Guidelines - the Scholarship Committee

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Guidelines - the Scholarship Committee

GUIDELINES - THE SCHOLARSHIP MINISTRY TEAM First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 913 S. Boulder Ave. - Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119 Phone 918-582-8237 - Fax 918-599-7020

1. The Scholarship Team sees the need for the establishment of procedures by which all scholarships awarded by the Team and by the various classes and funds within the church may be coordinated. In this attempt, it is recommended that the Team be comprised of designated representatives of the Ministry Council, from the at-large membership of First Christian Church, and from adult classes or segments of First Christian Church.

2. It is recommended that every First Christian Church class, individual, or fund require each applicant to complete the form that has been adopted by the Team so that all information supplied is uniform.

3. If scholarship funds exceed the needs of applicants from First Christian Church members, scholarship funds may be awarded to deserving applicants from other Disciples Churches in the Tulsa area or upon recommendation of one of our church related colleges or seminaries.

4. Publicity regarding scholarships shall be made through the Sunday School Classes and the Church Paper in April through early May of each year. Scholarship applications for the coming year shall be submitted to the Scholarship Team or Church Office no later than June 15th of each year. Additional information on final semester grades, financial assistance, grants, and other scholarships must be received by June 20th. Scholarships for summer study and mid-term entrance will be considered upon receipt of an application and if funds are available.

5. The Scholarship Team will meet each spring to review guidelines and application forms to be used for the coming academic year. The chairman of the Scholarship Team will appoint four members to be on a special Advisory Team with the chairman. This Advisory Team will help the chairman review all applications, check references (for ministerial students), and prepare a proposal for the awards to be given for the coming year. (The Team will welcome suggestions from Sunday School Classes who have named scholarships.)

6. Scholarship awards for the coming academic year shall be announced by August of each year. Appropriate publicity through the Church Paper and Sunday morning worship service shall be made.

7. Criteria for selection of scholarship awards shall be: I. For full time students b. Previous 3.0 academic high school achievement or 2.5 cumulative GPA for Post-secondary education is required. (Exceptions may be made for worthy applicants with other special qualifications). b. Character recommendations. c. Previous Christian Church service and activities, as well as school and community related service activities. d. Financial need. e. Application and all requested material submitted on time. (OVER) II. For special study students (those who have pass-fail grading) a. An active participating member of First Christian Church. b. One semester of continual study with a pass rating completed.

III. For part time students a. First Christian Church employee or FCC Child Development Center employee. b. Special circumstances will be considered by the Advisory Team.

8. Procedure for administration of scholarships: a. Recipient is responsible for turning in a copy of the university’s first semester bill and a schedule showing hours enrolled by October 1 (second semester by March 1st), to the First Christian Church Business Office. First half of scholarship award will be sent to the recipient’s university upon receipt of this registration verification or given to the student if it is necessary to help the student retain financial aid or university scholarship. b. Scholarship recipient must submit a first semester grade record and verification of hours enrolled for second semester (university bill and class schedule), to the Church Business Office by March 1st. Grade point minimum of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale is required. (Exceptions will be made if deemed worthy by the Advisory Team of the Scholarship Team.) Second half of scholarship award will then be sent to the University for the second semester, or given to the student on request, no later than March 15th. c. Scholarship recipients who are full time students must enroll in a minimum class load of 12-14 hours for undergraduates and 8-9 hours for graduate students. Students enrolled in special studies will receive adjusted scholarship stipends. d. Higher awards may be given to students attending Disciples church-related universities. e. Students who withdraw from class(es) must notify the church business office of this change. Determination of the next semester’s scholarship will be made according to the circumstances of each recipient.

9. The Advisory Team will give careful consideration of requests. The Scholarship Team will follow the guidelines except when the Advisory Team recommends a deviation. The Scholarship Team will then consider such recommendation.

(Revised April 2006) N:\NTShare\Scholarship\Guide.doc

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