Haw River Assembly Learning Celebration Unaccompanied Minor Agreement Form

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Haw River Assembly Learning Celebration Unaccompanied Minor Agreement Form

H a w R i v e r A s s e m b l y L e a r n i n g C e l e b r a t i o n U na cc o m p an i e d M i no r A g r ee m e n t Fo r m

To insure the safety of crew members under the age of 18 who are volunteering at the Learning Celebration without a parent or guardian the Haw River Assembly is instituting the following guidelines. If you are the parent of a crew member under the age of 18 who would like to volunteer without your being present, please read over the following information carefully with your child. If you plan on chaperoning a crew member under the age of 18 and acting as their guardian while on site, please read this information carefully, discuss it with the youth that you are adopting, and sign and turn it into the coordinator for approval. That youth will also need their parent/guardian to sign this consent form.

Haw River Assembly’s Youth Supervision Policy:

An adult crew member may adopt one youth crew member for the duration of the Learning Celebration. If an adult crew member has their own children on site they may adopt one additional youth crew member to supervise. An adult crew member that adopts a minor is responsible for the safety of the minor. In addition, the adult crew member is responsible for making sure that the crew member is positively contributing to the Learning Celebration by fully participating in the school program, completing camp chores and being involved in camp activities. The Haw River Assembly reserves the right to deny the addition of unaccompanied minors to the crew if the

overall ratio of adults to youth on crew each week exceeds an overall ratio of 2 to 1.

Youth Agreement: I, agree to contribute to the Learning Celebration by fully participating in the school program, completing camp chores and being involved in camp activities. I also agree to check in with my supervisor at each meal and receive feedback on my performance as a crew member. Signature: D a t e:

Supervisor Agreement: I, understand that I am responsible for the safety of while he/she is on crew at the Learning Celebration. I agree to check in with this youth crew member at each meal, make sure they are participating fully in the program and provide feedback on their performance as a crew member. Signature D a t e _

Parental Agreement: I, entrust for the safety of my child. I understand that my child is expected to positively contribute to the Learning Celebration and check in with their supervisor at each meal. I understand that if my child fails to uphold these responsibilities I will be asked to come and bring them home from the Learning Celebration site. Signature D a t e _ Thank you for filling out the Learning Celebration Youth Policy Form. Please return this form to the Learning Celebration Coordinator prior to the start of the program or BEFORE the child’s parent/guardian has departed from the site.

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