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For Teaching and Learning


NCEA ANALYSIS for Teaching and Learning

Cheryl Harvey - Te Kotahitanga Facilitator Jennifer Glenn - Specialist Classroom Teachers Facilitator Mike Stone - Science Facilitator

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 1 NCEA ANALYSIS for Teaching and Learning

INTRODUCTION This resource has been developed to support secondary schools and teachers as they consider NCEA evidence and implications for their classroom practice. It provides a model for looking at the data through a different lens. The material in the resource comes from an analysis of examiners’ reports, moderators’ reports and explanatory notes of the Achievement Standards for 2004 and 2005. This model can be updated and adapted according to the needs of an individual school or department.

Reports have been completed for the following subjects: Science Biology Chemistry Physics

FRAMEWORKS FOR ANALYSIS The reports have been analysed according to:

1. Literacy and Language: comments from the reports are categorised according to :  Surface features – such as neatness, layout, spelling  Vocabulary  Writing  Reading  Information skills This analysis is divided into NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3.

2. Thinking: comments linked to thinking from the reports are allocated to one of the 6 levels of Bloom taxonomy. This was chosen as it links most directly to the language of NCEA. Comments from the reports are categorised according to:  Remember  Understand  Apply  Analyse  Evaluate  Create This analysis is divided into NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3.

3. Extension features towards Merit and Excellence: Specific comments are included which describe what students have done which lifts

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 2 their responses into either Merit or Excellence at all three levels.

4. Main reasons for Failure: Specific comments are included which describe the reasons for student failure at all three levels.

5. Specific Directives to Teachers: Often in the reports, there are direct suggestions made to teachers about what is needed to improve the learning and the subsequent student outcome.

6. Vocabulary: The report includes key vocabulary, encountered either in the assessment reports, or in the explanatory notes which accompany the standard. The words are simply listed for teachers in that curriculum area to note and to use. Reference back to the Assessment Reports and the Achievement Standards would give the context and further detail. One result of this analysis has been an awareness of the amount of vocabulary a student will have to master across a range of subjects in a given year.


There are many ways of using the resource to inform teaching and learning. It is possible to cut – and paste – the material in a range of ways. For example:

 to link to a school goal or initiative – eg a target group such as Level 1 Literacy can be cut across all curriculum areas to look at both curriculum specific and generic learning needed for success  a particular aspect of Literacy can be cut through all levels to note the development and progression – eg Information Skills in the development of a cross-curricular research process where skills are built from Year 9  where a school seeks to raise the numbers of students gaining Literacy and Numeracy, or gaining NCEA Level 1, the Reasons for Failure category can help departments set goals for improvement  a department seeking to lift the numbers of students reaching Merit and Excellence across the board may look to the Extension Features for Merit and Excellence for guidance  where a particular standard has been identified as a target in a curriculum area, the combination of general comments and Specific Directives may be used to develop goals

If you are using this resource please acknowledge our work. We would like to acknowledge the literacy template that originally came from work done at Thames High School and which we further developed and used to produce this resource.

Cheryl Harvey Jennifer Glenn Team Solutions Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 3 University of Auckland. This material is summarised from the Assessment SUBJECT: PHYSICS Reports, Moderation Reports and Explanatory Notes to be found on the NZQA website. There is far more detail included in that material. Language and Literacy

Surface Features Vocabulary Reading Writing Information Skills

LEVEL ONE . Know key terms and . Read question instructions . . Identify concepts concepts closely . Write description of process . Use diagrams, graphs, . Set out calculations clearly . Describe and explain in . Write explanations with formulae eg use a ray show all of formula, scientific language sufficient detail diagram to locate the image substitution, working, . Understand the key, bolded . Explain clearly in short, of an object formed by a pin- answer with unit words in the question that simple sentences that are to hole camera indicate what they are the point and use basic . Draw and label the forces required to do. concepts acting on an object . Fully address the key words . Fully address the key words . Correctly interpret data eg in the question in the question from a d/t graph . Define key terms eg . Link concepts to explain . Relate the distance travelled amplitude, frequency, physical phenomena by an object to the area wavelength, unbalanced . Link ideas to give an under a v/t graph force, acceleration, latent explanation in a practical . Solve problems correctly heat, nuclear fusion” situation e.g. effect of . Select appropriate formula . Differentiate between eg doubling frequency on the . Manipulate formulae to insulator & conductor; wavelength of sound solve problems in single or magnetic field and . Describe the properties of multiple steps electrostatic forces an image formed by a pin- . Problem-solve where hole camera information is less obvious

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 4 Surface Features Vocabulary Reading Writing Information Skills

LEVEL TWO . Use correct physics terms . Read, understand and act . State key ideas . Draw accurate diagrams eg refraction, reflection, on key words in the question . Write in a style that is clear, using ruler and arrows, eg . Attempt all questions diffraction. . Recognise and unpack concise, relevant & accurate ray, pulse, vector diagrams, . Recognise and unpack . Know definitions eg volt, questions into parts . Organise answers into a or electric fields between questions into parts current, power . Read and understand the logical and sequence of plates . Set out quantitative work . Use precise requirements of the question physical concepts and ideas . Interpret simple information neatly scientific related to the question from a graph or diagram . Include SI units with their language . Describe and explain . Write a simple nuclear answers eg s-1 for frequency physical phenomena. equation . Show numerical accuracy, . Give a detailed explanation . Solve simple numerical correct rounding & include SI by linking the relevant problems by selecting the units with their answers. physics concepts and terms correct formula, substituting, eg answer diode questions working out then giving with a reason dealing with answers with the correct unit resistance . State answers to the correct . Express ideas without number of significant figures repetition, contradiction or . Add up cells in series irrelevancies.

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 5 Surface Features Vocabulary Reading Writing Information Skills

LEVEL THREE . Relate physics terms to . Demonstrate . Write and draw . Recognise relevant real-life experience e.g. understanding by descriptive answers information from a . Attempt all questions. frequency and amplitude to interpreting instructions . Give description of a situation . Use care in pitch and loudness . Follow instructions e.g. explanations/reasons and then apply correct presentation e.g. graphs . Appropriately use re labels . Give answers that are process correct physics terms eg . Identify physics relevant . Recognise which angular momentum, concepts, phenomena and . Give clear, concise formula should be used centripetal force, principles in the context of explanations of physics . Select, substitute into, . Understand key words the question . Link concepts to the specific and rearrange simple and concepts eg . Read the questions context of the question, eg formulae wavelength, frequency and carefully the principle of conservation . Show working speed of light and sound; . Showed that they had of angular momentum in the . Merge two formulae timbre, read and understood context of a diver doing successfully to solve a . Distinguish between questions by answering rotations in air. problem terms and concepts eg questions fully . Use indices / powers of maximum acceleration with 10 in calculations, determine maximum velocity in SHM; the appropriate number of amplitude & displacement significant figures in . Recognise physics numerical answers, and give terms - that ‘increases by a correct units. factor of 5’ means multiplied . Apply mathematics skills by 5 and the expression to solve a simple problem such ‘two rotations’ means 2°— as calculating the nth order 2π radians maximum for diffraction grating interference pattern

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 6 DEEPER FEATURES – THINKING SKILLS

Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create

LEVEL ONE . Understand that the key, bolded words . Apply a concept in a given context or in the questions indicate what was practical situation to solve a problem . Draw and/or label diagrams accurately required . Link concepts to explain physical eg ray diagrams, forces acting . Clearly understand concepts, phenomena such as dispersion or . Use a diagram to solve a problem eg processes and terms e.g. amplitude, effect of doubling frequency on the use a ray diagram to locate an image charge, dispersion of white light wavelength of sound . Correctly interpret data eg speed from . Understand how – e.g. current and . Relate unbalanced force to constant a d/t graph, distance from a v/t graph voltage varies in parallel circuits; velocity . Know e.g. the correct units for distance between field lines indicates . Apply the knowledge of conservation of acceleration relative strength atomic number and atomic mass to . Recognise and name eg forces acting . Understand relationship e.g. power, balance simple nuclear reactions an object, methods of heat transfer brightness and voltage . Combine more than two formulae to . Define terms eg latent heat, frequency, . Understand the basic concepts in each solve multiple-step calculations . Differentiate terms eg conductor and area of the standard accurately. insulator . Explain clearly eg the behaviour of a . Identify eg a fusion reaction from a set conductor near a large charged body, of given nuclear reactions how factors affect an image . Describe eg the properties of an image, . Choose and manipulate formulae to charging by friction solve problems that involve one step . Identify and describe basic concepts eg only. velocity, acceleration, pressure, kinetic . Calculate from a graph energy and potential energy . Show sound understanding by . Solve one-step problems using the explaining relevant concepts eg heat given formulae eg Ohms law transfer in a cooler . Convert data to correct units

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 7 DEEPER FEATURES – THINKING SKILLS

Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create

LEVEL TWO . Understand key concepts eg . Link concepts . Interpret diagrams – e.g. ray, behaviour of light, how . Apply knowledge of physics diffraction, interference . Know what equations and Rutherford’s experiment to the particular situation in symbols represent showed atomic structure the questions . Decide which formula is . Differentiate between eg . Apply processes e.g. to relevant to solving a problem mirrors & lenses; radio & obtain amplitude from a total in a particular question sound waves; Thomson’s & distance of oscillation . Use formulae to solve single- Rutherford’s atomic models . Relate constant speed to step problems correctly . Explain without contradiction zero acceleration . Use given data . Manipulate equations & . Estimate eg half-life . Set out solutions logically formulae accurately, including . Calculate e.g. products using . Use the required number of substitution, SI prefixes standard form significant figures and units . Convert prefixes of SI units . Solve two-step problems . Draw & use accurate . Give concise and accurate involving Snell’s law and diagrams e.g. ray explanations of phenomenon Descartes’ or Newton’s . Define key terms eg wave interference formulae . Recognise eg the need to . Explain physical situations . Correctly interpret right hand use arrows on rays in and phenomena clearly slap rule. diagram; prefixes; electrical . Give evidence of . Clearly understand how symbols understanding different concepts need to be linked to . Identify and describe concepts within the standard solve problems and explain phenomena, concepts and described situations principles eg force, refraction, direction of a magnetic field . Basic knowledge of Newton’s Laws enabled students to recognise their relevance to a problem .

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 8 DEEPER FEATURES – THINKING SKILLS

Remember Understand Apply Analyse Evaluate Create

LEVEL THREE . Identify and show . Select and use/rearrange . Discuss two possibilities e.g. . Predict understanding of physics appropriate formulae and in pipe length solution from data . State/recall basic physics concepts, phenomena and substitute given data correctly . Justify using formulae for a & situation concepts in words, graphs, principles in the context of the to solve problems specific purpose and diagrams eg Doppler question eg motion, . Relate key concepts to the effect, standing waves centripetal force real-life contexts given . Recognise the correct . Give explanations with . Apply understanding to phenomenon, concept or reasons unfamiliar situations principle . Demonstrate understanding . Link concepts with reasoning . Recognise which formula eg of SHM . Make links to explain the should be used . Understand and explain how described situation eg . Justify the correct number of or when eg motion, velocity, between the maximum significant figures and give mass; photoelectric acceleration of a pendulum correct units . Translate information supplied and its amplitude; between . Apply mathematics skills to into values of physics free-fall and weightlessness solve a simple problem quantities . Recognise and interpret . Recognise physics terms - . Demonstrate understanding relationship in a given context that ‘increases by a factor of by interpreting instructions – e.g. between results of an 5’ means multiplied by 5 and experiment and physics the expression ‘two rotations’ concepts or phenomena means 2°—2π radians

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 9 EXTENSION FEATURES – TOWARDS MERIT and EXCELLENCE

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 . Answers were clear, detailed, concise and precise . Recognised and unpacked questions into parts . Recognised and applied the appropriate and key . Understood relationships e.g. between pressure . Were able to complete calculations by selecting the physics concepts and principles in a given situation and areas, frequency & wavelength correct formulae, substituting in the appropriate . Made reasoned links between concepts to solve . Understood concepts clearly– reflection, refraction values, rearranging, showing working of each step problems or explain a described situation e.g. and total internal reflection by drawing ray diagrams . Could solve/explain in clear, methodical steps that between electron energy levels and frequency in the . Correctly linked ideas to give an explanation in a are easily understood hydrogen spectrum practical situation . Showed numerical accuracy, correct rounding, . Concisely and clearly explained key physics . Correctly defined e.g. one pascal, one watt included SI units and used the correct number of concepts linked to the specific context of the . Showed understanding e.g. work is done only when significant figures with their answers. question applied force and motion are in the same/opposite . Manipulated SI prefixes . Was more rigorous in solutions eg correct signs in direction . Could estimate half-life Doppler formula; showing two possibilities in pipe . Provided balanced equations of nuclear reaction . Interpreted eg ray, diffraction, interference diagrams length solution . Used evidence that was supplied in the question to and graphs . Applied understanding to unfamiliar situations write complete explanations . Drew and labelled accurate diagrams using a ruler, . Represented described situations mathematically . Explained phenomena, concepts and principles with arrows on ray diagrams and appropriate scale e.g. angle, geometric problem valid reasons and with minimal irrelevancies . Drew and/or explained physical situations . Was able, in complex problems, to show all . Showed clear understanding of concepts in all . Explained ideas in a clear and concise manner formulae and all steps taken to produce the final areas of the standard without repetition, contradiction or irrelevancies answer with appropriate unit and significant figures . Drew very accurate diagrams eg force vectors . Linked correct physical ideas using precise scientific . Rearranged formulae to solve problems . Re-arranged formulae to calculate required answer language . Converted energy in joules into volts and vice versa . Problem-solved where information less obvious or . Showed clear understanding of key concepts eg . Showed clear and detailed understanding involved more than one physical concept eg Rutherford scattering experiment, behaviour alpha, . Understood application of laws eg Lenz’s law calculating d travelled from v/t graph beta and gamma in a magnetic field, half-life . Used relevant/appropriate physics terms to explain . Calculations were well laid out and showed all . Showed good understanding and knowledge of all concepts working & a clear line of analysis aspects of the standard . Combined more than two formulae to carry out . Clearly understood the vector nature of various multiple-step calculations accurately quantities and used sign conventions accordingly to . Showed sound understanding eg by explaining accurately describe the motion of an object relevant concepts e.g. heat transfer in a cooler . Correctly interpreted right hand slap rule. . Clearly explained the application of a concept in a given contextual situation e.g. convection

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 10 MAIN REASONS FOR FAILURE

LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 . Often did not attempt some, or all, of the questions. . Failed to attempt/finish some questions . Work was incomplete, did not answer question fully . Answers were not related to the questions . Did not read/understand/follow the requirements of . Did not follow instructions e.g. labelling . Did not show that they understood the concepts the question . Was unable to rearrange simple formulae eg e.g. lateral inversion, amplitude, use of prisms; . Did not recognise the links between questions and couldn’t convert between radians and degrees . Was unable to define key terms eg unbalanced formulae . Couldn’t justify significant figures force, acceleration, pressure, average velocity, . Couldn’t decide which formulae was relevant to . Couldn’t handle powers of 10 in calculations and/or latent heat of fusion and nuclear fusion solving a particular situation as meanings of round to correct number of significant figures . Misunderstood/confused terms or processes e.g. symbols unknown (eg p=momentum, p≠power) . Couldn’t extract relevant information from a given insulator/conductor; current/voltage; magnetic field . Couldn’t select, substitute and use simple formulae situation which led to incorrect process and electrostatic forces . Lacked care with calculations eg didn’t set out . Attempted to apply level 2 techniques to solve . Explanations lacked detail problems logically, did not show working clearly, problems e.g. involving Kirchhoff’s laws . Lacked the ability to give simple explanations using failed to square numbers, didn’t use the correct . Selected appropriate formula and data to solve basic concepts in electricity and magnetism number of significant figures, could not write Greek problems, but couldn’t provide descriptive evidence . Had difficulty giving reasons in compare questions letters correctly. to show understanding of concepts involved . Had difficulty explaining physics concepts in . Rounded intermediate answers to numerical . Couldn’t recognise which concept to apply contextual situation problems too early in the calculations . Included irrelevant material . Was unable to draw correctly or accurately e.g. ray . Incorrectly manipulated fractions . Lacked accurate knowledge of basic concepts diagrams . Was unable to convert prefixes of SI units . Confused key words, concepts, phenomena eg . Was unable to identify and label . Couldn’t draw and measure accurate ray diagrams wavelength, frequency and speeds of light and . Didn’t recognise e.g. that friction opposes motion; and did not recognise a negative focal length, did sound; amplitude & displacement; weightlessness; that gravity is the largest force acting on a falling not use ruler or arrows on rays, no scale on vector absorption spectra and the photoelectric effect, object, forces acting on an object diagrams charging and discharging of the capacitor . Couldn’t make links – e.g. distance travelled/a . Couldn’t subtract vectors . Misconceptions eg that momentum is conserved in time-velocity graph . Couldn’t demonstrate understanding of key physics all collisions, . Unable to do basic calculations correctly or concepts . Careless presentation e.g. graph drawing accurately eg chose wrong formula, unable to . Lacked the broad physics knowledge needed at manipulate formula, working not set out clearly, this level no/incorrect units . Couldn’t explain phenomena in terms of the physics of the situation . Gave contradictory explanations . Lacked knowledge of key terms – e.g. refractive index, critical angle . Couldn’t differentiate between eg radio and sound waves; mirrors and lenses; optical density and physical density; longitudinal and transverse waves; friction and energy, power and energy, . Answered questions using everyday phrases eg the bag wants to keep moving

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 11 SPECIFIC DIRECTIVES TO TEACHERS

LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 . Assessors MUST customise exemplars and generic schedules (NZIP provides some secure versions). Students have access to unmodified versions. . Ensure sufficiency judgements are holistic – not a certain number of ticks . Ensure direction/supervision/guidance is consistent – e.g. more is not provided when further evidence is collected . Ensure that students provide adequate evidence that they have met all of the requirements of a standard/grade especially when working in groups . When the standard is up-dated, ensure the task and marking schedule are also changed to match the most recent version of the standard . Students need to clearly understand terms . Need to know what equations and . Check commercially available tasks and processes e.g. there was confusion symbols represent – too many students select carefully between negative acceleration and an equation based on the matching of symbols . 90774: Ensure that evidence and deceleration . Candidates should be encouraged to judgement statements are detailed and specific . Students need to fully address the key answer ‘explanation’ questions by writing three . 90774: It is not enough to describe or list words in the question or four concise and relevant statements rather limitations, difficulties, variables. To gain E a . Students need to read and follow than long, imprecise paragraphs. student must analyse issues/problems that instructions . Students should be familiar with using arose & show critical thinking in suggesting how . Students must be shown the correct way accurate, ruled, scale drawings these factors might impact on the conclusion to set out the answer to “show that” questions. . Students need to be shown how to set out drawn from the results. . Students should substitute before re- calculations . 90774: Ensure a minor transcription or arranging in formulae, as it is easier to . Students need practice at writing clear, computational error does not prevent manipulate numbers rather than algebraic precise explanations achievement expressions . 90252: assessors must not accept the . 90774:Ensure students refer specifically to . More time is needed preparing students gradient when it has clearly been calculated the particular measurements made rather than for explanation-type questions – especially from the data table instead of from the graph making general statements explaining physics concepts in contextual line . 90774: Uncertainties in data are expected situations and in explaining in enough detail . 90252: For a technique to be validly to be judged more rigorously and this must be . Students need to learn to use short, justified the explanation must state why the included in the assessment schedule simple and complete sentences to express particular measurement needed this technique . 90774: Students must not give a level 1 ideas clearly and how the technique increased accuracy in response that refers to proportionality without . While it is important for students to learn this particular measurement. General any supporting mathematical calculations how to solve problems, they must also learn statements such as “to increase accuracy” or . 90774: Task must be complex enough to how to explain phenomena, concepts & “to reduce random error” are not acceptable. allow evidence for M/E. Period of a pendulum is principles with valid reasons & with minimal . 90258: As in the explanatory notes for this often too simple. Theoretical values must be irrelevancies to get M or E standard, student responses must be both compared with experimental values . 90184: students need to be able to mathematical & descriptive, they cannot gain achieve in both heat and nuclear physics – achievement by using only one of these. many are only able to do one

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 12 These are lists of key words taken from Assessment Reports and from the Achievement Standard explanatory notes. KEY VOCABULARY They provide a starting point for vocabulary work

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Instructional words noted: identify, describe, explain, discuss, evaluate, solve, phenomena, concepts, principles, computational/transcription errors, negative index notation, slash notation 90180 Investigation 90252 Measure & graph 90774 Investigation aim, context, data, dependent variable, hypothesis, axes, exponential, gradient, graphical technique, axes, data, dependent variable, detailed method, error independent variable, investigation, prediction, primary instrument, intercept inverse, inverse square, justify, line, feasible method, independent variable, justified, data, range, reliability, sample, sampling bias, scientific linear, line of best fit, log graph, non-linear relationship, limitation, linear, primary, range, raw data, uncertainty, idea, sources of error, testable question, trend, validity, parallax error, scale, significant figure, square, variable, validity, values, variable, workable method, variable, zero error, 90181 Research 90258 Integrated physics collate, development of a theory or model, highlight, concept, context, descriptive, diagrammatic, formula, list, management practice, relevance, resolving an graphical mathematical, minimal irrelevancy, negative issue, secondary information, sort, source, summarise, index notation (eg ms-2), phenomena, principle, technological application quantitative discussion, relationship, slash notation (eg m/s2), written, 90182 Waves & Light 90254: Waves 90520 Waves amplitude, angle of incidence, angle of reflection, angle absolute, amplitude, constructive interference, critical amplitude, antinode, band of values, detector, deviated of refraction, compression, crest, critical angle, angle, curved mirrors, destructive interference, electro- colour, diffraction angle, diffraction grating, discharge dispersion, frequency, lateral inversion, longitudinal magnetic wave, focal length, interference, lens, mirror, tube, Doppler effect, double slit, electromagnetic, wave, normal, period, pin-hole camera, plane optical density, oscillation, phase, plane boundary, emission spectra, frequency, frequency shift, boundary, plane mirror, prism, ray diagram, real image, qualitative, quantitative, ray diagram, reflection, fundamental frequency, harmonic, interference, rectangular block, rectilinear propagation, rarefaction, refraction, refractive index, SI unit, Snell’s law, longitudinal, loudness, multi-slit, node, overtone, pipe, reflection, refraction, refractive index, speed superposition, total internal reflection, 2-point source pitch, prism, quantitative, radian, refraction, relative relationship, total internal reflection, transverse wave, interference, velocity, resonance, spectra, speed of light, speed of trough, virtual image, wave characteristic, wavelength, sound, standing wave, stationary observer, string, white light timbre, transverse, wave length, wave system,

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 13 These are lists of key words taken from Assessment Reports and from the Achievement Standard explanatory notes. KEY VOCABULARY They provide a starting point for vocabulary work

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 90183 Mechanics 90255: Mechanics 90521 Mechanics air resistance, average speed, balanced force, acceleration, balanced force, centripetal force, circular accelerate, amplitude, angular acceleration, angular buoyancy, combined mass, constant speed, motion, conservation of energy, dimension, elastic speed, balanced forces, centre of mass, centripetal conservation of energy, deceleration, displacement, collision, energy, equilibrium, extension of a spring, force, circular motion, collision, compound pendulum, distance, dynamic equilibrium, energy, force, free body force, free fall, friction, gravity, impulse, inelastic conservation, constant, degree, dimension, force diagrams, friction, gradient, gravity, instantaneous collision, magnitude, mechanics, momentum, motion, displacement, equilibrium, free fall, gravitational field speed, kinetic energy, lift force, motion, negative net force, Newton’s laws, potential energy, power, strength, gravitational force, harmonic motion, impulse, acceleration, net force, perimeter, positive acceleration, projectile motion, Pythagoras, relative motion, torque, inertia, kinetic energy, linear velocity, mass, potential energy, pressure, reaction, speed, static unbalanced force, vector components, vector diagram, mechanical systems, momentum, orbital motion, equilibrium, terminal velocity, transformation of energy, velocity, zero acceleration pendulum, period, phasor, radian, reference circle, unbalanced forces, upthrust, vector, velocity-time resonance, restoring force, rotational inertia, rotational graph, viscous force drag, weight, motion, SHM, swing, torque, translation motion, vector diagram, weightlessness 90184 Heat & Nuclear Physics 90256: Atoms & Radioactivity 90522 Atoms, Photons & nuclei absorption, atomic number, atomic structure, chain alpha radiation, atomic number, beta radiation, charge, atom, atomic line spectra, binding energy, Bohr atomic reaction, change of state, conductor, conservation Dalton atomic model, deflection, emission, gamma model, cut-off voltage, current flow, discrete atomic laws, conduction, convection, heat capacity, heat radiation, gold foil experiment, half-life, ionisation, energy levels, duality, electron, electron transition, transfer, insulation, insulator, isotope, latent heat, mass magnetic field, mass number, penetration, radioactive electron volt energy, fission, frequency, fusion, number, nuclear equation, nuclear fission, nuclear decay, radioactivity, Rutherford’s atomic model, hydrogen, hydrogen emission spectrum, infrared, fusion, nuclear structure, phase of matter, power, scattering experiment, Thomson’s atomic model ionisation, joule, kinetic energy, light, mass, mass radiation, rate, reflection, specific heat capacity, unit, deficit, nuclear reaction, nucleon, particle, photon, photoelectric effect, quantisation of energy, spectral series, transitions, ultraviolet, visible, volt, wave, 90185 Electricity & Magnetism 90257: Electricity & magnetism 90523 Electricity bar magnet, brightness, charge transfer, charged, charge, DC electricity, DC motor, diode, electric field, AC, angular frequency, capacitor, charge, coil, circuit diagram, coil, conductor, current, earthing, electricity, electromagnetism, generator, induced current/time graph, cyclic frequency, DC, discharge, electromagnetic forces, electron, electrostatic, energy, voltage, magnetic field, parallel circuit, polarity, dissipation, electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s Law, field lines, field strength, friction, lightning conductor, potential energy, resistive component, series, source, impedance, induced, inductor, internal resistance, magnetic field, negative charge, Ohm’s law, parallel static electricity, uniform, voltage, Kirchhoff’s Laws, Lenz’s law, LCR circuit, LR series, circuit, positive charge, power, power equations magnetic flux, mutual inductance, peak, phase, phasor, resistance, resistor, series circuit, solenoid, static reactance, RC series, resistor, resonance, rms, self electricity, U-shaped magnet, voltage, inductance, solar cell, transformer, velocity, voltage, voltage/time graph,

Cheryl Harvey, Jennifer Glenn, Mike Stone TEAM Solutions 5/29/18 14

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