U.S. DHHS Public Health Service Grant Application (PHS 398)

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U.S. DHHS Public Health Service Grant Application (PHS 398)

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Grant Application (PHS 398)



Instructions for PHS 398 Form Approved Through 09/30/2007 Rev. 09/2004 OMB No. 0925-0001 Interim Revision 04/2006


FOREWORD...... 1







iv PHS398: Part I FOREWORD Grant Applications: http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/. (4/2006 Interim Revision) (9/2004 Revision) This interim revision implements a number of new and/or changing business processes: The PHS 398 instructions contain information for preparing grant applications to the National 1) Replacing the PI signature on the application Institutes of Health (NIH) and other Public with an Institutional compliance requirement; Health Service agencies for:

2) Changes in measure for reporting effort Public Health Service (PHS) Research devoted to a project from percent effort to Grants person months; Career Development Awards (K-awards) 3) Changing the requirements for including Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein National publications as appendix material; Research Service Awards (NRSA) (Training Grants) 4) Implementing multiple Principal Investigators for NIH grants; The PHS 398 is required for all applications for new, revised/resubmission, competing 5) Implementing specific requirements for continuation/renewal, and Select Agents Research; supplemental/revision research grant, and research training grants, changes of grantee 6) Modifying the requirements for Biographical institution, and cooperative agreement Sketch; and applications that have not been transitioned to the SF424 (R&R). 7) Harmonizing the PHS398 & SF424 (R&R) instructional text and removing data collection Please be sure to bookmark this website and instructions for those mechanisms that (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs39 have transitioned to the SF424 (R&R) 8/phs398.html) for future reference and for application and electronic submission. instructions on submitting just-in-time Other Support information. NIH continues to transition applications from the PHS398 to the SF424 (R&R) and electronic submission through Grants.gov. As part of the This edition of the PHS 398 has been ongoing effort to keep the PHS398 and the extensively rewritten with special emphasis on SF424 (R&R) synchronized, changes in clarity and special emphasis on simplicity and terminology have been implemented throughout plain language. It has been reorganized into this document. Specifically, you will see dual three distinct parts, each of which is available references to types of applications: as a separate file in the MS Word and PDF versions. Principal investigators and institutions  “Competing Continuation” is now termed will need to use all three parts of the “Renewal” instructions in order to prepare a complete and acceptable application.  “Revision” or “Amendment” is now termed “Resubmission” Part I: Instructions for Preparing the Application (MS Word) (PDF)  “Competing Supplement” is now termed “Revision” Part II: Supplemental Instructions for Preparing the Human Subjects Section of During this transition period, both terms are the Research Plan (MS Word) (PDF) being used together; i.e., “Competing Continuation/Renewal.” Part III: Policies, Assurances, Definitions and Other Information (MS Word) (PDF) For more information on NIH’s transition plans, see the website for Electronic Submission of The three files may be opened in your browser, or may be saved locally to your hard drive. If

1 PHS398: Part I saved locally, the three files must be saved to The PHS 398 grant application instructions the same folder/directory for the links between and interactive forms are available in the files to function. (Refer to the Instructions for electronic format. Form pages are available Downloading Documents and Electronic Forms separately on the NIH website http://grants.nih.gov/grants/edocs.htm and (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs39 select Saving Files Locally.) 8/phs398.html# forms).

Within each part are links to pertinent sections THESE INSTRUCTIONS AND APPLICATION of the PHS 398 application, other documents, or FORMS (revised 09/2004) SUPERSEDE ALL NIH web pages. To use these links in the MS PREVIOUS EDITIONS. Carefully read the Word version effectively, you must enable the instructions. Submission of an application that "web" tool bar in order to have a “back button” fails to meet the PHS requirements will be to return to a page after using a link. The three grounds for the PHS to return the application parts of the 398 are described below: without peer review. A properly prepared application will facilitate the administrative Part I: Instructions for Preparing the processing and peer review that must occur Application before an award can be made. Section I: Preparing your application While the instructions are generally Section II: Submission and review of your applicable, many grant programs, in application particular, grant programs of PHS agencies other than NIH, have additional specific Section III: Information pertinent to career instructions. Applicants should contact an development awards official listed in the table of PHS agencies to obtain the most current information and Section IV: Information pertinent to instructions. institutional training grants

Part II: Supplemental Instructions for Preparing the Human Subjects Section of NIH Extramural Research and the Research Plan (MS Word) (PDF) Research Training Programs

Part II of the PHS 398 is to be used if your The NIH Office of Extramural Research Grants proposed research will involve human subjects. homepage (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/oer.htm) These instructions assist you in determining provides an array of helpful information. whether human subjects are involved and Applicants are encouraged to bookmark this include six possible scenarios and detailed site and visit it often. instructions to assist you in completing Item E. of the Research Plan (Human Subjects The Division of Extramural Outreach and Research). Information Resources (DEOIR) is the central source for general information about NIH Part III: Policies, Assurances, Definitions extramural research and research training and Other Information (MS Word) (PDF) programs, funding mechanisms, the peer review system, and application procedures. Part III of the PHS 398 includes information on Grants Information (GrantsInfo) is a policies, assurances, definitions, and other communication service within the DEOIR. information relating to submission of Information about the NIH extramural research applications for traditional, solicited and and research training programs, funding unsolicited, investigator-initiated, research opportunities, and the grant application process, project grants, and cooperative agreements to can be obtained by e-mailing your request to: the PHS. Applicants should refer to this [email protected] or by calling (301) 435- document as well as the PHS 398 instructional 0714. materials, Grants Information (GrantsInfo), and Grants Policy Statement sections for additional sources of information.

2 PHS398: Part I Quick References Receipt/Referral of an Application Division of Receipt and Referral Applicants New to NIH: Getting Started Center for Scientific Review http://www.csr.nih.gov/EVENTS/Assignment grants.nih.gov/grants/useful_links.htm Process.htm Award Data Telephone: (301) 435-0715 TTY: (301) 451-0088 (CRISP, extramural research grants, award Fax: (301) 480-1987 trends, training and career awards) Specific Application: Before Review grants.nih.gov/grants/award/award.htm Telephone or e-mail the Scientific Review Contact Information for an NIH Staff Person Administrator named on the electronically- directory.nih.gov generated “notification of assignment” that is NIH locator: (301) 496-4000 mailed to you upon assignment of your application. Grants Information Specific Application: Post Review grants.nih.gov/grants/giwelcome.pdf E-mail: [email protected] Telephone or e-mail the NIH Program Official Telephone: (301) 435-0714 named on the summary statement of your application. Grant Writing Tips and Sample Applications http://grants.nih.gov/grants/grant_tips.htm eRA Commons NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts Institutions are invited to register with the eRA Commons. Registered Principal Investigators The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, a (PIs) can check assignment/contact weekly electronic publication information, review outcome, and other (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide), contains important information. announcements about funding opportunities, https://commons.era.nih.gov/commons/ such as Requests for Applications (RFAs) and index.jsp. At this time the eRA Commons is available to NIH grantees only. Plans are Program Announcements (PAs) from NIH and underway to incorporate data for other HHS other PHS agencies. The Guide also contains agencies. vital information about policies and procedures. To subscribe to the Guide, visit NIH Office of Extramural Research Human http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/listserv.htm. Subjects Website This site provides, in one place, HHS and NIH requirements and resources for the extramural Funding Opportunities community involved in human subjects research Grants for health-related research and research http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/hs/index.htm. training projects or activities make up the largest category of funding provided by the NIH Office for Human Research Protections Institutes/Centers (ICs) and other non-NIH (Human Subject Protections, Institutional agencies. Most applications for support are Review Boards, or related assurances) unsolicited and originate with individual http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp investigators who develop proposed plans for Telephone: 1-866-447-4777 or (301) 496-7005 research or research training within an area that Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) is relevant to the NIH. Research project grants are awarded to institutions on behalf of a (Animal Welfare and related regulations and principal investigator to facilitate the pursuit of a assurances) scientific objective when the idea for the grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/olaw.htm research is initiated by the investigator. If the Telephone: (301) 496-7163 funding IC anticipates substantial program

3 PHS398: Part I involvement during conduct of the research, a Register cooperative agreement will be awarded, rather (http://www.gpoaccess.gov/nara/index.html), than a grant. The NIH awards grants and and Grants.gov "Find grant funding oppor- cooperative agreements for terms ranging from tunities" (http://www.grants.gov/Find). Read the one to five years. Institutional sponsorship RFA or PA carefully for special instructions. The assures that the awardee organization will instructions in the RFA or PA may differ from provide the facilities and the financial stability the general instructions, and they supersede necessary to conduct the research, and be the general instructions. Each RFA or PA accountable for the funds. For a list and brief published in the NIH Guide for Grants and description of grant mechanisms, see Part III: Contracts, the Federal Register, Grants.gov Policies, Assurances, Definitions, and Other Find, or other public document contains contact Information. information under Inquiries in addition to information specific to the RFA or PA. GRANT AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT SOLICITATIONS Research Grant Mechanisms and To hasten the development of a program or to Program Guidelines stimulate submission of applications in an area of high priority or special concern, an awarding A partial list of research grant mechanisms is component will encourage applications through provided below. As noted in the descriptions in the issuance of a PA to describe new, Part III: Policies, Assurances, Definitions, and continuing, or expanded program interests, or Other Information, not all awarding components issuance of an RFA inviting applications in a use all programs. For a complete listing of well-defined scientific area to accomplish a program guidelines, visit the OER Grants scientific purpose. website http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/funding_pro Definitions of PAs and RFAs are as follows: gram.htm.

Program Announcement (PA): A formal Research Grants: statement about a new or ongoing extramural activity or mechanism. It may serve as a . Basic Research Grant (R01) reminder of continuing interest in a research area, describe modification in an activity or . Small Research Grant (R03) mechanism, and/or invite applications for grant . Academic Research Enhancement support. Most applications in response to PAs Award (AREA) (R15) may be submitted to a standing submission date and are reviewed with all other . Exploratory/Developmental Grant (R21, applications received at that time. R33, R21/R33) . Small Business Innovation Research Request for Applications (RFA): A formal Grant (SBIR) (R43/R44) statement that solicits grant or cooperative agreement applications in a well-defined . Small Business Technology Transfer scientific area to accomplish specific program Grant (STTR) (R41/R42) objectives. An RFA indicates the estimated . Program Project Grant (P01) amount of funds set aside for the competition, the estimated number of awards to be made, . Research Center Grant (P50) and the application submission date(s). . Scientific Meeting Support (R13, U13) Applications submitted in response to an RFA are usually reviewed by a Scientific Review . Research Grants to Foreign Institutions Group (SRG) specially convened by the and International Organizations awarding component that issued the RFA. Training, Fellowships and Career Development Programs Specific PAs and RFAs are published in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide), the Federal

4 PHS398: Part I . NIH Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein Interactions with PHS Staff National Research Service Award (T32) . Individual Ruth L. Kirschstein National The PHS agencies encourage applicants to Research Service Award Fellowships communicate with staff throughout the entire (NRSA) (F31, F32, F33, F34, etc.) application, review and award process. Web site addresses and staff phone numbers of . Research Career Development Award relevant NIH awarding components and other (K Award) PHS agencies are listed in the table below. APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM OTHER OFFICES All inquiries regarding the assignment, review, or recommendation on funding of . International Research Fellowship applications are to be made only to PHS Award Application (NIH 1541-1) officials. . Nonresearch Training Grant Application (PHS 6025) . Health Services Project Application (5161-1)

PHS Agency Contact Table

NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Fogarty International Center 301-496-1653 National Cancer Institute 301-496-3428 National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine 301-496-4792 National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities 301-402-1366 National Center for Research Resources 301-496-6023 National Eye Institute 301-451-2020 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute 301-435-0260 National Human Genome Research Institute 301-496-7531 National Institute on Aging 301-496-9322 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism 301-443-4375 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 301-496-7291 National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases 301-594-2463 National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering 301-451-4792 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 301-496-0104 National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders 301-496-1804 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research 301-594-7710 National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases 301-594-8834

5 PHS398: Part I PHS Agency Contact Table National Institute on Drug Abuse 301-443-2755 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 919-541-7723 National Institute of General Medical Sciences 301-594-4499 National Institute of Mental Health 301-443-3367 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 301-496-9248 National Institute of Nursing Research 301-594-6906 National Library of Medicine 301-496-4621 301-435-0715 CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC REVIEW TTY (301) 451-0088 Study Section Information OTHER PHS AGENCIES WITHIN DHHS AGENCY FOR HEALTHCARE RESEARCH AND QUALITY 301-427-1457 CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health 404-498-2530 Procurement and Grants Office 770-488-2700 FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION 301-827-7185 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HEALTH Office of Adolescent Pregnancy Programs 301-594-4004 Office of Family Planning 301-594-4008

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 404-842-6630 Indian Health Service 301-443-0578

BEFORE SUBMISSION a SRG may be made in a cover letter at the time of application submission. You may wish to contact NIH staff with a variety of questions before submitting an application. . To learn about grant mechanisms. . To receive advice on preparing and Contact GrantsInfo and/or the Division of submitting an application (e.g., format, Receipt and Referral in CSR: structure). . To identify Institutes/Centers at NIH or Contact program staff in the relevant awarding other non-NIH agencies and/or a component: Scientific Review Group (SRG) that might be appropriate for your . To determine whether your proposed application. Note requests for application topic would fit into the NIH assignment to an Institute/Center and/or

6 PHS398: Part I Institute/Center's (IC) or other non-NIH permission to send additional/corrective agency's programmatic area. materials, and/or to discuss any review concerns (e.g., expertise needed on your study . To learn about programmatic areas of section, conflicts, reviewers that may have interest to the IC or other non-NIH bias). agencies. . To find out about requesting an AFTER PEER REVIEW assignment to an IC. Feedback to applicants is very important. Once . To discuss whether you should respond the principal investigator receives the Summary to an RFA. Statement, s/he may contact the appropriate Contact Scientific Review Administrators in the awarding component program official (noted on Center for Scientific Review to discuss the Summary Statement): requesting assignment to a Scientific Review Group (SRG). . To discuss the review outcome of the application and obtain guidance. AFTER SUBMISSION . To get feedback and answers to any questions about the Summary If the initial assignment to an IC or SRG seems Statement. inappropriate, the principal investigator/program director may request reassignment. Such . To find out the meaning of a numerical requests should be made in writing to: designation pertaining to human subjects or vertebrate animals on the Division of Receipt and Referral Summary Statement. Center for Scientific Review . To find out the funding status of an National Institutes of Health application. 6701 Rockledge Drive, Suite 2030, MSC 7720 Bethesda, MD 20892-7720 Note a paper copy of the Peer Review Outcome Fax requests (301-480-1987) are also Letter and Summary Statement is no longer acceptable. mailed to the PI. PIs must now access this information in the eRA Commons. Although these requests will be carefully considered, the final determination will be made by the PHS agency. Grants Policy Statements

Applicants must never contact reviewers The PHS Grants Policy Statement serves as a regarding their applications because term and condition of award and is a discussion of the scientific content of an compilation of the salient features of policies application or an attempt to influence and various policy issues regarding the review outcome will constitute a conflict of administration of PHS grant awards, excluding interest in the review process. Reviewers NIH awards. are required to notify the Scientific Review Administrator if they are contacted by an The NIH Grants Policy Statement serves as a applicant. Communication by the applicant term and condition of award and is a to a reviewer may delay the review or compilation of the salient features of policies result in the return of the application and various policy issues regarding the without review. administration of NIH awards.

Both publications are available from the AFTER ASSIGNMENT following NIH website: Contact your Scientific Review Administrator to http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/policy.htm. discuss the review assignment, to request


the release of the PHS 398 (09/04 version). CHANGES These changes have been incorporated into the 4/2006 interim revision of the PHS 398 Following is a summary of policy changes and application. For easy reference, the chart notifications that have been implemented since continues to include all policy changes previously noted in these instructions.

Title NIH Guide Link NIH Announces Interim Changes to the NOTICE: NOT-OD-06-056 PHS398 Application and Instructions http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-06- 056.html NIH Announces Change in Business NOTICE: NOT-OD-06-054 Process: Replacing the Principal http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-06- Investigator Signature on Grant 054.html Applications, Progress Reports, and Prior Approval Requests with an Institutional Compliance Requirement

Updated Instructions Regarding Inclusion NOTICE: NOT-OD-06-051 of Publications as Appendix Materials http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-06- 051.html Announces new NIH policy on publications as appendix material—minimizing paper submissions, allowing URLs when available Establishment of Multiple Principal NOTICE: NOT-OD-06-036 Investigator Awards for the Support of http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-06- Team Science Projects 036.html

Announces new NIH policy allowing multiple principal investigators Department of Health and Human Services NOTICE: NOT-OD-06-015 MPAs and CPAs Expire December 31, 2005 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-06- 015.html Announces OHRP policy concerning the expiration of MPA & CPA assurances NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-081 Meetings (R13/U13): Transition to the SF424 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- (R&R) Form and Electronic Submission 081.html through Grants.gov

Announces transition of grant applications for conferences and scientific meetings from the PHS398 application to the SF424(R&R) application and electronic submission through Grants.gov

8 PHS398: Part I Title NIH Guide Link Change in Submission Dates for Academic NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-080 Research Enhancement Award (AREA) http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- Program 080.html

Announces change in submission date for AREA applications, now transitioned to the SF424 (R&R) application and electronic submission NIH Announces Plans to Eliminate Mailing NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-075 of Paper Notifications: Summary http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- Statements & Peer Review Outcome Letters 075.html

Announces new NIH policy eliminating mailing of paper peer review outcome letters and summary statements, directing PIs to the eRA Commons instead NIH Announces Initial Plans to Transition to NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-067 the SF424(R&R) Application and Electronic http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- Submission through Grants.gov 067.html

Announces overall NIH plans to transition funding mechanisms from the PHS398 application to the SF424(R&R) application and electronic submission through Grants.gov Small Business Innovation Research NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-068 Program and Small Business Technology http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- Transfer Research Program Electronic 068.html Registration

Announces transition of SBIR & STTR programs from the PHS398 application to the SF424(R&R) application and electronic submission through Grants.gov Implementation of Policy on Enhancing NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-045 Public Access to Archived Publications http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- Resulting from NIH-Funded Research 045.html

Provides summary of the new policy and guidance for implementation Notice of Change in Number of Revisions of NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-046 Small Grant Applications (R03) http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- 046.html Announces change in policy for the number of R03 revisions Updated Instructions to the PHS 398 (DHHS NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-039 Public Health Service Grant Applications) http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- Now Available 039.html

Announces a variety of instructional changes to reflect policy changes and/or provide clarity

9 PHS398: Part I Title NIH Guide Link Policy on Enhancing Public Access to NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-022 Archived Publications Resulting from NIH- http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- Funded Research 022.html

Establishes new NIH Policy on enhancing public access to publications resulting from NIH-funded research NIH Policy on Late Submission of Grant NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-030 Applications http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- 030.html Articulates existing NIH policy on late submission of grant applications Policy changes incorporated in previous revisions continue to be noted below for easy reference.

NIH IMPLEMENTATION OF OFFICE FOR NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-020 HUMAN RESEARCH PROTECTIONS http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- (OHRP) GUIDANCE ON RESEARCH 020.html INVOLVING CODED PRIVATE INFORMATION OR BIOLOGICAL SPECIMENS Revised instructions to the PHS 398 reflect the NIH implementation of the August 10, 2004 OHRP Guidance NIH ANNOUNCES REVISED POLICY: NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-004 APPLICATIONS THAT INCLUDE http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- CONSORTIUM/CONTRACTUAL FACILITIES 004.html AND ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Revised policy now applies to all applications involving consortium/contractual F&A costs, solicited & investigator-initiated, regardless budget amount or budget format. NIH ANNOUNCES UPDATED CRITERIA NOTICE: NOT-OD-05-002 FOR EVALUATING RESEARCH GRANT http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-05- APPLICATIONS 002.html NIH Peer Review Criteria modified to better accommodate interdisciplinary, translational, and clinical projects. NIH POLICY ON SHARING OF MODEL NOTICE: NOT-OD-04-042 ORGANISMS FOR BIOMEDICAL http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-04- RESEARCH 042.html New Policy on Sharing Model Organisms PUBLICATION OF THE REVISED NIH NOTICE: NOT-OD-04-009 GRANTS POLICY STATEMENT (REV. 12/03) http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-04- 009.html NIH SUPPORT FOR SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS PAR-03-176 AND CONFERENCES http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-03- NIH has established specific submission dates 176.html for conference grant applications (April 15, August 15, December 15) and requires advance approval from an IC for submission.

10 PHS398: Part I Title NIH Guide Link REQUIREMENT OF DUNS NUMBER NOTICE: NOT-OD-03-055 A Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-03- Numbering System (DUNS) number is 055.html required on applications for Federal grants or cooperative agreements. REVISED NIH POLICY ON SUBMISSION OF NOTICE: NOT-OD-03-041 A REVISED (AMENDED) APPLICATION http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-03- Eliminates the two-year time frame to submit 041.html up to two amended applications. REMINDER AND CLARIFICATION – NOTICE: NOT-OD-03-040 DELIVERY OF COMPETING GRANT, http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-03- COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT, AND 040.html FELLOWSHIP APPLICATIONS Clarifies zip code for U.S. Postal Service NOTICE: NOT-OD-02-012 express mail vs. courier service express mail. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02- 012.html NOTICE OF LEGISLATIVE MANDATES NOTICE: NOT-OD-03-035 CONTAINED IN THE FY 2003 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-03- CONSOLIDATED APPROPRIATIONS 035.html RESOLUTION P.L. 108-07; SIGNED FEBRUARY 20, 2003 NIH updates this notice annually in the NIH Guide for Acknowledgment of Federal Funding; Anti- Grants and Contracts. Lobbying; Continued Salary Limitation; Ban on Funding of Human Embryo Research; Purchase of American-Made Equipment and Products; Limitation on Use of Funds for Promotion of Legalization of Controlled Substances Restriction on Distribution of Sterile Needles; Restriction on Abortions FINAL NIH STATEMENT ON SHARING NOTICE: NOT-OD-03-032 RESEARCH DATA http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-03- Applications with direct costs greater than 032.html $500,000 in any single year, or if specifically required by the RFA, must address data- sharing in the application. RESUBMISSION OF UNPAID RFA NOTICE: NOT-OD-03-019 APPLICATIONS AND RESUBMISSION OF http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-03- APPLICATIONS WITH A CHANGED GRANT 019.html ACTIVITY MECHANISM Changes policy on new vs. amended applications. LABORATORY ANIMAL WELFARE: NOTICE: NOT-OD-02-064 CHANGE IN PHS POLICY ON HUMANE http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02- CARE AND USE OF LABORATORY 064.html ANIMALS Implements Just-in-Time policy for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Approval Date.

11 PHS398: Part I Title NIH Guide Link GRADUATE STUDENT COMPENSATION NOTICE: NOT-OD-02-017 http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02- NIH will provide reasonable amounts for 017.html graduate compensation, consistent with the requested budget for the position(s) and up to the currently effective NRSA zero postdoctoral stipend level. REVISED POLICY ON THE ACCEPTANCE NOTICE: NOT-OD-02-004 FOR REVIEW OF UNSOLICITED http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02- APPLICATIONS THAT REQUEST $500,000 004.html OR MORE IN DIRECT COSTS Implements six week advance window for NIH acceptance. AMENDMENT: NIH POLICY AND NOTICE: NOT-OD-02-001 GUIDELINES ON THE INCLUSION OF http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02- WOMEN AND MINORITIES AS SUBJECTS 001.html IN CLINICAL RESEARCH

REQUIRED EDUCATION IN THE NOTICE: NOT-OD-01-061 PROTECTION OF HUMAN RESEARCH http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-01- PARTICIPANTS 061.html Implements new requirement for education on the protection of human research participants for all individuals identified as Key Personnel.

NIH POLICY ON REPORTING RACE AND NOTICE: NOT-OD-01-053 ETHNICITY DATA: SUBJECTS IN CLINICAL http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-01- RESEARCH 053.html

CHANGES TO INSTRUCTIONS 7) Harmonizing the PHS398 & SF424 (R&R) instructional text and removing data collection (4/2006 Interim Revision) and instructions for those mechanisms that have transitioned to the SF424 (R&R) This interim revision implements a number of application and electronic submission. new and/or changing business processes: Changes to specific form pages are noted 1) Replacing the PI signature on the application below. with an Institutional compliance requirement; Form Page 1: Face Page 2) Changes in measure for reporting effort devoted to a project from percent effort to  New form page developed (Form Page 1- person months; continued) to capture PI information for 3) Changing the requirements for including multiple PIs. publications as appendix material;  Item 3h. The eRA Commons UserName 4) Implementing multiple Principal Investigators (the unique name used to log into the for NIH grants; system) is now required for all PIs.

5) Implementing specific requirements for  Item 14, PI Assurance has been deleted. Select Agents Research; Form Page 2: 6) Modifying the requirements for Biographical Sketch; and

12 PHS398: Part I  Instructions for Key Personnel have been  Section 2. Assurance has been revised to revised to incorporate multiple PIs. include new PI Assurance.

 The Disclosure Permission Statement Key Personnel Format Page: applicable for SBIR/STTR applicants has been removed. The column requesting annual effort has been modified to now reflect person months Form Page 3: Table of Contents (calendar, academic, summer).

 The Table of Contents for the Research Personal Data Form Page: Plan has been revised to include two new sections—Select Agent Research and Instructions have been revised to cover the Multiple PI Leadership Plan. collection of this demographic information for all PIs.  The Commercialization Plan item specific to SBIR/STTR applicants has been Biographical Sketch Format Page: removed. Instructions have been revised to eliminate the Form Page 4: Detailed Budget 2-page subsection page limit for sections A&B. The entire biographical sketch still has a 4-page  The Personnel Section has been revised limit, including the table at the top of page one. to replace Type of Appointment & Percent Other Support Format Page Example: Effort columns with Person Month columns (calendar, academic, and summer). Instructional text and the example have been modified to reflect effort measurements in  The budget item for SBIR/STTR Fee has person months (calendar, academic, summer). been removed. (9/2004 Revision) Form Page 5: Budget for Entire Proposed Period of Support In an effort to simplify the instructions, the PHS 398 has been restructured into three distinct The budget item for SBIR/STTR Fee parts. Instructional information related to the has been removed. preparation, submission and review of your Modular Budget Format Page: application is included in this section, Part I. Information relating to human subjects research  Instructions have been modified for the is now in a separate section of the PHS 398, Personnel Justification section to request Part II: Supplemental Instructions for Preparing effort devoted to the project using person the Human Subjects Section of the Research months (calendar, academic, and Plan. Information relating to policies and summer). assurances, definitions and other non- instructional information is now is a separate  The budget justification section for section, Part III: Policies, Assurances, SBIR/STTR Fee has been removed. Definitions, and Other Information.

Resources Format Page: Font Requirement: NIH now requires the use of an Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Instructions revised to request Georgia typeface and a font size of 11 points information concerning biocontainment or larger. (A Symbol font may be used to insert resources when Select Agent Research Greek letters or special characters; the font size is proposed. requirement still applies. A smaller font size may be used for figures, graphs, diagrams, Checklist Form Page: charts, tables, figure legends, and footnotes, but this type must follow the font typeface  All SBIR/STTR-specific data fields and requirement and be readily legible.) information have been removed.

13 PHS398: Part I NIH Peer Review Criteria: The Review Criteria Other Significant Contributors. A category have been updated to better accommodate has been added to Form Page 2 that identifies interdisciplinary, translational, and clinical individuals who have committed to contribute to projects. the scientific development or execution of the project, but are not committing any specified CHANGES TO APPLICATION FORMS measurable effort to the project. See Other Significant Contributors. Note: All Form Pages and Format Pages have been modified to be more compatible with Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Instructions existing software, and Microsoft Word (MS have been added regarding projects that Word) files have replaced previous versions of involve human embryonic stem cells. Applicants Rich Text Format (RTF) files. Portable must include the registration number of the Document Files (PDF) of the form pages are specific cell line(s) from the stem cell registry offered as an alternative. (see http://stemcells.nih.gov/registry/index.asp).

Form Page 1: Face Page Form Pages 4 and 5:

Item 1. The length of the title has been Budget pages have been modified to implement increased to 81 characters. the new policy on Direct Cost Limitations. Specifically, the "Consortium/Contractual Direct Item 3h. eRA Commons User Name field has Costs" budget row has been moved to above been added. This data item is currently optional. the "Subtotal Direct Costs" line. Instructions Item 4. Human Subjects Research box has have been revised to implement the new policy. been modified as follows: Modular Budget Format Page:  4a: No/Yes check boxes for “Research The budget fields have been modified to fully Exempt” implement the new policy on Direct Cost  4b: Human Subjects Assurance Number Limitations. Specifically, users must now separate the Consortium F&A costs from the  4c: No/Yes checkboxes for Clinical Trial other Direct Costs. Instructions have been revised to implement the new policy.  4d: No/Yes checkboxes for NIH-Defined Phase III Clinical Trial Biographical Sketch Format Page:

Form Page 2: A field has been added for the eRA Commons User Name. This data item is currently optional. Form Page 2 is now two pages (Form Page 2 and Form Page 2-continued) which consist of Personal Data Form Page: five sections: Description, Performance Sites, Applicants are now requested to provide only Key Personnel, Other Significant Contributors, the last four digits of the Social Security and Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Number. While providing this information As part of the Description, instructions have remains voluntary, it is hoped that by limiting been added to succinctly (2-3 sentences) the data to only the last four digits, individuals describe the relevance of the proposed will be more receptive to providing it. This data research to public health. This component of continues to provide the agency with vital the Description should be prepared using information necessary for accurate concise terms and plain language that can be identification, referral, and review of understood by a general, lay audience. applications and for management of PHS grant programs. Key Personnel. A field has been added for the eRA Commons User Name. This data item is Key Personnel Report Format Page: currently optional. The request for a Social Security Number is now limited to the last four digits.

14 PHS398: Part I Checklist Form Page:

A field has been added for “Change of Grantee Institution.”

The form page also includes two distinct options for grants at Foreign Institutions or Domestic Grants with Significant Foreign Involvement. Also, a text entry field has been added to list the countries involved.

Section III – Research Career Development Award Instructions:

The Checklist page is now required at the time of application submission.


. Font and margin specifications must be followed; if not, application processing may be delayed or the application may be returned to the applicant without review. . Prepare a succinct Research Plan. There is no requirement for applicants to use the maximum allowable pages allotted to the Research Plan (Items A- D). The remaining sections (E-L) of the Research Plan have no maximum allowable pages, but should be succinct. . Several elements of an application are no longer required at the time the application is submitted. Instead, this information will be requested later in the review cycle (i.e., "just-in-time") to ensure that it is current. See Just-In- Time Policy in Part III.

15 PHS398: Part I I. PREPARING YOUR items are also not part of the time estimate. An APPLICATION agency may not conduct or sponsor the collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Nor is a person required to respond to requests for the A. Introduction collection of information without this control number. Send comments regarding this burden Read all of the instructions thoroughly prior estimate or any other aspect of this collection of to preparing your application. information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to: NIH, Project Clearance Office, These instructions pertain to applications for 6705 Rockledge Drive MSC 7974, Bethesda, research project grants. Use the additional MD 20892-7974, ATT: PRA (0925-0001). Do instructions and sample pages included in not send applications or any materials related to sections III or IV of this document when training or career award applications to this applying for Career Development Awards or address. Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards. B. General Instructions For other specialized grants or cooperative agreements, request additional instructions Read and follow the instructions carefully to from the appropriate NIH awarding component avoid delays, misunderstandings and possible or other PHS agency. Phone numbers for return of the application. Adherence to font and contacting the appropriate staff are listed in the margin requirements is necessary for several Agency Contact Table. For further assistance, reasons. No applicant should have an contact: advantage over other applicants by providing more content in his/her application by using GrantsInfo smaller, denser type. Small type sizes may also National Institutes of Health (NIH) make it difficult for reviewers to read the E-mail: [email protected] application. Phone: (301) 435-0714. The NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR), AUTHORIZATION Division of Receipt and Referral has the responsibility to make the final determination of The PHS requests the information described in legibility and the authority to return applications. these instructions pursuant to its statutory This decision is final and not subject to appeal. authorities for awarding grants, contained in Inquiries should be directed to the: Sections 301 (a) and 487 of the PHS Act, as amended (42 USC 241a and 42 USC 288). CSR, Division of Receipt and Referral Therefore, such information must be submitted Phone: 301-435-0715; TTY 301-451-0088; if an application is to receive due consideration Fax: 301- 480-1987 for an award. Lack of sufficient information may hinder the ability of the PHS to review an Forms and Format Pages application and to monitor the grantee’s performance. . Prepare the application using the PHS 398 MS WORD or PDF form pages and format pages as provided. PAPERWORK BURDEN . Form pages must be identical to those The PHS estimates that it will take provided. You may substitute computer- approximately 40 hours to complete this generated facsimiles for government- application for a regular research project grant. provided forms; however, they must This estimate excludes time for development of maintain the exact wording and format the scientific plan. Items such as human of the government forms, including all subjects and vertebrate animals are cleared captions and spacing. and accounted for separately. Therefore, these

16 PHS398: Part I . Format pages are intended to assist you . Use at least one-half inch margins (top, in the development of specific sections bottom, left, and right) for all pages, of the application. Alternatively, you may including continuation pages. create a page similar to any format Application Paging provided as long as all the requisite information is included. . Since a number of reviewers will be . The face page must not have any reviewing applications as an electronic shading/colors. document and not a paper version, applicants are strongly encouraged to . Font sizes on some PHS 398 form use only a standard, single-column pages vary due to field or space format for the text. Avoid using a two- limitations. The PHS 398 Microsoft Word column format since it can cause (MS WORD) and Portable Document difficulties when reviewing the document File (PDF) Form Pages as provided are electronically. acceptable to NIH. All other sections of your application (e.g., Biographical . The application must be single-sided Sketch; Introduction, if necessary; and single-spaced. Literature Citations; and the Research . Consecutively number pages throughout Plan) must conform to the font the application. Do not use suffixes requirements stated below. (e.g., 5a, 5b). . Some fields on the PDF Form Pages are . Do not include unnumbered pages. pre-set to auto calculate. In these cases, a zero will appear until actual data are Figures, Graphs, Diagrams, Charts, Tables, entered. Figure Legends, and Footnotes . You may use a smaller type size but it FORMAT SPECIFICATIONS must be in black ink, readily legible, and Follow font and format specifications. follow the font typeface requirement. Otherwise, application processing may be Photographs and Images delayed, or the application may be returned to the applicant without review. . Do not include photographs or other materials that are not printed directly on Font the application page in the body of the . Use an Arial, Helvetica, Palatino application. Pictures or other materials Linotype or Georgia typeface and a font that are glued or taped onto application size of 11 points or larger. (A Symbol pages are incompatible with the current font may be used to insert Greek letters duplication/scanning process. or special characters; the font size . You may include black-and-white or requirement still applies.) color images in the six (6) submitted . Type density, including characters and copies provided such images are printed spaces, must be no more than 15 directly on the application page and are characters per inch. critical to the content of the application. . Type may be no more than six lines per Copies inch. . Original (signed by principal investigator . Use black ink that can be clearly copied. and an authorized organizational official) and five exact, legible, single-sided . Print must be clear and legible. photocopies Page Margins . Do not use photo reduction. . Use standard size (8 ½" x 11") sheets of . The application must contain only paper. material that reproduces well when photocopied in black and white. Glossy

17 PHS398: Part I photographs or other materials that PAGE LIMITATIONS AND CONTENT cannot be photocopied must be REQUIREMENTS submitted in five collated sets as appendices (see Section I-8_Appendix). All applications and proposals for NIH funding Note: Full-sized glossy photographs must be self-contained within specified page may be included in the appendix; limitations. however, a photo copy of each must also be included within the page Observe the page number limitations given in limitations of the Research Plan. Table 1. Only in cases involving interdependent multiple subprojects (e.g., Program Projects Grantsmanship and Multi-Center Clinical Trials) will the PHS accept applications that exceed the page . Use English and avoid jargon. number limitations. However, specific page number limits may apply to each subproject. For . If terms are not universally known, spell information pertaining to page number limits for out the term the first time it is used and such projects, contact the awarding component note the appropriate abbreviation in to which the application may be assigned. (See parentheses. The abbreviation may be Agency Contact Table.) The page number used thereafter. limitations may also be different for other specialized grant applications (e.g., R03 and R21 applications). Consult and follow the additional instructions for those applications.

TABLE 1. PAGE LIMITATIONS AND CONTENT REQUIREMENTS Section Page Limit Content Introduction See Instructions - New applications Not required/Not to be submitted - Revised/Resubmission 3 applications 1 - Supplemental/Revision applications Research Plan 25* Text including all figures, charts, - Sections A-D * Some exclusions for competing tables, and diagrams continuation/renewal applications

- Sections E-L none

Biographical Sketches 4 No more than four pages for each person listed as Key Personnel. Literature Cited none Complete citations, including titles and all authors Appendix none No more than 10 publications (including accepted manuscripts); photographs (include a copy in the Research Plan); questionnaires; and other materials that do not photocopy well.

18 PHS398: Part I Section Page Limit Content PAs and RFAs Page limitations specified in the See specific instructions in PAs PA and RFA announcement in the and RFAs published in the NIH NIH Guide take precedence. Guide.

REVISED/RESUBMISSION APPLICATIONS Report section should incorporate any work done since the prior version was submitted. NIH allows the submission of up to two Revised/Resubmission applications and no Application processing may be delayed or longer restricts those submissions to a two-year the application may be returned if it does timeframe. See NIH Policy on Submission of a not comply with all of these requirements. Revised/Resubmission (amended) Application in Part III of the PHS 398. Investigators who have submitted three NIH has established new policies for application versions of an application and have not been resubmissions of certain categories. See successful often ask NIH staff how different the Resubmission of Unpaid RFA Applications and next application submitted needs to be to be Resubmission of Applications with a Changed considered a new application. It is recognized Grant Activity Mechanism in Part III of the PHS that investigators are trained in a particular field 398. of science and are not likely to make drastic Before a revised/resubmission application can changes in their research interests. However, a be submitted, the principal investigator must new application following three reviews is have received the Summary Statement from the expected to be substantially different in content previous review. and scope with more significant differences than are normally encountered in a Acceptance of a revised/resubmission revised/resubmission application. Simply application automatically withdraws the prior rewording the title and Specific Aims or version, since two versions of the same incorporating minor changes in response to application cannot be simultaneously pending. comments in the previous Summary Statement does not constitute a substantial change in Introduction to Revised/Resubmission scope or content. Changes to the Research Application. The revision must include an Plan should produce a significant change in Introduction of not more than three pages that direction and approach for the research project. summarizes the substantial additions, deletions, Thus, a new application would include and changes. The Introduction must also substantial changes in all sections of the include responses to the criticisms and issues Research Plan, particularly the Specific Aims raised in the Summary Statement. Insert the and the Research Design and Methods Introduction just before the very beginning sections. of the Research Plan. In the referral process, NIH staff look at all Research Plan of Revised/Resubmission aspects of the application, not just the title and Application. A revised/resubmission Description (abstract). Requesting review by a application must include substantial changes. different review committee does not affect the Identify the changes in the Research Plan implementation of this policy. When necessary, clearly by bracketing, indenting, or changing previous applications are analyzed for typography, unless the changes are so similarities to the present one. Thus, identical extensive as to include most of the text. This applications or those with only minor changes exception should be explained in the will not be accepted for review. Introduction. Do not underline or shade changes. The Preliminary Studies/Progress

19 PHS398: Part I COMPETING SUPPLEMENTAL/REVISION Business Official, describing the need for APPLICATION additional funding and the categorical costs. In your letter, also be sure to point out what you A competing supplemental/revision application will NOT be able to accomplish if such a may be submitted to request support for a request is denied. significant expansion of a project’s scope or research protocol. Applications for competitive C. Specific Instructions supplements/revision are not appropriate when the sole purpose is to restore awards to the full SRG-recommended level if they were 1. FACE PAGE ( MS WORD OR PDF ) administratively reduced by the funding agency. The first part of the Face Page (Form Page 1) A supplemental/revision application should not must be printed on a single page. If Form Page be submitted until after the original application 1-continued is used, it should be printed as a has been awarded and may not extend separate page. The Face Page must not have beyond the term of the current award period. any shading or colors. Provide a one-page introduction at the beginning of the Research Plan that describes The information provided on the Face Page the nature of the supplement/revision and how it of the application and the fiscal will influence the specific aims, research design, information, including the calculation of F&A costs, must be verified by the official and methods of the current grant. Any signing for applicant organization. budgetary changes for the remainder of the project period of the current grant should be discussed under the budget justification. The Item 1. Title of Project body of the application should contain sufficient Do not exceed 81 characters, including the information from the original grant application to spaces between words and punctuation. allow evaluation of the proposed Choose a descriptive title that is specifically supplement/revision in relation to the goals of appropriate. A new application must have a the original application. different title from any other PHS project with the same principal investigator/program If the supplemental/revision application relates director. A competing continuation/renewal or to a specific line of investigation presented in revised/resubmission application should the original application that was not normally have the same title as the previous recommended for approval by the SRG, then grant or application. If the specific aims of the the applicant must respond to the criticisms in project have significantly changed, choose a the prior Summary Statement, and substantial new title. A supplemental/revision application revisions must be clearly evident and must have the same title as the currently funded summarized in the introduction. grant.

ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPLEMENTS Item 2. Response to Specific Request for Applications (RFA) or Program An administrative supplement provides Announcement (PA) additional funding to meet increased costs that are within the scope of your approved Check “Yes” and insert the appropriate application, but that were unforeseen when the announcement number (e.g., PA-04-007) and new or competing continuation/renewal title of the announcement if the application is application was submitted. If you are submitted in response to an RFA or a PA contemplating supplemental funding, you must issued through the NIH Guide for Grants and consult in advance with your designated Grants Contracts. Management Officer and Program Official. It is If an application is being submitted as a R03 or important for you to submit a request before R21, a program announcement that includes your grant expires. To be considered for an this mechanism must be specified in Item 2. administrative supplement, you must submit a Note that not all Institutes and Centers use the request in writing to the IC (not to CSR), signed R03 and/or R21 mechanisms; in addition, there by the Principal Investigator and the authorized

20 PHS398: Part I may be Institute/Center specifications for these When multiple PIs are proposed, see detailed mechanisms. instructions at the end of this section.

In addition, if the application is for the Career Item 3b. Degree(s) Development Award, Academic Research Indicate up to three academic and professional Enhancement Award (AREA), Institutional Ruth degrees or other credentials, such as licenses L. Kirschstein National Research Service (e.g., R.N.). Award, or AIDS research, state that after the title. Item 3c. Position Title Provide the academic or professional title of the For RFAs, attach the RFA label or a facsimile, principal investigator/program director. If more including the RFA number, to the bottom of the than one title, indicate the one most relevant to Face Page of the original application. The RFA the proposed project (e.g., Professor of label is under the general mailing label, Biochemistry, Chief of Surgical Service, or following the Checklist and Personal Data Group Leader). pages. Any special instructions in the RFA must be followed when preparing the application. Item 3d. Mailing Address Item 3. Principal Investigator(s)/Program Provide complete information (including room Director(s) number, building, and street address) necessary for postal delivery. All written New Investigator. Check “Yes” in the “New communications with the principal investigator Investigator” box only if the principal will use this address. For electronic mail, enter investigator has not previously served as such the appropriate e-mail address (not a website on any PHS-supported research project other URL). than a small grant (R03), an Academic Research Enhancement Award (R15), an Item 3e. Department, Service, Laboratory, or exploratory/developmental grant (R21), or Equivalent mentored career development awards for Indicate your organizational affiliation, such as persons at the beginning of their research Department of Medicine, Materials Research career (K01, K08, K22, K23, K25, K99/R00). If Laboratory, or Social Sciences Institute. the principal investigator/program director is not a new investigator, check “No.” Item 3f. Major Subdivision Current or past recipients of Independent Indicate your school, college, or other major Scientist and other non-mentored career subdivision, such as medical, dental, awards (K02, K05, K24, and K26) are not engineering, graduate, nursing, or public health. considered new investigators. If there is no such subdivision, enter “None.”

When Multiple Principal Investigators are Item 3g. Telephone and Fax Numbers proposed, all PIs must meet the definition of Provide a daytime telephone number and, if New Investigator for this box to be checked. available, a fax number.

Item 3a. Name of Principal Investigator/ Program Item 3h. eRA Commons User Name Director If the principal investigator is registered in the Name of Principal Investigator/ Program eRA Commons, enter the assigned Commons Director. Name the one person responsible to User Name. The Commons User Name is the the applicant organization for the scientific and ID assigned to and used by the individual to technical direction of the project. PHS staff access the Commons. This data item is now a conduct official business only with the required field for all individuals designated named principal investigators and as PI. institutional officials. A supplemental/revision application must have the same principal Multiple PIs investigator/program director as the currently funded grant. When multiple PIs are proposed, use the Face Page (Continued) page to provide items 3a – 3h for all PIs. NIH requires one PI be designated

21 PHS398: Part I as the “contact PI” for all communications collaborating institution. “Yes” should be between the PIs and the agency. The contact PI checked even if the research is exempt from must meet all eligibility requirements for PI regulations for the protection of human subjects status in the same way as other PIs, but has no (see Exemption Categories ). If the application special roles or responsibilities within the plans to involve human subjects, but does not project team beyond those mentioned above. have definite plans at the time of application, The contact PI may be changed during the the principal investigator will need to provide the project period. The contact PI should be listed research plan, including section 7.E “Human in block 3 of Form Page 1 (the Face Page), with Subjects Research,” and certification of IRB all additional PIs listed on the Face Page review and approval, for approval by the (Continued). awarding component before the research can occur. Applicants are reminded that Multiple PIs are in a pilot implementation phase and should only Item 4a. Exemptions from Department of Health be included in applications responding to and Human Services (HHS) Human specific funding opportunities that clearly Subjects Regulations indicate Multiple PI as an option. For additional Does your proposed human subjects research information on this initiative, see: meet the criteria for one or more of the http://grants.nih.gov/grants/multi_pi/index.htm. exemptions in the HHS regulations (45 CFR Part 46)? Item 4. Human Subjects Research Questions in this section pertain to Part II: Check “Yes” if the activities proposed are Supplemental Instructions for Preparing the exempt from the regulations. Insert the Human Subjects Section of the Research exemption number(s) corresponding to one or Plan (MS Word) (PDF). more of the six exemption categories listed in Part II: Supplemental Instructions for Does your proposed research involve Human Preparing the Human Subjects Section of Subjects? See definition. the Research Plan (MS Word) (PDF). If the proposed research corresponds to one or more Research that involves obtaining private of the exempt categories, then the remaining information or human biological specimens parts of Item 4 of the Face Page are not (such as blood and tissue samples) that can applicable. be linked by the investigator(s) to living individuals is considered human subjects OHRP guidance states that Exemptions should research (45 CFR Part 46). be independently determined (http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/humansubjects/guida nce/irb71102.pdf). Institutions often designate Research that involves only coded private information/data or coded human biological their IRB to make this determination. Because specimens may or may not constitute NIH does not require IRB approval at time of human subjects research under the HHS application, the exemptions designated in item human subject regulations (45 CFR Part 4a often represent the opinion of the PI, and the 46). See Part II: Question 1. justification provided for the exemption by the PI is evaluated during peer review. No Human Subjects Involved Human Subjects Activities Not Exempt from HHS Check “No” if activities involving human Human Subjects Regulations subjects are not planned at any time during the proposed project period. The remaining parts of Check “No” if the planned activities involving Item 4 are then not applicable. human subjects are not exempt, and complete the remaining parts of Item 4. Human Subjects Involved Item 4b. Human Subjects Assurance Number Check “’Yes” if activities involving human subjects are planned at any time during the If the applicant organization has a current proposed project period, either at the applicant approved Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) on organization or at any other performance site or file with the OHRP (http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp/)

22 PHS398: Part I that covers the specific activity, insert the Check “Yes” if activities involving vertebrate number in the space provided. animals are planned at any time during the proposed project period, either at the applicant Insert “None” in Item 4b if the applicant organization or at any other performance site or organization does not have an approved collaborating institution. Note that generation of assurance on file with OHRP. In this case, the custom antibodies constitutes an activity applicant organization, by the signature on the involving vertebrate animals. Face Page, is declaring that it will comply with 45 CFR Part 46 and proceed to obtain a human Item 5a. IACUC Verification subjects assurance (see http://www.hss.gov/ohrp). Do not insert the NIH no longer requires Institutional Animal human subjects assurance number of any Care and Use Committee approval of the proposed research before NIH peer review collaborating institution in the space of an application. See PHS policy section on provided. Vertebrate Animals and http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice- NIH no longer requires IRB approval and files/NOT-OD-02-064.html. See also the certification of the proposed research prior Just-In-Time Policy. to NIH peer review of an application (see http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice- This field is not necessary for application files/NOT-OD-00-031.html) and Human Subjects Research supplemental submission. However, the data must be instructions. However, any modification of submitted to NIH consistent with the “just-in- the Research Plan section of the time” process prior to award. application, required by the IRB or to address human subjects concerns raised If the verification of IACUC approval is not during review, must be submitted for submitted with the application, applicant approval before award. See also the Just-In- organizations with “full” Animal Welfare Time Policy and IRB Approval. Assurances on file with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) should enter “Pending” To assist in filling out items 4c and 4d, see the in the box requesting IACUC approval date. Human Subjects Research Supplemental Following NIH peer review, applicants and their Instructions for definitions of clinical research institutions will be notified of the need for and NIH-defined Phase III clinical trial. IACUC review and verification for the proposed animal activity. The verification of IACUC Item 4c. Clinical Trial approval from an official signing for the Does your proposed research include a clinical applicant organization must then be sent to and trial? received by the Grants Management Office identified in the notice requesting IACUC Check “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether the verification. This IACUC verification must project is a clinical trial. include: the PHS application number, title of the project, name of principal investigator/program Item 4d. NIH-Defined Phase III Clinical Trial director, institution, Animal Welfare Assurance Does your proposed research meet criteria for number, date of IACUC approval, and an NIH-Defined Phase III Clinical Trial? appropriate signatures.

Check “Yes” or “No” to indicate whether the Any modification of the Research Plan section project is an NIH-Defined Phase III clinical trial. of the application, required by the IACUC, must be submitted with the follow-up verification. It is Item 5. Vertebrate Animals the responsibility of the principal investigator/ program director and the applicant organization Check “No” if activities involving vertebrate to submit the follow-up verification. animals are not planned at any time during the proposed project period. The remaining parts of Item 5b. Animal Welfare Assurance Item 5 are then not applicable. If the applicant organization has a full Animal Welfare Assurance of Compliance on file with

23 PHS398: Part I the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare Item 7. Costs Requested for Initial Budget (OLAW), enter the Assurance number of the Period applicant organization in Item 5b. (To determine Item 7a. Direct Costs Requested for Initial whether your organization holds an Animal Budget Period Welfare Assurance, see http://grants.nih.gov/ grants/olaw/olaw.htm#assur.) Non-Modular. From Form Page 4, enter the "Subtotal Direct Costs for Initial Budget Period". Enter “None” in Item 5b if the applicant organization does not have an approved Animal Modular, With Consortium/Contractual Welfare Assurance on file with OLAW. Do not Costs. From the Modular Budget Format Page enter the Animal Welfare Assurance number enter the “DC less Consortium F&A" for the of any collaborating institution in the space initial period only. This figure must be in provided. By inserting “None” and, by the $25,000 increments and be < $250,000. signing on the Face Page, the applicant Modular, Without Consortium/Contractual organization is declaring that it will comply with Costs. From the Modular Budget Format Page PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of enter “Total Direct Costs” for the initial period Laboratory Animals by submitting an Animal only. This figure must be in $25,000 increments Welfare Assurance and verification of IACUC and be < $250,000. approval when requested to do so by OLAW. Item 7b. Total Costs Requested for Initial Item 6. Dates of Proposed Period of Support Budget Period Request no more than 5 years of support. Note: Non-Modular. Enter the sum of: 1) the "Total Some mechanisms specify fewer years. Direct Costs for Initial Budget Period" from Form Page 4 and 2) the Facilities and New application. Consult the schedule in Table 2 Submission, Review, and Award Cycles for an Administrative costs for the initial budget period, appropriate beginning date. as calculated on the Checklist Form Page.

Competing continuation /Renewal application. Modular, With or Without Consortium/ Choose a beginning date immediately following Contractual Costs. Enter the sum of: 1) the the termination date of the current period of “Total Direct Costs" for the initial period from support. the Modular Budget Format Page and 2) the Facilities and Administrative costs for the initial Supplemental /Revision application. Submit a budget period, as calculated on the Checklist supplemental/revision application only for a Form Page. period within the current period of the active grant. At the time of submission, the Note the "Total Direct Costs" used to calculate supplement/revision request must be within the Item 7b includes any consortium F&A costs. time period of the original (parent) award Item 8. Costs Requested for Proposed period, and any extension must be done before Period of Support submission. Make the ending date of the supplement/revision’s first budget period Item 8a. Direct Costs Requested for Proposed coincide with the ending date of the budget Period of Support period that is to be supplemented, regardless of Non-Modular. From Form Page 5, enter the the supplement/revision’s beginning date. If sum of "Subtotal Direct Costs" for all years. requesting supplemental/revision funds for the future years of a currently funded grant, make Modular, With Consortium/Contractual the future years’ budget periods coincide with Costs. From the Modular Budget Format Page, those of the currently funded grant. enter the “Sum Total” of "DC less Consortium F&A" for all years. BUDGET REQUEST All amounts requested in Items 7 and 8 and Modular, Without Consortium/Contractual on the budget pages must be in U.S. Costs. From the Modular Budget Format Page, dollars. enter the “Sum Total” of "Total Direct Costs” for all years.

24 PHS398: Part I Item 8b. Total Costs Requested for Proposed number, is a nine-digit number assigned by Dun Period of Support and Bradstreet Information Services. An Non-Modular. Enter the sum of: 1) "Total authorized organizational official should be Direct Costs" from Form Page 5; and, 2) the consulted to determine the appropriate number Facilities and Administrative costs for the to enter. If the organization does not have a proposed period of support, as calculated on DUNS number, an authorized organizational the Checklist Form Page. official should complete the electronic US D&B D-U-N-S Number Request Form or contact Dun Modular, With or Without Consortium/ and Bradstreet by telephone directly at 1-866- Contractual Costs. Enter the sum of: 1) “Sum 705-5711 (toll-free) to obtain one. A DUNS Total” from the Modular Budget Format Page; number will be provided immediately by and, 2) the Facilities and Administrative costs telephone at no charge. Note this is an for the proposed period of support, as organizational number. Individual principal calculated on the Checklist Form Page. investigators do not need to register for a DUNS. Note the "Total Direct Costs" used to calculate Item 8b includes any consortium F&A costs. Congressional District. Enter the number of the Congressional District of the applicant Item 9. Applicant Organization organization. To locate your district visit Name the one organization that will be legally http://congress.org/congressorg/dbq/officials/? and financially responsible for the conduct of lvl=L. activities supported by the award. Item 12. Administrative Official to be Item 10. Type of Organization Notified If Award Is Made Check the appropriate box. See definition in Name the applicant organization administrative Part III: Policies, Assurances, Definitions and official to be notified if an award is made. Other Information. Provide a complete address for postal delivery and the telephone, fax, and e-mail address for Item 11. Entity Identification Number, DUNS the administrative official. Number, Congressional District Item 13. Official Signing for Applicant Entity Identification Number. Enter the 12- Organization digit Entity Identification Number (EIN) assigned to the applicant organization by the Department Name an individual authorized to act for the of Health and Human Services Payment applicant organization and to assume the Management System for payment and obligations imposed by the Federal laws, accounting purposes. This number is an requirements, and conditions for a grant or expansion of the 9-digit EIN assigned by the grant application, including the applicable IRS. If the institution has not yet been assigned Federal regulations. Provide a complete a number, enter either (1) the organization’s address for postal delivery and the telephone, Internal Revenue Service employer fax, and e-mail address for the signing official. identification number (nine digits) or (2) the Item 14. Applicant Organization words Applied for to indicate that the Certification and Acceptance organization does not have an EIN but has applied to the local office of the IRS for one. DO NOT ENTER THE PRINCIPAL Read this INVESTIGATOR’S SOCIAL SECURITY section NUMBER, as it is not appropriate for this item. carefully Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. Enter the DUNS number. Applicant organizations must provide a DUNS number An original signature, in ink, is required. “For” when applying for Federal grants or cooperative signatures are acceptable; i.e., if the official agreements. The DUNS, a Universal Identifier designated to sign for the applicant organization is not available to sign, only another institutional

25 PHS398: Part I official with formal delegated authority to act in Human Subjects Research his/her behalf may sign as "acting for" such official. However, “Per” signatures (signing as Research on Transplantation of Human Fetal the designated official or without the formal Tissue delegation) are not acceptable. The date of signature must be included. In signing the Research Using Human Embryonic Stem Cells application Face Page, the duly authorized Women and Minority Inclusion Policy representative of the applicant organization certifies that the applicant organization will Inclusion of Children Policy comply with all applicable policies, assurances and/or certifications referenced in Vertebrate Animals the application. Debarment and Suspension The applicant organization is responsible for verifying its eligibility and the accuracy, validity, Drug-Free Workplace and conformity with the most current Lobbying institutional guidelines of all the administrative, fiscal, and scientific information in the Non-Delinquency on Federal Debt application, including the Facilities and Administrative rate. Deliberate withholding, Research Misconduct falsification, or misrepresentation of information Civil Rights could result in administrative actions, such as withdrawal of an application, suspension and/or Handicapped Individuals termination of an award, debarment of Sex Discrimination individuals, as well as possible criminal penalties. The signer further certifies that the Age Discrimination applicant organization will be accountable both for the appropriate use of any funds awarded Recombinant DNA, including Human Gene and for the performance of the grant-supported Transfer Research project or activities resulting from this Financial Conflict of Interest application. The grantee institution may be liable for the reimbursement of funds associated Smoke-Free Workplace with any inappropriate or fraudulent conduct of the project activity. Prohibited Research Assurances and Certifications Select Agent Research Each application to the PHS requires that the Principal Investigator(s) Assurance following policies, assurances and/or certifications be verified by the signature of the 2. DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCE SITES, KEY Official Signing for Applicant Organization on the Face Page of the application. These PERSONNEL, OTHER SIGNIFICANT assurances are explained in Part III: Policies, CONTRIBUTORS, AND HUMAN Assurances, Definitions, and Other Information. EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS Applicants and grantees must comply with a number of additional public policy requirements. FORM PAGE 2 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) Refer to your institution’s research grant administrative office or the NIH Grants Policy Do NOT insert additional pages between Statement (available from the NIH website at Form Page 1 and Form Page 2. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/policy/policy.htm) for additional information. Description: Project Summary and Relevance The policies, assurances and certifications The first and major component of the listed below may or may not be applicable to Description is a Project Summary. It is meant your project, program, or type of applicant to serve as a succinct and accurate description organization:

26 PHS398: Part I of the proposed work when separated from the organization is responsible for ensuring that the application. State the application's broad, long- performance site operates under an appropriate term objectives and specific aims, making OHRP-approved assurance for the protection of reference to the health relatedness of the human subjects and complies with 45 CFR Part project (i.e., relevance to the mission of the 46 and other NIH human subject related agency). Describe concisely the research policies described in the PHS 398 and GPS. design and methods for achieving the stated goals. This section should be informative to For research involving vertebrate animals, the other persons working in the same or related applicant organization must ensure that all fields and insofar as possible understandable to performance sites hold OLAW-approved a scientifically or technically literate reader. assurances. Avoid describing past accomplishments and the use of the first person. Key Personnel In addition to the principal investigator(s) (PIs), The second component of the Description is Key Personnel are defined as individuals who Relevance. Using no more than two or three contribute to the scientific development or sentences, describe the relevance of this execution of the project in a substantive, research to public health. In this section, be measurable way, whether or not salaries are succinct and use plain language that can be requested. understood by a general, lay audience. Typically, these individuals have doctoral or DO NOT EXCEED THE SPACE PROVIDED. other professional degrees, although individuals at the masters or baccalaureate level should be Do not include proprietary, confidential included if their involvement meets the definition information or trade secrets in the of Key Personnel. Consultants should also be description section. If the application is included if they meet the same definition. funded, the project description will be entered into an NIH database (Computer Key Personnel must devote measurable effort Retrieval of Information on Scientific (in person months) to the project whether or not Projects - CRISP) and will become public salaries are requested. "Effort of zero person information. months” or “as needed” are not acceptable levels of involvement for those designated as Performance Site(s) Key Personnel. Indicate where the work described in the Research Plan will be conducted. If there is Start with the principal investigator(s). List more than one performance site, list all the the principal investigator’s last name first. sites, including Department of Veterans Affairs When multiple PIs are proposed, list the contact (V.A.) facilities and foreign sites, and provide an PI first, then all additional PIs in alphabetical explanation on the Resources Format Page of order. Then all other Key Personnel should be the application. One of the sites indicated must listed in alphabetical order, last name first. For be the applicant organization or be identified as each individual provide name, eRA Commons off-site in accordance with the conditions of the User Name (if known), organization name (their applicant organization’s negotiated Facilities institutional affiliation), and role on the project. and Administrative (F&A) agreement. This Under role on the project, indicate how the information must agree with the F&A individual will function on the proposed project. information on the Checklist Form Page of the Use additional consecutively numbered pages application. State whether a consortium/ as necessary. contractual arrangement is involved with one or Other Significant Contributors. This category more collaborating organizations for the identifies individuals who have committed to conduct of a portion of the work described in the contribute to the scientific development or Research Plan. execution of the project, but are not committing If a performance site is engaged in research any specified measurable effort (in person involving human subjects, the applicant months) to the project. These individuals are typically presented at "effort of zero person

27 PHS398: Part I months” or "as needed" (individuals with $250,000 or less per year for direct costs. measurable effort cannot be listed as Other Modular budgets are simplified; therefore, Significant Contributors). Consultants should be detailed categorical information is not to be included if they meet this definition. This would submitted with the application. also be an appropriate designation for mentors on Career awards. Note consortium/contractual F&A costs are not factored into this DC limit. They may be A biosketch, including Research Support requested in addition to the $250,000 limit. information, will be required for these individuals as this highlights their . Applicable only to R01, R03, R15, and accomplishments as scientists. Reviewers use R21 applications. these pages to address the "investigator" review criterion. . Use for research grant applications requesting $250,000 or less in direct However, if an award is to be made, Other costs, exclusive of any consortium F&A Support information will not be required or costs. accepted since considerations of overlap do not . Submit only the Modular Budget Format apply to these individuals. Page (MS WORD or PDF). Should the level of involvement change for an . Do not submit Form Pages 4 and 5. Use individual listed in this category, they should be these as internal “worksheets” only in redesignated as "key personnel." This change the development of the total direct costs should be made before any compensation is to be shown on the Modular Budget charged to the project. Format Page and in Item 7a of the Face Page. Human Embryonic Stem Cells . Refer to the Modular Budget Samples: If the proposed project involves human Same Modules each year embryonic stem cells, list in this section the MS Word or PDF registration number of the specific cell line(s) from the stem cell registry found at: Variable Modules each year http://stemcells.nih.gov/registry/index.asp. Use MS Word or PDF continuation pages as needed. If a specific line cannot be referenced at the time of application Direct Costs. submission, include a statement that one from the registry will be used. Modular, With Consortium/Contractual Costs. On the Modular Budget Format Page, 3. RESEARCH GRANT TABLE OF CONTENTS enter separately the Direct Costs less (actual) Consortium F&A, actual Consortium F&A, and FORM PAGE 3 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) Total Direct Costs requested for each year. The budget figures from the "DC less Consortium Provide the page number for each category F&A" row are used for Face Page Items 7a. and listed on the Table of Contents. Place page 8a. When consortium/contractual costs are numbers at the bottom of each page, and involved, the figures for each year in the "DC consecutively number pages throughout the less Consortium F&A" row must be in $25,000 application. Do not include unnumbered increments and < $250,000. pages, and do not use suffixes, such as 5a, 5b. Modular, Without Consortium/Contractual Costs. If your budget does not include 4. BUDGET INSTRUCTIONS consortium/contractual costs complete only the "Total Direct Costs" row. From this row, use MODULAR FORMAT "Initial Period" figure for Face Page Item 7a, and "Sum Total" figure for Face Page Item 8a. The following instructions are applicable to When no consortium/contractual costs are certain research grant applications requesting involved, the figures for each year in the "Total

28 PHS398: Part I Direct Costs" row must be in $25,000 whether the collaborating institution is foreign or increments and < $250,000. domestic. While only the direct cost for a consortium/contractual arrangement is factored For all modular budgets, request total direct into eligibility for using the modular budget costs (in modules of $25,000 as described format, the total consortium/contractual costs above), reflecting appropriate support for the must be included in the overall requested project. There will be no future year escalations. modular direct cost amount. A typical modular grant application will request the same number of modules in each year. While all NIH ICs use modular formats, not Provide an additional narrative budget all of the other PHS agencies accept justification for any variation in the number of modular budgets. If you are submitting an modules requested. application to an agency other than NIH, be sure to read the instructions in the funding NIH may request (prior to award) additional announcement to determine whether the budget justification in exceptional application should be submitted in the circumstances. For further information, see modular format, or contact an official at the http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/modular/mo appropriate PHS awarding component (see dular.htm and Agency Contact Table). http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/modular/mo dular_review.htm. NON-MODULAR FORMAT

Budget Justification. The following instructions are applicable to all applications requesting more than $250,000 Personnel. List all personnel, including names, direct costs per year. Note consortium/ number of person months devoted to the project contractual F&A costs are no longer (indicate academic, calendar, and/or summer), factored into this DC limit. If you exceed the and roles on the project. No individual salary $250,000 level by only the amount of information should be provided. Since the consortium F&A costs, you are still required modules should be a reasonable estimate of to use the modular format. Detailed costs allowable, allocable, and appropriate for categorical budget information for preparing the the proposed project, applicants must use the budget for the “Initial Budget Period” and the current legislatively imposed salary limitation “Entire Proposed Period of Support” is to be when estimating the number of modules. For submitted with the application. guidance on current salary limitations, see the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts on the NIH . Use for research grant applications grants website or contact your office of requesting more than $250,000 direct sponsored programs. costs per year, exclusive of consortium F&A costs. NIH grants also limit the compensation for graduate students. Compensation includes . Submit Form Page 4 and Form Page 5. salary or wages, fringe benefits and tuition . If you are requesting a budget of remission. This limit should also be used when $500,000 direct costs or more for any estimating the number of modules. See: year, you must obtain prior approval http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice- from Institute/Center staff. Note this files/NOT-OD-02-017.html. limit is exclusive of any consortium F&A costs. If the "Subtotal Direct Costs" on Consortium/contractual costs. Provide an Form Page 5 equals or exceeds estimate of total costs (direct plus Facilities and $500,000 in any year, prior approval is Administrative) for each year, rounded to the required. (See Policy on the Acceptance nearest $1,000. List the individuals/ for Review of Unsolicited Applications organizations with whom consortium or That Request $500,000 or More in contractual arrangements have been made. List Direct Costs .) all personnel, including number of person months and roles on the project. No individual . Form Page 4 reflects the total direct salary information should be provided. Indicate costs, which includes the total costs of

29 PHS398: Part I any contractual costs, requested for the Role on Project. Identify the role of each initial (first 12 months) budget period. individual listed on the project. Describe (F&A costs are requested on the their specific functions under Justification on Checklist Page.) Form Page 5. Provide budget narrative for ALL personnel by position, role, and level of . Form Page 5 reflects the total direct effort using person months (calendar, costs for the entire project period. This academic and/or summer). This includes form also is used to prepare the any “to-be-appointed” positions. narrative budget justification. . Submit a separate detailed budget Months Devoted to Project. Enter the (Form Page 4) for each participating number of months devoted to the project. consortium/contractual organization. For Three columns are provided depending on each, label that page accordingly. If the type of appointment being reflected, consortium activity exceeds one year, academic, calendar, and/or summer also include Form Page 5. See months. Individuals may have consecutive Consortium/Contractual Costs for appointments within a calendar year, for specific instructions. example for an academic period and a summer period. In this case, each If the proposed budget is $250,000 direct appointment should be identified separately costs per year or less (excluding any using the corresponding column. consortium F&A costs), skip the following instructions for Form Page 4 and Form Page If effort does not change throughout the 5. Use the ‘Modular Budget Format Page’ year, use only the calendar months column. only and follow the specific Budget If effort varies between academic and Instructions for Modular Grant Applications. summer months, leave the calendar months column blank and use only the academic DETAILED BUDGET FOR INITIAL and summer months columns. In cases BUDGET PERIOD where no contractual appointment exists with the applicant organization and salary is FORM PAGE 4 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) requested, enter the number of months for the requested period. Each item listed on Form Page 4 must be clearly justified on Form Page 5. List only the Institutional Base Salary. An applicant direct costs requested in this application. Do not organization may choose to leave this include any items that are treated by the column blank. However, PHS staff will applicant organization as Facilities and require this information prior to award. See Administrative (F&A) costs according to a Definitions in Part III: Policies, Assurances, Federal rate negotiation agreement, except for Definitions and Other Information. those F&A costs included in Salary Requested. Regardless of the consortium/contractual costs. number of months being devoted to the The following items pertain individually to the project, indicate only the amount of salary completion of Form Page 4 (Detailed Budget for being requested for this budget period for Initial Budget Period – Direct Costs Only). each individual listed.

Personnel Some PHS grant programs are currently subject to a legislatively imposed salary Name. Starting with the principal limitation. Any adjustment for salary limits investigator(s), list the names of all will be made at the time of award. For applicant organization employees who are guidance on current salary limitations, see involved on the project during the initial the Salary Cap Summary on the NIH grants budget period, regardless of whether a Web site or contact your office of sponsored salary is requested. Include all collaborating programs. investigators, individuals in training, and support staff.

30 PHS398: Part I NIH grants also limit the compensation for consortium/contractual arrangements. Include graduate students. Compensation includes consultant physicians in connection with patient salary or wages, fringe benefits and tuition care and persons who are confirmed to serve remission. While actual institutional-based on external monitoring boards or advisory compensation should be requested and committees to the project. Describe the services justified, this may be adjusted at the time of to be performed on Form Page 5 under the award. For more guidance on this “Justification.” Include the number of days of policy, see: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/ anticipated consultation, the expected rate of guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-02-017.html. compensation, travel, per diem, and other related costs. Fringe Benefits. Fringe benefits may be requested in accordance with institutional Equipment guidelines for each position, provided the List each item of equipment with amount costs are treated consistently by the requested separately and justify each purchase applicant organization as a direct cost to all on Form Page 5. sponsors. Supplies Totals. Calculate the totals for each position and enter the subtotals in each column Itemize supplies in separate categories, such as where indicated. glassware, chemicals, radioisotopes, etc. Categories in amounts less than $1,000 do not The applicant organization and its have to be itemized. If animals are to be subcontractor(s) may omit salaries and purchased, state the species and the number to fringe benefits for individuals from copies of be used. the application that are available to non- Federal reviewers. In such cases, replace Travel the numbers with asterisks. You must show Itemize travel requests and justify on Form the subtotals. Provide one copy, for use Page 5. Provide the purpose and destination of only by PHS staff, with the asterisks each trip and the number of individuals for replaced by the salaries and fringe benefits. whom funds are requested. Special Instructions: Joint University and Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) Patient Care Costs Appointments If inpatient and/or outpatient costs are Individuals with joint university and V.A. requested, provide the names of any hospitals appointments may request the university’s and/or clinics and the amounts requested for share of their salary in proportion to the effort each on Form Page 5. devoted to the research project. The individual’s State whether each hospital or clinic has a salary with the university determines the base currently effective DHHS-negotiated research for computing that request. Signature by the patient care rate agreement and, if not, what institutional official on the application certifies basis is used for calculating costs. If an that: (1) the individual is applying as part of a applicant does not have a DHHS-negotiated joint appointment specified by a formal rate, the PHS awarding component can Memorandum of Understanding between the approve a provisional rate. Indicate, in detail, university and the V.A.; and (2) there is no the basis for estimating costs in this category, possibility of dual compensation for the same including the number of patient days, estimated work, or of an actual or apparent conflict of cost per day, and cost per test or treatment. If interest regarding such work. Additional both inpatient and outpatient costs are information may be requested by the awarding requested, provide information for each components. separately. If multiple sites are to be used, Consultant Costs provide detailed information by site.

Whether or not costs are involved, provide the Include information regarding projected patient names and organizational affiliations of all accrual for the project/budget periods and relate consultants, other than those involved in this information to the budget request for patient

31 PHS398: Part I care costs. If patient accrual is anticipated to be category to total the consortium direct costs. lower at the start or during the course of the When F&A costs are requested by a consortium project, plan budget(s) accordingly. organization, enter those costs in the "Consortium/Contractual F&A Costs" category Provide specific information regarding for each supplementary budget. Provide the anticipated sources of Other Support for patient F&A cost base and rate information in the care costs, e.g., third party recovery or budget justification section. The "Total Direct pharmaceutical companies. Include any Costs for Initial Budget Period" category can be potential or expected utilization of General used for the consortium/contractual Total Costs Clinical Research Centers. (Direct Costs plus F&A).

Alterations and Renovations For the applicant organization budget, list the Itemize by category and justify on Form Page 5 sum of all consortium/contractual costs (direct the costs of essential alterations and and F&A). Insert additional page(s) after Form renovations including repairs, painting, removal Page 5, numbering them sequentially. (Do not or installation of partitions, shielding, or air use 5a, 5b, 5c, etc.) conditioning. Where applicable, provide the Budget Totals for Applicant Organization square footage and costs. Costs for alterations and renovations are not allowed on grants For Face Page Item 7a, use the “Subtotal Direct made to foreign organizations or to foreign Costs for Initial Budget Period” on Form Page 4. components on grants to domestic institutions. For Face Page Item 7b, add together the “Total Other Expenses Direct Costs” from Form Page 4 and the F&A Itemize any other expenses by category and costs calculated for the initial budget period on unit cost. These might include animal the Checklist Page. maintenance (unit care costs and number of care days), patient travel, patient participation For Face Page Item 8a, total the “Subtotal incentives, donor fees, publication costs, Direct Costs” for all years on Form Page 5. computer charges, rentals and leases, For Face Page Item 8b, add together the “Total equipment maintenance, service contracts, and Direct Costs for Entire Proposed Project Period” tuition remission when budgeted separately on Form Page 5 and the Total F&A costs for all from salary/fringe benefits. Justify costs on years calculated on the Checklist Page. Form Page 5. Supplemental/Revision Application Consortium/Contractual Costs Each participating consortium/contractual For a supplemental/revision application, show organization must submit a separate detailed only those items for which additional funds are budget for both the initial budget period (Form requested. If the initial budget period of the Page 4) and the entire proposed project period supplemental/revision application is less than (Form Page 5). 12 months, prorate the personnel costs and other appropriate items of the detailed budget. Consortium arrangements may involve personnel costs, supplies, and other allowable Foreign Justification costs, including Facilities and Administrative If the applicant organization is a foreign (F&A) costs. Contractual costs for support institution or if your project includes a foreign services, such as the laboratory testing of component, provide a justification on Form biological materials, clinical services, or data Page 5 or, for Modular Applications, on the processing, are occasionally sufficiently high to Modular Budget Format Page. Describe special warrant a similar categorical breakdown of resources or characteristics of the research costs. project (e.g., human subjects, animals, disease, equipment, and techniques), whether similar For each supplementary budget, leave the research is being done in the United States and "Consortium/Contractual Direct Costs" category whether there is a need for additional research blank and use the "Subtotal Direct Costs"

32 PHS398: Part I in this area. For a definition of a substantial any honors. Include present membership foreign component, see Definitions section of on any Federal Government public Part III: Policies, Assurances, Definitions, and advisory committee. Other Information. B. Selected peer-reviewed publications or BUDGET FOR ENTIRE PROPOSED manuscripts in press (in chronological PERIOD OF SUPPORT order). Do not include manuscripts submitted or in preparation. FORM PAGE 5 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) C. Research Support. List both selected Enter in the first column the budget category ongoing and completed (during the last totals of the initial budget period costs from three years) research projects (Federal or Form Page 4. non-Federal support). Begin with the projects that are most relevant to the Enter the totals under each budget category for research proposed in this application. all additional years of support requested. Briefly indicate the overall goals of the Identify with an asterisk (*), and justify any projects and responsibilities of the key significant increases or decreases from the person identified on the Biographical initial year budget. Also, justify budgets with Sketch. Note: Do not include number of more than a standard escalation from the initial person months or direct costs. to the future year(s) of support. Don't confuse "Research Support" with "Other Support." Though they sound similar, these 5. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH parts of the application are very different. As part of the biosketch section of the application, FORMAT PAGE ( MS WORD OR PDF) "Research Support" highlights your accomplishments, and those of your Follow the instructions on the Biographical colleagues, as scientists. This information will Sketch Format Page. This section must contain be used by the reviewers in the assessment of the biographical sketches of all Key Personnel each individual's qualifications for a specific role and Other Significant Contributors, including in the proposed project, as well as to evaluate consultants, following the order as listed on the overall qualifications of the research team. Form Page 2. In contrast, "Other Support" information is If the individual is registered in the eRA required for all applications that are selected to Commons, include the assigned Commons receive grant awards. NIH staff will request User Name. This data item is currently optional. complete and up-to-date "other support" (For information on the eRA Commons, see information from you after peer review. This https://commons.era.nih.gov/commons/ information will be used to check that the index.jsp.) proposed research has not already been Federally-funded. Use the sample format on the Biographical Sketch Format Page to prepare this section for Information on Other Support beyond that all (modular and other) grant applications. required in the biographical sketch should NOT be submitted with the application. The Biographical Sketch may not exceed Otherwise, the application processing may four pages. See sample MS Word or PDF. be delayed or the application may be This 4-page limit includes the table at the returned to the applicant without review. top of the first page. For additional information and policy on Other Support, see Part III: Policies, Assurances, Definitions and Other Complete the educational block at the top of the Information . format page, and complete sections A, B, and C.

A. Positions and Honors. List in chronological order previous positions, concluding with your present position. List

33 PHS398: Part I 6. RESOURCES Page Limitations FORMAT PAGE ( MS WORD OR PDF ) Do not exceed 25 pages for Items A-D. All tables, graphs, figures, diagrams, and charts Follow the sample format and instructions on must be included within the 25-page limit. Be the Resources Format Page when completing succinct and remember that there is no information on resources available for the requirement to use all 25-pages allotted to project. If there are multiple performance sites, Items A-D of the Research Plan. then resources available at each site should be described. In describing the scientific Follow page limitations as specified in PAs environment in which the work will be done, and RFAs. discuss ways in which the proposed studies will benefit from unique features of the scientific Do not include photographs or other environment, or subject populations, or employ materials that are not printed directly on useful collaborative arrangements. If research the application page in the body of the involving Select Agent(s) will occur at any application. Pictures or other materials that performance site(s), the biocontainment are glued or taped onto application pages are incompatible with the current resources available at each site should be duplication/scanning process. described. Full-sized glossy photographs of material such 7. RESEARCH PLAN as electron micrographs or gels may be No Specific Form Page included in the Appendix; however, a photocopy Use Continuation Page (MS Word | of each must also be included within the page PDF) limitations of the Research Plan (see Section I.C.8 Appendix). The Research Plan should include sufficient information needed for evaluation of the project, All applications and proposals for NIH funding independent of any other document (e.g., must be self-contained within specified page previous application). The format for preparing limitations. Unless otherwise specified in an NIH this section is provided below. Be specific and solicitation, Internet website addresses (URLs) informative, and avoid redundancies. For grant may not be used to provide information writing tips, see necessary to the review because reviewers are http://grants.nih.gov/grants/grant_tips.htm. under no obligation to view the Internet sites. Moreover, reviewers are cautioned that they Introduction (Revised/Resubmission or should not directly access an internet site as it Supplemental/Revision Applications could compromise their anonymity. Only) Refer to the section on Revised/Resubmission The 25-page limit will be strictly enforced. Applications. All revised/resubmission Application processing may be delayed or (amended) and supplemental/revision the application may be returned to the applications must include an Introduction. The applicant without review. Introduction may not exceed three pages for revised/resubmission applications or one page Notice of Proprietary Information for supplemental/revision applications. Insert Applicants are discouraged from submitting the Introduction at the very beginning of the information considered proprietary unless it is Research Plan. deemed essential for proper evaluation of the application. However, when the application contains information that constitutes trade secrets, or information that is commercial or financial, or information that is confidential or privileged, identify the pages in the application that contain this information by marking those paragraphs or lines with an asterisk (*) in the

34 PHS398: Part I left-hand margin and providing the page B. Background and Significance numbers before “A. Specific Aims” in the Briefly sketch the background leading to the Research Plan. present application, critically evaluate existing When information in the application constitutes knowledge, and specifically identify the gaps trade secrets or information that is commercial that the project is intended to fill. State or financial, or information that is confidential or concisely the importance and health relevance privileged, it is furnished to the Government in of the research described in this application by confidence with the understanding that the relating the specific aims to the broad, long- information shall be used or disclosed only for term objectives. If the aims of the application evaluation of this application. If a grant is are achieved, state how scientific knowledge or awarded as a result of or in connection with the clinical practice will be advanced. Describe the submission of this application, the Government effect of these studies on the concepts, shall have the right to use or disclose the methods, technologies, treatments, services or information to the extent authorized by law. This preventative interventions that drive this field. restriction does not limit the Government’s right Two to three pages are recommended. to use the information if it is obtained without C. Preliminary Studies/Progress Report restriction from another source. Preliminary Studies. For new applications, use Content of Research Plan this section to provide an account of the principal investigator/program director’s The PHS recommends the following format and preliminary studies pertinent to this application, page distribution. Organize Items A-D of the including his/her preliminary experience with Research Plan to answer these questions: and outreach to the proposed racial/ethnic What do you intend to do? Why is the work group members. This information will also help important? What has already been done? How to establish the experience and competence of are you going to do the work? the investigator to pursue the proposed project.

Do not exceed 25 pages for Items A-D, Except for Exploratory/Development Grants including all tables and figures. (R21/R33), Small Research Grants (R03), and Phase I Small Business Research Grants A. Specific Aims (R41/R43), peer review committees generally List the broad, long-term objectives and the view preliminary data as an essential part of a goal of the specific research proposed, e.g., to research grant application. Preliminary data test a stated hypothesis, create a novel design, often aid the reviewers in assessing the solve a specific problem, challenge an existing likelihood of the success of the proposed paradigm or clinical practice, address a critical project. barrier to progress in the field, or develop new Progress Report for Competing technology. One page is recommended. Continuation/Renewal and Supplemental/Revision Applications. A Progress Report must be provided for competing continuation/renewal and supplemental/revision applications. Provide the beginning and ending dates for the period covered since the project was last reviewed competitively. Summarize the previous application’s specific aims and the importance of the findings. Discuss any changes in the specific aims as a result of budget reductions. Include the complete references to appropriate publications and manuscripts accepted for publication (not part of the page limitations). As part of the Appendix material you may include publications, manuscripts (accepted for

35 PHS398: Part I publication), abstracts, patents, or other printed Six to eight pages are recommended for the materials directly relevant to this project. Do not narrative portion of the Preliminary Studies/ include manuscripts submitted for publication. Progress Report.

 Publications in press: Include only a D. Research Design and Methods publication list with a link to the publicly Describe the research design conceptual or available on-line journal article or the clinical framework, procedures, and analyses to NIH PubMed Central (PMC) submission be used to accomplish the specific aims of the identification number. Do not include the project. Unless addressed separately in Section entire article. i, include how the data will be collected, analyzed, and interpreted as well as the data-  Manuscripts accepted for publication sharing plan as appropriate. Describe any new but not yet published: The entire methodology and its advantage over existing article should be submitted and may be methodologies. Describe any novel concepts, stapled. approaches, tools, or technologies for the proposed studies. Discuss the potential  Manuscripts published but an online difficulties and limitations of the proposed journal link is not available: The entire procedures and alternative approaches to article should be submitted and may be achieve the aims. As part of this section, stapled. provide a tentative sequence or timetable for the project. Point out any procedures, See Section I.C.8 for more details on Appendix situations, or materials that may be hazardous material. to personnel and the precautions to be If the competing continuation/renewal or exercised. supplemental/revision application involves Although no specific number of pages is clinical research, then you must report on the recommended for the Research Design and enrollment of research subjects and their Methods section, be as succinct as possible. distribution by ethnicity/race and sex/gender. There is no requirement that all 25 pages allotted for items A-D be used. See "What Form Should PIs Use for Population Tracking? (New Versus Old)" E. Human Subjects Research (PDF or MS Word) for more detailed instructions on which Target and The following human subject information Enrollment Report or Table to use. applies even if you are obtaining specimens from collaborators or if you are subcontracting Provide a succinct account of published and the human research to another organization. unpublished results, indicating progress toward their achievement. Also refer to Part II of the PHS 398: Supplemental Instructions for Preparing the List the titles and complete references to all Human Subjects Section of the Research publications, manuscripts accepted for Plan if your proposed research will involve publication, patents, and other printed materials human subjects. that have resulted from the project since it was last reviewed competitively. Up to 10 such For all research involving human subjects, a publications may be included in the five collated part of the peer review process will include sets of appendices. careful consideration of protections from research risks, as well as the appropriate In the Progress Report for the Competing inclusion of women, minorities, and children. Continuation/Renewal and The Scientific Review Group (SRG) will assess Supplemental/Revision Applications, the the adequacy of safeguards of the rights and publications portion and/or any Target and welfare of research participants, and the Enrollment Reports/Tables are not included appropriate inclusion of women, minorities, and in the 25-page limit. children, based on the information in the application. This evaluation will be a part of the

36 PHS398: Part I Approach criterion. The evaluation of the Question 1: Does your proposed research inclusion plans will be factored into the overall involve human subjects? score that the SRGs award for scientific and technical merit of the application. Question 2: Does your proposed human subjects research meet the criteria for one or Much of the information on the protection of more of the exemptions in the HHS Regulations human subjects that you are required to provide (45 CFR Part 46)? in this section of the PHS 398 is identical to information that you will be required to provide Question 3: Does your proposed research meet for IRB review at your own institution. the definition of Clinical Research?

The research described in your application may Question 4: Does your proposed research include more than one research project; thus include a Clinical Trial? the application may include individual projects that meet the requirements for non-exempt or Question 5: Does your proposed research meet exempt human subjects research, or are not criteria for an NIH-Defined Phase III Clinical defined as human subjects research. Trial?

If research activities involving human subjects Click on the questions, and when you have the are planned at any time during the proposed answer for the five questions proceed to the project period, either at the applicant table above, and select the scenario that best organization or at any other performance site or matches your responses. Follow the collaborating institution, then your answer is instructions provided for the scenario you “Yes” even if the research is exempt from choose. If you need additional guidance then regulations for the protection of human click on the questions, the column heading in subjects. the table below, or links within the scenario and you will be provided additional information and To assist you in filling out this section of the guidance. application, a Decision Table is provided below that presents six possible scenarios, and links For Clinical Research, place the Target/Planned to instructions for providing information on Enrollment Table(s) under the heading human subjects protection from research risks, "Inclusion of Women and Minorities," and the inclusion of women, minorities and immediately in front of the heading "Inclusion of children. All research projects will fall into one of Children." See Supplemental Instructions for these six scenarios. Preparing the Human Subjects Section of the Research Plan. Determining which scenario best matches your proposed research depends on your answers to When you have completed this section of the the following five questions: application proceed to Section F. Vertebrate Animals.


Criteria and Answers to Questions 1 thru 5

Scenarios with 1. Human 2. Exempt from HHS 3. Clinical 4. Clinical 5. NIH-Defined linked Subjects Human Subjects Research Trial Phase III instructions Research Regulations Clinical Trial

A No Human No N/A N/A N/A N/A Subjects

Requirements for Scenario A: If Human Subjects is "Yes," see Scenarios B-F below. B Human Yes Yes Exemption: 4 No N/A N/A Subjects/E-4 Requirements for Scenario B: - Indicate Exemption 4 (E-4) and include justification that E-4 is appropriate. C Yes Exemptions: Human Subjects/ Yes Yes N/A N/A Other 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 Exemptions Requirements for Scenario C: - Indicate Exemption number(s) and include justification that the designated exemption(s) is appropriate. - Address “Inclusion of Women and Minorities” - Address “Inclusion of Children” D Yes No Yes No N/A Clinical Research Requirements for Scenario D: - Address Protection of Human Subjects - Address “Inclusion of Women and Minorities” - Address “Inclusion of Children” “Targeted/Planned Enrollment Table(s)” for each new study/ protocol (New applications; Competing Continuation/Renewal applications; Competing Supplements/Revisions) - “Inclusion Enrollment Report Table(s)” (Competing Continuation/Renewal; Competing Supplements/Revisions) E Yes No Yes Yes No Clinical Trials Requirements for Scenario E: - All requirements in Scenario D - Data and Safety Monitoring Plan - Note: Some trials may require a Data and Safety Monitoring Board, based on risk F NIH-Defined Yes No Yes Yes Yes Phase III Clinical Trial Requirements for Scenario F: - All requirements in Scenario E Increased requirements for Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Clinical Research

38 PHS398: Part I Relevant Human Subjects Research policies 2. Justify the use of animals, the choice of and information: species, and the numbers to be used. If animals are in short supply, costly, or to Protection of Human Subjects (45 CFR Part 46) be used in large numbers, provide an additional rationale for their selection Required Education in the Protection of Human and numbers. Research Participants 3. Provide information on the veterinary Inclusion of Women and Minorities in Clinical care of the animals involved. Research 4. Describe the procedures for ensuring NIH Policy on Inclusion of Children that discomfort, distress, pain, and injury NIH Policy on Reporting Race and Ethnicity will be limited to that which is Data: Subjects in Clinical Research unavoidable in the conduct of scientifically sound research. Describe Vulnerable Populations the use of analgesic, anesthetic, and tranquilizing drugs and/or comfortable Research Using Human Embryonic Stem Cells restraining devices, where appropriate, Completing the Population Tracking Tables to minimize discomfort, distress, pain, and injury. F. Vertebrate Animals. 5. Describe any method of euthanasia to If you have marked Item 5 on the Face Page of be used and the reasons for its the application “Yes,” create a section heading selection. State whether this method is entitled “Vertebrate Animals.” Place it consistent with the recommendations of immediately following the Research Design and the Panel on Euthanasia of the Methods section of the application (or after Item American Veterinary Medical e, if applicable.) Association. If not, present a justification for not following the recommendations. Failure to address the following elements will result in the application being G. Select Agent Research designated as incomplete and it will be grounds for the PHS either to defer the Select Agents are hazardous biological application from the peer review round or agents and toxins that have been identified to potentially negatively affect the by HHS or USDA as having the potential to application’s priority score. pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal and plant products. CDC maintains Under the Vertebrate Animals heading address a list of these agents. See the following five points. In addition, when http://www.cdc.gov/od/sap/docs/salist/pdf. research involving vertebrate animals will take place at collaborating site(s) or other Create a section heading entitled “Select Agent performance site(s), provide this information Research” and place it immediately following before discussing the five points. Although no the Vertebrate Animal section (Section F) of the specific page limitation applies to this section of application. the application, be succinct. If the activities proposed in your application 1. Provide a detailed description of the involve only the use of a strain(s) of Select proposed use of the animals in the work Agents which has been excluded from the list of outlined in the Research Design and select agents and toxins as per 42 CFR 73.4(f) Methods section. Identify the species, (5), the Select Agent requirements do not apply. strains, ages, sex, and numbers of Use Section G to identify the strain(s) of the animals to be used in the proposed Select Agent that will be used and note that it work. has been excluded from this list. The CDC maintains a list of exclusions at http://www.cdc.gov/od/sap/sap/exclusion.htm.

39 PHS398: Part I If the strain(s) is not currently excluded from the H. Literature Cited. list of select agents and toxins but you have List all references. The list may include, but applied or intend to apply to HHS for an may not replace, the list of publications required exclusion from the list, use Section G to indicate in the Progress Report for competing the status of your request or your intent to apply continuation/renewal applications. for an exclusion and provide a brief justification for the exclusion. Each reference must include the title, names of all authors, book or journal, volume number, If any of the activities proposed in your page numbers, and year of publication. application involve the use of Select Agents at any time during the proposed project period, See example at: either at the applicant organization or at any http://www.niaid.nih.gov/ncn/grants/app/app.pdf other performance site, address the following three points for each site at which Select Agent The reference should be limited to relevant and research will take place. Although no specific current literature. While there is not a page page limitation applies to this section, be limitation, it is important to be concise and to succinct. select only those literature references pertinent to the proposed research. 1. Identify the Select Agent(s) to be used in the proposed research. I. Multiple PI Leadership Plan For applications proposing multiple PIs, a 2. Provide the registration status of all entities* leadership plan is required. The governance where Select Agent(s) will be used. and organizational structure should be  If the performance site(s) is a foreign described, including communication plans and institution, provide the name(s) of the procedures for resolving conflicts. The shared country or countries where Select Agent administrative, technical, and scientific research will be performed. responsibilities for the project or program should be delineated for the PIs. *An “entity” is defined in 42 CFR 73.1 as “any government agency (Federal, State, or J. Consortium/Contractual Arrangements. local), academic institution, corporation, Explain the programmatic, fiscal, and company, partnership, society, association, administrative arrangements to be made firm, sole proprietorship, or other legal between the applicant organization and the entity.” consortium organization(s). For applications 3. Provide a description of all facilities where including multiple PIs, this information may be the Select Agent(s) will be used. included as part of the Leadership Plan above. If consortium/ contractual activities represent a  Describe the procedures that will be significant portion of the overall project, explain used to monitor possession, use and why the applicant organization, rather than the transfer of Select Agent(s). ultimate performer of the activities, should be the grantee.  Describe plans for appropriate biosafety, biocontainment, and security of the The signature of the authorized organizational Select Agent(s). official on the Face Page signifies that the applicant and all proposed consortium If you are responding to a specific funding participants understand and agree to the opportunity announcement (e.g., PA or RFA), following statement: The appropriate address any requirements specified by the programmatic and administrative personnel of solicitation. each organization involved in this grant application are aware of the NIH consortium Reviewers will assess the information provided agreement policy and are prepared to establish in this Section, and any questions associated the necessary inter-organizational agreement(s) with Select Agent research will need to be consistent with that policy. A separate addressed prior to award. statement is no longer required.

40 PHS398: Part I K. Resource Sharing. applications may include the following materials (1) Data Sharing Plan: Investigators seeking in the Appendix: $500,000 or more in direct costs in any year are  Up to 10 publications, manuscripts expected to include a brief 1-paragraph (accepted for publication), abstracts, description of how final research data will be patents, or other printed materials directly shared, or explain why data-sharing is not relevant to this project. Do not include possible. Applicants are encouraged to discuss manuscripts submitted for publication. their data-sharing plan with their program contact at the time they negotiate an agreement  Publications in press: Include only a with the Institute/Center (IC) staff to accept publication list with a link to the publicly assignment of their application. See Data- available on-line journal article or the Sharing Policy or http://grants.nih.gov/grants/ NIH PubMed Central (PMC) submission policy/data_sharing/index.htm. identification number. Do not include the entire article. (2) Sharing Model Organisms: Regardless of the amount requested, all applications where  Manuscripts accepted for publication the development of model organisms is but not yet published: The entire anticipated are to include a description of a article should be submitted and may be specific plan for sharing and distributing unique stapled. model organism research resources or state appropriate reasons why such sharing is  Manuscripts published but an online restricted or not possible. Note unlike the data journal link is not available: The entire sharing requirement above, this requirement is article should be submitted and may be for all applications where the development of stapled. model organisms is anticipated. See Sharing Model Organisms Policy. If model organisms  Surveys, questionnaires, data collection are not planned as part of the research instruments, clinical protocols, and informed proposal, omit this section. consent documents. These may be stapled as sets. These descriptions are not included in the Research Plan page limits.  Original glossy photographs or color images of gels, micrographs, etc., provided that a L. Consultants. photocopy (may be reduced in size) is also Attach appropriate letters here from all included within the 25-page limit of Items a- individuals confirming their roles in the project d of the research plan. No photographs or and rate/charge for consulting services. Do not color images may be included in the place these letters in the Appendix. Appendix that are not also represented within the Research Plan. 8. APPENDIX Do not use the Appendix to circumvent the Include five collated sets of all Appendix page limitations of the research plan. material, in the same package with the Graphs, diagrams, tables, and charts that application, following all copies of the do not need to be in a glossy format to application. Identify each item with the name of show detail must not be included in the the principal investigator. Appendix material can Appendix. An application that does not be two-sided as appropriate. While the font observe these limitations will be returned. requirements imposed in the rest of the These Appendix limitations may not apply to specialized grant applications. Request application do not apply to the Appendix, all and follow the additional instructions for material must be clearly legible. Do not those applications. intermingle Appendix materials with the application. The Appendix will not be duplicated with the New, revised/resubmission, competing application and will be sent only to certain continuation/renewal and supplemental/revision

41 PHS398: Part I members of the SRG who will serve as the Assurances/Certifications primary reviewers of the application. Each application to the PHS requires that the policies, assurances, and certifications listed on 9. CHECKLIST the Checklist be verified by the signature of the official signing for the applicant organization on CHECKLIST FORM PAGE ( MS WORD OR the Face Page of the application. PDF ) Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs Type of Application Indicate the applicant organization’s most Check all that apply. recent F&A cost rate established with the Inventions and Patents (Competing appropriate DHHS Regional Office, or, in the Continuation/Renewal Applications case of for-profit organizations, the rate Only) established with the Division of Financial Advisory Services (DFAS), NIH. If the applicant If no inventions were conceived or reduced to organization does not have a current negotiated practice during the course of work under this rate, it should develop a provisional rate for project, check “No.” The remaining parts of the application purposes, and immediately upon item are then not applicable. notification that an award will be made, it should submit the provisional F&A cost rate proposal to If any inventions were conceived or reduced to the appropriation negotiation office. This practice during the previous period of support, proposal is to be based on the organization’s check “Yes.” Also indicate whether this most recently completed fiscal year in information has been reported previously to the accordance with the principles set forth in the PHS or to the applicant organization official pertinent DHHS guidance for establishing responsible for patent matters. indirect cost rates, and submitted to the appropriate DHHS Regional Office or the Note: NIH recipient organizations must promptly DFAS, NIH. If the applicant organization has a report inventions to the Extramural Inventions current negotiated rate with another Federal and Technology Resources Branch of the Office agency, the negotiated rate must be adjusted to of Policy for Extramural Research treat any independent research and Administration, OER, NIH, Bethesda, MD development (IR&D) costs in accordance with 20892-2750, (301) 435-1986. Invention HHS policy. F&A costs will NOT be paid on reporting compliance according to regulations at construction grants, grants to Federal 37 CFR 401.14 is described at organizations, grants to individuals, and http://www.iedison.gov. The grantee is conference grants. Follow any additional encouraged to submit reports electronically instructions provided for Career Development using Interagency Edison Awards, Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein (http://www.iedison.gov). See also “Inventions National Research Service Awards, foreign and Patents” in the Policies, Assurances and grants, and specialized grant applications. Definitions and Other Information. Special Instructions for Modular Program Income Applications If no program income is anticipated during the period(s) for which grant support is requested, Applicant institutions should calculate the F&A so state. costs using the current negotiated F&A rate, less exclusions, for the initial budget period and If program income is anticipated, use the format all future budget periods. It is not necessary to provided. If the application is funded, the Notice list the exclusions on the Checklist or anywhere of Grant Award will provide specific instructions in the application. However, the direct cost base regarding the use of such income. used for the calculation of the F&A costs must be listed for each year. Show rate used in calculation for F&A costs.


Follow instructions on the form. When multiple PIs are proposed, this form is applicable to all PIs. Place the form(s) at the end of the original application. Do not copy.

11. KEY PERSONNEL REPORT (KEY PERSONNEL FORM PAGE (MS WORD or PDF); for Competing Continuation/Renewal Applications Only)

Use only when requested by the awarding component.

List all Key Personnel, salaried and unsalaried, at the applicant organization or elsewhere, who participated in the project during the current budget period. Include all degrees, role on project, date of birth, number of person months devoted to the project (indicate academic, calendar, and/or summer) and the last four digits of the Social Security number. When requesting this portion of the Social Security numbers from personnel, explain that provision of the Social Security number is voluntary, and the information will be used only for program management purposes.

Individuals designated as "Other Significant Contributors," e.g. those that may contribute to the scientific development or execution of the project, but are not committing any specified measurable effort to the project, should not be included in this report unless their involvement has changed so that they now meet the definition of "key personnel."

43 PHS398: Part I II. SUBMISSION AND REVIEW OF YOUR APPLICATION Similar, Essentially Identical, or Identical Applications This section provides instructions for assembling your grant application, the application mailing address, and a schedule of Submissions of identical applications to one or more components of the PHS are not the PHS grant application submission, review allowed. and award cycles. It also provides an overview of what happens to your application after submission and the peer review process. The NIH will not accept similar grant applications with essentially the same research Cover letter. Applicants are encouraged to focus from the same applicant organization. include a cover letter with the application. The This includes derivative or multiple applications letter may contain any of the following that propose to develop a single product, information that applies to the application: process or service that, with non-substantive modifications, can be applied to a variety of . Application title purposes. Likewise, identical or essentially identical grant applications submitted by . PA or RFA title, if you are responding to different applicant organizations will not be an NIH initiative accepted. Applicant organizations should . Request of an assignment and referral ascertain and assure that the materials they are to a particular awarding component(s) or submitting on behalf of the principal investigator Scientific Review Group (SRG). (The are the original work of the principal investigator PHS makes the final determination.) and have not been used elsewhere in the . List of people (e.g., competitors) who preparation and submission of a similar grant should not review your application and application. Applications to the NIH are grouped why by scientific discipline for review by individual Scientific Review Groups and not by disease or . Disciplines involved, if multidisciplinary disease state. The reviewers can thus easily . Statement that you have enclosed the identify multiple grant applications for required NIH IC approval documentation essentially the same project. In these cases, for an application over $500,000 application processing may be delayed or the application(s) may be returned to the applicant . Statement that you have enclosed the without review. required NIH institute approval documentation for a Conference Grant Essentially identical applications will not be or Cooperative Agreement application reviewed except for: 1) individuals submitting an (R13 or U13) application for an Independent Scientist Award (K02) proposing essentially identical research in Submit a complete application. Incomplete an application for an individual research project; applications will be grounds for the PHS to and 2) individuals submitting an individual return the application without peer review. An research project identical to a subproject that is application will be returned if it is illegible, if the part of a program project or center grant instructions were not followed, or if the material application. presented is insufficient to permit an adequate review.

The application must be complete and accurate A. Number of Copies at the time of submission as there is no guarantee that the Scientific Review Original Submit the original and five Administrator will accept or the peer reviewers Plus 5 exact, legible, single-sided will consider late material. photocopies of each application. The original must be signed by the principal investigator and an authorized organizational official.

44 PHS398: Part I B. Bindings and Packaging C. Submission of Supplementary or Corrective Information Submit the following materials in one package: Unless specifically required by these . cover letter; instructions (e.g., vertebrate animals . original application; verification), do not send supplementary or corrective material after the submission date . five copies of the application; unless the Scientific Review Administrator of . five sets of Appendix materials. the Scientific Review Group solicits or agrees to accept this information. Do NOT include more than one application set (original plus 5 copies and appendices) in each mailing envelope. D. Application Mailing Address

The original application. The original Use the mailing labels provided at the end of application must be single-sided, with both the forms (MS WORD or PDF). required signatures on the Face Page. Do not staple or otherwise bind the original application. Send the application to the following address, Use rubber bands or clips. Assemble the pages making sure to use the correct ZIP code: in the order specified in the table of contents. Center for Scientific Review Place the Personal Data page at the end of the National Institutes of Health application; it is not to be duplicated. If 6701 Rockledge Drive, Suite 1040 appropriate, attach the RFA label provided in MSC 7710 the application kit or a facsimile to the Face Bethesda, MD 20892-7710 Page. (United States Postal Service (USPS) Five exact, single-sided copies of the Express or Regular mail) original application. Make the copies after or both individuals have signed the Face Page so Bethesda, MD 20817 (Express/Courier that their signatures are present on the copies. Non-USPS Service) Do not staple or otherwise bind the five copies The telephone number is (301) 435-0715 of the original application. Rubber bands are TTY (301) 451-0088. acceptable. C.O.D. applications will not be accepted. Five collated sets of appendix material. The appendix material, and only the appendix * All applications and other deliveries to the material, may be stapled or bound. Do not use Center for Scientific Review must come notebooks or 3-ring binders. Items should be either via courier delivery or via the USPS. stapled or bound where appropriate, and each Applications delivered by individuals to the marked with the name of the principal Center for Scientific Review will not be investigator. A summary sheet, listing all of the accepted. For additional information, see items included in the Appendix, is encouraged. http://grants.nih.gov/grants/ guide/notice- Appendix material can be two-sided as files/NOT-OD-03-040.html. appropriate. While the font requirements imposed in the rest of the application do not There may be additional instructions for apply to the Appendix, all material must be submission of responses to RFAs. clearly legible. E. Application Submission Dates

Application submission dates fall under two different categories including: 1) Standard Postmark/Submission Dates (also known as “send by” dates) which are listed in Table 2, and

45 PHS398: Part I 2) Special Receipt Dates (also known as “arrive Late applications. Permission is not granted in by” dates) which are specified in RFAs and advance for submission of a late application. PAs. Late applications are accepted only in extenuating circumstances. If an application is Applications submitted for the dates listed in submitted late, a cover letter explaining the Table 2 will be considered on time if they are reasons for the delay must be included with the sent on or before the appropriate date listed signed, completed application. Late applications and a proof of mailing is provided. The critical are evaluated on an individual basis considering determination is when the application is sent, the reasons provided. Contacting the Division of not when it arrives at NIH. Proof of timely Receipt and Referral in advance will not mailing consists of one of the following: a legibly influence the acceptance of a late application. dated U.S. Postal Service postmark or a dated For additional information on late applications, receipt from a commercial carrier or the U.S. see http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice- Postal Service. Private metered postmarks are files/NOT-OD-05-030.html. not acceptable. Submission, Review and Award Cycles RFAs and PAs. Applications in response to announcements with special receipt dates, The PHS submission, review, and award not listed in Table 2, must be received at NIH schedule for applications using the PHS398 by the specified date. However, an application forms and instructions is provided in Table 2. received after the deadline may be acceptable if For a complete table of submission dates, refer it carries a legible proof-of-mailing date to the OER Submission Dates/Deadlines assigned by the carrier not later than 1 week website: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/dates.htm. prior to the deadline date. Note: This differs Applications for some funding mechanisms are from the procedures for submitting applications now submitted using electronic submission and for those dates listed in Table 2, which are the SF424 (R&R) application and instructions. considered submission or “send by” dates. For details on mechanisms that have Weekend/holiday submission dates. If a transitioned to electronic submission using the submission date falls on a weekend, it will be SF424 (R&R) application, see the OER extended to the following Monday; any time the Electronic Submission of Grant Applications date falls on a holiday, the submission date will website: http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/. be extended to the following business day. The For specialized grant applications, consult with application will be on time if it is sent on the the appropriate PHS agency prior to the following business day. preparation of an application.

Table 2. Standard Postmark/Submission Dates, Review, and Award Cycles This table illustrates postmark/submission dates for applications using only the PHS398. Therefore, any reference to funding mechanisms that have been transitioned to electronic submission using the SF424 (R&R) application have been removed.

Standard Postmark/Submission Cycles: Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III Non-AIDS Applications *Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service – T Series January 10 May 10 September 10 new, competing continuation/renewal, revised/resubmission, supplemental/revision **Program Project Grants and Center Grants – P Series new, competing continuation/renewal, revised/resubmission, February 1 June 1 October 1 supplemental/revision

46 PHS398: Part I Research Grants – e.g., R01 Research Career Development – K Series Education Grants – R25 new February 1 June 1 October 1 (See details concerning transitioning these mechanisms to electronic submission and the SF424(R&R) at http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/) Research Grants – e.g., R01 Research Career Development – K Series Education Grants – R25 competing continuation/renewal, revised/resubmission, supplemental/revision March 1 July 1 November 1 (See details concerning transitioning these mechanisms to electronic submission and the SF424(R&R) at http://era.nih.gov/ElectronicReceipt/) AIDS and AIDS-Related Applications AIDS and AIDS-Related Grants All new, competing continuation/renewal, revised/resubmission, May 1 September 1 January 2 supplemental/revision (paper and electronic submission for all funding mechanisms) NOTE for all applications:  RFAs and some PARs have special receipt dates indicated in the specific NIH Guide Announcement.  *Institutional Research Training Grants (T32) are accepted by many NIH Institutes and Centers (IC) for only one or two of the dates.  **Program Project and Center Grants – Applicants should check with individual ICs since some ICs do not accept P series applications three times a year.  All AIDS and AIDS-related applications (no matter the type) are submitted on the AIDS and AIDS- related dates.

Review and Award Cycles: Cycle I Cycle II Cycle III October - February - Scientific Merit Review June - July November March September - January - Advisory Council Review May - June October February Earliest Project Start Date December April July Note:  Awarding components may not always be able to honor the requested start date of an application; therefore, applicants should make no commitments or obligations until confirmation of the start date by the awarding component.

Application Assignment Information Group and Institute(s). Assignment is based on the scientific content of the application using Competing grant applications submitted to the established referral guidelines. PHS agencies must be submitted through the Division of Receipt and Referral, CSR, NIH After the submission date, usually within 6 unless otherwise stated. Administrative weeks, the PHS will send the principal information about the application is entered into investigator/program director and the applicant a computer system. The application is then organization the application’s assignment assigned to an appropriate Scientific Review number; the name, address, and telephone

47 PHS398: Part I number of the Scientific Review Administrator of Overview the Scientific Review group to which the application has been assigned; and the Most applications submitted to the PHS will be assigned Institute contact and phone number. reviewed through a two-tier system. The first level of review will be performed by a Scientific If assignment information is not available in Review Group, often called a study section or the eRA Commons within four weeks of the review committee. The purpose of the SRG is to submission date, contact the Division of evaluate the scientific and technical merit of Receipt and Referral, Center for Scientific applications. The SRG does not make funding Review (CSR), National Institutes of Health, decisions. Additional detailed information on Bethesda, MD 20892-7720, (301) 435-0715; review procedures for scientific review group TTY (301) 451-0088. If there is a change in meetings is located at: assignment, you will receive a notification. http://www.csr.nih.gov/guidelines/proc.pdf. The complete listing of Rosters for NIH Scientific For those investigators registered with the eRA Review Groups (SRGs) is available at Commons, assignment information as well as http://era.nih.gov/roster/index.cfm. review outcome and other important information is available in the Commons. Streamlining The initial scientific peer review of most All institutions are invited to register with the eRA Commons. By joining the research applications also will include a process Commons, you can create user accounts for in which only those applications deemed by the your institution's staff and check the status reviewers to have the highest scientific merit, of current grant applications in no time. generally the top half of the applications under You can start in immediately with STATUS review, will be discussed at the Scientific and the administrative functions, and soon Review Group meeting, assigned a priority you will be able to use e-SNAP. To join the score, and receive a second level review. eRA Commons, go to Applications in the lower half are not discussed https://commons.era.nih.gov/commons/regi or scored at the Scientific Review Group stration/registrationInstructions.jsp. For meetings. This process allows the reviewers to other information, go to the Commons focus their discussion on the most meritorious home page. applications.

Applicant investigators must not communicate SRG members will be instructed to evaluate directly with any review group member about an research applications by addressing five review application either before or after the review. criteria (see below) and assigning a single, Failure to strictly observe this policy will create global score for each scored application. The serious breaches of confidentiality and conflicts- score will reflect the overall impact that the of-interest in the peer review process. From the proposed research could have on the field. time of assignment to the time the review of Requests for Applications (RFAs) and other your application is complete, you must direct all types of grants may have different and/or questions to the Scientific Review additional review criteria. Administrator. This individual is in charge of the review group and is identified in the assignment As part of the initial merit review and regardless notice that is mailed to you. of whether an application is scored or unscored (streamlined), all applicants will receive a written critique, called a Summary Statement. F. The Peer Review Process The Summary Statement represents a combination of the reviewers' written comments A description of what happens to your research and, for non-streamlined applications, it project grant application after it is received for includes the SRA's summary of the members' peer review can be found at the following discussion during the study section meeting as location: well as the recommendations of the study http://cms.csr.nih.gov/ResourcesforApplicants/S section, a recommended budget, and ubmission+And+Assignment+Process.htm. administrative notes of special considerations.

48 PHS398: Part I Information about charters and membership of Environment: Does the scientific environment SRGs, Councils, and Boards can be obtained in which the work will be done contribute to the from the appropriate agency. probability of success? Do the proposed studies benefit from unique features of the scientific environment, or subject populations, or employ RESEARCH PROJECT EVALUATION CRITERIA useful collaborative arrangements? Is there Significance: Does this study address an evidence of institutional support? important problem? If the aims of the application are achieved, how will scientific While these review criteria are intended for use knowledge or clinical practice be advanced? primarily with unsolicited research project What will be the effect of these studies on the applications (e.g., R01 or P01), to the extent concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, reasonable, they will also form the basis of the services, or preventative interventions that drive review of solicited applications and non- this field? research activities. However, for some activities (e.g., construction grants), use of these criteria Approach: Are the conceptual or clinical as stated may not be feasible. framework, design, methods, and analyses adequately developed, well-integrated, well- Note: In addition to the above criteria, the reasoned, and appropriate to the aims of the following items will be considered in the project? Does the applicant acknowledge determination of scientific merit and the potential problem areas and consider priority score. alternative tactics? Protection of Human Subjects: In conducting In conducting an evaluation of the scientific peer review for scientific and technical merit, assessment of Approach criterion, SRGs will SRGs also will evaluate the involvement of also evaluate the involvement of human/animal human subjects and proposed protections from subjects, the proposed plans for inclusion of research risk relating to their participation in the minorities and members of both sexes/genders. proposed non-exempt research plan according The evaluation will be factored into the overall to the following five review criteria: (1) Risk to score for scientific and technical merit of the subjects, (2) Adequacy of protection against application. risks (3) Potential benefits of the proposed research to the subjects and others; (4) Innovation: Is the project original and Importance of the knowledge to be gained; and innovative? For example: Does the project (5) Data and safety monitoring for clinical trials. challenge existing paradigms or clinical practice; address an innovative hypothesis or When human subjects are involved in research critical barrier to progress in the field? Does the that involves one of the six categories of project develop or employ novel concepts, research that are exempt under 45 CFR Part approaches or methodologies, tools, or 46, the SRG will evaluate the justification for the technologies for this area? exemption and (1) Human Subjects Involvement and Characteristics, and (2) Investigator: Are the investigators Sources of Materials. appropriately trained and well suited to carry out this work? Is the work proposed appropriate to Inclusion of Women, Minorities, and the experience level of the principal investigator Children: When human subjects are involved in and other researchers? Does the investigative the proposed clinical research, the SRG will team bring complementary and integrated also evaluate the proposed plans for inclusion expertise to the project (if applicable)? of minorities and members of both sexes/genders, as well as the inclusion of children in clinical research, as part of the scientific assessment of Approach criterion.

Vertebrate animals: As part of the peer review process, the SRG will evaluate the proposed involvement and protection of vertebrate

49 PHS398: Part I animals as part of the scientific assessment of Dual-Level Peer Review Approach and Environment criteria and according to the following five points: (1) The second level of review will usually be detailed description of the proposed use of the performed by the Advisory Council or Board of animals; (2) justification for the use of animals the potential awarding component (Institute, and for the appropriateness of the species and Center, or other unit). Council or Board numbers proposed; (3) adequacy of proposed recommendations are based not only on veterinary care; (4) procedures for limiting pain considerations of scientific merit, as judged by and distress to that which is unavoidable; and the SRGs, but also on the relevance of the (5) methods of euthanasia. proposed study to an Institute/Center’s mission, programs and priorities.


III. PREPARING AN INDIVIDUAL CDA APPLICATION These instructions do not cover applications for program awards (K12 and K30), which provide support for institutional career development A. Introduction programs. Institutions planning such applications should contact the potential This section includes additional instructions to awarding component concerning eligibility, be used when applying for an individual award criteria, and application procedures. Research Career Development Award (CDA), and includes a summary of current CDA mechanisms, a substitute Table of Contents B. Individual Career Development (CDA Substitute Form Page 3), and guidelines for letters of reference. The instructions in this Award Mechanism section of the PHS 398 application should be used along with the instructions in the preceding sections.

Summary of Research Career Development Award Mechanisms Sponsor Reference Program Description (Mentor) Letters K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award Yes Yes

K02 Independent Scientist Award No No

K05 Senior Scientist Award No No

K07 Academic Career Award * *

K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award Yes Yes

K18 Career Enhancement Award for Stem Cell Research Yes Yes

K22 Career Transition Award (see specific IC) * Yes

K23 K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award Yes Yes

K24 Mid-Career Investigator Award in Patient Oriented Research No No

K25 Mentored Quantitative Research Career Development Award Yes Yes

K26 Midcareer Investigator Award in Mouse Pathobiology Research No No

K99/R00 NIH Pathways to Independence (PI) Award (K99/R00) Yes Yes *Varies with career status and source of award. Check the program announcement (PA).

CDA 51 Before applying for a CDA, applicants should professional training and qualifications for a carefully review the guidelines in the NIH research career should be used as referees. program announcement or request for Where possible, some referees who are not applications for the specific career award(s) of from the candidate's current department or interest, noting especially the eligibility organization, but are knowledgeable about their requirements, award provisions, requirements qualifications, should be selected. for a sponsor, and review criteria. NIH program announcements and requests for applications Request reference letters only from individuals for career awards are issued periodically in the who will be able to return them to you in time for NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. The PAs submission with the application. and other guidelines are available on the NIH website http://grants.nih.gov/training/ Complete the upper section of the CDA careerdevelopmentawards.htm. Reference Guidelines Format Page (MS Word or PDF ) including the application The eligibility criteria, support levels, and other submission deadline. Then send copies of the important aspects of specific career awards, CDA Reference Guidelines Format Page to including availability, may vary among NIH those who have agreed to serve as referees. Institutes or Centers and other PHS agencies. Referees should be provided with postage-paid For this reason, it is strongly recommended that return envelopes addressed to the candidate applicants contact the program director of the with the following words in the front bottom left appropriate awarding component prior to the corner "DO NOT OPEN PHS USE ONLY." preparation of an application. For NIH career Attach unopened envelopes to the Face awards, the program contacts are listed in the Page of the original application and submit individual program announcements for CDAs the entire package by the submission (see http://grants.nih.gov/training/ deadline. Applicants reapplying must careerdevelopmentawards.htm). For non-NIH include a new set of reference letters. career awards, applicants should read the instructions of the appropriate funding announcement carefully or contact an official. D. Basic Administrative Data (See the Agency Contact table.)

1. FORM PAGE 1 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) C. Letters of Reference Item 2. Response to Specific Program Announcement (PA) or Request for Letters are required for all new Applications (RFA) 3 required and revised/resubmission mentored CDA applications Check "Yes." Provide appropriate K Award PA (see table of Career Development Award or RFA number (see previous section) and title Mechanisms, Section B). Applications with for the specific type of CDA requested. fewer than three reference letters may be Item 3. Principal Investigator/Program delayed or may be returned without review. Director These letters should be from individuals not directly involved in the application, but who are Provide the name of the candidate. Indicate the familiar with your qualifications, training, and doctoral degree(s) in 3b. If the candidate is not interests. The sponsor/mentor of this located at the applicant organization at the time application cannot be counted as a the application is submitted, the mailing and e- reference. mail addresses (Item 3d) and telephone (Item 3g) should indicate where the applicant can be The letters are critically important and should reached prior to the requested award date; address the candidate's competence and items 3c, 3 e, and 3f should reflect the potential to develop into an independent candidate's projected position at the applicant biomedical or behavioral investigator. Only organization. those individuals who can make the most meaningful comments about the candidate's

CDA 52 Item 6. Dates of Proposed Period of Support Key Personnel and Other Significant Contributors The period of support must be within specified limits for the type of CDA requested. If the Name the candidate and, if applicable, the application involves a change of applicant sponsor/mentor(s), co-sponsor(s), consultants, organization for an active CDA awardee, and contributors as Key Personnel or as Other indicate the time remaining in the original Significant Contributors as described in Section award. I.C.2. Individuals identified as Key Personnel must devote measurable effort (in person months) to the proposed project whether or not 2. DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCE SITES, KEY salaries are requested. Individuals who have PERSONNEL, OTHER SIGNIFICANT committed to contribute to the scientific CONTRIBUTORS, AND HUMAN development and execution of the project, but EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS are not committing any specified measurable effort to the proposed project should be FORM PAGE 2 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) identified as Other Significant Contributors. Description: Project Summary and Please note that for Mentored Career Relevance Development Awards, modified Other Support Pages must be submitted for sponsor(s) and The first major component of the Description is co-sponsor(s) (see Section 7). a Project Summary. For CDAs with no sponsor, the candidate's Provide an abstract of the whole application department head or other senior staff member (candidate, environment, and research). Include should be named who is responsible for the candidate's immediate and long-term career ensuring that the candidate's time is protected goals, research career development plan, and a for the expressed goals of the award. description of the research project. Human Embryonic Stem Cells The second component of the Description is Relevance. Using no more than two or three If your research plan involves the use of human sentences, describe the relevance of this embryonic stem cells, read and follow the research to public health. In this section, be instructions in Section I.C.2. succinct and use plain language that can be understood by a general, lay audience. 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Performance Site(s) CDA SUBSTITUTE FORM PAGE 3 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) Indicate where the work described in the Research and Career Development Plans will Use the substitute Table of Contents for CDAs. be conducted. If there is more than one performance site, list all the sites, including Citizenship Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.) facilities and foreign sites, and provide an explanation on All applicants must provide information the Resources Format Page of the application. regarding citizenship at the bottom of the If the use of a performance site will involve substitute Table of Contents. The Candidate research using human subjects, it is the must be a citizen or non-citizen national of the responsibility of the applicant organization to United States or its possessions and territories, assure that the performance site complies with or must have been lawfully admitted to the the human subject protection regulations in 45 United States for permanent residence by the CFR Part 46 and other NIH human subject time of the award. related policies described in the PHS 398 and GPS. For research involving vertebrate animals, the applicant organization must ensure that all performance sites hold OLAW-approved assurances.

CDA 53 4. DETAILED BUDGET FOR INITIAL BUDGET 6. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH PERIOD FORMAT PAGE ( MS WORD OR PDF ) FORM PAGE 4 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) A biographical sketch (limited to four pages Form Page 4 is not required at the time of for each person) is required for the candidate, application. Should Form Page 4 be requested sponsor(s), co-sponsor(s), and any other Key prior to award, specific instructions will be Personnel and Other Significant Contributors provided. included on Form Page 2. Biographical sketches should follow the order listed on Form If you are submitting an application to an Page 2. agency other than NIH, be sure to read the instructions in the funding announcement to Sponsor(s), co-sponsor(s), and other Key determine whether the application should be Personnel should follow the Biographical submitted in the modular format; or contact an Sketch Format Page. appropriate official. (See PHS Agency Contact Table .) Candidates should follow the instructions below. Education 5. BUDGET FOR ENTIRE PROPOSED PERIOD Provide the month and year for each degree OF SUPPORT conferred. For non-degree education, FORM PAGE 5 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) indicate the time period covered. List professional certifications received within the Do not fill in the budget table on Form Page 5. last 10 years. Provide only the total direct costs requested for each year and total direct costs for the entire Research and/or Professional Experience proposed period of support. (Consult the Use the headings given below instead of the relevant PA or RFA for guidelines on instructions on the Biographical Sketch allowable costs and budget limitations.) Format Page. Identify each heading. Begin the budget justification in the space provided; use continuation pages as needed. Employment

Budget Justification Start with the first position held following the baccalaureate and give a consecutive record List the name, role on project, and number of to date. Indicate the department and person months devoted to the project (indicate organization, department head or supervisor, academic, calendar, and/or summer) for all rank, tenured or non-tenured, status (full- or project personnel (salaried or unsalaried) and part-time), and inclusive dates. Where provide a narrative justification for each person applicable, include information on military based on his/her role on the project and service, internships, residencies, research proposed level of effort. assistantships, fellowships, etc.

Identify all consultants by name and Honors organizational affiliation, and describe the services to be performed. List academic and professional honors chronologically. Provide a narrative justification for any major budget items, other than personnel, that are Professional Societies requested for the conduct of the project that Identify professional societies and related would be considered unusual for the scope of organizations in which membership has been research. No specific costs for items or held within the last 10 years, giving dates. categories should be shown. Publications List all publications (chronologically), divided into the following groups:

CDA 54  Original research and theoretical proposed direct cost budget for the initial treatises; budget period.  Non-experimental articles, e.g., review Do not include information on overlap and of literature in field, book chapters, level of effort. etc.;  Books, pamphlets, etc. For non-mentored CDAs: Do not submit Other Support Pages at the time of application  If the list of publications cannot be unless specified to do so in the corresponding accommodated within the four-page career award announcement (e.g., K24). limit, select the most pertinent publications. If a copy of a publication Updated information on all active support for the is being submitted with the application, candidate, sponsor(s), co-sponsor(s), and Key indicate with an asterisk and footnote Personnel may be requested by the awarding "copies sent." For competing component prior to award. continuation/renewal applications, also identify with a double asterisk and appropriate footnote all papers 8. RESOURCES published during the concluding period RESOURCES FORMAT PAGE ( MS of support. WORD OR PDF )

7. OTHER SUPPORT FORMAT PAGE ( MS Provide a detailed description of the institutional resources available to you, following WORD OR PDF ) instructions on the Resources Format Page. For mentored CDAs (see Summary of Award The information provided is of major importance Mechanisms table): Submit modified Other in establishing the feasibility of the goals of the Support Page(s) for the sponsor(s) and co- career development plan. sponsor(s), but not for the candidate. Provide information for the following selected items on the sponsor’s and co-sponsor’s current and E. Additional Information for pending research support relevant to the candidate’s research plan. Revised/Resubmission Applications INSTRUCTIONS FOR SELECTED ITEMS Use CONTINUATION FORMAT PAGES Project Number: If applicable, include a code or ( MS WORD OR PDF ) to complete the identifier for the project. sections below. Source: Identify the agency, institute, foundation, or other organization that is 1. INTRODUCTION TO providing the support. REVISED/RESUBMISSION APPLICATION (FOR REVISED/RESUBMISSION Major Goals: Provide a brief statement of the overall objectives of the project, subproject, or APPLICATIONS ONLY) subcontract. All revised/resubmission applications must include an Introduction to Dates of Approved/Proposed Project: Indicate Revised/Resubmission Application, not to the inclusive dates of the project as exceed three pages. approved/proposed. For example, in the case of NIH support, provide the dates of the List each area of concern noted in the Summary approved/proposed competitive segment. Statement for the previous application, and provide a detailed response to each concern. Annual Direct Costs: In the case of an active Summarize clearly the changes that have been project, provide the current year’s direct cost made in the revised/resubmission application. budget. For a pending project, provide the Do not include an extensive description of each

CDA 55 change in the introduction. In the body of the Training in the Responsible Conduct of application, highlight paragraphs with significant Research changes by bracketing, indenting, or changing All CDA applications must describe a plan to the typography. If the changes are so extensive acquire (or provide) training in the as to include most of the text, this exception responsible conduct of research. There are should be explained in the Introduction to the no specific curriculum or format requirements Revised/Resubmission Application. Do not for this instruction; however, conflict of interest, underline or shade changes. responsible authorship, policies for handling misconduct, policies regarding the use of human and animal subjects, data management, F. Career Development Plan and data-sharing are areas that are strongly suggested for consideration. Applicants may Use CONTINUATION FORMAT PAGES wish to consult the NIH web site ( MS WORD OR PDF ) to complete the (http://www.nih.gov/sigs/bioethics/researchethic sections below. s.html) for additional guidance.

1. THE CANDIDATE Briefly discuss each of the activities, except research, in which you expect to participate. Candidate's Background Include a percentage of time involvement for Use this section to provide any additional each activity by year, and explain how the information not described in the Biographical activity is interrelated with the proposed Sketch Format Page such as research and/or research and the career development plan. clinical training experience. 2. STATEMENTS BY SPONSOR, CO- Career Goals and Objectives: Scientific SPONSOR(S), CONSULTANT(S), AND Biography CONTRIBUTOR(S) Describe your past scientific history, indicating how the award will fit into past and future This section is to be completed by the sponsor, research career development. If there are co-sponsor(s), consultant(s), and contributor(s), consistent themes or issues that have guided as appropriate. previous work, these should be made clear; if For mentored awards (see Summary of Career your work has changed direction, the reasons Development Award Mechanisms table), the for the change should be indicated. It is sponsor must explain how the award will important to justify the award and how it will enhance the development of the candidate's enable you to develop or expand your research research career. Provide in detail the plan for career. the candidate's training and research career Career Development/Training Activities development. This description must include not During Award Period only research, but also other developmental activities, such as seminars, scientific meetings, Stress the new, enhanced research skills and training in the responsible conduct of research, knowledge you will acquire as a result of the and presentations. It should discuss proposed award. If you have considerable expectations for publications over the entire research experience in the same areas as the period of the proposed project. proposed research, reviewers may determine that the application lacks potential to enhance The sponsor should explain the nature and your research career. For mentored awards, extent of supervision and commitment to the describe structured activities, such as course candidate's development that will occur during work or technique workshops, which are part of the award period and the source or anticipated the developmental plan. support for the candidate’s research project for each year of the award period. The sponsor should describe previous experience as a mentor, including type of mentoring (e.g., graduate students, career development

CDA 56 awardees, postdoctoral students), number of resources will be made available for career persons mentored, and career outcomes. enhancement as well as the research proposed in this application. Describe opportunities for The sponsor should describe the candidate's intellectual interactions with other investigators, anticipated teaching load for the period of the including courses offered, journal clubs, award (number and types of courses or seminars, and presentations. seminars), clinical responsibilities, committee and administrative assignments, and the portion Institutional Commitment to the Candidate's of time available for research. Research Career Development

All mentored career development applications Introduction should identify all co-sponsors, consultants and The institutional commitment should document collaborators involved with the proposed the agreement of the institution to provide research and career development program. adequate time and support for the candidate to Briefly describe their roles and anticipated devote the proposed protected time to research contributions that they will provide. A co- and career development for the entire period of sponsor must specifically address the nature of the proposed award. The institution should his/her role in the career development plan and provide the equipment, facilities, and resources how the responsibility for the candidate’s necessary for a structured career development development is shared with the sponsor. experience. It is essential to document the Describe respective areas of expertise and how institution's commitment to the retention, they will be combined to enhance the development, and advancement of the candidate’s development. Describe previous candidate during the period of the award. experience as a mentor. Also describe the nature of any resources committed to this CDA. Because of the diverse types of K awards, Letters from the sponsor, co-sponsor(s), applicants should contact the appropriate consultant(s), and contributor(s) documenting awarding component program director listed in their role and willingness to participate in the the specific PA or RFA to determine the level of project must be included in this section of the commitment required for this application. application. Do not place these letters in the Appendix. Agreement The applicant organization must: Non-mentored career development award applications should also list any contributors or consultants. Briefly describe research materials, data, guidance, or advice they will provide. Letters from consultant(s) and contributor(s), documenting their willingness to participate in the project and describing their roles, must be included in this section of the application as well.

3. ENVIRONMENT AND INSTITUTIONAL COMMITMENT TO THE CANDIDATE Description of Institutional Environment The sponsoring institution must document a strong, well-established research program related to the candidate's area of interest, including the names of key faculty members relevant to the candidate's proposed developmental plan. Referring to the resources description (Resources Format Page), indicate how the necessary facilities and other

CDA 57 a. Agree to release the candidate from other 4. RESEARCH PLAN duties and activities to devote the required percentage of time for development of a A Research Plan is required for all types of research career. For most K awards, individual K awards. The Research Plan is the commitment of at least 75 percent of time major component of the research career is required. Describe actions that will be development plan. It is important to relate the taken to ensure this; e.g., reduction of the research to the candidate's scientific career candidate's teaching load, committee and goals. Describe how the research, coupled with administrative assignments, and clinical or other developmental activities, will provide the other professional activities for the current experience, knowledge, and skills necessary to academic year. Describe the candidate's launch and conduct an independent research academic appointment, bearing in mind career, or enhance an established research that it must be full-time, and that the career. appointment (including all rights and For most types of research, the plan should privileges pertaining to full faculty status if include: a specific hypothesis; a list of the in an academic setting) and the specific aims and objectives that will be used to continuation of salary are not contingent examine the hypothesis; a description of the upon the receipt of this award. Describe methods/approaches/techniques to be used in the proportion of time currently available for each aim; a discussion of possible problems the candidate's research experience and and how they will be avoided; and, when what the candidate's institutional appropriate, alternative approaches that might responsibilities will be if an award is made; be tried if the initial approaches do not work. b. Provide the candidate with appropriate office and laboratory space, equipment, The plan should be appropriate to develop skills and other resources and facilities (including needed by a researcher. Projects that lack a access to clinical and/or other research clearly stated aim or hypothesis, such as populations) to carry out the proposed studies involving routine data gathering to see research plan; and where leads might develop and other types of descriptive projects, usually do not receive c. Provide appropriate time and support for favorable recommendations from peer any proposed sponsor(s) and/or other staff reviewers. This also applies to projects that are consistent with the career development overly ambitious and describe more work than plan. can be done in the requested time, as well as Signatures more routine projects that might be done, in large part, by a skilled technician. The institutional commitment must be dated and signed by the person who is authorized to Although candidates for mentored K awards are commit the institution to the agreements and expected to write the Research Plan, the assurances listed above. In most cases, this will sponsor should review a draft of the plan and be the dean or the chairman of the department. discuss it in detail with the candidate. Review "Per" signatures are not acceptable. by other knowledgeable colleagues is also helpful. The signature must appear over the signer's name and title at the end of the statement. If the Follow the research plan format and instructions candidate will be working away from the home described in Section I, Item 7 of the main institution, signatures from both the home and instructions, except as noted below. the host institution are required. The headings for the first four sections of the The sponsoring institution, through its Research Plan are: signatures on the Face Page and in the institutional commitment section, certifies that A. Specific Aims all items outlined above will be provided and B. Background and Significance that the institution will abide by the applicable assurances and PHS policies. C. Preliminary Studies/Progress Report

CDA 58 D. Research Design and Methods Follow the instructions in Section I.

Note: The total number of pages for Item 1 Consultants (The Candidate) and A-D of Item 4 (Research Plan) combined may not exceed 25 pages. In Omit this section. many cases, CDA applications will be shorter than the limit. 5. APPENDIX Although it is understood that CDA applications Submit up to 5 publications or manuscripts do not require the extensive detail usually accepted for publication. Do not include incorporated into regular research applications, abstracts, unpublished theses, or manuscripts a fundamentally sound Research Plan and a submitted for publication. reasonably detailed methods section should be provided.  Publications in press: Include only a publication list with a link to the publicly In general, less detail will be expected in available on-line journal article or the descriptions of research planned for the future NIH PubMed Central (PMC) submission years of the proposed CDA, but there should be identification number. Do not include the sufficient detail to enable the peer reviewers to entire article. determine that the plans for those years, including the methods to be used, are  Manuscripts accepted for publication worthwhile and are likely to enhance but not yet published: The entire development of the candidate. article should be submitted and may be stapled. E. Human Subjects Research  Manuscripts published but an online If your research plan involves Human Subjects journal link is not available: The entire Research, read and follow the full instructions in article should be submitted and may be Section I. For new Clinical Research, place stapled. the Target/Planned Enrollment Table(s) in section e. 6. CHECKLIST F. Vertebrate Animals CHECKLIST FORM PAGE ( MS WORD OR If your research plan involves Vertebrate PDF ) Animals, follow the instructions in Section I. Submit the Checklist Page with the G. Select Agent Research application.

If your research plan involves Select Agent Type of Application Research, follow the instructions in Section Check all that apply. I.C.7.g. Inventions and Patents (Competing H. Literature Cited Continuation/Renewal Applications Follow the instructions in Section I. Only) If no inventions were conceived or reduced to Multiple PI Leadership Plan practice during the course of work under this project, check “No.” The remaining parts of the This section does not apply to Career Awards. item are then not applicable. Omit this section. If any inventions were conceived or reduced to I. Consortium/Contractual Arrangements practice during the previous period of support, Follow the instructions in Section I. check “Yes.” Also indicate whether this information has been reported previously to the J. Resource Sharing PHS or to the applicant organization official responsible for patent matters.

CDA 59 Note: NIH recipient organizations must promptly report inventions to the Extramural Inventions and Technology Resources Branch of the Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration, OER, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892-2750, (301) 435-1986. Invention reporting compliance according to regulations at 37 CFR 401.14 is described at http://www.iedison.gov. The grantee is encouraged to submit reports electronically using Interagency Edison (http://www.iedison.gov). See also “Inventions and Patents” in the Policies, Assurances and Definitions and Other Information.

Program Income If no program income is anticipated during the period(s) for which grant support is requested, so state.

If program income is anticipated, use the format provided. If the application is funded, the Notice of Grant Award will provide specific instructions regarding the use of such income.

Assurances/Certifications Each application to the PHS requires that the policies, assurances, and certifications listed on the Checklist be verified by the signature of the official signing for the applicant organization on the Face Page of the application.

Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Costs These costs will be reimbursed at 8 percent of modified total direct costs.

CDA 60 Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Application


Sequential Guide for Preparing an Institutional Kirschstein-NRSA Application (Requires use of both the General and Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions.) Web Document Links Page References

FORM PAGE 1 Item 1. Specific PHS 398 Instructions PHS 398-20

Item 2. Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions and NRSA-62 Specific PHS 398 Instructions PHS-20 Item 3. Specific PHS 398 Instructions PHS 398-21 Item 4. Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions NRSA-62

Item 5. Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions NRSA-62

Item 6. Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions and NRSA-63 Specific PHS 398 Instructions PHS 398-23 Item 7. Specific PHS 398 Instructions PHS 398-24

Form Pages 2-3: Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions (Form Page 2) and NRSA-63 (Form Page 3)

Form Page 4: Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions and Stipends NRSA-64

Form Page 5: Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions NRSA-64

Biographical Sketch Format Page: Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions NRSA-64

Resources Format Page: Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions NRSA-64

Research Training Program Plan: Kirschstein-NRSA Instructions NRSA-65

Kirschstein-NRSA 61 A. Introduction Item 4. Human Subjects Research Check “Yes” if training plans include This section includes instructions to be used involvement of trainees in projects that include when applying for a competing (new, competing human subjects. If the applicant organization continuation/renewal, and has an approved Federal Wide Assurance supplemental/revision) PHS Institutional Ruth L. (FWA) on file with the Office for Human Kirschstein National Research Service Award Research Protections (OHRP), insert the FWA (Kirschstein-NRSA), substitute form pages for in Item 4b. If an award is made, human subjects the Table of Contents and both budget pages, may not be involved and trainees may not and instructions for the Research Training participate in human subjects related research Program Plan. Begin by reading the General until a certification of the date of IRB approval Instructions in Section I-B, and then follow both or a designation of exemption has been sets of instructions using the Sequential Guide submitted to and accepted by the PHS agency, for Preparing an Institutional Kirschstein-NRSA and NIH requirements for human subjects Application. (See table on previous page.) research have been addressed (see instructions in Section I, Human Subjects Prior to preparing an application, consult Research, and the GPS). with the appropriate PHS awarding component. Also review the current T32, T34 In many instances, trainees supported by or T35 Kirschstein-NRSA Program institutional training grants will be participating Announcement (PA) available at in research supported by research project (http://grants.nih.gov/training/nrsa.htm). Note grants for which the IRB review of human especially the eligibility requirements, subjects is already complete or an exemption is submission dates, award provisions, payback already designated. This review or exemption provisions, and review criteria. PAs are also designation is sufficient, provided the IRB issued periodically by the individual NIH determines that the research would not be Institutes or Centers in the NIH Guide for substantially modified by the participation of a Grants and Contracts. This information is trainee. The appropriate grants must be available from the appropriate PHS agency, identified along with their IRB approval dates or from grantee offices of sponsored programs, or exemption designation in Section E of the equivalent offices. Research Training Plan.

Please note that the training grant director These policies apply to all Performance Sites. must explain the terms of the payback service requirement to all prospective Item 5. Vertebrate Animals postdoctoral training candidates. A Check “Yes” if training plans include trainee complete description of the service payback participation in projects involving vertebrate obligation is available in the NRSA Program animals. If the applicant organization has an Announcement or the NIH Grants Policy approved Animal Welfare Assurance on file with Statement. the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), insert the assurance number in Item 5b. If at the time of application, plans for the B. Specific Instructions involvement of vertebrate animals are so indefinite that Institutional Animal Care and Use 1. FACE PAGE ( MS WORD OR PDF ) Committee (IACUC) review and approval are not feasible, insert "Indefinite" at Item 5a. Item 2. Response to Specific Request for Applications (RFA) or Program In many instances, trainees supported by Announcement (PA) institutional training grants will be participating in research supported by research project Indicate "Institutional Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA" grants for which the IACUC review is already and the specific PHS awarding component complete. This review is sufficient, provided that and/or specialized program area, if applicable. the research would not be substantially modified by the participation of a trainee. The

Kirschstein-NRSA 62 appropriate grants must be identified along with number of participating trainees and their their IACUC approval dates in Section F of the anticipated levels of experience. Research Training Plan. The second component of the Description is The institution must ensure that trainees are Relevance. Using no more than two or three enrolled in the institution's animal welfare sentences, describe the relevance of this training and occupational health and safety research to public health. In this section, be programs for personnel who have contact with succinct and use plain language that can be animals, as appropriate. It is also the understood by a general, lay audience. institution's responsibility to ensure that trainees are properly supervised when working with live Performance Sites. List all of the locations vertebrate animals. where training, program management, and the research experiences described in the Program If an award is made, vertebrate animals may Plan will be performed. If a performance site is not be used and trainees may not participate in participating in research using human subjects, vertebrate animal related research until a it is the responsibility of the applicant verification of the date of IACUC approval has organization to assure that the performance site been submitted to the PHS awarding complies with the human subject protection component. regulations in 45 CFR Part 46 and other NIH human subject related policies described in the These policies apply to all Performance Sites. PHS 398 and GPS. For research involving vertebrate animals, the applicant organization Item 6. Dates of Entire Proposed Period of must ensure that all performance sites hold Support OLAW-approved assurances. The usual starting date for an institutional Kirschstein-NRSA is July 1, but there are other Key Personnel and Other Significant possible starting dates. Consult the review and Contributors. The Program Director, training award schedule in Section I of the general faculty and any other individuals whose instructions (Table 2. Submission, Review, and contributions are critical to the development, Award Cycles). Many PHS awarding management and execution of the Training components restrict submission and review Program in a substantive, measurable way dates to once a year. Applicants are strongly (whether or not salaries are reimbursed) should encouraged to contact appropriate awarding be identified as Key Personnel. Since these component staff before submitting an efforts are not project related research application. endeavors, they should not be identified in Other Support information. The Other Significant Contributors section is not relevant 2. DESCRIPTION, PERFORMANCE SITES, KEY for NRSA applications. PERSONNEL, OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONTRIBUTORS, AND HUMAN Human Embryonic Stem Cells. For each trainee utilizing human embryonic stem cells in EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS a research project, list project title, mentor, and FORM PAGE 2 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) specific cell line(s) from the registry.

Description: Project Summary and Relevance 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS KIRSCHSTEIN-NRSA SUBSTITUTE The first and major component of the FORM PAGE 3 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) Description is a Project Summary. Summarize the objectives, rationale and design of the Use the substitute Table of Contents for research training program. Provide information Kirschstein-NRSA. regarding the research areas and scientific disciplines encompassed by the program. Include a brief description of the level(s) and duration of the proposed training, the projected

Kirschstein-NRSA 63 4. DETAILED BUDGET FOR INITIAL BUDGET formula will be applied by the NIH awarding PERIOD component at the time an award is calculated. INSTITUTIONAL KIRSCHSTEIN-NRSA Trainee Travel SUBSTITUTE FORM PAGE 4 ( MS WORD State the purpose of any travel, giving the OR PDF ) number of trips involved, the destinations, and the number of individuals for whom funds are If you are requesting a budget of $500,000 requested, bearing in mind that PHS policy directs costs or more for any year, contact requires coach class air travel be used. Justify the awarding component to determine foreign travel in detail, describing its importance whether you must obtain prior approval to the training experience. before submitting the application. Some Institutes/Centers do not require prior Training Related Expenses approval. (See Policy on the Acceptance for Review of Unsolicited Applications That Funds to defray other costs of training, such as Request $500,000 or More in Direct Costs.) staff salaries, consultant costs, equipment, research supplies, staff travel, etc., are Use the Institutional Kirschstein-NRSA requested as a lump sum based on the Substitute Form Page 4 and Institutional amounts specified in the Program Kirschstein-NRSA Substitute Form Page 5 and Announcement for each predoctoral and follow the instructions below. Refer to the postdoctoral trainee. Give the number of relevant PA or consult the PHS awarding trainees at the predetermined rate and enter the component for current allowable costs and total dollar figure. No further itemization or stipend levels. Provide information where explanation is required. possible on the substitute Institutional Kirschstein-NRSA Substitute Form Page 4, with 5. BUDGET FOR ENTIRE PROPOSED PERIOD additional details starting in the budget OF SUPPORT justification block on the substitute Kirschstein- NRSA Substitute Form Page 5. INSTITUTIONAL KIRSCHSTEIN-NRSA FORM PAGE 5 ( MS WORD OR PDF ) Stipends Enter the number of trainees and total stipend Use the Institutional Kirschstein-NRSA amount for each trainee category as Substitute Form Page 5. appropriate. Use the current Institutional Kirschstein-NRSA stipend schedule, 6. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (http://grants.nih.gov/training/nrsa.htm). If a category contains different stipend levels, e.g., BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH FORMAT for varying levels of postdoctoral experience PAGE ( MS WORD OR PDF ) and/or varying appointment periods, itemize. There is no Form Page for biographical Enter the total stipends for all categories. sketches. Follow the format on the Biographical Tuition, Fees, and Health Insurance Sketch Format Page. Include biographical sketches, not to exceed four pages each, for all Explain in detail the composition of this item. professional personnel contributing to the Itemize tuition, individual fees, and medical training program. Assemble sketches with the insurance. If tuition varies, (e.g., in-state, out-of- program director first and others following in state, student status) identify these separately. alphabetical order. Tuition at the postdoctoral level is limited to that required for specified courses. Tuition and fees (including self-only or family health insurance) 7. RESOURCES may be requested only to the extent that the RESOURCES FORMAT PAGE ( MS same resident or nonresident tuition and health WORD OR PDF ) insurance fees are charged to regular non- Federally supported students and postdoctorate fellows. Grantees should request full needs. A

Kirschstein-NRSA 64 Follow the format and instructions on the current predoctoral students and postdoctoral Resources Format Page. Describe the facilities trainees. and resources that will be used in the proposed training program. Indicate in what ways the In a table (Table 2), list all current and pending applicant organization will support the program training support available to the participating (e.g., supplementation of stipends). faculty and department(s). For each grant, include status (active or pending), funding source, complete identifying number, dates of 8. RESEARCH TRAINING PROGRAM PLAN the entire project period, annual direct costs, Introduction (Revised/Resubmission or name of the program director, title of the Supplemental/Revision Applications training program, and number of training Only) positions (predoctoral and postdoctoral). List participating faculty members who are also If you are preparing a revised/resubmission or named in this application, and indicate their supplemental/revision application, complete percent effort in those programs. the Introduction section first (see instructions provided earlier in Section I, B. Program Plan Revised/Resubmission Applications or 1. Program Administration. Describe the Competing Supplemental/Revision). program director's qualifications for providing leadership of the program, Follow the outline below for all applications to including relevant scientific background, describe the Research Training Program Plan. current research areas, and experience in Do not exceed 25 pages of narrative for research training. Indicate the program sections A-D. The information provided in director's percent effort in the proposed tables (see below) will not be counted toward program. the page limitation; however, these tables should be numbered consecutively and each Describe the administrative structure of the given a title. Number the table pages at the program and the distribution of bottom of the page according to their placement responsibilities within it, including the within the narrative or contiguously at the end of means by which the program director will the narrative to maintain the continuity of the obtain continuing advice with respect to the application. operation of the program. 2. Program Faculty. List each training faculty Before completing the training plan, member, his/her primary departmental contact the appropriate PHS awarding affiliation, and role in the proposed component, which may have further advice program. Describe each faculty member's or suggestions for organizing the relevant research that is relevant to this program data into particular formats. and indicate how trainees will participate in this research. Describe the extent to which A. Background participating faculty members cooperated, Give the rationale for the proposed research interacted, and collaborated in the past, training program, relevant background history, including joint publications and joint and the need for the research training sponsorship of student research. proposed. Indicate how the proposed program In a table (Table 3), for each participating relates to current training activities at the faculty member, list active and pending applicant institution. research grant and contract support from all sources (including Federal, non-Federal, Summarize the research training activities of and institutional research grant and the major participating unit(s) and contract support) that will provide the department(s) represented in the proposed context for research training experiences. If program. In a table (Table 1), provide the none, state "None." Include the source of current number of faculty members in each unit support, grant number and title, dates of and department, as well as the total numbers of the entire project period, and annual direct

Kirschstein-NRSA 65 costs. If part of a larger project, identify the foundation for a competitive research principal investigator and provide the career. Generally, a minimum of 2 years of above data for both the parent grant and research training is required for all the subproject. postdoctoral trainees with health professional degrees. Describe fully any In a table (Table 4), for each participating trainee’s access to and responsibility for faculty member, list all past and current patients, including time commitment. students for whom the faculty member was/is the thesis advisor or sponsor (past Provide representative examples of 10 years only). For each student indicate: programs for individual trainees. Include 1) whether predoctoral or postdoctoral; 2) curricula, degree requirements, didactic the training period; 3) previous institution, courses, laboratory experiences, qualifying degree, and year awarded prior to entry examinations, and other training activities, into training; 4) title of the research project; such as seminars, journal clubs, etc. and 5) for past students, their current Describe how the preceptor and research positions, and for current students, their problems are chosen, how each trainee's source of support. program will be guided, and how the trainee's performance will be monitored For new applications, list representative and evaluated. recent publications of some of the above students or postdoctorates. 4. Training Program Evaluation. Program directors are encouraged to develop In competing continuation/renewal methods for ongoing evaluation of the applications, denote trainees who were or quality of the training program. Describe are supported by this training grant with an any plans for such an evaluation, e.g., asterisk. Individuals who were trained at plans to obtain feedback from current and sites other than the applicant organization former trainees to help identify weaknesses may be included but should be specifically in the training program and to provide identified. Publications of trainees should suggestions for program improvements. be listed in the Progress Report of this application (see instructions for Progress 5. Trainee Candidates. Describe Report below). recruitment plans, including the sources and availability of trainees; the 3. Proposed Training. Describe the qualifications of prospective trainees; and proposed training program. State the the criteria and procedures by which training level and number of trainees. For trainees will be selected. postdoctoral trainees, indicate the proposed distribution by degree (e.g., M.D., Create a table(s) (Table 5a, b, etc.) for Ph.D.). Describe course work and research each participating department/unit for each opportunities, the extent to which trainees of the past 5 years. Include the following will participate directly in research, and the information: 1) number of individuals who duration of training, i.e., usual period of have formally applied for training; 2) time required to complete the training number offered admission; 3) number who offered. entered training; 4) number who completed or are currently in training; and 5) number Indicate how the individual disciplinary who left the program. and/or departmental components of the program are integrated and coordinated Indicate whether these individuals were and how they will relate to an individual applying for predoctoral or postdoctoral trainee's experience. training; for postdoctoral fellows, identify their degrees (e.g., M.D., Ph.D.). For training programs that emphasize research training for clinicians, describe the Prospective predoctoral trainees. In a interactions with basic science table (Table 6), anonymously indicate the departments and scientists. Include plans credentials and application outcomes of the for ensuring that the training of these predoctoral applicant pool for the most individuals will provide a substantive recent year for each participating

Kirschstein-NRSA 66 department and unit. For each applicant Achievements. In a table (Table 8), (identified with a number in sequence, summarize recruitment data for the program rather than by name, to safeguard privacy) and/or each of the participating departments or indicate the previous institution attended, units in each of the past 3 years. Provide the Graduate Record Examination scores, and number of minority individuals who applied; grade point average. Indicate whether number offered admission; and number who applicants were or were not offered entered the program. For those who entered the admission, which applicants matriculated, program, indicate current status (i.e., in training, and whether applicants were U.S. citizens graduated or completed training) and all or had permanent resident status. sources of support. For those who have left the program or completed training, include Prospective postdoctoral trainees. In a information about their subsequent career table (Table 7), present the qualifications development or employment. In competing of prospective postdoctoral trainees in the continuation/renewal applications, indicate most recent applicant pool. Provide the which individuals were supported by the degree(s) and year awarded, previous Kirschstein-NRSA grant. institution, thesis research topic, preceptor, citizenship or permanent resident status, Proposed plans. Describe steps to be taken and residency training (when appropriate) during the proposed award period regarding the for each prospective applicant to the identification, recruitment, and retention of program. Indicate whether applicants were graduate students and postdoctorates from or were not offered admission and which underrepresented groups. Consider the applicants entered the program. success and/or failures of recruitment strategies C. Minority Recruitment and Retention Plan used in the past. In particular, describe the specific efforts to be undertaken by the training The NIH promotes broad and systematic efforts program and how these might relate to the to recruit individuals from minority groups recruitment efforts of the medical school, currently underrepresented in biomedical and graduate school, and/or the university at large. behavioral research. The accomplishments of In most cases, institutional efforts alone will not Kirschstein-NRSA programs, with respect to satisfy the requirement to recruit individuals recruiting and retaining individuals from from underrepresented groups. underrepresented groups, will ensure that minority scientists are progressively better D. Plan for Instruction in the Responsible represented in the national research effort. Conduct of Research

Applications without a description of Applications lacking a plan for instruction minority recruitment efforts will be in the responsible conduct of research will considered incomplete and will be returned be considered incomplete and will be to the applicant without peer review. returned to the applicant without review.

Describe the program's previous efforts and Every Kirschstein-NRSA trainee must receive plans to recruit and train graduate students instruction in the responsible conduct of and/or postdoctoral trainees from ethnic or research. Describe a plan to provide trainees racial groups underrepresented in biomedical with formal and informal instruction on scientific and behavioral research. Organize the integrity and ethical principles in research. The information as follows: plan must address the rationale for the instruction, the format and subject matter, the History. Describe efforts to recruit minority degree of faculty participation, trainee students into the existing training program. In attendance, plans to assess the quality and the competing continuation/renewal frequency of instruction. For competing applications, also describe past efforts to continuation/renewal applications, describe recruit and retain underrepresented minority the type of instruction provided in the current students into Kirschstein-NRSA training project period, the degree of student positions. participation, the results of any assessments and other relevant information.

Kirschstein-NRSA 67 There are no specific curriculum or format research grant support and representative requirements for this instruction; however, recent publications. This information will be conflict of interest, responsible authorship, used to track the pattern of support of trainees policies for handling misconduct, policies and the subsequent research career regarding the use of human and animal development of former trainees. subjects, data management, and data-sharing are areas that are strongly suggested for Describe any specific effects of this training consideration. Applicants may wish to consult program on curriculum and/or research the NIH web site (http://www.nih.gov/sigs/ directions. Describe how the funds provided bioethics/researchethics.html) for additional under Training Related Expenses were used to guidance. benefit the program.

E. Progress Report (Competing F. Human Subjects Continuation/Renewal Applications Only) As indicated earlier in these instructions (Item 4 State the period covered. Briefly describe the on the Face Page), where appropriate, include accomplishments of the training program. a list of already reviewed research project In a table (Table 9), for each year of the grant grants (grant number, principal investigator, since the last competing application, provide the project title) and their IRB approval dates or following: 1) total number of positions awarded exemption designations. in each training category; 2) number of predoctoral trainees appointed and months of G. Vertebrate Animals support committed; and 3) number of As indicated earlier in these instructions (Item 5 postdoctoral trainees appointed, with what on the Face Page), where appropriate, include degrees, at what levels, and for how many a list of already reviewed research project months. If any trainee positions were not filled, grants (grant number, principal investigator, explain the reason. project title) and their IACUC approval dates.

In a table (Table 10), list all trainees who were, H. Select Agent Research or are, supported by this training grant (past 10 If participating faculty proposed in the training years only, if applicable). For each student program conduct research involving select provide: 1) name; 2) year of entry into the agents in which trainees may participate, training program; 3) prior institution and degree address the requirements of Select Agent at entry; 4) source of support during each year Research described in Section I.C.7.G. of training, e.g., this training grant, another training grant (specify), research grant, I. Multiple PI Leadership Plan university fellowship, individual fellowship (specify), etc.; 5) name of research mentor; 6) Unless otherwise noted in a specific funding research topic; and 7) for trainees who have opportunity announcement, multiple PIs do not completed the program, their current positions currently apply to institutional training grants. and institutional affiliations. Omit this section.

In the narrative section of the Progress Report, J. Consortium/Contractual Arrangements list each trainee supported during the period Describe any programmatic, fiscal, or covered and indicate in parentheses the administrative arrangements between the preceptor/mentor. Briefly summarize the applicant organization and other participating research conducted by each trainee and list all organizations. See Section 1.C.7.h for publications (full citation) that resulted from the additional guidance. work done during training. If any postdoctoral trainee with a health professional degree who Resource Sharing was appointed to the grant during the most Not applicable to Institutional Training Grants. recent award period received less than 2 years Omit this section. of research training, explain why. Where possible for past trainees, describe the extent of their current involvement in research, including

Kirschstein-NRSA 68 9. APPENDIX Appendix material is generally not needed with training grant applications. Oversized documents, brochures, and catalogues may be exceptions. Five collated sets should be submitted.


Inventions and Patents Not applicable.

Facilities and Administrative Costs Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs under Institutional Kirschstein-NRSAs, other than those issued to state or local government agencies, will be awarded at 8 percent of total allowable direct costs (exclusive of tuition and related fees). Equipment and consortium costs are also excluded from the F&A costs on those training grants, where Training Related Expenses are not calculated and awarded on a lump-sum basis, such as the Minority Access to Research Careers Program (MARC) or Career Opportunities in Research (COR) Undergraduate Research Training Program. State and local government agencies will receive the full F&A cost rate.

11. KEY PERSONNEL REPORT Not applicable.

Kirschstein-NRSA 69

Recommended publications