Date: Wednesday, 21 January 2015, 15.00-18.00 (16:15 – coffee break) Place: Riga Technical University (RTU). Ķīpsala, Azenes Street 22 11 floor, conference room

Members: Substitutes:

Kari Hyppönen, President, Chairman

Yury Vaitukevich, Yanka Kupala State Alexander Sviridov, Grodno State University of Grodno Agrarian University

Reesi Lepa, University of Tartu Paavo Kaimre, Estonian University of Life Sciences

Riitta Pyykkö, University of Turku Perttu Vartiainen, University of Eastern Finland

Andris Kangro, University of Latvia Jans Šlihte, Riga Technical University

Raimonda Markeviciene, Vilnius Sigitas Stanys, Kaunas University of University Technology

Alojzy Z. Nowak, University of Warsaw Jerzy Jaroszewski, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Dmitry Vasilenko, Vice-President, St. Anna Zaychenko, Yaroslav-the-Wise Petersburg State University of Novgorod State University Economics

Chairman invites also: Vadim Reznikau, a representative of the Belarusian State University (BSU) Uldis Sukovskis, Vice-rector of Riga Technical University (RTU) Kitija Freija, Deputy rector of University of Latvia Aigars Ločmelis, Deputy rector of Riga Technical University (RTU) Kārlis Valtiņš, Head of International projects unit Riga Technical University (RTU)

Secretariat: Alexey Yurin, St. Petersburg State University of Economics (UNECON) 1. Opening of the meeting Chairman opened the Steering Committee (SC) meeting and thanked the RTU for exceptional arrangements.

2. Introduction of the members of the Steering Committee The present Steering Committee, BSRUN secretarial office members and guests introduced themselves.

3. Vice-rector Uldis Sukovskis welcomed SC on behalf of the RTU and made a presentation of the university (Annex 1)

4. Adoption of the agenda Agenda circulated to SC on 19 January 2015 was adopted.

5. Presentations on Real-Estate management. a) Deputy rector Aigars Ločmelis (RTU) made the presentation “Development of an Integrated Campus for Riga Technical University” (Annex 2; about future constructions of the university, including united scientific library, new buildings for faculties, dormitory and swimming pool. b) Deputy rector Kitija Freija (UL) presented “Infrastructure development and estate management at universities” (Annex 3) about challenges University of Latvia has with old historical buildings belonged to the University. The main idea was that UL faced with modern circumstances has to modify to modern/future features of education – to create specific campus centre consisted of Study, Research and Business areas. The presentations evoked big interest among SC members. The Chairman proposed to organize conference about “Real-estate Management” if possible in 2015. SC discussed the proposal and agreed to organize the event for real estate management at RTU in October 2015. Sigitas Stanys proposed to invite representatives of Delft university, known for campus development research. Dmitry Vasilenko proposed to invite Russian Ministerial commission on campus development. Chairman proposed to invite SYK Oy representatives ( – the Tampere-based company which plans, develops and runs campuses of all the Finnish universities.

6. BSRUN budget realization for 2014 Secretariat informed SC about the budget realization for 2014.

The five Russian members (North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Pskov State University, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia and Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University) transferred their fees to Saint Petersburg State University of Economics. The opportunity to pay in Russian rubles allowed to collect all membership fees in 2014 but caused some loss due to currency exchange rate fluctuations.

 SC discussed and approved the budget realization for 2014 time (Annex 4).

7. Membership situation and payment of 2015 membership fees

BSRUN has 28 fee-paying members in 2015. Secretariat informed about current membership situation and payment procedure of membership fees. Payment procedure for 2015 will be the same as in 2014. Russian universities (with the exception of Saint Petersburg State University and Saint Petersburg State University of Economics) will transfer their membership fees to Saint Petersburg State University of Economics.

Chairman underlined certain need for constant dialog with member universities especially after change of the management team.

Chairman informed SC about universities which expressed their interest in BSRUN:  Vytautas Magnus University (Kaunas) is considering rejoining BSRUN;  Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk) is interested in joining BSRUN;  University of Gdansk decided to keep observer status for some more time (Annex 5).

8. BSRUN budget for 2015 SC discussed and approved the adjusted budget for 2015. time (Annex 6).

9. Head of International projects unit Kārlis Valtiņš (RTU) made the presentation “Attracting foreign students through joint project initiatives - contributing to BSRUN vision and future strategy” (Annex 7). The key point is that due to attracting more foreign students funding can be increased that will evoke innovations. The SC members discussed the presentation and found that some ideas can be profitable for BSRUN.

10. Minutes of the previous meeting

Minutes of the SC meeting held in Warsaw on 14 October 2014 were approved (Annex 8).

11. Announcements

Chairman informed SC members about his recent meetings and visits:

1. Meeting with Rector of Estonian University of Life Sciences in Tartu, Estonia on 16 October 2014.

2. The International Joint Conference "History, culture and nature of the Baltic Sea Region" at University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn on 23-24 October 2014.

3. Seminar on Baltic Sea Regional Cooperation in the sphere of education in St. Petersburg on 28 October 2014.

4. Meeting with Ambassador Erja Tikka and Mrs. Kristina Pingoud with a discussion about the EuroFaculty follow-up report and the E-F project in Pskov including funding in MFA in Helsinki on 30 October 2014.

5. Joint meeting for all BSRUN members in Lithuania “Present and future of BSRUN” in Klaipeda, Kaunas and Vilnius on 17-19 November 2014.

6. Meeting with Authorities of Riga Technical University in Riga on 19 November 2014. 7. Meeting with Authorities of Vilnius University, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, meeting at Nordic Council of Ministers office and in the Finnish Embassy on projects in Belarus in Vilnius on 27 November 2014.

8. CSO Meeting and Round Table on Regional Identity in Stockholm on 2-3 December 2014.

9. Meeting in Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the cooperation of BSRUN with the Council of the Baltic Sea States in Helsinki on 15 December 2014.

10.The annual event organized by the Embassy of Belarus in Helsinki on 17 December 2014.

11.Meetings with Rector of Academy of Public Administration under the Aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus, with Minister of Education and in the MFA on 13 January 2015.

12.Consultations in the Belarusian embassy and the MFA in Helsinki on 23 of January 2015.

12. BSRUN activities

1. Circular to members about 15th anniversary events was sent on 18 December 2014: b. The Experiences of the CBSS EuroFaculties for Ukrainian Universities at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on 4 March 2015. c. The Annual BSRUN Forum on University Mergers at University of Warsaw on 20-21 April 2015 (Annex 7) d. Regional Identity at Klaipeda University on 24-25 September 2015. 2. III Agroforum Balticum on Sustainability of Agriculture and Energy in Tartu on 14-16 April 2015. 3. Polish presidency of CBSS in 2015-2016. 4. BSRUN members' joint project applications under Erasmus+ and PSF/CBSS. 5. PM meeting and Annual Forum 2016

SC discussed future activities and agreed to come back to events 1.d. and 3-5 at the next meeting.

13 . BSRUN marketing

SC discussed BSRUN marketing efforts.

The draft of the first issue of the BSRUN newsletter (Annex 9) was presented by the UNECON secretariat. Dmitry Vasilenko showed design, concept and content of the pilot issue and proposed to put it on the web-sites of BSRUN members. Also it was suggested to disseminate newsletter besides BSRUN to other networks and institutions. The concept was adopted by SC.

The adoption of new brochure design was postponed until new members joining. Nevertheless new actualized brochure should be printed till the Forum in Warsaw.

Chairman encouraged secretariats to think about the 15th Anniversary souvenirs and presents for Warsaw Forum 2015.

14. Date of the next meeting

SC members agreed to meet back to back with the Forum in Warsaw in the morning on April 20th.

15. Closing of the meeting Chairman closed meeting at 18:00 and thanked SC members for their contribution.