Sustainability Action Plan 2016 2017

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Sustainability Action Plan 2016 2017

Sustainability Action Plan 2016 – 2017

Importance of HE Role: The issues of social, environmental and economic sustainability are interlinked, so our approach to solving them must be too. The Students’ Union at UWE believes that education and research have a fundamental and unique role in creating a world with sustainability at its core. University is a unique opportunity to engage the leaders of the future in understanding and developing the sustainability agenda. We have the opportunity to support, educate and inform leaders of institutions and society about the value of sustainability and advocate for a sustainable future.

The Students’ Union approach as a whole: We understand the importance of inspiring and supporting students to embrace their role as leaders; and being receptive to their challenge of holding us to account to improve our sustainability practises. So that we can truly “embed sustainability in all that we do” (Strategic Plan – 2018). All departments are responsible for understanding their impact and ability to create positive change.

Improved member engagement and recognition: In order for The Students’ Union at UWE to bring about remarkable positive change and transformation, we need to foster a strong and cohesive community within our members. This will enable a powerful student movement to be forged, that will drive and advocate for sustainability. We will encourage and enable members to work together and take the lead on projects to achieve greater success through collaboration.

Context: The Students’ Union at UWE underwent a restructure, rebrand and move to a new building in summer 2015. Due to this, the organisation has been in a state of flux for the past academic year, recruiting the correct staff members to new and existing roles and revisiting our fundamentals.

Process and Resources

Human Resources Department

Imbed sustainability into all What needs to happen? Measure: Timescales: SK Lead. staff job descriptions. Sustainability section crafted All new job descriptions to have Interim of new HR manager Chair of Job - Ensure and added to handbook. sustainability included by end of 2018 create changes to be reviewed Evaluation responsibility for Ensure sustainability is part academic cycle. and approved in May 2017. sustainability is of buildings induction with New job descriptions from April 2017 Phrase agreed upon with HR - New HR part of the core DP. have this rolled out. by April 2017. Manager staff culture Create the language around Included in new recruitment - Increased sustainability for job from this date. awareness and descriptions. Job Evaluation to ensure

1 | P a g e education of the New HR Manager (May 2017) included retrospectively as job agenda to ensure these changes are descriptions come for renewal fully embedded and rolled on the cycle. out equally across non- commercial and commercial areas. Include sustainability more Work with Quinn from the The training takes place during 2016 May 2016 organise RC Lead with KD. prominently in the Officer NUS to look at training for induction programme. July 2016 delivery Inductions the Officer team to explore Positive feedback from the session - Awareness of the the holistic nature of and constrictive feedback to improve sustainability sustainability. the process moving forward. agenda Create training resources All Officers engage with the - Educate incoming with Quinn. sustainability agenda. Officers on the Set date in the officer diaries One full-time President takes on the UWE context of to run the training. role of lead on sustainability within sustainability and Engage Jim Longhurst and the full-time team. student policy to Georgie Gough to create time Good working between the full-time date to meet officers and explore Presidents and part-time - Help integrate working together and Sustainability Officer (through Exec part-time Officers responsibilities on both sides. meetings and minutes). with full-time Get feedback from the Individual action plans created. Officers training event to ascertain - Establish how successful it had been. relationship with Trial inviting new managers UWE directorate to the training to help them on these issues embrace their role. Build on the sustainability Build on feedback from Session take places. May-June 2017 organise. WH Lead. training from the Officer Officer inductions 2016 to re- Attendees include full-time and part- July-August 2017 roll out SK/new HR Inductions 2016 and make run for Officers’ 2017 intake. time Officers and staff team – across training and follow up with Manager more widely available to all Broaden the invitation to all commercial and non-commercial. UWE’s online training course RC input staff in summer 2017. staff who feel they have a Positive feedback and to the session. as supplement. - Improve education development need to better Individual action plans created. and understand of understand the agenda. what the Managers to identify key staff sustainability who could play a champion agenda is and role to target invitations. introduce the UN Rebook Quinn from NUS to sustainability goals attend as external facilitator - Allows Officers and give weight to the staff to reflect on programme. how their role can Rebook Jim Longhurst and include Georgie Gough to attend a sustainability and follow up session with the set objectives with new Executive. this in mind. New staff induction and Creation of pages to insert New handbook and induction pack April 2017 creation. SK lead. booklet to include into handbook. created for April 2017 – sustainability May 2017 roll out. Work with DP. statement of commitment Review current handbook to truly engrained throughout the to sustainability and highlight sustainability across handbook, including online training. - New HR emphasises every staff existing areas. manager members role in delivery. Create sustainability quiz as to part of Health and approve. Safety/Building induction with DP. New HR Manager (May 2017) to ensure these changes are fully embedded and rolled out equally across non- commercial and commercial areas. Make student staff Pilot with non-commercial Timesheets in place and being used. Create timesheets – August PS timesheets paperless areas to begin with. No physical sheets submitted to 2016 Create online locked system Payroll. Training for staff end of August for managers to input hours. Roll out September 2016 Locking sheet on day of submission to finance

3 | P a g e indicates managers sign off. Individual staff to create electronic timesheets, in line with all permanent and part- time staff.

Marketing Department

Reduction in physically Within the Union 1- new policy of no Less money Recruit new marketing role – June HM to work with all printed posters in The poster boards in this area – only using spent on 2016. departments. Students’ Union and on digital boards. printing. New Role starts in post – July 2016 DP for buildings use campus. Marketing to create new online Less physical Update marketing processes – Societies marketing request form to improve staff printing orders Nov-December 2016. Coordinators to to request social media and digital created. Training for staff on new process – enable societies to screen promotion support. New role January 2017. find best Disseminate the new UWE no poster recruited to and Summer review of success of communication policy to societies via development supporting marketing processes and social methods with meetings and training. increased media usage and engagement. members. Create and recruit new role within student Marketing on Communications – to engagement improve social media platforms and across all social student engagement. media platforms. Active use of digital screens and more design work requested for this avenue. More marketing forms submitted for social media and digital media. Increase in interactions on social media. Utilise ethical T-shirt and Review T-shirt and clothing suppliers The Students’ Research – March 2017. CH research campaign clothing used for campaigns. Union New suppliers research – April HM implementation suppliers. Make recommendations for future understands its 2017. - Look for Fairtrade suppliers to use. suppliers and Recommendations agreed in line or Fair Wear mark. Include any price increase in budget moves towards with Welcome planning – June - Investigate rounds. Fairtrade/Fair 2017. Fairtrade cotton Wear clothing – where possible making up 80% over acrylic of its orders for options. campaigns.

Review printers utilised Review current printers used and Create analysis Evaluate March 2017 (when HM / EB and ensure we chose local analyse their environmental policies. and Graphic Designer back from sick and ethical suppliers Investigate moving printers if needed. recommendation leave). for future Make recommendations Summer printers. 2017 – implement with Welcome New printing, as the bulk of printing Sustainability needed for the academic year. Committee to sign off printers with Executive. Western Eye reduction – Evaluate current waste with Estates Decrease in March 2017 review. VP Societies and evaluate waste created by Team. Western Eye April 2017 new order submitted. Opportunities Western Eye printing to Decrease as needed (amend – 3,000 printing through Department ascertain correct amount down to 2,000 copies) with Morton’s change to the to cover all campus sites. Print. order and new Change order with printers. invoice created. Longer term – support online presence. Yearly evaluation put into Opportunities

5 | P a g e planning cycle with Student Media. Leadership Race elections As part of the elections debrief, collect Recommendatio Count waste March 2017. HM with EB review – strategies to up all election newspapers to ascertain ns created for April/May 2017 review. reduce printing and waste created. 2018 elections. physical campaign Devise additional training to help materials. candidates to reuse materials/use other promotional techniques to reduce need to physical print. Explore print cap. Make recommendations for Elections 2018. IT: Ensure handover in 2015-2016 and Officers have June/July – 2016 TB Officer handover of iPads – 2017-2018 officer cohorts of The iPad and are June/July 2017 reduce printing for Student Union iPads and training given equipped to use University and internal so new officers do not need to print them. meetings. papers for multiple University meetings. IT: World Pay Contract Change suppliers through negotiating Savings of £5k. October 2016 MR Negotiated new World Pay Contract. Train relevant staff and roll out.

Finance Department

New systems and processes Recruit new Finance Cost saving. Recruitment – July 2016 TB for increased economic Manager. New policies and procedures Review Processes – New Finance Manager stability. Finance Manager to produced. November – February recruit new staff. Training rolled out to staff. 2016 Review of processes and Less printing of accounts. New Procedures for procedures and changes Stronger financial situation consultation – March implemented. projected for 2017-2018. 2017 Positive feedback from auditors New staff training – May and UWE’s finance team. 2017 Board of Trustees sign off in Finance Committee. Reduce physical paperwork Review processes. No manageable accounts printed Review processes – Nov- MB from Finance. More online / Create online society - electronic circulation. Feb 2017 paperless / less printing paperwork option for Societies’ paperwork on “How Nov – online submitting. To” section of website. management accounts. Print less management accounts. More online / paperless / less printing. Review Banking with UWE – Attend Triodos Meeting in Evaluation created of ethical March 2017 meeting. MB Triodos proposal March 2017 with UWE. banking. Review and proposals to Explore viability and make Board of Trustee discussion and Board of Trustees – risk and benefit analysis. minutes. summer 2017 Proposal to Board of Trustees.

Building Department

Carbon Action Project DP to work with KN in UWE to agreed Discussions with UWE – July 2016 DP - The Students Union's engagement with the pilot. Pilot phase July 2016 – April 2017. participation in the Carbon Staff to complete carbon action survey. Survey to be sent 28 September Action Project alongside Baseline energy and water consumption 2016- baseline attitudes. various departments and taken. April – July 2017 – refine model to faculties of the University Regular reports to necessary personnel. roll out wider. Create tools and - A scheme to raise resources to further awareness, and ultimately empowerment of staff to make reduce, energy and water reduction. use at UWE Bristol. Over the July 2017 – evaluate. next year, we will be contributing to energy and water savings, with regular

7 | P a g e input from the UWE Energy Team on our performance. Collaboration on resources – RECOOP team meeting to explore August 2016 – review stationary DP awards/stationary cupboard collaboration on awards. cupboard – include in inductions Circulate learnings from EAUC Awards to for new staff. all award organisers. October 2016 – RECOOP meeting Create the stationary cupboard as hub of Create shared resources all shared resources. spreadsheet – Nov 2016 New sign in / our process established. Order accordingly and organise awards – Jan-April 2017 Review awards and make recommendations – May/June 2017. Ensure the new building meets the Review equality and diversity within the Meeting – Nov 2016 DP needs of our diverse student building with Architectural and E and D Cost Recommendations – Dec 16 community e.g. unisex and staff champions from UWE. Contractor negotiations – Feb accessible toilets. Cost up changes. 2017. Make recommendations to contractors for improvement. Greener cleaning products to be Meet with CH from Sustainability to New eco-friendly cleaning product DP used in the building explore possibilities. used by UWE Cleaning services in DP to negotiate with UWE cleaning The Students’ Union buildings. services. Staff room to have eco-friendly washing up products for staff use.

Commercial (Bar and Retail Shops) Department

Introduce compostable coffee Gain permission via NUS to Design to be created by student. Permission – October PD cups in coffee outlets offer and promote an Cups to be in all coffee outlets. 2016 - engaging in student alternative to Starbucks- Measurable uptake in compostable Source lids- Nov 2016 ideas/policy and branded take away cups coffee cups. Run competition Nov- Sustainability Officer Source cups and lids Waste management to provide data of Jan 2016-2017 manifesto through Vegware - all recycling versus sales. UWE Waste discussions compostable – Nov 2016 Discuss and agree method Outcome will determine pressure to Cups ordered May 2017 with UWE Waste apply to University to match this Compostable Management Team - activity. alternative to be provide bins for Union 1 offered by mid-June and 2 2017 Design competition Review of procedure in - run and chose August ready for new student led student intake 2017 winning design - include a clear message around disposal of cups Design logo to be used for bin design Cups to be ordered (6 week turnaround) Marketing promotion of project Compostable alternative to be offered by mid-June Review of procedure in August ready for new student intake Education of staff to have counter interactions with students Discount for reusable coffee Offer bamboo reusable Discount in place on tills/EPOS system. August 2016. PD cups in coffee outlets coffee cups at (almost) Cafes are stocked with reusable cups to cost price for staff and sell. students to purchase at Discount is used and cups sold. point of sale.

9 | P a g e Introduce increase of a 20p discount for customers who bring their own mug (double 10p from last year) Provide a healthier menu with Review menu and offer Menu created with key to show August 2016 – review PD more range in The Students’ improved vegan and different dietary and calorie counts. menu and redesign Union Bar vegetarian options Increased variety on the menu. menu Add an “under 500 Summer 2017 - calorie” range for those change sandwich considering their calorie supplier to improve intake and weight vegetarian, vegan, GF, management Halal options Change sandwich supplier Further improve to improve vegetarian, vegetarian and vegan vegan, GF, Halal options options on main menu Further improve vegetarian and vegan options on main menu All chicken halal – August 2017 Increase vegan and Work with a local supplier See an increase in volume sold on January 2017 MM vegetarian options in The to provide a wide range of multiple campus sites. Students’ Union Shops vegan snacks such as vegetable pasties, samosas and fruit snacks. Listened to students on what they have been asking for and have increased our sandwich range of vegan products Improve marketing and signage both within and outside the shop (suppliers Ginsters and Urban Eats (Adelie)).

Run Sugar SMART campaign Offer deals on sugar free Measure uptake in sales in comparison February 2017 launch PD in Feel Good February drinks and water over the to time frame one academic year ago. additional offers and period agreed with promotion. University. March 2017 review Analyse impact with LJ. afterwards. Use Fairtrade coffee Solely Fairtrade stock used Only stock Fairtrade. August 2016 PD / MM on Coffee Cart - joint Promotion around values of the coffee venture with UWE cart. Hospitality. Consistent sales. Ensure Starbucks coffee machine in our New Shop and our Wicked Coffee company machine in F block are all Fairtrade products. Explore contract with Lavazza – more sustainable coffee contract for business and sound sustainability ethos ( /uk/lavazza- world/sustainability- report/ - https://www.theguardian. com/sustainable- business/2015/may/29/dri nking-an-ethical-cup-of-

11 | P a g e coffee-how-easy-is-it) Apply to South West Fair Trade Awards – Best Fairtrade Café category. Stock 75 Fairtrade products in Continue to stock over 75 Full range of Fairtrade products – January 2017. MM The Students’ Union Shop – Fairtrade products - helps making good turnover. increasing the range. us achieve sales of over £50,000 from these products alone since August 1st 2016. With this in mind within our new shop we will create a specific fixture for these products. Apply to the Fair Trade South West Awards. Take part in Commercial NUS Conference calls to explore increasing Fairtrade products and 100% Fairtrade cotton in shops.

Increase local sourcing in The Continue current Work with: Rolling – August 2016. PD Students’ Union Bars partnerships Wickwar Wessex brewery Investigate Summer Investigate opportunities John Sheppard butchers 2017. for increasing local Essential organic food suppliers sourcing Fresh fish for Fish Fridays – sustainable fishing. Say No To Plastic Policy Only use plastic glasses Only order the plastic glasses needed to August 2016 PD Implement in The Students’ where absolutely cover the project events. Union Bars necessary or dictated by health and safety licensing rules - event of over 600 people. Introduce reusable plastic Reusable plastic glass Reusable plastic glasses are in use in the Source cups by March PD glasses – instead of single use sourced (Green Goblet - bars at appropriate events. 2017. plastic cups for large events local company, reduce Purchasing monitored. Use up single use (as dictated by health and travel miles and support plastic stock over 2016- safety policy). local business) 2017 The Students’ Union Roll out new use 2017 design possible Using up current stock of single use plastics rather than send to waste and then implement Replace single-use with branded, reusable glasses Decide on deposit scheme (if any) Launch/test during Summer Festival (design a souvenir glass) Full launch to new student intake Campus Markets introduced The Students Union to run Events take place with good First Campus Market PD into Events programme local business and student- engagement and positive feedback from planned for Tuesday 7 led campus market outside stall holders. February U block. Two more planned for Contact previous this academic year. stallholders as part of Big Review over summer Green Week and years’ and book in monthly past campus markets from markets in term time. UWE. Organise promotion and dates.

13 | P a g e Work with Enterprise Departments and student projects via the Green Team to offer stall space. Work with Bower Campus Coordinator to promote creative students stall space. NUS Alcohol Impact Partnership between Submission achieved and accreditation Nov 2017 deadline for RC/PD Accreditation Submission student engagement and threshold reached. Ongoing action plan audit. commercial services – with established beyond accreditation. Best Bar None Resubmission – UWE to complete achieve Gold submission November 2017. Student researcher established in post. Analyse criteria and create action plan. Introduce more non- alcoholic events, better non-alcohol promotions – contribute to health and wellbeing agenda. More diversity in events Establish vegan curry and Events as part of Feel Good Promotion. Feel Good February RP/MB programme at multiple Netflix & chill night at Well attended events. Events – Feb 2017 campus sites Glenside and similar vegan festival at Bower. Establish Bring Your Own Agree dates throughout Monitor portions given out September 2017 TB/CH Bowl events with HallsLife – the year to run events Social media engagement establish event dates tackling pre drinking and Connect with food waste linking to student-led food charities waste cafe Source food for events Work with kitchen to create menu Introduce student engagement element to talk about food waste Promote to students Monitor attendance on the night

Student Engagement

Increase engagement of Review current engagement Increased engagement in Review November 2016 – TB/JH sports clubs and societies in with Greener Futures Award Greener Futures Award via June 2017 the sustainability agenda from societies and clubs. applications through change Engage MA student – June - Review Greener Work with opportunities for change. 2017 Futures Award and students to create new Funding successfully Recommendations for 2017- - Encourage criteria to improve breadth awarded and projects 2018 August 2017 to applications through of engagement. evaluated. implement change of change Attend societies and sports 50% of BUCS teams engage Trail 2017 first semester. process conferences and student in LGBT+ History Month as - Engage sports clubs rep council and conference target. through E and D to introduce award. Social media submissions. campaigns Engage MA project students to finish off Greener Futures Review. LGBT+ History Month – contact sports teams to showcase rainbow laces and bands during the month in competitive BUCS game – social media photo competition. Compile new criteria.

15 | P a g e Update website. Include in new training structures and initial conferences start of academic year. Events and Campaigns (Go Liaise with UWE to organise Full events programme, October 2017 Big Green TB Green/Big Green) joint events programme. endorsed and input from Week - Ensure a full event Work with Officers and Green Team and February 2017 Go Green programme for the Green Team to create Sustainability Officer. Week two large campaign content. Good attendance at events weeks with UWE. Arrange promotion with with positive feedback. - Work with the marketing. Green Team to get student led projects and events. Establishing The Students’ Meet with project leaders of Regular activity taking place September 2016 launch new TB Union volunteering projects GreenSpace and plan work monthly. volunteering projects. – GreenSpace and dates and work place. Sessions well attended and Launch mindfulness in the Community Garden into Meet with Woodland good engagement and garden – December 2016. regular events programme. committees. feedback from partner June 2017 review the Undertake risk assessments. organisations. programme and suggest Work with UWE Wellbeing Establish website sign up. improvements for 17/18. and Healthy University to Organise tools and launch mindfulness in the resources. garden Work with the UWE Grounds team to plan Wednesday garden sessions. Purchase necessary tools. Promote action days. Meet with UWE Wellbeing and Healthy University to explore mindfulness in the garden. Create promotional materials for these services to utilise. Improve social media Recruit student staff to role. Increased content being June 2017 review social TB - CM content and engagement – Training with Marketing. produced. media engagement as no physical promotion SS to create and filter Increase retweets, views, printed. content. shares and engagement. Use social media planning platforms to schedule in advance. Review June 2017 effectiveness of additional resource. Create Sustainability Work with Sustainability Elected committee with 7 March 2017 AGM TB and TH Committee Officer and Reps Team to positions in place. January 2017 scope out devise structure and terms committee of reference for committee. February 2017 – create role Create role descriptions. profiles Plan AGM date. Promote roles to students. Promote the committee once elected. Ensure that Sustainability Promote the role to Contested Officer position. January 2017 recommend TH/Reps Officer position is contested students, especially through Increased voter turnout on March 2017 voting and has good voter turnout. courses and Green Team. 2015 elections. Support organisation wide Promote the benefits of this initiatives to increase voter role and skills gained – TH as turnout. a case study. Work with TH to articulate the benefits of being the Officer.

17 | P a g e Reduce need for printed Organise date with Reps for Activity well attended by Feb/March 2017 CM materials within Leadership crafternoon to take place. candidates. Race. Organise a Promote to candidates and More alternative promotion crafternoon with recycled campaign teams. created as a result. materials for candidates to Collect materials left from use. other campaigns and cardboard from shops and bars. Student Ideas - sustainability Organise volunteers/Green Number of green related October 2016 launch. TB/CT promotion. Team members and elected ideas submitted online. Launching the new online officers to go out with iPads Ideas making it through student ideas democracy and to engage students in voting rounds to council and structure. new platform. passed. As part of Big Green Week, Include in Big Green Week promote this platform to Events package. make sustainable change at Work with marketing to The Students’ Union and promote. within UWE.

Ensure consistent approach Organise events programme Events take place at all sites October 2016 events TB to events and provision at in Welcome planning and well attended. planning cycle. Frenchay, Bower and period. Input from Campus staff and Glenside campus sites. Organise events in February elected officers. - Run events as part as part of Go Green at of Welcome and Go satellite sites. Green Week at all Make sure events will work sites. for the different demographics and interests of students. Investigate Kilter Theatre Company as suitable events provision for Bower. Work with marketing to ensure promotion. Student Energy Switching Provide students with Guide produced April 2017 create resources. CH Project information to easily switch website hits June 2017 work with their energy supplier to Advice centre information marketing to promote renewable and greener indicates switch. student facing information. sources. Competition for incentive Support moving in and to know impact. campaigns. Create the guide for students, with OVO Energy advice. Work with Nigel England to out in Community Living Guide and in moving out campaigns.

Strategy and Accreditation

Ensure Green Team Coordinator Lobby University with impact of the April 2016 budget rounds RC/TB post continues beyond initial seed two year pilot. Recruitment May 2016 UWE Funding – create permanent Once successful, recruit and train New staff start August 2016. post with activity budget. new staff member. NUS Responsible Futures Form steering group with UWE. April 2016 Audit RC Accreditation – receive award (400 Create action plan and break down May 2017 Awarded marks threshold) task list. Recruit student auditors and focus group participants. NUS Green Impact – Achieve Very Review new criteria and agree lead May 2017 deadline RC/DP Good as minimum departments. Create responsibilities and working group to oversee submission and set milestones to achieve actions.

19 | P a g e Upload evidence to workbook. Green Gown Awards – 2016 and Apply for Student Engagement June 2016 submissions create RC 2017 bid Category at Green Gown Awards – October 2016 second round EAUC. submission and video creation November 2016 awards evening 2017 Awards: March 2017 scope out awards with Apply for individual champion UWE student and staff member June 2017 awards submission categories. October 2017 second round submission Fairtrade Awards – South West Write submission for best café and February 2017 submission MM/PD multiple retailer categories. March 2017 awards Sustainability Planning 2017-2018 Summer 2017 – mapping UN SDG to Start Summer 2017 TB The Students’ Union activity, new managers’ induction with officers with incoming Sustainability Officer and their manifesto to craft action plan for next year and then feeding into the next four year plan. Create new action plan for next academic year with all departments and new working group. Feed into monthly managers meetings. Strategic Planning 2018 – 2022 – Ensure sustainability key core value March 2017 decide on facilitators TB ensure sustainability is central and driver of 2018-2022 strategic after bidding round. theme. plan. June 2017 TB to create timeline for student an staff input.

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