful tenderer shall install 4.5m height restriction sign on both side of the viaduct if the height clearance from the road surface to the underside of the MRT viaduct is more than 5.4m. If the height clearance is less than 5.4m, height restriction gantries should be provided instead. The proposed roads below the MRT viaduct if declared as public streets, would require a height clearance of minimum 5.4m from the road surface to the underside of the MRT viaduct.
10.2.7 Viaduct columns in the vicinity of the proposed driveway should be protected by impact guardrail should the driveway be used as service road or clearance to the viaduct column face is 1.5m or less.
11.1 General
11.1.1 The successful tenderer shall ensure that all trees affected by the proposed development which are growing or situated on any land within a designated tree conservation area or vacant land pursuant to Section 5 of Parks & Trees Act (Chap. 216), including trees on any neighbouring or adjoining land and common boundary line, shall be protected. The successful tenderer shall pre-consult Nparks in the case of any such affected tree.
11.1.2 The successful tenderer shall consult NParks early at the planning and design stage on the felling of trees that may be affected by the proposed development.
11.1.3 No fire engine hardstandings are allowed to encroach into the existing/ proposed roadside planting verges.
11.2Particular Requirements
11.2.1 The row of cinnamon trees planted along Boon Lay Way, as shown in the topographical survey plan, belongs to NPark’s tree bank. The successful tenderer shall obtain Nparks’ approval on the removal of the trees if it is affected by the development proposal.
11.2.2 Proposed entrance culverts are to be located at least 2.5m away from any existing trees, where possible.
11.2.3 All care and necessary measures to be taken to conserve the trees adjacent to the development.
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