Plants for Refining, Processing
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SPECIFICATIONS Plants for refining, processing, rehabilitation and improving of ecological parameters of hydro- carbon feedstock 2 CONTENTS 1. Purpose and range of application. 2. Feedstock and petroleum derivatives characteristics. 3. The plant’s product balance. 4. Process flow diagram. 5. Process automation and control. 6. Resource and power supply. 7. Environmental protection. 8. Summary technical and economic indices. 9. Proposals for arrangement of facilities. 3 1. PURPOSE AND RANGE OF APPLICATION
According to the present project, oil refining with conversion into engine fuel and fuel oil rests on the process of hydrocarbon feedstock rectification at the atmospheric pressures. The process was developed at the turn of the 19th century and is widely used up to the present. Development of petroleum refining industry in our country as well as abroad follows the line of the expansion of rectifying plants, producing up to 6–8 Mtpa of feedstock per year. This approach is specified by unit cost reduction accompanied by productivity boosting. In the meantime there are also small-scale rectifying plants (hereafter referred to as RP) established abroad, with efficiency of 30—50 Mtpa of feedstock. Although product cost of a small-scale RP is higher, this RP has a series of advan- tages: - considerably shorter construction-assembly period; - lesser volumes of investments and shorter payback time; - lesser losses due to breakages and forced outages; - insignificant environmental pressure for the region; - simplicity of traffic interchange. In our country small-scale RP have no wide-spread occurrence due to expensiveness of foreign equipment and absence of mass-produced home plants. Small-scale RP make it possible to launch manufacturing of engine fuels in the areas of hydrocarbon production or at the place of location of petrochemicals consumers. The plants can be used at oil-producing platforms, and at the Far North enterprises as well as in hard- to-reach areas rich in hydrocarbon resources but forced to deliver petrochemicals from other regions. The plant design was based on the next criteria: -optimization of the processing with the view to put down maintenance power con- sumption and to lessen specific capital investments per ton of charge stock; -design modularity providing convenience of transportation and minimizing assem- bling on the site; -control and maintenance simplicity; -environmental safety as the basis of the closed manufacturing process; -maximum independence of plant operation; -possibility of flexible adjustment of process variables; -compliance with the requirements of safety engineering, fire-safety, ecology and feedstock rational use. Modular plant consists of a proper processing facility and auxiliary units. The plant is assembled on a prepared site of shipping units - sections complete with proper processing equipment. Block package depends on resources and Customer’s requirements and usually in- cludes: -column equipment unit; -heat-exchange unit; -pump and metering unit; -inter-block pipelines; -blending (compounding) unit; -process-auxiliary unit (control room, switchboard room, laboratory etc.); -diesel-electric power generator. 4 All the units are supplied in the utmost readiness for assembling and only call for thermal insulation and pipe and cable coupling. Machinery package cost depends on the plan- t’s structure and may vary. It takes 3 months for the plant to be manufactured and supplied.
2.1 Feedstock requirements
For the sake of the plant’s regular operation and yield of qualitative petrochemicals, crude oil or gas condensate entering the plant N-30 are to meet requirements stated below. 1. Contents, % mass.: hydrogen sulfide - nil; mercaptan (thioalcohol) - nil; sulphur total - up to 1,5; paraffine - up to 9; water - up to 0,3; chloride salt - up to 100 mg/dm3. 2. Fractional yield up to 350 ОС - at least 45 % oil-based. 3. Topped residuum up to 350 ОС is to be not worse than black strap of grade 100 ac- cording to State Standard 10585-75. 4. Other variables are to comply with requirements of State Standard 9965-76 for crude oil delivered to oil refineries and meant for processing. 5. Contents of the feedstock delivered for processing are to be stabilized (i.е. light oils including С4 are to be stripped). Inasmuch as the plant’s primary purpose is production of engine fuels, feedstock pitches (tars) and asphaltenes presence are not regulated. Accepted as a basis for the raw material database of the project were gas condensate of Ourengoy field (deposit), oil-gas condensate mixture of Nikolayevsky field of Krasnodarsky region and crude oil of Karaboulaksky field of Ingoushetiya.
2.2 Hydrocarbon feedstock physicochemical properties
Table 2.2.1 PARAMETERS Gas Oil-gas Oil condensate condensate mixture 1. Density at 20ОС, kg/m3 740 765 840 2. Molecular weight 120 160 208 3. Kinematical viscosity at 20ОС, mm/sec 0,96 1,4 5,5 4. Fractional composition according to State Standard 2177-82,ОС Core top (initial boiling point) 35 33 36 10% 65 81 100 50% 130 185 340 90% 290 360/84 360/54 Core end (end boiling point) 342 - - Congelation point, ОС -48 -6 +11 Flashing point, ОС -36 -30 -30 Acidity, mg КОН/100ml 0,45 1,6 0,5 Contents, %mass.: Sulphur 0,05 0,05 0,14 Silicagel tars 0,2 0,56 1,25 5 Asphaltenes 0,05 Nil 1,0 Paraffines 0,9 5,7 5,0 Mechanical impurities nil nil nil Water 0,04 nil 0,3 salts, mg/l 1,6 5,0 100
Hydrocarbon feedstock fractional composition (fractional distillation by apparatus АРН-2)
Table 2.2.2 Boiling range Fractional yield Gas condensate Oil-gas condensate Oil mixture fraction, ОС % mass. fraction % mass. fraction % mass. fraction Core top 32ОС 30ОС 33ОС Core top-60 5,16 5,16 11,13 11,13 1,28 1,28 60-70 3,97 9,13 5,61 16,74 1,95 3,23 70-80 4,15 13,28 3,54 21,28 3,15 6,38 80-90 7,07 20,35 3,34 23,62 0,99 7,37 90-100 8,40 28,75 6,16 29,78 1,04 8,41 100-110 8,33 37,08 2,23 32,01 1,49 9,90 110-120 6,35 43,43 3,55 35,56 2,65 12,35 120-130 5,55 48,98 2,20 37,76 1,74 14,29 130-140 5,20 54,18 2,66 40,42 1,82 16,11 140-150 4,35 58,53 1,76 42,18 1,45 17,56 150-160 4,90 63,43 3,38 45,76 1,66 19,22 160-170 4,28 67,71 2,38 48,14 1,86 21,68 170-180 3,06 70,77 2,18 50,32 1,45 22,53 180-190 2,47 73,24 0,35 50,67 1,82 24,35 190-200 2,47 75,71 1,49 52,16 1,45 25,80 200-210 1,73 77,44 3,15 55,31 0,70 26,50 210-220 0,76 78,20 3,45 58,76 0,87 27,37 220-230 2,6 80,80 2,88 61,64 1,16 28,53 230-240 2,13 82,93 2,77 64,41 1,45 29,98 240-250 2,01 84,94 2,50 66,91 1,53 31,51 250-260 2,38 87,32 2,85 69,76 2,53 34,04 260-270 0,59 87,91 0,61 70,37 2,69 36,73 270-280 0,65 88,56 0,63 71,00 1,04 37,77 280-290 0,58 89,14 0,64 71,64 2,11 39,88 290-300 0,79 89,93 1,75 73,39 2,15 42,03 300-310 0,87 90,80 2,55 75,94 2,53 44,56 310-320 0,84 91,64 1,07 77,01 2,61 47,17 320-330 0,99 92,63 2,51 79,52 1,08 48,25 330-340 0,39 93,02 0,85 80,37 1,53 49,78 340-350 0,74 93,76 1,93 82,30 2,53 52,31 350-360 0,77 94,53 1,70 84,00 1,29 53,60 360 5,47 16,00 46,40 Residue 2,90 97,43 14,00 46,40 Yield 97,43 98,00 100 Outage 2,57 - 2,00 - - - 6 2.3 Feedstock petroleum derivatives physicochemical properties
Quality of straight-run gasoline fractions characteristics
Table 2.3.1 Parameters Gas Oil-gas Oil Gasoline А- condensate condensate 76 mixture State Stan- dard 2084-77 1. Octane rating (motor method 64 59 57 76 test), at least 2. Density at 20ОС, kg/m3 716 720 727 not specified 3. Saturation pressure, mm hg. 204 368 210 500/700 4. Fractional composition accord- ing to State Standard 2177-82, ОС Core top, not lower 50 37 48 35 10% not higher 65 61 69 70/55 50% not higher 89 98 106 115/100 90% not higher 136 143 146 180/160 Core end not higher 154 163 169 195/185 Yield, % by volume 98 98 98 98 5. Contents: Sulphur, % mass. not higher 0,002 0,003 0,06 0,1 Tars de facto nil nil 3,2 8/10 mg/100 ml, not higher Acidity , mg КОН /100 ml nil nil nil 1,3 Of gasoline, not higher 6. Copper test furnished furnished furnished furnished data data data data
From the above data, it should be seen that quality data of straight-run gasoline frac- tions, with the exception of the octane rating, meet the requirements of the State Standard 2077-84 for automotive fuel А-76. In order to drive the gasoline octane rating till 76 by motor method it is required to anticipate its compounding (blending) with additive compounds and dopes at the blending (compounding) unit (optional). Additional supply is possible.
Characteristics of diesel fuel fraction quality
Table 2.3.2 Parameters Gas Oil-gas Oil Diesel fuel condensate condensate According to mixture State Stan- dard 305-82 1. Cetane rating, not lower 47 51 50 45 2. Density at 20 ОС, kg/m3, up to 810 817 840 860/840 7 3. Kinematical viscosity at 20 ОС, 2,8 3,3 5,0 3,0-6,0 mm/sec 1,8-5,0 4. Fractional composition accord- ing to State Standard 2177-82, ОС 10% 150 195 213 not specified 50% not higher 187 251 275 280 90% not higher 295 330 354 360 5. Cloud point, ОС, not higher -10 -5 -5 -5/-25 congelation, not higher -20 -17 -12 -10/-35 flash, not lower 38 50 60 62/40 6. Contents, % mass. not higher Sulphur 0,004 0,15 0,16 0,5 Mercaptanes nil nil nil 0,01 Ash content nil nil nil 0,01 Mechanical impurities nil nil nil nil Water nil. nil nil nil 7. Acidity, mg КОН/100ml, not nil nil 5,0 higher 8. Tars de facto, mg/100ml, not 1,0 2,0 10,0 40 higher
The above data testify that diesel fuel fractions from oil and oil-gas condensate mix- ture conform fully to the requirements of the State Standard 305-82 for diesel fuel. When gas condensate is taken as feedstock, certain deviation from these requirements for diesel fuel fraction quality parameters is observed, namely kinematical viscosity and flashing point. But as soon as the base desired cuts are gasoline and diesel fuel fractions, their qualitative charac- tistics can be regulated by running regime of the plant and vaporizing oil withdrawal. It should be noted that there is a possibility for quality parameters of desired cuts to be considerably diversified by changing of the parameters of distillation process, for the purpose of meeting the requirements of State Standards. Moreover, adjustment of some or other fuel parameters is possible owing to application of different additives. The necessity of changing of any parameters of sertain fractions quality is defined after the plant performance study with particular feedstock, in every case individually.
The product balance is made up with reference to accepted boiling ranges of desired cuts according to the TBP (true boiling point) graph of oil: Gasoline fraction Core top - 160 ОС; Diesel fuel fraction 160 - 300-350 ОС. In case of withdrawal of vaporizing oil fraction for aviation turbine fuel, boiling range - 180 - 240 ОС. For white spirit recovery - 165 - 200 ОС. Aerial oil still residue represents a fraction with boiling point at least - 300-350 ОС.
Product balance
Table 3.1 8 Balance Gas condensate Oil-gas condensate Oil sheet item mixture % t/year t/day % t/year t/day % t/year t/day mass. mass. mass. Enters: 100 42000 120 100 42000 120 100 17500 50 Recovered: Straight-run 60 25200 72 35 14700 42 12.5 4375 12.5 gasoline
Diesel fuel of 35 14700 42 40 16800 48 12.5 4375 12.5 brand “L” or “З” Furnace oil - - - 20 8400 3,2 - - - Residual oil ------45 7875 22.5 Outage (losses) 5 2100 6 5 2100 6 5 875 2.5
Quantity of labor days per annum – 350 (11,7 months, 8400 hours). Operating regime – 3 shifts.
Hydrocarbon feedstock distillation process consists in fractionation of the hydrocarbon feedstock into fractions with boiling points up to 190 °С, from 190 up to 330 °С and higher. The process is a continuous one. Vaporization is carried out with the product’s film is flowing over the heated surface and under pressure of saturated vapors of hydrocarbon feedstock. Heat supply for the feedstock heating and vaporization is carried out in apparatus И1,2 by hyperther- mal organic thermofor (HОT) – «Alotherm-1» as per PTS (Project Technical Specifications) 10 6-14-1069-87 produced by Ivano-Frankovsky plant of subtle organic synthesis, which is considered nowadays as more effective and less toxic thermofor. Feedstock (gas condensate) from storage facilities is delivered by one of the charging pumps Н-11 or Н-12 (by both of them, if the feedstock is separated into two fractions) into the condenser-evaporator К1 and runs down along the inner pipe walls. In the condenser К1 the pipes are heated by vapors developed by evaporation of the condensate in the condenser К1 it- self as well as in the evaporator И1. The condensate (gasoline fraction) resultant in the annular distance of the condenser К1 runs down into the reservoir ЕТ1 through the hydraulic lock ГЗ, and residual oil is taken to the evaporator И1 by the pump Н2. In the evaporator И1 evaporation of the residue of gasoline fraction from condensate takes place. Resultant gasoline fraction vapors formed in tube space of apparatus И1 and К1 are forwarded through the separator СП into the tube space of the condenser К1. The tube space of the evaporator И1 is filled with HОТ, and THE (Tubular Electric Heaters) are immersed into it. For THE battery terminals (contacts) not to be oxidized, the project provides for nitrogen delivery into the terminal blocks. Excessive HОТ developed as a result of heating, from apparatus И1 is forwarded to the overflow tank Рб1, which is supplied with nitrogen to prevent oxidative process. (Thermal compensation of the HOT excess in ap- paratus И2 is carried likewise. The HOT excess is forwarded into the overflow tank Рб2). The mixture of diesel fuel (diesel oil) fraction and furnace oil which is formed in the evaporator boiler И1 is delivered to the condenser К2 by the pump Н3,from where it is deliv- ered into the evaporator И2 by the pump Н4. The furnace oil fraction from the evaporator boiler И2 runs down into the reservoir ЕТ3 and diesel fuel (diesel oil) fraction vapors are forwarded through the separator СП into the annular distance of the condenser К2, where to diesel fuel fraction vapors from the tube space of the condenser К2 are forwarded as well. The diesel fuel (diesel oil) fraction conden- sate from the apparatus К2 is forwarded to the reservoir ЕТ2 through the separator СП. Levels in apparatus К1,2 and boilers И1,2 are automatically sustained through level gauges and control valves. Heating temperature for HОТ in the apparatus И1,2 is maintained by switching the THEs on/off in concordance with the vapor temperature in the apparatus boilers. In the reservoirs ЕТ1-3 hydrocarbon fractions are cooled by recirculated water. Wa- ter is delivered into the apparatus jackets by the pump Н6. Water discharge in the reservoir is adjusted manually according to the product temperature in the apparatus. To stimulate the products’ cooling they are circulated by pumps Н5,6,7 through the pipe coil, which is settled in the reservoirs ЕТ1-3’ jacket. The excessive product from the reservoirs ЕТ1-3 is directed to the storage facilities or into the blending (compounding) block by pumps Н5-7. Levels in the reservoirs ЕТ1-3 is sustained mechanically through level gauges and control valves.
OPERATING SCHEDULE PARAMETERS 11 Step, units, appara- Parameteres and process condi- Working values of the Permissible range tus, equipment tions. parameters and process of parameters and Units of measures conditions process conditions 1. Evaporator-con- Temperature, °С 80÷250 not higher than 250 denser К1,2 Pressure, МПа атм.÷ 0,05 not higher than 0,05 2.Evaporator И1,2 not higher than 360 Temperature, °С 250÷350 not higher than 0,05 3.Reservoirs for transi- Pressure, МПа атм.÷ 0,05 tional collection and not higher than 65 cooling of hydrocarbon fractions ЕТ1,2,3 Temperature, °С 30÷60 not higher than 0,05 not higher than 70 Pressure, MPа air÷ 0,05 not higher than 30 Level, % 40÷60 not higher than 0,15 Temperature (in jacket), °С 20÷25 Pressure (in jacket), MPа (exces- sive) 0,1÷ 0,15
The plant consists of: – evaporator-condenser К1,2 represents a shell-and-tube heat exchanger, in tube sur- face of which membranous mode of evaporation of feedstock is actualized. Heat-exchange surface by annular distance is 30 m2. Apparatus operating pressure is up to 0,5 at (technical at- mosphere), temperature is 80-250 °С; - evaporator И1,2, represents a shell-and-tube heat exchanger in tube surface of which membranous mode of evaporation of feedstock is actualized. Heat-exchange surface by annu- lar distance is 22 м2. The apparatus tube space is filled with high-boiling organic thermofor (HОТ), in which tubular electric heaters (THE) are immersed. The THE quantity is 33 pieces. Total power is 103 kWt. In the capacity of HОТ the thermofor “Alotherm-1” is used (a mix- ture of alkyl-diphenyl-oxides with boiling point 400 °С). In the tube space of the HOT’s bulk is 0,3 м3. Apparatus operating pressure is up to 0,5 at, temperature is 250-350 °С; 3 - overflow tank Рб1,2 represents a horizontal reservoir with capacity 0,3 m and is used for receiving the excessive thermofor quantity from the evaporators И1,2. Apparatus op- erating pressure is up to 0,5 at, temperature is 250-350 °С; - emergency tank Емт represents a horizontal reservoir with capacity 0,8 m3 and is used for HOT dumping from evaporators И1,2. Apparatus operating pressure is up to 0,5 at, temperature is up to 350 °С; - a reservoir for transitional collection and cooling of hydrocarbon fractions ЕТ1-3 represents a horizontal reservoir with water jacket, in which additionally a pipe coil is settled. The apparatus capacity is 1 m3. Heat-exchange surface of the jacket is 4,0 m2, of the pipe coil is 6,5 m2. Apparatus operating pressure is up to 0,5 at, temperature is up to 35-60 °С. The jacket operating pressure is up to 2,5 at, temperature is up to 20-25 °С; - 2 centrifugal leakproof pumps Н11,2 of brand ZG 6,3/32-2,2-2(-5) of capacity 6,3 3 m /h, serving for feedstock supplying into the apparatus К1,2 and И1,2; - 3 centrifugal leakproof high-temperature pumps of brand ZG 12,5/50-4-3(-6) 3 Н2,3,4 of capacity 12,5 m /h, serving for pumping hydrocarbons into the apparatus К1,2 and И1,2; - 3 centrifugal leakproof pumps Н6,7,8 of brand ZG 6,3/32-2,2-2(-5) of capacity 6,3 12 3 m /h, serving for flow (circulation) of the end products in reservoirs ЕТ1-3 and for pumping- out of products towards the storage facilities or into the blending (compounding) block; - 1 centrifugal pump Н8 for water supply into the jackets of the reservoirs ЕТ1-3 for cooling of the end products, pumps’ brand is КМL 65-160/2-5, pump’s capacity is 25,0 m3/h.
The plant processing facilities legend is presented in the Table.
Designa- tion of Designation and Stock Quanti- Localiza- Remarks items ac- brief description of equipment ty tion cording to the process flow dia- gram
К1,2 Evaporator – condenser (shell-and-tube heat exchanger, combined with boiler) Heat-exchange surface- 30,0 m2 Main Diameter - 426 mm drawing Carbon Barrel length – 4000 mm 2 Outdoors 3615-001- steel Pipes 25 х 2 х 4000 mm 58556914- Estimated pressure: 04-02 - in pipes 0,6 МPа - in jacket 0,6 МPа
И1,2 Evaporator (shell-and-tube heat exchanger, Assembly 2 -//- Main draw- with built-in THEs, combined with boiler) ing 3615- Heat-exchange surface- 22,0 m2 001- Diameter - 426 мм 58556914- Barrel length – 4000 мм 04-01 Pipes 25х2х4000 мм Estimated pressure: - in pipes 0,6 МPа - in jacket 0,6 МPа HOT volume in intertubular space – 0,3 m3 Quantity of ТНEs – 33 pieces Total power – 103 kWt
ЕТ1,2,3 Reservoir Carbon 3 Outdoors Main (horizontal all-welded apparatus with jacket steel drawing and pipe coil) 3615-001- Capacity – 1,0 m3 58556914- Diameter - 800 mm 04-03 Barrel length -2000 mm Heat-exchange surface: - jacket - 4,0 m2 - pipe coil - 6,5 m2 Estimated pressure: 0,6 МPа
Емт Reservoir Carbon 1 -//- Main (horizontal all-welded apparatus with flat steel drawing bottoms) 3615-001- 58556914- Capacity – 0,8 m3 04-04 Diameter - 800 mm Barrel length -1600 mm
Estimated pressure: aerial
Overflow tank Carbon 2 -//- Main Рб1,2 (cylindrical horizontal apparatus) steel drawing Capacity – 0,30 m3 3615-001- Diameter - 530 mm 58556914- Barrel length -2000 mm 04-05 13 Designa- tion of Designation and Stock Quanti- Localiza- Remarks items ac- brief description of equipment ty tion cording to the process flow dia- gram Estimated pressure: 0.5 МPа.
ГЗ Hydraulic lock (vertical cylindrical appara- Carbon 2 -//- Main tus) steel drawing Capacity - 0,13 m3 3615-001- Diameter - 150 mm 58556914- Barrel height – 1100 mm 04-06 Estimated pressure: 0,6 МPа СП Separator – phase separator (vertical cylin- Carbon 4 -//- Main drical apparatus) steel drawing Capacity – 0,13 m3 3615-001- Diameter - 200 mm 58556914- Height - 700 mm 04-07 Estimated pressure – 0,6 МPа
Н11,2 , Н5-7 Centrifugal leakproof pump of brand ZG Liquid end 5 Outdoors Joint Stock 6,3/32-2,2-5 material – Company Medium: gas condensate, gasoline fraction, Steel «Moldovac diesel fuel fraction, furnace oil 12Х18Н10 hidro (density: 700 ÷ 940 kg/m3 ) Т mash», temperature: environment ÷ 60°С Kishinev, Pump output – 6,3 м3/h Republic Head – 32 m water column Moldova Motor –explosion-protected (EP) type АИМ (Project Power 3,0 kWt Technical Rate speed 3000 rpm Specifica- Modification 1ЕхdIIВТ4 tions Voltage - 380 в 26-06- 1567-89, State Stan- dard 20791-88)
Н2-4 Centrifugal leakproof pump of brand ZG Liquid end 3 Outdoors Joint Stock 12,5/50 -4-6 material– Company Medium: hydrocarbon fractions Steel «Moldovac (density: 700 ÷ 840 kg/m3 ) 12Х18Н10 hidro temperature: 80 ÷ 350°С Т mash», Pump output – 12,5 m3/h Kishinev, Нead – 50 m.water column Republic Motor – built-in, EP Moldova Power - 4,0 kWt (Project Rate speed - 3000 rpm Technical Modification 1ЕхdIIВТ2Х Spec. 26- Voltage - 380 в 06-1567- 89, State Standard 20791-88)
Н8 Centrifugal pump of brand КМL 65-160/2-5 Liquid end 1 Joint Stock Medium: water recycled industrial. material– Company Temperature: 15÷25°С Carbon «ANА» Pump output – 65,0 m3/h steel (Shchelkov Head – 32 m. water column sky pump Motor – built-in, EP factory), Hower - 5,5 kWt town Rate speed 3000 rpm Shchelkovo Modification 1ЕхdIIАТ Moscowsk Voltage - 380 в y region 14
PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM 15 16 Hydrocarbon feedstock distillation process consists of fractionation of the hydrocar- bon feedstock into fractions with boiling points up to 170 °С, from 170 up to 240 °С, from 240 up to 360 °С and higher. Depending on the feedstock type (gas condensate, oil, gas con- densate-oil mixture) it is possible to get light-weight straight-run gasoline, vaporizing oil, diesel fuel fraction, furnace oil or black strap. The process is a continuous one. Separation is carried out in four distillation plate-type columns working sequentially. The plant’s capacity is 2 t/hour of the charge stock. Charge feedstock from storage facilities is delivered by the pump Нп11,2 into the heat-exchanger Т1 and further into the reflux exchanger of the column К1, further into the heat-exchanger Т2 and the reflux exchanger of the column К2, and so on to the reflux ex- changer of the column К4. From the reflux exchanger of the column К4 the heated stock is supplied to the column К1, where the light-weight gasoline fraction is separated by extrication from the top of the column through the heat-exchanger Т1 and supplied into the reservoir Е1. Partly stripped feedstock from the reflux exchanger of the column К1, is forwarded by the pump Н51,2 and through a ball cock into the column К2, from the top of which the residual gasoline fraction is drawn and forwarded into the reservoir Е1 through the heat-exchanger Т2. In the reservoir Е1 the gasoline fraction is cooled at the expense of circulation provided by the pump Н11,2 through the air cooler ВО1. As the reservoir Е1 is being filled, the gasoline fraction is pumped down to the storage facilities. Stripped feedstock, from the column К2 boiler is pumped through electric heater ЭП1 or through the fired heater ПП1 into the column К3 by the pump Н61,2, in this column the vaporizing oil fraction being drawn from the top of the column is parted. After the vapor- izing oil fraction is got through the heat-exchanger Т3, this fraction is forwarded into the reservoir Е2. In the reservoir Е2 the vaporizing oil fraction is cooled at the expense of circu- lation by the pump Н21,2 through the air cooler ВО2. On an on-going basis from the reservoir Е2, the vaporizing oil fraction is pumped down to the storage facilities. Mixture of diesel oil fraction and black strap is forwarded from the column К3 boiler by the pump Н71,2 and directed through the electric heater ЭП2 or fired heater ПП1, through the column К4 boiler into the latter column, in which the diesel fuel fraction being drawn from the top of the column is separated. After passing through the heat-exchanger Т4, diesel fuel fraction is forwarded into the reservoir Е3. In the reservoir Е3 the diesel fuel fraction is cooled at the expense of circulation provided by the pump Н31,2 through the air cooler ВО3. As the reservoir Е3 is being filled, the diesel fuel fraction is pumped down to the storage fa- cilities. Black strap fraction from the column К4 boiler sequentially goes through the boilers of the columns К3-1 and is forwarded to the reservoir Е4. In the reservoir Е4 black strap is cooled at the expense of circulation provided by the pump Н41,2 through the air cooler ВО4. As the reservoir Е4 is being filled, the black strap is pumped down to the storage facilities. Bearings of the pumps Н5-71,2 are cooled by coolant which is pumped by the pump Н81,2 through the pumps, reservoir ОЖ and air cooler ВО5. Insulating oil is taken as a cooler. In wintertime, thanks to wraparound, additional feedstock heating is provided at the expense of the pumping of the feedstock through the reservoirs Е3-4. While operating with light-colored gas condensate, columns К1-3 serve for separa- tion of the gasoline fraction, and the column К4 serves to set apart the fractions of diesel fuel and vaporizing oil. The wraparound provides shunt circuits for shutoff of the columns К1-4 reflux ex- changers and boilers by way of the heat-exchanger Т1-4.
The plant consists of: – distillation plate columns К1-4, packaged with reflux exchangers and boilers. The column height is 3 m, diameter 300 mm. The reflux exchangers and boilers heat-exchange surface is correspondingly 3 и 2 m2; 17 - heat-exchangers Т1-4 are double-pipe with 2 m2 heat-exchange surface ; - air coolers ВО1-4 of power 30 kWt, and ВО5 of power 5 kWt; - reservoirs for fractional collection Е1-4 of capacity 0.25 m3 and for cooler ОЖ of capacity 0.1 m3; - electric heaters ЭП1-2 provided with cartridge THE of power 55 kWt and black strap (or diesel fuel) - fired heater ПП1 of power 110 kWt (fuel rate 20 kg/hour). At the cus- tomer’s request, the plant can be supplied with any heater type; 3 - the pumps Н1-81,2 of NMSH-type (НИШ) of capacity from 1,5 up to 6.3 m /hour. For thermal-loaded pumps forced bearings cooling is provided. The equipment is assembled on its own framework of plane size 2х8 m, which makes possible its transportation by motor vehicles. The plant installation and start up is completed within 24-hours from the shipping date to the worksite.
Thermal insulation By standards, the external apparatus surfaces temperature shouldn’t be higher than 60 оС. Thermal insulation is used to protect laborers from burns and to lower energy loss. The horizontal distillation apparatus thermal insulation is made of 90 мм thick stitched mineral-cotton mattresses complying with the requirements of State Standard 21880-86. From atmospheric precipitations the apparatus is protected with aluminium foil. Other apparatus and pipework are protected with 60 мм thick stitched mineral-cotton mattresses complying with the requirements of State Standard 21880-86. From atmospheric precipitations the thermal insulation is protected by roller fiberglass. As per «General rules of explosion safety for fire and explosion dangerous chemical, petrochemical and petroleum processing factories, RS (Regulation for Safety) 09-170-97» this plant corresponds to the III group of explosion safety. Table 4.1 Damage zone radii Zone group Damages Radius, m 1 group Massive break-up 9 2 group Severe damage 11 3 group Average damage, restoration is possible 23 4 group 90% of glass cover is broken 67 5 group 5% of glass cover is broken 134
For continuous and effective work of the petrol processing plant, monitoring and con- trol of the operating procedure variables is necessary, as well as initial check of quality of the raw material and resulting products. Monitoring and control of the operating procedure variables for oil processing is han- dled out by automated process control system (APCS) based on microprocessor technology. Control of quality of the feedstock and resulting hydrocarbons is performed in the works laboratory of the enterprise. APCS incorporates control panel, control cabinets and a package of testing instru- ments and provides automatic control of operating schedule at given level, recording of oper- ating 18 schedule variables, warning in case of parameter divergence from given value, emergency shut down of the plant blocks or the whole plant if variables values reach maximum (mini- mum) of permitted values. All measurable and controlled plant variables are shown on the control panel in digital form for checking.
6.1 Raw material supply
When the plant is located at an oil or gas field, raw material supply can be oranized from the field reservoirs after the raw material is primary treated for processing. If in-going raw material doesn’t need primary treatment, its withdrawal can be realized directly from the well. Besides, can be provided an option of deliverin the raw material from storehouses etc. When the plant is located far from any fields, the raw material is to be supplied by rail and motor transport. Herewith raw material reservoirs are to be provided in quantities enough for ten-days frequency of the raw material delivery.
6.2 Power supply
To supply the plant with electric power, conductor lines are laid from external power to a switchboard panel or to a transformer plant. Voltage for power electric load is 380 V, for light illumination — 220V. Class of electric power supply by Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) is II. For customers’ energy supply the power junction box of cabinet type with automatic cut-out is foreseen. Control of processing facilities electromotor is maintained from control station, equipped with magnetic starters and push-button stations. Installed power is 200 kWt, average annual power consumption is 1524 thousand kWt. If necessary the plant is completed with diesel-electric set as reserve power supply.
Hydrocarbon feedstock prosessing at the plant is a low-waste process, therefore storm sewers are taken into account in the general layout of the sewer system. To prevent salvo emission of petrochemicals as a result of an accident, emergency tanks are provided.
7.1. Ambient air protection from pollution
7.1.1. Estimation of contaminators discharge in the air
The operating procedure provides production of motor petrol, diesel fuel and furnace fuel. Estimation of annual contaminators discharge in the air is fulfilled for the next petro- chemicals: oil, gas condensate, gasoline, diesel fuel and black strap.
Main emission sources of materials contaminating environment are: - petrochemicals evaporation due to spills or during cleaning-out of the tanks and equipment. 19
7.1.2. Measures for prevention and reduction of contaminators emission in the ambient air
The operating procedure of the plant hydrocarbon feedstock processing is a closed one. Next operations are provided to help to exclude petrochemicals leakages: - tubing connections by welding operation, flange coupling are provided only at the places of installation of equipment; - aboveground installation of equipment at pads with hard gasoline-resistent coating makes it easy to approach equipment for maintenance and visual inspection. - pipeline emptying for repair is carried by tilting the pipelines to the places of their emptying and installing stripping air-entraining fitting pipes with isolation valves. Next operations are provided to help to exclude contaminators emissions in case of ac- cidents: - automation, control of operating procedures and work of facilities ; - aboveground ducting allowing visual inspection of pipelines; - restoration of temperature deformation of aboveground pipelines. Petrochemicals losses through leakages, spills, blendings and accidents can be liqui- dated entirely by following working instructions and systematic monitoring of technical state of the processing facilities and pipelines.
7.2. Surface and groundwater protection
Potential source of pollution of water resources at the site are: - Process pumps; - Process pipelines; - Apparatus forming the plant. Measures for prevention and reduction of contamination of surface and underground water at the site: - Erection of sewage network; - Erection of networks and sewage disposal works for oil-containing waters of storm water disposal system; - Separate reception of storm water and sewage effluents; - Erection of water-tight coatings with surface inlets or rain gutters at storage plant and at process sites with the aim to exclude ingress of petrochemicals contaminat- ed sewage into ground; - Usage of materials and designs which guarantee accident-free operation and ex- clude any possibility of sewage leakages into ground; provision of engineering su- pervision as well as quality control of waste water entering single constructions and going out of them ; - Waterproofing of sludge collector eliminating penetration of petrochemicals into ground water (sludge collector may be used as a regulating reservoir in case of emergency). With the aim to reduce water consumption, wash-off from process pads, railroad over- pass, thoroughfares (contamination of petrochemicals) is provided; processing tanks clearing is to be made by treated effluent. Site buildings are the sources of generation of production waste water contaminated with petrochemicals. There are the next types of production storm discharge: - process water (bottom water); - water used for cooling petrochemical reservoirs when there is a fire; - stormwater drainage from open process pads; - sewage from process pads wash-off. 20 Petrochemical entrapped at the sewage treatment facility is kept in a reservoir for entrapped petrochemicals. On an on-going basis the petrochemicals are pumped down to the treatment facility.
7.3. Soil preservation
Under process facilities construction of pallets is provided with the aim to prevent seeping in the ground of accidently spilled petrochemicals and contaminated atmospheric ef- fulents, the pallets’ height is estimated so as to keep accidentally spilled fluid in the volume of one reservoir. Locations of block valve stations on process pipelines are situated within these pallets – for the liquid hydrocarbons not to be spread over unprotected vicinity. Land drainage not contaminated with petrochemicals is drawn off the site, beyond it, by open ditches and flumes. At the points of intersection of ditches and flumes with motor roads concrete flumes are provided. Sruface water harvesting from the site of their potential contamination with petro- chemicals (process pads, storage plant) is done through drain shafts-gangways, with subse- quent extraction to the factory’s treatment facilities.
To erect the plant it is necessary to have a site of dimensions 5х10 m (2х8 m), which is situated not nearer than 1000 m to dwelling zone and 100 m to oil and petrochemicals store. If there is a main oil and petrochemicals store or daily raw materials are delivered and ready petrochemicals are removed, for the plant operation the next pool of containers is suffi- cient: - raw materials reservoir 50 m3 - 3 pieces; - process reservoirs for petrochemicals and non-merchantable by-product, 50 m3 - 5 pieces; - reservoirs for high-octane number components 10 m3 - 2 pieces; - emergency tank (underground) 25m3 - 1 piece. Intermediate raw material reservoir is to have: - «tankage» by oil sufficient for basic sediment and water separation; - pipeline for discharge of free water; - heating in wintertime to temperature of 5 ОС more than highest temperature of pumpability loss. It is recommended also, for prevention of winter water freezing, to keep oil tempera- ture not lower than +5 ОС. Commerсial tank with black strap is to be heated and to have thermal insulation suffi- cient for potential shipping at any season. If raw material is delivered by railroad, discharge railway jetty and storage raw materi- als tanks are necessary. For petrochemicals shipping by motor transport a loading track for 3 pickets is installed. Processing facilities and process reservoirs are erected on pallets so that petrochemi- cals couldn’t seep in ground. As a pallet, standard reinforced concrete constructions of appro- priate size and shape can be used.
Vertically the reservoirs of the storage are situated in such a way that their bottoms would be 0,5-1 m higher than the plant units foundation. The heater is installed at the same level as the plant process units. For fitting with pipes steel electric-welded pipes 25Х86 mm are used according to State Standard 10704-9. Pipeline for delivering raw material to the plant - at least 40 mm. 21 Pipeline for delivering raw material from units to the heater - 40 mm. Pipelines for gasoline, diesel fuel and black strap from the plant - at least 25mm. Applied power cables – with copper-vein, brand КВВГЭ5. Pipelines and cables are laid on steel supports, cables - into flumes, power cables and control cables – in special flumes. Terms of water supply, drainage, light pattern, lightning guard, fire protection, public services and amenities and so on, are stated by detail design. Control room is equipped in an existent capital building, which is placed at the dis- tance of 30-50 m from the plant. Control room, laboratory and other plant services can be placed in modular constructions. Power supply of the plant is carried out: - by II class of power supply; - by III class of power supply together with stand-by diesel generator 200 kWt. Power is supplied to the plant from main distribution board located into the control room. For the plant operation a laboratory is necessary for quality control of the raw material and resultant petrochemicals. To get gasoline and diesel fuel quality in compliance with requirements of State Stan- dard it is necessary to have a compounding unit for gasoline and diesel fuel. In case there is water and salts in the raw material the plant is to operate in combina- tion with a dehydrator. Notice: Reservoirs, pipelines, interconnecting the plant’s moduli with reservoirs of petrochemicals storage, with drainage system, and also pipelines thermal insulation and power cables don’t come with standard equipment supplied.