Regular Session, Water Works Board of Trustees, March 23, 1998

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Regular Session, Water Works Board of Trustees, March 23, 1998


The Board of Public Works and Safety of Plymouth, Indiana, met in Regular Session on September

26, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Building, 124 N. Michigan St., Plymouth, IN.

Mayor Senter presided for Board Members Delp, Gardner and Smith. City Attorney Chipman, City

Engineer Gaul and Clerk-Treasurer Hutchings were also present. Board Member Neidig arrived after roll call.

Members Gardner and Smith moved and seconded to approve the minutes of the last regular session of the Board of Public Works and Safety on September 12, 2011, and to dispense with reading them since they have been reviewed and found to be correct. The motion carried.

City Engineer Gaul referred to the First Street 2011 Patch Project bids that were opened at the last meeting. He recommended that the board award the bid to Rieth-Riley, who was the low bidder at


Board Members Smith and Delp moved and seconded to accept the bid in the amount of

$58,400.00 from Rieth Riley. The motion carried.

Utility Superintendent Davidson presented the following reports for August:

CITY OF PLYMOUTH WASTEWATER DEPARTMENT Board of Public Works and Safety AUGUST 2011 Monthly Report

PLANT OPERATIONS: 1) Total flow in gallons 69,010,296 2) Average daily flow in gallons 2,226,139 3) Monthly average in BOD removal 99.0% 4) Monthly average in TSS removal 96.6% 5) Monthly average in Ammonia removal 97.6% 6) General plant maintenance 7) Cleaned and unplugged methane gas transfer lines

MEETINGS ATTENDED: 8-2 TRC - Riverside Meadows proposed infrastructure dedication 8-8 Board of Public Works and Safety 8-10 Three (3) employees attended Northern Indiana Operators Association meeting in Bremen on SCADATA 8-16 NIPSCO on current policies for disruption or damage to utilities 8-16 Redevelopment Commission for public hearing on improvements to the Pine Water Treatment Plant 8-17 River Park Square presentation and planning meeting 8-22 Board of Public Works and Safety 8-24 Mark Sullivan, CWE on CSO improvements to maximize existing storage within the collection system and the plant’s process systems 8-25 N. Oak Dr. Project – Progress Meeting 8-30 Tech Farm onsite inspection

COLLECTION SYSTEM: 1) Cleaned 18,684 feet of sewer lines  255’ during service calls  18,429’ during preventive maintenance 2) Televised 11,818 feet of sewer lines 3) Mechanically removed roots from 3,287 feet of sewer lines 4) Removed approximately 9.34 tons of silt and debris during cleaning and inspections of sewers lines 5) Used approximately 39,350 gallons of potable water during sewer cleaning 6) Performed routine maintenance on 10 CSO’s and 15 pumping station 7) Clean and televising northeast section of the city 8) Gripp Inc. calibrated CSO flow meters and rain gauges 9) Completed servicing of sewers in our “Problem Sewer Areas” 10) Installed new back flow structure on CSO-010 (City Dump) 11) Replaced 6 structures – J6C039, J6C040, J6C041, J6C043, J6C044 and J6C076 at Center St. and Harrison St. 12) Completed 4 point repairs on Ewing St. 13) Completed 1 point repairs on Miner St. 14) Replaced or adjusted 2 castings I8M112 and K7M235, ASSISTED WATER DEPARTMENT REGULAR SESSION, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2011

 Changing out bearings on #4 high service pump at the Ledyard Water Treatment Plant  Cleaned coils on east dehumidifier at the Ledyard Water Treatment Plant  Working on well #1 and #2, soft starts, flow meter and SCADATA components after lightning hit the Ledyard Water Treatment Plant

CITY OF PLYMOUTH WATER DEPARTMENT Board of Public Works and Safety AUGUST 2011 Monthly Report

PLANT OPERATIONS Water Treated August – Ledyard Water Treatment Plant 39,119,573 gallons Water Treated August – Pine Water Treatment Plant 19,966,847 gallons Total 59,086,420 gallons

Water Treated – Daily Average – Ledyard Water Treatment Plant 1,261,922 gallons Water Treated – Daily Average – Pine Water Treatment Plant 644,092 gallons Total 1,906,014 gallons

 General maintenance to the Ledyard and Pine Water Treatment Plants  Backwashed filters at Ledyard Water Treatment Plant 23 times at 60,000 gallons each total of 1,380,000 gallons  Backwashed filters at Pine Water Treatment Plant 9 times at 60,000 gallons each for a total of 540,000 gallons  Total backwash usage for the month was 1,920,000 gallons  Clearing and cleaning property at Ledyard Water Treatment Plant  Completed water sealing main building and well house at the Pine Water Treatment Plant  Lightning damage on 8-3-11 to #1 and #2 well motors, soft starts, flow meters and SCADATA  Three (3) men attending AWWA water treatment courses  Crack sealing at the Pine Water Treatment Plant

Water Sampling  10 – Distribution system bacteria samples  10 – Fluoride samples  360 – Process control samples and analysis at the Ledyard Water Treatment Plant  360 – Process control samples and analysis at the Pine Water Treatment Plant samples includes Ferrous Iron, Total Iron, Manganese, and Chlorine  20 - Started sampling service connections for lead and copper as required by IDEM

SERVICE Locates 180 Total Number of Work Orders 374 Service Disconnects 21 Service Disconnects for non-pay 37 Service Reconnects for Non-pay 34 “Service Notice” left on door (Blue Tags) 10 “Insufficient Funds” notice left on door (Pink Tags) 13 New Radio Read / Meter Installations 18 Accuracy checks 124 After Hours Call Outs 3 Meters repaired 0 Hydrants Serviced 0 Hydrants Sandblasted and Painted 92

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (3) Curb Stops Replaced (¾”) 08-01-11 1218 N. Plum St. – Replaced the ¾” curb stop, box, rod and new meter pit 08-22-11 1104 E. Jefferson St. – Replaced the ¾” curb stop, box and rod 08-25-11 900 Thayer St. – Replaced the ¾” curb stop, box and rod

(1) Old Curb Stops Found and Capped Off at Valve 08-23-11 Retired a 1” corporation stop on N. Center St. & W. Harrison St.

(2) New Taps Installed 08-22-11 Connected 500, 506, 512 516 and Duplexes 517 – 521 E. La Porte St. to the new 6” water main 08-23-11 301 Airport Rd. (Plymouth Airport) replaced service line which was leaking

(2) New Mains Installed 08-17-11 Completed the 6” main project on E. La Porte St. from Liberty St. to walk bridge 08-27-11 Completed paving area where main was installed on E. La Porte St. Used 23 tons of asphalt

(1) Valve, Valve Boxes Repaired or Replaced 08-03-11 Replaced 4” mainline valve at the corner on Lincolnway East and E. Jefferson St. REGULAR SESSION, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2011

08-08-11 Removed unused 4” valve in 800 blk. of E. Jefferson St. 08-09-11 Repaired 6” valve at Dickson St. and Gilmore St. 08-09-11 Replaced operating nut on 4” valve at Rose St. and Nursery St. 08-10-11 Replaced operating nut on 4” valve at Lake Ave. and 5th St. 08-30-11 Adjusted four (4) valve boxes on the Pioneer Dr. Road Project

(4) Hydrants Repaired, Replaced, or New 08-04-11 Hydrant repair at E. Jefferson St. and Lincolnway East 08-08-11 Replaced hydrant at E. Jefferson St. and Lincolnway East 08-16-11 Replaced fire hydrant at N. Center St. and W. Harrison St. 08-24-11 Installed a new fire hydrant on the corner of W. Washington St. and N. 4th St

(0) Main Breaks Repaired

(3) Service Lines Repaired, Replaced or Retired 08-17-11 Replaced the tapping saddle, corporation stop and spliced back in with a 1½” copper pack for 2200 N. Oak Rd. for Bob Evans Restaurant. This was due to a leak. 08-22-11 Repaired service line to 111 W. Harrison St. 08-23-11 Repaired a leak on abandoned service line at N. Center St. and W. Harrison St. 08-25-11 Repaired a 1” galvanized water line at Coventry Ct. and W. Jefferson St. with 1” X 3” clamp 08-31-11 Repaired a service line leak for 1217 W. Washington St.

MISCELLANEOUS Meter reading dates for August usage - 8-31-11 and 9-1-11 GPS curb stops and main valves 08-04-11 Employee’s meeting 08-12-11 Finished hydrant sand blasting and painting of southeast section and part of southwest section 08-25-11 Performed directional flushing of the 4” main in the 800 block of Washington St. 08-31-11 Located missing valve at Nutmeg Rd. and Poplar St.

Davidson reported that the City of Plymouth Wastewater Department has received a letter of approval from IDEM on the Combined Sewer Overflow Operation Plan.

Street Superintendent Marquardt reported that the sidewalk projects have been completed.

Marquardt said that the city has received the first half of the shipment of salt for the winter.

City Attorney Chipman referred to the proposed Engineering Contract for the Expansion of the Pine

Road Water Treatment Plant with Commonwealth Engineers, Inc. He said that he has reviewed the contract and the standard terms are acceptable and recommended approval.

Board Members Delp and Smith moved and seconded to approve the contract as submitted. The motion carried.

City Attorney Chipman noted that the agenda has been amended; originally the board was to consider a fire engine lease, but they were notified this morning that it would not be necessary.

Jean Wintrode addressed the board to thank them for having granted her the parking permit.

Clerk-Treasurer Hutchings presented the following request:

9/14/11 – I’d like to request that the City consider a 3-way stop at the intersection of Discovery Lane and the east entrance to Menominee School. My house sits at 732 Discovery, which is right at this intersection. It’s awfully hairy, especially during school hours, and I think that it’s in everyone’s best interest for safety pur4poses that this be a 3-way stop. Between the congestion, sometimes speeding cars, and the unmanned school crossing in front of 786 Discovery, there’s an accident waiting to happen. S/ Cory Collins, 935-6666 ext. 25

Board Members Delp and Smith moved and seconded to add two stop signs to Discovery Lane at the east entrance to Menominee School after checking with the school. The motion carried.

Hutchings presented the following request:

9/22/11 – Close West Garro from Michigan St. to alley on Oct. 29th 11-4 pm. Purpose: To have costume contest and large blow up on street during downtown trick or treat. S/ Brian Van Duyne, 206 N. Michigan St., 936-1577 REGULAR SESSION, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2011

Board Members Delp and Gardner moved and seconded to approve the request. The motion carried.

Board Members Smith and Gardner moved and seconded to allow the salaried payroll for

September 16-30, 2011 and the claims for September 26, 2011, as entered in Claim Register #2011. The motion carried.

There being no further business to discuss, Board Members Gardner and Smith moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was declared adjourned at 6:18 p.m.

S/Toni L. Hutchings, IAMC/CMC/CPFA Secretary and Finance Officer


S/Mark Senter Presiding Officer

The following requests were forwarded to the proper committee to act:

9/20/11 – 1216 N. Michigan – Large limb hanging over the front of house. 2nd tree to the north needs branches trimmed over sidewalk. S/ Darlene Snyder, President, Snyder Real Estate, 6588 St Rd 17, Plymouth, 936-7343

9/20/11 – 1110 N. Walnut – There are 3 trees on the city side of street. One very large tree like limb hanging over on front of house. Branches on 3rd tree to the north hanging low over sidewalk. Last tree to south bid limb over street where renters park. S/ Darlene Snyder, President, Snyder Real Estate, 6588 St Rd 17, Plymouth, 936-7343

9/20/11 – 708 N. Walnut – Tree limbs over & hanging on front of the house. Looks like the middle of tree is gone – probably needs to be taken down. Renters have to park on street. S/ Darlene Snyder, President, Snyder Real Estate, 6588 St Rd 17, Plymouth, 936-7343

9/22/11 – 2 trees need to be taken down at the corner of Michigan and Madison before they fall in the street. You can stick most of your arm under the tree. S/ Stephen Calhoun, 523 N. Michigan St., 936- 9360 or 229-2669

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