The Prince – 1/5

1. Why has Machiavelli’s name become a synonym for evil?

2. What precautions may be taken to protect oneself from the flooded river of fortune?

3. How does Machiavelli’s “anatomizing the world of politics” reflect the times in which he lived?

4. Kissinger posits that “the more the survival is threatened, the narrower the margin of choice becomes…” This is followed by images of the holocaust and Hiroshima. Discuss these in light of the “ambiguities of power” set forth by Machiavelli and Kissinger’s statement?

The Prince 2/5

1. What were the realities about safety in Machiavelli’s world?

2. In this video, the claim is made that for Machiavelli, the separation of politics and religion were to be a major theme – why is this an important issue for Machiavelli?

3. The same idea is present in the Constitution of the United States. Why does this continue to be a controversial idea?

4. What of the notion that “the good Prince is not necessarily a good man”? How does this represent larger “difficult and painful questions about politics?

5. Why does Machiavelli admire Cesare Borgia so much? List some of Borgia’s qualities – positive or negative. Is he admirable? Explain