Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of November 14, 2007

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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of November 14, 2007

Board Minutes November 14, 2007 Page 1 of 5 Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of November 14, 2007 President Jeff DeMarre called the Regular November 14 meeting of the Board of Directors of Sumner School District No. 320 to order at 6:03 p.m. Present: Jeff DeMarre, Greg Hanon, Sherm Voiles, Rick Hendricks, Mike Pavlik Dr. Gil Mendoza, Superintendent; Craig Spencer, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services; Betsy Minor Reid, Assistant Superintendent Research & Evaluation; Debra Barlow, Executive Director Human Resources; Margo Stewart, Executive Director Business Services; Chris Wick, Executive Director Teaching & Learning; Ann Cook, Director Communications; Kandy Rose, SEA President; Sandee Chittenden, Accountant; Sarah Briehl, Director Middle Schools & CTE; Marilee Hill-Anderson, Director STARR Project; Karen Frank, Director Child Nutrition; Chuck Eychaner, Principal Emerald Hills Elementary; Linda Masteller, Principal Bonney Lake High School; Sharon Fochtman and Jim Ohlsen, Assistant Principals Bonney Lake High School; Steve Fulkerson, Co-Principal Lakeridge Middle School; Margie Bellmer, Principal Liberty Ridge Elementary; Tim Thomsen, Director Athletics; Mandy Jowett, Recording Secretary. Visitors: 1 Flag Salute Approval of Supplemental Agenda Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the supplemental agenda as presented. Motion unanimously carried. Approval of Minutes Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular October 10 Board meeting and the October 24 Study Session as presented. Motion unanimously carried. Consent Items Moved by Mike Pavlik that the Board approve the consent items on the regular and supplemental agendas. Motion unanimously carried.

a. Offers of Employment Forrest Bogaert, Bus Driver, Transportation, time-limited position Shanna Crane, Recreation Specialist, Recreation Department, ongoing position Linda Dier, Bus Driver, Transportation, ongoing position Diane Fredeen-Johnston, Bus Driver, Transportation, ongoing position Karen File, Food Service Assistant, Bonney Lake High School, ongoing position Leah Haugen, Paraeducator, Emerald Hills Elementary School, time-limited position Susan Jumelet, Paraeducator, Bonney Lake Elementary School, time-limited position Jill Lepper, Paraeducator, Maple Lawn Elementary School, time-limited position Robin Luce, Paraeducator, Liberty Ridge Elementary School, time-limited position Anna Plotnikoff, Paraeducator, Bonney Lake Elementary School, time-limited position Kimberlee Richardson, Preschool Paraeducator, Liberty Ridge Elementary School, ongoing position Amy Rupert, Secondary Secretary, Bonney Lake High School, ongoing position Karla Winch, Attendance Secretary, Lakeridge Middle School, ongoing position Board Minutes November 14, 2007 Page 2 of 5 Consent Items, continued

b. Supplemental Contracts Dave Cohen, Co-Head Football Coach, Mountain View Middle School David Dow, Co-Assistant Wrestling Coach, Bonney Lake High School Frank Hasiak, Co-Head Football Coach & 6th Grade Wrestling Coach, Mountain View Middle School Chris Heacox, 6th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Mountain View Middle School Patricia Littlefield, Assistant Gymnastics Coach, Bonney Lake High School Brian Ruby, Co-Assistant Wrestling Coach, Bonney Lake High School Rick Schoengarth, Assistant Wrestling Coach, Mountain View Middle School Anthony Judi, Assistant Boys Basketball Coach, Sumner High School Kristin Martin, Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Sumner High School

c. Retirements Barbara Skaggs, Administrative Secretary, Business Services, effective December 31, 2007. Barb has worked for the Sumner School District for 25 years.

d. Resignations Matthew Barany, Science Teacher, Sumner High School, effective October 12, 2007 Summerlin Dahlman, Sumner High School, Child Care Assistant, effective October 26, 2007 Pamela Tuggle, Paraeducator, Emerald Hills Elementary School, effective November 2, 2007 Michele “Mickey” Patterson, Paraeducator, Crestwood Elementary, effective November 30, 2007

e. Acceptance of Donations The Board accepted, with thanks, Emerald Hills PTO’s donation of $4,870.01 for the purchase of four new document cameras and projectors for the school.

f. Yearbook Vendor The Board approved the selection of Walsworth for Sumner High School, and Jostens for Bonney Lake High School, to supply yearbooks.

g. Surplus Property The Board authorized the District to surplus items on the District Surplus Removal Listing.

h. Out of State Travel Karen Frank, Director, Child Nutrition, to attend the Child Nutrition Industry Conference, January 13-15, 2008, in Monterey, California. Funding source: professional development

Sarah Briehl, Director, Middle Schools & CTE, and Sharon Fochtman, Assistant Principal & CTE Intern, Bonney Lake High School, to attend the ACTE (Association for Career & Technical Education) National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada, December 13-15, 2007. Funding sources: I-728 and professional development Board Minutes November 14, 2007 Page 3 of 5 Out of State Travel, continued Tracy Davis, Technology Integration Specialist, to attend the T+L (Technology and Learning) Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, October 17-19, 2007 (name change only – travel approved for Sherm Voiles at the August 15, 2007 Board meeting)

Linda Masteller, Principal, Bonney Lake High School, to attend the HSTW (High Schools That Work) Conference Planning Committee as the WA State representative in Nashville, Tennessee, November 16-18, 2007. Funding source: HSTW grant

i. Resolutions No. 5/07-08 Out of Endorsement Assignment Waiver

Recognition a. Roll of Honor Board President Jeff DeMarre recognized accomplishments, achievements and awards of many students and staff. A summary is attached. b. Bonney Lake High School Lifesaver Assistant Principal Sharon Fochtman introduced junior Addison Tracy and senior Sarah Ralston. Addison described to the Board how classmate Sarah Ralston performed the Heimlich when he was choking in class. Sarah told the Board she learned to do the Heimlich in her 8th grade health and fitness class. Sarah received a standing ovation. c. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) Award Superintendent Gil Mendoza presented Sandee Chittenden, Accountant, with the Association of School Business Officials International’s CAFR award for exceptional performance in the preparation and issuance of the fiscal year end 2006 Financial Reports. Gil thanked Sandee, and added that the award represents a very significant achievement and reflects our commitment to the highest standards of financial reporting. Reports a. Emerald Hills School Report Principal Chuck Eychaner introduced 5th graders Kyle Davidson, Dylan Gambrell and Halle Brown and 4th grader Julia Payne, each told the Board why it’s great to be an Emerald Hills Laker. b. Emerald Hills Elementary – School Improvement Plan Principal Chuck Eychaner explained to the Board how he and his staff set S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound) goals to raise student achievement. Dr. Mendoza added that all schools engage in this process and that Emerald Hill’s plan is reflective of the other School Improvement Plans.

Meeting Recessed: 6:33 p.m. Meeting Reconvened: 6:38 p.m. c. Election Report: Simple Majority Communications Director Ann Cook announced results of the November 6 General Election in which Jeff DeMarre and Greg Hanon were re-elected, and Rick Hendricks elected as Sumner School Board Directors. She also announced the historic event of the passage of EHJR 4204 – the constitutional amendment authorizing school district levies to be approved by a simple majority of those voting. Board Minutes November 14, 2007 Page 4 of 5

Audience Comments Sumner Education Association (SEA) President Kandy Rose updated the Board on SEA activities. Sumner Middle School parent Julie Norris addressed the Board regarding her concerns about the school calendar. She feels there are too many days and half days off from school due to conferences, teacher workdays, etc. She requested that the district be more family friendly when planning the school calendar in the future. President Jeff DeMarre thanked her for attending and sharing her concern. Superintendent Comments Gil told the Board he often visits schools and was very impressed when he had the opportunity to observe student-lead conferences for the first time at Mountain View Middle School. He also enjoyed attending recent District Veterans Day assemblies. Board Member Comments President Jeff DeMarre congratulated newly-elected Board member Rick Hendricks.

Unfinished Business None

New Business a. School Improvement Plans Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board accept the 2007-2008 school year School Improvement Plans. Motion unanimously carried. b. D. A. Davidson Bond Financing Plan Jon Gores, Senior Vice President, D. A. Davidson & Co. gave the Board handouts with details of the Sumner School District bond sale plan. He reviewed the financing plan and goals, briefed the Board on what is happening in the bond market and summarized the schedule of events. A resolution to approve the sale of bonds will be presented to the Board at the December 12 Board meeting. c. Policy Revision: School Admissions/Non-Resident Students – First Reading The Board accepted revised Policy 3142: School Admissions/Non-Resident Students for first reading. d. Voucher Approval Moved by Greg Hanon that the Board approve the vouchers as certified by the auditing officer. Motion unanimously carried. General Fund Vouchers #31753-#31754 in the total amount of $22,734.29 General Fund Vouchers #31755-#31780 in the total amount of $86,110.39 General Fund Vouchers #31781-#31782 in the total amount of $84,278.56 General Fund Vouchers #31783-#31883 in the total amount of $252,901.88 General Fund Vouchers #31884-#31885 in the total amount of $47,846.80 General Fund Vouchers #31886-#31940 in the total amount of $133,103.49 General Fund Vouchers #31941-#31942 in the total amount of $9,883.38 General Fund Vouchers #31943-#31943 in the total amount of $48,924.82 General Fund Vouchers #31944-#31981 in the total amount of $88,370.08 General Fund Vouchers #31982-#31983 in the total amount of $11,319.77 General Fund Vouchers #31984-#32039 in the total amount of $246,818.05 Board Minutes November 14, 2007 Page 5 of 5 Vouchers, continued General Fund Vouchers #32040-#32041 in the total amount of $67,837.17 General Fund Vouchers #32042-#32043 in the total amount of $70,246.65 General Fund Vouchers #32044-#32111 in the total amount of $62,210.80 General Fund Vouchers #192061-#192306 in the total amount of $4,989,207.29 Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7930-#7930 in the total amount of $58.74 Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7931-#7931 in the total amount of $13.72 Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7832-#7938 in the total amount of $68,075.37 Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7939-#7939 in the total amount of $1,079.03 Capital Projects Fund Vouchers #7940-#7945 in the total amount of $149,409.03 ASB Fund Vouchers #6044-#6049 in the total amount of $10,432.07 ASB Fund Vouchers #6050-#6064 in the total amount of $47,216.70 ASB Fund Vouchers #6065-#6071 in the total amount of $23,339.02 ASB Fund Vouchers #6072-#6072 in the total amount of $2,500.00 ASB Fund Vouchers #6073-#6082 in the total amount of $19,138.84 ASB Fund Vouchers #6083-#6084 in the total amount of $3,348.08 ASB Fund Vouchers #6085-#6098 in the total amount of $49,013.52 Private Purpose Trust Fund Vouchers #2065-#2067 in the total amount of $195.00 Private Purpose Trust Fund Vouchers #2068-#2068 in the total amount of $84.00 Private Purpose Trust Fund Vouchers #2069-#2069 in the total amount of $30.00 Private Purpose Trust Fund Vouchers #2070-#2070 in the total amount of $500.00 Information Only a. Upcoming Board Meeting The next regular Board meeting is scheduled for December 12 at 6:00 p.m. and will be held in the Board room. A reception for National Board Certified Teachers is scheduled for 5:00 p.m. in the Learning Center. The McAlder Elementary Hand Bell Choir will perform in the lobby at 5:15 p.m. b. FY196 – End of Year Report The FY196 year-end budget report for the 2006-2007 school year was provided for Board information. c. Budget Status Reports The Budget Status Reports for September and October were included for Board information. d. National School Board Conference The National School Boards Association Annual Conference is scheduled for March 29 – April 1, 2008, in Orlando, Florida.

Adjournment Moved by Jeff DeMarre that the meeting be adjourned. Motion unanimously carried. Meeting adjourned: 7:38 p.m. ______Gil Mendoza, Secretary Board of Directors

Attest:______Jeff DeMarre, President Board of Directors

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