Initial Refugee Visit to Family Medicine Clinic

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Initial Refugee Visit to Family Medicine Clinic


HPI Interpreter: ***

@NAME@ is a @AGE@ @SEX@ refugee from *** who arrived to the US in *** and presents for an initial visit to establish care.

ROS: As per HPI {and all other systems negative}

History Patient's medications, allergies, past medical, surgical, social and family histories were reviewed and updated as appropriate.





Social History Country of origin: Country of exit: Date of arrival in Charlottesville (U.S.): First Language: Second Language: Literate? Years spent in Refugee camp: {NUMBERS (6/7/96, TDB):22879} Marital status:{IS MARRIED/HAS BEEN MARRIED:2100200217} Children: Lives with: Education: Religion: Traditional remedies: Work history: Trauma/Violence: Smoking/ETOH:

Overseas Records Date: RPR: Vision: CXR:

Health Dept Records Date: TST: Chest x-ray: {NORMAL/ABNORMAL ONLY:20759} RPR: HIV: HbSAg U/A: Stool specimen results: Symptomatic (Diarrhea)?: Hgb: Vaccines given: Concerns:


Objective: Physical Exam @VS@ CONSTITUTIONAL: Well-developed *** in no acute distress HEENT: Normocephalic/atraumatic. EOM intact. Moist mucous membranes, no obvious oral lesions NECK: Supple, no anterior cervical or supraclavicular lymphadenopathy CARDIO: Normal rate, regular rhythm, no murmurs/rubs/gallops PULM: Lungs clear to auscultation bilaterally, normal effort, no signs of respiratory distress GI: Abdomen is soft, non-tender, non-distended, with normal bowel sounds present MSK: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema. No obvious joint deformities SKIN: Skin is warm and dry. No rash noted. NEURO: Alert, follows commands, answers questions appropriately, no gross deficits PSYCH: Pleasant affect


@NAME@ is a @AGE@ @SEX@ who presents today for @CHIEFCOMPLAINT@.



The patient was discussed with Dr. *** who is in agreement with the findings and plan as discussed above.

International Family Medicine Clinic Database Information Sheet Reason for Visit: Initial Visit Date of service: @TD@ Name: @NAME@ MRN# @MRN@ DOB: @DOB@ Gender: @SEX@ ------Date of Arrival (C'ville):

Country of Origin:

Country of Exit:

Primary Language:

Secondary Language:

Does the patient speak English? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, does patient: [ ] speak it [ ] write it [ ] both

Did patient have a prior Health Department screening? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not Applicable If yes, date screened?

Is patient alone in country or accompanied by family?

Referral from: [ ] IRC [ ] Hospital/Other provider [ ] School [ ] Health Dept [ ] Self-referral [ ] UVA Emergency Dept [ ] Other (specify) ______

------Interpreter Needed? [ ] Yes [ ] No If Yes, was an interpreter present? [ ] Professional Present [ ] Not Present [ ] Cyracom Phone [ ] Provider [ ] Professional Dismissed [ ] Family/Friend If present, was Interpreter from: [ ] Hospital [ ] IRC [ ] Other (specify) [ ] Harrisonburg AHEC

Diagnoses for this visit: @DIAGX@ Provider: @ME@

General Disposition: [ ] IFMC [ ] Specialty Clinic [ ] Both Mental Health Disposition: [ ] IFMC [ ] Fam Stress Clinic [ ] Other International Family Medicine Clinic Database Information Sheet Reason for Visit: Follow Up Date of service: @TD@ Name: @NAME@ MRN# @MRN@ DOB: @DOB@ Gender: @SEX@

Interpreter Needed? {Blank multiple:19196::"Yes"} If Yes, was an interpreter present? [ ] Professional Present [ ] Not Present [ ] Cyracom Phone [ ] Provider [ ] Professional Dismissed [ ] Family/Friend If present, was Interpreter from: [ ] Hospital [ ] IRC [ ] Other (specify) [ ] Harrisonburg AHEC

Diagnoses for this visit: @DIAGREFRESH@ Provider: @ME@ General Disposition: [ ] IFMC [ ] Specialty Clinic [ ] Both Mental Health Disposition: [ ] IFMC [ ] Fam Stress Clinic [ ] Other

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