Environmental Screening of The

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Environmental Screening of The

Parsons Creek Resources Project

Section E.7

Vegetation Parsons Creek Resources Project

Table of Contents


Table of Contents...... i List of Tables ii List of Figures iii List of Appendices...... iv

E.7 VEGETATION...... 1 E.7.1 Introduction...... 1 E.7.2 Methods...... 2 E.7.2.1 Vegetation Mapping...... 2 E. Local Study Area...... 2 E. Ecological Land Classification (Ecosite Phase) and Range Plant Community Classification Mapping 3 E. Wetland Mapping 3 E. Regional Study Area...... 4 E.7.2.2 Surveys...... 5 E. Vegetation Community Surveys...... 5 E. Detailed surveys 5 E. Visual surveys 7 E. Observations 7 E. Rare Vascular Plant Surveys...... 7 E.7.2.3 Landscape Metrics...... 8 E. ELC/RPCC Data Preparation...... 8 E. AGCC Data Preparation...... 8 E.7.3 Data Analysis...... 8 E.7.3.1 Landcover Composition and Pattern...... 8 E.7.3.2 Wetland Composition...... 9 E.7.3.3 Vascular Plant Species Diversity...... 9 E.7.3.4 Rare Vascular Plants...... 10 E.7.3.5 Old Growth Forests...... 10 E.7.3.6 Riparian Habitat...... 11 E.7.3.7 Plants of Traditional and Medicinal Value...... 11 E.7.3.8 Productive and Non-productive Forest...... 12 E.7.3.9 Introduced and Weedy Species...... 13 E.7.3.10 Landscape Fragmentation...... 13 E. Linear Density...... 13

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E. Linear Feature and Watercourse Crossings...... 13 E. Patch Analysis...... 14 E.7.4 Results...... 15 E.7.4.1 Local Study Area...... 15 E. Landcover Composition and Structure in the LSA...... 15 E. Sensitive Landcover Units in the LSA 18 E. Uncommon Landcover Units in the LSA 18 E. Wetland Composition in the LSA...... 18 E. Sensitive Wetland Types in the LSA 19 E. Uncommon Wetland Types in the LSA 19 E. Rare Vascular Plant Species in the LSA...... 19 E. Vascular Plant Species Diversity in the LSA...... 21 E. A Significant Plant Community in the LSA...... 24 E. Old Growth Forest in the LSA...... 24 E. Riparian Habitat in the LSA...... 25 E. Plants of Traditional and Medicinal Value in the LSA...... 26 E. Productive and Non-productive Forest in the LSA...... 29 E. Introduced and Weedy Species in the LSA...... 30 E.7.4.2 Regional Study Area...... 30 E. Landcover Composition and Pattern in the RSA...... 30 E. Landscape diversity 36 E. Linear fragmentation in the RSA 36 E. Traditional and Medicinal Plant Use in the RSA...... 37 E.7.5 Climate Change and Vegetation...... 39 E.7.6 References...... 39 E.7.7 Vegetation Appendices...... 42 E.7.7.1 Description of Landcover Units in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA...... 42 E.7.7.2 Vascular Plant Species in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA...... 42 E.7.7.3 Rare Vascular Plant Locations in the LSA...... 42 E.7.7.4 Rare Plant Photos from the LSA...... 42 E.7.7.5 Populus balsamifera - Viburnum opulus -Matteuccia struthiopteris Community - Locations and Examples from the LSA...... 42

List of Tables Page

Table E.7-1: Map Data...... 2 Table E.7-2: Concordance between AWI and Boreal Mixedwood ELC1...... 3

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Table E.7-3: Number of field surveys within the LSA...... 5 Table E.7-4: Detailed survey plots...... 6 Table E.7-5: Plant species cover classes...... 7 Table E.7-6: Vascular Plant Species Rank Criteria...... 9 Table E.7-7: Rare Plant Ranking Criteria...... 10 Table E.7-8: Old Growth Age Criteria for Forested Ecosite Phases...... 10 Table E.7-9: Linear Density Features...... 13 Table E.7-10: Watercourse Features in Crossing Analysis...... 14 Table E.7-11: Landcover Area in the LSA...... 16 Table E.7-12: Patch Number , Size and Shape in the LSA...... 17 Table E.7-13: Wetland Types in the LSA...... 19 Table E.7-14: Rare Vascular Plant Species in the LSA...... 19 Table E.7-15: Vascular Plant Total Species Richness and Unique Species Richness in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA...... 22 Table E.7-16: Vascular Plant Mean Species Richness and Diversity Index in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA...... 22 Table E.7-17 Vascular Plant Diversity Potential in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA ...... 23 Table E.7-18: Old Growth Forest in the LSA...... 24 Table E.7-19: Riparian Habitat in the LSA...... 25 Table E.7-20: Plants of Traditional and Medicinal Value in the Oil Sands Region.....26 Table E.7-21: Traditionally Used Plant Potential in the LSA...... 28 Table E.7- 22: Area of Traditional Plant Potential in the LSA...... 29 Table E.7-23: Area of Productive and Non-productive Forest in the LSA...... 29 Table E.7-24: Designated Weeds of Alberta in the LSA...... 30 Table E.7-25: Landcover Composition in the RSA...... 31 Table E.7-26: Patch Number and Size in the RSA...... 34 Table E.7-27: Size Class of Patches within the RSA...... 35 Table E.7-28: Area Weighted Mean Shape Index in the RSA...... 36 Table E.7-29: Linear density in the RSA...... 37 Table E.7-30: Number of Linear and Watercourse Crossings in the RSA...... 37

List of Figures Page

Figure E.7-1: Vegetation Survey Site Distribution in the LSA...... 7 Figure E.7-2: Frequency Distribution of Traditional Plant Species by Community Type ...... 12 Figure E.7-3: Distribution of Landcover in the LSA...... 16 Figure E.7- 4: Distribution of Wetland Types in the LSA...... 19 Figure E.7-5: Distribution of Rare Vascular Plants in the LSA...... 21 Figure E.7-6: Distribution of Plant Diversity Potential in the LSA...... 24 Figure E.7- 7: Significant Plant Community Locations in the LSA...... 24

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Figure E.7-8: Distribution of Old Growth Forest in the LSA...... 25 Figure E.7- 9: Distribution of Riparian Areas in the LSA...... 26 Figure E.7- 10: Traditional and Medicinal Plant Potential in the LSA...... 29 Figure E.7-11: Distribution of Productive Forest in the LSA...... 30 Figure E.7- 12: Landcover Distribution in the RSA...... 37 Figure E.7-13: Traditional Gathering Areas for Berries in the RSA...... 38 Figure E.7-14: Traditional Gathering Areas for Trees in the RSA...... 39

List of Appendices

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E.7.1 Introduction

The Parsons Creek Resources Project is located within the Central Mixedwood Subregion of the Boreal Forest Natural Region of Alberta (Achuff 1994). The terrain of the subregion has low relief and level to rolling surfaces, with relatively dry uplands and wet depressions and areas poorly drained. The Central Mixedwood Subregion is characterized by pure and mixed stands of aspen (Populus tremuloides), balsam poplar (P. balsamifera), paper birch (Betula papyrifera), white spruce (Picea glauca), and balsam fir (Abies balsamea) (Beckingham and Archibald 1996, ANHIC 2004). Early successional stands of aspen and balsam poplar can be overtaken by white spruce (Picea glauca) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea), especially when left undisturbed by fires that frequently occur in the boreal forest. Common understorey shrubs of the Mixedwood Subregion include beaked hazelnut (Corylus cornuta), prickly rose (Rosa acicularis), low-bush cranberry (Viburnum edule), saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia), red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera), Canada buffalo berry (Shepherdia canadensis), twin-flower (Linnaea borealis), and green alder (Alnus crispa). The herbaceous understorey commonly includes bluejoint (Calamagrostis canadensis), bunchberry (Cornus canadensis), wild sarsaparilla (Aralia nudicaulis) and dewberry (Rubus pubescens) (Beckingham and Archibald 1996, Kershaw et al. 2001).

In dry, sandy upland sites, the dominant tree is jack pine (Pinus banksiana) with ericaceous species, such as common bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), blueberry (Vaccinium myrtilloides) and bog cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) in the understorey (Beckingham and Archibald 1996, Kershaw et al. 2001, ANHIC 2004).

Wetlands in the Boreal Forest Natural Region include mineral-poor bogs with black spruce (Picea mariana), Labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum) and peat mosses as well as mineral- rich fens with tamarack (Larix laricina), dwarf birches (Betula spp.), sedges (Carex spp.), tufted moss (Aulacomnium palustre), golden moss (Tomenthypnum nitens) and brown mosses (Drepanocladus spp.) (Kershaw et al. 2001).

Fire is an important factor affecting the ecology of the Central Mixedwood Subregion, limiting the distribution of old growth forest to protected sites, such as found in riparian areas.

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E.7.2 Methods

E.7.2.1 Vegetation Mapping

Several sources of data were utilized to create an ELC and RPCC map of the Parsons Creek Resource LSA (Error: Reference source not found). The RSA vegetation map was derived from AGCC and Alberta Base Features data.

Table E.7-1: Map Data Data Source Description Map Alberta Vegetation Alberta-Pacific Forest Attributes include LSA Inventory Industries landcover; overstory and understory % cover; soil moisture conditions; stand age; etc. Digital aerial MEMS 2 m pixel resolution; color LSA photography, 2005 Field survey data MSES Detailed and visual surveys LSA and observations Alberta Ground Cover AENV; Forest Protection 25 m pixel resolution, RSA Classification Division; Sustainable classification based on Resource Development satellite Landsat TM Alberta Base Features MEMS Paved and gravel roads; RSA railroad

E. Local Study Area

The baseline units for landcover are mapped in the LSA using the Ecological Land Classification (ELC) (Beckingham and Archibald 1996) for forest classes and Range Plant Community Classification (Willoughby et. al. 2006) for herbaceous and shrub classes. Because the ELC system was designed for forest resource management, forest ecosystems are classified in more detail than meadow (herbaceous) or shrub ecosystems. The Range Plant Community Classification (RPCC) (Willoughby et. al. 2006), developed to aid northern livestock production and resource management, incorporates work from the forested ecosites of the ELC and lotic and lentic communities of Thompson and Hansen (2004). The more detailed classifications of herbaceous and shrub ecosystems of the Central Mixedwood RPCC have been used to supplement the forest ecosystem information of the Boreal Mixedwood ELC.

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E. Ecological Land Classification (Ecosite Phase) and Range Plant Community Classification Mapping

Audited and approved Alberta Vegetation Inventory (AVI) coverage of the LSA was obtained from Alberta-Pacific Forest Industries (AENV 1991). The AVI data was originally interpreted at a scale of 1:20,000 from aerial black and white photographs, including: moisture regimen; canopy and subcanopy species composition and closure; canopy height; timber productivity; stand origin; stand structure/understorey; non-forested vegetation; anthropogenic features; and non-vegetated land.

Polygons from the AVI Version 2.1 were classified into preliminary Boreal Mixedwood Ecosite Phase with a program developed by Clark Ecodynamics Inc using variables such as soil moisture, canopy and understorey compositions. Using 2005 digital aerial photography as background, the preliminary ELC polygons were adjusted to include recent disturbances in the landscape. In some cases, polygon boundaries were modified to better match vegetation boundaries as interpreted from the 2005 digital aerial photography. Subsequently, information from field surveys (Section E.7.2.2) was used to confirm or modify the preliminary ecosite phase classes and to assign shrub and herbaceous RPCC classes. In addition, video images taken from a helicopter flying over the study area were used to confirm vegetation classes in the LSA.

E. Wetland Mapping

Wetlands in the LSA were classified according to the Alberta Wetland Inventory (AWI) Standards Version 2.0 (Halsey et. al 2003). Using the presence of 40 or more cm of organic accumulation as an indicator of peatlands (Halsey et. al 2003), no peatlands (bogs or fens) were identified in the LSA. Halsey et. al (2003) provide concordances between AWI and the ELC of Beckingham and Archibald (1996) (Table E.7-2).

Table E.7-2: Concordance between AWI and Boreal Mixedwood ELC1 AWI ELC Bogs g1 – (Labrador tea-subhygric Sb-Pj) (B___) 10% of plots have > 80 cm organics Permafrost or internal lawns may or Stands support an average of > 10% Pinus banksiana may not be present h1 – (Labrador tea/horsetail Sw-Sb) > 40 cm organics 20% of plots have > 40 cm organics Forested exclusively with Picea Lack of Larix laricina within the recognized plant community is mariana more suggestive of bog vegetation i1 and i2 – (Treed and shrubby bogs) Concordance Wooded fens j1 – (Treed poor fen) (FT__) Concordance

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> 40 cm organics k1 – (Treed rich fen) Forested with some combination of Concordance Picea mariana and Larix laricina Shrubby fens j2 – (Shrubby poor fen) (FONS) 30% of plots have < 40 cm organics > 40 cm organics k2 – (Shrubby rich fen) Shrub layer generally < 2 m 50% of plots have < 40 cm organics Bryophytes common in ground layer Graminoid fens Open poor fens not recognized (FONG and FOPN) k3 – (Graminoid rich fen) > 40 cm organics 40% of plots have < 40 cm organics Bryophytes common in ground layer Wooded swamps f1 – (Horsetail Pb-Aw) (STNN) Defined vegetation community not in concordance, however < 40 cm organics dominance of some combination of Picea mariana and Larix Dominated by some combination of larcina with Picea glauca and Populus balsamifera and other Picea mariana and Larix laricina species is suggestive of this ecosite phase. g1 – (Labrador tea – subhygric Sb-Pj) 10% of plots have > 80 cm organics h1 – (Labrador tea/horsetail Sw-Sb) 20% of plots have > 40 cm organics Shrubby swamps Not recognized Marsh i1 (Marsh) Concordance Shallow open water Not recognized 1 From Halsey et. al. 2003, Table 3, pp. 48-49. The only forested ELC identified within the Parsons Creek LSA that corresponds with the AWI classification scheme is ecosite phase h1 (Labrador tea/horse tail Sw-Sb), with < 40 cm organics. For wetland mapping in the LSA, h1 has been mapped as STNN (wooded swamp). Depending on moisture conditions, the herbaceous RPCC classes (CMA 01; CMA01/02; CMA 16) and (CMA 02) were given AWI classification as MONG (marsh) or non- wetland respectively, while the shrubby RPCC classes (CMA 01/10) and (CMA10; CMA15) were converted to SONS (shrubby swamp) or non-wetland, respectively. Shallow water bodies, less than 2 m in depth, were categorized as WONN (shallow open water).

E. Regional Study Area

Audited and approved Alberta Ground Cover Classification (AGCC) coverage of the RSA was obtained from Alberta Environment. The AGCC is based on Landsat Earth Thematic Mapper (ETM) 7 imagery, re-sampled to 25 m pixel spatial resolution. Using burn data provided by the Forest Protection Division, recent burns are subsequently added to the image classification. Ground truth information is utilized as input into the classification process (25%) and for accuracy assessment (75%). An overall accuracy of > 80% is acceptable for AGCC level three standards (Sanchez-Azofeifa et al. 2004).

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The AGCC was modified for the RSA analyses, in order to delineate linear features more accurately. Using ArcView3.2, paved and gravel roads (road-gravel-1L; road-gravel-2L; road-paved-div; road-paved-undiv-2L) and powerlines from 1:20,000Alberta feature data, and railroad attributes from 1:250,000 DMTI data were buffered 25 m to create buffered linear feature files. We assumed that the AGCC vegetation classification in areas of cutlines and pipelines has sufficient resolution for our analyses since vegetation covers the surroundings of these features. The buffered linear feature files were converted to grid format, before overlaying and combining with the existing AGCC classification. The buffered road and railway features were classified as “Major roads, highways and railways” and the buffered powerline features as “Powerlines”.

E.7.2.2 Surveys

Vegetation community and rare vascular plant surveys were conducted in the LSA between 2005 and 2007. Vegetation types of small areal extent in the LSA (CMA 09; CMA10/16; f1; k1; and sandbar) were surveyed for vascular plant species, but were not mapped or considered part of the landcover composition and structure of the LSA.

E. Vegetation Community Surveys

E. Detailed surveys A total of 65 detailed survey plots were surveyed within the Parsons Creek Resources LSA over three summers (Table E.7-3; Figure E.7-1). Twelve detail plots were sampled from 20 – 21 August 2005, four between 11 - 12 June 2006, twenty-five from 14 – 22 July 2006, and twenty-four between16 – 22 June 2007. Sites were selected in areas of relative homogeneous vegetation for ELC, RPCC or wetland types.

Table E.7-3: Number of field surveys within the LSA ELC/RPCC Detailed Visual Observations TOTAL CMA01 6 7 2 15 CMA01/10 1 1 4 6 CMA02 4 1 3 8 CMA09 1 1 CMA10 7 12 6 25 CMA10/16 1 1 CMA15 4 1 1 6 CMA16 1 1 d1 4 2 6 d2 3 3 3 9 d3 3 3 6 e1 6 16 12 34 e2 5 7 4 16

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e3 4 1 3 8 f1 1 1 f2 1 1 f3 6 3 3 12 h1 3 2 1 6 k1 1 1 Pond 1 2 12 15 Regenerating Forest 4 7 9 20 ROW 1 2 3 Sandbar 1 3 1 5 TOTAL 66 68 73 207 Three types of detailed plots were surveyed depending on the structural type of vegetation sampled. For tree and snag measurements, a 20 x 20 m plot was marked with sides generally running north-south and east-west. Shrub measurements were taken within a 10 x 10 m plot, nested within the larger tree plot and sharing its centre point. Depending on the variability encountered, five to seven one-metre square subplots for herbaceous plant measurements were placed within the centre and quadrants of the 20 x 20 m plot. The measurements taken within detailed plot are listed in Table E.7-4.

Table E.7-4: Detailed survey plots Plot type Measurements Tree plot (20 x 20 m)  seral stage  typical canopy heights of tree species  cover class of tree species by canopy layer  # of living trees and snags by species  DBH of living trees and snags by species  decay class of snags  number and decay class of downed wood along a 20 m transect  all vascular plant species within the plot Shrub plot (10 x 10 m)  cover class of shrub species within height class (low <1.5 m; tall > 1.5 m) Herbaceous subplots (1 x 1 m)  cover class of herbaceous plant species Site description  geographic coordinates  slope, elevation, and aspect  moisture, nutrient level, and texture of soils  duff depth

Within plots, the percent cover for a plant species was estimated within a range as a cover class (Table E.7-5).

Table E.7-5: Plant species cover classes Cover class1 % Cover Midpoint %

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- 0 0 + < 1 0.5 1 1 - 5 3.0 2 5 - 25 15.0 3 25 - 50 37.5 4 50 - 75 62.5 5 75 - 95 85 6 95 – 100 97.5 1 Modified Daubenmire cover classes

E. Visual surveys During the three years of field study, 69 sites were surveyed visually (Table E.7-3). For visual surveys, a formal plot was not created, but a site description was made. In addition, the percent covers class of vascular plant species within height classes were estimated within an approximated 20 x 20 m area. E. Observations

Walking between detailed and visual plots, ELC/RPCC and GPS geographic coordinates were noted in 73 locations, particularly where an ecosite transition, an unusual plant community, a weedy or rare species were encountered (Table E.7-3). These observations were used to refine the LSA vegetation community map and to make note of communities of small areal extent. Whenever a species not previously recorded was observed, location notes were taken.

Figure E.7-1: Vegetation Survey Site Distribution in the LSA

E. Rare Vascular Plant Surveys

Rare vascular plant surveys followed guidelines of the Alberta Native Plant Council (Lancaster 2000). Surveyors in the field were experienced with identifying rare vascular plants in Alberta. Prior to the surveys, potential sites for rare plants in the LSA were taken into account by compiling a potential rare plant species list from those reported by ANHIC and by published environmental assessments of the region. In the LSA, spring rare plant surveys were carried out during 11 - 12 June 2006 and 16 – 22 June 2007; summer rare plant surveys occurred from 20 –21 August 2005 and 14 – 22 July 2006. Surveyors meandered in areas of rare plant potential and were also vigilant observers while walking between plots. When a rare vascular plant species was observed, the location, population size, habitat, and associated species were noted and photos were taken. If the population had greater than 15 plants, a specimen was collected for verification of species identity.

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E.7.2.3 Landscape Metrics

E. ELC/RPCC Data Preparation

AVI polygons in the LSA were modified and reclassified as ELC/RPCC. For measuring the pattern of landcover in the LSA, edges between adjacent AVI polygons sharing the same ELC/RPCC class were dissolved to form contiguous patches. The areas and perimeters of patches were then recalculated.

E. AGCC Data Preparation

Using the ArcView extension, PatchAnalyst, patches were created from the modified RSA AGCC classification using diagonals as the clumping method and the value field to reclassify pixels. E.7.3 Data Analysis

E.7.3.1 Landcover Composition and Pattern

Measures of landcover composition include the overall size of each landcover class, while measures of landcover pattern include the number, size and shape of class patches.

LSA polygon (vector) and RSA patch (raster) attributes were exported as dbf files and subsequently imported into Excel for analyses. Descriptive statistics and histograms were calculated and charted in Excel. For both study areas, additional landscape measures were calculated using statistical options provided by ArcView’s PatchAnalyst.

E.7.3.2 Wetland Composition

E.7.3.3 Vascular Plant Species Diversity

To estimate and rank the relative vascular plant species diversity among landscape units in the LSA, three vascular plant richness measures were combined into a single vascular plant species diversity index. The three measures of richness are based on data collected during field surveys in the LSA. The first measure, total species richness of ELC/RPCC units within the LSA, was established by tallying the number of species observed within each vegetation unit (Appendix E.7.7.2). For the second measure, the number of species that were unique to each ELC/RPCC unit was determined (Appendix E.7.7.2). The mean species richness

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(number of species/survey site) was calculated for each ELC/RPCC unit, in order to moderate the effects of sample size on the overall vascular plant species diversity index.

Total species richness and mean species richness measures were normalized and ranked from very low to very high (Table E.7-6). Because of the relatively wide spread between the two highest unique species richness values, the range between the lowest and second highest data value (10) was used to normalize the data. The highest value for unique species richness (18) received a normalized value of one and a ranking of very high.

Table E.7-6: Vascular Plant Species Rank Criteria Rank Normalized Richness Score Nil 0 Very Low > 0 to < 0.2 Low > 0.2 to < 0.4 Medium > 0.4 to < 0.6 High > 0.6 to < 0.8 Very High > 0.8 The normalized scores for total species richness, unique species richness and mean species richness were summed together into an overall vascular plant species diversity index for each vegetation unit. The normalized vascular plant species diversity index was ranked according to the same criteria as the normalized richness scores in Table E.7-6.

E.7.3.4 Rare Vascular Plants

Following the Nature Conservancy Element Ranks (Kershaw et al 2001), vascular plants in the Parsons Creek Resource LSA were assessed for rarity globally (G) and provincially (S). Rare plant status is based on the number of occurrences and population size of plant species at global and provincial/state scales (Table E.7-7).

Table E.7-7: Rare Plant Ranking Criteria S or G Rank Criteria 1 5 or fewer occurrences and with low population size 2 6 - 20 occurrences and with low population size 3 21 – 100 occurrences 4 Apparently secure, > 100 occurrences 5 Abundant and demonstrably secure F Falsely reported

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H Known historically, may be rediscovered P Potentially present, expected in the province or state but not yet discovered Q Questionable taxonomic rank R Reported but without documentation for either accepting or rejecting the report U Status uncertain, more information needed X Apparently extinct or extirpated, not expected to be rediscovered ? No information available, or the number of occurrences estimated

E.7.3.5 Old Growth Forests

Old growth forests can be defined by high structural diversity and late stage succession ecological processes. Mortality of mature trees, gaps in the canopy, downed logs, snags and secondary canopy species are all aspects of old growth forests. Without detailed forest stand information, old growth forest can be roughly estimated by the forest age (Schneider 2001). For estimating ages of forested ecosite phases in the LSA, the origin code from AVI data was utilized as the date for forest origin. Based on the age of the dominant canopy cover, old growth for forested ecosite phases was determined following criteria of Schneider (2001) (Table E.7-8). A conservative approach to the estimation of old growth forest was applied, using 2010 rather than 2008 as the baseline year.

Table E.7-8: Old Growth Age Criteria for Forested Ecosite Phases Forested Ecosite Phases in the LSA AVI Origin Code Old-growth Age Criteria (years) Spruce-dominated Forest (d3, e3, f3, h1) 1870 or earlier > 140 Mixedwood Forest (d2, e2, f2) 1910 or earlier > 100 Deciduous Forest (d1, e1) 1910 or earlier > 100 Treed Wetlands (i1, j1, k1) 1870 or earlier > 140

E.7.3.6 Riparian Habitat

The Alberta GIS base feature 1:20,000 hydrography layer was utilized for estimating forested riparian habitat in the LSA. Within the LSA, besides arbitrary flow lines, the only watercourse features of this GIS layer were indefinite streams (str-indef), which are perennial or intermittent streams whose channels cannot be clearly distinguished. Four arbitrary flow lines in the LSA were not included because of uncertainty of their accuracy. According to the Base Features Metadata Document (2007), the indefinite stream category is applied when the actual channel is obscured by vegetation, high water, etc. and is most frequently found in forested areas, muskegs and bogs. Based on relatively narrow riparian corridors observed in the LSA, a distance of 10 m was selected as a buffer distance for both sides of indefinite streams, in order to estimate riparian area within forested areas of the LSA. To capture the narrow riparian corridor along the Athabasca River below the escarpment, a 10 m buffer was

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created along the river’s western shore. For river islands, riparian areas were considered to be within 10 m of the Athabasca River. In addition, a 20 m buffer was placed on the outer edge of all water bodies in the LSA (Open water of the LSA vegetation classification) to define riparian areas adjacent to ponds. The area of each landcover unit within the buffered zones and the area of wet meadow classes (CMA01, CMA02, CMA01/02 and CMA01/10) were calculated within ArcGIS and interpreted as riparian areas within the LSA. E.7.3.7 Plants of Traditional and Medicinal Value

Separate reports prepared by the Mikisew Cree First Nation, the Fort McKay First Nations, and the Fort Chipewyan Way of Life Study were reviewed for names of plants used for traditional and medicinal purposes .

The presence of species used for traditional and medicinal purposes was tallied for each vegetation community type mapped in the LSA. Vegetation community types were ranked as best as possible, using natural breaks in the distribution of species number by community type (Figure E.7-2). The traditional and medicinal plant potential for vegetation community types were ranked as follows: low, 0 – 5 species; moderate, 6 – 15 species; high, 16 – 20 species; very high, > 21 species.

For water bodies within the LSA, the pond edge was defined as 5 m within the water body boundary. The remaining open water within the pond body was ranked as none for traditionally used plants.

Traditional and Medicinal Plant Species


s 3 e i t i n

u 2.5 m m

o 2 C


n 1.5 a l P


o 1

r e b 0.5 m u N 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Num ber of Plant Species

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Figure E.7-2: Frequency Distribution of Traditional Plant Species by Community Type

E.7.3.8 Productive and Non-productive Forest

A timber productivity rating (TPR) for forest stands was included in the AVI data for the LSA. The TPR is the potential timber productivity of a stand based on height and age of the dominant and codominant tree species. Formulas for calculating TPR are provided by AENV (1991). AVI timber productivity data were analyzed in conjunction with the ELC/RPCC mapping to identify potentially productive and non-productive forest vegetation within the LSA. Graminoid vegetation (CMA01; CMA02; CMA01/02; CMA16; ROW) was rated as unproductive, while shrub vegetation (CMA01/10; CMA10; CMA15 and forest regeneration) and forest stand vegetation (ELCs) were rated according to TPR of the corresponding AVI polygon. Productive stands have a TPR rating of Good (G), Moderate (M) or Fair (F), while unproductive stands have a TPR rating of Unproductive (U) (AENV 1991). Mapped classes lacking vegetation structure (industrial and open water) were given no TPR rating.

E.7.3.9 Introduced and Weedy Species

Official Alberta weed species were identified from the list of plant species observed within ELC/RPCC types during surveys of the LSA. Weed identification and status follow Royer and Dickinson (1999) and the Center for Invasive Plant Management (2006).

E.7.3.10 Landscape Fragmentation

E. Linear Density

The density of anthropogenic linear features in a landscape is an indicator of the amount linear fragmentation in the natural habitat. Linear density in the RSA was calculated using Alberta GIS base feature 1:20000 data files (Pipeline, Roads, Transmission Line, and Cutline). The rail line was obtained from 1:250,000 base feature data. Feature types combined for this analysis are listed in Table E.7-9. For linear density, the summed length of each linear feature type (m) was divided by the total area of the RSA (67469 ha).

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Table E.7-9: Linear Density Features Data Feature Type Analysis Feature Base features Cutline – trail Cutline Cutline Cutline – trail within clearing Base features Roads Gravel road 1 line Unpaved road Gravel road 2 lines Truck trail Unimproved road Unpaved Paved Paved road Paved road divided Paved road 2 lines Basefeatures Pipeline Pipeline Pipeline Basefeatures Transmission Line Powerline Powerlines Railroad Railroad Railroad E. Linear Feature and Watercourse Crossings

Using the same linear feature data as in the linear density analysis (Table E.7-9) and features from the Alberta GIS base feature 1:20,000 watercourse data hydrography file (Table E.7-10), the number of times linear features cross watercourses in the RSA was tallied.

Table E.7-10: Watercourse Features in Crossing Analysis Feature Type Feature Description1 Major river left bank Major river left bank when facing downstream A natural hydrographic feature with banks that are Major river primary flow an average of 20 m or greater in width A perennial or intermittent stream whose channel cannot be clearly distinguished due to vegetation, Indefinite stream high water, etc. A natural hydrographic feature with shorelines that average less than 20 m in width. Unless Perennial stream drought, normal contains flowing water. A natural hydrographic feature with shorelines Recurring (intermittent) that average less than 20 m in width. The stream stream bed is often dry during certain times of the year. Source 1: Base Feature Meta Document 2007 E. Patch Analysis

Landscape metrics were calculated in order to increase understanding of the composition and pattern of landcover units within the RSA. The mean, range of mean and median patch size of landcover units were calculated using Excel and PatchAnalyst. The area and number

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of patches of each landcover unit of the RSA were analyzed within five size classes (0 - <1 ha; 1 - < 10 ha; 10 < 100 ha; 100 - < 1000 ha; > 1000 ha). In addition, the average weighted mean shape indexes (AWMSI) of patches in the LSA and RSA were calculated in PatchAnalyst:

AWMSI = ∑j=1 [(.25pij/√ aij)( aij/∑j=1 aij)], where p is perimeter and a is area.

The AWMSI equals the average shape index of patches of the corresponding patch type, weighted by patch area so that larger patches weigh more than smaller patches. The average shape index equals the sum of the patch perimeter (m) divided by the square root of patch area (m2) for each patch of the corresponding patch type, adjusted by a constant to adjust for a square standard (raster), divided by the number of patches of the same type. AWMSI = 1 when all patches of the corresponding patch type are square, increasing without limit as the patch shapes become more irregular (McGarigal and Marks 1995).

E.7.4 Results

E.7.4.1 Local Study Area

As typical of the Central Mixedwood Subregion, aspen, balsam poplar and white spruce predominant in the forested areas of the lease area. Atypical for the subregion, no peatland or pine communities were noted. Small stream drainages and variations in canopy cover create a mixture of microhabitats within the forest stands. The generally dense understorey has a relatively high percent cover of downed woody debris and snags. Adjacent to Hwy. 63 at the western edge of the site, soils are moist and particularly rich with sediments deposited by drainage originating from the escarpment to the west of the highway. Wet areas, open forests and oxbow lakes contribute to the lease area’s vegetation community diversity. Beaver activities have been a factor in the continual changes in the landscape over time, as forests and shrub communities are periodically flooded upstream of dams and vegetation progressively fills in old beaver lakes. Parts of the lease area are regenerating following timber harvest and burns. There are two industrial sites (a dump and a ?), several cabins near the river, as well as a small outfitters site, with several horses grazing along the ROW.

E. Landcover Composition and Structure in the LSA

Seventeen of the 22 landcover classes mapped in the LSA are vegetative classes Table E.7- 11 and Figure E.7-3.

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Graminoid vegetation types (CMA01; CMA02; CMA01/02; and CMA16) together cover approximately 2% of the LSA (Table E.7-11).

Shrub vegetation types (CMA01/10; CMA10; and CMA15) encompass almost 18% of the LSA.

Forest ecosite phases make up over half of the LSA (60%) with regenerating forest contributing another 15% (Table E.7-11).

Linear lakes and ponds make up about 2% of the LSA. Two industrial developments (4.5 ha) and narrow right-of-way (ROW) (35 ha) exist in the LSA near Hwy 63 (Table E.7-11; Figure E.7-3).

More detailed descriptions of landcover units in the LSA are provided in Appendix E.7.7.1.

Table E.7-11: Landcover Area in the LSA Landcover Units Vegetation Type Hectares % Description (ELC/RPCC) LSA CMA01 graminoid 7.78 0.8 Sedge meadow Marsh reed grass CMA02 graminoid 1.08 0.1 meadow Sedge/marsh reed grass CMA01/02 graminoid 10.17 1.0 meadow complex Sedge meadow/Willow- graminoid/shrub alder shrub - marsh reed CMA01/10 complex 52.03 5.2 grass complex Willow-alder shrub - marsh reed grass CMA10 shrub 115.48 11.4 understory Bebb willow/marsh reed CMA15 shrub 9.82 1.0 grass CMA16 graminoid 1.11 0.1 Swamp horsetail meadow Low-bush cranberry - d1 forest 8.30 0.8 Aspen Low-bush cranberry - d2 forest 19.51 1.9 Aspen/Spruce Low-bush cranberry - d3 forest 21.39 2.1 Spruce Dogwood - Balsam e1 forest 304.98 30.2 poplar/Aspen Dogwood - Balsam e2 forest 129.88 12.9 poplar/Spruce e3 forest 40.21 4.0 Dogwood - Spruce

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Horsetail - Balsam f2 forest 5.17 0.5 poplar/Spruce f3 forest 31.62 3.1 Horsetail - Spruce Labrador tea/Horsetail - h1 forest 37.23 3.7 Spruce Clearcut and fire forest Forest regeneration shrub 131.42 14.8 regeneration Industrial na 4.53 0.4 Open water na 23.50 2.3 Lakes and ponds ROW na 35.53 3.5 Meadow and low shrub Total 1008.93 100.00

Figure E.7-3: Distribution of Landcover in the LSA

There were a total of 216 landcover patches in the LSA with a landcover unit being represented by either a single patch or up to thirty-one separate patches. The landcover units represented by the fewest number of patches were CMA16 and f2, each only being represented by a single patch within the LSA. Landcover units CMA10 and e2 were represented by 31 patches, the highest number of patches per landcover unit in the LSA (Table E.7-12).

Patch size ranged from 0.001 ha to 191.69 ha, as represented by landcover units e2 and e1, respectively. The landcover unit CMA02 had the smallest average patch size at 0.36 ha, while the forest regeneration landcover unit had the largest average patch size at 18.70 ha. Landcover unit e1 had the largest range in patch size in the LSA (Table E.7-12).

The patch shape index ranged from 0.003 m / m2 to 65.84 m / m2, as represented by landcover units e1 and e2, respectively. Landcover units CMA16 and f2 had the smallest mean patch shape indices (the least complex patch shapes) at values of 0.0001 and 0.0041 m / m2, respectively. By far, landcover unit e2 had the highest mean patch shape index (the most complex patch shape) at a value of 2.16 m / m2 (Table E.7-12).

The perimeter to area ratio of a patch is an indicator of patch shape. The larger the ratio, the more complex is the shape. Simple compact shapes such as circles have smaller perimeter to area ratios than do more complex or elongated shapes such as long narrow riparian area adjacent to a meandering stream. In the LSA, forest regeneration patches vary from simple cutblock rectangles with low perimeter/area values (0.004) to fairly complex patches with remnant blocks of forest and relatively high perimeter/area values (0.101).

Table E.7-12: Patch Number , Size and Shape in the LSA

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Landcover Patch Patch Size (hectares) AWMSI Units No. Mean Min. Max. (ELC/RPCC) CMA01 6 1.30 0.37 2.75 1.59 CMA02 3 0.36 0.27 0.49 1.40 CMA01/02 3 3.39 0.33 8.41 2.51 CMA01/10 19 2.74 0.26 9.76 2.66 CMA10 31 3.73 0.09 11.68 1.89 CMA15 5 1.96 0.40 4.62 1.78 CMA16 1 1.11 NA NA 1.54 d1 2 4.15 2.21 6.09 1.29 d2 4 4.88 3.39 7.86 1.84 d3 23 0.93 0.14 3.12 1.43 e1 26 11.73 0.32 191.69 3.52 e2 31 4.19 0.001 30.06 1.92 e3 14 2.87 0.24 14.17 1.85 f2 1 5.17 NA NA 1.61 f3 9 3.51 0.73 9.35 1.59 h1 4 9.31 0.96 14.03 1.65 Forest regeneration 8 18.70 0.50 80.96 1.12 Industrial 2 2.26 1.35 3.17 2.23 Open water 22 1.07 0.07 6.83 2.85 ROW 2 17.76 7.89 27.63 8.34 Total 216

E. Sensitive Landcover Units in the LSA Ecosite phases and RPCCs that are susceptible to ecological change caused by project related disturbances and to reclamation difficulties are considered sensitive landcover units. Project related disturbances that could result in ecological change affecting vegetation include surface removal of vegetation and soils, air emissions, acidification of soils, and changes in surface and ground water quantity or quality. In boreal forests, peatlands (bogs and fens) are considered sensitive because changes in water levels, nutrient conditions and acidity can alter their ecology and species composition. Furthermore, peatlands cannot be reclaimed within a human’s lifetime. Vegetation growing in sandy soil is also considered sensitive because of the soil’s low capacity to buffer acidity. However, in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA, peatlands are not components of the vegetation, nor are a1 and b ecosite phases, typical of sandy areas. E. Uncommon Landcover Units in the LSA

A landcover unit is considered uncommon if it represents less than 1% of the LSA. In the Parsons Creek Resources LSA, three graminoid classes (CMA01 – Sedge meadow; CMA02 – Marsh reed grass meadow; and CMA16 – Swamp horsetail meadow), one shrub class (CMA15 – Bebb willow/marsh reed grass) and two forest classes (d1 – Low bush cranberry – Aspen and f2 - Horsetail – Balsam poplar/Aspen) are uncommon, each comprising less than

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1% of the LSA (Table E.7-11). Three other landcover units with very small areal extents in the LSA (CMA09 – Willow – Marsh reed grass; f1 – horsetail – Balsam poplar - Aspen; and k1 – treed rich fen) were noted during surveys for rare plants and species richness, but were not considered large enough for mapping.

E. Wetland Composition in the LSA

Thirteen percent (131.8 ha) of the LSA is wetland (Table E.7-13). Most of the wetlands are either deciduous (39%) or coniferous (28%) swamps (Table E.7-13). In general, the deciduous swamps may be attributed to flooding from the highly active beavers in the LSA, while the coniferous forest swamps are found in areas of poor drainage. Several large linear lakes run parallel to the Athabasca River and appear to be oxbow lakes from remnant river channels (Figure E.7- 4)

Table E.7-13: Wetland Types in the LSA Wetland Type Hectares % LSA % Wetland Description MONG 19.06 1.89 14.46 Marsh SONS 52.03 5.16 39.47 Deciduous swamp STNN 37.23 3.69 28.24 Coniferous swamp WONN 2.07 0.20 1.57 Shallow open water Lake 21.44 2.12 16.26 Lake Total Wetlands 131.82 13.07 100.00 Non-wetland 877.11 86.93 Total LSA 1008.93 100.00

Figure E.7- 4: Distribution of Wetland Types in the LSA

E. Sensitive Wetland Types in the LSA For the same reasons as discussed in Section E., peatlands are considered the most sensitive wetland types in the boreal forest, but are absent from the LSA. Less sensitive than peatlands, marsh and lake might be considered sensitive. E. Uncommon Wetland Types in the LSA

The only uncommon wetland (less than 1% of the LSA) is the AWI type WONN (shallow open water) which covers about 2 ha (0.20%) of the LSA.

E. Rare Vascular Plant Species in the LSA

Over 100 vascular plant species are listed as potentially rare in Boreal Forest Natural Region of Alberta (Kershaw et al. 2001). Within the Parsons Creek Resources Project, 5 rare or

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formerly rare vascular plant species were observed during the field surveys (Table E.7-14, Figure E.7-5; Appendix E.7.7.3).

Table E.7-14: Rare Vascular Plant Species in the LSA Scientific Name Common Name Species Rank Comments Malaxis monophylla var. White adder’s S2 G5 Occurs in several forest brachypoda mouth locations, usually as single plants. Physostegia ledinghamii False dragonhead S2 Occurs in a few beaver pond shore and moist forest sites, usually over 50 plants. Carex retrorsa Turned sedge S3 Formerly S2 in Alberta. Occurs in several pond shores and sedge marshes, usually in several clusters Scirpus cyperinus Wool-grass S3 Formerly S2 in Alberta Viola selkirkii Selkirk’s violet S3 Formerly rare in Alberta. Range extension

Malaxis monophylla (L.) Sw. var. brachypoda (A. Gray) (white adder’s mouth), also called Malaxis brachypoda (A.Gray) Fern., usually has a single leaf that arises from the swollen base of the stem. A distinguishing feature of this orchid is the lip petal, which has auricles that point downward (Appendix E.7.7.4). White adder’s mouth is circumpolar and reportedly occurs as far south as California, but is often overlooked due to its small size and inconspicuous flowers (Kershaw et al 2001). The orchid is ranked S2 for Alberta and G5 globally (Gould 2006). In the Parsons Creek Resources LSA, Malaxis monophylla was mainly observed in the low bush cranberry ecosite phases (d1, d2, d3), but was also found once in dogwood poplar-aspen (e1) and once in regenerating forest (Appendix E.7.7.3; Figure E.7-5). Of the 9 observation sites in the LSA, only one plant was noted at each site, except for two instances in which 2 plants were observed (Appendix E.7.7.3).

Physostegia ledinghamii (Boivin) Cantino (Lamiaceae) (false dragonhead) is found in moist areas in woods, streambanks, lake banks and marshes (Kershaw et al 2001). The false dragonhead is ranked S2 for Alberta and G3? globally (Gould 2006). The genus, Physostegia, is restricted to North America with approximately 12 species. Physostegia ledinghamii is similar and intermediary between P. virginiana and P. parviflora and may be an allopolyploid derivative of these two species. In Alberta, the opposite, stalkless leaves with blunt or hooked leaves and rose pink to lavender funnel shaped flowers are distinctive of this mint family species (Appendix E.7.7.4). The species reportedly occurs in North Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta (USGS 2007). In the Parsons Creek Resources LSA,

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false dragonhead was noted in nine locations (Appendix E.7.7.3; Figure E.7-5). This species was associated with wet habitats in the LSA, usually at edges of ponds with either graminoid or shrub cover (Appendix E.7.7.3). The number of plants per site ranged from several to 100 or more plants (Appendix E.7.7.3), suggesting that its ranking of S2 may need revision.

Carex retrorsa Schwein. (Cyperaceae) (turned sedge) usually occurs in swampy woods and wet meadows (Moss 1983). Carex retrorsa is distributed from British Columbia to Newfoundland and as far south as Colorado. In the LSA, there were thirteen sightings of turned sedge in wet habitats such as found at the edges of ponds and meadows (Appendix E.7.7.3; Figure E.7-5). This species was also seen in previously disturbed areas, such as in the ROW and regenerating forest. From one to more than 20 Carex retrorsa plants were found per site in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA (Appendix E.7.7.3). This species can be distinguished from the rare blister sedge (C. vesicaria L. var. vesicaria) by its lower bracts, which are several times longer than those of rare blister sedge (Kershaw et. al 2001; Appendix E.7.7.4). Ranked as S2 in 2000 (Kershaw et al 2001), with more frequent provincial sightings, it is now considered S3.

Scirpus cyperinius (L.) Kunth (Cyperaceae) (wool grass) is found in marshy areas (Moss 1983). A tussock of this species was noted in one location (a regenerating forest) in the Parsons Creek area (Appendix E.7.7.3Figure E.7-5). Previously thought to be rare in Alberta (Packer and Bradley 1984), more recent information of its population size and occurrence has caused Scirpus cyperinius no longer to be considered rare.

Viola selkirkii Pursh (Violaceae) (great-spurred violet) is found in moist woods (Moss 1983). Within the Parsons Creek LSA, Viola selkirkii was recognized in 7 locations, mainly in dogwood (e1 and e2) and horsetail (f1 and f3) ecosite communities, but also once in a shrub dominated community (CMA10) (Appendix E.7.7.3;Figure E.7-5; Appendix E.7.7.1). The violet-purple coloured Viola selkirkii differs from the more common early blue violet (V. adunca) by its appressed stiff hairs on the upper leaf surface and cordate leaf base with a narrow sinus (Appendix E.7.7.4).

Figure E.7-5: Distribution of Rare Vascular Plants in the LSA

E. Vascular Plant Species Diversity in the LSA

During field studies, a total of 283 vascular plant species were identified in the LSA (Appendix E.7.7.2). Seventy-six of these vascular plant species were unique to one type of landcover unit (Table E.7-15 and Appendix E.7.7.2).

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Regenerating forest had the highest total and highest unique vascular plant species richness among all the landcover units in the LSA (Table E.7-15). With a high mean species richness value, regenerating forest had the highest value among landcover units for the vascular plant species diversity index (Table E.7-16). The very high rankings are not surprising given that areas of regenerating forest contain diverse microhabitats (disturbed, moist and dry, shady and open) that support a diverse array of species. The ecosite phase f3 (horsetail – white spruce) also received a very high value for the plant diversity index, since all three of its richness scores were high (Table E.7-15; Table E.7-16).

As expected, the poorly sampled (n=1) landcover units tended to rank very low or low for total and unique vascular species richness (Table E.7-15). However, the mean species richness measure, unaffected by sample size, shows very high rankings for ecosite phases f1 (horsetail-poplar/aspen), f2 (horsetail-poplar/white spruce) and ROW (right-of-way), which were sampled only once (Table E.7-16).

Table E.7-15: Vascular Plant Total Species Richness and Unique Species Richness in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA Total Vascular Plant Unique Vascular Plant Landcover Species Richness Species Richness Unit Normalize Valu Normalize Sampled n5 Value d Rank e d Rank CMA01 15 75 0.479 Medium 2 0.200 Low CMA01/10 6 73 0.465 Medium 2 0.200 Low CMA02 8 50 0.306 Low 6 0.600 High CMA091 1 7 0.007 Very low 0 0.000 Nil CMA10 25 102 0.667 High 1 0.100 Very low CMA10/163 1 9 0.021 Very low 0 0.000 Nil CMA15 6 82 0.528 Medium 1 0.100 Very low CMA16 1 6 0.000 Very low 0 0.000 Nil d1 6 71 0.451 Medium 2 0.200 Low d2 9 92 0.597 Medium 2 0.200 Low d3 6 64 0.403 Medium 1 0.100 Very low e1 34 111 0.729 High 5 0.500 Medium e2 16 100 0.653 High 3 0.300 Low e3 8 82 0.528 Medium 1 0.100 Very low f12 1 42 0.250 Low 0 0.000 Nil f2 1 45 0.271 Low 0 0.000 Nil f3 12 114 0.750 High 6 0.600 High h1 6 64 0.403 Medium 2 0.200 Low k14 1 29 0.160 Very low 2 0.200 Low Pond edge 11 76 0.486 Medium 10 1.000 Very high Forest regeneration 20 150 1.000 Very high 18 1.000 Very high ROW 3 47 0.285 Low 2 0.200 Low

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Sandbar1 5 48 0.292 Low 10 1.000 Very high TOTAL LSA 207 283 76 Mapped within other landcover units: 1 = CMA10; 2 = e1; 3 = e2; 4 = f3 5: Sample size based on all survey sites

Table E.7-16: Vascular Plant Mean Species Richness and Diversity Index in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA Mean Vascular Plant Vascular Plant Diversity Index Landcover Species Richness Unit Normalize Normalize Sampled n5 Value d Rank Value d Rank CMA01 13 14.5 0.219 Low 0.898 0.344 Low CMA01/10 2 28.0 0.564 Medium 1.229 0.471 Medium CMA02 5 6.8 0.021 Very low 0.926 0.354 Low CMA091 0 NA NA NA 0.007 0.003 Very low CMA10 19 18.8 0.329 Low 1.096 0.419 Medium CMA10/163 1 9.0 0.077 Very low 0.098 0.037 Very low CMA15 5 28.8 0.585 Medium 1.212 0.464 Medium CMA16 1 6.0 0.000 Very low 0.0006 0.0006 Very low d1 4 38.5 0.833 Very high 1.485 0.568 Medium d2 6 35.3 0.752 High 1.549 0.593 Medium d3 3 31.3 0.650 High 1.152 0.441 Medium e1 22 19.9 0.355 Low 1.585 0.606 High e2 12 30.3 0.622 High 1.575 0.603 High e3 5 33.4 0.703 High 1.330 0.509 Medium f12 1 42.0 0.923 Very high 1.173 0.449 Medium f2 1 45.0 1.000 Very high 1.271 0.486 Medium f3 9 36.4 0.781 High 2.131 0.815 Very high h1 5 29.6 0.605 High 1.208 0.462 Medium k14 1 29.0 0.590 Medium 0.949 0.363 Low Pond edge 3 19.7 0.350 Low 1.837 0.703 High Forest regeneration 10 29.9 0.613 High 2.613 1.000 Very high ROW 1 39.0 0.846 Very high 1.331 0.509 Medium Sandbar1 4 12.8 0.173 Very low 1.465 0.561 Medium TOTAL LSA 133 Mapped within landcover units: 1 = CMA10; 2 = e1; 3 = e2; 4 = f3 5: Sample size based on detail and visual surveys 6: Actual value is > 0.

Mapped landcover units in the LSA were ranked for vascular plant diversity potential according to their vascular plant diversity index rank (Table E.7-16). To calculate the area of vascular plant diversity potential for pond edge, water bodies were buffered 5 m inward from the edge. Open water in the pond center was ranked low. Almost half of the LSA (47%) has high vascular plant diversity potential (Table E.7-17; Figure E.7-6).

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Table E.7-17 Vascular Plant Diversity Potential in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA Plant Diversity Hectares1 % LSA Index Rank Very high 149.6 14.8 High 472.6 46.8 Medium 344.7 34.2 Low 36.4 3.6 Very low 1.1 0.1 Nil 4.5 0.4 TOTAL 1008.9 100.0 1: Based on mapped landcover units in the LSA

Figure E.7-6: Distribution of Vascular Plant Diversity Potential in the LSA

E. A Significant Plant Community in the LSA

The Populus balsamifera/Viburnum opulus/Matteuccia struthiopteris (balsam poplar/ high- bush cranberry/ ostrich fern) community type has an Alberta Rank of S1S2 in ANHIC’s Preliminary Tracking List of Plant Communities (Allen 2005). This community type has been reported as occurring in moist and nutrient-rich seepage areas on hillsides and in depressions. It has been found on pitted moraine and glaciofluvial outwash in the Dry and Central Mixedwood Natural Subregions of Alberta. The status of this plant community is preliminary because descriptive information is sparse. It is unclear whether Populus balsamifera/ Matteuccia struthiopteris without Viburnum opulus should be a separate community subtype (ANHIC 2005).

In the Parsons Creek Resources LSA, plant communities dominated by balsam poplar with occurrences of high-bush cranberry and ostrich fern were observed in several locations Figure E.7- 7; Appendix E.7.7.5). In some balsam poplar stands, ostrich fern completely covered the understory, while tall high-bush cranberry was scattered or clustered. In other balsam poplar stands, small patches of ostrich fern and high-bush cranberry were located together in wet areas or depressions among a more typical understory for a boreal dogwood ecosite.

No other plant community of significance was noted in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA.

Figure E.7- 7: Significant Plant Community Locations in the LSA

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E. Old Growth Forest in the LSA

More than one third of the LSA (408/1008 ha) is forested with old growth stands, with the deciduous ecosite phase, e1, comprising more than half (55%) of the old growth forest (Table E.7-18; Figure E.7-8). Patches of the old growth coniferous ecosite phase d3 are mainly remnant blocks from previous timber harvest (Figure E.7-8) and these fragmented areas are highly susceptible to edge effects. Most of the intact old growth forest is located on the eastern side of the LSA, near the Athabasca River (Figure E.7-8).

Table E.7-18: Old Growth Forest in the LSA Forested Hectares % Old growth Ecosite Phase Old Growth in LSA d2 12.20 2.99 d3 17.30 4.24 e1 224.45 55.06 e2 101.44 24.88 e3 22.16 5.44 f2 5.17 1.27 f3 9.35 2.29 h1 15.55 3.81 TOTAL 407.62 100.00

Figure E.7-8: Distribution of Old Growth Forest in the LSA

E. Riparian Habitat in the LSA

Riparian habitat covers 128.78 ha (12.76 %) of the LSA and is represented by 18 different landcover units (Table E.7-19; Figure E.7- 9). The greatest area of riparian habitat is composed of landcover unit CMA01/10 at 52.03 ha, which makes up approximately 40% of the total area of riparian habitat. Landcover unit f2 makes up the smallest area of riparian habitat at 0.13 ha, or <1 % of the total area of riparian habitat. It is worth noting that the landcover unit f2 is only represented by a single patch within the entire LSA (Table E.7-12) and a portion of it is not only riparian, but also old-growth forest (Table E.7-19). Old growth riparian habitat covers 18.98 ha of the LSA and is represented by eight different landcover units. The greatest area of old growth riparian habitat is composed of landcover units e1 and e2 at 9.75 ha and 6.36 ha, respectively. Landcover unit f3 makes up the smallest area of old growth riparian habitat at 0.01 ha (Table E.7-19).

Table E.7-19: Riparian Habitat in the LSA

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Landcover Riparian Percent % Percent % of Old growth Percent Units (ha) Riparian LSA Riparian (ha) % (ELC/RPCC) Total Riparian Total CMA01 7.78 6.04 0.77 CMA02 1.08 0.84 1.01 CMA01/02 10.17 7.90 5.16 CMA01/10 52.03 40.40 0.11 CMA10 21.19 16.46 2.10 CMA15 0.74 0.57 0.07 CMA16 0.38 0.29 0.04 d1 0.96 0.75 0.10 d2 1.20 0.94 0.12 0.68 0.53 d3 0.99 0.77 0.10 0.99 0.77 e1 12.37 9.60 1.23 9.75 7.57 e2 9.10 7.07 0.90 6.36 4.94 e3 1.40 1.09 0.14 0.37 0.29 f2 0.13 0.10 0.01 0.13 0.10 f3 0.56 0.43 0.06 0.01 0.01 h1 2.01 1.56 0.20 0.69 0.54 Forest regeneration 5.60 4.35 0.55 ROW 1.09 0.85 0.11 Total 128.78 100.00 12.76 18.98 14.74

Figure E.7- 9: Distribution of Riparian Areas in the LSA E. Plants of Traditional and Medicinal Value in the LSA

Twenty-five plants of traditional and medicinal value in the region are listed in Table E.7-20 (Mikisew Cree F.N. 2007; Fort McKay F.N. 1994; Adams 1998). Of the 25 listed species, rat root and seneca root were not observed in the local study area, while blueberry, kinnikinnick, tamarack and sweetgrass were seen only in one or two community types (Table E.7-20). Traditionally used plants found in 16 or more plant communities in the LSA include raspberry, gooseberry, willow and spruce (Table E.7-20).

Table E.7-20: Plants of Traditional and Medicinal Value in the Oil Sands Region Common Scientific Name Mikisew Fort Fort Parsons Name Cree1 McKay2 Chipewyan3 Creek LSA Map building/ Found in 11 Balsam fir wood/ medicine vegetation sap Abies balsamifera communities cold Not found Rat root Acorus calamus medicine medicine medicine

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food Found in 12 Amelanchier vegetation Saskatoon berry alnifolia food food communities food Found in 1 Arctostaphylos vegetation Kinnikinnick uva-ursi community food Found in 12 Cornus vegetation Bunchberry canadensis communities food Found in 3 vegetation Hazelnut Corylus cornuta communities food/ Found in 12 Strawberry/ medicine vegetation strawberry roots Fragaria spp. food communities medicine Found in 1 Hierochloe vegetation Sweetgrass odorata community medicine Found in 2 vegetation Tamarack bark Larix laricinia communities Ledum Found in 11 groenlandicum vegetation Labrador tea and L. decumbens tea, medicine communities Found in 9 Peppermint or tea, vegetation wild mint Mentha arvensis tea medicine tea, medicine communities Found in 16 Spruce wood/ vegetation sap Picea spp. building medicine communities Pine wood Pinus spp. building Not found Seneca root Polygala senega medicine Not found food Found in 3 Prunus vegetation Pincherry pensyvanica communities food Found in 9 vegetation Choke cherry Prunus virginiana communities Found in 10 Pyrola asarifolia tea, vegetation Wintergreen and other species medicine communities Found in 17 Ribes vegetation Gooseberries oxyacanthoides food communities food Found in 14 vegetation Rose hip Rosa spp. communities food Found in 18 Rubus idaeus and vegetation Raspberry R. arcticus food communities

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Found in 17 vegetation Willow root Salix spp. medicine communities food Found in 1 vegetation Blueberry Vaccinium spp. food community Found in 14 Viburnum edule vegetation Cranberry and V. opulus food food food communities Tree roots medicine Found Moss medicine Found Source: 1 = Mikisew Cree F.N. 2007; 2 = Fort McKay F.N. 1994; 3 = Adams 1998.

Vegetation community types were ranked for traditional use potential by the number of traditional and medicinal plant species found within them in the LSA (Table E.7-21). This ranking is based on the data available in the LSA. The number of plant species observed per community type is often directly related to the sampling effort. Although these traditional used plants are easy to identify and often commonly found, with greater sampling, the ranks of plant communities with small sample sizes might be higher relative to those with large sample sizes.

Table E.7-21: Traditionally Used Plant Potential in the LSA Community Number of Traditional Plant Type Plant Potential1 Species CMA01 10 moderate CMA01/02 no data moderate2 CMA01/10 9 moderate CMA02 8 moderate CMA10 20 high CMA15 18 high CMA16 0 low d1 14 moderate d2 19 high d3 14 moderate e1 18 high e2 20 high e3 17 high f2 10 low f3 23 very high h1 18 high Pond Edge 11 moderate Open Water no data none Regenerating Forest 19 high ROW/disturbed 5 low

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Industrial none none 1: Low = 0-5 species; moderate = 6 – 15 species; high = 16 – 20 species; very high = > 21 species 2: Same ranking as CMA01 and CMA02 Most of the LSA (81%) has high potential for traditional plant use (Table E.7- 22; Figure E.7- 10). The relatively large percentage of area with high potential for traditional plant use in the LSA is attributable to the large areas of e1 forest, CMA10 shrub, and regenerating forest (Table E.7-11), all ranked with high potential for traditional plant use.

Table E.7- 22: Area of Traditional Plant Potential in the LSA Traditional Plant Use Area (ha) % LSA Potential none 20.54 0.45 low 41.82 4.14 moderate 99.94 11.49 high 815.01 80.78 very high 31.62 3.13 total 1008.93 100.00

Figure E.7- 10: Traditional and Medicinal Plant Potential in the LSA E. Productive and Non-productive Forest in the LSA

Almost 89% of the LSA (894 ha) is potentially productive forest (Table E.7-23; Figure E.7- 11). Most of the productive forest (34%) is composed of deciduous forest, ecosite phase, e1, followed in area by forest regeneration (16%). Both presently and in the past, timber has been harvested in the LSA leaving areas that are now regenerating into forest. Most of these areas are considered potentially productive forest because their soils and moisture conditions have supported productive forest in the past. Other areas considered to have moderate or fair productive forest are predominately covered by shrub (CMA01/10; CMA10; CMA15) (Table E.7-23). Similarly, shrub covered areas may be considered potentially productive forest because of their soils and moisture conditions are supportive of forest growth and/or they are considered as a transition stage towards forest cover.

Table E.7-23: Area of Productive and Non-productive Forest in the LSA Landcover Units Timber Productivity Productive Total Rankings1 Forest Area of G M F U (ha) % LSA (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) (ha) CMA01 7.8 7.8 CMA02 1.1 1.1

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CMA01/02 10.2 10.2 CMA01/10 6.4 24.4 21.2 30.8 3.4 52.0 CMA10 99.6 10.6 5.3 110.2 12.3 115.5 CMA15 2.3 7.1 0.4 9.4 1.1 9.8 CMA16 1.1 0.0 0.0 1.1 d1 8.3 8.3 0.9 8.3 d2 18.0 1.5 19.5 2.2 19.5 d3 5.0 14.8 0.5 1.1 20.3 2.3 21.4 e1 282.7 20.7 1.7 305.0 34.1 305.0 e2 62.9 67.0 129.9 14.5 129.9 e3 18.4 20.3 1.5 40.2 4.5 40.2 f2 5.2 5.2 0.6 5.2 f3 2.8 28.8 31.6 3.5 31.6 h1 12.9 24.3 37.2 4.2 37.2 Forest regeneration 94.8 23.8 27.7 3.2 146.4 16.4 149.6 Industrial 4.5 4.5 Open water 23.5 23.5 ROW 35.5 35.5 Total 542.9 309.6 73.5 83.0 894.0 100.0 1008.9 1: G = Good; M = Moderate; F = Fair; U = Unproductive

Figure E.7-11: Distribution of Productive Forest in the LSA E. Introduced and Weedy Species in the LSA

Eleven officially designated weeds of Alberta were identified in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA (Table E.7-24).

Table E.7-24: Designated Weeds of Alberta in the LSA Species Common Name Status Comments Apocynum spreading very occasional; androsaemifolium dogbane Noxious weed2 native Noxious weed1,2 very occasional; Cirsium arvense Canada thistle Invasive3 introduced Erysimum wormseed very occasional; cheiranthoides mustard Nuisance weed1,2 native occasional; Galeopsis tetrahit hemp nettle Nuisance Weed1,2 introduced scentless Designated weed1 Very occasional; Matricaria perforata chamomile Invasive3 introduced Potentilla norvegica rough cinquefoil Nuisance Weed1,2 occasional; native Noxious weed2 introduced Ranunculus acris tall buttercup Invasive3 perenniel sow- Noxious weed1,2 frequent; introduced Soncus arvensis thistle Invasive3 Noxious weed1,2 locally dense; Tanacetum vulgare tansy Invasive3 introduced Taraxacum officinale common Nuisance weed1,2 very occasional;

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dandelion introduced very occasional; Thlaspi arvense stinkweed Nuisance weed1,2 introduced 1: Royer and Dickinson. 1999 2: Alberta Government, http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/faq8261 3: Alberta Invasive Plant Council, http://www.invasiveplants.ab.ca/management.htm

E.7.4.2 Regional Study Area

E. Landcover Composition and Pattern in the RSA

Five upland forest, one shrubland, four wetland and four anthropogenic AGCC classes and 67,469 landcover patches comprise the RSA’s 64,844 ha (Table E.7-25;Table E.7-26). Patches range in size from 0.06 ha (a single pixel) to 3235 ha (industrial development). There is a relatively large proportion of commercial and industrial development (7820 ha; 12%) due to Suncor’s existing operations in the northern portion of the RSA (Figure E.7-12). The Athabasca River and several large tailing ponds contribute most of the 4629 ha of water in the RSA (Figure E.7-12).

Open pine forest has the smallest areal extent among landcovers in the RSA with only 199 ha (0.30%). Compared to open pine, closed pine forest covers about 9 times as much area (1818 ha; 2.72 %) of the RSA (Table E.7-25). Open pine forest has fewer patches, but a higher mean patch size than closed pine forest (Table E.7-26; Table E.7-27). Although closed pine has a single patch that is of moderate size (20 ha), proportionally it also has more very small patches (< 1 ha; single pixels) than does open pine forest (Table E.7-27), which contributes to its lower mean patch size. As indicated by the AWMPI value being close to one, the average shapes of both the open and closed pine forest patches were simple with AWMPI values of 1.66 and 1.59, respectively. The simple average patch shapes are not surprising given the relatively large numbers of single pixel patches for both pine forest types (Table E.7-28). In the boreal forest of Northern Alberta, pine (Pinus banksiana) forests are often associated with well drained, coarse textured soils in upland sites. Although present in the RSA, no pine trees were observed in the generally wetter Parsons Creek Resources LSA.

Table E.7-25: Landcover Composition in the RSA Landcover (AGCC)1 Hectares % RSA Upland Forest Open Pine (6 – 50% crown closure) 199 0.30 (>6% tree cover) Closed Pine (> 50% crown closure) 1818 2.72 Closed White Spruce (> 50% crown closure) 15340 22.94 Closed Coniferous Dominated 1859 2.78 Mixedwood (> 50% crown closure) (60 –

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80% coniferous cover) Closed Deciduous (> 50% crown closure) (aspen, balsam poplar, and/or birch) 13157 19.68 Upland Shrubland (>25% shrub cover and <6% tree cover) Closed Upland Shrub (crowns touching) 1374 2.05 Wetlands Black spruce bog (6 – 100% tree cover) (sphagnum understorey) 13539 20.25 Shrubby Wetlands (< 6% tree cover) (willow and birch) 3494 5.23 Graminoid Wetlands (< 6% tree cover, < 25% shrub) (sedges/grasses/forbs) 388 0.58 Water 4629 6.92 Anthropogenic Burn - new 1952 2.92 Major Roads and Highway 904 1.35 Commercial and Industrial 7820 11.70 Powerline 388 0.58 TOTAL 64844 100.00 1: Sanchez-Azofeifa et al. 2004.

Closed white spruce forest encompasses 15,340 ha (23%) of the RSA (Table E.7-25) and is the largest vegetation class in the RSA. More than one eighth of closed white spruce forest falls within a single patch (2055 ha), which is the largest patch of vegetation within the RSA (Table E.7-26). Most of the remaining area of closed white spruce also is found in large and moderate sized patches; 23 patches between 100 and 1000 ha in size (5846 ha) and 133 patches between 10 and 100 ha in size (3938 ha) (Table E.7-27). The AWMSI for closed white spruce forest is very high (13.65) for a vegetation class (Table E.7-28), indicative of the complex patch shape for this forest type that is found throughout the natural areas of the RSA. In addition to undulating edges, some of the complexity in the shape of larger patches is due to small perforations of other classes, which increases the amount of internal forest edge (Figure E.7-12). White spruce (Picea glauca) forests eventually replace balsam poplar and aspen stands in boreal forest ecological succession. White spruce is also the dominant coniferous species in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA. Closed coniferous dominated mixedwood covers 2.78% of the RSA (1859 ha) with 11750 patches (Table E.7-25; Table E.7-26). Most of the mixedwood patches (11698 patches) are very small (< 1 ha), while all the others (61 patches) are between 1 and 10 ha in size (Table E.7-27). The small mixedwood patches are scattered throughout the RSA and are often associated with the interiors or the boundaries of deciduous forest and coniferous forest/wetland (Figure E.7-12). The very low AWMSI value (1.34) reflects the large number of square (single pixel) mixedwood patches (Table E.7-28). The closed coniferous dominated mixedwood probably represents an intermediary stage in the succession of white spruce over balsam poplar and aspen.

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Closed deciduous forest extends across 13,157 ha (19.7%) of the RSA (Table E.7-25). The 6584 patches of deciduous forest range from 0.06 to 865 ha in size (Table E.7-26). Although most of the patches are very small (< 1 ha; 1170 ha total), most deciduous forest patches are moderate to large sized; twenty-two patches (6552 ha total) are between 100 – 1000 ha in size, 134 patches (3865 ha total) are between 10 and 100 ha in size and 518 patches (1570 ha total) are between 1 and 10 ha in size (Table E.7-27). In the RSA, deciduous forest grows adjacent to the Athabasca and MacKay Rivers, and in relative large patches throughout the RSA (Figure E.7-12). In the south western portion of the RSA, the rectangular pattern of deciduous forest is suggestive of an early successional stage deciduous re-growth following forest harvest. The moderate AWMSI value (7.75) reflects the various shapes of deciduous forest patches, some being complex and others relatively simple (straight edged) (Table E.7-28). The commonly seen pure and mixed deciduous stands of Populus balsamifera, Populus tremuloides, Betula papyrifera and Betula neoalaskensis in the LSA suggest the species composition of closed deciduous forest in the RSA.

Closed upland shrub, with 1374 ha or 2% of the RSA, is spread throughout the RSA in 4777 patches, often adjacent to closed deciduous forest and shrubby wetlands (Table E.7- 25;Figure E.7-12). The maximum size of a closed upland shrub patch is 40 ha, but most patches are very small (< 1ha; 828 ha total) with simple shapes (AWMSI = 2.2) (Table E.7- 26; Table E.7-27; Table E.7-28). Willow (Salix spp.) and alder (Alnus spp.) are the likely dominant species of this relatively dry AGCC community.

Although black spruce bog comprises 20% of the RSA (13,539 ha) (Table E.7-25), this wetland type has a large number of patches and a small mean patch area (16,471 patches; 0.82 ha) (Table E.7-26). However, the distribution by size of black spruce bog patches shows that there are two very large patches (>1000 ha), nine large patches (100 – 1000 ha), and 107 moderate sized patches (10 – 100 ha) (Table E.7-27). The larger patches of black spruce bog are mainly in the southern half of the RSA (Figure E.7-12). On average, patches of black spruce bog are complex (AWMPI = 9.9) with undulating edges (Table E.7-28;Figure E.7-12). Black spruce (Picea mariana) bogs are important peatlands in the boreal forest. Those that are nutrient poor and acidic are often associated with Labrador tea (Ledum groenlandicum) and Sphagnum spp., and those more nutrient rich, with tamarack (Larix laricina), dwarf birches (Betula spp.), sedges (Carex spp.) and brown mosses (Achuff 1992). No black spruce bogs were noted in the LSA.

The 5698 patches of shrubby wetland encompass 3494 ha (5.2 %) of the RSA (Table E.7-25; (Table E.7-26). Mainly comprised of willow (Salix spp.) and birch (Betula spp.), shrubby wetlands appear to be early successional regrowth following forest harvest (note rectangular shapes in southern portion of RSA) (Table E.7-25; Figure E.7-12). Shrubby wetland also

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occurs in powerline corridors (Figure E.7-12). The largest patch of shrubby wetland is 61 ha (Table E.7-26), with 55 other patches (112 ha total) also greater than 10 ha in size (Table E.7-27). As indicated by an AWMSI value of 2.8 (Table E.7-28), the average shrubby wetland patch shape is relatively simple (Figure E.7-12).

Graminoid wetlands are the second smallest landcover class in the RSA, covering only 388 ha (0.6%) with small patches ranging from 0.06 to 7.4 ha in size (Table E.7-25; (Table E.7- 26). With most patches only a few pixels in size, the average graminoid wetland patch shape is very simple (AWMSI = 1.6) (Table E.7-28). Most of the graminoid wetlands are associated with the industrial development, unimproved roads and MacKay River at the northern end of the RSA (Figure E.7-12). Composed of sedges, grasses and forbs, this AGCC class may be becoming established in wet, disturbed areas of the RSA. The graminoid wetland class likely corresponds to CMA01, CMA01/02, CMA02 and CMA16 of the LSA.

Large patches of recently burned landcover (burn-new) occur in the RSA (Figure E.7-12). In all, 1952 ha (3%) have experienced fire in recent years. Depending on the time since burn, forbs, grasses, shrubby vegetation and young trees dominate recently burned areas of the RSA. Burns have resulted in patches with slightly undulating edges and a AWMSI value of 3.26 (Table E.7-28; Figure E.7-12). Fire is an important component of boreal forest ecology, occurring regularly and naturally due to lightning strikes.

The landcover units represented by the fewest number of patches and largest mean patch size were powerline (12 patches; 32 ha) and burn-new (14 patches; 139 ha). The small number and large size for patches of powerline and burn-new may be attributed to the classification methods; both classes, as well as major roads, highways and railways, were originally derived from vector data, rather than coming directly from the satellite imagery classification (see section As expected for linear shaped patches with high perimeter to area ratios, the AWMSI values for powerline and major roads, highways and rail ways were high, 11.7 and 16.4, respectively (Table E.7-28).

Table E.7-26: Patch Number and Size in the RSA Landcover Patch Patch Size (hectares) (AGCC) No. Mean Min. Max. Median S.D. Open Pine 869 0.23 0.06 8.6 0.12 0.50 Closed Pine 9517 0.19 0.06 20.6 0.12 0.36 Closed White 0.12 28.92 Spruce 8216 1.87 0.06 2055.5

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Closed 0.12 0.16 Coniferous Dominated Mixedwood 11750 0.16 0.06 2.9 Closed 0.12 22.20 Deciduous 6584 2.00 0.06 864.9 Closed Upland 0.12 0.88 Shrub 4777 0.29 0.06 39.6 Black spruce 0.12 15.99 bog 16471 0.82 0.06 1518.8 Shrubby 0.12 2.40 Wetlands 5698 0.61 0.06 61.2 Graminoid 0.12 0.41 Wetlands 1758 0.22 0.06 7.4 Burn - new 14 139.42 0.06 1659.9 3.56 424.83 Water 302 15.33 0.06 1484.9 0.19 100.08 Major Roads, 76.56 Highways and Railways 37 24.43 0.06 356.1 1.19 Commercial and 94.01 Industrial 1464 5.34 0.06 3235.1 0.129 Powerline 12 32.34 0.06 185.6 11.819 51.31 TOTAL 67469

Table E.7-27: Size Class of Patches within the RSA

Landcover Patch Size Class Total Unit < 1 ha 1 - <10 ha 10 - < 100 100 - < < 1000 ha ha 1000 ha no. ha no. ha no. ha no. ha no. ha no. ha Open Pine 843 138 26 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 869 199 Closed Pine 9361 1510 155 288 1 21 0 0 0 0 9517 1818 Closed White Spruce 7369 1530 690 1970 133 3938 23 5846 1 2056 8216 15340 Closed Coniferous Dominated Mixedwood 11689 1775 61 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 11750 1859 Closed Deciduous 5910 1170 518 1570 134 3865 22 6552 0 0 6584 13157 Closed Upland Shrub 4582 828 191 466 4 81 0 0 0 0 4777 1374 Black spruce bog 15090 3198 1253 3278 117 2791 9 1526 2 2746 16471 13539

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Shrubby Wetlands 5161 1071 481 1311 56 1112 0 0 0 0 5698 3494 Graminoid Wetlands 1712 290 46 98 0 0 0 0 0 1758 388 Burn - new 4 1 5 16 3 72 1 203 1 1660 14 1952 Water 242 45 36 110 14 498 9 2491 1 1485 302 4629 Major Roads, Highways and Railways 16 5 12 34 7 183 2 682 0 0 37 904 Commercia l and Industrial 1333 277 105 290 18 648 6 2136 2 4469 1464 7820 Powerline 3 1 2 8 6 194 1 186 0 0 12 388 TOTAL 63315 9821 3581 9583 493 13402 73 19622 7 12415 67469 64844

Table E.7-28: Area Weighted Mean Shape Index in the RSA

Landcover AWMSI (AGCC) Open Pine 1.66 Closed Pine 1.59 Closed White Spruce 13.65 Closed Coniferous Dominated Mixedwood 1.34 Closed Deciduous 7.75 Closed Upland Shrub 2.17 Black spruce bog 9.93 Shrubby Wetlands 2.82 Graminoid Wetlands 1.63 Burn - new 3.26 Water 4.43 Major Roads, Highways and Railways 16.39 Commercial and Industrial 9.05 Powerline 11.70

Figure E.7-12: Landcover Distribution in the RSA

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E. Landscape diversity

E. Linear fragmentation in the RSA The construction of linear features removes or damages vegetation and dissects vegetation patches. The amount of edge increases as patches are dissected and processes arising in cleared areas can affect the microclimate within the edge zone (Matlack and Litvaitis 1999). Light, heat and wind can penetrate a newly created edge of forest, lowering humidity, drying litter and soils, and stressing existing vegetation. Fruit-eating birds are attracted to perches at forest edges, which promote the dispersal of seed (Matlack and Litvaitis 1999). In addition, roads, pipelines and cutlines are transportation corridors that increase the opportunity for invasive plants to disperse and for air borne pollution, toxic spills and trash to accumulate. Pollution from these sources can change the quality of nearby soils and ultimately, the health of vegetation. For wildlife, edge habitat is attractive to certain species, but is unsuitable for others. In addition, linear corridors can increase access by hunters and predators, particularly in winter. Linear density provides a measure of the amount of linear fragmentation in an area. At baseline, the Parsons Creek Resources RSA has a total of 1575 km of linear features and a total linear density of 23.25 m/ha (Table E.7-29). Due to oil sand projects’ seismic and transportation activities, extensive linear features exist at baseline in the RSA including cutlines (1021 km; 15.13 m/ha) and pipelines (175 km; 2.6 m/ha) (Table E.7-29). In addition, a heavily used major highway (Hwy 63) cuts through the eastern portion of the RSA, providing access to all oil sands developments to the north of the region (Figure ). Seismic cutlines are less disturbing to vegetation than other features (narrower corridors, less vegetation removed) and are temporary features in the landscape as vegetation becomes re- established. Without considering cutlines, the Parsons Creek RSA has 554.4 km of linear features and a linear density of 8.22 m/ha (Table E.7-29).

Table E.7-29: Linear density in the RSA Linear feature Length Density RSA (km) (m/ha) Cutline 1021.0 15.13 Pipeline 175.4 2.60 Powerline 78.7 1.17 Rail line 73.4 1.09 Road Unpaved 158.0 2.34 Road Paved 69.0 1.02 Total 1575.3 23.35 Total – no cutlines 554.4 8.22

Drains, culverts, and bridges can have a negative effect on benthic invertebrate and fish habitat by causing erosion, increasing turbidity, and deepening pools in streams. The number of linear features crossing watercourses provides a measure of the potential impact

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of linear developments on aquatic habitat. In the Parsons Creek Resources RSA, there are a total of 668 linear crossings of watercourses (Table E.7-30). More than half (472) of the crossings are due to cutlines, which have less effect on aquatic habitat than do roads or rail lines with drains, culverts and bridges. Excluding cutlines, there are 196 linear watercourse crossings in the RSA, most crossing perennial or intermittent (indefinite) streams (Table E.7- 30).

Table E.7-30: Number of Linear and Watercourse Crossings in the RSA

Major River Major River Indefinite Permanent Recurren Linear Feature Primary Secondary stream stream t stream Total Cutline 0 0 423 42 7 472 Pipeline 3 1 72 10 0 86 Powerline 1 0 9 3 0 13 Rail line 1 0 10 1 0 12 Road Unpaved 0 0 47 9 3 59 Road Paved 2 1 21 2 0 26 Total 7 2 582 67 10 668 Total – no cutlines 7 2 159 25 3 196

E. Traditional and Medicinal Plant Use in the RSA

The Birch Mountain Firebag River Traditional Land-use Maps include the entire area of the Parsons Creek Resources RSA (). A close up of these maps shows the general gathering areas for berries (Figure E.7-13) and trees (Figure E.7-13) within the RSA. Hazelnut has been collected along the Athabasca River on the eastern side of the RSA, while traditional areas of cranberry are more centrally located in the RSA Figure E.7-13.

Figure E.7-13: Traditional Gathering Areas for Berries in the RSA

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The western central portion of the RSA was not noted as an important area for collecting tree species of traditional and medicinal value (Figure E.7-14). Tree species of traditional and medicinal value were mainly associated with watercourses in the RSA. Near the Athabasca River, deciduous species such as alder, willow, balsam poplar and birch were noted (Figure E.7-14)

Figure E.7-14: Traditional Gathering Areas for Trees in the RSA

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E.7.5 Climate Change and Vegetation

E.7.6 References

Adams, S. 1998. Fort Chipewyan Way of Life Study Final Report, Stuart Adams and Associates, Vancouver, BC. AENV. 1991. Alberta Vegetation Inventory Standards Manual, Version 2.1. November 1991. Alberta Environment Protection Resource, Data Division, Data Acquisition Branch, Edmonton, Alberta. Allen, L. 2005. Alberta Natural Heritage Information Centre Preliminary Plant Community Tracking List. Alberta Community Development, Edmonton, AB. Achuff, P. 1994. Natural Regions, Subregions and Natural Themes of Alberta – A Classification for Protected Areas Management. Park Services, Alberta Environmental Protection. 72 pages. ANHIC, 2005. Alberta Natural Heritage Information Centre – Community Characterization Abstract CEAB000043, Populus balsamifera / Viburnum opulus / Matteuccia struthiopteris, last updated 30 November 2005. AENV. 1991. Alberta Vegetation Inventory Standards Manual, Version 2.1, November 1991. Alberta Environmental Protection, Resource Data Division, Data Acquisition Branch, Edmonton, AB. Base Features Metadata Document. 2007. Last update date: August 24, 2007. Beckingham, J. D. and J. H. Archibald. 1996. Field guide to ecosites of northern Alberta. Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Northwest Region, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton, Alberta, Special Report 5. Center for Invasive Plant Management. 2006. (lists of weed species for jurisdictions in North America) (ULR: http://www.weedcenter.org/inv_plant_info/weedlist). Fort McKay First Nations. 1994. There is Still Survival Out There. Gould, J. 2006. Alberta Natural Heritage Information Centre Tracking and Watch Lists – Vascular Plants, Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts. Alberta Community Development, Parks and Protected Areas Division, Edmonton, Alberta. Halsay, L. A., D. H. Vitt, D. Beilman, S. Crow, S. Mehelcic, and R. Wells. 2003. Alberta Wetland Inventory Standards Version 2.0. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Resource Data Branch, Edmonton, Alberta. Lancaster, J., ed. 2000. Guidelines for rare plant surveys. Alberta Native Plant Council, Edmonton, Alberta. Kershaw, L., J. Gould, D. Johnson and J. Lancaster, eds. 2001. Rare vascular plants of Alberta. Alberta Native Plant Council, Edmonton, Alberta. Matlack, G. R. and J. A. Litvaitis. 1999. Forest edges in M. L. Hunter Jr. (Ed.), Maintaining Biodiversity in Forest Ecosystems, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Mikisew Cree First Nations IRS. 2007. Mikisew Cree First Nation: Traditional Ecological Report, Synenco Energy Inc., Northern Lights Oil Sand Development Draft for Industrial Relations Corporation Review, April. Moss, E. H. 1983. Flora of Alberta. 2nd edition, revised by J. G. Packer. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, ON. Packer, J. G. and C. E. Bradley. 1984. A checklist of the rare vascular plants of Alberta. Provincial Museum of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Natural History Occasional Paper No. 5.

Section E.2 July ___, 2007 Page 39 Parsons Creek Resources Project

Royer, F. and R. Dickinson. 1999. Weeds of Canada and the Northern United States. The University of Alberta Press, Edmonton, AB and Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, AB. Sanchez-Azofeifa, G. A., M. Chong, J. Sinkwich, and S. Mamet. 2004. Alberta Ground Cover Characterization (AGCC) Training and Procedures Manual. Earth Observation Systems Laboratory, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta and Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Program. Schneider, R. 2001. Old-growth forests in Alberta: Ecology and management. Alberta Centre for Boreal Studies, November 2001. 19 pp. Stelfox, J.B., P. C. Lee, J. Schieck, L. D. Roy, S. Crites, L. H. Crampton, and L. McDonald. 1995. Relationships between stand age, stand structure and biodiversity in aspen mixedwood forests in Alberta: General summery. Jointly published by Alberta Environmental Centre (AECV95-R1) and Canadian Forest Service (Project No. 0001A), Edmonton, Alberta. Thompson, W. H. and P. L. Hanson. 2002. Classification and management of riparian and wetland sites of the Alberta Grassland Natural Region and adjacent subregions. Bitterroot Restoration Inc. Prepared for the Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Program – Cows and Fish, Lethbridge, AB. 416 pp. USGS 2007. Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/plants/vascplnt/species/pled.htm Willoughby, M. G., C. Stone, C. Hincz, D. Moisey, G. Ehlert, and D. Lawrence. 2006. Guide to range plant community types and carrying capacity for the Dry and Central Mixedwood Subregions in Alberta. Alberta Sustainable Resource Development, Public Lands and Forests Division. Edmonton, Alberta. Zoltai, S. C., S. Taylor, J. K. Jeglum, G. F. Mills, and J. D. Johnson.1988. Wetlands of Boreal Canada, In Wetlands of Canada. Published by the National Wetlands Working Group, Ecological Land Classification Series No. 24. Sustainable Development Branch, Environment Canada, Ottawa, Ontario and Polyscience Publications Inc., Montreal, Quebec. 452 pp.

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E.7.7 Vegetation Appendices

E.7.7.1 Description of Landcover Units in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA

E.7.7.2 Vascular Plant Species in the Parsons Creek Resources LSA

E.7.7.3 Rare Vascular Plant Locations in the LSA

E.7.7.4 Rare Plant Photos from the LSA

E.7.7.5 Populus balsamifera - Viburnum opulus -Matteuccia struthiopteris Community - Locations and Examples from the LSA

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Recommended publications