Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template s1

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Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template s1

Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title/Subject: Dates: Grade: Unit 4: A Nation Divides and Changes 1-14 to 1-18 5th Learning Targets:  I can describe social institutions (government, geography, economy, education, religion, family) in the North and South and explain their role in the growth and development of the nation.  I can give examples of conflicts between individuals or groups and describe appropriate conflict resolution strategies (e.g., compromise, cooperation, communication). North and South--Union and Confederacy  I can describe how the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse resolved the Civil War conflict.  I can use geographic tools to locate and describe routes along the Underground Railroad, using absolute and relative location.  I can explain how the North and South were defined by their human (beliefs about slavery, jobs) and physical characteristics (farmland, access to rivers) I can locate and describe absolute and relative location of major Civil War battles.  I can describe the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services in the North (e.g., railroads, textile mills, inventions) and South (slave labor on plantations).  I can describe the effects of the invention of the cotton gin (e.g., social and economic).  I can use primary and secondary sources to interpret the different perspectives during the Civil War period (e.g., supporters of slavery vs. abolitionists, enslaved persons, supporters of individual state’s rights).  I can describe significant historical events during the pre-Civil War period (e.g., Bleeding Kansas, Dred Scott, Fugitive Slave Law, U.S. Court decisions).  I can explain cause-and-effect relationships of the events leading to the Civil War and Reconstruction period (e.g., John Brown’s raid on Harper’s Ferry, Lincoln elected President, secession of South Carolina).  I can explain the historical significance of the Emancipation Proclamation and the Gettysburg Address.  I can describe significant events during the Civil War period (attack on Fort Sumter, Lincoln’s re-election and assassination, Sherman’s March to Sea, Battle of Gettysburg, surrender at Appomattox Courthouse, Reconstruction).  I can explain and give examples of how the U.S. government attempted to preserve the Union in order to promote the common good.  I can analyze why the Reconstruction Amendments are important to citizens today. Day 1 Instructional Activities: Assessments 1. Bell Ringer: Flashback question (formative and/or 2. Free States and Slave States Foldable in notebook. Students have summative): to shade them in, list the states, and describe the views of the  Bell Ringer people in these areas.  Compromise Chart 3. Civil War Compromise Chart- (Computer lab) Students will read  Notebook about several problems that occurred between the North and the  Clicker Check South prior to the Civil War. They will read the background  Exit Slip information and make a choice about what should happen. -Fill out the chart filling out: The Problem Your Choice What really happened? 4. Metaphor Compromise activity for notebook. 5. Clicker Check 6. Exit Slip: What is a compromise? Day 2 Instructional Activities: Assessments 1. Bell Ringer: Flashback question (formative and/or 2. Civil War Leaders Powerpoint and notes for notebook. summative): 3. Create a comic strip that contains 2 leaders one from the North  Bell Ringer Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template

and one from the South. In the comic strip show how they would  Notebook interact with each other (Conflict, compromise, etc).  Comic Strip 4. As a review of the previous lessons, students will participate in a  Sorting Review sorting activity. Put students in pairs and give each pair Resource  Quick Quiz 7A Sectional Conflicts Chart and an envelope containing the  Exit Slip sorting strips. Students are to read the statements and place them in the correct column. 5. Review Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 use visuals on whiteboard. 6. Quick Quiz over North and South, Compromises made during the Civil War, and leaders. 7. Exit Slip: Who was the president of the Union? Confederacy? Who was a general for the North? The South?

Day 3 Instructional Activities: Assessments 1. Bell Ringer: Flashback question (formative and/or 2. Key Civil War Events- Flip Book in note book summative) 3. PowerPoint to fill in key events  Bell Ringer 4. Discovery Education Video: Causes of the Civil War (14:00).  Flipbook Students will be required to listen for key facts to fill in the  Timeline flipbook.  Exit Slip 5. Students will research other key events not found in PowerPoint or video by using their social studies textbooks. 6. Civil War ladder timeline activity. Student will use the flipbook to create an illustrated Civil war timeline. 7. Exit Slip: Describe two key events that happened during the Civil war. Day 4 Instructional Activities: Assessments 1. Bell Ringer: Flashback question (formative and/or 2. Go back over scoring guide and steps to complete an extended summative): response.  Bell Ringer 3. Extended Response:  Scoring guide in After Abraham Lincoln was elected as president in 1860 the South notebook decided to secede from the United States.  Extended Response A. Define Secede.  Evidence Check B. Using 2 specific examples to explain why the South decided  Exit slip to secede from the United States. 4. If some students get done quicker with extended response, they will work on the study guide and choice board for the unit. 5. When everyone has completed the extended Response: Give the Evidence check for the things we have learned so far over the Civil War. (Data will be used to plan RTI) 6. Exit Slip: What are the steps to scoring a 4 on an extended Response? Day 5 Instructional Activities: Assessments 1. Bell Ringer: Flashback question (formative and/or 2. Flocabulary Current Events Rap summative) Gamaliel Elementary Lesson Plan Template

3. Check work on study guide so far. Fill two sections together as a  Bell Ringer class.  Study guide 4. 20 minutes to work on choice board activities.  Choice Board 5. 5 question Quiz- Results will be used the rest of the day. If a  Quiz student gets all 5 questions correct they will continue to work  Review activity on the choice board. If they miss questions they will work  Exit Slip with me to complete an activity to review this week’s content. 6. Exit Slip: Based on work from the day.

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