Name: ______Web Quest 5/15/13

Star Life Cycle Web Quest

This interactive lab allows you to search for answers through reputable online resources. These resources provide great visuals and detailed information. WARNING: As with any online activity, it is easy to get distracted…be sure to stay on task.

1) What human stages of life correspond to the following stages in the life cycle of a star?

Protostar –

Fusion ignition to Main Sequence –

Red Giant/Supergiant –

White Dwarf/Black Hole –

2) At your age, what stage would you be in if you were a star?

3) What do we call the birthplace of stars?

What is it made of?

4) How long ago was our sun formed?


5) What causes the “clumps” in the nebula to form?

6) What do these clumps become?

7) What is equilibrium in a star?

8) When does equilibrium occur in a protostar?

9) Does gravity change during star formation?

10) Name two things that cause pressure to change during star formation.

11) What are the two objects that a protostar could become?

Stars Name: ______Web Quest 5/15/13 12) What is a star?

13) What are the fuels that stars use to create energy through fusion?

a) during the majority of their lives

b) toward the end of their lives

14) In what phase do the majority of stars live?

15) Complete the Interactive Lab which shows what happens to different size stars at the beginning of their life cycles.

Small Mass Low Mass Medium Mass Massive Does this star reach Main Sequence? How long was it in Main Sequence?

16) Which has a longer life: bigger stars or smaller stars? Explain.

Stars: The Beginning of the End

17) When a star has burned off all of its ______and started to burn ______, this is the beginning of the end. The burning of ______releases a tremendous amount of energy and the outer shell has expanded in an effort to help heat from the star’s core escape into space. At this point, the star is called a ______.

Stars: The End of a Star

18) Use this page and the Interactive Lab at the bottom to answer these questions.

What is its solar What stages does it What does it How big is it? mass? go through? become in the end?

Low Mass Star

Medium Mass Star

Massive Star

Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

19) What is an H-R Diagram? Name: ______Web Quest 5/15/13 20) What does the vertical axis represent?

21) What does the horizontal axis represent?

22) Interactive Lab

Temperature Brightness Type of star Betelgeuse Alpha Centauri B Our Sun Vega Sirius B

23) Where do most of the stars lie on the H-R Diagram?