The 2016 Chief of the South African National Defence Force, 40 and 30 year long service Medal Parade

Article by: Mr M.G. Maoto (Chief Defence Reserves Intern)

Photographs by: Mr W. Rasaka (Directorate Corporate Communication Intern)

The Chief of the South African National Defence Force (C SANDF) hosted the fourth 2016, 40 and 30 year long Service Medal Parade at Armscor Sports Ground (ASG) in Erasmuskloof. The parade was held on Thursday 15 December 2016. The aim of the parade was to honour and appreciate members of SANDF who sacrificed their own interests and desires to serve our country South Africa with loyalty, discipline, and commitment for a period of 30 or 40 years respectively. Exclusive medals, decorations and citations were awarded to the honour recipients by Gen Solly Shoke. It was a great gesture to show appreciation to the recipients who served our country in harsh conditions, often being away from home and their loved ones. To celebrate such a remarkable event invited guests, dignitaries and Defence Reserves members were present to cheer their heroes and heroines.

The Reserves were represented by a total of seven recipients on that day, two Reserve Force members received 40 year medals, two members received 40 year Bar and three members received 30 year medals. As the expansion capability of SANDF, the Defence Reserve Division was delighted to take part in the parade and have members who were recipients on that day. Col Shuping Motswadira, Senior Staff Officer Corporate Communication Defence Reserves Division (SSO Corp Com Def Res Div) who served for 35 years in the SANDF, was also honoured with a 30 year service medal. Gen Solly Shoke (C SANDF) awarding Col Shuping Motswadira (SOS Corp Comm Def Res Div) with a 30 year medal. Col Shuping Motswadira with Lt Col E. Steyn after receiving his 40 year bar. Col Shuping Motswadira with his wife Mrs Lati Motswadira. The recipients salute Gen Solly Shoke after receiving their 30 year medals.

In his speech CSANDF, Gen Solly shoke remarked “to serve in the military for 30 years and above requires a lot of discipline as the military is a place whereby you live by command and do what the seniors are telling you to do, therefore it is not everyone who can make it in the military. We are doing this in public so that all South Africans can know that we have people who are prepared to die for the safety and security of this country, because our economy can only thrive in a safe environment and we, “in uniform” contribute to that safety. We are also involved in peace keeping operations on the continent to insure that there is peace and stability in our region. To you the recipients I would like to say to, keep it up, you must lead by example and let the young stars learn the best from you. In his closure, Gen Solly Shoke urged members of (SANDF) to maintain good working ethics and discipline as outsiders are often focused on the negative issues. C SANDF, Gen Solly Shoke, addressing the recipients and attendees. WO1 J.N.Van Zyl,Col W.J. Beukes, Brig Gen Debbie Molefe (Director Defence Reserves), Col S.A. Motswadira (SSO Corp Comm), Lt Col E. Steyn and MWO M.A.J Else, Reserve Force members after the parade.