GPP Giving Guidance Or Causing Confusion

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GPP Giving Guidance Or Causing Confusion


CEPI Open Seminar “GPP – Giving Guidance or Causing Confusion: How far should Green Public Procurement go?” 29 November 2006

Sheraton Brussels Hotel and Towers (Rogier) Marco Mensink

Energy & Environment Director, CEPI

Marco Mensink holds a Masters of Science Degree in Forestry and Business Management from the Agricultural University of Wageningen in the Netherlands.

Before joining CEPI in March 2006, he has worked for 6 years as Energy & Environment Director at the Royal Netherlands’ Paper and Board Association, also representing the Dutch industry in Brussels.

Mr Mensink started his career at Ernst & Young Management Consulting, working there for 6 years in Environmental Management and assessing the environmental issues in mergers and acquisitions.

In CEPI, he is responsible for the energy and environment issues vis a vis the EU institutions, presenting the industries interests. Key energy issues at the moment are Energy market liberalisation, the EU emission trading system and bio-energy issues. Key environmental issues are REACH, the paper industry BREF, Green public procurement and Environmental data management. On behalf of CEPI, he is the chairman of the FTP Biorefinery taskforce.

Mr Mensink is a Dutch national, 38 years (1968), married and has two children. He is now living in Brussels. Jeremy Wall

Desk Officer Forest Based Industries DG Entreprise - European Commission

Jeremy Wall is a graduate in Forest Management from the University of Wales, Bangor. After graduating, having by then also had experience in Sweden (ASSI) and France, he worked for several years with a commercial forestry investment company as Area Manager for S.W.Wales. (During that period he became a Member of the Institute of Chareterd Foresters of the UK). After some free-lance consultancy practice, he moved to Scotland to take part in forest, wildlife and sawmill management. Following his recruitment to the European Commission in 1983, he worked for nine years in the Directorate General for Agriculture in both the Foresty & Environment and the Regional and Rural Development Units, during which time he was closely involved with the development of the first EU Forest Action Plan (1988-9) and the development of forestry in - inter alia - Ireland and Greece. Since 1992 he has worked in the Directorate General for (Enterprise &) Industry in a sectorial role, dealing with all issues connected to the EU forest-based and related industries. His current specialist tasks include (inter alia): wood-energy inter-relationships, Trade Policy, the EU FLEGT (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance & Trade) Action Plan and "green" public procurement for forest products. Janneke de Jong

Climate Change and Industry Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment

Janneke de Jong is a senior policy advisor at the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and Environment. She coordinates the implementation of the cabinet decision on public timber procurement. She is also responsible for the National Assessment Guidelines (BRL) for Sustainable Forest Management and coordinates the process of equivalence assessment. In addition she is involved in the Legal Timber and FLEGT discussions. Christian Lundmark Jensen

Co-ordinator on International Forest Policy Danish Ministry of the Environment, Forest and Nature Agency

The main responsibilities of Christian Lundmark Jensen are FLEGT and public procurement policies for timber. He also follows international forest related discussions in the CBD and MCPFE processes, and sometimes ITTO as well.

On FLEGT Mr. Lundmark Jensen represents Denmark in the discussions in the Working Party on Forestry under the EU Ministers Council. On procurement He is advisor to the minister and has since 2002 as well been chairman for the Ministers advisory board on public procurement of timber.

Prior to that, in 2000-2001 Mr. Lundmark Jensen worked with forestry and biodiversity projects for DANCED (Danish Cooperation on Environment and Development) in the SADC region in Africa, and prior to that he was responsible for timer trade in the Forest and Nature Agency, Trade Division.

Véronique Joucla

Technical Advisor Sustainable Development – Directory of Forest and Rural Affairs French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Veronique JOUCLA is a technical advisor on sustainable development issues at the French Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Directory of Forest an Rural Affairs. She is mainly in charge of issues related to development of wood for energy and promotion of sustainable forest management in wood-products trade. She has participated with the Ministry of Ecology and with the Ministry of Finances in elaborating the French timber procurement policy. She has been working in the forestry sector for twenty years, mainly for the Office National des Forêts, the French board for public forests management. Florence Simonetti

Senior Jurist Huglo Lepage et Associés Conseil

Florence Simonetti is a French Lawyer working as a senior lawyer for HUGLO LEPAGE and Partners, a French Law Firm specialised in Environmental law, where she is mainly in charge of Chemicals, water pollution, waste and public procurement issues.

From September 2002 to September 2006, she has been working for the European Commission’s Legal Service where she was providing legal advices to DG ENTR and DG ENV on chemicals, biocides and Environmental impact assessment. She has been consulted on every draft concerning chemicals, including the REACH Regulation. She has also been the agent of the Commission in more than 50 cases before the European Court of Justice and the Court of First instance.

From 1999 to 2002, she worked for the French Prime Minister European Affairs Service (SGAE), and from 1998 to 1999 for the French Ministry of Defence.

Florence Simonetti has been studying Political Sciences and Law in France (IEP Grenoble, University of Aix en Provence, Sorbonne) and in the UK (Oxford Brookes University) Bernard Lombard

Trade and Competitiveness Director, CEPI

Bernard Lombard holds a Masters degree in Econometrics and Economics from the University of Nanterre and a degree in Business Analysis from the University of Paris-Dauphine.

He worked in Paris for one year as a consultant and carried out several studies on industrial sectors.

From 1996 until June 2000 he worked for COPACEL, the “Confédération de l’Industrie Française des Papiers, Cartons et Celluloses” in France where he was responsible for the economics and competitiveness department.

He joined CEPI in 2000 as Recycling & Economics Manager, which involves work on issues related to paper recovery and recycling, economics and competitiveness.

In mid 2004 he was appointed Trade and Competitiveness Director and now handles issues related to competitiveness including trade and transportation. Ivar Korsbakken

Vice Chair, International Family Forestry Alliance Special Advisor, Norwegian Forest Owners’ Federation

Ivar B. Korsbakken (58) is an economist by profession with studies in econometrics. He has been the managing director of the Norwegian Forest Owners’ Federation and is now a special advisor in the Federation concentrating on international relations. The Norwegian Forest Owners’ Federation is a member of CEPF, The Confederation of European Forest Owners. Ivar Korsbakken has for several years represented Norway in the work of CEPF and is members of several CEPF working groups. Ivar B. Korsbakken has been engaged in the whole range of tasks from policymaking, business development, trade and industry ownership. He has been president of the cooperate assembly in Norske Skog, one of the worlds leading new print producers with production facilities in Europe, South America, Australia and Asia. He has been journalist, editor and publisher. He has been advisor in the Norwegian ministry for consumer and administrative affairs and in the Norwegian board of industry. He is a specialist in strategic communication and public affairs, and has been working as advisor and COO in Burson- Marsteller, a globally strategic communication company. He comes from a forest family, and has been the owner and manager of a middle-sized forest property in Norway. Ivar B. Korsbakken is engaged in international forestry relations, and is active in the Nordic, European and Global forest owners’ cooperation and the influence on international forest policy development. He is now vice chair of the International Family Forestry Alliance. The International Family Forestry Alliance is the voice of family forestry worldwide open for all national forest owners’ organisations sharing the values of family forestry.

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