Annual Report s3

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Annual Report s3

Annual Report Buckinghamshire LPC 31 March 2016


Page No

LPC Members as of 1st April 2015 1

Chairman’s Report 2

Chief Officer’s Report 3

Treasurers Report 5

Contract Applications 6

This report was approved by the board on 20 July 2016 and signed on its behalf by Pankaj Shah, Chairman.

Sally Aldridge sally.aldridge Chief Officer 07519 145688 BUCKINGHAMSHIRE LPC COMMITTEE

LPC Membership for 2015-16

Chairman Pankaj Shah

Vice-Chair Julie Horslen

Treasurer Gary Elton

Chief Officer Sally Aldridge

Kalpesh Patel Independent Contractor

Hemali Jagjivan CCA

Mohammed Comran Independent Contractor

Nitu Verma CCA

Rak Patel CCA






Office Address 40 Hill Lane



HA4 7JW 1


Welcome to Bucks LPC annual report. It has been a privilege to have been elected as Chair for the second year.

The LPC has been very active this year in providing support to all its contractors.

In November, our chief officer, Wendy Illsley, retired from her role after 4 years due to family commitments. On behalf of the committee and all the contractors, I would like to thank Wendy for her services in Buckinghamshire. Sally Aldridge took on this role from October 2015.

In December 2015, DOH announced cuts in pharmacy budgets. Bucks LPC has been involved in lobbying against these cuts on behalf of the contractors by getting public petitions and raising awareness with local MP visits. This included the local MPs visiting some of our pharmacies to understand the impact of these cuts. We also did a presentation to local councilors to increase their understanding. This led to coverage of these issu es in local press and national television.

I would like to thank Julie Horslen (vice chair), and Gary Elton(treasurer) and all the committee members for their hard work and support.

Bucks LPC has a clear vision and strategy to deliver its aim by constantly reviewing its Business Plan, which is available on our website. This has ensured no increase in contractor levy for another year.

For effective operations, we continuously audit ourselves against PSNC self-evaluation kit and have scored exemplar to good in all domains.

I am looking forward to serving the LPC as chair for another year, where we will continue to support our contractors in these uncertain times. 2 CHIEF OFFICER’S REPORT


This is my first report as Chief Officer for Buckinghamshire LPC having started work in November 2015. Buckinghamshire LPC has nine committee members and we represent 97 pharmacy contractors across Buckinghamshire. The Committee has met on seven occasions in 2015/16. There was a full programme of activity for 2015-16 which increased unexpectedly when the Government announced on 17 December 2015 the proposed cuts to pharmacy funding. This lead to additional meetings and the LPC has worked hard to inform the many healthcare providers of the campaign. We hosted a meeting for LPC contractors with support from the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Local Practice Forum and have produced Campaign updates in the monthly Buckinghamshire LPC newsletter. Several Community Pharmacies have invited MPs to visit their Pharmacies.

Strategy and Objectives

The LPC has formally defined its strategy and objectives and developed them into an annual work plan and these can be viewed on the LPC website. I am pleased to report that the LPCs strategy and objectives were largely met in 2015/16 although some of the outcomes were outside the LPC’s control. We continue to use the PSNC benchmarking tool to self-assess our performance. This assessment is also available on the LPC website and this shows that we are a well performing and a well governed LPC.

NHS Contract and Services

The committee has worked throughout the year to ensure the services commissioned by Public Health and Area Team management have run as smoothly as possible and that contractors have been kept informed. Meetings have been held with members of the BCC public health team at both senior management and operational levels and senior members of NHSEngland team have attended LPC meetings.


Throughout the year we have discussed several potential services with commissioners. The government did not progress with the national minor ailment scheme but we are looking at the minor ailment schemes in other areas.

There was very strong contractor activity in the 2015/2016 NHS Influenza Immunisation Service and we worked closely with the NHS England Flu Commissioning team through meetings and weekly teleconferencing. We are working with the Thames Valley Urgent and Emergency Care Network who are working on the commissioning of access schemes for Pharmacy Urgent Repeat Medicines and increasing the uptake of repeat dispensing.


We are working with the Oxford Academic Health Network to increase the uptake of the Transfer of Care Service to increase referrals to pharmacy when patients are discharged from hospital.

Stakeholder engagement

Ongoing engagement with our various stakeholders is very important. Both the CO and individual committee members have met and engaged with the various interest groups including Buckinghamshire Healthwatch, the patient organization.

We have a good working relationship with the public health team at Bucks County Council and meet with them regularly. We engage with the Clinical Commissioning Groups via our membership of the Systems Resilience Operating Board (Urgent Care Board) and the Medicines Management Joint Executive Team. Further to the work with the CCGs Diabetes Workstream two LPC members attended the Diabetes Transformation Launch and are working to promote the skills of the Community Pharmacies.

We have worked closely with the HSCIC on the Summary Care Records (SCR) event and the EPS event which were each run in Aylesbury and High Wycombe.

Contractor Support

The LPC issues a monthly Newsletter, which tries to put a local focus on national pharmacy news. Our website is regularly updated and links to national pharmacy news and support via PSNC.

We held educational events on the NHS Flu service, GPhC inspection standards and EPS2.

As Chief Officer I hope I have been able to be a support for community pharmacies with their contractual questions and to either provide help myself or direct them to the appropriate support services.

I would like to thank all the committee members for their enthusiasm and support. We have improved the structures and governance of the committee to ensure we are a well performing LPC and have worked hard to represent the interests of our members with the NHS locally, to maintain and improve services, to scan the horizon for new services and to lobby for increased commissioning of services.

Sally Aldridge, Chief Officer, Buckinghamshire LPC. 4


Buckinghamshire LPC came into being on 1st April 2013.

Its original finance was derived from the proportion of the remaining funds of the Bucks and Milton Keynes LPC (which preceded it) that were attributed to Buckinghamshire area alone as at 31st March 2013.We have been active as Buckinghamshire LPC since that time and this is our report for the third year since our formation.

The Buckinghamshire LPC decided its priorities and set up some budgets to meet those priorities. Also regular cash flow projections were produced. These were discussed or monitored regularly at LPC meetings throughout the year to ensure agreed budgets were being adhered to.

The Buckinghamshire LPC expenses governance document was submitted to the committee and approved, having due consideration to PSNC guidance on such matters. Also the new CCA approved LPC budget planner was used at meetings, to further help cost control.

The previous year’s accounts (2014-15) were independently examined by accountant Mr Ajay Shah of AB Accounting Ltd and submitted to HMRC; Corporation tax due has been paid. We are grateful to Mr Shah for his advice and PAYE payroll services over the year and for providing the stated LPC accounts for 2015-16 tax year.

Buckinghamshire LPC is grateful to the Industry sponsors for this year: Chiesi and Internis who sponsored educational evenings/contractor meetings/LPC meetings. All meetings and the clinical training were well received by those attending.

The balance of the Buckinghamshire LPC’s bank account as at 1st April 2015 was £57,831 and closing March 31st 2016 was £61,628. We received £78,216 p/a from contractors or £68 pcm per contractor on average and income overall of £78,892 excluding interest but including HELP project reimbursements.

Our LPC operates a statutory levy, which is fixed income at £6,500 pcm, across the 96 contractors currently in Buckinghamshire. This is an unchanged levy collection held at the same rate for the last three years accounting periods. Gary Elton, Treasurer Buckinghamshire LPC



The LPC received 13 contract applications in 2015/16. Contract applications are logged on a tracker spreadsheet on receipt and are discussed by a Contract Applications Sub-Group when necessary. A contract application standing item is discussed at each LPC Committee meeting. The LPC responded to the NHS Area Team on all applications. Any committee member with a conflict of interest with any application will leave the meeting for any discussions. NHS England has carried out a number of determinations of controlled locality, in response to either applications, or to changes in dispensing practice ownership. These should form part of the PNA by way of supplementary statement.

LPC ref Date received Type Location A Appeal Outcome number Change of ownership (CO)

Exempted (E)

Unforseen benefits(U)


64 15/7/15 IA HP22 Y N

65 29/9/15 CO HP14 Y N

66 29/9/15 CO HP16 Y N

67 30/9/15 E MK18 N N

68 16/10/15 U HP18 N N

69-72 12th,13th,14th,15th/08/15 CO-ALL SL1,HP11,SL6,HP Y N 9

73 21/12/15 E LU7 Y N

74 9/12/15 CO SL6 Y N 75 21/01/16 U PENDING W Y UNKNOWN

76 15/02/16 CO HP15 Y N

6 Bucks LPC Contracts sub-group-2016.

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