Introduction to SAS
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Introduction to SAS Thursday, October 16,2008 1 hour. Cohort1/2
When Pittsburgh Harrisburg West New Cumberland Valley Forge Thursday Thursday TIME 1-2:00 pm 1-2:00 pm Beth Cornell Diane Chessman Lead Presenter TIM TIM TIM Timer Note Taker Each table has a recorder Each table has a recorder Each table has a recorder Each table has a recorder
Objective: Coaching/Curriculum
Introduce and review the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Standards Aligned System (SAS) and it’s relationship to Classroom of the Future. Cohorts 1/2 will be prepared to discuss and work their teachers and curriculum directors on implementation of SAS in districts. Failing PSSA districts will know the term "Resiliency" and have access to a follow-up webinar.
Grouping: Region or IU depending on the session after.
Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Introduction Lead 1:00pm Have SAS video and power point loaded loaded to Slide 1 Powerpoint. (1 min) the presentation machine or wiki?? Check link in PP for On each table a poster paper labeled with one of the Secretary’s video… SAS elements will be provided with makers. alternate locatioh on Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Ed Hub under SAS
PP Slide notes and these are the same. Today we will walk you thought the PA Department of Education's Standards Aligned System for SAS and resources.
This is a Department Initiative started under the Governor Rendell Administration and u under the leadership of Dr. Zahorchack and Diane Castelbuono have moved SAS forward.
We will focus on SAS and it’s relationship to CFF in this session.
Prior Knowledge Lead 1:02-1:06 Check for their ideas and concepts for Prior Slide 2 Poster with titles (4 min) knowledge. written on Fair Assessment ASK: How many of you know about SAS and Instruction visited it on the ED HUB ? Clear Standards Interventions Let's have a show of hands Materials & On each table is a circles/poster paper Resources labeled with one of the identified SAS Curriculum elements and markers. Framework Choose a recorder for each table by having everyone stand up and identify the tallest Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
person at each table. The recorder/reporter AFTER Sesson hang will be the person sitting to the right of the posters tallest person.
Each reporter/recorder will document all words and statements. Remember this is an "open flow" of topics.
Prompt: Each table will have 5 minutes to discuss and brainstorm ideas and concepts on this particular element that is written on the paper.
Activity LEAD 1:07-1:11 Lead this slide is to identify a table for each element (4 min) to report out..... "share your table's thoughts" Slide 3 (After session, use string to hand them Select one table for each element to report out. on the wall.
The reporter/recorder will share the highlights of the brainstorming The reporter/recorder will share the highlights of the brainstorming.of the brainstorming.
As each table's reporter is reporting out, the other tables are to look for the same words or phases on their table's poster and circle them. Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
This demonstrates each circle's content is interwoven to the circles. . Not one element can exist without the others. After discussion and reporting, move to the next slide to review the working. draft of the six definitions. After discussion and reporting out move to then next slide review the working draft of the six definitions
1:11-1:12 Slide 4 (1min) PDE has been working on this SAS for about year based on major national research and practice.
The ideas that your tables came up with are great! Remember this is a working draft of definitions.
Here are some working definitions we are using right now at PDE.
Call upon individual table recorder to to read the definitions of the their specific element of six circles Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
1:12-1:13 Continue reading the definitions on SLIDE 5. Slide 5 (1min) Have each table compare prior knowledge with the definitions we learned in the last two slides.
At each table with a maker circle any of the terms heard as the definations as they are presented.
Announce that anyone can add their comments to SAS Team draft by emailing to: [email protected]
1:13-1:16 So here is a story about the use of SAS in our CFF Slide 6 (3 min) Districts.
Tell A PA School District Story TELL STORY: Diane Chessman one of our PDE Mentors was asked pior to her retirement to work with their Distinguished Educator by the Supt. to begin implementing SAS into the curriculum, instruction and assessment. Wanting to stay on top of what the Secretary Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
of Education was recommending, he of course new the importance of implement SAS with all district staff. Having to write a new curriculum every time a new curriculum director was hired ( which was about 18 in the last 30 years) and working with assessment daily for the past 9 months at every inservice, I expected tough resistance from the staff. In our district, curriculum documents are shelved in one building. Aside from 4Sight and PSSA, which data is stored electronically, 20 years of assessments are kept in file drawers and boxes. To my amazement, after PD on SAS, the staff was relieved to see that the above were not implemented in isolation, but now, because of the PDE Lead Initiative called SAS they understood a real inteconnection of the elements to student achievement.
Our VISION: "Every child by name reaching core academic proficiency in core academic disciplines regardless of zip code, economic status, race, ethnicity or disability.” Beth will help us focus on one of the SAS elements,. - Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Foundation Lead 1:16-1:18 Foundational Knowledge Knowledge (2 min) Define SAS Slide 7
Read the definition on the slide. Then point out that: "PDE is committed to this architecture for student achievement. All PDE programs, initiatives and special projects must follow the SAS design.
Foundation LEAD 1:18-1:28 Give intro to the new video from the Secretary of Slide 8 Link for Video is Knowledge (10 min) Ed and his SAS Team. linked through the Let's take a moment and listen. PP
Show Video from Secretary on Ed HUB from the link on the slide. After watching the video share the story of the producer, who also wrote the song and back round music because he was so impressed by PDE's vision of SAS.
Inform the audience that his video is available on the Ed HUB under the SAS.
Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Foundation The SAS Circles: Slide 9 Knowledge 1:28-1:31 (3min) This is the developing architechture you as a participant in our education community need to know about and eventually communicate to your district. All of PDE's work will support the SAS from the classroom to the state, and from the state to the classroom. Read the names of the outside circles. Then identify the focus on the center circle, reinforcing how important Student Achievement is and then quote the Secretary...
"Every child by name reaching core academic proficiency in core academic disciplines regardless of zip code, economic status, race, ethnicity or disability.”
- Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak
Now that we have seen all of the SAS Elements around Student Achievement, we are going to focus on one of the SAS elements Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Foundation 1:31-1:32 Let’s look more intensively at one of the elements Slide 10 Knowledge (1 min) in the SAS deisign (Dig Deeper)
We're picking Instruction for may reasons, but the most important is the connection between CFF and Instruction
One of our CCF goals is to engage and raise the rigor of the instructional practice in all CFF PA high school calssrooms.
So let's dig deeper....
Foundation 1:32-1:33 Slide 11 Knowledge (1min) Generally speaking you will see these instructional SAS practices are found in each SAS content areas that INSTRUCTI PDE is developing on the Ed Hub. ON ELEMENT) We 'll look at the SAS in curricular areas later..
But you will find that each SAS Curricular area follows a these instructional strategies. which are strongly research based.
The work is based on extensive research and good practice. In discussions with Jay Mctighe, Marzannio and most important Dr. Robert Slavin. This has led to this PDE architecture. Going deeper ... into the Cycle of Effective Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Foundation 1:33-136 Cycle of Effective Instruction Slide n12 Knowledge (3 min) We will focus on the "Cycle of Effective Instruction" developed by Dr. Robert Slavin.
PDE has embraced this architecture for school and statewide reform. Let's look at the "Cycle of Effective Instruction".
All these sections can take place in a classroom and you may enter or reuse them over and over in one lesson.
Active Instruction is the Teach and Model aspect of the Cycle. Teamwork is working together to master, debrief and practice Assessment includes all the formative aspects teachers use to check and double check the understanding of the content. Celebration includes ways we celebrate the accomplishment of Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
learning.. recognition.
We will continue to think deeper through our activity.
We are going to do a activity to engage us as learners... Our activity is to construct a document that can be used and shared by CFF coaches section of the Ed Hub.
Review of prior 1:36-1:37 School 1.0/School 2.0 Slide 13 Knowledge (1min) Before we move on, let's remember our Millennial students the first generation to grow up with the Internet and lots of technology.
Our transition from the Web 1.0 to the 2.0 classroom. Focus on better instruction with embedded technologies Remember these students: Work collaboratively Are Tech connected Want to be engaged interactively Are Tech Savvy Self expressive Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Global Citizens
Now remembering all this we have an activity to allow us to apply the knowledge..
Application LEAD 1:37-1:43 Now lets open our minds eye to what a CFF Slide 14 CFF Flash Drive and 6 min) classroom might really look like with all the SAS wiki has a table architecture including Cycle of Effective template in the SAS Instruction. folder.
We have constructed a table where you can brainstorm your thoughts on this topic. What would SAS Classroom will look like? Sound Like? What activities would you see in the 21st Century Activities?
List the activity steps:
Each Boot camp site will assign each table to topic related to the template provided on the flash drive or on the wiki in the SAS folder. The coach at the table who lives the in the Northern most district will record the notes on the three topics and on at least two individuals. Each group will have about 4 minutes to summarize the topic for the group. Which is then uploaded to the local wiki. by table Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Reflective Lead 1:43-1:45 We have created a document that will allow you Slide 15 Loaded to local Boot Activity (2 min) to think about what it looks like, sounds like and Camp Wiki and how 21st century integration appears! flash drive Four pages:: Pick a recorder: Coach who’s district is Active Instruction geographically located the furthest north is to be the Assessment recorder Team work Use the format provided on the template under the Celebration SAS folder on your flash drive. The recorder is responsible to load their table discussion to the SAS Location wiki. within the SAS pager of the cycle that they are working on (eg, Teamwork) after the session. These discussions will be used as a start for a “look for” document when visiting SAS classrooms.
Resources Lead 1:45-1:49 Let's visit the PDE Ed Hub. (Lead Opens the portal Slide 16 Link to SAS on (4 min) as an example through the link on the presentation) EdHub We will go to the SAS section. Step 1 Go to Ed Hub Step 2 On the left side 2 headers below CFF gets you to SAS open=512&objID=2 Step 3 Open the Social Studies Tab 050&&level=1&css Step 4 Open the Civics Section =L1&mode=2&in_h Step 5 Open Participating and Global Society i_userid=190926&c Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Step 6 Grade 10 ached=true Step 7 Look at the tabs. Go to Concepts Essential Questions and Materials.
Last session you used the CFF Lesson/Unit Reflection Tool. This is also a tool for use with the SAS system.
Knowledge 1:49-1:50 Slide 17 (1 min) PDE has rolled out a another important aspect of their system. The Pennsylvania Secretary of Education, Dr. Gerald Zaharchak is now strongly recommending that all schools use Nan Henderson's Resiliency Model as a school organizing model. He said, "THIS is the model that works for kids--it supports the whole child and is the foundation for academic success."
Nan Henderson, M.S.W., is an internationally recognized author, trainer, and consultant on fostering
Ms. Henderson has trained and consulted in 43 U.S. States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Ms. Henderson has served on the Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
faculty of five colleges/universities
and directed citywide, statewide, and school districtwide youth prevention and resiliency implementation programs.
She is the author/editor of five books, including Resiliency In Schools: Making It Happen for Students and Educators,
Based on major research of Nan Henderson, RESILIENCY…is the ability to rebound as we go through life, facing trials or adversity.
Knowledge LEAD Intro of Resiliency Slide 18 1:50-1:53 These are the elements she identifies necessary to (3 min) foster resiliency in a student: (Read the meaning of each to the audience)
MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION: This means providing opportunities for problem solving, decision making, planning, goal setting, and helping others, and involves adults sharing power in real ways with children. Encourage involvement in clubs and other extra curricular activities. Use questioning and other techniques to engage students INCREASE BONDING: This means providing Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
connections between young people and resiliency- fostering peers and adults and between young people and any pro-social activity (such as sports, art, music, drama, community and/or school service, and reading and other learning). Provide opportunities for student/student, student/faculty and student/ staff interactions. Incorporate cooperative learning. COMMUNICATE HIGH EXPECTATIONS: Set high and realistic expectations: Consistently communicate to students your expectations in assignments, ppts, interviews, verbally, electronically and celebrate those successes. CONSISTENT BOUNDARIES: This means the development of and consistent implementation of family rules and norms, school policies and procedures, and community laws and norms. The bar has to be kept consistent. Students must understand policies and teachers accept no excuses for letting students fail. CARING SUPPORT: This includes providing unconditional positive regard and encouragement. This is the most critical of all the elements that promote resiliency. In fact, it seems almost impossible to successfully "overcome" adversity without the presence of caring. TEACH LIFE SKILLS: These include cooperation, healthy conflict resolution, resistance and assertiveness skills, communication skills, problem Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
solving and decision making, self awareness and reflection.
This is a very important topic for under achieving schools. Remind the Cohort 1 and 2 Coaches that a webinar will be provided by PDE Mentor Diane Chessman on this topic. WATCH the CFF Moodle and CFF Coaches Newsletter.
Application 1:53-1:55 Resiliency and CFF Slide 19 (2min) Lead read slide
Now, please turn to your neighbor on the left. For 3 minutes discuss the Resiliency connections with CFF’s opportunities to strengthen a student’s ability to spring back from adversity
Reflection LEAD 1:55-160 Finally, for the last few minutes of this session we Slide 20 (5 min) would like your table to reflect on the information presented to you.
Remember with this knowledge you are part of the CFF Leadership Team in your district. Sections LEAD MIN Materials/Approach Handouts/PP ONLINE Resources
Moodle, location Wiki, Ed Hub or CFF flash drive
Reflection Answer the following questions on the back of your Slide 21 poster sheet. How will the information on SAS and Resiliency impact your school districts?
What is your plan to communicate with your instructional leaders and teachers in your district?