NAESB Electric Industry Registry (EIR)


The Electric Industry Registry (EIR) serves as a central repository of information that is required for commercial interactions. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) leadership determined that NAESB, as owner and maintainer of several technical standards, including OASIS Standards & Communications Protocol, will maintain the EIR. NAESB represents its members in the wholesale electric industry in setting both business practice and electronic commerce standards.

Definition of Terms:

Application Service Provider- Application functions and identities of entities that provide application services along with their service URLs.

Balancing Area- EIR equivalent of a Attribute of a Balancing Authority Area entity role.

Balancing Authority (BA)- The responsible entity that integrates resource plans ahead of time, maintains load-interchange-generation balance within a BAA, and supports Interconnection frequency in real time.

Control Zone- Local Balancing Authority Areas are subsets of balancing areas that are used by reliability tools

Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) - This role performs observation and approval functions and will be created by Registry Administrators with NAESB‟’s approval.

Generation Providing Entity- The PSE who is responsible for providing the source generation from owned, affiliated, or contractually bound generation.

Interconnection- Any one of the four major electric system networks in North America: Eastern Interconnection, Western Interconnection, ERCOT Interconnection, and Quebec Interconnection.

Load Serving Entity- The responsible entity that secures energy and Transmission Service (and related Interconnected Operations Services) to serve the electrical demand and energy requirements of its end- use customers.

Market Area- Attribute of a Market Operator entity role. Market Operator (MO) - This role performs observation functions and is required to support the registration of reliability coordinators and balancing authorities. NERC ID- A unique identifier to a particular entity role/code relationship with NERC.

PKI Certification Authority- Entity who will provide the AIA information to a NAESB user, who will record it in the system. The AIA data will be provided to users as part of registry publication and will be used to authenticate users that attempt to login into webRegistry.

Point ID- A unique identifier to a particular object code relationship with the e-tagging system.

Point of Delivery (POD)- Transmission Service point maintained by the TSP. A location that the Transmission Service Provider specifies on its transmission system where an Interchange Transaction leaves or a Load-Serving Entity receives its energy.

Point of Receipt (POR)- A location that the Transmission Service Provider specifies on its transmission system where an Interchange Transaction enters or a Generator delivers its output.

Purchasing Selling Entity- The entity that purchases or sells, and takes title to, energy, capacity, and Interconnected Operations Services. PSEs may be affiliated or unaffiliated merchants and may or may not own generating facilities.

Reliability Area- Attribute of a Reliability Coordinator entity role.

Reliability Coordinator (RC) This role performs observation functions and will be created by Registry Administrators with NAESB’s approval.

Reliability Region - This role performs observation functions and is required to support the registration of reliability coordinators and Operating Entities within their region.

Source- Generation point for an Interchange Transaction

Sink- Load point for an Interchange Transaction

Tagging ID- A unique identifier to a particular entity role/code relationship with the e-tagging system. Transmission Service Provider (TSP) - The entity that administers the transmission tariff and provides Transmission Service to Transmission Customers under applicable transmission service agreements.


Initial application for access to the registry will require valid contact information for the Entity, Applicant, and the applicant’s Manager. The Applicant’s selected User Name must be unique across the entire EIR. A valid digital certificate from an NAESB recognized Certificate Authority (CA) must be presented at the time of application submission. NAESB maintains a list of independent list of certificate authorities under their NAESB Certification Program. (


Upon approval of an application for registration, the Entity registration application form will be available for submission of an Entity registration. An Entity Code-Role pair (BA, TSP, PSE, etc.) must be completed in parallel with the Entity Registration. After both Entity and initial Code-Role pair are approved, the Entity Administrator can create additional Code-Role pairs and data objects. Attachment 1 provides the guidelines for the approval process. Minimum Data Required

Entity Code-Role Pairs Minimum Data Required

Wish list for EIR: Only BAs shall be required/enabled to register an e-Tag authority service URL All e-Tag service URLs and OASIS URLs shall be of the type “https:” The EIR shall test and valid URLs prior to approval. Catalog MISCINFO tokens in the EIR


After the initial registration, each entity will be given a thirty (30) day Grace Period to fulfill its payment obligations. The initial registration fee as set by NAESB is $250 per entity Code-Role.

The Registry Renewal Deadline is one year after the successful payment date for any entity’s first approved Entity/Role. All other subsequent Entity/Role payments will be prorated to that entity’s Registry Renewal Deadline. The renewal fee as set by NAESB is $150 per entity Code-Role.

Sixty (60) days prior to an entity’s Registry Renewal Deadline, the EIR will notify the entity that it has entered its payment Grace Period and may renew its Entity/Role registrations. Prior to the start of the payment Grace Period, the entity can not renew any of its Entity/Role registrations.

If an entity has not completed renewals for all its Entity/Roles by the Payment Renewal Deadline, it will be placed into the payment Probation Period for thirty (30) days. During the payment Probation Period, the entity’s registry information will continue to be published. In addition, the entity will continue to have all rights and privileges within the EIR (e.g., ability to add, modify, and delete objects, etc.) throughout the Probation Period. The entity may complete the required renewals at any time during the Probation Period without penalty.

If an entity has not completed renewals for all its Entity/Roles by the end of the Probation Period, it shall be placed into the Delinquent Period for ninety (90) days. During this time the entity’s registration information will continue to be published, however, the entity will be unable to add, modify, or delete any of its registry information through-out the Delinquent Period. The entity may complete the required renewals at any time during the Delinquent Period and will be subject to a penalty charge based on the length of time in the entity’s Delinquent Period, the FERC interest rate, and the amount of unresolved funds.

If an entity has not completed renewals for all its Entity/Roles by the end of the Delinquent Period, it shall be placed into the Suspended Period for one hundred twenty (120) days. During this time the entity’s registration information will not be published, the entity will be unable to login into the EIR. Suspended entities must contact the EIR Administrator to make special payment arrangements including the penalty charge. Only after completing all remaining renewal and penalty payments, the EIR Administrator will reinstate the entity to active status.

If an entity has not completed renewals for all its Entity/Roles by the end of the one hundred twenty (120) day Suspension Period, the entity, its roles, and all other objects owned by that entity shall be removed from the EIR. The entity must re-register as a new entity should it wish to regain access to the EIR.

Publication: Registry publications will be automated on a daily basis at 00:00 CPT. Automated registry publications will not be made during non-business days(Weekends and NERC holidays). Until the industry decides otherwise, the following formats will be available for download: Comma Separated Value (CSV), Microsoft Data Base (MDB), and eTensible Markup Language (XML).

Manual requests for publications can be directed to NAESB. Each manual request will be reviewed by NAESB and manual publication of the registry will be made at NAESB’s discretion. Each request should include entity name, primary contact information, pending changes, and reasoning for manual publication. Upon approval, NAESB will notify the ERO and all ASP’s the intended manual publication request and time for publication. After publication is complete, NAESB will notify the requesting entity that a new publication is available for download. Urgent Publishing

Attachment 1:

All items in the EIR will be given an approval time of 5 business days. The actual start date must equal the greater of the following two dates: Effective Approval Date or Requested Start Date. Registry Publication of an approved role/object will begin on the actual start date. Modifications to minor data fields such as contact information do not require approvals as long as one contact entry remains.

Role/Object Approval Approval Time Action

Entity NAESB 5 Business Days Denied

ERO NAESB 5 Business Days Denied

Region NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied ERO

ASP NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied ERO

PKICA NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied ERO

RC NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied ERO

BA NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied ERO

TSP NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied ERO

MO NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied ERO

PSE, LSE, NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied GSE ERO

Observer NAESB, 5 Business Days Approved ERO

Interconnecti NAESB, 5 Business Days Denied on ERO

Control Zone BA N/A N/A

Source/Sink BA N/A N/A

PSE 5 Business Days Denied