Introduction (In Class Wednesday, March 28)

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Introduction (In Class Wednesday, March 28)

Outliers Chapter Questions Instructions: Answer ALL questions (including questions within the questions!) thoroughly, using examples from the text when applicable.

Introduction (In class Wednesday, March 28)

1. Before reading Malcolm Gladwell’s definition of an outlier, what did you expect it would mean?

2. What methods Wolf use to try to figure out the reason behind the citizens of Roseto being healthier than everyone else?

3. How is it that genes could not explain the health of the Rosetan community?

4. What idea did Bruhn and Wolf, the physician and the sociologist, try to prove to the medical community?

5. How does the quotation, “They had to look beyond the individual” fit into the idea of outliers generally and the Rosetans specifically? Chapter 1 (Due Thursday, April 12)

1. What is the Matthew Effect, and how has it created an unfairness among athletes, particularly in Canadian youth hockey and European youth soccer leagues?

2. In European soccer, there is a cut-off date of September 1st. Explain why kids born in October are more likely to become elite soccer stars than those born in May.

3. What does Gladwell say most people believe about those who are deemed successful, versus those who are not as successful? (To what is their success usually attributed?)

4. After reading and considering the claims in the chapter, in what ways do you feel you have advantages or disadvantages because of when you were born? Chapter 2 (Due Thursday, April 19)

1. According to the chapter, what is the significance of the number 10,000?

2. What is necessary for someone to even GET the opportunity to accumulate 10,000 hours of practice at something?

3. Does Gladwell admit there masters of certain skills that do not need 10,000 hours? Explain.

4. After knowing why a genius is a genius, according to Gladwell, how have your feelings changed toward “gifted” people? Chapter 8 (Due Thursday, April 26)

1. Why are rice paddies such a focus of Chapter 8? What is their significance as it pertains to outliers and Gladwell’s overall claim?

2. Why is it that if Chinese students are given a list of 17 numbers, they are able to memorize those numbers in an average of 20 seconds when American student cannot?

3. Describe Renee’s thought process in the video described in this chapter. What does Gladwell show through the use of this example?

4. Explain the connection between the number of questions filled in on the questionnaire taken prior to the TIMSS exam and the score achieved on the math portion of the exam. How does this relate to Gladwell’s claims in the rest of the chapter? Chapter 9 (Due Thursday, May 3)

1. In what ways is the KIPP program fair or unfair? Explain. Fair--


2. What was the initial, historical reason for structuring the school year with one extended break over the summer? Does 21st century American life still require such a structure?

3. What are some advantages Gladwell discusses in regards to year-round schooling? Who would most benefit from such a change?

4. How much reading does the chapter say is required to prevent a decrease in CATs? Do you think that schools should provide reading materials for lower class individuals so that their reading skills do not deteriorate?

5. Does the KIPP model have a potential for success at Hatboro-Horsham? In other words, would a program like KIPP be effective in this community with these students?

6. After reading the chapter, how have you beliefs changed about how the school year should be structured? (Should there be a longer school year with more short breaks rather than one long summer break? Should the school day be lengthened and summer break preserved? Etc.) Epilogue (In-class Tuesday, May 8)

1. How do the qualities of outliers Gladwell has discussed throughout the book apply to Gladwell’s family?

2. Why does Malcolm Gladwell say that the story of his mother’s path to success was “not true”?

3. After reading about the opportunities Joyce Gladwell had in Jamaica, consider the opportunities we have living here in America. Do we have more or fewer opportunities? Why/why not? Consider what Gladwell has talked about in various parts of the book.

4. How have relationships with specific people through your life so far contributed to your success in any area? Looking ahead: Outliers test 5/11, Outliers final essay 5/17

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