Special Education Plan Report

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Special Education Plan Report

Solanco SD Special Education Plan Report 07/01/2014 - 06/30/2017 2

District Profile

Demographics 121 S Hess St Quarryville, PA 17566 (717)786-8401 Superintendent: Martin Hudacs Director of Special Education: Robert Dangler

Planning Committee Name Role Brian Bliss Administrator Danielle Booth Secondary School Teacher - Special Education Robert Dangler Administrator Trudi Keeport Parent Linda Overley Special Education Director/Specialist 3

Core Foundations

Special Education

Special Education Students Total students identified: 494

Identification Method

Identify the District's method for identifying students with specific learning disabilities.

The Solanco School District currently employs both a discrepancy model and a response to instruction and intervention model (RtII) to determine if students are eligible for special education as a student with a specific learning disability (SLD). Currently 3 of our elementary schools have been designated as RtII schools and have been given the designation by the state to utilize the RtII model for the identification of an SLD in the area of reading. As students go through the RtII process in these buildings, progress monitoring of research based, direct instruction programs are evaluated to determine if students are responding to the interventions being provided at an appropriate or anticipated rate dependent upon their level of deficit. If the progress monitoring were to reveal that the student would not be responding at an expected rate, the RtII team would re-convene to propose changes to the frequency, duration or intensity of the program, or potentially even a different program. Students who do not respond despite attempts at modifying the instruction are referred to the multidiciplinary team for an evaluation. The determination of a potential exceptionality is then based on a myriad of data points including the information obtained throughout the RtII process.


Review the Enrollment Difference Status. If necessary, describe how your district plans to address any significant disproportionalities.

The data is publicly available via the PennData website. You can view your most recent report. The link is: http://penndata.hbg.psu.edu/BSEReports

Not Significantly disproportionate.

Non-Resident Students Oversight

1. How does the District meet its obligation under Section 1306 of the Public School Code as the host District at each location? 4

2. How does the District ensure that students are receiving a free appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE)? 3. What problems or barriers exist which limit the District's ability to meet its obligations under Section 1306 of the Public School Code?

Currently, there are no facilities within the Solanco School District boundaries for non-resident students categorized under public school code 1306.

Incarcerated Students Oversight

Describe the system of oversight the District would implement to ensure that all incarcerated students who may be eligible for special education are located, identified, evaluated and when deemed eligible, are offered a free appropriate public education (FAPE).

The Solanco School District prides itself in maintaining close communications with families, students, and centers responsible for educating our students. Upon learning of an incarcerated student, the district through it's pupil services office would contact the program to begin facilitating conversations around the student's programming. For an identified student, the district would strive to ensure continuity of the IEP within the setting, and would remain participatory in educational planning and delivery. For a child who was thought-to-be or evoked a child find obligation for the district, we would work with both the facility as well as with the family to communicate our intentions to recommend the child to the multidisciplinary team for an evaluation. The school district would take specific measures to ensure open lines of communication between all involved parties, and ensure that all parties would have the ability to communicate freely with one another to deliver the most appropriate education for the student.

Least Restrictive Environment

1. Describe the District procedures, which ensure that, to the maximum extent appropriate, children with disabilities, including those in private institutions, are educated with non- disabled children, and that removal from the regular education environment only occurs when education in that setting with supplementary aids and services, cannot be achieved satisfactorily. 2. Describe how the District is replicating successful programs, evidence-based models, and other PDE sponsored initiatives to enhance or expand the continuum of supports/services and education placement options available within the District to support students with disabilities access the general education curriculum in the least restrictive environment (LRE). (Provide information describing the manner in which the District utilizes site-based training, consultation and technical assistance opportunities available through PDE/PaTTAN, or other public or private agencies.) 3. Refer to and discuss the SPP targets and the district's percentages in the Indicator 5 section - Educational Environments. Also discuss the number of students placed out of the district and how those placements were determined to assure that LRE requirements are met. 5

The Solanco School District's procedures for ensuring that students with disabilities are educated with non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate are governed and guided by regulations set forth under Chapter 14. IEP teams judiciously employ a case review praxis that looks at all needs of the student and matches them with appropriate supplementary aids and services. When all available supplementary aids and services have been maximized for a particular learning environment without a positive response from the student then a decision is made to look at the educational setting for that particular child. This process employs multiple stake holders at the table and values everyone's voice. When decisions to change the educational placement for a child are being considered the addition of the special education consultant, or program director are required. This addition allows for a new set of eyes to become part of the team and also ensures that all possible choices have been fully exhausted, and implemented with fidelity. This addition also ensures a continuity of service for the student to occur should the decision be made by the team to change their educational placement. Throughout the Solanco School District, inclusive practices are utilized and embraced. Solanco currently has 3 of our 4 elementary schools recognized as state approved RtII buildings. Additionally, professional development that has been offered to the faculty at all levels has maintained a heavy focus on learning that is personalized and accommodated. The Solanco School District has employed the use of Learning Focused Schools for well over 8 years and continues to grow in its implementation and understanding of this teaching methodology which emphasizes practices that promote inclusion. Through our work in both the RtII initiative as well as the extensive work and training that has been done in LFS teaching strategies, Solanco has been able to employ strategies that pay large dividends for all students, and especially those with disabilities. When reviewing indicator 5 (Amount of educational support) it appears as if the district has numbers that are slightly larger than the state average in students classified in the "supplemental" level of support category. While these numbers are just slightly elevated above the state average they do represent a departure. When this issue was looked at more closely it was discovered that for those students classified in this level of support, that the amount of supports and services being offered was appropriate. Each case was reviewed using the tenets of the educational benefit review process to ensure that all needs were being met at the lowest threshold possible for aids & services, while still ensuring a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) for the student.

Behavior Support Services

Provide a summary of the District policy on behavioral support services including, but not limited to, the school wide positive behavior supports (PBS). Describe training provided to staff in the use of positive behavior supports, de-escalation techniques and responses to behavior that may require immediate intervention. If the district also has School-Based Behavioral Health Services, please discuss it.

The IEP of each Solanco student who exhibits behaviors which interfere with their ability to learn or with the learning of others must include provisions for positive behavior support in accordance with the law. Behavior support programs and techniques used with special education students should be varied and individually designed to develop and maintain skills that will enable students to receive a 6 free and appropriate public education. Potential causes of behavior problems such as physical/medical conditions, environmental factors, and staff/program concerns should be reviewed before developing a behavior support plan. Special education staff will continue to increase their knowledge, skills and awareness of resources in regards to the development and implementation of effective positive behavior support plans. All staff will have the opportunity to participate in crisis prevention intervention and verbal de-escalation techniques. In all buildings, our school personnel and students have access to work collaboratively with members from outside behavioral health services. Over the course of the last several years we have forged a partnership with local behavioral health organizations, and have offered them a location within our sites to utilize for the sole purpose of meeting with students who qualify for this service. This inter-agency collaboration has allowed for students to gain access to supports that may not have been possible to them otherwise. It has also afforded the school district the opportunity to increase the offerings it can provide to students that maintain a focus on positive behavioral supports.

Intensive Interagency/Ensuring FAPE/Hard to Place Students

1. If the LEA is having difficulty ensuring FAPE for an individual student or a particular disability category, describe the procedures and analysis methods used to determine gaps in the continuum of special education supports, services and education placement options available for students with disabilities. 2. Include information detailing successful programs, services, education placements as well as identified gaps in current programs, services, and education placements not available within the LEA. Include an overview of services provided through interagency collaboration within the LEA. 3. Discuss any expansion of the continuum of services planned during the life of this plan.

While the district has not experienced any difficulty with traditionally hard to place students, should this need arise the following steps would be taken. First, the MDT team would come together to review the specific programmatic needs of the child based on the identified needs of the student. Programmatic features would be discussed to lay out a blue print of what an ideal program would look like in order to adequately meet the identified needs of the student. Next, current program options would be evaluated to see which would meet the bulk of the criteria that has been identified as being necessary in order to ensure FAPE for the child. For those pieces that may be missing, additional resources would be garnered from supporting agencies, or the district in order to ensure an adequate program. The Solanco School District works very closely with our intermediate unit (IU), Bureau of Special Education (BSE), as well as our behavioral health related services (BHRS) system. Through these channels it would be assumed that an appropriate programmatic fit would be able to be realized.

The Solanco School District currently utilizes placements outside of our own district and has been creative in ensuring programmatic fit to a student's need. To date we have not experienced any gaps in programming due to this planning and utilization of providers outside of our district. As always 7 we are looking to improve the programming offered to our students within our own schools, and to this end the district will continue to undertake ventures in which we can bring services back into our own buildings.

Strengths and Highlights

Describe the strengths and highlights of your current special education services and programs. Include in this section directions on how the district provides trainings for staff, faculty and parents.

The Solanco School District offers a continuum of special education services and programs to approximately 494 students in grades k - 12. Currently, the district operates learning support, emotional support, and life skills support programs that service students with varying disability needs. In addition, we also house multiple IU classrooms throughout our district that support students in Early Intervention, Multiple Disabilities Support and Autistic Support. At Solanco special education teachers and para-educators are highly qualified, and the district provides in house training, as well as opportunities for training outside of the district, to them. Topics offered in- house are timely and focus on current initiatives of the district based on a programmatic needs reviews. Our educational staff maintains close communication with the parents of our students and we pride ourself on this. Multiple parental surveys have indicated that communication between school and home is a strength and something that is valued by our community, and especially the parents of our students with disabilities. This close communication has allowed parents to feel well informed and a critical part of their child's education. Another strength of our district is within the implementation of our Response to Instruction and Intervention (RtII) initiative. Currently the Solanco School District has 3 of our 4 elementary schools identified as recognized RtII sites. Currently, Bart-Colerain Elementary School, Clermont Elementary School and Providence Elementary School have all been recognized. Our fourth elementary school, Quarryville, is currently getting ready to write their plan for submission and approval. Our approved elementary schools have been visited several times by other districts interested in pursuing their own implementation of RtII, and our principals have been asked to speak and present at state level conferences on how they are making RtII work in their buildings. While two of our elementary schools were amongst only a select few to gain approval under the newest requirements, the model they implemented in their buildings and subsequently presented to the approval committee has been implemented within all four of our elementary buildings. Clearly, receiving this designation as an RtII school is an honor, but it also gives the district flexibility in diagnosing students within these approved schools with specific learning disabilities in the area of reading, rather than relying solely on the discrepancy model to do so. Furthermore, the employment of the research based, data driven strategies utilized to make instructional decisions builds not only the data literacy of the staff based on sound principles and real-time data, but also allows for educational experiences for students to be designed in a way to meet each of their own unique needs. 8


Special Education Assurances The Local Education Agency (District) has verified the following Assurances:

 Implementation of a full range of services, programs and alternative placements available to the school district for placement and implementation of the special education programs in the school district.

 Implementation of a child find system to locate, identify and evaluate young children and children who are thought to be a child with a disability eligible for special education residing within the school district's jurisdiction. Child find data is collected, maintained and used in decision-making. Child find process and procedures are evaluated for its effectiveness. The District implements mechanisms to disseminate child find information to the public, organizations, agencies and individuals on at least an annual basis.

 Assurances of students with disabilities are included in general education programs and extracurricular and non-academic programs and activities to the maximum extent appropriate in accordance with an Individualized Education Program.

 Compliance with the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education's report revision notice process.

 Following the state and federal guidelines for participation of students with disabilities in state and district-wide assessments including the determination of participation, the need for accommodations, and the methods of assessing students for whom regular assessment is not appropriate.

 Assurance of funds received through participation in the medical assistance reimbursement program, ACCESS, will be used to enhance or expand the current level of services and programs provided to students with disabilities in this local education agency.

24 P.S. §1306 and §1306.2 Facilities There are no facilities.

Least Restrictive Environment Facilities Facility Name Type of Facility Type of Service Number of Students Placed 9

Community School Special ES 6 SouthEast Education Centers Chester County Career and Special Emotional Support, Autistic 6 Development Center Education Support, Life Skills Support Centers Western Area School for the Approved Deaf and Hard of Hearing 1 Deaf Private Schools Support Devereaux Kanner Center Approved Life Skills Support 2 Private Schools

Special Education Program Profile Program Position #1 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Bart Colerain An A building in Supplemental Learning 7 to 12 11 1 Elementary which (Less Than 80% Support School General but More Than Building Education 20%) programs are operated Justification: Students outside of the age range variance are not instructed together

Program Position #2 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Clermont An A building in Supplemental Learning 6 to 11 12 1 Elementary School Elementary which (Less Than 80% Support School General but More Than Building Education 20%) programs are operated Justification: Students outside the age range allowance are not instructed together

Program Position #3 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Clermont An A building in Supplemental Learning 8 to 11 14 1 Elementary School Elementary which (Less Than 80% Support School General but More Than 10

Building Education 20%) programs are operated

Program Position #4 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Clermont An A building in Supplemental Learning 9 to 12 14 1 Elementary School Elementary which (Less Than 80% Support School General but More Than Building Education 20%) programs are operated

Program Position #5 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Providence An A building in Supplemental Life 5 to 11 8 1 Elementary School Elementary which (Less Than 80% Skills School General but More Than Support Building Education 20%) programs are operated Justification: Due to the low incidence of this population all students falling within this support need are serviced together.

Program Position #6 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Providence An A building in Supplemental Learning 8 to 11 14 1 Elementary School Elementary which (Less Than 80% Support School General but More Than Building Education 20%) programs are operated

Program Position #7 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Providence An A building in Full-Time Emotional 7 to 11 8 1 Elementary School Elementary which General Special Support School Education Education Building programs are Class operated 11

Justification: Due to the unique needs of this population, and in an attempt to keep all students in district, they are serviced together.

Program Position #8 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Providence An A building in Itinerant Speech and 5 to 9 27 0.6 Elementary School Elementary which General Language School Education Support Building programs are operated Justification: Students exceeding age range are not seen together.

Program Position #9 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Quarryville An A building in Supplemental Learning 8 to 12 12 1 Elementary School Elementary which (Less Than 80% Support School General but More Than Building Education 20%) programs are operated Justification: Students falling outside of the allowable age range variance are not seen together for instruction or have age range waivers signed.

Program Position #10 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Quarryville An A building in Itinerant Speech and 5 to 9 32 0.6 Elementary School Elementary which General Language School Education Support Building programs are operated Justification: Students falling outside of the allowable age range are not seen together or have signed waivers

Program Position #11 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Quarryville An A building in Supplemental Learning 5 to 9 10 1 Elementary School Elementary which (Less Than 80% Support School General but More Than Building Education 20%) programs 12

are operated Justification: Students outside of the allowable age range variance are not seen together or have waivers signed

Program Position #12 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Smith Middle A Middle A building in Supplemental Emotional 13 to 6 1 School School which General (Less Than 80% Support 15 Building Education but More Than programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #13 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Bart-Colerain An A building in Itinerant Speech and 5 to 12 15 0.4 Elementary School Elementary which General Language School Education Support Building programs are operated Justification: Students outside of the allowable age variance are not seen together or have waivers

Program Position #14 Operator: Intermediate Unit PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Clermont An A building in Itinerant Speech and 5 to 12 38 0.8 Elementary School Elementary which General Language School Education Support Building programs are operated Justification: Students outside the allowable age variance are not seen together or have a waiver

Program Position #15 Operator: Intermediate Unit PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Providence An A building in Full-Time Multiple 6 to 13 8 1 Elementary School Elementary which Special Disabilities School General Education Support Building Education Class programs are operated Justification: Students exceeding the allowable age limit have an age waiver 13

Program Position #16 Operator: Intermediate Unit PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Swift Middle A Middle A building in Itinerant Speech and 11 to 10 0.2 School School which General Language 14 Building Education Support programs are operated

Program Position #17 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Smith Middle A Middle A building in Supplemental Learning 13 to 14 1 School School which General (Less Than 80% Support 14 Building Education but More Than programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #18 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Smith Middle A Middle A building in Supplemental Learning 11 to 16 1 School School which General (Less Than 80% Support 13 Building Education but More Than programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #19 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Smith Middle A Middle A building in Supplemental Learning 11 to 17 1 School School which General (Less Than 80% Support 14 Building Education but More Than programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #20 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range 14

Swift Middle A Middle A building in Supplemental Learning 13 to 15 1 School School which General (Less Than 80% Support 14 Building Education but More Than programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #21 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Swift Middle A Middle A building in Supplemental Learning 11 to 13 1 School School which General (Less Than 80% Support 14 Building Education but More Than programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #22 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Swift Middle A Middle A building in Supplemental Learning 12 to 16 1 School School which General (Less Than 80% Support 14 Building Education but More Than programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #23 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Swift Middle A Middle A building in Full-Time Life Skills 13 to 6 1 School School which General Special Support 14 Building Education Education programs are Class operated

Program Position #24 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Supplemental Learning 14 to 14 1 School High which General (Less Than 80% Support 19 School Education but More Than Building programs are 20%) operated Justification: Students exceeding the allowable age span are not instructed together or have a signed age waiver 15

Program Position #25 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Supplemental Learning 14 to 13 1 School High which General (Less Than 80% Support 19 School Education but More Than Building programs are 20%) operated Justification: Students exceeding the allowable age span are not seen together or have a signed waiver

Program Position #26 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Supplemental Emotional 14 to 12 1 School High which (Less Than 80% Support 19 School General but More Than Building Education 20%) programs are operated Justification: Student exceeding the allowable age span are not seen together, or have a signed age waiver.

Program Position #27 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Full-Time Life 14 to 12 1 School High which General Special Skills 19 School Education Education Support Building programs are Class operated Justification: Students exceeding the allowable age span have signed age waivers

Program Position #28 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Supplemental Learning 14 to 12 1 School High which General (Less Than 80% Support 17 School Education but More Than Building programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #29 16

Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Supplemental Learning 15 to 15 1 School High which General (Less Than 80% Support 19 School Education but More Than Building programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #30 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Supplemental Emotional 15 to 11 1 School High which (Less Than 80% Support 18 School General but More Than Building Education 20%) programs are operated

Program Position #31 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Supplemental Learning 15 to 15 1 School High which General (Less Than 80% Support 18 School Education but More Than Building programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #32 Operator: School District PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Supplemental Learning 15 to 15 1 School High which General (Less Than 80% Support 17 School Education but More Than Building programs are 20%) operated

Program Position #33 Operator: Intermediate Unit PROGRAM SEGMENTS Location/Building Grade Building Type Support Service Age Caseload FTE Type Range Solanco High A Senior A building in Full-Time Multiple 14 to 6 1 School High which General Special Disabilities 21 17

School Education Education Support Building programs are Class operated Justification: Students exceeding the age span limits have signed waivers

Special Education Support Services Support Service Location Teacher FTE School Psychologist District Wide 2.4 Speech Language Pathologist District Wide 4 Social Worker District Wide 1 Para-Professionals District 66 Special Education Consultant District Wide 1 Director of Pupil Services District Wide 1

Special Education Contracted Services Special Education Contracted Services Operator Amt of Time per Week Occupational Therapist Outside Contractor 20 Hours Physical Therapist Outside Contractor 8 Hours School Psychologist Outside Contractor 5 Days Job Training Intermediate Unit 5 Days CTC Learning Facilitator/Learning Support Intermediate Unit 5 Days 18

District Level Plan

Special Education Personnel Development

Autism Description In an effort to ensure the delivery of a program that enables all of our students with autism to receive a free and appropriate public education that ensures educational benefit the following training will be undertaken:

1. In-service training for all teachers related to autism awareness as it is has been recently defined in the new release of the DSM-V and effective research- based instructional strategies.

2. Advanced training provided to building based teams to include both professional and para-professional staff which focuses on effective instructional practices and classroom modifications which have been shown through the research to increase the academic performance of students with autism.

3. In-service training for professional staff to focus on the use of research based social skills instruction, to best meet the needs of our students with autism.

Through the provision of this training, it would be anticipated that students will show an increase in scores of at least 5% from the baseline measure on standardized tests such as the PSSA & Keystone, as well as local assessments. Additionally, a decrease in the number of overall disciplinary referrals should be evidenced for our students in this disability category by a 10% reduction over baseline. Person Responsible Director of Pupil Services, Special Education Supervisor Start Date 8/25/2014 End Date 6/30/2017 Program Area(s) Special Education

Professional Development Details Hours Per Session 6.0 # of Sessions 3 # of Participants Per Session 200 Provider IU, PaTTan, District Staff Provider Type IU PDE Approved Yes 19

Knowledge Gain This is an optional narrative for Special Education.

Research & Best Practices This is an optional narrative for Special Education. Base

For classroom teachers, Enhances the educator’s content knowledge in the area of the school counselors and educator’s certification or assignment. education specialists Increases the educator’s teaching skills based on research on effective practice, with attention given to interventions for struggling students.

For school or LEA Provides the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, administrators, and other ensuring that assessments, curriculum, instruction, staff professional educators seeking education, teaching materials and interventions for struggling students leadership roles are aligned to each other as well as to Pennsylvania’s academic standards.

Training Format LEA Whole Group Presentation Series of Workshops School Whole Group Presentation Department Focused Presentation Professional Learning Communities

Participant Roles Classroom teachers Principals / Asst. Principals School counselors Paraprofessional New Staff Parents

Grade Levels Elementary - Primary (preK - grade 1) Elementary - Intermediate (grades 2-5) Middle (grades 6-8) High (grades 9-12)

Follow-up Activities Team development and sharing of content-area lesson implementation outcomes, with involvement of administrator and/or peers Creating lessons to meet varied student learning styles Peer-to-peer lesson discussion 20

Evaluation Methods Classroom observation focusing on factors such as planning and preparation, knowledge of content, pedagogy and standards, classroom environment, instructional delivery and professionalism. Student PSSA data Classroom student assessment data Review of participant lesson plans

Behavior Support Description In an effort to increase the understanding of positive behavioral supports, and the types of behavioral supports that can be implemented for students with disabilities the following training will be offered:

1. Training which focuses on how to effectively and accurately collect data of ongoing behavioral concerns. This training will focus on correctly identifying the behaviors of concern and recording this in measurable objectively stated terms, antecedents to the behavior of concern, and actions/reactions maintaining the behavior.

2. Training which focuses on the development of an individualized positive behavioral support plan based upon the functional behavioral analysis.

3. Training which focuses on the identification of disciplinary strategies and measures which do not overly rely on the removal of the student from the educational environment, but rather employ more restorative justice techniques and consequences. The focus of this training would also include building the professional staff's ability to build in instructional components as a part of the discipline process. Person Responsible Director of Pupil Services, Supervisor of Special Education Start Date 8/25/2014 End Date 6/25/2017 Program Area(s) Special Education

Professional Development Details Hours Per Session 3.0 # of Sessions 6 # of Participants Per Session 200 Provider IU, PATTAN Provider Type IU PDE Approved Yes Knowledge Gain This is an optional narrative for Special Education. 21

Research & Best Practices This is an optional narrative for Special Education. Base

For classroom teachers, Increases the educator’s teaching skills based on research on school counselors and effective practice, with attention given to interventions for struggling education specialists students. Provides educators with a variety of classroom-based assessment skills and the skills needed to analyze and use data in instructional decision-making. Empowers educators to work effectively with parents and community partners.

For school or LEA Provides the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, administrators, and other ensuring that assessments, curriculum, instruction, staff professional educators seeking education, teaching materials and interventions for struggling students leadership roles are aligned to each other as well as to Pennsylvania’s academic standards. Empowers leaders to create a culture of teaching and learning, with an emphasis on learning.

Training Format LEA Whole Group Presentation School Whole Group Presentation Department Focused Presentation

Participant Roles Classroom teachers Principals / Asst. Principals School counselors Paraprofessional New Staff Other educational specialists Related Service Personnel Parents

Grade Levels Elementary - Primary (preK - grade 1) Elementary - Intermediate (grades 2-5) Middle (grades 6-8) High (grades 9-12) 22

Follow-up Activities Creating lessons to meet varied student learning styles Peer-to-peer lesson discussion Lesson modeling with mentoring

Evaluation Methods Classroom observation focusing on factors such as planning and preparation, knowledge of content, pedagogy and standards, classroom environment, instructional delivery and professionalism. Classroom student assessment data Participant survey

Paraprofessional Description In an effort to ensure that the supplementary aids and services being utilized for a child with a disability, including the use of paraprofessionals, is maintained at the least restrictive level possible, the following training will be offered to staff:

1. School district staff will be trained in the various types of supplementary aids and services that exist for students in four categories of support, including: Collaborative, instructional, behavioral and social-emotional.

2. Staff will be provided with training and a subsequent decision matrix which will guide them through the use of supplementary aids and services from least to most restrictive

3. School district staff will be trained in how to utilize paraprofessional staff in order to foster student independence, and avoid negative stigmatization.

4. Paraprofessional staff will be trained in intervention methods that foster student independence while still supporting them at appropriate levels, avoid negatively stigmatizing students, and ensure educational benefit.

The measurement of achievement in this particular area will be derived by maintaining supplementary aids and services at the lowest levels possible. Specifically, supplementary aids and services will be categorized into three tiers identified as tier 1 (lowest level of support) through tier 3 (highest level of support), and a baseline measure will be derived. The intent will be to decrease students currently at tier 3 levels of support by 3% per year, while ensuring that the level of support being offered to them remains appropriate. Person Responsible Director of Pupil Services, Special Education Supervisor 23

Start Date 8/25/2014 End Date 6/30/2017 Program Area(s) Special Education

Professional Development Details Hours Per Session 3.0 # of Sessions 6 # of Participants Per Session 125 Provider School District Staff, IU, PATTAN Provider Type IU PDE Approved Yes Knowledge Gain This is an optional narrative for Special Education.

Research & Best Practices Base This is an optional narrative for Special Education.

For classroom teachers, school Enhances the educator’s content knowledge in the area of counselors and education the educator’s certification or assignment. specialists Empowers educators to work effectively with parents and community partners.

For school or LEA administrators, Empowers leaders to create a culture of teaching and and other educators seeking learning, with an emphasis on learning. leadership roles Instructs the leader in managing resources for effective results.

Training Format Series of Workshops Offsite Conferences

Participant Roles Classroom teachers Principals / Asst. Principals Paraprofessional Other educational specialists Parents

Grade Levels Elementary - Primary (preK - grade 1) Elementary - Intermediate (grades 2-5) Middle (grades 6-8) High (grades 9-12) 24

Follow-up Activities Team development and sharing of content-area lesson implementation outcomes, with involvement of administrator and/or peers Peer-to-peer lesson discussion

Evaluation Methods Portfolio Observations/Walkthroughs specifically geared to evaluate the use of the para-professional within the students programming

Reading NCLB #1 Description The Solanco School District will provide training to professional staff to ensure the achievement of stated benchmarks, and personal student growth in the area of reading. Specifically the district will focus on the following:

1. Providing staff with a comprehensive understanding of research based instructional programs specifically targeted to populations of struggling readers, and how to correctly identify and match-up identified students to the appropriate program

2. Providing staff with training in high quality, research-based instructional practices in the area of reading that improves the academic performance of students and engages them completely in their learning.

3. Providing staff with training in the area of student engagement, and highlighting practices that have been shown to increase engagement, as well as how to effectively monitor student engagement throughout the instructional process.

Through the provision of this training, it would be anticipated that students will show an increase in scores of at least 5% from the baseline measure on standardized tests such as the PSSA & Keystone as well as local assessments in the area of reading. Person Responsible Director of Pupil Services, Supervisor of Special Education Start Date 8/25/2014 End Date 6/30/2017 Program Area(s) Special Education 25

Professional Development Details Hours Per Session 3.0 # of Sessions 3 # of Participants Per Session 200 Provider District Personnel, IU, PATTAN Provider Type IU PDE Approved Yes Knowledge Gain This is an optional narrative for Special Education.

Research & Best Practices This is an optional narrative for Special Education. Base

For classroom teachers, Enhances the educator’s content knowledge in the area of the school counselors and educator’s certification or assignment. education specialists Increases the educator’s teaching skills based on research on effective practice, with attention given to interventions for struggling students. Provides educators with a variety of classroom-based assessment skills and the skills needed to analyze and use data in instructional decision-making.

For school or LEA Provides the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, administrators, and other ensuring that assessments, curriculum, instruction, staff professional educators seeking education, teaching materials and interventions for struggling students leadership roles are aligned to each other as well as to Pennsylvania’s academic standards. Provides leaders with the ability to access and use appropriate data to inform decision-making. Empowers leaders to create a culture of teaching and learning, with an emphasis on learning.

Training Format LEA Whole Group Presentation School Whole Group Presentation Department Focused Presentation

Participant Roles Classroom teachers Principals / Asst. Principals School counselors Related Service Personnel 26

Grade Levels Elementary - Primary (preK - grade 1) Elementary - Intermediate (grades 2-5) Middle (grades 6-8) High (grades 9-12)

Follow-up Activities Team development and sharing of content-area lesson implementation outcomes, with involvement of administrator and/or peers Analysis of student work, with administrator and/or peers Creating lessons to meet varied student learning styles Peer-to-peer lesson discussion Lesson modeling with mentoring

Evaluation Methods Classroom observation focusing on factors such as planning and preparation, knowledge of content, pedagogy and standards, classroom environment, instructional delivery and professionalism. Student PSSA data Standardized student assessment data other than the PSSA Classroom student assessment data Review of participant lesson plans

Transition Description The Solanco school district will provide training to staff as well as well as parents, students and interested community members in the area of transition planning for students with special needs with a focus on the following areas:

1. Identifying postsecondary educational opportunities that specifically cater to students with disabilities and ensuring staff are familiar with these resources, and can offer parents and students information regarding these opportunities

2. Training staff, parents, and students at the middle level (grades 6-8) on how to effectively address transition outcomes through the IEP process, and ensure that the IEP is calculated in a way that considers a student's progression for not only the current IEP year, but rather for a long range progression. It is expected that conversations regarding post-school outcomes will be held earlier as a result of this focus and training.

3. Informing staff, parents and students of community and agency resources that exist for students wishing to enter into independent living situations and 27

the work force following their graduation.

Outcomes of the above stated focus areas will be measured through the Indicator 13 metric. It will be expected that the district will have a 100% as measured by this checklist. Parent and student survey data will also be collected to ensure that parents of middle level and high school aged students have been presented with information regarding appropriate transition planning for their child. It would be expected that the number of parents and students indicating the highest response levels will increase over baseline by 5% each year. Person Responsible Director of Pupil Services, Supervisor of Special Education Start Date 8/25/2014 End Date 6/30/2017 Program Area(s) Special Education

Professional Development Details Hours Per Session 2.0 # of Sessions 4 # of Participants Per 100 Session Provider IU, PATTAN, District Staff Provider Type IU PDE Approved Yes Knowledge Gain This is an optional narrative for Special Education.

Research & Best Practices This is an optional narrative for Special Education. Base

For classroom teachers, Enhances the educator’s content knowledge in the area of the school counselors and educator’s certification or assignment. education specialists Empowers educators to work effectively with parents and community partners.

For school or LEA Provides the knowledge and skills to think and plan strategically, administrators, and other ensuring that assessments, curriculum, instruction, staff professional educators seeking education, teaching materials and interventions for struggling students are leadership roles aligned to each other as well as to Pennsylvania’s academic standards. Instructs the leader in managing resources for effective results.

Training Format Series of Workshops Department Focused Presentation 28

Offsite Conferences

Participant Roles Classroom teachers Principals / Asst. Principals School counselors Paraprofessional New Staff Parents

Grade Levels Middle (grades 6-8) High (grades 9-12)

Follow-up Activities Team development and sharing of content-area lesson implementation outcomes, with involvement of administrator and/or peers Peer-to-peer lesson discussion

Evaluation Methods  Participant survey

 Measuring the transferrence of learned skills and resources through the IEP's of currently eligible students as well as through Indicator 13 measures 29

Special Education Affirmations

We also affirm our understanding that any requests for any deviations from the Chapter 14 regulations, standards, policies, and procedures must be made in writing to the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The school district understands that the Special Education Component of the District Level Plan will be approved by PDE in accordance with the following criteria as set forth in 22 Pa. School Code § 14.104 and as part of the District Level Plan:

1. There are a full range of services, programs and alternative placements available to the school district for placement and implementation of the special education programs in the school district.

2. The school district has adopted a child find system to locate, identify and evaluate young children and children who are thought to be a child with a disability eligible for special education residing within the school district's jurisdiction. Child find data is collected, maintained, and used in decision-making. Child find process and procedures are evaluated for its effectiveness. The school district implements mechanisms to disseminate child find information to the public, organizations, agencies, and individuals on at least an annual basis.

3. The school district has adopted policies and procedures that assure that students with disabilities are included in general education programs and extracurricular and non- academic programs and activities to the maximum extent appropriate in accordance with an Individualized Education Program.

4. The school district will comply with the PA Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education's revision notice process.

5. The school district follows the state and federal guidelines for participation of students with disabilities in state and district-wide assessments including the determination of participation, the need for accommodations, and the methods of assessing students for whom regular assessment is not appropriate.

6. The school district affirms the Pennsylvania Department of Education that funds received through participation in the medical assistance reimbursement program, ACCESS, will be used to enhance or expand the current level of services and programs provided to students with disabilities in this local education agency.

No signature has been provided Board President

No signature has been provided Chief School Administrator

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