Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report s1

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Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report s1

Spring 2014 and Fall 2014 Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan and Report

College: College of Education Department: Reading and Elementary Education Name of Degree/Certificate Program/Stand Alone Minor/Online Distance Education Program: Graduate Certificate in Teaching Program in Elementary Education

Reflection on the Continuous Improvement of Student Learning 1. List the changes and improvements your program planned to implement as a result of last year’s student learning outcomes assessment data. 2. Were all of the changes implemented? If not, please explain. 3. What impact did the changes have on student learning? 1. Based on last year’s SLO data, no changes were planned for this year. 2. N/A. 3. N/A

(Document student learning outcomes assessment plans and assessment data for each undergraduate and graduate degree program and certificate program, stand-alone minor, and distance education program offered online only.)

Student Learning Outcome 1 Knowledge of Content Initial teacher licensure candidates demonstrate knowledge of the important principles and concepts of the content they teach.

All program completers pass the content examinations in states that require examinations for licensure.

Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes. The Content Knowledge Project is no longer being used as an assessment instrument to measure SLO #1. The last semester of data was Spring 2014.

The Instructional Unit Plan is no longer being used as an assessment instrument to measure SLO #1.

During 2014 the College of Education made the decision to participate in the nationally administered edTPA. As a result of that decision new preliminary assessments are being developed and piloted to inform candidate readiness for the national submission. 2014 was the first pilot year and therefore no early assessment data is being reported. 1 Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will be used to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcome and explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.  A common observation instrument, Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12), is used with every student teacher at the end of his or her academic program. The final (third) administration of the STAR 12 instrument is used specifically to measure the SLO. The University Supervisor (US) observes the teacher candidate using the rubric. The rubric has a 4-point scale. Three elements included on the STAR 12 rubric are used to measure SLO #1 (K2a Demonstrates Knowledge of Content; K2c Demonstrates Awareness of Literacy Instruction Across All Content Areas; K2d Makes content relevant and accessible to all learners).

 PRAXIS II is required for licensure in several of the disciplines within this program. The College uses the pass rate on this standardized test as a measure of content knowledge.

 The 12-15 scholarly paper named the Content Knowledge Paper (CKP) is required in ELED 5401: Teaching and Integrating Social Studies. The CKP is evaluated by the instructor using criteria described in the CKP rubric. The rubric has a 3 point scale. One element of the rubric is used to evaluate SLO 1: 3b1 Content Knowledge: Depth of understanding and application of content knowledge in the specialty area.

Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data. The Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) is used during the ELED 6470 course, the final semester a teacher candidate is in the program, to evaluate a student’s work and teaching. The University Supervisor (US) observes the student teacher in a school setting. The final administration of the instrument is collected and used to measure SLO #1.

The Praxis II assessments are taken during the final semester. The scores are sent by Educational Testing Services to the College of Education.

The Content Knowledge Project is implemented in ELED 5401, a course taken prior to the final semester of the program. The CKP gives the student the opportunity to demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge on a selected topic. Directions for the project are given at the beginning of the semester and final projects are uploaded by the student to Taskstream. The CKP is evaluated by the instructor of ELED 5401 using the CKP rubric.

Scores are collected using the College’s electronic data management system and are analyzed at the college and program level. Simple descriptive statistics are used to analyze the scores, and disaggregated findings are reported by semester at three levels (College, Program and Licensure Area). Once a year results from all assessments administered by the programs are disseminated to the faculty in the College of Education. The data is discussed during a final faculty meeting and next steps determined to address any needs identified. All strategies determined during this closing the loop discussion are implemented during the next academic year. All data reports created by the College of Education are housed on a secure website which is accessible to all faculty within the College of Education.

Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate 2 proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.) The Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) and the Content Knowledge Paper (CKP) have a 3 point scale. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “2” or better (proficient/accomplished) on the respective rubrics. The Praxis II scores are evaluated on a pass/fail basis. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to pass the exam.

STAR 12 Scores Semester Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Count 41 22 54 21

STAR (US) K2a Demonstrates 97% 100% 100% 95.2% Knowledge of Content

STAR (US) K2c Demonstrates 96% 100% 100% 95.2% Awareness of Literacy Instruction Across All Content Areas

STAR US) K2d Makes content 98% 100% 100% 100% relevant and accessible to all learners

Praxis II: Elementary Education 2012-2013 2013-2014 Scores Count 198 213 Percent 100% 99% *Please note that the 198 represents both the Undergraduate B.A. in Elementary Education program and the Elementary Graduate Certificate in Teaching Program.

Spring Summer Fall 2013 Spring Fall 2013 2013 2014 2014 8 24 40 9 Count CKP: 3b1 Content Knowledge: 88% 100% 100% 100% depth of understanding and application of content knowledge in the specialty area.

Changes to be implemented Fall 2015: Based upon the 2014 assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements will the program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome? The performance outcome was met in all areas. As a result there are no planned changes for Fall 2015.

3 Student Learning Outcome 2 Pedagogical Content Knowledge Initial teacher licensure candidates demonstrate thorough understanding of the relationship between clear, meaningful presentation of content and content-specific pedagogy through the appropriate use of multiple explanations, instructional strategies, and technologies.

Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes. The Instructional Unit Plan is no longer being used as an assessment instrument to measure SLO #2. During 2014 the College of Education made the decision to participate in the nationally administered edTPA. As a result of that decision new preliminary assessments are being developed and piloted to inform candidate readiness for the national submission. 2014 was the first pilot year and therefore no early assessment data is being reported.

Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will be used to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcome and explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.  A common observation instrument, the Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12), is used with every student teacher at the end of his or her academic program. The final (third) administration of the STAR12 instrument is used specifically to measure the SLO 2. The University Supervisor (US) observes the teacher candidate using the rubric. The rubric has a 4-point scale. Six elements included on the STAR 12 rubric are used to measure SLO #2 (E5b Develops Higher Order Thinking Skills in Students; E5c Uses a Variety of Instructional Methods; E5d Integrates Technology with Instruction; E5e Varies the Instructional Role; E2a Teachers connect content; K2b Implements Interdisciplinary Approaches and Multiple Perspectives for Teaching Content).  A common capstone work sample, the Impact on Student Learning Project (ISL) is required of every teacher education candidate. The work product is scored by the University Supervisor. The rubric has a 4-point scale. Two elements are used to measure SLO#2 (ISL 4: Assesses and Uses Resources).

Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data. The Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) is used during the ELED 6470 course, the final semester a teacher candidate is in the program, to evaluate a student’s work and teaching. The University Supervisor (US) observes the student teacher in a school setting.

The Impact on Student Learning (ISL) project is a capstone work samples that is also completed during ELED 6470, Student Teaching. The work product requires candidates to collect assessment data on the students in his or her class and then prepare a unit of study. The unit is taught and then post-teaching assessment data is collected. The candidate must establish the impact his or her teaching has had on the students’ learning. The ISL project is scored by the University Supervisor using the ISL Project Rubric.

4 Scores are collected using the College’s electronic data management system and are analyzed at the college and program level. Simple descriptive statistics are used to analyze the scores, and disaggregated findings are reported by semester at three levels (College, Program and Licensure Area). Once a year results from all assessments administered by the programs are disseminated to the faculty in the College of Education. The data is discussed during a final faculty meeting and next steps determined to address any needs identified. All strategies determined during this closing the loop discussion are implemented during the next academic year. All data reports created by the College of Education are housed on a secure website which is accessible to all faculty within the College of Education.

Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.) The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “3” or better (target/exemplary or proficient/accomplished) on a 4 point scale. [Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12)]. The Impact on Student Learning (ISL) has a 3 point scale. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “2” or better (target/exemplary or proficient/accomplished).

Semester Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Count 41 22 54 21

STAR (US) E5b Develops Higher 93% 100% 94.4% 90.5% Order Thinking Skills in Students

STAR (US) E5c Uses a Variety of 100% 100% 100% 95.2% Instructional Methods

STAR (US) E5d Integrates 98% 100% 100% 100% Technology with Instruction

STAR (US) E5e Varies the 96% 100% 100% 95.2% Instructional Role

STAR (US) E2a Teachers connect 96% 100% 100% 100% content

STAR (US) K2b Implements 96% 100% 100% 90.5% Interdisciplinary Approaches and Multiple Perspectives for Teaching Content

Count 34 23 54 2 ISL: 4A.2 Assesses and uses 97% 100% 100% 100% resources

5 *The 2 students who completed the ISL during Fall 2014 were students who completed their course work under previous program requirements.

Changes to be implemented Fall 2015: Based upon the 2014 assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements will the program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome? All performance outcomes were met. No changes are planned for Fall 2015.

Student Learning Outcome 3 Apply Knowledge of Students Initial teacher licensure candidates apply their knowledge of how students learn to facilitate meaningful and accessible learning for all students, while considering family, community, and real-world issues, reflecting on their practice, and making necessary adjustments to enhance student learning.

Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.

The Instructional Unit Plan and Impact on Student Learning project are no longer being used as an assessment instrument to measure SLO #3 and there is only data from Spring 2014 regarding the Impact on Student Learning project. The last semester of Instructional Unit data was Fall 2013. The last semester of Impact on Student Learning project data was Spring 2014. During 2014 the College of Education made the decision to participate in the nationally administered edTPA. As a result of that decision new preliminary assessments are being developed and piloted to inform candidate readiness for the national submission. 2014 was the first pilot year and therefore no early assessment data is being reported.

Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will be used to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcome and explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.  A common observation instrument, Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12), is used with every student teacher at the end of his or her academic program. The final (third) administration of the STAR 12 instrument is used specifically to measure the SLO. The University Supervisor (US) observes the teacher candidate using the rubric. The rubric has a 4-point scale. Ten elements included on the STAR 12 rubric are used to measure SLO #3 (E1a Manages Time and Materials; E1c Monitors and Responds to Student Behavior; E2b Communicate Effectively with Students; E2c Encourages Students to Articulate Understanding of Content; E2d Embraces Diversity in the School Community and in the World; E3c Creates Opportunities for Learner Response; E4a Develops Plans that are Aligned with State and District Curriculum; E4b Monitors and Adjusts Lesson Plans (to meet and enhance student progress towards goals; E5a Poses Quality Questions; C1d Self-evaluates Teaching and Professional Role). 6  A common capstone work sample, Impact on Student Learning Project (ISL) is required from every teacher education candidate. The work product is scored by the University Supervisor. The rubric has a 4-point scale. Two elements are used to measure SLO#3 (ISL 2D.1: Cooperatives with specialists and uses resources; 4B.1: Collaborates with colleagues on student performance and to respond to cultural differentness.)

 The Professional Development Plan project (PDP) is required in ELED 6470, student teaching/graduate internship. Professional Development Plan project All teacher candidates are expected to review the school improvement plan of their assigned school and to align their own professional development with components of the school’s Plan. To meet these expectations, teacher candidate must participate in professional development activities, show leadership in their classrooms, participate in collaborative activities with colleagues, families and communities, and advocate on behalf of their students for positive school change. The PDP is evaluated by the university supervisor. One element of the PDP is used to evaluate SLO 3 (2e.1: Communicates and collaborates with home and community).

Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data. The Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) is used during the ELED 6470 course, the final semester a teacher candidate is in the program, to evaluate a student’s work and teaching. The University Supervisor (US) observes the student teacher in a school setting.

The Impact on Student Learning (ISL) project is a capstone work samples that is also completed during ELED 6470, Student Teaching. The work product requires candidates to collect assessment data on the students in his or her class and then prepare a unit of study. The unit is taught and then post-teaching assessment data is collected. The candidate must establish the impact his or her teaching has had on the student’s learning. The ISL project is scored by the University Supervisor using the ISL Project Rubric.

The Professional Development Plan (PDP) assignment is completed in ELED 6470, student teaching, and is required of all teacher candidates in the Graduate Certificate in Elementary Education program. The work product requires candidates to review their school’s School Improvement Plan and to align their own professional development with components of the school’s Plan. To meet these expectations, teacher candidate must participate and reflect on their learning in professional development activities, interactions with, professional colleagues, families and communities, and their experience in advocating on behalf of their students for positive school change. The PDP gives the candidate the opportunity to reflect on how their professional development impacted their growth and the growth of the students they taught. The PDP is evaluated by the university supervisor using the PDP rubric.

Scores are collected using the College’s electronic data management system and are analyzed at the college and program level. Simple descriptive statistics are used to analyze the scores, and disaggregated findings are reported by semester at three levels (College, Program and Licensure Area). Once a year results from all assessments administered by the programs are disseminated to the faculty in the College of Education. The data is discussed during a final faculty meeting and next steps determined to address any needs identified. All strategies determined during this closing the loop discussion are implemented 7 during the next academic year. All data reports created by the College of Education are housed on a secure website which is accessible to all faculty within the College of Education.

Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “3” or better (target/exemplary or proficient/accomplished) on a 4 point scale. [Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12).

The Impact on Student Learning Project (ISL), and the Professional Development Plan (PDP) each have a 3 point scale. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “2” or better (proficient/accomplished) on the respective rubrics.

Semester Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Count 41 22 54 21 STAR 12 (US) E1A 100% 100% 100% 100% Manages Time and Materials

STAR 12 (US) E1C 96% 100% 98.1% 100% Monitors and Responds to Student Behavior

STAR 12 (US) E2b 96% 100% 100% 100% Communicate Effectively with Students

STAR 12 (US) E2c 100% 100% 100% 100% Encourages Students to Articulate Understanding of Content

STAR 12 (US) E2d 98% 100% 100% 100% Embraces Diversity in the School Community and in the World

STAR 12 (US) E3C 98% 100% 98.1% 100% Creates Opportunities for Learner Response

8 STAR 12 (US) E4A 98% 100% 100% 95.2% Develops Plans that are Aligned with State and District Curriculum STAR 12 (US) E4B 96% 100% 100% 90.5% Monitors and Adjusts Lesson Plans STAR 12 (US) E5A 96% 100% 96.3% 95.2% Poses Quality Questions

STAR 12 (US) C1d 98% 100% 100% 100% Self-evaluates Teaching and Professional Role Count 34 23 54 2 ISL: 2d.1: 100% 100% 100% 100% Cooperates with specialists and uses resources ISL: 4b.1 100% 100% 100% 100% Collaborates with colleagues on student performance and to respond to cultural differences Count 43 22 112 21 PDP: 2e.1: 100% 100% 100% 100% Communicates and collaborates with home and community

Changes to be implemented Fall 2015: Based upon the 2014 assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements will the program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome? All performance outcomes were met. There are no changes planned for Fall 2015.

Student Learning Outcome 4 Professionalism Initial teacher licensure candidates demonstrate classroom behaviors consistent with fairness and the belief that all students can learn, including creating caring, supportive learning environments, encouraging student-directed learning, and making adjustments to their own professional dispositions when necessary.

Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the

9 assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes. There were no changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan.

Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will be used to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcome and explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.  A common observation instrument, Student Teaching Assessment Rubric (STAR 12), is used with every student teacher at the end of his or her academic program. The final (third) administration of the STAR 12 instrument is used specifically to measure the SLO. The University Supervisor (US) observes the teacher candidate using the rubric. The rubric has a 4- point scale. Three elements included on the STAR 12 rubric are used to measure SLO #4 (K1b Sets Expectations for Learning and Achievement; E1d Establishes and Maintains a Positive Climate; C1a Assumes the Professional Role and Maintains High Ethical Standards).

 A common observation instrument, the Assessment of Professional Dispositions (APD) is used with every student teacher at the end of his or her academic program. The teacher candidate is evaluated by the university supervisor using the APD at the end of the student teaching semester. The rubric has a 4-point scale. Six elements. Six elements of the APD are used to measure SLO #4: D1: Impact, D2: Professional Identity and Growth; D3: Leadership, D4: Advocacy, D5: Collaboration, D6: Ethics).

Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data.

The Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) is used during the ELED 6470 course, the final semester a teacher candidate is in the program, to evaluate a student’s work and teaching. The University Supervisor (US) observes the student teacher in a school setting.

The Assessment of Professional Dispositions (APD) is used during the ELED 6470 course, the final semester a teacher candidate is in the program, to evaluate a student’s professional dispositions. The University Supervisor (US) evaluates the candidate’s using the APD rubric at the end of the student teaching semester.

Scores are collected using the College’s electronic data management system and are analyzed at the college and program level. Simple descriptive statistics are used to analyze the scores, and disaggregated findings are reported by semester at three levels (College, Program and Licensure Area). Once a year results from all assessments administered by the programs are disseminated to the faculty in the College of Education. The data is discussed during a final faculty meeting and next steps determined to address any needs identified. All strategies determined during this closing the loop discussion are implemented during the next academic year. All data reports created by the College of Education are housed on a secure website which is accessible to all faculty within the College of Education.

10 Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “3” or better (target/exemplary or proficient/accomplished) on a 4 point scale. [Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12)]

The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score a “2” or better (Meets Expectations/Exceeds Expectations) on the Assessment of Professional Dispositions (APD).

Semester Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014 Count 41 22 54 21 STAR 12 (US) 98% 100% 98.1% 100% K1b Sets Expectations for Learning and Achievement

STAR 12 (US) 100% 100% 98.1% 100% E1d Establishes and Maintains a Positive Climate

STAR 12 (US) 98% 100% 100% 100% C1A Assumes the Professional Role and Maintains High Ethical Standards

Count: 41 22 54 21 APD: D1 Impact 100% 100% 100% 100%

APD: D2 96.4% 90.5% Professional 98% 100% Identity and Growth APD: D3 98% 100% 98.2% 95.2% Leadership APD: D4 98.2% 100% Advocacy 100% 100%

APD: D5 100% 95% 100% 95.2% Collaboration

11 APD: D6 Ethics 100% 100% 98.2% 100%

Changes to be implemented Fall 2015: Based upon the 2014 assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements will the program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome? All performance outcomes were met. There are no changes planned for Fall 2015.

Student Learning Outcome 5 Impact on Student Learning Initial teacher licensure candidates demonstrate a positive impact on student learning by assessing/analyzing student learning, adjusting instruction, monitoring progress, and reflecting on the effects of their instruction.

Changes to the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Plan: If any changes were made to the assessment plan (which includes the Student Learning Outcome, Effectiveness Measure, Methodology and Performance Outcome) for this student learning outcome since your last report was submitted, briefly summarize the changes made and the rationale for the changes.

The Impact on Student Learning project is no longer being used as an assessment instrument to measure SLO #5. There is last semester of data for this project was the Spring 2014 semester. During 2014 the College of Education made the decision to participate in the nationally administered edTPA. As a result of that decision new preliminary assessments are being developed and piloted to inform candidate readiness for the national submission. 2014 was the first pilot year and therefore no early assessment data is being reported.

Effectiveness Measure: Identify the data collection instrument, e.g., exam, project, paper, etc. that will be used to gauge acquisition of this student learning outcome and explain how it assesses the desired knowledge, skill or ability. A copy of the data collection instrument and any scoring rubrics associated with this student learning outcome are to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive.  A common observation instrument, Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12), is used with every student teacher at the end of his or her academic program. The final (third) administration of the STAR12 instrument is used specifically to measure the SLO. The University Supervisor (US) observes the teacher candidate using the rubric. The rubric has a 4-point scale. Six elements included on the STAR 12 rubric are used to measure SLO #5 (K1a Individualizes the Instructional Environment; E3A Uses a Variety of Formal and Informal Assessment Strategies; E3b Establishes Criteria and Provides Assessment Feedback; E3d Uses, Monitors, and Records Assessment Data; E4b Monitors and Adjusts Lesson Plans; E4c Collaborates and Plans with Others Professionals).  A common capstone work sample, Impact on Student Learning Project (ISL) is required from every teacher education candidate. The work product is scored by the University Supervisor. The rubric has a 3-point scale. Five elements are used to measure SLO#5 (ISL 1a.1: Evaluates Student Progress; 1a.2: Draws on Data; 4h.1: Uses indicators to monitor/evaluate; 4h.2; Provides

12 evidence of attainment of 21st century skills; 5a.1: Uses data to suggest improvements for student learning).  The School Improvement Plan project (SIP) is required in READ 5200. All teacher candidates are expected to review the school improvement plan of their assigned school and to align their own professional development with components of the school’s plan. To meet these expectations, teacher candidate must to review a school improvement plan and to reflect on how they can contribute to the plan. The SIP gives the candidate the opportunity to reflect on how they can positively impact students through their professional contributions to school colleagues. The SIP is evaluated by the instructor of READ 5200 using the SIP rubric. One element of the SIP is used to measure SLO 5: 1b.3: Uses data to identify areas of need for School Improvement Plan.

Methodology: Describe when, where and how the assessment of this student learning outcome will be administered and evaluated. Describe the process the department will use to collect, analyze and disseminate the assessment data to program faculty and to decide the changes/improvements to make on the basis of the assessment data. The Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12) is used during the ELED 6470 course, the final semester a teacher candidate is in the program, to evaluate a student’s work and teaching. The University Supervisor (US) observes the student teacher in a school setting.

The Impact on Student Learning (ISL) project is a capstone work samples that is also completed during ELED 6470, Student Teaching. The work product requires candidates to collect assessment data on the students in his or her class and then prepare a unit of study. The unit is taught and then post-teaching assessment data is collected. The candidate must establish the impact his or her teaching has had on the student’s learning. The ISL project is scored by the University Supervisor using the ISL Project Rubric.

The School Improvement Plan (SIP) assignment is completed in READ 5200, and is required of all teacher candidates in the Graduate Certificate in Elementary Education program. The work product requires candidates to review their school’s School Improvement Plan and to align their own professional development with components of the school’s plan.

Scores are collected using the College’s electronic data management system and are analyzed at the college and program level. Simple descriptive statistics are used to analyze the scores, and disaggregated findings are reported by semester at three levels (College, Program and Licensure Area). Once a year results from all assessments administered by the programs are disseminated to the faculty in the College of Education. The data is discussed during a final faculty meeting and next steps determined to address any needs identified. All strategies determined during this closing the loop discussion are implemented during the next academic year. All data reports created by the College of Education are housed on a secure website which is accessible to all faculty within the College of Education.

Performance Outcome: Identify the percentage of students assessed that should be able to demonstrate proficiency in this student learning outcome and the level of proficiency expected. Example: 80% of the students assessed will achieve a score of “acceptable” or higher on the Oral Presentation Scoring Rubric. (Note: a copy of the scoring rubric, complete with cell descriptors for each level of performance, is to be submitted electronically to the designated folder on the designated shared drive. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “3” or better (target/exemplary or proficient/accomplished) on a 4 point scale. [Student Teaching and Graduate Internship Assessment Rubric (STAR 12).

13 The Impact on Student Learning Project (ISL), and the Professional Development Plan (PDP) each have a 3 point scale. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “2” or better (proficient/accomplished) on the respective rubrics.

The School Improvement Plan (SIP) have a 3 point scale. The program expects 80% of its teacher candidates to score “2” or better (proficient/accomplished) on the respective rubrics.

Semester Spring 2013 Fall 2013 Spring 2014 Fall 2014

Count 41 22 54 21 STAR 12 (US) 93% 100% 100% 100% K1a Individualizes the Instructional Environment

STAR 12 (US) 98% 100% 98.1% 95.2% E3A Uses a Variety of Formal and Informal Assessment Strategies

STAR 12 (US) 93% 100% 100% 95.2% E3B Establishes Criteria and Provides Assessment Feedback

STAR 12 (US) 100% 100% 100% 95.2% E3D Uses, Monitors, and Records Assessment Data

STAR 12 (US) 96% 100% 100% 90.5% E4b Monitors and Adjusts Lesson Plans STAR 12 (US) 96% 100% 98.1% 100% E4c Collaborates and Plans with Others Professionals

Count 34 23 54 2

14 ISL: 1a.1: 100% 100% 100% 100% Evaluates student progress using goals ISL: 1a.2: Draws 100% 100% 100% 100% on data to develop plans ISL: 4h.1: Uses 100% 100% 100% 100% indicators to monitor and evaluate student progress ISL: 4h.2: 100% 100% 100% 100% Provides evidence for student attainment of 21st century skills ISL: 5a.1: Uses 100% 100% 100% 100% data to make suggestions on student learning Count 38 9 54 21 SIP: 1b.3: Uses 100% 100% 100% 100% data to identify areas of need for the SIP

Changes to be implemented Fall 2015: Based upon the 2014 assessment data included in this annual report, what changes/improvements will the program implement during the next academic year to improve performance on this student learning outcome? All performance outcomes were met. There are no changes planned for Fall 2015.


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