Region 6 Championship
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2013 Region 6 Championship Registration Packet Welcome to the 2013 Region Championships! Date:
Friday, February 22, 2013
Oconee Fall Line Technical College 560 Pinehill Road Dublin, GA 31021
Region Chairperson(s) Contact:
Dean Cutler [email protected] East Laurens High School E. Dublin, Ga. 31027 478-272-3144 Ext 4975 Fax 478-609-2175
Jeff Johnson [email protected] Burke County High School 1057 Burke Veterans Parkway Waynesboro, Ga. 30830 706-554-6691 Fax: 706-554-8070
Overview of Fees:
Contestants - $10.00 Observers - $10.00 Advisors - $10.00 School Fee - $25.00
All fees will be paid to:
Burke County High School 1057 Burke Veterans Parkway Waynesboro, Ga. 30830 Lunch will not be provided at the school.
Local area restaurants: Cracker Barrel, Longhorns Steakhouse, Ruby Tuesdays McDonalds, Burger King, Zaxby’s
Due Date for Registration and Fees:
Registration is due no later than February 1, 2013.
All fees are non-refundable.
All checks should be made payable to:
Burke County High School 1057 Burke Veterans Parkway Waynesboro, Ga. 30830 706-554-6691 Fax: 706-554-8070
Tentative Agenda for Region Championship:
8:00 a.m. Judges Orientation Registration Porter Center
9:00 a.m. Contestant/Student Orientation Porter Center
9:30 a.m. Contestants taken to contest area
10:00 – 12:00 Contests
12:00 – 1:30 Lunch on your own
2:00 – 3:00 Awards Ceremony Porter Center
Additional Information: Elect a Region Representative for the SkillsUSA Georgia Board of Directors if it is your year to elect one – Region 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 (this is an adult advisor position).
If you have a student that is 9th through 11th grade that would be interested in serving as our SkillsUSA Georgia Region Representative, then please have them complete the form found on the SkillsUSA Georgia website and submit it. Voting for Region Representatives will take place at the Region Champions. Region Championship Regulations Student Eligibility 1. The name of any student entering a region contest must be turned into the Region Chairperson by the deadline set by the chairperson. If a substitution for a team member is made, notify the Region Registration table on the date of the competition. 2. Each student must be a paid SkillsUSA member and entered on the Online Membership website one day prior to Region Competition. A copy of the chapter Membership Roster should be attached to the Eligibility Verification Form. 3. Each student must be eligible for competition within the guidelines set forth in the 2013-2014 SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards. 4. Advisors must submit a signed Eligibility Verification Form (one per school) verifying their contestant's eligibility. 5. If a student competes in the Region Championships and is discovered at a later date to be ineligible, that student's scores will be nullified and awards given and eligibility for State Competition will be revoked. Implementation of Region Championships 1. The deadline for registration will be established by the Region Chairperson and the deadline will be published in materials. All advisors are expected to abide by the established deadlines. 2. Each region will offer all of the contests included on the Region Level Contests List. Region Chairpersons will determine by registration numbers if a contest has enough entries to conduct. 3. First and Second Place region winners advance to State Competition. If a region chooses to hold a competition in a state only contest, it may do so. Eligibility for state competition in that contest is not determined by region results, since state only contests are open to one student from any school. Note: Teamworks top ten teams from across the state. Welding Fabrication top team from each region. Engine Builders top team from each region. 4. Welding Fabrication - Each team will be required to register their team, with one student being an alternate. The alternate team member will take the same test as the other team members that is composed of Core questions along with questions representative of Welding Fabrication. Each team must register an alternate to participate. The alternate’s test will be included in the cumulative scoring for the entire team. If the team should lose NEW a member, then the alternate would be in place to compete at the State Level. Replacement of a team member should only be done in the case of an emergency and must be approved by the State Director. 5. TeamWorks- Each team will be required to register their team, with one student being an alternate. TeamWork alternate will take a composite test of all 4 skill areas. Each team must register an alternate to participate. The alternate’s test will be included in the cumulative scoring for the entire team. If the team should lose a member, then the alternate would be in place to compete at the State Level. Replacement of a team member should only be done in the case of an emergency and must be approved by the State Director. 6. Contests will be set up to fall within the parameters of the scope of the contest as listed in the SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards. 7. Official SkillsUSA Dress or Business Dress for Leadership Competition is required. For other contests, SkillsUSA Dress is encouraged but not required at Region Competition, except for that portion that applies to safety regulations. This information can be found in the Technical Standards. 8. Equipment/Tools needed for each contest are listed in the Technical Standards. If the tool list for your region is different, the Region Chairperson will inform each advisor in their region. 9. A Grievance Committee of at least 3 people will be in place to handle any protest that might develop. 10. Resumes – Every contestant will be expected to present a typed 1-page resume to the Contest Chair of their contest. Samples resumes are included at the end of this packet. 11. Resumes for team events – one member of the team will be responsible for presenting the Contest Chair of their contest with each and every team members resume. 12. Failure to provide the resume as instructed will result in a deduction from the overall final score of the individual contestant score or team score 2012-2013 THEME SkillsUSA: Champions at Work
The topic to be addressed by contestants in the Chapter Display, Prepared Speech and Promotional Bulletin Board contest is:
Prepared with the skills America needs.
Within this topic, contestants might illustrate or discuss any of the following:
Based on research from employers, what skills do Americans need? How does SkillsUSA provide the skills needed? How does participation in SkillsUSA provide members an edge in the workforce? How does involvement in SkillsUSA provide a competitive edge to America in the global economy? By participating in SkillsUSA events, how will you be more marketable in the workforce? What do SkillsUSA members need to do to be prepared? What skills have you gained through SkillsUSA that will make you prepared to enter your chosen field? How does SkillsUSA continue to adapt to prepare students with these needed skills? What principals was America founded on, how are those still relevant today? Why do American citizens need to have a variety of skills? How do we establish an attitude of life-long learning of through the SkillsUSA programs? What is the American workforce projected to look like when you graduate, how does this impact your plans? TeamWorks Competition Region Championship Overview
The SkillsUSA Georgia TeamWorks competition, sponsored by the Construction Education Foundation of Georgia (CEFGA), is entering its 11th year. The TeamWorks competition is an exciting State Leadership and Skills Conference two-day event that has captured the interest of educators, contractors, and the general public. Ten teams, each consisting of four construction students, will construct building projects for a detailed blueprint design that require skills in carpentry, electrical, masonry, and plumbing during the SkillsUSA Georgia State Leadership and Skills Conference.
Because of the costs and sophistication of conducting the competition, the full contest, represented by 10 schools, will be offered only at the state level during the SkillsUSA Georgia State Leadership and Skills Conference. However, it is the interest of the contest committee that all construction programs have equal opportunity to participate in the competition. Following are the procedures that will be used to qualify and select the 10 teams from across the state that will participate:
1. A team of five students, with one student being an alternate, from the construction program should be selected to represent their school(s) in the TeamWorks qualification at the Region SkillsUSA Competition. Team members may be from different chapters (schools) but the schools must be from the same region. It is advisable that students are selected on the basis of their training and expertise in each of the program areas. The alternate team member will take a test that is composed of Core questions along with questions representative of each of the 4 skill areas. The alternate’s test will be included in the scoring for the entire team. If the team should lose a member, then the alternate would be in place to compete at the State Level. Each team must register an alternate to participate in the Teamworks Competition. 2. Separate comprehensive written examinations will be administered to each team member at the regional SkillsUSA competitions that will demonstrate their general knowledge. 3. In addition to the general knowledge tests, there will be four separate tests (carpentry, electrical, masonry, and plumbing). Examination content will be selected from the NCCER Contren Curriculum (Core through Level I for each craft). Questions will be multiple-choice but may require application of skills, mathematics, layout strategies, etc. Each of the four team-members will take the separate and distinctively different test according to their assigned responsibility within the team (carpentry, electrical, masonry, and plumbing). 4. Teams will be invited to participate in the statewide competition on the basis of highest composite team scores from across the state. The top 10 composite team scores will be determined from a statewide comparison of scores. Advisors will be notified of their team's eligibility by the State Director at the conclusion of All Region Competitions. 5. Additionally, participants must meet typical qualifications outlined in the SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards. 6. Region Chairs may decide to identify and award the first, second and third place region level teams with medallions but a first place in the region contest does not mean that a team will move to the State Leadership and Skills Conference competition (that is determined by the top ten composite scores across the state). SkillsUSA Georgia Region Championship Eligibility Verification Form
School _____
Advisor _____
I verify that each student entering the Region Competition in the 2012 SkillsUSA Georgia Championships is a SkillsUSA member listed on the online membership roster at least one day prior to the Region Competition. I also verify that, to the best of my knowledge, each student is eligible within the guidelines set forth in the 2011-2012 SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards.
Advisor’s Signature Date _____ Verification of Online Roster Submission
I verify that a check has been requested and cut for payment of the Online Membership Roster of the local SkillsUSA chapter. The check was cut on ______in the amount of ______. Date
Advisor’s Signature Date _____ OR I verify that a check has been requested and Purchase Order processed for payment of the Online Membership Roster of the local SkillsUSA chapter. The Purchase Order was processed on ______(date) in the amount of ______.
Bookkeeper Signature SkillsUSA Georgia Code of Behavior 1. Teachers/advisors will assume full responsibility that delegates abide by the SkillsUSA Georgia dress code and code of behavior at all times including travel to and from conference. 2. Participants shall be prompt and prepared for all activities. All delegates shall behave in a courteous manner and refrain from language and/or actions that could bring discredit upon them, their school and/or SkillsUSA Georgia. Delegates should wear name badges at all times. 3. Delegates agree not to consume or have in possession any alcoholic beverages or non-prescription narcotics, gamble, smoke or use other tobacco products during the conference. 4. Conduct not conducive to an educational conference will not be tolerated. Examples of unacceptable conduct include, but are not limited to, disrupting a businesslike atmosphere, consorting with non- conference individuals or any activities which will endanger self or others. 5. Delegates are expected to attend all general sessions. Delegates shall keep their advisors informed of their activities and whereabouts at all times. 6. Delegates shall refrain from all types of roughhousing. 7. Delegates shall respect the property of which they are a guest and will pay for any property damage or loss that occurs due to their attendance during the conference. 8. Delegates shall not use portable stereos or other loud music making devices. 9. Participants violating any of the rules of conduct will subject their entire delegation to be unseated. 10. Participants may be sent home at their own expense for violating any of these rules of conduct. Violators (and their chapter) may be suspended for one year.
It is hoped that each student attending the conference will take this Code of Behavior with a positive attitude so that SkillsUSA Georgia will continue to have the respect of education, business people and the general public.
Student’s Signature______School______
I have read and understand the Code of Behavior. I have informed my son/daughter of the importance of his/her conforming to its provisions.
Parent’s Signature______
I have read and understand the Code of Behavior. I have informed my students of the importance of his/her conforming to its provisions. I have reminded them also that an infraction will be reported to me by the State Director who has the authority to take prudent disciplinary action as he or she sees fit.
Principal’s Signature______
I have read and understand the Code of Behavior. I have instructed my students of the importance of his/her conforming to its provisions. I understand that I am responsible for said student’s actions while participating at the conference. Date______
Advisor’s Signature______SkillsUSA Georgia Personal Liability / Medical Release / Photograph Release All children, students, and adults who attend any SkillsUSA Georgia Conference require this form. No conference attendee is allowed to participate unless SkillsUSA Georgia receives this form. Parents and chapter advisors: Please make a copy of this completed form for your records.
Name______Home telephone ______
Home street address______City/State/Zip ______
Date of Birth ______
Advisor ______School ______
School telephone ______School street address ______
City/state/zip ______
MEDICAL INFORMATION (children and students only)
1. Allergies (drug or otherwise) ______
2. Current medication ______
3. Describe any history of heart condition, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, or rheumatic fever, etc. ______
4. Physician’s name ______Physician’s telephone ______
5. Insurance Company ______Plan Number ______
6. Group Number ______Date of last tetanus shot ______
7. Emergency Contact: ______Phone number: ______“I hereby agree to release SkillsUSA Georgia, its representatives, agents, servants and employees from liability for any injury to above named person at any time while attending the SkillsUSA Georgia State Leadership and Skills Conference, including travel to and from the conference, excepting only such injury or damage resulting from willful acts of such representatives, agents, servants, and employees.” “I do voluntarily authorize SkillsUSA Georgia local chapter advisors, state advisor, state director, assistants and/or designees to administer and/or obtain routine or emergency medical treatment for the above-named person as deemed necessary in medical judgment.” “I agree to indemnify and hold harmless National SkillsUSA, SkillsUSA Georgia and/or assistants and designees for any and all claims, demands, actions, rights of action, or judgments by or on behalf of the above named person arising from or on account of said procedures or treatment rendered in good faith and according to accepted medical standards.” “I hereby authorize any physician member of the Department of Emergency Medicine of an accredited hospital or any member of the medical staff of an accredited hospital to render medical treatment, which in his/her judgment is deemed necessary in the care of the above named person (child or student) while attending the SkillsUSA Georgia activity, including time traveling to and from the conference.” “I permit SkillsUSA Georgia to use video footage and photographs of my child for publicity that might include but is not limited to: website, powerpoint presentations, promotional videos, flyers or news publications.”
______Signature of parent or guardian (if child or student) Date
School Information System School Region # Lead Advisor Lead Advisor e-mail Phone (School) Phone (Home) Phone (Cell)
Please list ALL Advisors that will be attending with your school: Advisor Names
Please type or print Contestant Name: Contest Name Contestant Advertising Design (R) Architectural Drafting (R) Automotive Refinishing Technology (R) Automotive Service Technology (R) Cabinetmaking (R) Carpentry (R) Collision Repair Technology (R) Computer Maintenance Technology (R) Cosmetology (R) Electrical Construction Wiring Engine Builders (R) 1. 2. (Ensure all 5 take written test) 3. 4. 5. Esthetics (R) Extemporaneous Speaking (R) First AID/CPR (R) Graphic Communications (R) Job Interview (R) Job Skill Demonstration A (R) Job Skill Demonstration Open (R) Masonry (R) Pin Design (R) Plumbing (R) 1. 2. 3. 4. Opening & Closing Ceremonies (R) 5. (7 Contestants) 6. 7. Power Equipment Technology (R) Precision Machining Technology(R) Prepared Speech (R) Preschool Teaching Assistant (R) 1. 2. 3. Quiz Bowl (R) (7 Contestants/includes 4. alternates) 5. 6. 7. T-Shirt Design (R) 1. Team Works (R) (written test only) 2. (4 Contestants plus 1 alternate) 3. 4. (Ensure all 5 take written test) 5. Technical Drafting (R) Welding (R) Welding Fabrication (R) (written test only) (3 1. Contestants plus 1 alternate) 2. 3. (Ensure all 4 take written test) 4. Please list all observers. Attach a second sheet if necessary. Observer Observer Observer Observer Observer
Calculate Registration Fees Category Amount Total # of Contestants x $10.00 = # of Observers x $10.00 = # of Advisors x $10.00 = School Fee x $25.00 = $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:
To be completed by Region Chair: Date: ______From: ______Amount Received: ______Check #: ______Lesson Plan: Resume Tips
Objective: Write a professional resume to prepare for the Region Championships, State Leadership and Skills Conference, as well as, college or a part-time job
Instructions: Use the following guidelines to write your resume. If you already have a resume read through the guidelines and see if your resume could be adjusted to better highlight you as a student and potential employee. Remember that every Region and SLSC competitor will need to turn in a resume. Heading Your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address should all go at the top of your resume. Be sure to use a permanent address and telephone number. Also, remember to use an e-mail address that sounds professional. Do not use an e-mail address such as [email protected]. It does not sound professional.
Objective An objective lets college recruiters or potential employers know your main goal. If your target is a college recruiter, tailor your objective to that specific school. For example, your objective may be, "To earn a degree in Education at Georgia College and State University." If you want to get a part-time job, you will need to modify your objective to that particular job, such as "To obtain a part-time sales position with Kohls."
Education/Academics In the education section, list the schools you have attended. Be sure to include your GPA if it is a 3.0 or higher. You can also mention any academic honors, awards, and/or recognitions that you have received. These can include honor roll recognitions, essay writing awards, science competitions, etc.
Experience The experience section should briefly give an overview of work experience that has taught you valuable skills. In this section, include: title of position, name of organization, location of work (town and state), dates of employment, and description of work responsibilities. Be sure to use action words to describe your job duties, such as sold, created, processed, etc. Since many high school students do not have a lot of work experience, you can also describe class projects in which you have learned important skills or even leave this section out all together and concentrate on the education/academics and additional information/extracurricular sections.
Additional Information/Extracurricular Activities The additional information or extracurricular section should be used to place key elements of your background that don't fit in any other section. You may want to include: special skills, leadership roles, volunteer experiences, participation in sports, band, yearbook, etc. This section is where you can demonstrate your uniqueness.
References Be sure to ask people if they would serve as your reference before you give their names out. You do not need to include your reference information on your resume. A statement at the bottom of your resume that says, "References available upon request," is sufficient. ______FirstName LastName 6 Pine Street, Arlington, VA 12333 home: 555.555.5555 cell: 566.486.2222 email: [email protected]
Arlington High School, Arlington, Virginia 2002 - 2006
Pet Sitter 2004 - Present • Provide pet sitting services including dog walking, feeding and yard care.
Child Care 2002 - Present • Provide child care for several families after school, weekends and during school vacations.
Achievements • National Honor Society: 2004, 2005, 2006 • Academic Honor Roll: 2002 - 2006
Volunteer Experience
• Big Brother / Big Sisters • Arlington Literacy Program • Run for Life
Interests / Activities
• Member of Arlington High School Tennis Team • Girl Scout • Piano
Computer Skills
• Proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and Internet Your Contact Information First Last Name Street Address City, State, Zip Phone (Cell/Home) Email Address
Objective: To obtain knowledge of the day-to-day work of a business through a part time job, summer internship and/or job shadowing experience.
Main St. High School, Philadelphia, PA Selected Courses: Early Childhood Development (2005) - Freshman Year Urban Education (2006) - Sophomore Year Urban Education - Psychology (2006-07) - Junior Year Urban Education - Instructional Internship (2007-08) - Senior Year Dance and Art Electives
Modeling Club (2005) MSHS JROTC Drill Team (2005) MSHS Drama Club (2005) MSHS Cheerleading (2005-2008) MSHS
Volunteer Work and Job History:
Beacon Program, summer (2006) Philadelphia, PA Convenient Store, summer (2006) Philadelphia, PA Murray's Food Market (2006) Philadelphia, PA McDonald's Fast Food Restaurant (2007) Philadelphia, PA Boutique, summer (2007) Philadelphia, PA
Skills and Languages:
Spanish - Beginners level French - Beginners level Communication skills Experience in child caring - intermediate Researching and resource skills